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What is the Best Diet to do to Improve your Chances of Getting Pregnant? | The Fertility Connection Talk Show

by Monica Cox
September 7th 2021

💚 On Tuesdays, I'm bringing back some of the first podcast I recorded. They are raw and not newly edited, so you will hear the podcast being called Infertile Diagnosis. But don't worry, you're sti... More

Thank you for joining me for another episode of the Finding fertility podcast. I want to remind you that every Tuesday I relaunch one of my favorite episodes that we've done in the past. So if you hear any funny dates offers or even the podcast being called the infertile diagnosis. This is why I hope you forgive me for this and enjoy the amazing content we're putting out here on the podcast. And whenever you're ready for more guided support, make sure you go over to the website and check out the fertility formula. This is where I take you through the six vital steps you need to overcome your fertility issues. The formula is an exclusive 10 week online program packed full of everything I did to get pregnant naturally. Using science backed functional medicine, you'll discover the method I take with my 1 to 1 client without the high price tag. Start boosting your fertility naturally by maximizing all areas of your health. Today, the monthly membership includes special access to me, your fertility health coach.

So check it out over at the website www dot Finding fertility dot co backslash fertility formula. Hello, Beautiful and welcome to Finding Fertility. Yeah, happy friday. Everyone welcome back to another episode of Finding fertility. I'm your host from Monica from Monica cox Monica cox from Finding fertility dot co. We have a talk show again today. If I'm super excited about this um topic that we are discussing because I think it will help kind of give everyone a really good insight about narrowing down the right diet for you and why that is important for some and why some can get away with doing the bare minimum of you know maybe eliminating gluten and dairy But before we get started I wanted to remind you about the 10 day challenge that I have coming up on February.

No its march my gosh, I'm all Over the place today March 18 And it's a 10 day challenge where I am going to support and hold you accountable of eliminating some of your inflammation foods that you know deep down are causing some issues and encouraging you to find some mindfulness practices to help you cope with life's Bs and all of the infertility bs that you're dealing with right now as well. So go check it out. It is at finding fertility challenge dot com. Sign up, get registration. Did I'm super excited. So without further ado let's get to the talk show today. Um We have some beautiful ladies so we're gonna send it around um Sarah you are up on my my feet first go ahead. I don't feel too bad for you stuck stuck in hawaii very girl. Um Yeah, I'm Sarah Clark founder of fertile and hosted to get pregnant naturally podcasts and we use functional lab testing to help couples get pregnant naturally using diet and lifestyle changes.

My name is Robin deacon and I help women conquer the stress of infertility to not only get pregnant faster but to thrive during the process of what can sometimes be a really shitty process, I am devon bias, I am the fertility finance coach and I help women make save and manifest money to fund of their future families fast. Thanks for joining us ladies and I'm Monica from finding fertility and I help you explain your unexplained infertility. So today is kind of a hot topic. I know going back to instagram there was just opposed about doing holistic treatment or versus IVF and this one is a big one too. You know a lot of people believe it, a lot of people don't believe it but it is diet, Does diet impact your fertility health and if it is impacting your fertility health, what diet do you do? Do you just go on a paleo and keto vegan a vegetarian.

Is it a one size fits all or do we all need a really customized diet to um you know improve our fertility. Um So Robin, you brought this up, you wanted to discuss this, I know that you kind of do a little bit, you're very much mindset but you do believe in diet, you do believe that that is a big Big part of the component. What are your thoughts on this? one 100%. I think that what we eat is a major contributing factor to our fertility and just like you know like you Monica like you sarah you know what we eat, what we put in our bodies is super important and that can actually break our fertility. However um I know that you girls will probably advocate for bio individuality uh and like saying to people whenever I interview people on the fertility where his podcast cell and its nutritionists and things like that, they will say I'll say gluten free, dairy free. And the answer that I get from people like you is often well not necessarily, you might not you might not have a problem with dairy.

Um But here's the thing in my programs I tell people to cut out gluten to cut out dairy to cut out, you know like certain foods, I think we can all agree that you know like cut out processed food and sugar and things like that, but there are certain foods that I think can be not controversial but we can disagree with. Um and certainly you know like I promote a group approach, you guys promote bio individuality. Um and I think from me I definitely get the response that I get from nutritionists from functional medicine practitioners and practitioners and things like that, that we need to look at actually what is it that's going on with your body. But I think the reality is that because many people out there, like I believe that the majority for the majority of people gluten and dairy is not going to help their fertility, it's got like and I don't think it's going to harm their fertility and cutting it out.

So for me because my programs have always been at sort of that lower cost and not at that 1 to 1 level, but I think that as a first step like people, people absolutely need to go with cutting out some of these major food groups. Um And then if that's not working, have a look at getting accustomed 1-1, you know like functional medicine, food testing and things like that done as maybe a second step. Yeah. To me, I think the food pieces is I think a lot of people get it wrong because many people have done a whole 30 or you know we're in the middle of the Keto Craze a few years ago, it was paleo you know, plant based vegan thing is those diets that work for someone but they may not work for you. So yeah the bio individuality um to me like we started everyone off by doing the the elimination diets, you're taking out those top those top inflammatory foods and so which are gluten, dairy, soy, corn, peanuts and eggs, including processed sugar, take those out for 10 days systematically reintroduce them, see how it impacts your body.

Um And not everyone needs to go gluten free. You can tell you that high percentage people that we work with though they have, you see there celiac or non celiac gluten sensitivity. We see that all the time, high sensitivity to gluten. That was the case for me. Um So you do the elimination diet and then take it further by what Robin was saying, taking out dairy and gluten for at least 60 to 90 days. And if you're not pregnant after that uh then do some of some of the functional testing. Like looking at food sensitivity testing and gut testing. Um because I think there's a lot of misinformation about the food. You know, there's a harvard, there's a harvard nurses study. So the ability diet talking about, you know having complex carbs, eating all your whole grains, making sure you have full fat dairy and all that. But to me, you know that you know that can be good. But what if your body is intolerant to it? So to me do the elimination diet first, see if there's an issue and then you can then go to full fat organic dairy, then you can eat Ezekiel bread filled with all these great you know um grains.

But if it's bad for your body um you have to figure that out. And I say most people that come to me would say I don't have a food sensitivity, I'm totally fine. I'm eating my organic foods. Um And it's in the majority of people that we work with, they have got the food sensitivity and it's missed routinely. seven. I know you're just dying to get in on this topic because your knowledge of not your knowledge, you're like, what are your thoughts coming from your point of view because um I think it's valid. I think there's a lot of people out there that maybe feel like you. And the thing is, is that if I'm right, you didn't change up really anything in your diet, you got pregnant with an IVF baby and then you got pregnant naturally after that. So, I think a lot of people might look at you or look at different cases and go, well, they didn't do anything. So why can't I do that? What's your thoughts? Uh Yeah. You know, it's really hard because I can't be a raging hypocrite over here and be like, yeah, totally. You guys should give up dairy and gluten every, you know, no processed foods.

And I'm like, you drink for capping? Like I'm not, I'm the poster child for everything not to do. Like, my strategy is intermittent fasting and second desserts, because not because it's good for you because it will get you pregnant, but just because I can't stop. So I'm not, I'm definitely not the person to ask on that, but I am the person to doubt the information that I see. And uh you know, is it because I didn't look deep enough, Is it because there was conflicting information? Or is it because I didn't want to know because then I would feel like I needed to do it and I just knew that I couldn't do it. You know, that's probably more what's underlying it. I know I need to give up sugar. I know this crap is not good for me. You know, I just can't. So if I'm looking at it from fertility finance perspective, then like what Robin was saying here's something that works for a lot of people.

Maybe the majority of people a lower priced option in depending on what stage you're at, it's worth doing this first and then if this isn't working, you know, do you want to dive a little deeper? I think that having more information about our bodies is always a good thing and there's probably only one way to find out, right? Yeah. I mean the thing I I mean I agree with everyone here, right? So um my truth is I tried the elimination diet. I went paleo for a whole year. It didn't work for me, I wasn't getting pregnant. And that's why we're so different. And I would say most people that come to me and Sarah have done that. They have done programs that there's just generic diet or they've read a book and they've tried the whole 30. They have done that and it's just not working for them. It's not connecting and that's what fertility is. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to be the most perfect autoimmune paleo person to reconnect your fertility.

You literally have to get to a level of lowering the information because sick people get pregnant all the time, right? Unhealthy people get pregnant all the time. And that's how you see people getting pregnant who aren't changing diet, who aren't changing lifestyle, who IVF works for them on the first go, who are like smoking crack and get pregnant. It's their level of their fertility being disconnected. And for some of us we have to go way deeper with it. The thing I would say about that though is just because you can get pregnant, stay pregnant and have a baby. Your level of health dictates your journey and your you know, potentially your child's journey of health. So you know you see these people like I was so my first pregnancy was IBF and I was high risk. I wasn't like an older mom. I didn't have diabetes, I had nothing wrong with me. But because I was IVF, they treated me as high risk. Because the statistics out there is that um all the IVF pregnancies and I the IVF Yeah, I would say the pregnancies um just have higher risk.

They see a lot more issues with IVF pregnancies and I don't think that has anything to do personally. These are my views on the IVF procedure itself. I feel it's the level of health that we are getting pregnant and we are using drugs to help us maintain that health. So my first pregnancy, I was on immune suppressing drugs to help my body I at that point of my game, I would have never got pregnant without those drugs. And so but the thing was, is that I was really maintaining improving my health where a lot of the times if we're not really getting down to that underlying root cause of what's going on, we can see a lot more complications. And the crappy thing about this is, yeah, you have people like you devon that don't have to do that, get pregnant. You know, IVF and naturally and people like me that had to I had to change up things massively even to make healthy embryos. So we're also different.

And it's super frustrating that I think what we do is we compare ourselves, right? And there's so much nutritional information and everyone's like, this is the way this is what I did. This is amazing for me. And yeah, when people, you know, maybe come to me and Sarah, they're like, I've done it, I've done it, I've done it. Or you hear people like, I've done diet, it doesn't work. It's like, well it didn't work for you because you didn't find the right one. And even within elimination diets, there's different elimination diet. So we do an elimination diet. We did in the fertility warrior diet. Um but we don't cut out corn, we don't cut out eggs, but we do cut out red meat um and we only cut out unfermented soy. So I think even then elimination diets, there's variances as well. But I wanted to ask devon I'm really curious about this, if you had your time again. Okay, so let's say that your two little people were pre two little people knowing what, you know now.

Like, do you feel so, I guess just a yes or no answer quickly. Do you feel like diet can improve your chances of conceiving? Yes. So if you were in the same place beforehand and knowing that diet can help you get pregnant sooner, can help you drastically improve your fertility. And from money and finance perspective, looking at the cost of IVF versus the cost of avoiding IVF and possibly being able to conceive even like naturally, do you feel if you had your chance again, would you make big dietary changes or do you think that that was just is still beyond what you could manage. I would like to say that I would try. Uh but all the diets I've tried have lasted less than 24 hours, because because I freaking can't I can't do it, it makes me hyper obsessed and uh terribly grumpy.

And then I end up at Mcdonald's at midnight and it's just, it doesn't work for me. The intermittent fasting works for me. I can delay, not deny. Um And because I'm not, I already had other diagnosis, I guess so, knowing what the endometriosis and like then while below a MH turned out to not be, you know, it's probably expecting to deal as at the time. I don't I can't say that there's a 1-1 for me. I think if it was unexplained infertility, I might have been more likely. Um to also I think it absolutely compliments uh you know, no matter what you're doing, it complements if it can be the missing piece in and of itself, or at least complements the other treatments that you are doing for your own health or your kid's health. Like, if you can manage, you should certainly do that. I want to know you should forgive yourself. Well, see, I want to know why you say can't because I know as a coach, if someone came to you and kept saying, I can't not save money, I can't I can't do my finances.

I can't do this. What would you say to them if they kept using the word can't? Well, this is going to end up being an intervention me after lunch. That's a little resistance. I can I get it like, this is not I'm not trying to attack you. I'm not trying to change your mind, but I know as a coach you are a good coach, we've had a coaching session together and I know that you wouldn't let anyone sit there and say I can't, no, I know I would say try changing it to it's not a priority. You know, I would try that and see how that feels to be, like, changing my health is not a priority, I guess with the diabetes. So we're not here to convince it to me. Like, if you you can listen my podcast, I go on at length about all of us. But um, but if it doesn't feel right for you, then you have to do the work. So we're not gonna to me, you can't convince anybody. If it doesn't feel right, then it's not right for you. Look at other things. Um but if you're like, wait a minute, oh, I could do some of this and that would be like, way less cheaper and basically improve my health, my pregnancy, my Children's health, all of these things um you know, like, I don't know, I think we're gonna look back on this time like time and where we are with clinics and all that stuff was um we're going to look back and go, what, why would you know, I'm the same as Monica.

The tagline is IVF has last and I think we're going to look back and go, what were we doing? And a lot of our worries are being are are telling us so there's nothing we can do. Like, it's just basically, you know, eat some fruits and vegetables and um, you know, don't do vigorous exercise. And so there's a very, very small changes that they say that, you know that that can be done, but they're not trained in this. I think you nailed it on the head seven though, is that you weren't you didn't go to that desperation, right? You got success on that IVF And for me, because I wasn't getting success. You know, two failed IVF even after a major major diet change, I was just like driven to find what I found, right? There was something out there. I knew I can explain my unexplained infertility and I feel like we can only speak our truce, right? So that's maybe why I'm so passionate about like finding the right diet for you and not giving out like a general um diet per se. Um, but you know, you can only come from your experiences.

Um and yeah, I think especially your diagnosis, I think that is a big thing for people. They get hung up on this diagnosis that you don't have control over, that you don't have control over your endometriosis. You don't have control over your low Mh score, which the reality is you do and it is through diet and lifestyle. So Monica, do you start like, so when you start with your client. So I've said that the fertility worry diet, we start with the elimination diet. Sarah says she starts with elimination diet. Do you start with an elimination diet? I give people a choice. So, I have a client right now that she listens to this podcast, that she'll know what I'm talking about. That She actually did a food sensitivity test with me and everything on paper because we don't just look at the food sensitivity tests, I get like a huge background of what's going on, all your symptoms, how you're feeling, how you feel with food and everything on paper. I would have put her on a full auto new paleo diet. Her food sensitivity test came back and she wasn't fucking allergic to anything.

Um, but I'm really grateful that she's super open minded and she's actually chosen herself. So we've said, okay, let's go at elimination diet. You know, you have like a gluten sensitivity. So we're, you know, you're off glue in, but let's go for these like, you know, the top reactive and our last meeting, she was like a I feel like I want to go for autoimmune paleo. I was like, okay, it's hard. Like, I I don't actually recommend people going that restrictive because it is a hard diet to do um is best to find your reactors because not everyone who has autoimmune issues. Like I can do eggs. I can do like, I never got off eggs. I never got off almonds, I never got off pine nuts. Um I'm sure there was a few other little things. Um, but I found my paprika, I found tomatoes, the over jeans and like peppers and those are all healthy foods. And I was hammering those foods. I love mexican.

I love, like, indian food. So it's really trying to narrow down um what is your reactive and like I said, most people who come to me have done the eliminations, they've done all that kind of stuff. So it's really me helping them like knuckle down on like a more restrictive diet. So she's actually doing autoimmune paleo for two weeks and then we're going to re introduce some of the foods that she um that she loves like eggs, she has a mild intolerance to cabbage and cauliflower, which is you know, cauliflower is like the new wheat isn't it? Like everything is made out of cauliflower. So if you're if you're already gluten intolerant and you're now can't eat cauliflower, you're like shit, no more pizza, Chemo pizza, right? So um so yeah, I really just try to help people taylor a diet that's manageable at first and if that's still not working um But the thing is like I said before, you know the fertility links, you don't have to be perfect, you don't have to even get off all of your necessarily inflammation food, you just need to really significantly lower that and decide how much you want to lower, it's a personal choice, right?

And then um wait it out, it's time served and that's what's so frustrating about this journey because everyone wants to be pregnant yesterday and here we are saying wait three months, you know and I feel like that's why IVF might be a super driver because it's like I can do it next month, I can know the results and like that I need that, I need that. I need that. It's like getting that patients in, you getting that you know that calmness That actually I know for me if I would have just even if I would have taken two years to fix my shit, I would have saved me seven. Mm So it's um it's but it's really hard. Like we've talked about this before. It's so hard when you're in that mindset in that drive, like you just want a baby, you just want to be pregnant. You don't want to sit back and figure your shit out emotionally and physically, right? Because it's not just about the diet. You could be eating all the healthy foods, taking all the right supplements and you can still be fucking yourself.

Yeah. And just raging with inflammation. Like from a mental level. Um So I'm curious sorry to be keeping us all these questions but so Sarah and Monica, would you say that if there was like a diet that you recommended, would you most often come back to paleo autoimmune paleo? Or are you sometimes recommending people go vegan or onto other diets? Or do you find that you often are coming back to like autoimmune paleo? Like we start everyone off both couples doing the elimination diet because it's the gold standard to figure out, you know what's going on with your with your food and then it's the reintroduction face. People are like, oh I took all these foods up for 10 days and who I feel great because that day five or six or feeling fabulous. But it's the reintroduction phase, how does each food impact your body? And then we have people do the food sensitivity test and that is like like Monica saying it's like it's not a perfect test, We're actually digging more into um Zoomer bundles. Now there's a Zoomer wheat bundle, Zoomer soy and Zoomer um corn because it will dig into.

So the Zoomer will look at 26 pro proteins in wheat. And the current the current celiac test looks at one. Um and then we we were so there's a lot of false negatives were like I don't know it's celiac disease. Meanwhile you could have you could have celiac or you can also have non celiac gluten sensitivity. So to me the food piece is I think a lot of people get it wrong and a lot of people come to me doing eating organic but they haven't really truly done the elimination diet and it's like you and your partner is not just you you and your partner and then we have them do it and then we they they record how they're feeling while corn makes me feel this, you know dairy makes me feel that because two weeks later when you want to have the cheese, you'll forget that it made major stomach upset, you'll forget that you know what made you Flemmi so we haven't recorded and then yeah like as far as an actual diet like we don't um like it's more individual based on the elimination diet and the food sensitivity test. Typically like we are recommending most people are dairy and gluten free.

Um Not all but I say like in the couples were working with we work with a lot of unexplained and low M. H. And P. O. F. R. P. O. I like a lot of them are high sensitivity to gluten which we're finding on the Zoomer panel and we also find that on the G. I. Map which is a stool test. So a lot of stuff there is missed. But as Monica is saying is just not about the diet, you can do this beautiful perfect diet. But if you're like you were saying that to you, Robin and devon like you're super stressed like you eating this perfect diet is is doesn't do any any good. There's like it's the whole thing. Yeah I I don't necessarily recommend any kind of diet per se. You know you have the paleo and the autoimmune are just. Goodly ways because they do get rid of the top um allergies for most people. Um I'm not a huge fan of vegan because you have to be really good with your supplementation and sometimes people just get that wrong because the way your body is wired that you're not you know um getting the proper B vitamins, you know, there's a there can be a lot of issues with a very strict vegan diet if someone wants to be vegan, I try to support them through that.

Um I would never say don't, you know, like if they really feel truly passionate about it um but it's it's a very hard diet to do right for a long term. Um Kay does the same way. I think there's a lot of bad information about keto you see, I I see it all the time on instagram, like people doing the keto diet and eating fucking like pepperoni sausage sticks and like uh keto fries. And I think that's the same as, you know, even a paleo diet now in a vegetarian diet, you know, I I tell my clients now, watch out for that stuff that says whole food or what is it? A whole 30 friendly and paleo friendly. I'm like they've just replaced that gluten that you're not supposed to have with a lot of other shit that you're not supposed to eat or is not supposed to be, but like it's not healthy for your body, especially when you're healing and I think that's the important part is that when you are really dealing with some underlining issues of infertility, your body needs time to heal and that's what the elimination part is all about.

And so it's never about like you, this is the way you're going to eat for the rest of your life. It's short term. Yeah. So when your gut is really unhealthy, you have higher sensitivities to other foods. So when you improve your gut health, you can actually eat more foods um and not be sensitive to them. Um And everyone's different. Some people can get back on a lot of stuff. I know, like for me, um I did so much fucking damage in my youth. Um that I I will most likely unless I went strict for like, 5, 10 years per se. I don't know. Um I'll never be able to just eat night shades on like, even a 123 times a week basis and include a little corn, a little rice, you know, this whole 80-20 thing I've done it. I've tried to do it this last year. It doesn't work for me. Um And, you know, on top of that, like throwing in some alcohol and some stress. It's a real recipe for, you know, gut dysfunction for me.

You know, and that's just the way it is. That's the way my genetics were set up probably and the way that I live my life and just the damage. It's like thyroid health, right? You can you slowly get that that bad and then you get to a point where it's irreversible, you will be on thyroid medication The rest of your life where if you catch it, you can live a lifestyle to reverse it and have good thyroid health. So there's that line unfortunately I think I was probably infertile at 17. I think if you have an auto immune disease like looking at doing the elimination diet we don't start we don't start people out with the I. P. Diet. But there's actually studies published this year in the Journal of american Medicine. Um And they were actually two of the studies around around my podcast talking about the efficacy of the I. P. Diet with hashimoto's and people there was like um 17 people in the study. One person had to leave the study because she got pregnant after eight weeks. The rest were able to reduce their their their their medication and lifestyle parameters improved. And also the other study they did was the I.

P. Diet and and and I. B. D. S. Or irritable bowel disease. So Crohn's or colitis and 75 76% of people in the study was a small study of 11 people were able to go into remission and these people had IBD for freaking like 18 19 years. So there was like long long term IBD sufferers. And we see a lot of people yeah with oi oh by the way I have Crohn's or colitis and I have infertility. Oh by the way I have Hashimoto's and infertility. It's not it's not. Oh by the way that's like stuff to dig into and it's a clue. So like you guys know that on my journey, I actually, what became vegan on my journey, um I did all sorts of things. It's actually really funny if you ever go to like the very first posts on my website where I was like, I'm trying really hard to give up dairy, I'll give up dairy, but anyway, went on this journey, I definitely, I can definitely understand what you mean about long term veganism um and supplements and I was supported with a natural path and you know, Colleen and think that Colleen supplements and things like that, but I could confidently say that I never felt better in my life than when I was vegan, so I'm not vegan now, don't really eat a lot of red meat before doing any red meat or anything like that, have introduced a few other foods, but I feel like, you know, and then when we come to like autoimmune paleo and then some people will say for conditions autoimmune conditions like endometriosis, a lot of people will recommend a plant based diet.

All diets I think should be plant based um inverted commerce for those who are listening on the podcast, but my very long winded way of saying that is actually think that a lot of what was great about for me in my body about the vegan diet was eliminating dairy. Do you feel like, you know like when we look at studies and things like that, the studies that have recommended you just talked about, do you feel though that it's a lot of the time like it actually just comes back to during Yeah. Those those those are those are the two top allergens. I do think people miss corn because you go free. Then you're you pound out the corn saying with eggs having eggs every day. I think the thing that you, if you say to me the thing I cannot give up, that's probably the thing that you're most intolerant to your like I cannot give up my bread. No freaking way. Or I cannot give up my cheese like to really dig into that. And if you're struggling infertility and you're gone plant and you are plant based vegan and you're like, I am not changing, I am not doing that.

That is for you to have an open mind to say, well wait a minute if I would actually change my diet here and I understand having ethical issues on this. Both my parents have been vegans for 30 years, I completely get this. But if you're struggling and you're like locked into something to have an open mind and again, we can't convince. But for you to kind of go, oh wait a minute, maybe, maybe my body does not like playing bass. I know for a while I did go plant based vegan. My husband was like, are you afraid he was dying? He couldn't was like he was weak. He's like feed me, I'm dying. Like, oh, this is wonderful. I'm so happy. But if you but if you have high Bs issues, all that fucking roughage and all those beans, you are going to be just a digestive issues. Like, crazy. So, again, very individual. Um and I think being open minded is key. And I think Robin, it comes back to, like, like, here's your fertility, here's, like, infertility, right? Like, you just need to get there in your fertile. So, if you are, like, if you have some issues and you cut out too big inflammations, right?

For some people, and you're doing mindset, because remember you're doing mindset as well, you get there. Yeah. Right? So that might be a successful IVF or that might be successful natural pregnancy or a I U I so, I think that's why we see so much success with this. I think, unfortunately with the way, you know, they talk about the millenniums being the Canaries in the coal mine, I am the fucking top chief Canary coming out of that coal mine, right? Like, like, I don't consider myself a millennium, but I'm borderline, um you know, like, there was nothing wrong with me. I had the same exact diet, the same exact lifestyle then everyone else around me and I was the one really ill and infertility was my major symptoms. I mean, I had other symptoms on top of that, but nothing that was I wasn't going to the hospital. I wasn't sick, I wasn't getting out of bed, you know, thanks. And infertility was mine. So you know the way we see, you know like, I mean, I don't really know the statistics, but what, it's one in eight right now, one in six in Canada, I don't know what it is, right?

Like how was it when in 16 years ago? Probably not. You know, what's it going to be in 10 years time? You know, is this going to get worse? Is our community going to grow? You know that that's the thing is like infertility is a bigger issue now, I do agree that people are speaking about it a lot more, but like Sarah, you're great with the statistics on the IVF clinics, right, How many ivy craft clinics do we have a few years ago? Like in 1985 there was 44 and now and now in the states now. And excuse me in 2015, there's 450. So 450 clinics in the US like what has going on? This is like big business. But just in just one thing, just to go on about the elimination diet and your question about there, are you if you thought about dairy and gluten free, like I have people reaching out because I tell on the podcast there's an episode how and why they do the elimination diet? I take you through the exact steps. Um I got people doing the elimination diet and then going dairy and gluten free and tell me because of my podcast, they're you know, they're they're they're pregnant just making those changes alone. So to me, I'm like holy shit, uh you know, an IVF could be take three cycles of the cost of six, okay.

And we've just made these simple changes and you're like, you feel so good, you feel fucking good. Like, you know, most people are coming to me are not it's not a sick population, they're not you guys like they're not feeling there like I just want to have my baby, I don't feel sick, but sometimes you don't know how poorly your feeling until you feel freaking awesome. Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with that. Can I just, can we just give you props that actually just spinning off the number of obviously right almost felt like that was like who knows that Sarah's like show actually I know that's why I like to do a documentary called secret ingredients and they did a whole, they were talking about people just doing the foundational changes of going non GMO and organic. I'm able to heal from 21 chronic diseases and in there there was a woman who had repeat miscarriage and she's like I just went non GMO it's not just I changed my diet to non GMO and organic and then they did a whole study talking about those clinics, which is it is it is, it's bringing trillion dollar business and start ups and all sorts of stuff are popping up all over the place and um just reading something unfortunate magazine yesterday talking about how like it, I think with all this egg freezing and all these, that's a whole other podcast but how it's being there's like it's interesting for women to have the right for all this stuff.

But then what are we doing like is it Handmaid's Tale? I I don't know, there's something going on here. Yeah, I can talk about hand nights tell for a long time, right, let's stop there and make this a new podcast because we actually have some time as you guys know, we get together like once a month to record these and I know devon I think devin have some really good points on some of this stuff. So thank you so much for not clearing up this whole diet issue, whether you should get. I mean this is what we do on this podcast, we don't really give you the crew like the the information. But I hope that has summed up why sometimes just eliminating a few things works or nothing like kevin's case you're lucky bitch. Um and and why you have to sometimes be like me and go full on out to reconnect your fertility health. Um thank you once again, ladies for joining us, I absolutely love these and I hope you guys are enjoying them. There's all the links down below in the show notes and we will see you next week. Bye A few more things before you go.

If you are loving this podcast, please leave us a rating and review it greatly helps out the podcast. So other women like you who are ready to take control of their fertility health in a natural and holistic way, improving your chances of getting pregnant naturally or if you need the support of I U I or IBF, it totally helps us out more than you know, if you would like to connect with any of our beautiful women that do the talk show here on Finding fertility. Their links are down in the show notes, please feel to reach out to any one of us, we are here to support and get you through this infertility journey with a little bit more laughter, love knowledge and support. Make sure you head over to finding fertility dot Co two download your free three things that you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant. This is an amazing free guide that you custom to your journey right now in areas of diet supplementation and lifestyle.

This is also going to lead into the 10 day challenge that is starting March 18th and you can find more about that over at Finding fertility challenge dot co that is it for me this week. Ladies have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Tuesday for another closer today clip. Have a good one.

What is the Best Diet to do to Improve your Chances of Getting Pregnant? | The Fertility Connection Talk Show
What is the Best Diet to do to Improve your Chances of Getting Pregnant? | The Fertility Connection Talk Show
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