How To Be Mesmerizing With Tim Shurr!

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How To Develop Successful Habits! | Tom Ziglar & Tim Shurr

by Tim Shurr
December 14th 2020

In this special episode, we are joined by the CEO of Ziglar Inc., Tom Ziglar. Tom is also a key collaborator on his father’s 30th book, Born to Win. He helps billion... More

the number one lesson that I learned for dad was we get to choose our input right? We get to now when we're little, it's a little bit different, right? Our parents and our teachers and things like that, we just kind of go through the motions, but there's a point in our life when we really have a choice what we listen to, what we read the tv, we watch how long we spend on social media, people that we allow into our lives to give us wisdom or advice. And this creates a cascade. One of the things that I say, we create the future that we see here is the question, what's going on inside the minds of top achievers that caused them to make extraordinary breakthroughs, both personally and professionally. My name is tim Sure. And I invite you to join me as we take a deep dive into the unconscious mind and discover how to transform your biggest dreams into a reality. Welcome to the how to be mesmerizing podcast. Hey everybody! Welcome to how to be mesmerizing. It's tim sure. And oh, we got another legend in the house. I'm so excited, this is a special episode.

We have tom Ziegler on the show tom welcome to the program. Well, tim thanks for having me on and I'm really looking forward to it. This is such a pleasure. So now you are a very accomplished expert and legend when it comes to helping people to build a winning attitude on your own. You also happen to have a very famous dad and for a lot of us, you know, a personal hero. So I had this picture taken of Zig Ziglar and me a long, long, long time ago and he was so special in just a couple of minutes he made me feel like I was the only one in the room, although there was thousands of people standing in line for them to sign a copy of his book or to shake his hand and he made me feel like I mattered like I was special and I never forgot it, you know, and he was always the real deal. He had credibility. That was incredible because you know, he always talked about the redhead, you know, do you know personally, you know, and I always talked about his importance, he would tell stories of how he would make sure that limo drivers who picked him up were men because he never wanted to have that temptation in his life.

He always wanted to make sure that he made his family number one and most important little nuggets like that were so powerful where many of the relationship experts out there had been divorced three or four times and was someone, he was someone who was just you know, he was talking about God and jesus and religion and he was just like the whole package and so he was my early mentor and so to come back all these years later and to spend this time with you is just an absolute treat. So all right, So tom what would you say is your personal secret to success? Wow. So there's a couple of things, the number one lesson that I learned for dad was we get to choose our input, right? We get to now when we're little it's a little bit different, right? Our parents and our teachers and things like that. We just kind of go through the motions, but there's a point in our life when we really have a choice what we listen to, what we read the tv. We watch how long we spend on social media, people that we allow into our lives to give us wisdom or advice.

And this creates a cascade. One of the things that I say is we create the future that we see and the future that we see. Right? And so this is one of the things that recently I've been disappointed in the election on both sides is neither side really created a future I wanted, it was all about tearing down the other side. So if we create the future, we see, what does that do? Well that impacts our thinking. So the input that we bring in impacts the way we think. So what does our thinking do well are thinking impacts our performance, right? If we're thinking right? If we're excited, if we've got energy, if we see a future of hope, then we're gonna do and perform differently then if there is no hope or everything is lost or it doesn't matter. Well our performance today to a large degree determines our future. And so when I think about that, when we get to choose what we allow into our mind and then that has that cascade.

So that's the first thing and then as a habit, I've kind of structured what I call the perfect start, which is, you know, this is one of the success habits that so many people have is how do you start your day? And so I have a routine that I go through uh and part of that routine is putting in the right input. But I say there's two kinds of people in the world, there's and this is a generalization, but there are people who happen to life and there are people that life happens to. And so I believe when we start our day right, we've set ourselves up to happen to life instead of life happening to us. Very good. Yeah, people don't realize how much of an influence and an impact the television their smartphone has. You know, your smartphone is like the greatest hypnotist on the planet and it is heavily influencing how you think and feel whenever I watch a movie at night, it shows up in my dreams later on. And so you've got to make sure that you're filling your mind with inspiring words and messages positive energy and turn off the news because the news is going to scare you, no matter what side you're on or what channel you're watching because that's what news is supposed that we don't have news anymore.

You know, we have hyped up propaganda and uh, it's not like walter Cronkite coming on and sharing what's going on. The world has changed. So I absolutely agree with you tom I think that's very powerful. You know, one of the things just to add on to that is one of my sayings is the fastest way to success is to replace bad habits with good habits. And so I started just looking at every area of my life of what are the little bad habits that I can get rid of and what are the little good habits that I can replace. And I remember I was going through a time like you just mentioned where I was having nightmares and so I'm like why am I having nightmares? And I realized it was because I was falling asleep listening to the news. And so just by changing that one little thing remember I said input. So I learned that from a little boy right dad controlling the input but it took me until my 40s for a second, there is something do that.

So now when I go to sleep it's never on anything that's not gonna lift me up or you know, I like the home improvement shows and stuff like that serving now and then it's one of those that I fall asleep too, but that's such a little thing that we can do, but you change the quality of your sleep, you're gonna change your thinking and your performance the next day. So it's really a big deal, oh, it really is, and home improvement shows are great because it starts with the disaster and always ends with a happy moment, you know, the breakthrough, Yeah, so that's an excellent message to go to sleep to at night. So that's awesome. So what are some of the other lessons maybe that you were learning when you were a kid that, you know, we all kind of resist a little bit because, you know, Zig Ziglar was just your dad, right? And so you know, it's a different kind of experience when you're related to somebody, but what are some other ideas that you picked up that now that you're older, you recognize, you know, there are some real wisdom in that and maybe that's what you teach through the Ziegler Institute now.

Yeah, that's the big thing. And so dad was such a master of questions and that comes from his sales background and I'll give you a little history when I was in college, I played college golf and he was for a small school and non scholarship, so don't get really excited, but I did have the goal at that time in my life, be a professional golfer, so I come home during the summer And I was working with an instructor named Hank Haney and Hank is well known in the golf world. He was Tiger Woods coach for a while and I got you know, dad walks into the house and he says son, come here. And so I was like, how old was 20 years old, 19, probably 20. He says your mom and I are the redhead, we're going to Australia for a speaking tour and we're going to be gone three weeks and I want you to take care of the house. And I said okay. And then I thought for a second and I put on my sales hat because guess what I wanted to do like any 20 year old, I wanted to go to Australia.

So I said, dad, you know what those Australians army and your bags are heavy, it's dangerous over there. You know, every reason I could come up with, don't you want me to come with you? And he could have told me no or he could have said anything. But instead he asked me a couple of questions, he said, the sun is your goal still to be a professional golfer? And I said, yeah. And he said, well I know that you've got big plans for the summer, you've got some tournaments, you've got your practice schedule lined out with Hank Haney and you've got all these things set in motion. So my question is, would go into Australia take you closer to or further from your goal of being a professional golfer and I'll tell you what, that's just not a fair fight. That's right. I went and I said, well you're right, I need to stay. And so I didn't go on that trip. But it's such a powerful question, whether you're leading someone, whether it's a family member, a son or a daughter or whether it's yourself and you've got that impulse that says, boy, I really want to do that.

But you have this big driving dream or goal or aspiration, you want to achieve a great check question is, well, doing this well, spending this time we're spending that money, take me closer to or further from my goal. And so that's just something that's in the back of my head any time I'm thinking about something significant that's powerful. So two main points. One is what I'm thinking about moving me closer or moving me farther away from my goal. That's really good. And you're right, instead of telling somebody something, ask him a question and allow them to come to their own conclusions because they'll believe it more once you realized, oh yeah, maybe I do need to move towards this golf. Your dad didn't have to talk you into it anymore. You were talking yourself into it very wise, yep, it's just a powerful, it's a powerful approach and I use it and you know, I can't coaching and things like that. I was working with a business owner and, you know, Covid is going on? And they're in the H.

B A. C business and they're really doing a remarkable job and he's real proud of his team and and he's planning to get through the slow season. And and he said, how do I do this? How do I coach my people up? And I said, well, why don't you start with a question? And he said, what's that? I said, go to your, go to them individually and say something like this. Hey, I'm so grateful. Hung in here. We persevered. You know, we worked in the heat with mask on and all the different things He said, but my question is next year in 2021, do you want to make more money? The same money or less money? Mhm. Right. Because they have participation in their business, right? If they do well, everybody does well, I said, what do you think they'll say? And he'll say, well, they'll, they'll all say they want to make more money. I said fantastic. And tell them the truth, you want to pay them more money. But in order for that to happen, we've got to raise the performance, right? We've got to sell more. We've got to be better on our costs, whatever the situation.

And so then just ask them, well, that's fantastic. What kind of attitudes do you think would result in a higher level of performance? What type of effort do you think would result in what kind of skill, what do you need to learn? And then all of a sudden he's got this big smile on his face because each person is unique. Each person is different and they're starting to create their own game plan just off of the question, you know, kind of like dad said, you still want to be a professional golfer, it's just as obvious as would you like to make more of the same or less next year. That's a powerful story, that's really powerful because instead of feeling like you have to come up with all the things to say to motivate people, know what you do is you ask great questions and they end up motivating themselves, they get inspired by the questions that you ask. It's such a powerful example. I love that idea a lot of times people just don't know the questions to ask, right? So, you know, being able to, you want to make more money, what kind of attitude would you have, you know, where are areas, where you might be able, where you think we need to grow so that we could produce more clients or what kind of activities can we do to, to turn them into raving fans, you know, where can I coach you or help you or support you in this.

I mean these great questions cause people to go, wow, so truly the quality of your life is being determined by the quality of the questions that you ask yourself and others. That's awesome. Tom So you know, as I was going through all your materials, um you made a statement and I really uh I liked it a lot. It was everybody wants to leave a legacy. So what kind of legacy do you want to leave? Can you tell me a little bit about your thoughts on leaving a legacy and what you meant by that? Yeah, I mean the reality is we're all going to leave a legacy. The question is, will it be by design or by chance? And you know, I've spoken all over the world and I'll ask the audience how many of you want to leave a legacy? And it's like 100% of the hands go up. And so then I started to dig into, you know, what is legacy? What does it mean? Mark patterson has a great quote. He says that an inheritance is what you leave to someone and a legacy is what you believe in someone. Oh, oh and that's good.

I mean it's just so when most people todays world, when we think about legacy, what do we get wrapped up in? We start doing financial planning and trust. And you know, how am I gonna leave my assets? When the reality is, is you know, what we really should do is we should equip those. We love to make great decisions. And so to me, legacy is when you teach and transfer the wisdom, the knowledge, the habits that allow someone to make good decisions that will ripple through eternity. Wow, right. That's what legacy is. Legacy is helping those you love grow through the most difficult challenges. Mm. So right now we're in a tough time and you know, Andy Andrews told me this, he said, you know, we think of the men and women who fought World War Two is the greatest generation, right? That's how we've couched them.

And he said they weren't the greatest generation. Their parents were think about the parents. So they, the parents raised those kids during the depression. Yeah. And they said, you know what? We hardly have anything but we have each other. Yeah. And so if we work hard enough, if we treat each other right? If we support each other, pull together, we can get through this. And so that's what empowered an army. You know, when the US entered the war, we were undermanned, we weren't trained. We didn't have the equipment, we didn't have the battle hardened veterans on our side. You know, that was the opposition. But that mindset that belief, you know what? It's okay if it's a hard time because we're gonna support each other as we grow through it. So that's that's what I really think legacy is, is it's equipping and teaching and transferring the habits, what is a, you know, I talked a lot about purpose.

and so if your purpose is to leave a legacy, you know, there could be other things inside of your purpose beyond legacy. But what are the I call on PPS purpose producing activities that you can do every day to take you closer to that. And this is where we take the theoretical and we make it practical and tactical. So going back to that example, the business owners saying, hey, what kind of attitude do you think you can have that would help you in your performance? Well an obvious one in that world is hey, when I show up to a homeowner who's afraid and worried and the house is 110° on the inside, I can have an attitude of encouragement, I can let them know we're here, we're gonna fix this. They can literally change the atmosphere and so that's a goal, right? I want to have this attitude that changes the way the house is. So what is the P. P. A. What's the performance producing activity that creates that attitude automatically.

Now this is where it gets fun because now that person has to say, well how do I create a good attitude in my life that a customer would respond positively. I guess I gotta prepare before I get there right, I gotta put in some of the right input, I've got to have a belief that we can fix this, all these different things. So whatever it is that you want to create in your life, what are the habits that will automatically result in that creation? And so a good habit is simply a papa a purpose producing activity done every day, wow, that's awesome. Yeah, it's all about your habits, you know, your friends call you an intellectual engineer and I think you just demonstrated why right, you'll take complex ideas and you make them seem so simple and easy that everybody can use them which is a real super power to have. So that's awesome. You know you've been giving a lot of examples already, so I wanted to bring up because I help companies with increasing engagement like a lot of people do and presidents of companies are always asking me how do we get discretionary effort?

How do we get more effort out of our people without having to incentivize them all the time And you know a big part of it has to do with your middle managers and how employees feel and the culture that you create, you said according to the Gallup polls that disengaged employees are like 74%, you know of the workforce, you know that's a you know 73 quarters of the workforce don't feel engaged or appreciated or valued. So what do we do with that, especially when we are, our world has changed and we have so many remote workers now, how do we increase engagement when it was already down? Yeah. You know I've spent the last really for the last four months. This has been my primary area. My Nerd is coming out big time. So this is where a lot of my research has been the gallup studies over the last five or six years. It ranges between 68-74% disengaged. Right? And you go to the UK and some other countries and it might be 90% disengaged.

Right? And so what is disengagement? Well you can tell it in a meeting okay, somebody who's engaged is going to pay attention. They're gonna ask questions, they're gonna volunteer. They're gonna either challenge or support or both. Whatever is going on right? Because they want to do it. The disengaged are the ones who don't really say anything unless they're trapped or called on. And so how do you switch someone from disengaged to engaged? And I go back to that coaching scenario. And this is what I call dream of enlightenment which I borrowed from some other people as a manager, as a leader. Doesn't matter what your role is. If you have people on your team, you need to build a relationship where you understand what their dream, what their y is. What is it that they want to accomplish in life. And I'll give you a story, we did a program years ago for a hospital.

And dr bob was teaching it. So all the staff custodians order lee's nurses. Everybody went through it And it was back then? It was a 12 week program and it was two hours a week. So Dr. Bob gets in the elevator and there's Johnny and Johnny was the janitor there and Johnny is just smiling and whistling and dr bob says, why are you so happy? And he says dr bob, I'm getting a house and it's all your fault. Well dr bob had no idea what he meant. And he said, well tell me about it. He said, well remember three weeks ago in the class where you taught us how to do goal setting and dr bob said, yeah, he said, well, you know, I worked here for 20 years, you guys are like family, I love this place, I have everything I want. And so I had to think what is it that I don't have that I'd really like. And he said a house, nobody in our family's ever owned a house. So I was sitting next to a friend and I wrote the goal, I want to own a house. And I realized as I went through the seven steps questions that you taught that the only thing that I really didn't know was who to go and get a loan from.

So my buddy, I said, where'd you get you alone? And he gave me the name of the banker who was doing the loans, He said I called him up, I went down there, They said you know, do you have pay stubs? Yes. Do you have any debt? No, do you have enough money for a down payment? Yes. He says dr bob. I'm getting a house on friday, wow. It's closer to work. It's much, much nicer than what I was reading and it's less money than I was paying and rent dr bob. I'm getting a house and it's all your fault. No. So what happened in that transaction was real simple where he worked became the place where his dreams came true? Mm And so I would everybody is watching and listen to this. You got kids with student loan debt out the wazoo who were working for you, you got, you know, people who were trying to figure out how to send their kids to college, you got people who are trying to pay off a house. All of these different people in your organization, they all have different dreams and goals when you sit down and you say, hey, what is it that motivates you?

What's your goal? What is it that you really want and then you put a plan in place to help them achieve that. It changes the relationship because this is what I know dreams take time and money, right? The big dreams we have, whether it's travel or you know lake house or RV or whatever is going on in somebody's life takes time and money. And so we also know something else the better you do in your work. Usually you're compensated more. And his dad said when you have a top performer, they're either gonna earn more where they work now or somebody else is gonna pay them more somewhere else. Right? So over time, that's just what happens. And so if we can get them excited about what motivates them and then we start supporting it and usually it's not money. The answer to their dream problem isn't handing them more money, it's helping them grow into the person who performs at a different level where the byproduct of that is more sales, more commission and raise or a promotion, right?

That's what happens. So here's the end of it. People now come to work for a dream instead of a paycheck. Yeah. So imagine a team of people, let's say you've got five people on your team and they all know that your primary goal is to help them achieve their dream. Is that going to change the relationship? Is that going to change how they work? One of the big silver linings of this pandemic and the remote work from home work force, His big companies are realizing that people can work from home that productivity can go up over 60 million commuter hours a day are being saved Right now. 35% of that is going back into productivity. So this is kind of a breakthrough, larger corporations and leaders are understanding that quality of life equals quality of work. So if you want to get your team engaged, get focused on how you can help their quality of life improve.

So just ask yourself this question, what are the things that would hurt my quality of life, my health, my security, Maybe I've got a really awkward home office situation. If you start meeting those needs with kindness and respect and concern for your team and it lifts their quality of life, the quality of work is going to go up. They can't help it. Mm So that's a big thing. I think before this it was starting to shift a little bit, but the old style communication was, hey, from 9 to 5, we own you, you figure out your personal stuff on your personal time. Guess what? It's all the same. Now, if you're working from home, the blend is there, you might start working at five a.m. And do errands in the middle of the day and kids are running around behind you. To me that's fantastic. The question is, how is your quality of life looking?

I also call this from a worker's perspective. I call it the stainless steel handcuffs. So we all know what the golden handcuffs are, right? We're in a position where the pay is too good, the benefits are too good. The stock is going to be given to me in the future. I can't leave even if I wanted to, I'm not gonna leave because I've got golden handcuffs. Well for generations, people around the country in the world have been putting on themselves stainless steel handcuffs and what those are, they're the handcuffs of comfort. Well, you know, I started in this career, it really wasn't what I was meant for. But you know, I kind of liked the people there and I'd have to change too much to go learn something else. All those people got sent home and their spouse lost their job and their whole work environment changed and maybe they lost their job and they realize there is no such thing as job security. And they asked this question, why am I here? What is it that's fulfilling that I can do. And they've started thinking they take those stainless steel handcuffs off and then they realize that there's a perfect match out there for some of them.

And here's the perfect match. There's gonna be a huge demand for top performers and it's not gonna be geographic anymore. You can now as a top performer, you can work for any company anywhere in the world. Yeah. And that's a cool thing. Yeah. So the Zoom, you know, just as another stat, they have a thing called Zoom towns. Have you heard of zoom towns? I have? Yes, it awesome. So what it is. It's a gateway city. It's close to a national park or the ocean or in the mountains and it's a town that has all the things you need, primarily wifi and the basics and people are fleeing the big cities and moving for lifestyle reasons to these other places, taxes are lower rents, Housing costs are lower, but they're still getting the work done. In fact it's going up because they're happier. I'll tell you what, if we embrace this man, I think this could be, we could have the greatest 10 years we've ever had in this country.

If we think it's so yeah man, so beautiful, so profound. I just, I love everything you said. Yeah. I mean there has been a movement for many years with internet marketers about having a laptop lifestyle. I had the freedom to be able to travel and go wherever you want. And even for myself, I was tied down to my office because that's where I saw clients and if we wanted to go somewhere else, I couldn't because I had my office where now I've moved it all virtual so I can go anywhere I want and why would I want to go back. Right. And so I just, oh my God, tom you said so many amazing things. Everybody is going to have to take this interview and go back and share it with their teams and and go through it again because you dropped so many golden nuggets. Oh, I got chills. Quality of your life equals the quality of your work. That is so good. I mean, people have said for many, many years that you've got to take care of your people, you know, you got to, you know, be friends with the people as opposed to the old leadership approach of keep them at an arm's distance, you can't be friends with them or they'll take advantage of you.

And those old fears that broke trust in relationships and you know, you're saying the exact opposite even uh there was a book a while back called Dream Manager that was put out there and and it was all about being that for your people, helping them find their dreams was that, look, I can't remember, I can't remember the author. Yeah, that's the book that inspired me, that dream alignment concept came out of that book. That's a fantastic book. Yeah, it's really good. The idea that work for a dream, not a paycheck, because otherwise, if you're working for the money, it's never ending and you'll always be able to spend more money, it's easier so much easier to spend it than to make it right. And so the never ending cycle, if you're always chasing anything, it runs away so than most people chase money and never have enough of it. So, but if you're going after a dream that's something that lights you up and you're right, I mean 100% right tom when you improve the quality of your life, you're happier, you're more relaxed, you're more focused and that allows you to channel your creativity and you want to be more collaborative and you want to put in more time and effort because you enjoy what you're doing instead of being stressed out by it so powerful and, you know, and asking, I mean, you have such excellent questions, you know, what hurts the quality of life, you know, how would your quality of life improved?

How do you know, when you're, when you have what you want, how will you know, when you have it? A lot of times people have no idea, it's just never ending because they haven't clarified anything, you know, so, wow, that is so, so good. So you have, you know, you guys, you put together a book that came out a little while called, choose to win, and you developed a coaching program behind it, and now you're coaching people um to be trainers of this kind of information that your dad created, that you have taken to the next level and now you're training people virtually so that they can go out there and not only have a coaching model which you have one of the best coaching systems in the world, but not only that, but you also, you demonstrate, you always put into action, you say all these lofty, you know, values that people should have, but you and Ziegler, the brand name actually put it into action, I've talked to many people that work with you and for you and they all say the same thing, the values are so high and you are always in the trenches with everybody and you give them the training, but then you also help them to start recruiting, you know, their first prospects and customers that they can serve.

So tell me a little bit about your choosing to win coaching program. Yeah, so it's based on the book, choose to win and then I'll do it tie into what's going on in the business world right now, which I think is just a huge opportunity in the book. We do. There's two sections of it first, what's your, why? What's your purpose? What's your goal? What you know as an individual, what is that? And so we certify our coaches to help people identify them because it's different for everybody. And then we have seven chapters and we go through the wheel of life And in the color wheel of life there are seven components mental, spiritual, physical family, financial, personal and career. And so what the coach does is that helps that individual identify okay in my mental life the way I think my attitude, you know, my outward behavior, what is it that I'm doing well, right? What are the good habits that I already have that make that?

And then what are the bad habits, what are the things that I'm doing that are holding me back? So that's the idea of replacing a bad habit with a good habit. And so when we talk of quality of life, just think about it. If your mental life was 10 out of 10, if your spiritual life, character integrity and faith and love and all the character qualities that create The trust that we need to have a great relationship. But that was a 10 out of town, physically, If I'm eating right, if I'm getting enough sleep, if I'm moving right, if I'm handling the stress right, if that was a 10 out of 10 if that's me then I can have the influence and example in my family. So what do we do in our family to grow that? And so this is a real foundational, you know, kind of a life skills coaching approach and we work with a lot of business owners and this is what we know if the owner is right, the business has a fantastic chance. If the owners not right, if something's going on in the owner, it doesn't matter what kind of systems they put in, it doesn't matter what kind of people they attract because eventually they're gonna self sabotage that you're so right.

And so that's what we do. So what is the opportunity? And this is what my next book is about, and it's about this, there's just this huge shift that's going on between what I call the old style manager hierarchy, Aeltus top down command and control do it because I said so that leadership is on the way out and the reason is is more and more people are managing people who are remote and you know, what doesn't work on a camera, tim do it because I said, so that doesn't right, So here's where the highway kind of attitude. So this is a great top performer question, if you have a top performer on your team, which do you think they would prefer, hey do it this way, because that's the way I want you to do it, or what do you think is the best way to get this done? That's a coach style leadership, right?

So, you know, manager style is, you know, it's results focused, coach style is collaborative. Yeah. One of the things that I see is the old manager is the charismatic, you know, do it because I said, so the coach style is the collaborative do er so it's about us and so this is the tie down for the coaching, So you've got somebody on your team, they say this is my dream, or I want to make more money next year and you say how would you get that? And they start telling you well, I need to learn this and I need to improve this skill and this is the attitude and you know, I need to plan my work better. Yeah, then you get asked of the great coaching question of all time, is it okay if I hold you accountable to your own goals? Yeah. What are they going to say? Powerful question. Just a powerful thing. So what's the big opportunity? I think there's a golden opportunity right now for leaders inside of companies to learn how to coach their people.

And so that's one of the things that we're working on is coaching the coach, right? We want to coach leaders how to coach their people because if you can identify their wives individually one on one and then you can draw out of them the things that they want to accomplish and then you equip them and support them and hold them accountable to their own goal to do that. Yeah, it's we're in an amazing because you know, why can't you work and not every job is this way? So, you know, I'm not saying that every job is this way, but the ones that are lending to remote or hybrid where I come into the office one or two days a week and let's do it, let's get the most out of life, let's solve problems in a new and better way. Yeah, Well that's outstanding. Well, you know, I learned a long time ago that people support what they co create, right? And so you're exactly right. If they are feeling empowered. I mean, people just in general, if you ask them their opinion are like really, you know, you care about my opinion, right? And it's so touching and that immediately makes them feel more valued, which causes them to see more value in you.

So that's brilliant stuff tom And I love the idea of of training your coach managers in there to be more effective at inspiring other employees to set their dreams and then helped to make them come true. I mean that's a whole different experience of what most people think of as work and that is awesome. I love it. Any final messages that you want to share with everybody that's listening today? Yeah, there's a proverb. The proverb says that, you know, when you have the council of wise counselors, right, you're blessed. And so as a manager, I want you to think about this because as a leader, as a business owner, who knows the problems better than anybody, it's the people who are doing the work, that's right. There are the ones on the front lines, so you have an agenda, right? You have a meeting and you've got this problem, but they're disengaged. And so what does that mean? It means they're not speaking up. So here are the three things to get that group engaged, Number one, you gotta make them feel included.

And so if you're doing a lot of zoom meetings, you invite them in, right? They may not come, you might say, I just want, I don't want you to miss out. And if there's like in a physical setting, if they're off to the side, you make them sit at the table if they're on a zoom meeting and their cameras off you get them to turn it on 2nd is make sure everybody's heard and this is real easy. You just have a list of the people on your who's in the meeting and you put a check mark every time they talk and what you'll notice is about halfway through the meeting, a good percentage of your team hasn't said anything and that's where you ask their opinion. Hey tim you're really thinking about this, What do you think about this? And the third is you make them feel safe. Yeah. And so that means that we're gonna speak out of respect. We're not going to let people roll their eyes or downplayed or over talk or whatever that looks like in your own culture. So then it happens all the time. It does. So then I go back to that proverb, you know, if we're surrounded by wise counselors, so this is my thought, I think we already are, but we just haven't created the atmosphere where they're willing to give their counsel.

That's okay. That's awesome. That's really good. I love that tom Holy cow Tom Ziegler, everybody go to Ziegler dot com and check out all of the books, the training programs, the resources for you personally, for your family, for your marriage and then of course, for your company for growing your business and producing highest the highest performing teams, tom this has just been absolutely fabulous, Thank you so much for being such a content driven guest. I mean you really have just all the way to the end, giving lots and lots of tools that we can use to make our lives better. That's the best, that's what makes people mesmerizing and you certainly are that. So, thank you for being a part of the show today. Thank you so much. I appreciate you having me on what a blessing uh you are a blessing. All right, everybody go to Ziegler dot com and check out all times resources and then share this interview. Go back, read it again. I took so many notes, you know, just everything that he was talking about and so go back, share this with your leadership teams and make sure that you are applying what you're learning and using these questions that tom shared with you because they will truly help you to dynamically ignite your employee engagement and help you to start making your dreams come true.

So make sure you put this into action and then it will help you to make your life mesmerizing and we'll talk to you soon. Bye Everybody! Hey, it's tim are you ready to be inspired by the world's greatest motivational speakers, witness history as the legends of business and personal growth share with you their best strategies for how to be profitable in our new economy, Go to Legends Summit dot com, that's Legend Summit dot com. I'll see you there

How To Develop Successful Habits! | Tom Ziglar & Tim Shurr
How To Develop Successful Habits! | Tom Ziglar & Tim Shurr
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