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Blossom Your Awesome Podcast Episode #63 Frame Of Mind With Kim Ades

by Sue Dhillon
August 9th 2022

Blossom Your Awesome Podcast Episode #63 Frame Of Mind With Kim Ades 

Kim Ades joins us for Episode #63 of the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast. 

Kim is an executive coach and self de... More

blossom, your awesome podcast, episode number 63 today on the show, kim addis is here with us. Kim is an executive coach and personal development coach. She is the founder of frame of mind coaching. She is the co founder of the journal that talks back, I am so honored and delighted to have kim here with us sharing her wisdom insights and light kim, Thank you so much for being here. Welcome to the show. I am super excited to be here and so looking forward to this conversation. Oh I am so excited to have you here and cannot wait to get into this with you. So let's start with your background, how you got here, How you started frame of mind coaching and helping entrepreneurs and executives in all of that. But a little of your background first, a little bit of my background. Okay, so I've always been into studying leadership ever since I was a kid.

I always study leadership and university during my M. B. A. Program etcetera. But before I ran this company I used to own another company. So I'm a bit of a serial entrepreneur, myself and I used to own an assessment company where we used to build simulation based assessments to help companies make better hiring decisions. And I ran that company for about 10 years, what we were looking at was what makes wha one person a better performer than another, like what differentiates people, how can you tell if someone's going to be a better performer. And so we were testing them to see what are the qualities of people who are super successful compared to people who are just kind of average? And so that's part of my background, but I ended up selling that company and the knowledge we gained from that company became very useful in building this come. But right after that I ended up getting hired, I was recruited by a coaching company in Toronto and I was very excited to go and work for them because their mandate was to help people live extraordinary lives.

And I thought to myself, wow, that really, really sings to my soul, like that's exactly what I want to be doing with my life. That makes perfect sense. I think it's going to be a great match for me, but I only lasted about 8.5 months and I did because number one, I don't know, I'm an entrepreneur and entrepreneurs find it hard to work for other people. And so I think at that point I became unemployable. But the second thing was that I observed how they coached and I thought to myself, I think that they're doing it wrong. I think that there's a better way to coach people and that's when I started framing my coaching, okay, and now, so I want to get into what they were doing wrong without naming them, you know, right? And then, yeah, I wasn't expecting you to, but so I would love to hear that, but I want to know for you personally, you know, you're this high achiever, you're a go getter, where does that come from? Um you know I think to some degree it's hereditary, like I think that I look at my parents um you know my dad was an entrepreneur, he started a business at the age of 50 and he grew a very large and successful successful business.

So I you know I see it from him but also my mom who you know had a high school education came to Canada. My parents are you know they were both immigrants, they came to Canada and she decided she wanted to work and she started off working at a bank, couldn't speak english and she was typing with two fingers on the typewriter as a secretary and worked her way up to becoming a bank manager and for her that was a massive massive accomplishment particularly for her generation in comparison to other women who were related to her of her generation. So she surpassed everybody. So I think to some degree it's in the genes um and for me I you know I was always surrounded by top reformers like you know in high school everybody was always smarter than me. And so I was always kind of looking up and around and saying you know I wanna be I wanna be like that mm I love that.

Yeah, so and you know there's something so interesting there because a lot of times when you're surrounded by these people who you feel may be smarter than you are more successful or whatever people it you know, they have fear around going after things or I could never do it or I'm not as good or I'm not worthy. So what what else was going on there for you that you know, made you believe in yourself and say, yeah, I'm going to be like that, I'm going to do that. You know, I don't think that I did become like that to be honest. Like I saw people around me who were all very, very intellectually capable and they became amazing things, you know, doctors, surgeons, lawyers, ESP space scientists literally like super, super smart people that I was surrounded by and I didn't have and I still don't quite frankly the intellectual capacity that they do, but I always had an instinct for humans and instinct for people.

And so ever since I was young, I always kind of collected friends that didn't belong to the same groups and I became the purse and that people came to talk to and that never changed. I spent my entire teenage years on the phone who knew you could make a career out of that, but you can write and and I was just the person that was trusted that people felt comfortable sharing themselves with who provided some unusual insight. And so for me it was instinctive, I had a strength in this department and I followed that strength. I love that. I love people people like, just because, you know, so many people, I'm always saying hi to strangers and I will talk to anybody, homeless person. It doesn't matter. We're just all in this. Right? So I when did you first start kind of sensing you know that part of yourself that was wasn't afraid of other people and wanted to connect and go deeper.

Let me tell you a quick story. So, I grew up in Montreal and and the way school the school system works is you go to grade six, that's elementary school and then grade 7 to 11 is high school. So I was in grade seven, the youngest year of the school and at lunch time what happens is the school was in a circle, you take your friends and you walk around the circle, you have lunch, then you go walk around the circle, that's what you do. You walk in, you talk, you walk and you talk while I was walking and talking. And then there was this girl that kind of came towards me that looked very unusual. I was very sheltered, I wasn't very exposed to anything, but so she had scraggly hair, She was tall, she was very thin, she had a tooth missing and she had a cigarette in her hand. Like all of these things, kind of like just shocked me. I was not used to people like that. And so I looked at her and I couldn't kind of take my off away from her and she felt very insulted by my glare, right? So she came up to me and she said, what are you looking at?

And she, and the next thing I know one thing led to another. I was in a corner and she was ready to beat me up. And here I am literally 12 years old and this person who was older than me, she was in grade eight, I was only in grade seven was getting ready to beat me up and I was terrified like I'm not a fighter, I'm not here to fight you. I was just kind of curious about you and that's why I looked at you, but I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't mean anything bad, I'm not here to fight and I, you know, it's not that I coward, but I certainly didn't, you know, put up my dukes. Um and finally a teacher came around and said, you know what's going on here? And they broke, broke it up and she went on her merry way. But then I started to dream about her. Her name was Shelly. So what were my dreams about? My dreams were exactly this. And I had this dream over and over and over again, the same exact dream. We were on a roller coaster in the same cart, you know the same bucket and I was sitting beside her and I was asking her to tell me about her life and why she was so like At odds with everything, why she had so much friction and literally again 12 years old, I'm dreaming of Shelly and I'm trying to convince her that she could turn her life around and she didn't have to go this direction, it didn't have to be like this.

So when you asked me when was the moment, perhaps that was the moment, but I'm wired this way. I didn't dream about her haunting me. I dreamt about her turning her life around and that I would be the catalyst to helping her do that, wow, I love that. Okay, so now let's talk about this previous situation where you realize, okay, there's something wrong here. They're not coaching the right way. So what was that thing? So, so this particular company Did a lot of coaching in the real estate space. So they would help real estate agents and brokers build up their book of business. So what did they do? They would help them create a business plan and in that business plan they would break the business plan down into manageable components. So here are the 10, 12, whatever 20 things you need to in order to reach your goals, let's take them one step at a time and the coaching was designed to help someone build a plan and hold them accountable for doing all the things in the plan so that they could reach their goals, it sounds very reasonable, right?

Pretty reasonable, except I thought to myself, hey, if I put all these real estate people in a room and I asked them, you know, what are the top 10 or 20 things you need to do to achieve your goals? Could they create their own plan? And I thought of course they can, everybody knows what they're supposed to be doing, but they're not doing it, why, what is getting in their way, what's stopping them from doing the things that they know they should be doing, what's up with that? And I knew again instinctively there's something else at play and it has to do with the way they see the world, it has to do with how confident they are, that has to do with the dialogue that's going on in their brains, it has to do with their thinking, it has to do with their beliefs, and I thought to myself, if I could get inside people's heads and clean up the garbage that gets in the way of performance, then I would be an effective coach, I don't need to hold people accountable, I don't need to babysit them, I need to help them get rid of the blockage, the thing that's standing in the way, how can I actually do that, and then I created what I call the frame of mind, coaching methodology, and so I thought, you know, ever since I was a kid I used to journal and that's where I don't know if you're a journal er but I would put all my deepest darkest secrets.

I thought, imagine if I could read what people write in their journals, then I could see exactly how they feel about everything. And then I could identify the problems or the barriers that things that are preventing progress from taking place. So from the very beginning I said okay, we're gonna have coaching sessions. But then in between every coaching session I'm going to ask my clients to journal in a journal that I could read. It will be private, it'll be secure. But only I will be able to read it. So me and the client and I will give them a question to think about a journaling prompt. They will start journaling and every time they journal I'm going to react and respond to the journal by asking them more questions by going deeper by understanding what's under the surface, by really getting to the core and heart of their beliefs. Because once I could see that then I can help them align their thinking align their beliefs with their goals.

Because what we see and what we know is that people who have trouble reaching their goals have thoughts have beliefs that clash with their goals that make it almost impossible to reach their goals mm hmm And now kim for you having this kind of revelation. I'm assuming you've done a lot of your own self development work before you get to this point. A lot a lot of self development work. I've worked with a multitude of coaches and a whole bunch of training. I still work with a multitude of coaches. I mean it's not a it's not a one time experience, Right? It's an ongoing process. And what do you find for most people? What is that self limiting belief that keeps people from achieving that one great ambition or goal? Yeah. So it's not one belief. Everybody has a different belief. Like if you look at a group of individuals, you will find that some individuals have an easier time with some things than others.

So for example, some people in the world have an easier time staying fit and thin. Other people have a much harder time. Whereas other people have a much easier time amassing a fortune and other people really struggle with money. Right? So it's not what's the one belief. There are a multitude of beliefs and each person has their own unique combination. And it could sound like, you know, I'll never be wealthy or I'll never be thin or that's hard for me. Or it's not in my makeup. It's not in my genetic upbringing, I don't know how to do that. And I'm not smart enough. I don't have the education. I don't have the experience. I'm unsure of myself. So many other people are better than on and on and on. I don't know what I'm doing. Other people don't get it. Other people aren't taking me seriously enough, nobody else has a sense of urgency like I do, I can't get the help I need, nobody gets it. All of that stuff, all of that internal dialogue, all that chatter is inconsistent with goal attainment.

So let's just take one as a simple example if let's say I want to be thin, but I look in the mirror and I say, oh my God, I'm so fat, that's it game over, right, I can't I can't see a fat person and become a thin one. I can't think that I'm fat and work my way into thin nous, they are inconsistent. Mhm. Do not function together. Mhm. And now and you know when I say the one belief and I understand that it's different for everybody, but is there that kind of that one limiting thought that keeps people from going after something versus that person is there that shift in the mindset that keeps someone stuck versus a different train of thinking that gets you unstuck. Well here's the thing and this is the most important thing is that every each one of us have beliefs, some of them propel us forward.

Many of them hold us back. The problem is and here's the key we are unaware of what those beliefs are and how they hold Dominion in our lives. And so the key is to bring awareness to those beliefs whatever they are. So the question is how do we do that? How do we suddenly become aware of the beliefs we have and how much of a whole they have over our actions or in actions or decisions? Uh the way that we interact with the world, we have a blind spot, that's the issue. We all have a blind spot. And so the question is how do we shed light on that blind spot? So that now we could deal with, we could we could address those beliefs and choose consciously to trade them in for something more aligned with our desires. That's the question. And so how do we begin to kind of shed light beliefs?

So for me journaling is amazing. If you are a journal er and you journal on your own. My I encourage you to go back and read your journals and start to pick out the themes, What do you keep talking about? What do you keep saying what? And try to read your journal in from a third party perspective. Imagine you're reading somebody else's journal and look at what you see. It's hard for us to do it for ourselves. That's why when you're working with a coach and they are reading your journal, they quickly pick up your patterns, right? They see how you think, how you react in different situations, how you interact with the world, how you build relationships, what you take with ease and what you take, you know with friction and difficulty and so a trained coaches, I can move you through the process quickly, but if you're doing it by yourself right? Right, what you think, right, what you feel, then go back and reread it and say, wow, does a person who thinks like this, is it easy for that person to get to where they need to go?

How must I think in order to reach my goals? If for example, I'm building a business, but I'm like, well I can't do that because I have no money and no one's going to give me money and I don't have access to money. Is that person going to succeed just straight up objectively? Is that type of thinking, going to make it easy for me to reach my goals? It's not right. We don't realize that we hold onto our thinking and our beliefs for dear life, we're not ready to let go of them and we don't realize that our greatest barrier is our own thinking. Mhm Now let me ask you, kim, you know, you as a high achiever, do you have, I've read so much about it, I practiced this myself, I'm assuming and I should never assume, but I do you have some kind of daily routine? Yeah, get everything done or a morning routine.

What are your thoughts on that? I mean, you know, I I definitely have things that I get done every day. I try to do a lot of them in the morning, sometimes that doesn't happen, but I make sure I get them done during the day. So what are the things that I do? I definitely journal every day every single day I journal and I work with a coach who happens to be reading my journal and so it helps me to move forward at a faster rate. So I do that. Um I walk 10,000 steps a day, why? Because I feel like I'm getting old and I need to maintain my mobility right? So those are the two, like, absolutely these things have to be done every single day to take care of my own mental state beyond that and I read a lot, I um I search for things, I take interest in things, I'm engaged in a lot of things. I still coach people, so I have a coaching company, I have a team of coaches, but I still maintain a handful of clients to keep myself fresh and in the game and practicing the skill of coaching.

I do things like this because these kinds of conversations are important to have. So those are the things that I'm up to. Um I love that. And now for you, let's talk about habits and forming habits is there are some advice you have on that um to kind of start to form a habit, what do you do or what is that advice? I mean for me, like, you know, walking six, not 16,000 steps a day. I mean, I was never a walker and suddenly I got this thing called an aura ring which tracks your steps in your sleep and everything, I'm like, okay, I'm gonna walk 10,000 steps a day and I'm not gonna miss a day, I'm just gonna do it every single day, and for whatever reason, just seeing that it's done, helps me get that habit under my belt, right, it's done, took care of it, it's done, I can check it off now, I'm a person who likes lists, I like checking things off, that's just me. But I just think, you know when you, when you kind of get into a groove where you say I'm gonna do it, even if I do it sloppily, is that a word?

I don't know, but even if I do it without precision or perfection, just do it, you start to become a person who does it. Mhm. So the habit, What does it do? It turns you into someone who does that thing that you want to get done. So suddenly I'm a walker, I've never been a walker in my whole life, but suddenly, because I walked 10,000 steps a day, I'm a person who walks, wow, yeah, I love that, you know, that is, I'm a reading atomic habits and he says precisely that what you just said, you know, you become, you talk about, hey I wanna write or I wanna be a writer and then you form that habit and you become that thing. So wow that's so powerful now, you know, mastering our thoughts because our thoughts we know can get away from us at times. How do we, what are your thoughts on thought mastery?

Well, I think one of the things you want to do is you want to connect dots for people and help them understand how it works because people aren't aware of how it works. People think just because I have a thought, it must be true. Well your thoughts aren't always true. Your thoughts are just a thought just because you have a thought doesn't make it, so doesn't make it true. Doesn't mean you have to wrap your arms around it and believe it with all your might. A thought is a thought, that's it. So number one is let's put thoughts in the right department. But the second thing is the relationship between thoughts and emotions is very, very important for us to consider. And so, you know, again, when people have a strong emotion, they they think that it must mean something and what it means is that when you have a strong emotion and let's call it a strong negative emotion, it means the thought that triggered the emotion is not aligned with the direction you would like to be going in. It clashes it contradicts and so when we have a strong negative emotion, it's a Q.

And most of us don't look at it as a Q. Right? We look at it as something is terrible, horrible, awful and bad. But for me it's like you that says okay, there's either something I need to be paying attention to that isn't sitting right with me that I need to address or I have a thought that contradicts my desires and that thought needs to be addressed. So something over here needs to be addressed. Mhm. It's either a thought that I'm having and it could be a belief like I, you know, I could feel bad because let's say I have a big presentation, I have to go on stage and I feel fear I feel I got a stomachache, I'm nervous. So what is driving that nerve? Those nerves? Is that I might think oh my God I'm not prepared. Oh my God I'm I'm you know rusty. Oh my God um it's gonna be a huge audience, oh my God I'm not good. Those thoughts, Those beliefs don't coincide with top performance, don't coincide with doing a good job on stage and so I have to look at it and say, is that true?

Right? I'm working myself up. But are those thoughts accurate? If I don't feel prepared, how can I prepare a little bit more? Mhm. So when we have a negative emotion it's an indicator, it's a cue that either something needs to be fixed or my thinking is tripping me up is taking me away from where I really want to be heading because those thoughts don't create confidence. Those thoughts erode my confidence and now, you know, as far as you being this high achiever and high performance coach and entrepreneur and all of these things, you know, there's an aspect of it that you say is hereditary and I believe that, but do you believe that people can change or become things right? Someone who doesn't have that, Of course, 100%.

I really do think that if you, you know, can a can a person become an amazing leader? Of course they can. Uh the thing is a lot of times when we want to become something, we think that we have to change our actions and just do something different in order to be that However, what I want to say is that thought precedes action, right? So action is important. You can't achieve your goals just by sitting at home and watching tv right, not going to happen. So we need action, but in order for action to be sustainable, in order for action to be effective and have the right outcome drive the right outcome. We need to look at our thinking so can anybody do that. Absolutely if they are willing and so the key is willingness. The key is self reflection.

The key is being willing to look at oneself and saying how how does my thinking lead me to the actions I'm taking? Therefore the outcomes I'm getting right? So there needs to be a willingness and an openness to look internally and say, how am I operating as a person? How do I process things? And does my process coincide with the goals that I have? Mhm. And now are there a few practical tips that you would have for people to go from mediocrity to extraordinary or their Yeah, steps. I will. Well, okay, so I'll give you two things. First of all, I'm gonna give you three thinking strategies that amazing performers like top performers always always engage in. They use these three strategies. So I'm gonna give you that and then I'm going to give you the audience and exercise if if that's okay with you.

So, three strategies. Number one is that extraordinary performers are always challenging their own beliefs. So they're asking themselves a question and I encourage you to write it down. And the question is, what do I believe to be true about this problem, this person? The situation, the circumstance that's causing me to feel strong is stuck. What do I believe to be true? And then looking at those beliefs and saying, are these beliefs even true? Is this true or do I just believe it? Did I make it up? So they're constantly pushing back on their fundamental beliefs by challenging them. So what do I believe to be true and is this actually true. So that's the first thing they do. The second thing they do is that top performers have a very different relationship, a very different view around resources. So they access their resources and they're very, very resourceful and you might be thinking, well that's not anything dramatic or anything new.

But for them, they have the viewpoint that any resource is accessible to them. There is no shortage of resource, There's no shortage of money, there's no shortage of time. There's no shortage of help or talent. There's no shortage in the world. It's just a matter of being of accessing it and they perceive that they have the ability and they are entitled to access those resources. So nothing is off limits for them. They don't say, oh that's not for me, I'm not good enough, smart enough worthy enough. Everything is at their disposal should they want it. So that's number two and number three and I think this is very important. They focus on what they want. They're clear about what they want. You ask them, what do you want? They'll tell you I want this, here's what I want and they focus on what they want. So their energy, their actions, their laser focused on what they want, they're not focused on the problem, They're focused on the solution, they're focused on what they want. If you, if you put 100 people in a room and, and I'm going to ask your audience this in a minute and you ask them, hey take a piece of paper and a pen and write down what do you want?

A lot of people will get stuck not knowing that answer. Mhm So here's what you said, what are some practical tips? Here's a practical tips for you, It's a journaling exercise. So it's two questions, question number one again, write it down. What what do you really, really want more than anything? And the reason I have to realize in there is because I want you to think about what you truly deeply want inside, not what someone wants for you, not what you think you should have or what you think you should want, not what is expected of you, but what do you really, really want? If anything were possible, what do you want? And the second question is so what's stopping you from having it? What's getting in the way, what's slowing you down? And those two questions combined will help you understand, right, what you're leaning towards, but also start to help you understand and see some of the beliefs that are standing in the way of your success and for anybody who wants to do this exercise and I really recommend it for everybody and you're really super bold?

Like send it to me, I will personally respond to your email if you send it to me and why why do I make this offer? Because many people don't take me up on it? They sit on the sidelines. They're not ready to do that work. Mm I love this kim I love it. It's just uh this is such a great practical applicable stuff that people can start kind of really getting into and getting clear right now. So that is awesome. Thank you so much for that. Um Now let me ask you you know what is wrong with most bosses and leaders today? Like what are they missing? Okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to tell you that some of the mistakes that leaders make when they try to work with the individuals on their team. How about that? So the first thing that leaders do when they try to let's call it even coach their team is that they try to be empathetic.

Are you surprised that I said that? So? So let's talk about that for a second. So empathy I would say is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the world completely misunderstood. Because every leader is told you need to be more empathetic as though it's an action that they take. Empathy is not an action. Empathy is an emotional experience where you put yourself in the shoes of someone else and feel their emotions. That is what empathy is. It's not a three step process. It's an emotional experience. So if let's say you were walking by? Let's say I was walking by and I saw someone drowning in a pool, how would they feel? What would their emotions be? What do you think? So? How how would what would the emotions be of the person walking by or the person drowning now in the person in the pool drowning? How are they feeling? They're fearful, They're scared, They're think they're gonna die.

They're panicking. Exactly. They're in a state of desperation. Now if I am truly an empath suddenly I feel scared, panicky, desperate, like I'm gonna die and in that moment I've disabled myself, I cannot help them because I'm busy being empathetic. Does that make sense? So if I'm a true empath, if I'm truly empathetic, I feel what they feel. So being empathetic is not an action, it's an emotional experience. And so a lot of leaders fall into the trap of being empathetic. When somebody has a problem, they instead of, you know, trying to work through the problem, they jump into the pool and start drowning right beside. They feel that empathy. So that's mistake. Number one mistake. Number two, is that when leaders are trying to coach their people, what they try to do is they focus on behaviors instead of beliefs. So they say to their their people, here's what I want you to do, right?

They try to change the action. But if a person's thinking hasn't changed and we try to change the action, we get temporary change, we don't get sustainable change. Because if my thinking doesn't change then okay, I can force myself to behave a different way. I can force myself into new behaviors but they won't stick because my old thinking will crop back in and take me back to where I was. Mm hmm. So, so many leaders complain that yes, I'm trying to get my my team to behave this way, but they always revert back. That is why. And the last thing is that I find that often leaders, uh they jump in and and instead of trying to coach their team, they provide the answers. They provide the solutions because they know best. They know best. And so when, when a leader knows best what happens, There's not a lot of learning. There's not a lot of growth that takes place and the leader becomes more and more indispensable, which causes stress, tension, friction, frustration, all of those things.

That's not the best way to lead. Mm I love that. That is such great um insight. So that was awesome. Now tell us, you know, for somebody who is kind of stuck but they want to shift. Is there something some guidance there? Like they don't know how to take that leap. They don't know how to get unstuck, where can that person start again? You know, I'm gonna always go back to pick up a journal. Quick pick up a journal. One of the things we created recently is a a new, it stemmed from this, let me kind of go back, it stemmed from this a couple of years back, I started to notice two trends that were recurring trend. Number one was that a lot of our executive level clients were worried and concerned about their young professional or their young adult kids. I was hearing things like my daughter so anxious.

My daughter is um, you know, amazing at school, but she's so anxious that she's having trouble during exams and she, she just freezes, she can't do it. I was hearing things like my son is on the couch all day playing video games. He has so much potential, but I don't know how to get them up and off and on to work. I was just hearing a lot of issues around mental health, mental well being for young people. And, and then on the flip side of that, I was hearing a lot of struggle from our corporate and executive clients with respect to their young professional employees, Things like we hire them, we think everything's going great, but then they quit. We don't see it coming. We don't know what's going on. Uh even things like, you know, I was in a meeting and everything was going well, but then our young, one of our young professionals got up to go to the bathroom and never returned. And so what we see is that there's this interesting gap going on, this interesting kind of struggle in the world for people who are anywhere in their early twenties, early thirties like that, that age range.

And so when you're asking, what's the first thing to do? We created a coaching program that's very, very light, very simple for this particular age range so that they can journal with a coach, that's it. No calls, no conversations, nothing. They can journal as much as they want and a coach will read and respond to their journals. So I always go back to journaling because journaling is the place where you know when you read a book, okay, great. You're reading the book, you're reading what somebody else has to say and then you have to figure out how to apply it. And there's there's a gap between reading the book and application. But when you are journaling you're in the modality of application right? You're doing half the work and half the work is put down your thoughts, write down what you think and what you feel, write down how you experience the world. So that's step one. Because when you write it down, you separate yourself from it, you have the opportunity to objectively review what you've written and use your journal to move yourself to a new place.

If you can do it by yourself and encourage you to do it by yourself. If you cannot then find someone who could do it with you. So again, we created this program called the journal that talks back for anyone who's listening, please go check it out. But again, start by being in a state of writing, what's on your mind And then look at it. That writing is your book. That writing tells you how you see the world, it's your philosophy on life, decide whether or not that philosophy is the philosophy you want to live by. I love that. I just I really, really love that. That is so awesome kim. Now, you know, I first of all I want to just say you have been so amazing and so insightful and I just am so honored to have had this time with you. And I want to just say thank you for your time today and being here. I mean so much, it was absolutely my pleasure.

Oh, you've been awesome. And now in closing kim last question for you, if there is just a message, your hope for the world, some wisdom, you'd like to leave us with what would your closing message? Honestly, honestly like my hope for the world. I've been thinking a lot about the world lately and how it uh and how it's struggling. Let's call it that the world is struggling. And if everybody took a moment to improve to make healthy their own thinking like just take care of your own mind, take care of your own body, take care of your you know the thing that houses, you write your money, your your body, your mind, your scared, take care of yourself. Make it a priority to be healthy. Clean up your thinking, clean up the negativity inside of you. Clean up the way you. I tell everybody put your stick down. Well, that's the stick.

The stick that you use to beat yourself up with. Put your stick down, treat yourself kindly start there. That that commitment will change the world. Start with you. That's it. That's all you need to do. Take care of you. I love it, kim. You have been so awesome. Thank you so much. You're very welcome. It was a pleasure. I hope that I will hear from some of your listeners with that journaling prompt and thank you for the work that you're doing. And thank you for the opportunity to be on your podcast. Thank you, kim Yeah.

Blossom Your Awesome Podcast Episode #63 Frame Of Mind With Kim Ades
Blossom Your Awesome Podcast Episode #63 Frame Of Mind With Kim Ades
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