Pastor Lucy Paynter Daily Insights

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Matters of the Heart Pt 9

by Lucy Paynter
May 25th 2022
I’m sure we’ve all gone through that time when people make unfair judgment about us. You, know, you’ve been months without a job and people assume you’re just lazy, or you make a mistake and people as... More
Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening. Wherever you're joining from. Ah this is pastor lucy painter with your daily insight matters of the heart. I'm sure we've all gone through that time when people make unfair judgment about us. You know, you've been months without a job and people assume you're just lazy or you make a mistake and people assume it was intentional. Yeah, it has. And you wish people understood you. But are we any different from them? We put people through the same thing every day. We make snap judgments and assumptions. We stereotype people even when we know nothing about what's going on in their lives. No, I'm doing this service right now recording this. I'm doing a recap of the episodes, judging if you haven't listened to them. I add you to just go back and do a recap on that.

We often reduce people to a handful of characteristics. We label them without consideration of their circumstances. You see there's enough pain and bitterness for every heart. The distress of the console science and the anguish of the mind can only be known by the person going through it. And this is why the Bible tells us in Proverbs 14 verse 10 that only the heart can know its own bitterness and no stranger can share its joy. You know, we can say that we understand because we've probably seen someone in a similar situation or we ourselves have been there. The people are as unique. Our snowflakes. Don't ask me why I say that. Where I got that from snowflakes. Yeah, it takes a lot of sympathy and open mindedness to fully appreciate the depth of the pain and the height of the joy in the heart of another person.

Our sorrows and joys are in their entirety beyond the insights of strangers. There is no one in so intimate a relationship with us that can be perfectly in our shoes to feel what we feel. It doesn't matter even if you're soulmates, it doesn't match up. It's only jesus who put himself up to bear our griefs and carried our sorrows that has that capacity. And so what does this mean for us as brethren as people yoked together to christ? How then do we deal with the ultimate solitude of each other's souls? You see, we need to develop a great deal of sensitivity and tolerance towards each other because there's all of us more than meets the eye, hearts are breaking right in front of us.

Someone is crumbling down in the midst of that brother Dory after church hug, But are we close enough to feel it? Are we close enough to each other that they can share their balance with us without fearing that we will judge them. Have we ourselves established a relationship intimate enough with our breath? Friends that we know we have someone to lean on someone, We can share both the joys and the pains in our hearts. Has anyone gained your confidence enough that you have the desire and the courage to share your heart even to the very depths of it? I'm just going to post there because those are many questions I'm asking. Yes, we may never fully grasped the button of another's heart, but we must keep our hearts and arms open for them.

We must practice sympathetic empathy with each other. We must learn to slow down and look deeper, to listen better, to care more about what's going on in the lives of our brethren. We must learn to open our hearts to the love of others, to re sprocket with the love and trust when it is offered to us. It's my prayer that we will strive to never sense sure sense of the grief of others when we have not made any attempts to understand the heaviness of their brews. We have a responsibility towards each other as part of the same body. You know, the bible says in the Book of colossians that we carry each other's burdens And in this way who fulfill the law of christ the word of God obliges us to mutual forbearance and compassion to each other.

And this is the law of love. It is the law of brotherhood. May we be one in our griefs, as in our joys, may we reach out with open arms and open hearts with the trust in Tora islands and without judgment in jesus mighty name shalom. This is pastor lucy painter with your daily insights and this is matters of the heart at night

Matters of the Heart Pt 9
Matters of the Heart Pt 9
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