Pastor Lucy Paynter Daily Insights

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Protocol of His Presence Day 6

by Lucy Paynter
November 8th 2021
Honor the Lord, you heavenly beings; honor the Lord for his glory and strength. Honor the Lord for the glory of his name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. Psalms 29:1‭-‬2 NLT --- ... More
Good morning. This is pastor, lucy Penta with your daily insights as we continue to talk about the protocol of being in the Lord's presence. I want us to look at the place of honor in protocol today. But before we get into that, let's look at the origin of this word that we've been talking about for the last past day. Five days. Uh Yeah we've covered like five days already of protocol of his presence. Protocol comes from the word protocol in which means glue. This was the name given to the glue that was used to keep sheets of paper together in medieval books. This glue connected different parts into a whole. It was used to bring together different ideas and organize them in a cohesive manner.

It took out the aspect of conflict in ideas. It introduced a hierarchy so that the book could make sense to the reader. And this is where protocol as we know it was borrowed from. And I know that protocol is often confused with etiquette which are basically the rules of politeness and social manners. You see etiquette differs with culture. It changes as society changes their societies where you bow when you greet someone older than you and in my culture we have different greetings for people. The greeting you extend to your grandmother are different from those for your aunt or the ones you greet your age meets their different from the ones you greet your sons or your daughters but come to the U.

S. And I realized that this bearing in the difference in the greetings that is etiquette. It is based on society or societal status, but protocol is based on the status of a person or organization. A president is a president. Whatever nation they come from, God is God wherever you are. Whatever denomination you identify with, he doesn't change and the owner do to him doesn't change. And so today as we talk about the place of honor in protocol, as we stand in the presence of God. I want us to read from psalm 29 this one and two which says oh not the Lord you heavenly beans. Honor the Lord for his glory and strength.

Honor the Lord for the glory of his name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. You see the thing about honoring God is that we do not do it as a sense of duty. We don't do it to gain his favor. We honor God as an expression of recognition and expression of respect and gratitude towards him. And this is exactly what David is calling us to recognize in these songs. He is calling us to recognize these aspects of God and honor him with for them. David gives this call to the heavenly beings. The King James version calls them the mighty ones. He calls to remind them that though they may be considered mighty and high, they should look away from themselves that they should look unto the Lord and give him the honor due to him for his glory and strength.

That though they are high in status, they should recognize their obligation to the Lord God? David is reminding them that they may be held in high regret or earth. But there is one who eggs eads them in glory and strength. He's not asking them to bring God any new glory or strength. He's not asking them to give or attribute to God things that he does not already have. He's not asking them to confer anything upon God. This is a call to recognize things as they are to acknowledge that the Lord is full of glory and strength and to honor him for it. In part, one of us to David says honor the Lord for the glory of his name. You know, David is calling, then he is calling us to recognize the character of God. He's calling them to recognize the nature of the covenant God of Israel.

This is why he's asking them to honor God for the glory of his name. And so our question is why his name, what is in the name? You know, if someone came up to you and said, excuse me, ma'am, excuse me sir. Uh, my name is john and I need to take your seat. You've got to want to know what's in the name, john, that I should give you my seat. So we must ask ourselves what's in the name, Yahweh. That makes David insists that we should give him honor for the glory of that name. Who is this God? What kind of a God is he? What is his nature? What is his character? Because these are the things that David wants us to be conscious of. When we approach God, you know, sometimes we approach God with our needs and just go straight to I need this, I need that.

I feel this. I'm afraid of this and that God we approach, we approach God and start praising and singing to his glory. But do we ever take a moment to think about the words were singing? Do we take a moment to think about the name we are calling? This is what David is asking us to grow a consciousness too. The Yeah, we is the infinite self existing god, that he is before all things and in him all things hold together that he is the apparent in power and his understanding is beyond measure, that he is Jehovah Gyro, our provider, El Shaddai, the God Almighty, David is asking us to remember that we're standing before the immutable, self sufficient God, Jehovah Shalom, the god of peace, Jehovah and padesh, our sanctify fire. That is what is in his name. The very character and the nature of the covenant God of Israel and this is what we ought to remember when we are in the presence of the Lord?

And this is why we said last week that until we understand why we should observe certain protocols when approaching the throne of mercy. Until we understand why we should honor and glorify him, we cannot accord the law the honor that is due to his name. We cannot worship him the way he desires to be worshiped. We've asked for such an understanding but we've asked for such an awakening that we may be conscious of these facts that we may celebrate the perfections of God's nature, that we may honor him for his glory and strength. That we may honor him for the glory of his name. That we may commend the works of his work. Hands may we never forget to acknowledge his providence. His temporal and spiritual Massey made the divinity and the data over God never belonged to earth.

May we not forget that power belongs to our God. That creation and redemption are his, made the highest to the lowest among us. Pay homage to all God May. We bow in recognition of his glory and Dominion. May we make it our business to give the Lord God the honor due to his name. When we lay down our crowns at his feet, when we look away from ourselves and unto the Lord? Because only when we understand the manner in which we should approach the seat of mercy. Should there be cohesion in our worship? Only then shall they not be conflict in our way of worship. May our honor to God be an expression of recognition of respect and gratitude towards him For all glory, all honor is do unto the Lord in jesus mighty name.

This is pastor, lucy painter with your daily insights, and this is protocol of his presence Day six shalom.

Protocol of His Presence Day 6
Protocol of His Presence Day 6
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