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Ep70 FInancial wellbeing

by Jacqui Brauman
August 11th 2021

With a focus on financial wellbeing with another financial planner as a guest, Jacqui and Ush again check on their money blocks after listening to Natallia Smith an... More

Welcome to the I. Q. Meets. E. Q. Podcast. I'm Jacqui Brauman, principal solicitor at T. B. A. Law and ceo of Legally Wise Women and I'm here as always with Ush Dhanak, former corporate lawyer then head of HR and now an emotional intelligence coach. Good morning Ush morning Jacqui. How are you going? Good good. How are you in lockdown? Yeah, not too Bad. It's what week 6? I think that we're in there. Yeah. I don't know when we're going to get out of it but it's okay. I think it's just getting used to life being this way at the moment and home schooling and work and it's hard to coach when you can't see your clients face to face. But yeah still just getting stuff done. So. Yeah I'm good. How about you? Yeah. Pretty well thanks. Yeah it's lots of time on zoom and the phone and things like that isn't it? Yes. Like zoom fatigue is real. That's for sure. Yes. Very real. Very real. And you're not having too many crisis is about with the people that you're managing. No but there has been a fair few like redundancies and things like that happening over the last few weeks.

So yeah there's been a fair bit of that to deal with and then just the emotions of people as well. But obviously being in cuba just the ups and downs of what everyone's feeling and especially because the small business. Yes. Yes it does drive the emotions and big roller coaster, doesn't it? Yeah. And I've got to construction clients as well. So I've obviously had it tough the last few weeks. Yeah. I guess the difference between when vic went into our 12 week lockdown last winter was that they still had job keeper and job seeker and it's just so different this time. It is, it is So we'll see. But you're still getting out and doing some training. I am, I'm doing a one on one in the park. Thank God for that. Yes. Good, good. Yeah. And the days feel like they're starting to get a little bit longer. Like it isn't quite like yet, but It's not dark at 7:00 AM anymore. That which is good. No, but the day that is rolling into one, Did you get that when you were in lockdown? Yeah. Yeah. It just feels like a huge, it was a time walk in the middle of the year.

It was just this big blob of time. Exactly. It's like I get to find, I'm like, oh my God, it's friday already. Like how did that happen? And then it's like the weekend and it just rolls rolls all into one and then it's like monday again. Oh great, okay, let's start the week. Yeah. And uh yeah, so much time passes. It's hard to measure what you are actually moving forward as well. Mm, but I guess there shouldn't be as much pressure to move things forward. It's just survive. Really? Exactly. That's what it is at the moment. Just a day at a time. I'm doing a mental challenge at the moment if you had a 75 part. No, it's a mental toughness challenge that talks about why people give up on things around fitness and it's 75 days, you've got to do it 75 days straight. If you miss one day you start again from day one. So people have taken like 100 and God knows how many days to complete a 75 day challenge, but it's really good.

But you have to do a workout every day. You have to read a book for like 10 minutes a day. You gotta drink a gallon of water a day and no coffee or alcohol for 75 days Is a gallon of water. four L 3.7. Yeah. Right. And there's walking count as a workout. So you have to do one that is outdoors and it can be a walk and then you have to do a second workout, which is indoors. All right, okay. So to work out, so one workout on one walk. Yeah, Okay, cool. Yeah, sounds good, 75 days. Mental toughness. So that is literally a day at a time that you got to do it. If you look at it to go, Oh my God, I got 75 days of this. You're fucked. I mean you're screwed. Sorry, let that out. No, I'm going to leave that in. Yeah. Right. I can see how that would be really good habits setting for some and it would only be like if you had a really good routine through the week, it would only be if you did something on the weekend that threw you off routine I reckon.

Mm Yeah, I'm going to get a visual cause I'm quite vicious. I'm gonna get a bowl. I'm gonna put like 75 something in it, then move one into the other bolt each day so I can like visually see how many days I've got a great idea. Yeah, something to do that. Yeah, not chocolate, no, not chocolate, no marbles. Yeah, good idea. Natalia, Welcome to the podcast. How are you? I'm great. Thank you. How are you? I'm so glad to have you on. We've been like I said earlier before we started recording sort of seeing each other and crossing paths all the time and now we get to talk deeply, which I'm so pleased about. Absolutely very exciting. So going all the way back to when you were a little girl, what did you want to be when you were growing up, interestingly I loved animals, like maybe most skills and the voice and I really wanted to be a psychologist.

But then I moved on to become a an interpreter. So that's where I suppose that's where my love for language. It started. But when I did a languages and psychology actually degree. Okay. And I moved to Australia when I was 21 and all of a sudden I found myself fascinated by the world of finance And because I was living by myself with no help of support at the age of 21 I felt I actually needed to learn how to navigate my personal finances. Had to actually save money and not to get too much for my credit card. Yes. So I went to back to uni and masters in banking and finance. Wow. Okay, so Coming to Australia as a 21 year old, what what brought you here? Did you have family here or was there a particular reason why you had to leave? Harry? Yeah. Look I suppose I had a a boyfriend at that time and you know that's something that kind of happened and it was just love brought me to Australia's ah there you go.

And you stayed and stayed. Yes. So before we started recording you did tell me because your accent is very mild and then when you came I loved the story that you couldn't pick up our accent even though you've studied english fluently I just couldn't really understand it was very specific accent and I had to took me a while to get to note for and learn. But now when I speak sometimes I feel like I'm actually catching myself saying a lot of Australian words and sounding very Australian, even though I've got my, You know, other acts and two. So it's a combination. All right. So I came out here for love realized that you were, you know, so far away from your family to I guess you needed to be independent, learnt banking and finance. Were you working while you were studying? Yes, I was trying to do different obviously jobs. But also I fell into financial planning. I am joined a small boutique financial planning firm and loved it.

So it was really good to start, you know, And I guess, you know, learning finance and being in the financial planning industry really helped me to cement my knowledge and that's what I then became I became a financial advisor. So it's sort of like it started quite early in my career when I was 23, I became I joined a financial planning firm. Yeah. Right, okay. So getting a lot of on the job training to mm basically to learn. Yes, absolutely. I agree. So as a young woman going into the financial industry which is traditionally fairly male dominated and also potentially english being your second language. What sort of challenges did you face? Did you come up against those gender roles or how did you navigate that? Absolutely. I still feel like I'm learning so much and uh I guess there are always those challenges that sometimes I note your mindset, you kind of maybe something holds you back and for me what really works is just being persistent.

I knew that if I really wanted to achieve something and I'll put a lot of effort into it, I will get it. So I kind of just applied that rule and I went for it and I guess being brave and taking risks as well and really listening to the noise because there is a lot of noise out there. So if, if you focus on what you really want to achieve in your life and you don't worry about all of the obstacles because they will always be there kind of really have your heart set on something and go for it. Yeah, so push through regardless of all the bits going on around because you clearly sort of found your passion and just run with it. So now that you've been in financial planning for quite a while, what focused do you take, like what are you really passionate about in the financial space? I love helping women and I feel that's my passion and particularly because when I came to Australia and obviously I am that Love situation didn't work out for me.

I had to stand on my own two ft, I had to learn and it did take a while for me to kind of really get to a place where I felt confident and comfortable and that I was in control of my financial life. So I feel now my mission is to empower other women. So they don't have to go through my journey and you know, maybe years and years of struggling, you can't to know how to do it better and it does take a while, I suppose for some people to get to a place where they feel comfortable, but it doesn't have to be that many years. You know, it could be really much quicker. So that's my passion help them realize that they can actually do it and have the confidence because sometimes we lack that confidence and maybe it's because we just don't know what we don't know and that holds us back and sometimes it's just our perception that we're not good with money. That's another reason why a lot of us just do nothing and doing nothing is not an option sometimes.

No, no, that's right. And so you learned all these hard lessons as a young woman by yourself. But I guess you're probably finding a lot of women at all different ages who now find themselves on their own and trying to work these things out. So what is common amongst what you find amongst women that you meet and potentially what I guess may stand out at certain ages as well. Yes, I suppose when we're younger we don't really think long term. So when we're in the twenties and thirties, we really just focused on our immediate future and that is, you know what I'm going to do today tomorrow, what job I'm going to have, what I'm going to buy for myself, We don't really think about retirement. So I guess. So what I see sometimes is that women go through life without actually really being focused on their longer term well being, financial well being and also when they've got no need for it.

For example, if they are in the relationship and everything is going really well in terms of from a financial point of view, their partner looks after all things financial, so they become comfortable and they outsourced it entirely and where when their relationship breaks down, that's when they realized that actually they are haven't learned how to manage it, Manage their financial affairs on their own and that's when they obviously come and see us, which is great. So we help them to go and guide them on their journey. But some others can't afford, for example our services. It's really, you know, it is a challenge to I suppose to for those women to stand on their own two ft because there's so much to learn and who do trust, where do you get that information? So when there is a trigger event, for example, if there is a in illness or injury, that's when people um you know, they start thinking about their longer term I guess situation or if there is anything else that happens in their lives like a redundancy pandemic I suppose I promise to think about other aspects of our life and that's where we communists opposed.

Yeah. It's interesting that you also called it the financial well being. It's not just, you know, the financial position of someone, it's actually more of a wellness thing as well. So can you talk a little bit more about that? Absolutely. Well, I guess, you know, if you think about well being, you know, you look at your mental well being, health, obviously your physical well being, but also your financial well being is just to ensure that you've got everything in place. If there is a situation that he needs to get access to cash funds to pay for an emergency or to to pay some medical bills, you've got that, you know, safety net that you can rely on. So you do look at obviously financial well being in the future, are you going to maintain your lifestyle in your retirement? Made my lifestyle you are currently very accustomed to. So all of those questions about your financial well being is how well you also understand your situation and whether you've got any anxiety or stress around it because sometimes money, you know, and finances cause stress.

We, some people live paycheck to paycheck, they don't know what's happening. They get themselves into debt. So being financially well, it means that, you know, we've got everything under control. We know where we stand, we've got our goals, we've got our path in our plan to achieve those goals and we are feeling, you know, quite good about it. Yeah, OK. Yeah, that's a great way of putting it. And I don't actually think that I've thought of it as part of well being before. Like I thought of it as being the base potentially of then having your wellbeing grow from because if you've got the anxiety of poor finances, it does affect everything. But I hadn't actually thought of it being a component of wellness. So yeah, I like it, I like it. Yeah. And tell me if you don't want to go here, but I know that there's a lot of women now talking in the educating and empowering women space for, you know, financial education and things like that.

And yet I think that quite a few of those people who have put their hand up to do financial education, you know, it's hard to assess what background they have or what qualifications they have. Do you have anything about that you want to say about the industry or about how to assess what information you're getting or where the information you're getting it from? Absolutely. And there are a lot of influences out there. We spoke about them earlier. I guess my question is always, what is it in them in there for them, any, any product that they promote or any discussion they have and obviously they somehow get paid. So I would always wonder how obviously they had their business, their business model, what is it based on? Um as a consumer, I guess doing your research is very important and finding out about the person. So that's when the Trust comes into play. I guess there are, there is a financial Advisor register. If you just google financial Advisor register, it will come up so you can actually put their name in Tibet search bar and their name, if they're not registered on the Aztecs website, it means that they're actually not a financial advisor.

So you've got obviously your financial coaches there as well. Today is slightly different. It's all about cash flow coaching and money mindset coaching, I guess it's really yes, of finding the right person who can actually help you in your personal circumstances could be a challenge. And I guess, you know, looking at, you know, we always take advice from our family and friends again, is this the best option? Sometimes? Maybe not really understanding, I guess, what do we actually need? What is our problem? What is it what our one burning issue that we are currently experiencing and then trying to find the right person who can actually help you to help you achieve that goal or sort out that problem. Yeah, that's a great point. I had thought that most of those money mindset people were financial planners, but no, that's right, it's changing.

And the industry has changed. The financial planning industry has changed since the Royal Commission. So I guess you do have a lot of people that are obviously perceived as financial planners, but they're not and how do we know that's why that website as Six website really helps understand whether they are actually financial advisors. Yeah, fascinating. Thank you. Okay, so As a 21 year old, you hadn't come to Australia quite, so you were just about to make that journey, weren't you? Yes. So going back then to that time, what sort of advice would you go back and give yourself as a 21 year old? Well look, all I spoke about risk taking, I think particularly when we talk about women, I think women, I'd love them to take more risk and just to really focus on their personal well being. Sometimes we focus on what's good for others more than what's good for us and without being selfish.

I think it's really important that we look after ourselves first and getting education, getting as much knowledge as possible. It's extremely powerful because knowledge is power is really learning and I know sometimes people say, well, you know, it's finances boring and you know, it's essential, so it's like your health, it's essential to know the basics of finance and how money works. So I would say I would encourage every young girl and women to really listen to podcasts about financial planning, speaks to others about it. Money has this bad, you know, it's a bit of a taboo. We don't talk about money and also earlier in life we might have very different upbringing in terms of what was okay to talk about during the family discussion. So I guess really understanding having that awareness and also, you know, everyone has blind spots and that's okay.

It's okay to to learn about it later in life as long as we don't repeat the same mistake twice. So it's for all of those things. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. What's that saying? Fool me once, shame on me. Yeah, all the other way around. You know, it's interesting. It takes, I've read it somewhere and I love stats but it takes 24 times for somebody to do something 80% accurately. Whoa. Yeah, so it's actually, and that's why I think when it comes to personal finance it's not okay just to to read about it, it's actually doing part that is more important and we only learn them by making mistakes. So when we teach our kids for example to anything about money, I think it's really important. They've got that responsibility of handling money earlier in life as well.

So they're actually, they, even if they lose money it's okay because at that age is really not that significant. It's different when we are an adult. So learning and making mistakes is really important through the process. Even if you bought Bitcoin and you've lost all of your money, it's okay as long as you didn't put all 100% of your wealth into it. It is still a learning curve. So that's fine and I think that's what sometimes is missing. We just don't do it because we're so scared that we will lose money. Yeah. Yeah. Which brings me back around to your talking about risk taking before. Um and I agree, I do think it's because people are so scared of losing anything, let alone, you know, even if it's just a small amount, it's like we've, I think we do, we have like a greater aversion to loss than we do to gain, don't we? So we we prevent ourselves from losing, we don't take any risk because we're so scared of losing something regardless of the game could be bigger or not.

So I mean it's all about calculated risk to, isn't it? So it's true. It's true. And what is the worst that could happen? Look, I would always ask the question, what is the worst outcome that could happen? Yeah. With any decision with young people, you were just talking about them managing money from as early on as possible. Do you think with us going or having less and less cash these days and more? It's just numbers on a screen or numbers in an app, do you think that that is having any impact on the younger generations, managing money? I think it's definitely the world is getting more complex and I feel like sometimes when I work with my clients that are in their 60s or 70s, They've got a very different perception of money and the way they handle their money, some of my ladies, they they used to they used to put $100 an envelope and they would only spend $100 in the week. So they used to that, that was very simple. But yet it worked.

We're currently, we've got so much happening with Buy Now pay later payments systems and obviously that is extremely a different level. We've got credit cards obviously and sometimes it's harder for younger people to understand the actual product details the terms of those contracts so they might not realize what they get themselves into. And obviously the product providers, they don't really openly talk about it in the interests. So I guess there is certainly more complexity that they need to learn later in life. But I think the biggest, always the biggest advantage is when we talk with kids at home about money and we have open discussions and we show not to show, but we talk about any decision that we make as adults. That's when that's how they learn, but also encourage them to make those decisions to so and that sometimes, you know, it's really hard to achieve.

But that's that's the only way they can learn is by looking at us and by copying our behavior and copy our actions. That's how kids, you know, they're sponges to really learn from everything that they say, yeah, a lot of women don't like being thought of as role models, but we're always role modeling all the time, aren't we? So, yeah, I know a very good point. So as you said, the world is getting more and more complex. You're talking to women and trying to educate them as well. At the same time as getting them to take some risks and manage money for themselves. I can imagine that there would be a fair bit of pressure. How do you make sure that you're well, how do you, do you have regular check ins or anything that you do for your own health? I certainly against part of my personality, I do like a routine. I do like a good system in place. So if I, and, you know, it's been quite sort of cold and wintry lately.

So it's been hard to, you know, to wake up sometimes early in the morning. But I feel like the same with finances if you can build all of those little tricks into your life, like brushing teeth, you know, it's something that we do on a regular basis very similar with any other activity. Anything that you'd love to achieve, like saving, for example, or investing. If you build it is if you make it part of your routine, You will do it and it doesn't have to be all or nothing. It could be five minutes a day or 10 minutes a week, as long as it's there and it's it's constant. So that potentially could help us to achieve better results and if you just do it once a year. So for me personally, yes, I'm trying to build all of that into my calendar, you know, trying to be more obviously, you know, from a health point of view very similar as financial, you know, you do just build it into your life and you just have to follow it. Yes. It's okay to not to do it once in a while, you know?

Yeah. Don't get yourself to up too much because it's, you know, we're all humans, we all have our flaws and that's, that's just what it is, but more often than not. And then you'll get there I guess. Absolutely, yes. It's all about eight or 24. If we don't do it consistently for a short period of time will achieve better results if we just do sprints. Fantastic. Great advice. Thank you very much. Just being respectful of your time. I want to thank you again for reaching out and we've finally got to speak properly. So it's great if anyone wants to continue this conversation, get in touch with you directly, where should they go? Troubles advice is the business natalia smith is my name. I'm on social instagram linked in and would love to speak to anyone who is in need of a bit of guidance, I suppose. And really, I think it's all about having those discussions and being, I guess not judgmental, but anyone can achieve a better life.

so that's kind of, you know, yeah, we're here to help. Yeah, fantastic, thank you very much, thank you, I love these finance ones, we've done a couple, haven't we? Done about two before and every time I listen to what I get into a panic mode for like 30 minutes going, my financial well being is so shocking. It's not, it's got better actually, each time I've heard someone because you know what I have to say, every time we've heard someone and I can't remember who they were to be on the top of my head, but I've made a change since every single one of them, so I was actually excited listen to this last night going, I wonder what I'm gonna do this time around too, embed a change towards, you know, getting better better with somebody with money. So the first one we heard, I had actually booked an appointment with the Financial Advisor, got my super sorted, got another accountant. So yeah, every time I've done something, so it's, it's good, it's like, it's really educated me in the process as well, That's great because we don't actually talk deeply about technical stuff, it's just bringing it to your the forefront of your mind that I'm not actually sorted in this area.

Yeah, there's always this perception right, that we've got time and I think, you know, natalia made a point to go, you know, we sort of live in the moment a lot and we just go, yeah, okay, you know, retirements asia's away or I don't need to think about it then and super will be okay then, and, but it creeps up, isn't there? Like it really creeps up. Yes, that's right. You and I though if you again think about it very visually, we are almost halfway through our main working life. Yes, and if we haven't done much with that yet, We've only got half again, what, that amount of time, you know, so I've been working for 20 years, Haven't really put all that much into super, haven't paid off a house, we've only got maybe 25 years left of work. Yeah, When you put it like that, it's like, oh my God, yeah, I want to go hiding my fault.

It's true. It's so true though, but I've also got, you know, since, since learning about this stuff and having my, you know, thing with the financial accounts and what I realized though is, and it sounds so simple, but, and you hear it all the time and it's cliche, but you've got to get your money to work for you because I think, you know, in the olden days, I don't know about your upbringing, but with mine, it was definitely just work hard by a house paid off, you'll be okay and it's in our parents, they never invested because it wasn't a thing, they just worked hard, they got their paycheck and we lived okay and that's that's all it was. So your paradigms around money are technically all around what it was growing up and it's that whole rich dad poor dad thing, if you look at it, isn't it around time for money, not just a paycheck and it's not even if you're employed, that's fine, you don't have to run your own business. But it's about how can you be smarter, how can you be smarter than the money is making money? Very true, very true. And I like the concept and I don't think that I'd heard it before and I said that during the interview about financial well being because I don't think the other financial planners have talked about it in that way.

They talked about, you know, your values around your money and those sort of things, but it is a whole whole part of your well being, I guess I like 100 percent. Because especially like if you look at marriage is what's the biggest cause of stress in couples is money, the finance. So it totally is about your well being really in that sense because if you can stress about it and that that totally affects your well being. Yeah, so it's it's interesting. So I've got like that I q side of my brain that's okay, I'll go see a financial planner and you know, invest my money, whatever money it has and then the other side of me is like I'll be also the abundance mindset you know there's enough to go around all that sort of stuff so I'm sort of like half and half with it all as well. Yes and when speaking to natalia and finding out that some of those mindset coach is probably don't have a background in money at all, it is like well it would be a little bit wary potentially of that abundance message because it can catch you.

I mean there's the concept of yeah I'm building a business, I'm building a business and it will pay off one day but what if the one day is a long way away or too late or too late you know you're still going to has enough potentially. Mhm But you do wonder, well if I was chipping away like you were saying that some investments now, how much further ahead would I be when my business does finally pay off? Yeah, I guess what I've done to shift that because you're right it is that I think it's two things. First thing is if you have an abundance mindset even if you don't have as much as you wanted, you would still be happy. Right? So that's one thing but I think the second thing with the abundance mindset is to actually visualize the amount of money you want and start working towards that. So it just relieves the pressure in a way of oh my God I've got to you know top up my super and this and that. So like on my vision board, I've got savings goals, I've got two houses that I want paid off.

And so I think it's definitely a combination of The acuteness and okay, I gotta sort my shit out versus I'm gonna also visualize and emotional eyes that visualization of where I want to be. And I've noticed I've been way less stressed about money in the last 12 months and I ever have been ever and considering I'm also divorced now, so even more so, you know, that you think that would be more pressure, but it's not, it's like I'm just like, yeah, definitely more in that abundance mindset, more in that I know what I want and I know I can get it, you're right. I think it does definitely have to go hand in hand because if you didn't have the I. Q. piece with the with the plan about how to get to the vision, you would just be relying on hope. And I like the saying that hope is never a strategy. Yeah, yeah, exactly, so but yeah, and then it also starts, we've spoken about this before as well with the other interviews, but it starts with, for me going back to the EQ piece, it's about awareness of what my blocks are for money and I think no amount of going to see a financial planner and investing is is going to work until you remove some of your paradigms and blocks because it goes back to those, look at those lot treatment is right, that can't keep the money because they just, you know, they're conditioned, they don't feel worthy of it.

So I know that I've done, you know, a fair bit of work with john Assaraf was amazing around money. Yeah, I mean, he's got a program called winning the game of money and it's all about, okay, you know, whether you have X amount or insane amount of money, how do you know that you are in the right headspace to receive and accept and keep it? And I think that is so true. And I've seen people, like, I've seen friends of mine that have had money and it's gone and They're like, what, I don't know what happened. And I'm like, how can you lose $1 million? Like, what's wrong with you? How does it just go? But it does just because they don't feel worthy, you know, they don't feel deserving of it. So I think there's financial wellbeing. Absolutely. But I think there's so many other angles of it that we don't talk about in mainstream, you know, financial literacy. Yes. Whenever you talk about money blocks, I always wonder, well, you know what a mine, I think I might have them all.

Yeah. Mine was initially around like, you know, just pricing as well of my service remember having that one for ages, like ages. And my coach was like, what are you doing? You might just give it for free. Used to get really shitty at me and I'm like, no, I can't. And what was, what he said was interesting was I was not only did I have, I didn't value my expertise and worth in time, but we're also what he said. And it was so true was I was projecting my money fears on someone else that I was going to be able to afford it or you know, it's going to be too much money for them. And he's like, how do you know what their circumstances are? How do you know that they don't value this and they've invested or you know, save money to pay for this. And and it's so true. We project our own issues on to other people. And then they picked that up in energy and then you you wonder why people aren't buying your service. And uh in this book I was reading, you know, they talk about they did this experiment, there was a shop somewhere in like in the UK and it was selling these crystal jewelry and she just couldn't sell it in the shop.

It just wasn't moving is one of the products that wasn't moving and this money I went in and he said because it's too cheap and she's like, no, it's just not selling like, I just want to get rid of it. And he's like, no, he goes, put the price up four times what it is. And she's like, no, don't be silly that trust, we just put it up, she put it up the price four times of what it was. And it went within weeks. Very interesting. It is, isn't it? So yeah, there's I think that side of this whole money is fascinating. Yes. Yes. It's funny actually, I'm reading this book at the moment or listening on audible. Rather it's called The Soul of Money. You have Yeah, it's amazing. Quite good. It looks at me and it looks at a whole lot of different scenarios that this woman has been in for both very wealthy people and very poor talks about all the psychological things that are keeping people in their patterns. Yes, it is, it's a really good book, a church twice, but you can take that to the next level and it will be a topic for another time.

But they also say that your business has a soul. Mhm. Right. So if you have passed in your ancestral line, if people have done bad things in business or or you know, screwed people over with money, it impacts your business, your current business. And there's this guy who does this work and he removes these like financial blocks the, you know, people go, I don't know what my business is successful. Like I'm doing everything right and marketing it right? I'm doing everything. He goes up. He goes as generational trauma in the sole of your business. It's it's such a freaking good book. And he shares like anecdotes of people he's worked with in their business and he's just worked with them for like two or three sessions and then he's literally turned their businesses around and they're like I don't get it like you know we've done everything, we've had coaches, we've done this, we've done this and he's like, oh yeah, he goes it was just ancestral in your line. Someone just did something bad and impacted yours. You have to find the name of that book. Or for me it's all marketing, soul marketing.

So it's the next step after soul of money. Yeah. And he basically teaches you how to market your business from the soul perspective of your business and not worry about you know, paid ads and this and that and he's like just work on and treat your business as a sole. So the other thing he talks about which I love is you know if you know that your business has a soul, how do you treat people in your business? You know how do you value them? How do you provide the best value? So he makes you just be better in your business with the concept that your business has a soul. So very good. Thank you. Another book to read. Yeah, that's good. I love it. Mm. I love as well at the end that natalia touched on a few other themes that we hear quite regularly about role modeling And also about the 80 20 rule. She touched on both those things that we keep hearing over and over again. Mm And with the role modeling it was certainly sort of coming back around to some of our very early conversations around women not particularly wanting to step up and be seen as leaders and yet we are leading all the time and role modeling to those around particularly to kids and two younger staff and to you know those who even just follow us in terms of influence.

Yeah it's so true. I was taking away from that bit. Not really leadership modelling but just how I am aje and my daughter and you know it goes back to those paradigms of how you use certain words, demand money. So not saying like you know we can't afford that or it's too expensive. You know just phrasing things better more in the positive about oh that's you know that's worth a lot. How are we going to say for that? You know rather than oh it's too expensive because then it's you know putting our own lack limitations on to them. Um But yeah it's interesting, they do they do learn a lot and they do pick up a lot from you and you know then you feel this responsibility if you like your shaping potentially the child's financial freedom based on how you behave in out. Yeah, that's right, That's right. I can't remember what I was watching, but it was somewhere where some quite aware mother was like I'm trying not to recreate all these conditions and issues that I had in myself that I had to undo.

But then she was really conscious that um no matter what, you're going to put some kind of trauma into your kid anyway one way or the other. So I wish. Exactly yeah. But then give them the tools so that you know, they can deal with it. Um whatever that looks like. Yeah, no, it was interesting again, good conversation and good reminder. I think you're right. I think we've had about one financial plan or a year over the last three years. It sort of comes back around, doesn't it? It does. And it always gives me a bit of a nudge to do something. So you're going to do anything if you've been inspired to health, financial, health check or something or Well I'm going to get the solar marketing book. So that's one thing I'm going to do. I'm actually sitting down with my accountant today to go over some of the performance things in business why business finances? Because I think that, you know, I've got my personal finances as sorted as I can within the scope of what I'm doing and you know, you can't invest anymore unless you've got more income and the business has to be then the thing that is generating this income.

So I've turned my focus back to that to see well what tweets do we need to make to actually make this thing perform awesome. Great. So that combined with sold marketing might be the way to go, might be the way to go. Yeah, I updated my vision board because I do it every christmas which yeah, but I thought you know what, I was really inspired this weekend just to update it. So I just updated it with some financial goals, business goals. But actually put time for out of the dates to it this time around so around savings and you know what I want to achieve. So that's that's one thing I've done is I've just been a bit more clearer in my visualization. So yeah, that's my sort of one bit of action. Fantastic. Well, for the listeners, please tell us what you're one bit of action is please get in touch which when they can they contact you EQ dot Academy. Thanks brilliant. Jacqui at Legally Wise Women or LinkedIn.

We do post on there and it's a really great place to have some conversation in the comments there or at IQ Meets EQ dot com dot au All right, well thanks again, good to see you, thanks. And you know it feels like it's been a while, but yes. See you again soon. Thank you. Yeah. Mhm. Right. Mhm

Ep70 FInancial wellbeing
Ep70 FInancial wellbeing
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