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6 quick questions with Piera Gelardi , Founder of Refinery29 (Part 2)

by Female Startup Club
December 1st 2022

This is Piera Gelardi for Female Startup Club

Hello and welcome back to the show! It’s Doone here, your host and hype girl.

Today I’m having a chat with the wonderful Piera Gelardi,... More

Welcome Back. Here are the six quick questions. So question # one is what's your why? Why do you wake up every single day and focus on wild things world. I love to see people come alive through creativity and play, Love it, Love it. Question number two is throughout your career, what's been your most favorite marketing moment? Oh, throughout my whole career, it can be anything, it can be recent, whatever you like. Okay, well definitely my most favorite marketing moment ever was when we launched 29 rooms for the first time. It was such a gamble and it was something we had never done before and I, you know, was so passionate about it, the team was so passionate about it, but you know, there was still a lot of question of like is this going to work or people going to show up? And it ended up being one of the things that we were most known for, you know at refinery was doing it and it was also one of these things where I saw how when you are courageously creative, that creates more courageous creativity in the world, like everyone that came through the way that they lit up the way that their creativity like came alive and the space was so magical and it was like, you know, wouldn't have happened without that huge risk, you know, that taking that huge leap of faith, so that was definitely just the most like magical marketing moment of my career, wow, that's so cool, so cool and it's so cool that you get to be like the you know, the visionary of that and you're able to be like, yeah, we like, we created that, we got to do that and impact so many people powerful really, it was amazing to like lead the team through that and help you know, I mean it was such a group effort of coming up with the idea and bringing it to life and it was, it was amazing, it was so special.

Cool. The best question Number three is what's your go to business resource? Like what are the books you're reading on the podcast that you're listening to or the newsletters that you subscribe to that help you in business. My favorite business podcast and just general podcast is reset with Liz Tran. She's an incredible executive coach and entrepreneur, herself and author and I love her podcast because it really blends like spiritual wisdom with business and just in life and so it's, it's one that I just go back to all the time. I re listen to some of my favorite episodes and it's just like definitely like a Touchstone for so many things that I do. I love that I'm gonna link it in the show notes for anyone who wants to check that out. Question number four is how do you win the day, what are your am or PM rituals and habits that keep you feeling happy, successful and motivated.

I don't do, I'm not perfectly consistent with any of them. But the things that definitely helped me to win the day are movement, especially running and dancing just are both so good for my mental health, spiritual health, you know, joy all of it. So getting yeah, either running or running or dancing uh my self compassion practice of writing myself a note in the morning, just taking two minutes to check in with myself and notice where I'm at and have compassion for myself, um really helps to center me and to just ground me and like where I'm at in a given day, I think it's impossible for us to imagine that we're going to be like perfectly consistent day in and day and day out, we're ever changing beings like, you know, I mean hormones are changing our, you know, surroundings are changing, the weather is changing, you know, it's all, it's all in flux.

So I find that having a practice of self compassion and checking in with myself just helps me to be grounded and be realistic with what I where I'm at each day and what I can, what I can give and what what's like aligned to even focus on given where I'm at and then definitely like play, making space for play and creativity, which often, you know, which often is something that I do at the end of the day with my daughter. I usually like when I transition out of work and into mom mode, it's usually through like drawing with my daughter or you know, having a dance party or playing music, you know, making up a song together but definitely getting play into the day is especially because I'm doing a business that is all centered on playing creativity. It's absolutely like a necessity for me to feel aligned and feel connected to the work that I'm doing. Absolutely. I was watching your video with your daughter viva when she's giving you the makeover and creative expression and I was so damn cute and so fun.

It looks so fun. Yeah, it's so fun. I mean, yeah, it's fun to give her like, yeah, just let her have creative control. Sometimes I let her dress me, you know, she likes to like pick out my outfits. I don't always let her do my makeup for like a regular day because it's very, very expressive, but it is fun to, it's just fun to like collaborate with her on things and I love it. So special Question # five is what's been your worst money mistake in business and how much did it cost you? It's a good question. I have to, I think my just general money mistake that I constantly make and like unfortunately still continue to make is undervaluing my time and energy and that happens for a whole host of reasons like often, often I'm unrealistic about how much time and energy something is going to take and I don't value it appropriately. Sometimes I'm just really excited for an opportunity and I don't value it because I'm just fixated on like how excited I am um so that's been like, it's something I'm still working on is just making sure that I take the time to properly consider like how much something is going to take and how much that you know that is worth.

I think also as a creative person like often actually I guess this is true of like all gifts, like I think we often undervalue the things that come more naturally to us because we, you know, because they don't feel hard and so I, you know that's just something I've been guilty of like over and over again, it's just like not valuing the things that are exciting to me or that come naturally to me and so it's something that I'm working on and I'm sure it's cost me a million dollars, I'm just gonna throw that number out there, I mean I think it's cost me a lot of money, you know, even actually when I was first started working on refinery, I was just girlfriend, I was like I started with my partner Philip and I was just like consulting for free because I thought it was interesting and exciting and it was actually like you know my other co founder said like you know, you need to, you need to, you know make this, make this official and make this, you know and get paid for this and so yes, it's something I've been guilty of for so many years.

It's just like not properly valuing my time, wow, yeah, that's crazy. And I also feel like as women, we tend to do that more like give time and kind of go with the flow instead of being like, hang on a second, I'm adding like, real value here, I'm actually part of building the vision of this business and its brand, like of course you should be generated and part of that for sure, I'm totally guilty of that. Absolutely, That's a big one, Big one. It's a really big one question. Number six, last question, what is just a crazy story, good or bad that you can share from building your businesses? Okay, well this is just a wild story generally, but I was debating whether I should start wild things World last summer. I was, you know, I felt very passionate about it as we talked about in this podcast, but I was just, you know, questioning whether there was a business, you know, whether there was a business there, you know, whether it might be wiser to pursue other opportunities that were more like immediately and clearly lucrative.

Anyway, so I was debate. I was just like, feeling kind of stuck about whether I should pursue it or not. And I was talking to my friend Sophia and she suggested that I asked the universe for a sign. So I it was the summer and I was in Germany visiting my in laws and I decided to ask the universe for a sign and go for a walk and see if I got a sign. And so I went for a walk along the Rhine river in cologne and I passed like a carnival and I felt like oh maybe this, maybe this is a sign to start my play business. But it didn't feel, it wasn't like I didn't feel like electricity. So then I kept walking and I passed like one of those like these like amazing german playgrounds and I was like, is that my sign? Like I was like but they're all, there's playgrounds all over the place like that's this is this isn't it? And I kept walking and then it was a gloomy day and like the sun started to come out.

So I walked down to the water of the Rhine river and as I got to the edge of the river I heard this clinking sound and I looked down and I shoot you not. There was a message in a bottle at my feet and I picked it up and I was like if this is not a sign, I do not know what is and I opened the letter and it was a message from a seven year old boy named Emiliano about how much he loves playing and creativity and drawing and what, yes, that is crazy. Yeah. So, and then I got in touch with him and his family and actually the project like decision like basically they created this whole like world of, of activities during the pandemic to bring more joy, creativity and connection into their lives, which is like I'm crying, those are like my three words and they, this was the message in a bottle project was one of them and they're like the most amazing, like beautiful, loving, creative family and I've been pen pals with them since then and like basically whenever I feel like I don't know what I'm doing, why like I must be out of my mind to like be in this like startup world again.

I have the bottle like right here and yeah, no, I have it. Yeah, I have it like right on my desk and yeah, when I feel doubt, I just, I just remind myself of this unbelievable sign that I got and this seven year old that lives in all of us and I'm like, okay, I keep going, gotta keep going, wow, that is like, I mean that's the clearest sign we've ever heard of. I know it was, it was unreal. I mean a message in a bottle, you have to be kidding me, literally, I'm like over here just still processing that that's wild. It's actually wild. That's so cool. It's so cool that you're still in touch with them. I love it on so many levels. Yeah, yeah, it's so wild did you frame the letter? I I have to be honest, I, my daughter was playing with the letter and I can't find the letter.

I have the bottle. Now I have a picture, I have a picture of the letter and but I don't, I don't know where it is, this when you need it. Yeah, I mean the bottle itself is like kind of enough of a reminder and like, of course it's just, yeah, magic P era. This has been so much fun. Thank you so much for journey. I'm so excited for 2023 end of 2023. I'm going to be there front and center. Come to you. I will see you on the dance floor. Thank you. You're an amazing hype woman. Thank you so much. Thank you so much so much for having me on this epic podcast and For signing up in advance for 2023 tickets sold right here.

First ticket sold, I'll make you, I'll frame it and put it as a pin for you. The first ticket, Thank you

6 quick questions with Piera Gelardi , Founder of Refinery29 (Part 2)
6 quick questions with Piera Gelardi , Founder of Refinery29 (Part 2)
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