Inspired Choices - Christine McIver

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You Are A Vibration Away From Success ~ Christine McIver

by ICN
June 23rd 2021
Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  What if  you are a vibration away from success?  If you knew that deep down into the depths of your soul, what would change in your world?  Your vibration is in... More
if you could change any choices you have ever made, would you? You can always make another choice and change the course of your success? Everyone has the potency to make inspired choices. Get ready to listen, share and experience the creativity that is you Now here is the host of inspired choices radio show, Christine McIver, Oh my friends, Yes, it is Christine McIver. I really wish that guy would learn how to pronounce my name. Oh my God, I'm so happy that you're here and if you're listening in the replay, thank you so much for clicking and listening and choosing to be part of my world by bringing your energy to this show tonight we are going to be talking all about success and what if you are a vibration away from success. In fact, you are my friends, you are a vibration away from success and you know these shows always crack me up because how the universe creates things in my world so that it is so divinely timed that you can be here and I can experience what I need to experience.

So I can deliver this show to you with even more potency. It's very funny but I'll get into that in a little bit. So thank you so much for joining. If today is the first time you've ever heard of me or you've ever joined any one of my shows, welcome. Welcome, I'd like to tell you a little bit about who I am and what I do and what lights me up. So the show that you're listening to is called Inspired choices. I started my business over 10, No 13 years ago actually and I was in the field of human resources and it evolved and evolved and evolved and you know, as our interests evolve and our desires evolves, so does our businesses and so did My business. And um 10 years ago I actually started in radio, online radio and here we are, 10 years later I have my radio podcast, TV show as well. And I also am the proud owner and founder of Inspired Choices Network where I support other people bringing what they know, their brilliance, their awareness to the world so that together we can create the world that we all desire.

So, so much kim kim in the chat room. My brilliant producer says nothing short of incredible, you know, it has been an incredible ride and I needed to give myself a little smack this week, but I'll tell you about that in a minute. So what I do is in addition to this, this platform is I actually work with individuals often times I work with people who are in their own business, are looking to start their business and really support them, support them so that they can create their business in a way that gives them pleasure. I am all about the pleasure of business because business to me is a play. That was the first um thing that I can remember playing as a child is I would play office and I would play business and I used to walk around my father's office and I would carry his briefcase and my father is with me in spirit.

He always, always has been and I am for my graduation, my mother bought me a beautiful briefcase because you knew that story and how precious that was to me and my briefcase is here with me and it's here with me every single day reminding me how much pleasure I can actually have. So if you're looking for more pleasure in your business, if you're looking to have things be more ease for you, not easy, but more ease for you, I'd love for you to reach out and connect with me. There might be something in just a 15-20 minute conversation that could create more ease in your world. And that is what lights me up. And that's why I do what I do and you know my friends and I'm gonna brag here right now. You know when you do what you love, you know when you do what you love that you are going to be brilliant at it and I do what I love and you know what I am brilliant at what I do, yep, I'm going to be very, very bright, full right now.

Because if I am not doing that, if I am not acknowledging and witnessing my own self, guess what? Things aren't pleasurable and that can change everything, every single solitary thing in your world. So if you would like to know more about me, if you'd like to connect with me, please email me Christine had inspired choices dot C a. If you're listening to me on our inspired choices network app or on any of the podcast platforms, you're welcome to just google my name, Christine McIver M C I V E R and you will find me on, on all the social media platforms. It's kind of hard to miss. Okay, so let's get into tonight's show and Tonight show we are talking about you are a vibration away from success. What if you are a vibration away from success? If you knew that deep down in the depths of your soul, what would change in your world?

Like if you really knew this? I want you to spend a couple of minutes right now as I'm talking. I want you to just start imagining if I knew deep down in my soul that I was a vibration away from success, what would change in my world? I want you to play with that, allow that energy to build. All right, allow your imagination to contribute to your reality. Every single solitary thing. An idea, a business, a product, a human being. Everything begins with your imagination without your imagination. You would be a robot and your imagination and your choice to play with and to fan the flames of your imagination are the, is the actual thing that can create even greater in your world. I would love for you to act like you are a child imagining.

Imagine, imagine, imagine play with it, allow your imagination to get creative and just be there and enjoy it. So I want you to really imagine if I knew if I knew I believed if I absolutely had evidence that I was a vibration away from success, What would change in my world? It's a very cool question and it's one I would love for you to put down in your world and have with you every time you're, you know, I love to have sticky notes. Who else loves to have sticky notes around to remind of the things. Well, I love to have sticky notes. Put that one on a sticky note and moving around, right? Because when we leave things in the same spot, we sometimes don't see them anymore but move that question around and keep playing with it. Your imagination is a tool that you should absolutely be using every single solitary day. It's such an easy tool.

You don't have to pay for it. You don't have to take a course for it. It's available to you. And all you have to do is to give it a little bit of time. Maybe you do that before you're waking up, before you're opening your eyes in the morning. That's a fabulous way to play with your imagination, or play with your imagination as you go to sleep at night. That's, you know, when I used to have trouble going to sleep at night, I would play a scenario in my head, I would play an imagination in my mind and that's what I would go to sleep with. That's what I would sleep with at night was my imagination, the things that I desired. And guess what happens when you do that at night? Often times as you repeat that process your imagination when you wake up in the morning starts right there. And so this is something you can be doing when you're going to sleep when you're waking up. Maybe when you're relaxing having a beautiful bath, maybe you're sitting outside enjoying listening to the birds with your coffee in the morning, going for a walk through the woods, sitting by the fire, sitting beside the water.

Maybe you just sit in your home And you take five minutes. You know, meditation can include your imagination. Imagine that, right? So let's do that. Let's play with our imagination. Use that for your advantage, my friends and oh my God, your world will lighten up because you're going to be more happy because you're imagining something. I want you to really get it. This is a big point, especially to the topic tonight because I want you to, I want you to remember what it was like when you were young or if you have been around young Children or even if you're watching, I love watching um, different little video clips. You know, uh, Tiktok is one of my places of pleasure to go and watch some fun things. And if you're watching a child with their imagination, if you're watching how someone, a child plays with their imagination, how they get lost in it and they're not, they're not aware of what's going on around them because they are so invested in the play, in the imagination, they get so lost in it.

You know what they become a vibrational match to what they are imagining. And that is what we're talking about tonight. We're talking about vibration and how key that that is in your world. So if you're struggling with playing with your imagination, if in any way, you're, it just is not comfortable for you go back to being that small child and pull that back up. That imagination, pull that back up. I have to memories for when I was a child that I used to imagine all the time. I used to imagine that I had an easy bake oven. This is a funny story, but nobody of course we had a stove and of course I learned how to cook and bake on that stove. But there was something about having my own easy bake oven that I imagined and dreamed about all the time. I wanted this so much. And of course what happened is I talked about it all the time, but I became a vibrational match to have that in my world and then that christmas.

So it probably had been a couple of months of me imagining this easy bake up oven and that christmas I was gifted by my wonderful brother in law, this beautiful easy bake oven. Oh my God, the hours of joy that I had with that easy bake oven, I would love love love if I still had that in my world, because it's such a beautiful memory and it reminds me that what I focus on actually can come into my world when I'm one with it and when I know like I know like I know I can have it. We have a question, a couple of questions I think in the chat room, So just give me a second here. So the first question is how can I use my imagination to work in my favor with business success? That is a fabulous question. I'm just going to take a drink of water using imagination in your business is no different. It's absolutely no different than when you're a child because when a child, so let's break down imagination.

Okay, When you as a child, when let's use my analogy with my easy bake oven and if you don't know what an easy bake oven is, go away. No, just go go. Okay. So what I imagined wasn't just the easy bake oven itself, but what I imagined was the experience of it and the details and the each and every step that I would have this easy bake oven and my friends would be in awe of like, oh my gosh, look like Christine, God, Oh my gosh and my younger brother, you know, we have this rivalry with your siblings, he would be jealous, he would be jealous that I got what I wanted and then I would, I would go and I would be making I would have a bowl and I would have all the mixtures and I would mix it up and I would be enjoying it and excited about it coming through the easy bake oven. And so I would put it into, into the easy bake oven. So I watched those commercials over and over again.

And then I would play the commercial in my mind of what happens when you had the easy bake oven. And then I would imagine getting it out at the other side, fully baked and then icing it. And then I would imagine cutting it up and I would imagine eating it and the pleasure that my body would have with the taste of this cake. Right? That is what imagination. That's how you expand your imagination is to go through the details of the experience that you desired. They're saying that they can taste it. Yes, I have a very good imagination. I love my imagination and I honor my imagination because it's also part of my energy that is asking for more. It's it's even your business connects with you and your business will speak to you through your imagination. How cool is that right? It's the way that it can communicate with you. So when you are one with your imagination, just one experience and play that experience over and over and over again, just like a child, just like I did with my easy bake oven.

I imagine that again and again and again. And when you get so clear with it, you're vibrating at a space of actually it's with you because you repeat this again and again and again, so much so that your mind, the thing that actually stops you from being and feeling successful, your mind does, your mind doesn't know if Christine is just wishing for the easy bake oven or if Christine has the easy bake oven and when you get to that spot, that's the sweet spot. Because you are now admitting the energy that will pull what you desire to you, you are a magnet for your desires. When you fluff up, you pump up your imagination. How frigging cool is that?

How freedom cool is that? And how easy is that? Well, it's not that easy because a lot of us are doing it and after our break, that's coming up right now, we're going to dive into more about this. We're going to keep playing with the idea of imagination. But then we're going to look at why are we not getting there with this? What's going on with me? Right. What's really in the way of my one Vibration away from my success, my friends, I want you to play with that during the commercial break. Have some fun. Let's have more fun because I'm telling you. But when you come to the shows with me, we're all about having fun and play because that's where success will connect with you is through your fun and your play. Oh yeah, I'm serious about this stuff. I am serious. I'm serious about having fun and I'm serious about creating more joy and pleasure in the world, especially in the world of business.

So you're listening to Christine McIver, that's me on the inspired choices show on the inspired choices network, stick around, we'll be right back with more about success, vibration and imagination. Many of us make choices in our lives based on our past experiences or what others believe. What would our lives be like if we made our choices based on what we desire for our futures. When you join inspired choices radio show with coach, Christine McIver, you'll be provoked to look at what is true and what you know, but may not choose that requires your attention. Christine does not hold back and brings all her expertise during each and every show. Are you ready to create the life and the living you truly desire? Listen for inspired choices radio show every Wednesday at eight p.m. Eastern Standard time, seven p.m. Central, six p.m. Mountain and five PM pacific on inspired choices network dot com.

Mm hmm. Are you a subject matter expert? Are you here to share your expertise with an audience waiting to hear from you in only the way you can deliver. Are you ready to have your voice amplified across the airwaves? Inspired Choices Network has a global radio platform streaming to millions of people across the world, professionally produced and supported by an accomplished team, every step of the way you can broadcast from anywhere in the world knowing your voice matters and we ensure it is delivered with ease and efficiency, eager to hear your message. The world awaits contact us today To become an inspired choice is network radio host email become a host at inspired choices network dot com. This is the Inspired choices show with coach Christine McIver to participate in the program, join our live studio audience in our chat room at inspired choices network dot com. You can also make the choice to ask or comment by email by sending to Christine at inspired choices dot C a Now back to the program.

All right, my friends. Yes, you are listening to Christine McIver and tonight, if you've just joined us, tonight's show is all about vibration and success. The title is called You are a vibration away from success. And if you missed the first segment of the show, I really want you to go back and listen to it because that is sets the foundation for what we're talking about tonight. We're talking about so, so much about imagination and what the, how our business speaks to us through imagination. So we actually have a color with a question that's going, we're going to speak with right now. Welcome to the show, Karen, Thank you. I'm so happy you're here. You've come to play with imagination. Tell me what what your question is about tonight's show, how to play.

I mean you were talking about going back to childhood and bringing back some memories in that my childhood mostly black. So what is there some tips that you can give? How do I can't back into that? Absolutely. The reason that I speak to childhood is because um, and this is for everyone, not just Karen, but the reason I speak to childhoods because it's it's easy for us to go into that light less complicated time. And it's not that we don't have crazy times, but when we've had those playful imagination times it's easy for us to connect with the childhood piece, right? You can still do it now, Karen. Absolutely. If you don't have a childhood memory, So tell me one thing that you love to do other than business that you really, really enjoy doing, listening to music or dancing, Dancing, dancing is so awesome because your body actually leads you into it, right?

So what if you were to imagine actually winning an award or winning money for your dancing? Okay. Did you hear that giggle? That giggle actually came from Karen's body? Alright, that did not come from her logical brain because it came out so easily. Okay, so Karen, what your body is actually saying to you is we would love this, this would be so much fun. Okay, so what I want you to do is during the rest of tonight's show and even when you're going to sleep tomorrow and as you're waking up, I want you to imagine having danced and what would be so much fun? What would turn you on and let you up to receive would be an award? Would it to be on tv dancing or what it to be receiving? A large chunk of money? Well, the one thing I do remember when I was little as I wanted to be a Rocket dancer on Ed Sullivan. Oh my gosh! So kicking your legs way up high.

Yeah. Oh my gosh, that is fantastic. Okay, so you the award is going to be you being on the Ed Sullivan show with the Rockets. Okay. Sounds good. I want you to play with that. And the reason guys in there, you know, there might be people out there saying, and I know Karen is in her own business, they might be saying, what the hell does this have to do with business? It has a lot to do with business because so many of us are in our mind. Do you ever get caught up in your mind, Karen, you're trying to figure out what to do and it just gets really intense for you. Absolutely. So what we want to do is we want to play, play is actually such a big key and you don't have to physically do anything. Just playing in your imagination can be the thing that actually starts the tipping point in your vibration, right? So our target is to get to that vibrational space where we are a match with success. And so when Karen is imagining, and I just think that's such a cool I can see you onstage, Karen, I can see you.

I mean, I only remember a couple of Ed Sullivan shows, but I can see you dancing with the Rockettes. That is so cool. Oh my gosh. And you've got these really chunky heels on. Yeah, So I, as Karen is playing with her imagination and she's dancing across that stage as that. You know, Karen get into all the details. Get into all the details here yourself listening to Ed Sullivan as he's announcing. You see the, see the curtain in front of you and all the girls lined up beside you. Feel the get into every sense that you can imagine what the clothes feel like. Imagine what the shoes feel like. Imagine the temperature in the studio, imagine the heat from all the lights, Okay, Get into all of that, and the sensation of of hearing people clapping, and then the curtain coming up, and then you're on stage and the dancing go into all of that. And here's the thing about imagination and I've experienced this.

I don't know if you've ever done this, Karen, but sometimes when you're playing through a scenario, you only get so far and you stop. Have you ever done that? Oh, yes. Okay, so your brain starts to get involved. Okay, don't just don't worry about it, right, Just start again, go back to the beginning and keep imagining it and keep imagining it. Because, like I said in the first segment, your brain will get to the space where it doesn't know if it's real or it's imagination, right? As you keep playing this over and over and over again. And as you imagine each of these sensations, Karen, your body is going to contribute to the real nous of the experience. Okay. And eventually you will get all the way through that dance and you will get those accolades in the clapping at the end and you'll get the experience of meeting at Sullivan and all of everything that you can imagine, and I want you to get a signature.

Okay? Okay, cool. So do you see Karen and I want to bring this to everybody's attention, Karen, you had said you didn't have a childhood memory, right? And then you said that dancing, right? You brought up the dancing as soon as you connected with the energy of dancing and the joy that that brings you. You were able to unlock or open up that black wall. I just kind of imagine it like a black wall. You were able to unlock a pleasure that you had as a child. You're right? I did. Yes. So this is why it's so important for us to just play with what lights us up. Just start with something small, But look at in in less than five minutes, how you moved through that really quickly. That's very cool. Thank you. You're so welcome. Thank you for calling in. If you have any more questions, we cannot meet you again. All right, Thank you. Christine. You're welcome. So guys, you can see how very, very cool our imagination is and how it can contribute to us, right?

And kim was asking in the chat room about about business, Right? How can I use my imagination to work in favor with my business success? Okay, well, first of all, when we start talking about business, we get really serious, right? We all get really, really serious. I get serious, like we can get ourselves really worked up about it and when you're getting really serious and I mean serious not not serious, like I take this seriously and I'm really committed to my business. I'm not talking about that type of serious, I'm talking about it being serious. Like I got to get this right and um I'm going to really screw up my life if I don't get it right? So it gets really intense and dense and so the energy actually starts to contract in your world and you start to when you're contracting, I want you to imagine that the walls of your room start to close in, right? If the walls of your room are closing in, how can anything else join you in there?

How can your imagination and your play and your additional success? How can they actually join you when you're in that much, much density? It can't, Right. So it's really important for you to find something, Anything that brings you joy, anything, anything, anything do you love to cook? Do you love to listen to music while you cook? Do you love to one of my pleasure and things is to actually have a beautiful bath, Having a bath with my body. Uh it's just and I'm usually only in the bath about 10 or 15 minutes, but that brings my body so much pleasure. Well, when you're in a dense place doing something pleasurable, right, we'll start to kind of bring in space and those walls will start to expand again. And then as you are committed to playing with imagination when you're going and doing something that gives you pleasure or you're imagining doing something that gives you pleasure.

Like I love to also bake and so I imagine baking a whole bunch of pies and I imagine, you know, my kids, they both live on their own, my son lives overseas, but we don't get together and especially now the pandemic, we haven't been together to create a meal together and one of the things that we used to do was to have a big meal like christmas or easter thanksgiving, we would have this big meal and we would all be in the kitchen creating pies together and each of us would do a different type of pie and we'd be laughing and throwing flowers at each other and just having so much fun. So when you are imagining that, and it's bringing you pleasure to imagine being and and having these people around and the laughter and the joy that that starts to bring. Now you're in the sweet spot to start to bring in imagination for the other things that you're desiring for success in your world. You're in the sweet spot now, it's so easy to go into the woe is me in all of this.

Okay, And that's your brain, That's 100% your brain. And that is not your friend. Your brain is not your friend when it comes to vibration, because all that's in your brain is what you had experienced in the past. And it's usually the things that we pay attention to is usually the hard things. All right, It's the really difficult things. Now I'm gonna say something that a lot of people may not agree with, but I know this to be true is that we actually like our lives to be hard. We like our lives to be hard. And the reason we like our lives to be hard is because first of all we don't believe that things can be easy, that things can come to us really, really easy. We believe it takes hard work. How much value have you given the I worked so hard today or I've been working hard. How much value has that been given?

Right? I remember, you know like even when people would talk about my dad or people would talk about people that have passed away, Oh they were such hard workers. They were such hard workers. And there's yes, that's true. But how much value do we put on that so that we actually have to have it be hard in order for us to feel valued even to ourselves. Have we bought into this bullshit that it has to be hard? How much of your mind on a scale of 1-10? It doesn't matter where it is. Have you bought that? It has to be hard or it is hard to have your own business. How much of that are you playing out every single time you imagine the challenges in your business? Are you going into your day with, Oh my God, how am I ever gonna do this? How much? Why isn't this happening? But hey, I do it too. And I have to call myself out on it.

I called myself out on in the last couple of weeks. I'm like, smarten up, this is not changing it. All this is doing is regurgitating the same bullshit. And that is not a vibration that's going to bring you the success. What do we really need to do is look at how we can change what's go what we're paying attention to and how we can actually change that belief system around liking it hard. And I know we can make lots of sexual innuendos about that, but it's absolutely true. I can still hear it come out of my mouth. I don't believe business has to be hard. I don't believe that. Not when I'm consciously with that thought. However, those unconscious thoughts about business or working hard, being a very large value and very highly valued in this reality, I know there's plenty of those unconscious thoughts in my mind that I am working at waking up to when I hear them come out of my mouth.

You've been programmed, you are programmed to. These thoughts are just constantly in there and they come out and you've got to get conscious, really, really, really conscious with your words around success. Because the little little little droplets of these words in your life. In your reality, they start to add up and they change your vibration and that's what we really want to talk about. We're already up to our second break. So we're going to go for a second break, we'll be right back, We're going to dive in even deeper to give you more awareness and tools to have more success with just the change of a vibration. So you're listening to inspired choices with myself, Christine McIver as your host on the inspired choices network. Stay tuned. My friends will be right back. Many of us make choices in our lives based on our past experiences or what others believe, What would our lives be like if we made our choices based on what we desire for our futures.

When you join inspired choices radio show with coach, Christine McIver, you'll be provoked to look at what is true and what you know, but may not choose that requires your attention. Christine does not hold back and brings all her expertise during each and every show. Are you ready to create the life and the living you truly desire? Listen for inspired choices radio show every Wednesday at eight p.m. Eastern Standard time, seven p.m. Central, six p.m. Mountain and five p.m. Pacific on inspired choices network dot com. How wonderful would it be to carry your favorite inspired choices Network host with you throughout your day. Well now you can Inspired choices. Network now has its very own mobile app are free app offers live streaming shows along with thousands of podcasts and tv episodes are shows cover a wide variety of topics whether you're waking up with us carrying us through the day and taking us to bed with you.

We're always here for you to enjoy. Were easy to find. Just search for inspired choices Network in the Apple app store or google play store. This is the inspired choices show with coach Christine McIver to participate in the program, join our live studio audience in our chat room at inspired choices network dot com. You can also make the choice to ask or comment by email by sending to Christine at inspired choices dot C a Now back to the program. Hey, my friends, thank you so much for being here. Today. We are halfway through our show and I just want to let you know that if you are looking for someone to support you, to support your business growth and to support your personal development and being a business owner, well I'm your girl. I actually work with business owners. I'm a strategic business coach and I take both you and your business together and work with both of you to create more pleasure, more success and absolutely put systems in place that work for you.

If there's a shortcut, if there's a trick, I'm going to share it with you. I bring my years and years of business knowledge and acumen to the table and I share it with you. I love working with business owners. Like it lights me up when I can jump in and work with their businesses and work with them and at the end of the day actually knowing that I've contributed to someone so they can have the pleasure that I have. That is just the best, that's the best. That's my target in my life and it always has been, is how can I create more ease and pleasure for people. And so if that is something that you'd like to maybe just discuss and see if there's a connection between us, see what we can create together. Please email me Christine and inspired choices dot C a or find me on any of your social media platforms. Let's connect, let's create more pleasure in your world so that the world collectively has more pleasure. Wouldn't that be cool? So let's get back into into the show. So I've been talking in the chat room with some of our colours and listeners and what is very, very cool is one individual is talking about how she could hear her father at the end of the day say, what did you do today?

What did you do today? And I'm going to surmise that likely behind that was an expectation of um productivity. Like did you accomplish this? Did you do this? Did you do this? Did you do this? And what was likely valued in, you know, in the past generations is hard work, is hard work and we're just really understanding, we're just really cracking the lid on how much having fun actually adds to building our businesses and building our lives with more ease and more pleasure. And it really does come down to the vibration. And how do we, how do we really change those vibrations? Well, it's so simple. Not easy, It's simple to begin to change them. But you've got to be committed. Ask yourself how committed I am I to really changing the experience I have with my business and with my life to have more ease how committed I am I.

This is important. This is a very important piece because just like a diet, you can go and do it for a couple of days. You're not going to see the change unless you make it part of your lifestyle right? You make it part of your world. It begins to be an auto responder and one of the biggest things are the words we, we touched on that in the last segment. The words that we are bringing value to if you've been in your body For even 10 years, you have had 60,000 thoughts of day. So you've been in your body for Over close to four, days And multiply that by 60,000, I don't do the math that easily. It's a ton of thoughts. It's a ton of thoughts. Now, some of those thoughts are key for keeping this body of yours alive because some of the thoughts are okay, heart pump pump, pump, pump, right?

Lungs, breathe lungs, breathe a lot of the thoughts that we're having is those automatic programming from the brain telling the body what to do these are good. We want to keep those okay, but we don't want to have everything on auto responder. We want to get very conscious with our words. So even if you would take If truthfully, you would take the next three weeks, 21 days and you would say, Okay, today, I'm going to pay attention to the words that I'm using around success or the lack thereof. I'm going to pay attention to those words. And you just took note of it. You just took note of it either mentally or you made a little log of it and you're like, okay, I'm not gonna choose to say that anymore. Here's a silly little example, a silly little example. Um and I just love how these things kind of come out and slap in the face. We all say things on auto responder, and this is one of the things that I used to say is you can do this and you can do this and therefore you're gonna be able to kill two birds with one stone.

I don't have a desire to kill birds and I'm not joking. I mean this very seriously that off the cuff throw away sentence creates in my world, it creates in your world as well. That's the thing with a lot of our vibration is created by these auto responders and throw away statements and as a coach when I'm working with people, I hear them say these things over and over and over again. I'm highly attuned to hearing you say things that I'm like, oh wait what? You just said that and we don't even know, we don't even know. So it's time it's time that you leaned into and gave attention to the words that you are using regarding your business, regarding your relationship, regarding being a parent, whatever it is that you're desiring to change its time. What do you give focus to ask yourself that question?

What you give focus to is what you actually are empowering to change or contribute in your world. So, if you're giving focus to, oh, sorry about that, somebody's trying to contact me already. If you are giving focus to pain in your body, if you are giving focus to anger with someone, if you are giving focus to any lack in your world, if you keep thinking about it and we're looking at it and that's what you keep programming and playing over and over and over in your mind. That is the vibration you are asking to match. That is the vibration you are asking to match. If you have never heard of Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks is actually a channeler and she channels a body of entities called Abraham And I received a daily quote every day. And sometimes they pop for me and sometimes they don't.

But this one yesterday really popped and it cracks me up because I get these oftentimes right before my shows that are such a match for what I want to really share. And so I really want to read this to you. This one's like so good. Whatever you are giving your attention to is already vibrating. Whatever you are giving your attention to is already vibrating. And when you give your attention to it. And if you maintain your focus for as little as 17 seconds, you begin to include its vibration, whatever it is in your vibration. How Cool is that? 17 seconds. Even me using reading that sentence Took more than 17 seconds. 17 seconds is all it requires. Now when you see something you want and you give it your attention and you say yes to it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration.

So you're saying yes yes to success. Yes to a client choosing me. Yes! To having my business grow. Yes. To having more ease. Yes. To having more team members. Yes. To having more pleasure. Yes. To having more laughter. Yes. You're saying that you're including it in your vibration. How cool is that? Simple? Right? Simple. You got to take the action though and repeatedly take that action. And when you see something you do not want and you showed no, no I don't want that. You are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. How many times a day? How many times a week? How many times a month do you yell? No at something. Oh my God, I don't want that to happen. Oh my God! Please don't let that happen. Please don't let that happen. Please don't let that happen. How many times are you doing that? You are including that in your vibration. We live in a vibrational world which is includes everything. You are far more vibrational beings than you are verbal beings.

You are communicating with everyone. Far more on a vibrational level than you are on a verbal level. Oh my God! How true is that? You're not talking all day long, but all day long you have vibrations. You are sending out to the world. So what would your world be like if you actually looked for and you did what I call reverse engineering your desires. What if you started to play with that imagination? Play with your imagination something that gives you pleasure and then start to include your desires in your imagination. Get really detailed and play that imagination over and over and over again For at least 17 seconds a day and start to include that in your world. Knowing that if you imagine it, It is 1% possible, one billion% possible.

If you included in your world, it's so possible to have it in your life. When we come back from our last break, I'm going to tell you about what you can do to actually track that and what you can do to have more of this in your world and to get to that level of success that you're desiring and what success really is. So you're listening to Christine McIver, uninspired choices on the inspired Choices Network. We'll be right back. Many of us make choices in our lives based on our past experiences or what others believe. What would our lives be like if we made our choices based on what we desire for our futures. When you join inspired choices radio show with coach Christine McIver, you'll be provoked to look at what is True and what you know but may not choose that requires your attention. Christine does not hold back and brings all her expertise during each and every show. Are you ready to create the life and the living you truly desire?

Listen for inspired choices radio show every Wednesday at eight p.m. Eastern Standard Time seven p.m. Central, six p.m. Mountain and five p.m. Pacific on inspired choices network dot com. How wonderful would it be to carry your favorite inspired choices Network host with you throughout your day? Well now you can. Inspired choices. Network now has its very own mobile app are free app offers live streaming shows along with thousands of podcasts and tv episodes. Are shows cover a wide variety of topics whether you're waking up with us, carrying us through the day and taking us to bed with you. We're always here for you to enjoy. Were easy to find. Just search for inspired choices. Network in the Apple app store or google play store. Mhm This is the inspired choices show with coach Christine McIver to participate in the program, join our live studio audience in our chat room at inspired choices network dot com.

You can also make the choice to ask or comment by email by sending to Christine at inspired choices dot C a Now back to the program. My friends, I'm so happy you're here and I'm so happy that you're choosing for you because this show that I do every single week and have now for more than 10 years is all about bringing you more joy and more happiness. And that's what I desire is to create a world to bring my energy to the world to create more happiness in your world which creates more happiness in mind. But I'm always first I you need to be first in your world to Yes I was being Vanna White with if you're watching the T. V. Episode was being Vanna White with my phone with our app. So if you would love to hear more of my shows you can download the inspired choices, network app right from your phone. Both Apple and android has our app. It's so easy and it's so much fun. You can listen to us anywhere at any time what works for you and you can find topics about so many many different things.

But let's come back to tonight's show because we've only got a few minutes left and I really want you to take these things home with you, okay? I want you to track, I want you to track your success is because here's the thing we track our money, don't we? We track our accounting, don't we? We track our time, like our booking in our booking calendar, we track how many people book with us as as clients. So we're looking at our calendar, we're looking at our bank account, we're looking at our bookkeeping, we're looking at all these things and we're tracking them all the time. There's those that's good as a business coach, I would tell you, you need to be doing that for sure. You need to be doing that. You need to have your awareness up about everything. But those three things collectively should not be more that you track than the successes in your day. I'm gonna say this again, Those three things should not collectively be more things that you track than the successes in your day.

Because when you are giving your attention to those three things more than you are to your accomplishments, you're telling your brain what's important and I'm telling you right now what's important is your day today. Successes And we don't acknowledge those things. We don't pay attention to them, we fluff them off like they're not important. So, back to the question that one of our listeners said is what did you accomplish today? Well, I got out of bed, I made my bed, I brushed my teeth, I got dressed, I went to an appointment. I was on time, I drove safely, I got home safely. I had a really great meal, I had a nice nap. I had a business call. I talked to my sister. I did my radio show. I had fun. I got some work done. I watched a movie. Oh my gosh! Can you imagine if you were tracking those successes and you were giving yourself the yeah way to go. Each and every day. If you were really looking at these successes and you were saying I did these things, I succeeded, I completed this, I started this.

I came up with this idea and you were actually paying attention to the things that mattered that impacted your vibration. Imagine back to the original question. Imagine what you would do with all of that success? Imagine get in touch with your imagination and pay very close particular attention to the words that you're using an aisle autopilot for the next three weeks. My friends, please please do this. You will thank yourself for taking the time to do this and then I want you to track, I want you to make a list somewhere. Do it in your phone or do it on a board that you can see all the time. Track your successes and success does not mean I bought a house or I got married or you know, my child graduated college or any of that. Most people only track the really big things. We need to be tracking the day to day things because those day to day things are the things that are actually adding to our vibration of the way that we feel about ourselves, the thoughts that we are actually entertaining, which contribute to the words that we are speaking that actually bring that vibration as that magnet that you are to you, my friends, you have the ability, you have the ability, you have the possibility of more joy and it's one vibration away more success adds more success.

More positive thoughts, positive words and positive focus on the things that bring you joy and just using your imagination can make that happen. That's where the successes come. That's where the changes can come. And my friends when you're happy and your joyful and you're successful in your business, you are going to contribute to others and to the world just by your vibration, how friggin cool is that? How freaking cool is that you are so powerful. Please listen up until next week. I want you to remember. You can always make another choice. Thank you for choosing to listen to inspired choices. Radio show, Christine McIver will return next Wednesday at eight p.m. Eastern Standard time, seven p.m. Central, six p.m. Mountain and five PM pacific on inspired choices network dot com. We hope you'll join us until then, be willing to choose what you really desire.

This is your life, making the choices that bring you all that you desire.

You Are A Vibration Away From Success ~ Christine McIver
You Are A Vibration Away From Success ~ Christine McIver
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