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$0-$100k in 4 weeks, with Naked Sundays Founder Samantha Brett (part 1)

by Female Startup Club
July 6th 2022

Today we’re learning from Samantha Brett who is the founder of Naked Sundays.

Naked Sundays is an Australian SPF brand aimed at inspiring the next generation to love and wear SPF every si... More

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This is such an inspiring story and we're going to break down her secrets to success Why she kept it anonymous for nine months. What makes a brand pop and what you need to know about regulations when building a sunscreen brand and while I've got you here, one quick thing, I'm giving away signed copies of my book over the next two weeks, all you need to do is make a cute video on Tiktok about the female startup club podcast and send it to me on email at hello at female startup club dot com and your copy will be on the way. Okay, let's get straight into this episode. This is SAM for female startup club as a busy entrepreneur. If you're anything like me, you'll love easy life hacks that improve your mental focus, sleep quality and nervous system. Last year I started taking a G1 by Athletic Greens because I was struggling a lot. If you've listened to the show since then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. I was totally burnt out and I needed a serious boost. I heard about athletic greens through tim Ferriss podcast and some of my other founder friends and it felt like it was a sign I needed at the right time.

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Do you just want to give us a quick introduction to who you are, what your brand is and what the ethos is. Absolutely. So my name is Sandra, you may know me from the morning show on channel seven. It's called Sunrise. I was a news reporter there for many, many years over seven years and absolutely loved and adored my job of getting up at three o'clock in the morning, putting a full face of makeup on and reporting the day's news and people think it's so glamorous and it's so fun and it is amazing and exhilarating. But it is also extremely challenging. You are in the bush fires or the floods or you're at a a crime scene and you really are speaking to people sometimes on the worst day of their lives and sometimes on the best day of their lives. So it's a very full on amazing career. But it is also very taxing emotionally, physically mentally your for example in the bush fires in New South Wales. I was out in the bush fires for days on end, no clothes, no water, no food sleeping on the floor.

It just is one of those jobs that you know it's your whole self Anyway, whilst I was on the road and out in the sun reporting for T. V. With a full face of makeup and lights in my face. I never ever thought about sunscreen or putting on sunscreen. And I started to notice a couple of my colleagues having to get skin cancers cut out of their faces and they would come to work with this big plaster across their face. And I think what is that? And you'd see the cancer having been cut out one had accounts of skin cancer cut out the top of her head a melanoma. And so I thought oh gosh, am I even wearing sunscreen? Yes, I might put it on at three o'clock in the morning. But is it still going to be on when I'm out in the sun at three o'clock in the afternoon? No, Especially that most people don't know sunscreen only lasts for 90 minutes maximum. Oh I didn't know that exactly. I don't think people realize that you know and the T. G. A. Guidelines And the FDA guidelines are top up regularly. Top up every at least every 90 minutes, especially when you add in the sun.

And so I started thinking, well is there a product out there that I can top off top up my sunscreen over my makeup throughout the day with bright lights on my face. And so I looked and everything was white or greasy or would take off your makeup and just wasn't conducive to a news report of life. And I thought, well it's not only for news reporters, other people out there might also want to wear makeup when they go to work and then take a stroll around the park at lunch, if you're so lucky and they can't top up their sunscreen. So I thought, well maybe I can create something. And so I got to creating something and I remember it was in the middle of the bushfires in 2019 and it was just such a taxing emotional, awful time. But on the flip side outside of that, I got to work on a brand and think about colors and rainbow and lilac and beautiful fun ingredients and it was just such a nice world away. And I love doing that. And I really thought to myself, If I am going to create something, it's going to really have to hit for the people who are most at risk of melanoma, which I did some research and it's actually the millennials, the 18-35 year olds for me.

Yeah, exactly. I point to myself, I'm a bit over that, but, but, and so I really thought to myself, well if we're going to change the habits early and that would be the aim of the brand. If I made a brand ever, the aim of the brand would be to change the habits of people really early on, how am I going to do that? Well, I'm going to have to make the branding as fun and inclusive. Simple to use and understand as possible whilst being high performance and have incredible ingredients and be good for your skin. No easy feat. The unicorn. Yeah, pretty much you wanted the unicorn. So I'm interested though. Like you have this crazy career, you're obviously super busy. You? It sounds like you hadn't kind of built a business before. How did you know what to do and where to start and like how did you kind of approach? Oh, I'm going to start a business. So the good and bad thing about me is that I never thought about it that way. So I never thought, okay, I'm going to start a business. Let's write a business plan. I think I still don't have, I definitely don't have a business plan, but what I did think was, okay, here's a gap in the market.

How am I going to fill it? How am I going to create something that is not only going to fill that gap, but also really change the habits of people. So my thinking was more, well, I started off at google, how to create a sunscreen. And a lot of people say to me, how did you? And I research, I'm a journalist at heart and I looked into it and I called manufacturers, chemists, F D A T G a specialist. And I said, all right, how do we do this? And I said, I wanted to be clear glowy 50 plus, good for your skin, not ruin your makeup matte ify ng Priming order. And they're like, what? You know? And this was you got to remember in 2019 there's been a bit of an explosion, which is amazing of SPF brands mixing skin can SPF, which is where we sit in a new category, but that hasn't exploded back then. So what I was saying to these chemists was they've never heard of it. And I said, it's got to be done. We have to do this. And so talk about two years as you say, we launched in January 2021.

So it took a long time. But yeah, back to your question, Google and cold calling, picking up the phone and making those calls. Good old google. I don't know what we'd do without it. I was telling my five year old daughter that we didn't have phones or google when I was her age and she did not believe me. Yeah, I imagine people just can't imagine what the world looked like without the internet and without a phone where you could just get anything at your fingertips. Crazy. I want to talk about the money piece and how you're kind of approaching money and capital in the beginning were you using your finance where you're using your savings where you're going to a bank to get money? Obviously anything in the beauty and the skincare industry requires high M. O. Q. S. It's expensive. It requires working capital. So I'd love to talk about the money piece of the puzzle and how you're approaching it. Yes and I exactly agree with you. And even just to do a normal skin care it's lower M. O. Q. Which is minimum quantity orders that which I didn't even know. I was like what's the minimum quantity order for your initial right now for SPF it's double triple what everyone else is.

And the prices are double triple. So so I remember saying to my husband in this room that I'm sitting in now, I remember coming to him with two paragraphs business plan which was we're launching with four products and he did the spreadsheets and he said all right well that will cost you X. Amount and I said okay let's launch with two products. So we pulled it down and we were going to renovate our house and do all sorts of things. We had a bunch of savings and we took some money out of our mortgage and we really just scrimped and saved and I put in everything. I had a full time job and so does he. And so we were just able to scrimp and save and we always knew it. If no one bought any sunscreen, it was okay. We both had really good jobs and if people did and we needed to make more, we were screwed because we had no more money and you know, with sales and especially with the big okay, even if you do sell out, it's not like you instantly see the cash coming in. So we're just either way it didn't we, we just wanted to see how it would go.

Honestly, we never thought it would take off like it has, were you thinking, oh, you know, I'm going to stay in my job for like a year or what was the kind of plan to quit your day job? There was never a plan Through and through TV journalists. I'm obsessed with TV reporting. I've been doing it since I think I was like 14 and when I was a child, I just always wanted to be a news report. It was my thing. It is my thing. I love it to death. But there came a point in the business where it started to become so successful that it just needed my full time attention And I'm an all or nothing person when I'm waking up at 3:00 AM, I'm bouncing out of bed. I'm running onto the set at the news story, I'm ringing the ministers, I'm calling the SCS like I'm there, I'm in the flood If there's a flood in new south Wales, I was there, I was at every flood. Like it's weird for me not to be in the floods right now reporting interviewing people that are affected. Like I'm like, where am I? Where is Sam? You know? But so I needed to put my full self into naked Sundays once it started taking off, especially that we've got an amazing retailer.

Mecca, as you know, in Australia, which is Australia's number one retailer. So even if you're in every other retailer, aside from Mecca, Mecca is so much bigger than all the others. So it was just such a wonderful thing to be in there and I really just thought this is just a once in a lifetime opportunity that I just wanted to give my full self. So it was a difficult moment when I decided that I was going to quit my lifelong dream of a career, but I have not looked back and it's just new challenges now, I guess that is so cool, congratulations by the way on taking that leap and leaving something that you obviously loved so much that's obviously a big change, but gosh, how exciting have you heard about Norby? It's a marketing platform specifically built for creative entrepreneurs. I started using them last year So I could have a totally customized link in my bio that looks super on brand and has all the functionality that I need as a small business owner since using them, we've seen our click through rates to our website, shoot through the roof and have been able to engage more without audience.

They also have things like event registration, cross platform messaging, Crm and analytics all in one integrated platform at an insanely affordable price. It's a platform that provides creative entrepreneurs like you and me a holistic solution for community driven growth that works in tandem with your social media. So anyone who's working to build a modern multi channel community or monetize their skill set and creativity online can benefit from using Norby to access a free one month trial, go to Norby dot live which is N O R B Y dot live and use the code F S C at checkout or click the link in show notes, I want to talk about the launch and you know your first year in business. I read that you did something crazy like $100,000 in four weeks. You went from 0 to 100 and I want to know how you did that. Yes, I wonder who said that, That's interesting. But yeah, I mean I don't know the exact figures to be honest. But I think we yeah, we did a lot in the first month we did a lot of sales and we did a lot of units and our minimum order value I guess in the industry that you constantly are looking at is extremely high because people are not coming on and buying a cream or a missed their buying boat, they're buying a brush, they're buying a bag, they're buying the whole bundle so we don't have to be selling tens of thousands of units to to have really good strong sales.

I'm sorry what was your question? I just want to talk about the launch. So let's go back to the very beginning. What were you doing in the lead up to kind of pressing go opening the website. What was your kind of marketing strategy I guess Great question. I being a journalist for so many years I'm obsessed with marketing. I loved marketing. I was also beauty journalist. Like I think when I was 18 and 19 I used to go to all the beauty launches and I just loved all that. The landscape has completely changed and it's become all about influencer marketing obviously and social paid and social organic. So I have really had to learn what that meant. Like I say these terms to you now like I know but back then I've never heard of social paid, I did not know that you could pay for ads on instagram. I had no idea and I rather sitting at a dinner you're a marketer's dream. Nothing I had never heard of it. And I remember sitting at a dinner and this girl said to me, you know what I do for work Is I do paid social and then if someone clicks on your website, I can really follow them around the Internet and every time they click on a website your brand will flash up and then they'll get a name, I'm like, what now, what but honestly do.

And that was the best meeting I ever had because I had no idea about that. zero. And now I see how important it is for brands when they're starting out. So I was speaking to someone today, it was really interesting, they explained to me that most startups within the beauty space, spend so much on R and D and they forget the marketing piece. And I feel like as I said to you, I cut down the number of skews that I launched with and instead use that towards marketing. Now I didn't go for the biggest baddest influences and put a lot of spend behind all that. We were smart. I felt like it was a smart tactic where I decided to go for some really small but really well known micro influences that didn't cost an arm and a leg and I just sent them some of the products and so the plan as you ask your question was build the social organically, I just started posting like a year in advance photos and started building momentum that way and then seeded it out to a couple of influences and they started posting about the brand and so we were meant to launch on, I think the end of january and by the middle of january I had to call the Pr and say we're getting so many D.

M. S. Not from people saying I want this product, but from people saying I need this. So that was the myth that I created that you can spray over your makeup with SPF 50 plus. And I thought oh my gosh, these people need this, we have to go. And I called the Pr and she's like okay we're ready and perfect time, mid january in Australia, it's bloody hot, that's right, everyone needed this product. And so we just, we launched with a bang and you know, they really say that the launch month really dictates the trajectory of the startup. And so for us it was just such a, it cemented the fact that there was something in what we were doing when I said me, we, it was just me and my husband and he has a full time job, so he was just one eye open, you know what's that good looks good carry on. So um and I had a really small team and I hired that girl that I met at that dinner party just casually just to help me with paid social organic because I didn't know what that meant. We didn't advertise on google at all, nothing. We did a couple of instagram ads, couple of influences, but it spread luckily and thankfully it spread organically very quickly.

If you are to say to someone, here's why it spread organically. What's that, what does that look like? What, what do you think made it just so successful? And so obviously you have a unique product. It didn't exist, It was amazing. But there's, there's still kind of pieces to a puzzle of why something takes off. Why do you think it did? You know? I really think I had some criteria for this and I think that as a whole, it didn't exist in the market and it got people excited. But the things that I'm about to say are the branding was fun, different, engaging, and really focused on its target market, lilac, Would you believe? It was not an in color back then? Now it's the number one color. Yeah, so it was on the cup of that millennial cool factor so people would see it and they wouldn't know that's a millennial, they would think that was speaking to them emotionally. So I think the branding, the color, the fact that it was fun, simple and that they were doing something good for them, their skin as well at all at the same time.

I think may people want and this is the whole premise of the brand now, it's making people want to share it with their friends and to share. So it becomes this thing of organically spreading because people are so excited to share it. So I jump on the instagram, Would you believe it every day, Checking like what is the conversation around naked Sundays and the conversation I see to this day and it's been over 18 months is, wow, how cool is this? How fun is it? How simple, how high performance. And also I want to share it with you guys because I feel like you guys would love this too because it's good for your skin. So it's the combination of that. I think I could be wrong. I love that. That's so cool. And yeah, I mean I'm totally on board with the purple thing. That's, it's such a visually striking lilac that definitely I can imagine catching your attention when you see it in the shelves of mecca being like, what is that? I want that because there's no other lilac on the shelves at all. Oh really, That's so interesting. Very cool.

Did I read that you spent the first however many months keeping the brand anonymous to you. Let's talk about nine months. So it's funny because I am not shy. I am on tv every day was um I have written multiple books. I've been in the press more times than I care to count good, bad, the ugly, all of it. And so when it came to creating my own brand, why wouldn't I just say, hey, it's me and everyone, you know, who knows me would buy it. But I really honestly felt this is a sunscreen and sunscreen is all about efficacy, T. G. A. Testing, SPF testing U V. A. It's complex, it's chemistry, it's chemical and or physical or whatever it is. But you know what I'm trying to say, it's made by chemists and I am not sitting in my kitchen mixing up sunscreens. I'm getting the best of the best at what they do and so I can do the branding and the marketing and I can decide what products I want. But at the end of the day, the product needed to speak for itself honestly.

And I thought if anyone's going to take this brand seriously and really believe that this works and the amount of testing that we do and regulations, I mean I spent all day even today still to this day regulations and testing is just constant with this. And I love that because then it means it's a strong barrier to entry for this entire SPF industry and you really have to work hard at it constantly. So I love that. But I really wanted that to speak for itself. So I didn't tell anyone about the founder, my PR would call me once a week and say let's do podcast, let's do interviews, the magazines want to find out who you are and I said no, nothing and I didn't want people just to think that, you know, she's on tv and now she's doing this and I just really never wanted people to think that. And the good thing is by the time I decided, okay, it's time it's me, no one really cared, honestly. They were all just so into the brand and the products and they, by that time everyone knew the products worked really well, they were good for their skin, they enjoyed using them. And so I didn't when the founder came along, like, as you say, you read bits here and there and it's an interesting story, but it's not helping.

It's just, it's you know what, I will totally stand behind this. I love inspiring. That's why I love to do a podcast like yours, because people listening to this will go, oh my gosh, I don't know anything about the industry, let me google, let me work for a year and a half on formulations, let me call up chemists, everyone can anyone can do it. So I love inspiring people. So that always upset me because I couldn't kind of tell my journey, but now I can, so here we are now you can. I think it's so interesting and it's, it's amazing because you've been able to build this brand separate to who you are and your kind of credibility in, you know in tv and in people's homes that you're in every single day and I'm thinking now, like even when you go to sell, it's probably in one day if you choose to sell, it's like also having that little bit of separation where you built a product that was so backed by the product itself, not by someone who was like the face of kind of like the celebrity brand route. You know you just have such loyalty to the products that you've built without it being you from the get go.

Which I just think is so interesting as a strategy because of course you would instantly think oh yeah she's on T. V. Like that's how it happened because everyone knows who she is. That's amazing. Love that. Very clever. I wasn't trying to be clever. I just yeah thank you. Love it. It's kind of crazy when you think about how much tech we use daily, we use all these different platforms to do all these different things and to be quite frank, it can get really overwhelming. So imagine if you could streamline those routine operations and admin tasks that eat up all your time, things like lead management, employee onboarding or even customer support. The average tapia user saves over $10,000 in recovered time every year and it's so easy to get started. They have thousands of popular apps like google sheets, quickbooks or even facebook and google ads ready for you to automate almost any workflow imaginable, they've also got thousands of easy to use templates ready to go so you can get started right away, see for yourself why teams at air table, dropbox hubspot zendesk and thousands of other companies use appia everyday to automate their businesses, tries a P A for free today at Zap E A dot com forward slash startup, That's Z A P I E R dot com forward slash startup.

So how does the rest of 20, start to play out for you? You're doing influencer marketing, you are kind of doing your micro influences. You have kicked off with a huge bang after the launch and you've had that huge bang, what are you kind of doing to keep the momentum going to keep things smoothly running? Yeah, I mean it wasn't easy. I'm not going to lie. And we really quickly wanted to come out with our next products that I had told you that I was working on and so we were able to do that. And you know, there was slow burns for those ones because they weren't as buzzy and they weren't as, um, the myth is so innovative that no one had ever seen it before, but then we wanted to come out with a mineral because I realized people very quickly had said some skin, so they all needed mineral sunscreen and so we were able to come out with that, but it wasn't immediate that people even liked it. However good story here, The overwhelming feedback was people with sensitive skin need a sensitive skin sunscreen and so I was able to bring one out and didn't do much.

In fact didn't do any marketing. I didn't even send out an E. D. M. Till the day. I thought I'll just send out an email blast to my, you know, 10,000 or however many I had at the time, not that many people that have signed up for our newsletter and just expected it to sell out immediately, like our first Launch and it didn't. And but the story goes that it is now the number one seller Of ours, it's sold out when we launched into Mecca three months worth in 24 hours. It has become a complete cult product because I don't know why, I know why because the actual product itself. So I'm talking about our mineral sunscreen with vegan collagen in it. Um it's all the good things, it's vegan, it's mineral, it's natural, it's 50 plus and it's got a mix of iron oxide so it blends out your entire skin. So people are wearing it on those no makeup makeup days and they're like, how is this sunscreen?

It's so good. People are wearing it out at night when they go out for dinner because it's the best primer ever do too. There's watermelon extract in there, there's the vegan collagen and it just sits on the skin really beautifully sounds good. So I guess the message there is if you back something and you know that there is a market for it It doesn't have to launch in the first week and make 100 grand. It doesn't have to do all that. It doesn't have to have any influences onto it. We had no influence of marketing for that product. And I remember thinking I said to the pr why didn't we get any press on this? And she's like it's just another mineral sunscreen. You know get over it. I was like all right well it is special. And that didn't matter because we launched it in june june the 1st 2021. I remember it was the first day of winter and by october the 10th when we launched into Mca bestseller sold out three months worth in 24 hours still can't keep it in stock still.

Our best seller. We just launched into the U. S. The best seller. They're like it's just we can't keep it in stock. It's just so great. And that's from no spend nothing. Yeah. And I think that goes to show what happens when you create a product that's truly you know it truly has word of mouth inherently built into what you do. It is worth telling your girlfriend about it over WhatsApp. It's worth buying it again. And that can spread really quickly. Especially with women. I feel like women love to tell their friends about a good product or some you know not beauty secret but like this thing they've just discovered and they're the one to introduce it to their friends. I'm just showing it to you. It's this guy, he's actually got a green lid. I don't know why it's got the purple lid on, but because I think my daughter's been playing with my little shelf here. But yeah, love it. Okay, so sunscreen as we know and as you kind of mentioned, it's a difficult industry. There's barriers to break into this industry. What are the kind of challenges that you're facing at the moment And for anyone listening, whoever thinks about like getting into SPF and things like that, What do we need to know?

Yeah. So I think so. Unlike normal skincare, it is classed as a medication in Australia under the T. G. A. Which is the therapeutic goods administration and it is classed as a drug in America under the FDA. So there are those things to think about. And when you classes either of those, there are multiple rules and things you have to write on the packaging testing that needs to be done. And none of that to me. None of that is a bad thing. That's all a great thing. You want your sunscreen to work and I want people to know that our sunscreen works. So I'm not against multiple testing constantly. We test every batch, not just every product but every single batch that we bring out and we have to adhere to all those rules. So that's a good thing to me. The challenge I guess is that recently? The T. G. A. Have come out and said that under their advertising rules there's certain things. So when you put up the podcast for your post you should put underneath a warning. Which is it's interesting users directed reapply regularly because as you say, people don't know that if it's not water resistant, you know make sure you wear water resistant SPF, make sure you re apply when your towel drying or swimming, don't put it in your eyes etcetera.

So I guess for whenever you're on social media now you have to put that warning and that's fine. But what they've done is they've said from july the first which was this week you have to add influences into that mix, paid influences or gifted influences. Now we don't know how many influences we've sent products out to or who has brought them. It's just hard to tell. And what they're now saying is they can't give a testimonial if they have been gifted or paid to use your product and promote it. What is a testimonial? Well that's a big question. What is the testimony? So a testimonial? How I understand it from the T. J. Website is saying I love this sunscreen and I use it every day now where I have an issue I am fine with rules and as part of those rules. They've cracked down on vitamins Now I am fine with the cracking down on vitamin use because people say I use this vitamin, I've lost 10 kg, I've used this vitamin, my hair's grown 10 inches, okay.

I get that. Let's not say that anymore if we're paying influences. But What about us? I mean, I'm pretty sure when we started in January 2021 sunscreen wasn't as cool as it is now. Now I don't know if naked sunday has had a part in that or if influences started getting on the bandwagon or whatever, I don't even care. But the point is, it has become cool and something that people want to share on social media and say that they love using to encourage other people to wear sunscreen and not only that, but re apply and use it properly and influences are amazing at telling us that. So now the rules come in and the influences of nervous and I'm upset because not because I need influencers to promote our brand, we really don't. I'm upset because all the work that we've all done to really create a cool aspect around SPF wearing due to influences being able to post about it if they can't post about it, I just feel like authentically that's just negative. I mean sound screen saves people's lives. Let's melanoma is the highest killer of our, our, our putting myself in your age bracket, but our age bracket, you know it is and melanoma is real and people are getting it cut out.

Let's celebrate sunscreen. I'm sorry. I'm really against these new rules. It's so interesting because the reality is that even if someone is a paid influencer and you pay someone to use it, chances are that person test the product and decides whether like they're going to like actually personally endorse it or not. Kind of think there has to be some kind of like, do I actually want to put my name to this? So then, and you know, then often influencers do fall in love with their product. That's how people go on to be ambassadors. That's how people go on to be investors in brands. Like, you know, all this kind of thing. So I'm like, that's a tough, that is a really tough one. There's a bit of a bloodline there. What's the repercussion and how do people get essentially caught? Like where's the line drawn? Yeah. Well, as I said, law came in the beginning of the week and no one really knows and how are they going to police this? And where is the line drawn? And I guess lawyers and legal experts asking a lot of questions of the IGA and we're behind the scenes looking at rallying the government because sunscreen is such a positive thing to share.

And the fact that influencers are enjoying sharing. Sunscreen is such a great thing. I would hate for that to change. Mm. Mm. Gosh, that is such a weird one. Thanks for sharing. Well, I haven't tried the product. I haven't seen the product so I'm not like an influencer and I'm not being paid. This is no influence the moment here. This is me trying to understand your story out there again. I don't even like the business process. This is business, business. Oh my gosh, that is so bizarre. I'm going to look that up later. I feel like there are people listening who are probably like fun. Like maybe it's not sunscreen but something else that falls into these kind of regulations where people need to really consider, you know everything and it only applies to Australia. So you can say you love it if you're in the UK, which you are. So there you go. I can pay you and send you if you'd like. But it doesn't apply in the US either because the TJ listing of the products doesn't apply in America.

So I don't need my T G A number on my products in the U. S. Or in the U. K. I need a different set of regulations there. But not the T G. A. Product. Goodness me. Gosh, is there anything you wish that someone told you in the beginning, before you were getting started that you can share abort mission back back. No. Um honestly, I will say guys, like everyone listening, I have done so many great things. I wrote a book. Meghan Markle was in it. I did a book tour around the world, lived in L. A. Did the whole Hollywood thing was on the news like had the red carpets channel seven news reporter for seven years. Best life like the best fun of everything. And now it's going to sound terrible. This is the hardest I've ever had I've ever worked. This is the most of myself that I've put into anything. It is a nice to think news reporting was a 24 hour job and it literally is your on air sometimes 24 hours straight. And I have been in those stories where they the story never ends.

News is 24 7. This is If there's possible 28/7 there is no I'm a ceo and founder now And social media coordinator, marketing coordinator, advertising coordinator, financial planner, financial. I pay all the bills like never ever ever stops the amount of things that I do for the business. And so I am working 28/7 if that's the thing I'm going to make it a thing. And so you really before you start, I wish someone would have told me that the other day my husband wouldn't have made a difference. What did you think this was? Yeah, it was like what did you think you were just going to swan around at events and I was like yep and I do go to a lot of events and you know the events these days, the business events with cool business women. And we all talk about and every one of them say the same thing. I was at this other founders event the other day and the events are very far in between, but they're so amazing because I get, we get to share our war stories and you know, we're all sitting there. I remember the other founder of amazing fashion company saying, you know, she said to me, she's the only person that's allowed to post on their instagram and checks every post.

And I said, I do that too. You know, you as a founder sometimes you don't pass anything on. So would, I wouldn't have changed anything if I would have known, I just think I would have been better equipped or mentally prepared for what it has. Like, I didn't do anything, you know, when you're like, before I had a kid, I like cleaned up the house and did the nursery, like I didn't, I didn't do anything. I just started and never realized that my life would change forever in a whole different way and you really don't have time to catch up. So maybe I would have gone to the gym a few times boards and clothes, like wash my hair, like, you know, things like that. So I would have time to True. I think it is a common kind of misconception because especially, you know, when brands are so beautiful, they have beautiful packaging, You see the glossy instagram, they're really cool Tiktok and the cool curated behind the scenes and you think like, oh, owning a business so glamorous but bloody stressful. What do you want to shout about what's happening this year that you want everyone to know?

So look, 20, has come around so quickly, hasn't it? And I feel like it's been a tough year for everyone. I really feel like I don't know if it's the same in the UK where you are, but definitely in Australia, you know, things have changed a lot. The retail landscape has changed. Beauty has changed becoming saturated. Everyone's a bit nervous. Um, sorry, I was going to give advice, but anyway, well I guess my advice. Okay, my advice is honestly and truly don't let what's happening in the world dishearten you or or sway you from starting your dreams. Imagine how many people said to me absolutely do not do your sunscreen. Why would you do that? That's insane. Like imagine how many people, imagine how many people said to me when I was a celebrity reporter back in the day, how many people said to me, you can never be a hard news reporter. And I said, well it's up to you. Like I'll prove that I can, so never, ever listen to anyone if you feel like you have an idea and you want to do it, you just go out and do it and I'm telling you the number of people who said you can't do this mist and I just did it eventually with lot of hard work, you can do it.

I don't really have anything to shout about about naked Sundays because I prefer to use this time to inspire the others. So I'd rather talk about you guys. So I just feel like never look at it and think look how glamorous and it's so much fun and I want to be a founder rather thing, what product or what service or what is missing from the market and how can I help that? And I felt like with my platform, even though I didn't tell anyone who I was, but with my sort of news reporter background, I really knew the gap in the market and I really felt like I could make a difference there. So if anything, I, I think maybe I will shout about reapply your SPF. Don't think just putting it on in the morning is going to last all day. It's not Yes. Oh my gosh, I've learned that from you today right here. And I'm gonna be well, I mean now I'm gonna have to get some missed because I am also like how on earth would I put sunscreen back over my makeup. Crazy, so crazy. Never thought about it. Hey, it's dune here. Thanks for listening to this amazing episode of the female startup Club podcast.

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$0-$100k in 4 weeks, with Naked Sundays Founder Samantha Brett (part 1)
$0-$100k in 4 weeks, with Naked Sundays Founder Samantha Brett (part 1)
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