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Blossom Your Awesome Podcast Ep #76 Metaphysics With Suzanne Munson

by Sue Dhillon
November 17th 2022

Blossom Your Awesome Podcast Ep 76 Metaphysics With Suzanne Munson

Sue Munson is an author and historian and we are talking about her recent book, The Metaphysical Thomas Jefferson. More

blossom, your awesome podcast, episode number 76. Making History come Alive and relevant writer and lecturer Suzanne Munson is here with us, we are talking about her latest book, the metaphysical thomas Jefferson, it is a breakthrough work. It premiered as the number one new release in political commentary and this book is causing quite a stir. It's going to be an incredible conversation. Let's get into it. Suzanne, thank you so much for being here. I am so honored and delighted to have you here. Welcome to the show. Hi Sue. Thanks for having me. Oh I am so excited to have you here and get into this with you. We are going to be talking about the metaphysical metaphysical thomas Jefferson. Your latest book, The Sounds so fascinating. Let's start with a little bit of your background first. Well when I retired from the Office World um a little more than 10 years ago a lightbulb went off in my head and I said well I can finally write for myself because that always written for other people.

And so my first book was a book of straight history and that was about thomas Jefferson's mentor George with. And for that I used all the traditional resources, you know, everything that had been written. Um And then my second book that you referenced, the metaphysical thomas Jefferson came much later after I'd had kind of a metaphysical journey myself after my husband died. And I had contacted him eventually through some mediums and which was an exercise I had never dreamed of doing before, but kind of evolved naturally. And then I thought well and I eventually contacted not just my husband, but my parents and a number of friends who departed, so that well if I can contact regular people through a trusted, experienced medium, why not somebody famous? You know, why not thomas jefferson? Because I'd already written about him extensively about the early part of his life in that first book, which is called Jefferson's Godfather, wow, okay, this is just so cool.

So tell me Suzanne now, you know this metaphysical stuff that kind of came up, were you always spiritual? Had you always been fascinated by this stuff drawn to it? I was spiritual as a, as a teenager, my mother was a very spiritual person, she had lost a child tragically and became quite spiritual after that. So I was no stranger to spirituality, but like a lot of people, I got away from it in college and in early adulthood and um I was always curious about the near death experience when those accounts started coming out in public uh and on the Today show, they would have dr Eben alexander with his famous account proof of heaven, so I'd really drop everything I was doing and listen really carefully to all those accounts, but I was busy, I had a job, I had Children and I really, we went to church occasionally, but I can't say that I was on a great spiritual run at that time.

I think it all happened with the death of my husband in 2013. I had retired by then. And uh after he died, um I would go outside and I look at the stars and I would say, you know, where are you? I'm not hearing anything, just crickets. And um I was really curious to know where he'd gone and where he, where we all go and once we get there, what do we do and what is the point of it all? You know, what's the grand design? There's got to be some grand design that we don't know that much about. We have snippets of it, you know, some religions preach that we have eternal life, but what does that mean? Sitting on a pink cloud, you know, playing a harp, what do we do after we lose our bodies, Other religions say that there is, is no afterlife, this is it. But I always believed in an afterlife. And so about six months after ned died, I went to a writing retreat in the mountains of Virginia And one of the other writers there had written a book called Friends in High Places and she was a an amateur medium.

So you get the title of the book, Friends in High Places. And she had written about her experiences as a medium and a ghostbuster. I thought being a ghostbuster was really fun. But I've never known anybody who did anything like that. Anyway, so I said we were suite mates. So I said Katie can can you channel my late husband. She said well probably can and she didn't had never met him. I'd never talked to her about him. So she went in her room with a yellow notepad and came back a half hour later and described him perfectly. So that was my first experience with the medium. I'm not sure I would ever thought of using a medium except that I had been exposed to one there who was a nice person and I have learned that the mediums that I have met are wonderful people. They're healers, they're not charlatans. So then several weeks later I went to a meeting of the institute of no attic sciences ions which is an organization founded by astronaut Edgar Mitchell after he came back from the moon and he saw beautiful earth.

He had kind of an epiphany and he believed he understood quite realistically that there's more to know about the universe than just a bunch of planets, a bunch of rocks floating around you know in space that there is a metaphysical spiritual uh essence or their spiritual principles that we should know as well as physical principles that rule the universe. So the purpose of the ions group is two and Edgar Mitchell was to merge science with spirituality to and so subsequently and and not just because of ions but for a lot of other reasons. A lot of medical doctors and PhD researchers are now studying what we used to think. It was a purely spiritual realm, metaphysical realm. And the analogy is um you can't see the internet, you can't see a radio wave or a T.

V. Wave but they're real but you can't touch them or feel them or see them with the human eye but they are real. So likewise there is a higher dimension from the dimension that we live in. We live in a very dense dimension in our bodies but there is a higher reality um available to us and that we will access when we leave our bodies. So anyway I met through that organization I met a woman who had written a book about seven readings that a media medium had given to her mother and some other people and the book had won some major awards. It's called conversations with jerry. Uh And so I thought well if this medium is is regarded highly enough to be the subject of an award winning book, then maybe I can give her a try and I try to contact my husband. So I made an appointment with her. And um was the same process that I used for the metaphysical book for contacting thomas jefferson.

We we schedule an hour ahead of time, a week ahead. She calls me at that precise time. I live in Virginia. She lives in indiana. And uh I put the phone on speaker. And then for my personal readings I I just get a yellow note pad out and I write as furiously. I ask questions and then I write as furiously as I can the answer. So that although she sends me a recording afterwards, you know, a year from now. I don't want to go back and listen to an hour's worth of recording. So I take really really good notes and I have a whole stack of notes going back from the year, my year after my husband died. Um, so so the thought occurred to me well and this is kind of strange but some of your listeners will think that's strange. But it did happen um before Jenna gives me a reading. The medium's name is Jana ana. She um prays, she tries to get in touch with um those on the other side who can be helpful for the session.

And she always gives me a reading for where I am. Sometimes I'm seen in a lot of light, sometimes I'm seen working too hard and whatever. And so twice she said from the other side, I was being seen as a metaphysical historian. So I wrote that down. I thought that was pretty interesting. That was in one session. And then several months later I got the same thing said we are seeing you as a scribe as somebody who is writing down very important things from the past. So I made a note of that. But I didn't do anything about it. And then I read over my notes and I thought, well there's there's something to all this. And then I said, no, okay, well maybe I should be accessing thomas jefferson. So I made an appointment with Janna. I did not tell her in advance who I wanted to talk to. I had asked her before if she'd ever channeled historic figures and she said she had four people writing books, but I never found out anything about that.

I don't think they were, you know, big hitters. But um so so I knew that she could do that. So she said, well what do you want to talk about today? And I said, um I want to talk to thomas Jefferson. So she didn't miss a beat. I think somehow on the other side they know when we're thinking about them and thomas Jefferson said, I've been expecting this. And so I asked him um if we had a book, if he was interested in participating with me in a book. And he said, well of course I never heard his voice. I only heard what the medium said. But um so he said that he would participate with me because he thought my heart was in the right place, in other words, I'm not doing it for personal fame or fortune, I'm just doing it because I just did it because I thought it needed to be done. I thought the world needs to hear what he has to say now and and the words are very powerful.

I don't know whether you've read the book, but it's a very powerful book. Whether I, whether I wrote it, whether the media made it up or whether we're actually hearing from thomas jefferson, I asked the readers to just decide on their own, you know, um I have proof that I didn't write the answers because I have the recordings and I'm the one who is asking the questions. I'm not the one providing the answers. So the other two choices are the media made it up or we're hearing from somebody who says he's thomas Jefferson from the other side. So the medium um knew about thomas Jefferson of course, but she knew very little about his personal life and just knew that he had signed the Declaration of Independence. But she's not a historian. In fact, she did not like history as a subject in school. She majored in elementary education and what she is is a healer. She helps very often men broken relationships between those on this plane, Those of us still in physical form and their loved ones who've crossed over lots of times.

There's unfinished business and primarily that's what she does. She she doesn't um I'm the only one she's working with right now who who's interested in famous people, but she helps just regular people with regular relationships. She's a healer, wow Suzanne. Okay. So I have like a million questions and we don't even have enough time. But let me start with the first question. Okay, this is just so fascinating. So you as a historian, you know you're coming there with a level of knowledge and understanding. I mean you I know what I've learned in school which is like very little you know about thomas Jefferson and we know like you know how history is not. Um I've always been fascinated with history and watch documentaries and stuff myself, but I you know, my knowledge in this is limited. So you already had been writing about thomas Jefferson, you had studied it? Would you say that he the feedback that you got like had he evolved?

Was he giving I think this is so fascinating and I don't know if anyone's ever asked you this but was he speaking from that period or is he does it seem like, okay he's getting that things have changed where in a new era in all of this progression or some progression has happened. So is he speaking from his kind of, you know, his era and his time or is he giving us some new ideologies and deeper understanding where we are today? He's definitely speaking from the current time. Um I've always been interested in him as a Virginia and have connections to the university that he founded U. V. A. And um I used to have this fantasy I really did for years about resurrecting him from his 18 26 resting place. Dust him off and put him in my car and drive him around the university of Virginia. And I would say.

And I'd be I'd be the one telling him stuff. You know, I'd say, hey look look at all the women now at your university and looking at look at the people of color and the people from Asia. Isn't this something would you ever have imagined that? Well the fact is he knows a lot more about what's going on at U. V. A. Than I do. I mean he he's in there and um he's in the halls of congress and um he has grown uh and and this is one of the touching things about um he remembers his persona as thomas Jefferson. He's had other lives before. But that may be a bridge too far for some of your listeners. But anyway he he's very much aware of the life that he had as thomas jefferson and his prejudices. And he's very in the book that that that I published the metaphysical thomas jefferson available in amazon his good ratings by the way. Um He he says that he was he's not making excuses for himself but he said that he was a product of his time, a product of the deeply ingrained prejudices of his time not just about people of color but about women.

And I was very surprised that he went into women's disenfranchisement as well as um people of color. And um so he said that he had to come to terms with um with the first black students who came to U. V. A. And the first females. He said it was a little bit easier with the females because they had been part of the white man's world. Um They had been confidence and so on. It's just that they hadn't been credit, been given any credit for being able to go on to higher academic pursuits. You know, they were to take care of the home and family so on, play the piano and converse nicely. Um But he said he did have a a little bit of a reckoning when students of color started coming to U. V. A. That in his time he had only considered them as workers is not capable of higher education. And but that he was steeped in the prejudices of his time that he was, you know, um like everybody else.

He said that he did break a lot of boundaries. You know, he advocated for freedom from the King in England. And uh they he wrote about all kinds of freedoms, but at the time there were freedom, freedom's for white men, but eventually the freedoms were so great in the bill of rights um in the Declaration of Independence, the constitution that eventually when our founding fathers did would extend to women, people of color, everybody and the great United States would have these wonderful freedoms that our Founding fathers gave us and worked so hard to give us. And that's one of the points that I want to make in that I have made in this book. But um, yeah, he's evolved, um, he says he walks the halls of Congress, the halls that once were sacred. He's very disturbed about what's going on in Washington now. He talks about corruption and greed and graft and so on.

And of course that's been going on a long time. If you study 19th century history, there was a lot of um, bribery that was going on even then in Congress in presidential elections, a lot of money and had infiltrated the system back then. But he's very concerned right now about our foreign policy are our government. He's calling for a new revolution in our government, but not the bloody sort he said a revolution of integrity. So he was saying so many gloomy things about our government. I kept saying, can't you say something positive? And I said, is it all downhill from here? And he said no, that he did have hope. And I said, well, what would you do if you were in Congress or if you were president, you know, you see all the things that are wrong about our system, what would you do? And so this was towards the end. And um, I have a chapter on that.

And uh, he said that if he came in as president now he could do very little because he would have no following for the big reforms that he would want to make, that there are too many people in Congress who have been brought up by the by big money and the special interests that they would not be reformers. He said that he would probably start in Congress um with a small circle, He called it a circle of integrity, a small number of people, mostly new people in Congress and in the Senate, um in the House and the Senate who had not been corrupted yet by by the money and the power and um that eventually they would try to widen that circle of integrity until it was large enough to make the make the reforms that are necessary, term limits being one. Although he said he doesn't like the idea of the term limits because when they're really good individuals, they should be allowed to serve, but the way the system is um it would be better for the system if we had term limits, wow, this is so fascinating, Suzanne now, you know, let me ask you, and we I don't generally get political here podcast, but would he be a democrat or Republican?

Does he pick party lines or? Um I'm just curious, you know, today, would his party have changed, Did he share any of that with you? Um he would only pick people with integrity, Let's put it that way. And you can draw from that whatever you wish. I like that. That was a really great um very P. C. Answer. So that well, let me finish the answer. He he was an ardent states rights supporter. He does not like big government and doesn't like he thinks that a lot of our freedoms have been eroded and we've allowed them to be eroded, not just by government, but by the media and you know, by a lot of other forces in society. Uh he said that we are, we've what he craves most for this planet is critical thinking, that people swallow the party line and don't think outside of what is fed to them.

And he craves critical thinking. But he was he was for less um less less top heavy government, much more control. He was afraid of of too much control because we had had too much control as they had had in europe for thousands of years by kings and Popes and other others who just wanted to control every aspect of everybody's life and not grant freedom. And so, um he did not want that for America. He wanted, you know, he wrote the statute that America's first religious freedom law uh here in Virginia, which was later incorporated in the First Amendment. He wrote that with the man that I wrote about his mentor George with who never got any credit for it, but he was a co sponsor of it. And so that's one thing I wanted to make, right. Um now that he's his Jefferson's stick is freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom.

It's in every chapter of the book and he's afraid that we've lost a lot of the freedoms that we had at the beginning of the country and, you know, just based a little bit, and I don't obviously don't want to get into this too much and kind of, you know, throwing him under the bus, but just it's a little, you know, there's a little level of hypocrisy there with the freedom talk right consists his own past and that he owned so many slaves and that's one of the facts. I do know about Jefferson, but I think at the same token as someone who's spiritual, who believes in evolution and all of us, kind of being here to learn and grow and evolve. I, you know, I credit him and I know for people who don't believe in this, this conversation we're having, they would just be like these two, this is so crazy, but I believe it and I do credit him for it sounds like what is some level of evolution and acknowledging that to you, you know, just context that well, he unlike a lot of his contemporaries who defended the institution and everybody in the south practically defended it, you know, because that was their source of wealth.

He never defended it, he hated slavery and he was an early abolitionist as a young man, still under the influence of his mentor, George with, who was at a step with everybody, he had a Quaker background, he was an abolitionist. Um There were a lot of reasons why Jefferson didn't free his slaves. He um I go I have a chapter on that, I have a chapter on on slavery. In in the book, the metaphysical thomas, Jefferson. Uh and in the first book, Jefferson's Godfather, there's a long chapter on, on slavery. There, there were a number of reasons all financial that he felt he couldn't release them. He, unlike George Washington who did free his slaves at his wife's death, Washington was a very wealthy man and he could survive the, the loss of his slaves, um freeing them a huge financial loss. Um Jefferson was a poor man at his death, his due to a lot of bad loans, giving bad loans to friends, assuming the death of his father in law, crop failures, bad weather, he was a farmer and um he had been a lawyer, but he gave that up for public service and for farming.

So he did say in the book that uh yeah, obviously if he had been born today, he'd have a totally different point of view about that, but again, he was not making excuses, he was, it was a product, he was a product of his environment, but he said, unlike um the President's today, who retire wealthy or obtain wealth after they've been president. I mean, I don't know a single president who's not very wealthy, retired president. Um, and and started out without much wealth, but you know, through books and public speaking and all those things in context. He said, well, unlike he said, we were we were true public servants in our day. And, and he was overwhelmed by visitors and people would come and in those days there weren't any hotels or anything that stay with him. He had to entertain him for days and days and days. And um, so he ran out of money after a while and he said, if I had been a wealthy man, it would have been different, you know, but we were public servants.

You know, we we didn't get paid a lot for what we did. And I would have had to have moved like gone to the country and lived in a cabin if I had not had servants. Uh he said again, no excuses, but, but he would have had to completely alter his lifestyle also. They were collateral on his own loans that he had, he was in a big financial bind. And it was, he also considered himself a kindly master much more kind to his people than some of the others around. But all those, you know, our excuse or viewed as excuses today, that as the signer, the author of the Declaration of Independence, he should have freed his slaves. But he didn't. And of course he says, you know, if he were with the mindset that he has now, of course he would have found some way to free them, but he was a product of his time. But what I don't like is, I mean, let's call it a sin, you know, I call it a, you know, we're all flawed individuals, but let's call this a sin slaveholding, which it is.

Um we're all sinners, but that doesn't discount some of the good that we did. And he did. He and the other founding fathers did an enormous amount of good, not only for America, but for the world in coming up with the government that we have in the freedoms that we have and those things should not be lost on the public, right? Right? And he, you know, and again, he is the product of his environment and uh you know, that was kind of par for the course at that point. I mean, even today, I see uh you know, politics, it's kind of like you're it's you have the face of the government, but then you have it's this whole infrastructure, right? It's not just one person. It's like they got to kind of go with the, you know, everyone else. No one's really up there just deciding, you know, it's not one man deciding or woman making a decision, right? We have all of these bodies. And um yeah, so I think taking that into account now, let me ask you, what was it like you as a historian and you had written about him before.

I know you have this kind of draw for jefferson. This idea comes to you like, hey, let me see if this medium can contact thomas jefferson, was there at any point in your mind? Like, did you ever doubt that you were actually connecting with thomas jefferson? And what was that like for you? Just that experience, what has that been like? I took it as a job, you know, like a reporter interviewing somebody. Um I just thought it needed to be done and um, you know, I was, I was respectful, but I wouldn't let him get by with with, you know, I mean, I I had to ask him some really hard questions about his slave mistress slavery and a lot of other things. Um so it was more, I took on the role of reporter and you know, we had some rapport and um um I am thinking about doing the thought just occurred to me a week ago that there's a musician that I would like to contact from the other side who died within the past decade.

And with him, it would be different because, you know, I've seen his videos, I know him as a person, although I've never met him and it would be much more like, you know, friends talking, you know, but with with Mr Jefferson, I felt, you know, more respectful but more distant, you know, it wasn't like we were buddies or anything having a drink, you know, I was I was described I was there to do a job. But with the singer I think we're gonna you know, if he agrees to do my next book with me, I think we could have a real good time with it. Although it's gonna be probably outrageous, wow. Well those are always the best ones right now, you know? And this is so amazing. So literally like when you're first connecting with the medium and they deliver this message to you, you are a metaphysical scribe. So that literally was that message that kind of led you down this journey or this path, I think.

So I like to listen to what I call nudges. Um like most of my nudges are just to do something nice for somebody, you know, call somebody, send somebody a note, send somebody flowers, whatever, you know, little things, or it might be, you know, donate to a cause, you know, or even, you know, something bigger. Um I just got a nudge to do this. I just felt that, you know, it's something that I would do, you know, and I did it during COVID too. So I was home all the time. And it gave me something to do. Uh I the sessions, there were eight sessions that I recorded from March 2020 through the summer of 2020. So, you know, what was going on then? But um so, you know, it just, I just do what the spirit moves me. I write a lot of opinion pieces for the newspaper, but I don't do it. I don't just sit down and say, I'm gonna spend an hour writing today. I'm going to grind out a book, one book every year.

You know, a lot of people do that. Um I don't do that. I only write when the spirit moves me. You know, when I feel like it's there's something important to say, I don't want to spend my time on things that are not important. And that's kind of my m o you know, and I'll go for weeks without writing and you know, because I have to enjoy life too. That's part that's important. Mm hmm. And now, you know, for naysayers and people, because there's so many people I find just doing the work I do. Who just if they can't see it, if they can't touch it? If it's not tangible? It's not real for the naysayers? I mean, what do you have to say to that? Like, is there some way that we can without a shadow of doubt say, okay, we got all this information or we can kind of corroborate this and it was absolutely jefferson. I was connecting with. Well, he never said if you look under a tree at Monticello, there's some buried treasure, you know something that verifiable.

Um but if you read the book, uh the messages are are very, very jeffersonian and I don't write that way. Um The style is very different from the way I write. I could never dream up some of the things that came through. Um so, so yeah, the reflections from him, our our jeffersonian reflections, I had no problem believing that the rural um person was coming through because I do believe that we survived physical death. I mean I had already crossed that line a long time ago so I didn't have to cross that one again and I knew that his spirit was on the other side and you know that it could be accessed. You know, I thought well is he too busy or too famous to bother with me? You know, I don't want to bother with somebody who's that important. So that thought crossed my mind. But then again I had written a book about him and and I knew a lot about him and I felt an affinity toward him and what he had done for this country.

So it was I was really comfortable with the process. I never really questioned it and those who read the book, they'll find it very jeffersonian even if they don't believe in mediumship, but for people who are questioned mediumship it's been studied at the university level now at the university of Virginia among other places. There are unusual brain waves in the brains of mediums and also the, the accuracy of their readings is being tested in, in a lot of blind studies, blind research studies. Um, it will put them in a room, you know, 100 miles away and ask questions about things they couldn't possibly know about. So some of that is going on now. Um, again, it's what um, Edgar Mitchell, the astronaut was hoping we would do would be to blend uh, mary uh, science with spirituality and that is happening now, uh, particularly with a near death experience which connects people to the other side.

Uh, there are so many accounts of people who died on the operating table crossed over to the other side and come back to tell about it that um, it's not exactly old hat for those of us who have been reading, reading these accounts for years, but it would be brand new. Very important information for somebody who's not access to access to it. It's all over Youtube. There are all these accounts on Youtube that are quite believable as well as books by medical doctors and PhD researchers. Also, I would suggest, you know, try a medium yourself. You know, be respectful. Don't, don't just assume that the person is a charlatan. Just assume the person is a nice person if you get a good medium. I mean there's good, bad and indifferent people in every profession and this is a profession because, you know, if they do this full time, they have to pay the rent. You know, they do have to charge my medium charges um a modest amount for an hour. It's about what you pay to go to a psychologist maybe less actually less.

But so try it. You know, approach um someone on the other side and the medium with respect, expect good results, ask good questions, see what comes out. Try it for yourself. Einstein said, um condemnation without examination is the height of foolishness. So if anybody's condemning what I have to say, I would say, try it yourself, see what happens. I love that. That is such great practical advice, Suzanne. And you know, I think you are going to start like a revolution. I mean uh thomas Jefferson might be really busy with people trying to get in touch with him all of a sudden because I think it's so interesting that, you know, he's such a huge historical figure, like world renown, but how many people are saying? And even of the millions of people who do believe in mediumship, how many are like, hey, you know what I'm gonna call him too.

So that's really just, I think it's so cool and so amazing and just opens a gateway of possibilities for Oh, it does. Yeah, I think there's a whole new genre, metaphysical history will open up eventually. And so some people have said, well why don't you um interview Abraham Lincoln and I said, well, I'm really not interested. I know a lot about the Civil War. I'm I'm done with the Civil War. I'm I'm really much more interested in in the the Founding Fathers what they wanted for this country. So, um I'm not writing just to be writing, you know, just write when the spirit moves me right now. The spirit is moving me about this musician. I'm very curious to see what's going to happen about that. And I'll let you know next year, wow, that sounds exciting. Now, you know, let me ask you, I mean, part of the work you do is keeping history alive, right and relevant.

Why is this so important? Tell us your thoughts on that. We're at a very critical stage in America right now, we we came very close to losing our government january. And um it's very important for people to go back and read the constitution. And this is in the book, in the metaphysical thomas jefferson book. Uh he says he feels that people need to go back and actually read the founding documents, read the Declaration of Independence, and I've included the Declaration of Independence in the back of the jefferson book, metaphysical jefferson book. And um but read the constitution read the Bill of Rights. Um I think we take our government and the freedoms we have for granted. And um I think we're in a very dangerous situation now in this country, A lot of people are are very poorly educated about what the founding fathers wanted for us and for the world, freedom.

They wanted freedom, the freedom to elect your officers. You're the people who would make decisions for you, uh, except for europe. And a few enlightened countries, most people in the world don't have that freedom, They don't have it in Russia, they don't have china, we are very lazy fair taking our freedoms for granted in this country. And I, I just feel that it's important to be reminded how blessed we are to have had those founding fathers who came along at the perfect time in history. Um, now in the book, I quote, john Adams, who was a wonderful founding father and a friend of George with my guy and um he said he was ecstatic when we broke with England, he said, and we're gonna create our own government. And they were talking about, well, what kind of government should we have? Should we have a dictator King, one house, two houses, you know, how many elections, who should vote? What are the judges gonna be like? What's the court system gonna be like?

They invented a whole new system of government there within a very short period of time. And um, and john Adams said, some of the philosophers of all the ancient Greeks, others throughout history would love to be in the situation that our founding fathers were where you could start from scratch. You got rid of the king. Now, what And a lot of people were quite afraid of the void that occurred on July 4, 1776, now what nobody knew, fortunately we had a handful, literally a handful of dedicated men who brought forth this Democratic republic. And that's what I'm writing about. Wow, Well, this is amazing, Suzanne, I think like this is just really so cool and so fascinating. I haven't read the book, but I'm gonna have to read the book. I know it seems like your next, um, this musician, it's kind of under wrap, perhaps we're not saying who it is quite yet, but when can we anticipate that?

When do you expect that to be kind of out there? We'll have to ask us permission first. You know, do we have a book? And I'll be very respectful about it. Um, and you know, I have an appointment with a medium in a couple of weeks to see about that. I don't know, maybe there's nothing there. I don't know. I was just listening to one of his songs and just really hit me. That would be interesting to he had a lot of, um, music that was, he was disillusioned. Um, a lot of his lyrics are filled with Lost Loves Disillusionment and all that? I'd just be curious to see what he thinks about things now, wow. And do you find, I'll just ask you. So, you know, I think it's so fascinating that it sounds from your own research and your work that people, we cross over in the evolution continues. Yes, we're um if you read um, Michael, Dr Michael Newton's books, Journey of Souls and another one that followed that, um we have a very active life after we depart.

Um, and if you read the near death experience accounts, there are millions of near death experience accounts and the common denominator, there is whether five or six or seven or eight common denominators among all those accounts. One of them is the Life review. And um, what we would do differently, you know, we had it to do over again. How are and it's all about not that we were a king or a Ceo or gave a billion dollars to charity to have our name on a wall. Um it's all about how we affected other people during our lives. It's all about that, it's all about love, or lack of love. That's the review. So yeah, we we spend time on the other side reviewing our last life and what we would do differently. It's a learning, there's a lot of learning that goes on there and I don't know any of this myself. It's just all that I've read, I sound like an expert on it, but I'm not, it's just what I've read, you do sound like an expert on it. I was gonna ask you, I mean, where you get this, like, I believe you and I've read this myself and I personally, I do my best to kind of live in that way because to me my connections and how I show up for people and how they show up for me, that's like means everything to me.

So can you talk to us a little more about that? Like it's all about love and you know, because I see it seems like so many people kind of miss that part. Right? I'll send you my reading list um and you can follow a similar path to what you don't necessarily have to read. All three dozen books that I read, but just read one or two in each step of the way. Um Yes. The, so there's millions of people uh the statistics are very high about people who have a near death experience. The only reason that we're hearing about them right now is that people are coming out of the closet with their experiences before. They had been told even by religious people when they started to talk about what they had seen on the other side that they were hallucinating that they were crazy and not to talk about it anymore. So that was the norm until um oh, I'd say the last 10, 15 years now there's been an explosion of near death experience accounts by uh and books by very credible medical doctors and PhD researchers.

It's definitely in the realm of science now anyway. So there are five or six or seven common experiences when we leave our bodies and by the way, nobody ever wants to come back once they've crossed over, this is a very difficult place to live. A lot of these people who have died on the operating table come back into sick bodies and they don't want to come back. But they do because they they have work to do. They haven't fulfilled their the contract that they made before they came to accomplish certain things and all those things. The what we're supposed to accomplish all have to do with helping our brothers and sisters here on this planet. And um, so the first thing is the most common thing is you enter a tunnel. We've all heard this. Oh, there's light at the end of the tunnel. We've all heard that one. Well, that's it. Most of them enter a sort of a dark black tunnel with a pinpoint of light.

And then very quickly they come to the light and are enveloped by the light. And very quickly they're all, every last one of them. Hundreds of thousands of people who have these experiences will say, I was enveloped by the most wonderful, unconditional love than you can possibly imagine. I cannot describe it in human terms. It's like a mother for her first child, but 100 times a million times stronger than that. So they are enveloped by love by the creator. They feel another common experiences. They're met by their deceased friends and relatives. It's a joyous reunion and then um almost everybody has a life review. It's like a movie um 360 degree movie uh screen and you see your entire life flash in front of you. And that's another thing that another saying that we have, oh, I almost died, my whole life flashed in front of me.

You know, that's a common thing. Well, that does happen that that happens to just about everybody and um but it's not what you did in your work, it's all about how your life affected others. Um if you were a schoolyard bully, you would feel have the same feelings of the child who was bullied. You would, you would sense everything from that perspective. Um If you were kind of, somebody made, somebody's day went out of your way to help somebody, you, that would have a ripple effect, you would feel how that person felt and then the ripple effect from that. So um all this is very interesting, like I said, I've studied it, but I don't know any of this myself, I've never had a near death experience. Um it's, it's good enough for me to read about it. I don't really need to have one. Um but there are all kinds of Youtube accounts and these are by very credible people.

These are just normal people. A lot of atheists, agnostics have near death experiences and come back and they're changed. They're different people when they come back, they want to help humanity when they come back. They're less selfish. It's it's a life changer. Oh my God, it is also fascinating. I just love this stuff and now I want to say, Suzanne, you have been so amazing and so insightful, and I just think this is such a cool story. I'm going to have links to your website and um all of that for people and I just want to say, thank you so much today for your time and your wisdom and your insights and sharing your story and about the book. I have really enjoyed talking with you Sue and I'll send you my reading list, Oh, I can't wait to get that, I love that. And now, one last question in closing, if you had one message, your hope for the world, something you'd like to leave us with, what would you like to leave us with?

It's all about love, compassion and generosity, also forgiveness. Um you know, we were taught this in some religions, but you know, people kind of half heartedly paid lip service to all that, but that is the way it is, that is what our creator wants us to do, wants us to love our brothers and sisters and forgive and be generous and be kind and that sounds simple, but it's very hard for a lot of people who have, you know, who don't live that way. But that's the message. That's the message that everybody gets who crosses over and comes, comes back. So it's very important. Oh, I love that. That is such an awesome message to leave us with Suzanne. Thank you so much. It's just been so wonderful having you here. I've enjoyed it. Thanks for the interview. Thank you. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah.

Blossom Your Awesome Podcast Ep #76 Metaphysics With Suzanne Munson
Blossom Your Awesome Podcast Ep #76 Metaphysics With Suzanne Munson
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