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How to: Create clarity, prioritise tasks, manage energy levels, and optimise your schedule

by Shaun Kober
March 21st 2022

Podcast regular Lizzie Wright reached out to me and asked if we could jump on a call so she could pick my brain and bounce some ideas off we decided to record it to share with our audiences... More

what does it mean to live life to the fullest train to your potential and perform at your best, Leave nothing on the table. That's a non negotiable is that I strive to be better every day because if I'm not on top of my game, how is anybody else going to follow me down the road? Keep demanding more of yourself to live up to that potential and to stay hungry. Training is progress. You know, when I look at the word training, I think of steps, baby steps to get somewhere that you want to be, and that is basically your life journey. That's a mindset and itself, man, it's like, it's not just about I know that for you, a lot of that's about the physical, but we're constantly in training, whether it's growing our skill sets, whether it's growing our physical bodies, whether it's growing our relationships, whatever and all of that is a training ground and that kind of goes back to the mindset that we just talked about. You underestimate yourself and you don't even start, but then once you start, you often surpass what you thought you could do perform at your best money. That's that's sort of what life is all about. You know, I don't have the knowledge and have the fitness, the healthy ambition and drive that no matter what comes along when that next phone call comes, I can just say yes, I don't have to worry, just go and do it, yo what is up guys, welcome back to the live transform podcast?

I'm your host, Sean Cobra during this episode I'm joined by lizzie Wright who has made an appearance on the podcast many, many times, I've interviewed her and we've also had her on to contribute to the coach's corner episodes where we sit down and discuss as coaches, what we see happening in the industry, as well as the some of the tools, techniques, strategies, tactics that we're using with our clients. Now, I'm recording this intro on 17 March. A number of weeks ago, Lizzie reached out to me and asked if we could jump on a call so she could pick my brain after a number of big changes in her life recently, including returning back to the UK after many years based out of Singapore, as well as changing from coaching face to face clients to building her online business and she was kind of a little bit of a crossroad, she didn't really know exactly where she was or what she was doing, what she was working towards. So we had a great discussion around her hierarchy of values, creating clarity, um, prioritizing tasks and also allocating time and energy levels to different tasks.

So, um we decided to record this episode, share it with the audience because there's plenty of actionable takeaways now. There was a couple of components, where I was explaining my calendars that I used to create my schedule and to organize my thoughts, organize my priorities, my task lists. Um that's actually going to be uploaded to the Youtube channel. There's quite a few visual components to that. So if you're interested in that side of things, make sure you go to my Youtube channel which is at performance functional training. Other than that. This was a great conversation. I think there's gonna be plenty of takeaways for you guys, the audience. So let's get this episode underway. Everything's good. Everything's a bit better. Since I last when I messaged you whenever it was only last week was it was a week before. Um, you know, things are good. Just getting kind of grounded and finally settling into a bit of that change and like actually understanding where I'm at, you know, like kind of like, I've gone through a couple of months of like going what the funk am I doing to actually now like okay cool.

This is like the new set of standards for yourself and the lifestyle and everything you're creating. Um and to really just home in on that and stop living a life based on how I had everything managed in Singapore and now starting to recreate the new, the new set of ways. And I think that's the biggest like the biggest shift yet for me is like having just having those changes and just feeling it and just being totally present around it. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yes. It's better. What was the, what was the message that you sent me? I was Like 10 days ago where you're like, Hey, I need to talk, I need and wisdom, what should I forget? I don't know that was it. That was it. I wanted you just to literally give me some words, where was it? It was about 10 days ago ISH. 10 days, two weeks ago. So you obviously moved back home, you're going through that transition process being in Singapore for a long time, back into a different environment now and you know, all of your, I guess like habits that you've built and the way you went about, things had completely changed and been thrown on its head and now you're trying to figure out how to best put it all back together, is that correct?

Yeah, yeah, no, I think and that's the difference, right? Like Singapore was, was so regimented as so disciplined and that hole that had been built for the last eight years and then I just completely flipped it on its head and then gone. But to me, living in that headspace of being so disciplined to being in total, kind of like almost like a freak out going, I don't even recognize myself what you went from even any routine, you went from order to chaos. Yeah, yeah, basically. And like everything from whether to like living about parents to independence, to all of those things were just like they were challenged and but I know the whole time when I was going through it though. I just, I knew why I was doing it, it was hard, like, it was an internal battle of going, remember why did it remember I did it and this is the where you wanted that challenge because everything was continually being easy enough to the point where I needed to be in that challenge and I saw it for myself then obviously then actually in the thick of it, you're like, oh my God, like, and it wasn't when I look at it now and even still going through obviously the changes, it's still so it's extremely could be, but it's obviously within my story and kind of what I'm used to and then to to yeah, to then really kind of re establishing myself and I think that's the that's the key was like, who am I?

Like you said, that was the biggest thing, like what your values and then the biggest shift from me and what I came away with a lot of stuff was what um what lifestyle am I creating and to stop comparing my life self, from Singapore to here, because the moment is actually comparing things really started to make a shift which is natural and we say that on so many other levels it comes up in my coaching all the time. Stop comparing, stop comparing, But I've come into this whole thing of it and being in London and then and seeing all these fits pose and like, people were like, smashing it and stuff and then I automatically just went from feeling confident in everything in myself to going shit. I gotta level up. I gotta step up. You know? And I think that was the reason that, again, I wanted to be around people who were going to create that scenario. But I almost went the other way of it led the comparison just led me to being like ship what we've done. You're not gonna be good enough in the UK or let alone the global standard and the vision that I'm creating myself.

So I had those thoughts. Um but now it's now this new space in the next few months is just really creating that message about who I am and having that differentiation because I'm not someone who's grown up in London or the U. K. Recently. Everything I've been learning and have learned on my journey is abroad. So it's kind of using that and everything I've gone through on that larger scale to Yeah. To embed with the message and everything I want to do. Mm hmm. So when you did, it did reach out to me and you know, said I need some of your wisdom. Um what would you do in this situation? And the first thing I said was like reassess and write down what your values are and you obviously did that. What did that do for you? Um Well, I got to like reflect back and look at where my values were obviously in Singapore and kind of the lifestyle that I was leading and obviously it's hot sunshine, it's shorts, t shirt, bikini beach and easy, very easy life for me.

It was there and my journey to work was six minutes on that while I was cycling didn't have too much for me and the lifestyle like crazy, I didn't have too many outgoings um in the sense of bringing it back here and obviously the independence was so huge in Singapore and then coming back here, I was going through too, living my parents, which I already established was a good move for now, it's not a permanent move, but it is the move to help me build the business I'm in, but I think it's definitely just that culture shock of, obviously I came back in the thick of winter, so the night of the days was so short and dark and I was just like, oh my God, I mean what is going on? But when I wrote down like the values of actually understanding the lifestyle of what I want to create is the UK is in a permanent residency for me right now, you know? And that was always the goal, it wasn't ever just to move back here and be like, cool, that's it, you're paying tax, you're a citizen back here, you're gonna be working full time, you're gonna go petey in the gyms.

Like that was never the vision, the vision was to build the business online, realign those values towards an online self and how I coach to then traveling the world. That the mission this year is to explore, meet people from all around the world, kind of build that global message as opposed to just sectioning myself to Singapore and the UK, it's to go beyond and bigger than that. So I think when I actually assessed my values was look, you're not stuck anymore and it's like Singapore, I think for me, like I could go back there at some point if I wanted to, but for me it was a point of, I was almost stuck there with the Visa and like the expansion and the company that was weird, like they were great but had reached the top of it. So I think almost coming back here, I felt stuck um in the sense that, oh, now what do I, I'm, I'm just staying here, I'm just in the UK and obviously friends are happy, family are happy, like, oh, she's back, she's gonna be back. Like Barbara and I was just like, well hold on like this isn't a permanent move right now, I'm not in this 2022 for me is reestablishing myself, being flexible, adapting and show myself I can book a ticket and go anywhere because I still haven't done it, but that is on the list.

I'm going in at the start of March and that is again, it seems to be a ticket thing that seems to make me help make me all these changes, but it's yeah, I think now it's also it's knowing I'm not stuck and the new values are based around the freedom based around the countries I want to go to and travel um and being that person for me and no one else and I think that's the big thing I've been working on more than I've realized is redefining kind of the blueprint of like society in terms of settling down and having a house and like all of these things. So I think it seems it's a lot bigger than I actually ever imagined or anticipated with the change. So writing down those values gave you a little bit more clarity and it kind of put your mind at East because obviously those values had changed since you left Singapore. You're in a completely new environment. You're going through a transitional period where you are transitioning your business, we have transitioned your business or the majority of it online, which is then going to allow you the freedom to then go and travel and meet people and run retreats and ship like that around the world, is that correct?

Okay, cool. So, so that's like, you know, obviously a more longer term. Um you know, that's your values, that's what you are working towards All right now. Um that should give you a pretty good insight into what you need to be doing right now, so you know, if that's your overall value and where you see yourself in the next year or two, you know, what do you need to do in the next month, what do you need to do in the next week, what do you need to do on a day to day basis to start ticking those boxes? That's the question, what for me to answer? Yes, I've already, I know, I was just really was slowly figuring oh yeah, we're live um Yes, so I think the initial part for me is having to refocus and look at what that is like you said in the next year, so looking at that bigger picture and looking at is like the one main thing, so for me I have my white board, so the focus I put three focuses is the online coaching, so really drive that business and show how many more people I can reach, then bringing the adventure into the adventure retreats and then the self development, so how can I constantly develop this year one in my education for coaching, but to in behavioral change.

Um and then obviously myself is putting myself out there constantly so into like new environments and travel and booking those tickets and being okay with that new lifestyle. So when it comes down to that breakdown is I've really been working hard to know and to put in place of now new disciplines of what my week will look like in terms of where I'm at, so it doesn't matter if I'm in Thailand or if I'm in Mexico, if I'm in somewhere else, I will still have these tasks that I need to complete every day of the week, because I think that's the big part is like, I know I need to adapt and be flexible, but I also need discipline in my days and my weeks, otherwise I won't Yeah, exactly, so I'm starting again, it's still a couple of weeks away from really refining, but it's still coming together like Mondays or my client checking days where I communicate with them, get them everything ready for the week. I have certain days where I'm gonna have calls with clients um days that I don't have calls with clients, then I have a brand building days, so obviously like with website to um social media, to building the content through there, to then, now I've upped the ante on the podcast, now, I've got more time to do it.

So it's again just having those things that are going to be remaining the same no matter where I am, and I think that's so crucial for me, especially from someone who does thrive off discipline, that I need to know that I'm still having these checkboxes done, so I've given myself now is like before I was like january, you're going to be kicked like ground running, you're gonna be doing this and this, which is six weeks and I'm still figuring it out like in this part. So, and I'm okay with that Now I've had, I've come to that realization said, look, the first three months, are you grounding yourself? You're figuring everything out, setting the foundations around your clients, any new protocol systems, financial stuff. I need to figure out in all of that stuff. That's all in this first three months as well as kind of that development side. And then april beyond is when everything else starts to come into play in terms of driving the business the next kind of chapter mm hmm. Do you feel conflicted with what you need to do and what you want to do?

Not only on a daily basis but a weekly basis, yep. Yeah, it's still trying to again, like it's still in that kind of foggy place. Like I'm clear, but then I'm not clear. You know, there's days where I'm like, yes, I've got this, this is, I've got it. I've got it. I've got it and then like a day later or two days later, I'm like, oh, like just that whole momentum and life has just kind of gone okay now? What is that? Because you're planning your days, but then you're having to react to things and then those things that you're reacting to then take up a lot more time than you anticipate and then that's leaving you on the back foot and going like funk. I've got so much on my plate at the moment. To an extent. Yes. And I think definitely that first, the first six weeks of like January to now has been, um, I've been a lot more regimented in terms of just three things you need to do today, but literally kept it so simple in the fact that because before I literally wrote a list of 10 things and I'm a high achiever and I like doing that. But I set the bar way too high that I was like, yeah, I'm not doing any of that today or yeah, someone just called me so whatever.

But now I've been way more regimented, definitely in the starts of my day. So I'll start reading my book the 1st 15 minutes of the day. I'm not allowed to touch my phone alarm just switches off. So I'll try and keep in an early morning rise, read my work, Do my 30 minutes to study and then I have my task and to complete. So I'm not, again, it's trying to create a more of a don't look at the things that your emails on the phone that are going to distract me from the task that I need to do. So it's creating more smaller blocks of productive time. Mm hmm. I have struggled with this before as well. And I mean it's, it's a constant adjustment right. Like, you know, we go through these seasons of life and um whilst I was away for 3.5 months to Russia, you a India, you know, I was focused on, you know, fight camp with yarn. Um and then I was focused on the project in India and I didn't have time for, you know, how much time for other things.

I really had to prioritize what I was doing and you know, I I wasn't doing any study whilst I was away, I was still keeping up to date with the podcasts. That was my, like, my uh second priority was keeping the podcast because I made a promise to myself. I'm like, I'm going to put out a podcast every week and it's been almost two years now coming up two years in May. Remember when we first started talking about it? Yeah, absolutely. So, um you know, when I got back from the gig in India, I've had to again right down my values and um restructure my days and have a look at my, my day to day, my week to week. What I'm focused on for the month etcetera, and you know, I'm constantly adjusting that I'm constantly changing that and, you know, the biggest piece of advice I can give is, you know, sometimes it's not about adding more things in, sometimes it's about taking things out. So, you know, I've been so busy over the last couple of months since I've been back, like I'm in a position, I was just saying to you offline, like I'm in a position now where I'm turning people away and I'm saying like I can't take on any more Pts at the moment.

And the only Pts I've got at the moment, general population pts I've got at the moment, they're paying me very fucking good money. And then the rest of the work that I'm doing is with professional fighters, you know, so that's taken up a lot of my time and then my own training has taken a little bit of a hit as well and I've had to completely restructure my own training and this year for me has been, it's going to be about, you know, earning respect and credibility in martial arts combat sports. So I haven't done any lifting For the last six weeks, I've done any training in the gym for like the last six weeks I'm, you know, doing jiu jitsu a couple times a week, I'm doing boxing once or twice a week, I'm doing mm a once or twice a week, you know, so I've had to completely restructure my training and normally I love training first thing in the morning, but right now my training is like happening in the evening, which means that I've got more time in the morning to dedicate towards certain things and you know, after after getting back from India, like the project that I was working on over there, I won't talk about it too much, but we were filming with a prominent network which is going to be live in the next couple of months and once that um goes live, like my profile is going to explode um particularly through Southeast Asia.

So um what I'm really focusing on now is building out my online side of the business, building our website, having some training programs. So you know, I've been busy recording training programs, um you know, transcribing these podcast episodes, organizing them into e books um things like that so I can have uh and then I'm, you know, looking to build out my website so that's become, you know, quite high on my list of priorities where my training has taken a little bit of a back seat, my study has taken a backseat. I can't, I'm not studying at the moment because I'm so like intent on um putting my time energy and effort into building out this online platform. Um you know, and that's something that you might need to have a look at as well, as you know, instead of adding more things into your day or into your week, maybe you need to start taking things out. Like I love fucking, getting up in the morning and sitting on my balcony and having a coffee, watching the sunrise and then reading for 30 minutes, you know, but because that's not my priority right now, like I've had to cut that away, you know, but I still get that in every now and again, like I'm, once I get off this podcast, I'm gonna lay in bed and read like, I haven't watched any netflix for like two weeks, you know, so then I just start, you know, I've still got those things that are still important to me.

Um but I then just start reordering them. So you know, if my work is my priority, if I'm planning on building my website, editing training programs, filming etcetera, etcetera, you know, I'm doing that first thing in the morning now, you know, instead of reading, I'm now doing that first thing, I still go onto my balcony, I still have my coffee, watch the sunrise, but then I do my meditation for five minutes, have a quick stretch. Boom. Alright now I'm straight into the work, Right? And then I'll get like 45 minutes to an hour of work before I then need to leave and go to the gym and then I'm like back to back, to back to back with clients and then I might have, you know, an hour to eat, do my social media stuff. Um and then I'll come home, I'm doing some more editing, um, you know, maybe recording a podcast or uploading or doing the social media stuff for the podcast and then I've got more clients and I've got my own training and then, you know, I might only get my reading in the afternoon. Um or if I've got client calls that's when I'm kind of batch ng my client calls and I try and get them all in within like a, you know, a couple of our block and um, you know, I kind of have it stack on top of that and go, right, well I've got two hours of client calls from this period.

I'm going to make sure that I go and lay by my pool and get some sunshine etcetera. So you know, it's not like I'm not doing certain things that are important to me, but I'm just simply reordering them and if I, you know, don't, if I don't get any reading done today, if I don't get any study done today, I'm okay with that. However, when I was going through, you know, that lockdown period, I was like, I was making sure that I was getting my study done early in the morning because that was important to me at that time. But that's now being bumped down the totem pole in favor of other things that I have to get done okay. Yeah, no, I totally, I totally agree that, I think that's, again, I'm still in more of that like assessment phase of like what's working, what's not working and like you said, it's, I'm getting up, it might be a case, I just need to get up a little bit earlier just to get the reading in like for me definitely study is, is up there. Um Yeah, no, definitely. I think it's assess constantly what is working and what's not and what's taking that priority. And I think that one of the biggest shift for me is the in your, I was in your place not long ago last year where you're almost where you really have to be so regimented because you're dealing with people online, you're dealing with people in person.

You're also trying to build your website, build all the business and branding in podcasts and everything like that. So, for me, I found that easier because I was so regimented to turn up to all those different things and they had two. Whereas now I have to, but on the other side, if Liz is feeling tired, I could just turn around and jump on the bed if I wanted to or like, So it's trying to create that structure to keep dangling that carrot in front of me to know how to keep moving forward, you know, so that I can be anywhere whenever I want to be. And that's a good thing. And it can also be an absolute nightmare at the same time. So, getting used to that is another thing. Gotcha. All right. I've got a perfect tactic for you then. Have you heard of all trade in rhythm night, Have you heard of Pomodoro technique? No. Okay, so all trade in Rhythm is basically we work well in roughly 90 minute blocks. Okay, so if you look at Circadian Rhythm when we go to sleep, our sleep cycles work in roughly 90 minute blocks.

So, you know, our energy levels throughout the day essentially work in these 90 minute blocks ish. Right? So what I do is in the morning or the night before, I'll actually write out my schedule and I'll make sure I've got a blue pen, I've got a black pen, I've got a red pen and color code. Um What I'm putting in my schedule and the things that I write in black, that's the ship that I have to do. That's the stuff that I'm getting paid for, that's my face to face clients, that's my client calls, that's my business meetings. Um that's my team meetings, work meetings, etcetera. That stuff is in black and like I fucking put that stuff in, boom, that's locked in. Okay. The next thing I'll do is put in in red, my things that I'm doing to fill my own cup, whether that's training, that's eating, that's doing, you know, my whatever might be um you know, a little bit of podcasting or reading or going for a walk along the beach, whatever that might be okay, I'll block out times for that.

I'll put that in red. Okay, and then I put things in blue, things that I would like to get done and I'll put them in order of priority. So, you know, that's my podcast, that's my study. Um that might be meeting up with a friend for, you know, ah a coffee or um whatever, it might be alright, so then I know like my black things, I have to get done, it doesn't matter what my energy levels are like, okay, now if I have a poor night's sleep and I wake up in the morning, I'm like, oh, funk man, I feel really tired And you know, at 6:30 AM, I've got in blue allred, go out onto my balcony and read and you know, have 30 minutes there, but I wake up and I'm tired and I'm like, alright, what's more important right now, probably getting a little bit more sleep, so then I'll readjust my alarm and then I'll go back to sleep and I know that reading is probably going to get pushed later to the day and if I don't get it done then that's okay.

And then what I'm doing throughout the day is essentially adjusting those things in blue and in red to align with my energy levels. Now, I know sometimes if I've got, you know, an hour in the morning, I've got an hour break and you know, I can either choose to eat or I can choose to train in that time. I'm looking at what I've got after that, if I know that I've got, you know, probably four hour block of coaching, class coaching clients, then I'm probably not going to train in that time if I'm not gonna have a chance to eat or if I am eating, I'm going to be rushing, so I'm like right, I'm going to eat in that time, even though I had in my schedule, I'm going to train, so then I'm just simply readjusting my schedule, so I'm being proactive writing my schedule out, but then I'm also being reactive and flexible on the day and then I simply look at my schedule and go, alright, cool, well I've got an hour and a half between this client and the next client, Maybe I can get a 30 minute training session in And then I'm going to sit down, I'm going to eat, I'm gonna give myself 40 minutes to get some food in or maybe, you know, I make myself a super shake at home where maybe I'll go and sit, that's probably a better option for me.

I'm going to get 30 minutes of training in, I'm going to go and you know, sit by my pool, get some sunshine, make my super shake, which is like 1000 calories. Um and then go through my social media stuff, right? And then I'll get up and then I'll go and train my clients or do whatever I need to do. Um and I'm simply adjusting my tasks to suit my energy levels and there's gonna be, there's gonna, you know, as as you know, there's things that come up where um it requires high amounts of energy. Like if I'm recording a podcast, like a series or something like that and I'm researching and I'm writing, I'm taking notes and I'm, you know, recording that takes me a lot of energy. So if I'm a little bit tired, I haven't slept very well that day, you know, maybe I'm not going to record, maybe I'll just take the notes, maybe I'll do some research for that or maybe go, you know what, I'm not gonna do that today, I'm going to push that to tomorrow and something else that's lower on the totem pole. I'm going to bring up now, that doesn't take me as much energy. Okay, and that might be um what's an example?

Maybe I've already edited, Sorry, already recorded a podcast now, I just need to edit it now. I need to upload it now, I need to, you know, um schedule that in now. I'm going to do the social media stuff, put together the Youtube videos, then break that down into, you know, the instagram snippets etcetera etcetera. You know, I'm still working on the same thing, but the energy requirements for those two different tasks are completely different. So then I'm just simply readjusting my schedule to suit that. So that's essentially what all trading with rhythm is, It's it's looking at your energy levels and then assigning tasks to suit those energy levels because there's always going to be shipped that you need to get done, there's always gonna be shipped that you want to get done and there's always gonna be those little fucking errands that just pop up throughout the day that you know, you just kind of need to tick off the list. Does that make sense? You know? 100% I think. Yeah, it's definitely, yeah, it's stuff I have been working on but obviously not having a label to it, but also not as specific as the kind of the color coding.

Um but I think it makes so much sense that even when it comes down to like you said, like with social media or like podcast uploading and everything in their similar tasks that I have as well and it is, it doesn't require that much brain power to go through certain things, especially when we've been doing it a number of times and I have made that a focus, like sometimes I like to do like the sparkly quick things to do, so it knows and I feel like I've achieved something quickly. So I I know for me it's again, having that Those moments where I'm not distracted for those things and know they are going to happen in the day, but it's just scheduling that time in the day and like you said for me the 1990 minutes will be one that I'd have to work around because Yeah, I think for me initially it's been 30 minutes, 30, 40 minutes I put on the timer on my phone, literally launched my phone away, hide it away. And I just stopped when that that buzzes off. Um So that's that's one thing that's really helped me um is really set that time and go more for like 40 minutes, 30 40 minutes.

And then I just stopped like it should get off my chair dance, do whatever, stretch and have a little five minute break and then I'll get back to it. So yeah, I definitely, yeah, that's something I definitely would start looking at. That's essentially the Pomodoro technique that you're talking about or a variation of it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly, you know, but the next stage two that is going well, you know, yes, you're already doing that. But then also going, what about what are my energy levels? Like, you know, typically we have most people have energy crashes in the afternoon, like just after lunch around 1 30 to 3 o'clock ish. You know, and that's that's part of our natural circadian rhythm where our hormones start changing and you know, we start getting a little bit tired and that's where a lot of um you know, a lot of countries have siestas, people from certain countries have siestas right? Like maybe me now. Yeah. Yeah, well you're in a position to do that.

So you know, that's that's simply working with your energy level. So you know, you're already using that technique. So the next step to that is then going when do I have most of my energy because here's the thing, do you enjoy reading? Yeah I love it. Yeah exactly. Does it take you much energy? No that's right. So you could be using that energy first thing in the morning for something else right? You already enjoy reading? I already enjoy reading. So if I'm not reading first thing in the morning then I'm still going to enjoy reading in the afternoon. It's not or in the evening it's not going to take me that much energy. So for me most of my energy is first thing in the morning and as I go through the day that energy starts depleting depleting depleting. So you know simply swapping my day and getting more important things that require more energy, more resources. Getting that ship done early in the morning um makes a lot more sense for me. Like make the most important thing the most important thing it requires high amounts of energy. Then you need to make sure that you're assigning those tasks to those times where you do have high amounts of energy.

Yeah and I think it is is is really key as well and there's parts for me obviously now I've gone in from being a very active job to being very computer lead. So again it's all of those different parts of your environment that I'm really trying to change too because I was hit like I started off doing like workouts in the morning. So I'd go off to the gym at like six a.m. And then I was like well no because by the time I'm back I'm distracted, I have not had breakfast and then it's like coming onto like eight, half 89 by the time I've settled down and I've lost my whole morning so that their workouts come out in the afternoon evening now, which is something very new to me in my adult years um starts getting used to that. But I have, for me I have one of my brakes, so if I've worked for three hours in the morning I'll go for our walk with the dog. So once again I have that breakup point and actually from those, I found them the most one therapeutic but also if I'm stuck on ideas, I come back way more creative, way more enthused. So it's more like my between nine and 11 AM walk, I'll go and then I'm ready for the next like, so I'm normally try and do it in three things in the day block into like three parts of the day and then obviously anything more in the evening is great if it's those smaller kind of bits to do.

But yeah, so it's always, yeah, from that I've realized if I don't move and obviously I have taken the training away, I need to walk or do something because I then just go, oh my God I haven't done anything, I feel like crap like I just need to get outside. You know, it's reinvigorating to get that that mental break um to get out, get some fresh air, get the legs moving, get the blood moving, get the lymphatic system working detoxing because that's the only way the lymphatic system works right. Like it doesn't have a pump, like the heart does for the um the cardiovascular system. Um so the lymphatic system only works by the muscles pumping. Um you know, here's something else to think about as well. Do you have audible? I do and I do listen to audible and I do listen to podcasts when I'm walking. Um sometimes I don't because again, I want to be this point where I reach too much information. I actually just want to hear myself think. Um so I vary it. So sometimes I'll listen to a podcast.

Sometimes I won't podcast or audible, but I do really like flicking the pages. I'm real, I love, I love the pages of the book and I'm a real visual learner. So for me to actually see words, I can start to get an emotional attachment like rather than just audible all the time. Normally if I've got probably by the book and read that as well. Okay, well that that was going to be my next point. You know, would you listen to an audiobook but also have that book at home. So, you know, you're essentially getting your reading in in the morning and then, you know, if certain things come up, you take note of what page that's on in the audio book and then you might get your highlighter and highlight that in the evening before you go to bed. So then you're taking that information that you've learned throughout the day, that's caught your attention and then you're reinforcing, reinforcing that information by highlighting and making your notes prior to going bed, which then allows you to reinforce that information whilst you go to sleep and let that sink into your brain, into my brain.

Yeah, give me all the knowledge. Yeah, that could be an option for sure. Um I definitely think just from yeah, what you said, it's just taking that time now a bit more mature in the change of journey and like all the circumstances is now I've gained enough kind of experience and enough knowledge on what's going on, where what I'm liking, what I'm not liking. Like you said, it's so individual into that, it's like we can give as much advice as we want, but it's something that might work for, you might not work for me, right? And I think that's just what's so important in all these journeys even as coaches, we can give all this advice, but I always say to my clients is take this with a pinch of salt, I want you to look at these three different options, see what resonates with you the most tryout. Each one, give it a good go and redefine it relabel it put it in your own words, like I had a client this week or last week, we we're talking about mindfulness and what she can get through in her weakened things and she's just like, she wasn't doing it because the word was just wasn't resonating with her as much because she was constantly like, I'm always in my mind, I don't want to be in my mind all the time.

I was like, okay, cool. And then she came back to me a week later after I pushed her just to start finding different labels or different things and she came back with harmfulness. So she could be more in tune with feeling and being and expressing in that way. So I think, yeah, just knowing we all have our own different learning and ways of doing it, but definitely different tools like that. I think they're so useful just to kind of have in your toolbox so that we can actually adapt to those different bits. But yeah, that really, that starts to help clear it out and I know definitely challenged me in my head that but I don't like you for is making me is making me think about not reading in the morning because I just really, I love that, but only read 15 minutes, but it stops me, The reason why I do it is I don't want to go straight onto my phone and I know if I'm gonna show on my phone, I'll probably be there for 30 40 minutes because I don't have anywhere else technically to be. So it's like it's always having those bits and now maybe I've matured a bit more in the reading stage that I might not need my phone and I can go do something else.

That's right, right. That's and that's the thing like you think about what you just said, then I use that reading to stop me from getting on my phone. So maybe you've already built that discipline to then not pick up your phone and maybe you can now swap the reading out for like hey the first thing I'm going to do is you know if you have something that you need to research for your online business or something that you need to get done that does take some of your energy, then you know you're cracking straight into that. But would you say that you wouldn't, would you advise that there was the first thing you do when you wake up? Ah It depends, you know I would still do you know for me still taking that five minutes of um mindfulness first thing in the morning where you know I get up and I take my ginger and tumeric shot and then I brush my teeth and I open the blinds and I'll take my heart rate variability and my blood pressure and um check my sleep quality, et cetera. Then I'll like sit down and I'll ride out my, my schedule.

I'll review my schedule that I've written out the night before um and then I'll go and sit on the balcony. I'll have a coffee, I'll watch a sunrise, I'll do my five minutes of mindfulness, okay? And then I'll come back into my, into my ah into my desk and then again have another look at my schedule and go, all right, what's the most important thing that I need to get done? My energy levels are high. This is a high energy task. I've got 45 minutes. I'm going to get cracking on this right now or or my energy levels are a little bit low. What's a low energy task I'm going to, you know, find these low energy task. There's just those annoying things that need to get done. I'm going to get that that done today knowing that hey, my energy is probably not going to get better throughout the day. Or maybe if I've got a little bit of time to train here, I'm gonna make sure that I get a little bit of training in. I'm not hammering myself. I'm doing something that's going to add to my day, not take away from it. It's going to allow me to walk out of the gym feeling better than I walked in and then go, all right now my energy levels are moderate. What's a moderate energy um, tasks and then I start adjusting that and if I've got any high energy tasks that need to be done that day, maybe I can push that to the next day.

You know, there's always, there's always going to be times where, you know, sometimes you just have to fucking grind through and just get some of those high energy task done with low energy, you know, but you want to try and minimize that as much as possible. And this is where, you know, being flexible with your weak and being flexible with your days is really important for me. Like I've got two boards and two white boards in front of me on the right white board is four quadrants in the top left quadrant on the top two columns, the two titles is urgent and not urgent and then on the left hand side is important and not important. Right? So those four quadrants are urgent and important. But guess what? That's a ship that I need to get done on the right hand side is important, but not urgent. Guess what? That quadrants fucking full of stuff. That's all projects. Right? But I don't need to do that right now. That's all stuff When I was like, hey, you know, maybe when I've got, you know, low energy, I can look at my not urgent but important things.

And the first thing on the list is rename my podcast episodes. You know, that doesn't take me much energy. When you were just when we're talking just briefly, that was like one task I need to do for minors. How do you make this a little bit better? Yeah, exactly. Um You know one of those tasks is all my I. G. Tv episodes that I put on social media over the last year or so. I want to transfer them. I want to put them up on Youtube. You know, so that stuff doesn't take that much time. It doesn't take that does take time, but it doesn't take that much energy, right? So when I've got those low energy days and you know, I don't have those high energy task that I have to get done? That's where I'm like, all right, I'll have a look at that list. Alright, what can I do there? Boom. And I'm still taking the list. I'm still ticking those boxes right? I'm still getting those winds right then down the bottom, bottom left hand side is urgent but not important. This is the stuff that like just comes up the wrong way around. You're gonna have to tell me how it is again. Um So urgent but not important. This is the stuff that comes up now.

It's like, hey can you um fucking can you send me your details for your online coaching program. Boom. Send them a quick email like this is the stuff that's like if I can do this in two minutes, I'm gonna do it right now. That's like my rule to. I always say that it's like And it's amazing how many times you just get like five tasks done in like 10 minutes, you're like oh my God I just waited a week just to get this ship done and I could have just done it like within the matter of that. I always feel like it's ahead process though sometimes. Yeah but again it's it's like catching that stuff right? Like right here's here's those those things that I need to get done like they're not fucking urgent or sorry, they are urgent but they're not super important. But it's just admin stuff that I've got to get done just to keep chipping away. And it's like if I can if I can batch a number of those things together as you said, you can take five things off the list in 10 minutes. Boom. Alright there's a king, there's you know some stress off your mind that you don't even have to worry about. Okay then down the bottom right hand quadrant is not urgent. Not important. And for me like what I've got on my list there is like organize my phone folders because I've got a new phone and I've transferred all my files from my old phone and I'm like it's a little bit messy but I kind of know where everything is, it's not super important, like it's not urgent if it doesn't get done, like I don't fucking care.

Yeah. Yeah, okay, this is going to help me this grid, I think because that's definitely right. Sometimes I think sometimes it just occupies your brain as well, right? When it's not definitely like sometimes in your phone it's not important, It is when it's like you're searching for something and it's like if I would have done that would have been easier, but it takes a lot to get to that point. Exactly, and I think, yeah, just sometimes having that in your head, but then actually when you get out onto paper, you write it down, it can kind of clear and no, obviously, like you said, when you put it in a compartment, it makes it a lot easier to kind of digest, and you don't waste too much time kind of thinking about those things, you know, it's going to get done at some point. Yeah, exactly. I'm actually going to go through these whiteboards again in a little bit more detail just now because I have had people reach out to me and ask like when they see my photos and videos and stuff, they're like what are your, what's on your whiteboard, how do you organize your shit? I'll go through that a little bit more detail. Okay, so what I want you to do is draw um four quadrants, that line straight down the middle and line across the middle.

I don't know why, I just literally just drawing lines. So you've got four quadrants right? four squares now in the top left quadrant of the top right urgent. Top left urgent across the top right? And then that same quadrant across the side up is important. Okay, now let's see where we're at. And then on the top right quadrant is not urgent and then the bottom left quadrant up the side is not important. So what you should have is the top left quadrant is urgent and important. Top right quadrant is not urgent but important. Bottom left is urgent, Not important. And then bottom right is not urgent, not important. Oh I love this. This will help you organize your thoughts so much easier. This is so and it's so simple as well, isn't it? It's like in your head you kind of think these things but you again they're just still there floating around.

So distract you more than actually. Then you actually do things. I mean we've talked about this before, right? Like writing things down is a way to organize your thoughts and then once you organize your thoughts then you prioritize them. All right, where does this slot into this quadrant? You know, is this sweet? Like it's written down, this is it says this is important but it's not urgent. That means I don't have to do that right now, I don't have to think about it, but it's written down once I get a chance, you know, maybe in two weeks time or you know, feeling A little bit creative on a Sunday afternoon where I've been, you know, out with my friends and I've had a good morning, um you know, I've had some brunch and I've had a massage and I've got home early and I'm feeling good. My creative juices are flowing. Cool. What's on my list there? Alright, I can take some of that stuff off over the next 40 minutes to an hour and a half or whatever. Use this to do it. Will you do this a new one every week or are you doing this based on a month or was it where is it with you on this? Yeah, So this one I'm constantly taking things off, putting things on.

Yeah, like I'll every either sunday night or monday morning, I'll have a look at things that are on my board and I'll rub things off or I'll add things on. Um But that's only one of my boards, My other board on my left hand side. I've got this one's kind of a a little bit messier, probably a little bit more difficult to explain, but basically what I've got is seven squares along the top and each square is probably about two inches, two x 2", Okay, seven Squares Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday. Okay, okay. And then underneath that I've got a two inch Line with two columns, two inch line. Nearly done. My seven boxes, Let's say that again. Okay, so under the under the seven boxes, pretty much the same distance, that two inch box from the top of the white board of the page, then there's another, yep, and then right under that you'll have one line about two inches below that going across the full page and then you'll have a column a line that splits that into all the way down all the way down like a t.

Like a t. Alright, perfect. Now in the top left one underneath the monday to sunday boxes is my monthly focus Underneath those seven boxes. So in that in that big rectangle is my monthly focus. Okay, yep. And then on the right rectangle is my weekly focus, yep. All right in the big blocks, left on the bottom, left, in the bottom right corner, the left column is personal and then I've got three headings underneath that, down the left hand side. So personal, is the heading at the top of that column. Hold on, hold on. And this big one here, yep, so the title there is going to be personal, yep.

And then down the left hand side is my top priority. My priority and my errands. Okay, okay, then on the right hand side is the title is work is my main heading. So that's in the middle, right at the top and then down the left hand side again top priority priority and errands. Nice. Yeah, I had a few little, I think I made that work. Okay. All right. He's just checking for reference. Perfect, perfect. Alright, sweet. Now you've got all my secrets Lizzy and so does the audience. Alright. So so basically what I'm doing is I'm looking at my schedule either the night before or the morning, I'll definitely review it in the morning if I have written at the night before. Okay. And then I'm looking at my board on the right side which is my quadrants and I go, right, what do I need to do here? Boom boom, boom, I start slotting them in, right?

And then if something is urgent and important then I'm looking at um my day and going right, that's my number one thing. That's the first thing that I right there. Okay, now my monthly focus for this month is right up my phase training programs and start filming. Okay, my weekly focus for this week is to film my strength program. Right? So then I start looking at my days and go, when can I get this time in here? I'm going to need at least whatever four hours, four hours. So I can either split that up over these days or maybe I'll just get in and do four or five hours of filming on a saturday. Yeah, makes sense. Yeah, totally. Yeah, he is like using those together is super important as well because it gives that you give, you kind of have that organized chaos and then it starts to become really refined and actually, you see that's the difference, right? We have, we're so work focused some of the time that we forget like when our personal side of things, when we forget about those things or vice versa, they eat into each other.

But I think, yeah, having the overall kind of monthly focuses key, definitely. Absolutely, absolutely. And that's, and that's the thing, it's not, it's not just about the day to day, like that's why I organize my, my week like this, I organized my month like this, it's because I know, hey, you know what, like, you know, I've got like a Tuesday and thursday, they're like full black days for me in my schedule, like that's the ship that I'm getting paid for. I'm like fucking like back to, back to, back to, back to back with clients and calls and blah blah blah, you know, so I know that by the time, you know, I get some time in the afternoon, my energy level is going to be low. So, you know, I'm probably not going to be filming my training programs on those days, you know, I'm not going to be recording podcast episodes on those days. You know, those are the days where I'm probably going to be editing and uploading and you know, writing transferring things to youtube and doing social media posts and all that type of stuff that don't take as much energy. And I'm looking at the week as a whole rather than, you know, I need to get this ship done today or I need to get this ship done every day, which actually brings me to my next point.

Do you have free time in your schedule on a daily basis? I do define free time. Would you define free timers, like a chunk of time where you don't have anything scheduled, you don't have like eating or um whatever, you know, time where you can kind of catch up and you can put out those fires and you can pick up those things that come in that are urgent, but not important, that need to get done or maybe they're urgent and important that need to get done now, because if you don't schedule those things in, if you don't schedule in that time, then you're not giving yourself time to put out those fires and be reactive because here's the thing, like, we have to be reactive, we can be as proactive as we want, we can plan and be as disciplined as we want. But at the end of the day, like, if something comes into your day and throws a spanner in the works, then that throws the entire rest of the day out, which then throws your mindset out because you're like, oh, well I didn't do this and I didn't do this and I didn't do this and now you're playing catch up the next day.

And then those things you had planned for next day get pushed to the next day, you know what I mean? Yeah, definitely. I think that is super important to label it as well. And again, I think labeling is key with all of these areas have actually knowing what to call them. And almost I guess like free time in this sense, like sometimes I think when you don't plan things that you think, oh it's just free time, I can do whatever. And I kind of go of course, but kind of redefining what free time means. That's why I just wanted to know where you stood on that part and I definitely have it, but I don't structure it. So like you said with the putting out the fires like this morning, my main focus, the main block, my main block of work I was doing was all client focused. So it was sending my emails, it was rewriting the new emails for next week. So I was preparing ahead of time, it was going through all my true coach and getting back to clients on their form on their workouts, on their sunday check ins and then in that time I had access to my business account on WhatsApp and I was simultaneously working with it.

So I had to react. I had to react because some clients like this hasn't been changed or this has changed now. So you need to make those, make sure I'm on it because it's one of those things obviously if you read a message and then you walk away, you just forget. It's never, it's so for me, yeah, it's, it's there. I think monday is the most clear of my weeks when it's like that. So I know I can be reactive at those points because I have to be because I'm like you said, they're my playing clients, they're paying for the service and they're the bread and butter of my business and me being able to provide something. Right? So that's when that shows up there in terms of being able to put out the fires. But I think sometimes, yeah, it's praying that time for it because sometimes the time then gets runs away with me. Yeah. And yeah, one 100%. And this is, and this is, you know, tying into what I was saying earlier about, you know, when you're going for your walk, maybe that's when you're going, hey, I'm not going to listen to an audiobook now. Maybe this is when I'm replying to my clients via WhatsApp or I'm doing my social media posts or whatever.

Like you're still doing these things that are important to you, you know, but you've given yourself that free time where you've actually given yourself time to get out, get some movement, get some sunshine on your face, you know, get out with the dogs, but then, you know, you're also reacting to these other things that are coming up as well that have to get done. So that's what I mean by free time, you know, not necessarily like scheduling time where you can just sit around do funk all, it's like scheduling time where you're doing something for yourself, but you're also, you know, giving yourself that opportunity to be reactive and be able to put out those fires as they come up. And for me, like, that free time for me is like, you know, it might be spending time by my pool, getting some sunshine throughout the day where I'm replying to clients, I'm going through my social media messages, I'm replying to emails and I'm doing social media posts and ship like that, like, I'm I'm getting that reactive shit done, but I'm still doing something for myself, you know, I could be reading in that time, but then that means that, you know, that reactive stuff I need to pick up somewhere else.

So, you know, it's just simply about prioritizing that and sometimes, you know, getting your reading done is going to need to push back to later in the day where I'm speaking from lived experience, because I love reading as well, and I think that's really is so true, is then, yeah, having that designated reactive time is so huge alongside with what you're doing. So Yeah, so a lot of things definitely for me to think about in those points and I think just one key thing just from me and my learning just so far is with any sort of change and like any sort of uncertainty in the place that we're in is just having that time and patience because obviously going from building your life for eight years in Singapore to then coming into the UK, I'm almost doing what some of my clients have come to me before going, I want change now because I'm so high on expectations of myself is that when I'm not seeing it, it almost it has sent me the lot like a month ago it sent me in the other direction because like what are you doing this for them?

What's going on? But the biggest word and learn learning from it is patients that you've got to do your trial and error, Your reactive and proactive, you've got to see what works, what doesn't work and obviously this structure might work for you, it looks like it will potentially work for me in terms of how both me and you are quite wired in that discipline front, but it's known then you can take something from what someone else has given you and make it suit you and fit your life right? Because it's different when families come into the equation or corporate roles or whatever, so it's then knowing how do we fit this around you, I think it's super important when we get into that stuff. Absolutely, absolutely, and you know, like we're always better coaches for other people than we are ourselves. You know, the reason? Yeah, 100%. Like the reason, I mean the reason I'm giving you this advice now is because I've literally gone through this myself over the last two months where I'm still trying to figure out like the best way to put together my schedule, so I can you know, I can get because I'm fucking busy as well, like, you know, I've got so much ship going on that if I'm not on point with my time management, then like the days just get away from me and I, you know, I fucking work myself to the bone, I don't give myself any time, but you know, I know how important it is to give myself some time to, you know, get shipped done.

That is important to me, that allows me to, you know, dr that parasympathetic state and rest, I just relax, have a little bit of chill time. Um, but also, you know, stay on top of things and be a little bit reactive when I need to be, so, you know, this is all coming from my own experience over the last two months and um, you know, figuring it all out myself, so, you know, hopefully, hopefully people listening, you know, can, you know, because a lot of people think that I'm really fucking disciplined. I'm really regimented and structured and I am because I have to be, but I'm also very adaptable and very flexible. Like, you know, someone spoke to me, um I think it was yesterday or the day before. I was like, hey, what's, you know, what's your plan next week, blah blah blah, can I book in? And I'm like, I have no idea what I'm doing next week. Like my weeks change, like every single week, no one week is the same like, you know, because I'm in fight camp with so many fighters at the moment. Um you know, I've got a few, I've got a number of things that are constant on my schedule. Like my combat strengthening edition class at 9 30 that's a constant.

My 8 15 class with my sponsored fighters. That's a constant um, my general population clients on monday Wednesday friday. That's a constant, you know, but then um, with my fighters, I try and keep them as structured and as scheduled as possible. But then, you know, I've got some guys in camp for two weeks, I've got some guys in camps for eight weeks and always there's always people coming and going. So, you know, I don't have breakfast at the same time. I don't have lunch at the same time. I don't have dinner at the same time. I don't have clients at the same time. So, you know, I'm constantly having to adjust my schedule, I'm constantly having to be proactive with it, but also give myself time to be reactive with it. Yeah, and I think it's definitely, it's really nice and I think refreshing just to, to have that to bounce off each other as well. I think that's a message to everyone else listening to, is to really seek those people in your life who you can just reach out for, right? Like obviously I knew that what was up, I was like, Shawn just just, it's even just for me, I just knew I needed like a sentence or just something just to go and whip my arse into shape and actually just get thinking about different perspective and I think reframing it and who you can lean on in those moments, who obviously had no intention obviously to zap any energy from you, but it's like having that mutual kind of experience of trying to find, find that grounding in it.

And I think that's the biggest thing for me now is the discipline. Like I was so regimented Singapore, like the times my clients were at the same time every week, I had breakfast the same time every day lunch. So for me it's like none of like the food is the same. And I think that's again, something that you lose patience with sometimes is like, my eating times aren't the same and the food I have is slightly different or what I was always choosing and those again throw you offset as well and I think for me it was just important finding the initial things that grounded me and that was like we said like reading your favorite training, I needed to get some sort of movement or like the walking has really actually become an amazing outlet for me, especially because I'm a lot more internalized now. Like I'm not social as much every day at the moment. Um yeah, I think it's really grounding yourself and the things that actually work for you make you feel good initially focus on those things and then start building like you said everything out and keeping it as simple as you can with it as you do it.

Yeah, yeah, that's a, that's a great point to sum up everything that we just spoke about is like, you know, know what your non negotiables are, have your constants in your schedule and then build out around that and work in line with what your energy levels are. Yeah. Oh I like it, brilliant. There's a tagline right there. Yeah, I'm literally get my pan out. Beautiful. Alright, Lizzy, is there anything else I can help you with? No, you're good. I'm going to go order my second whiteboard now because I need to change things up in front of me, put that one on the order on amazon and then I'm good to go, yeah, crack on and yeah, get things going on that next partner brilliant. It is 10 past nine. So I am turning off, I'm winding down and I'm going to get into bed and start reading now later buddy. Thank you so much. Pleasure lizzie chat soon. Bye bye. This episode was brought to you by Swiss eight, which is a proactive mental health program designed by veterans initially for veterans that has been pushed out to the wider community that allows you to structure in and schedule their eight pillars of health and wellness including nutrition, sleep time management, discipline fitness, personal growth, mindfulness and minimalism.

This episode was also brought to you by be spunky which is a male hormone optimization supplement that I've been taking for about a year and a half and I absolutely rate it is a TJ listed nutraceutical, meaning that it's made from all organic produce to help you manage and optimize your stress levels, which in turn increases your ability to improve testosterone production levels naturally User code codes 10 at checkout for your 10% discount all of those links will be in the show notes, if you've got some benefit from this episode, please make sure you pass it off to your friends and family. I'd appreciate any shares on social media platforms. If you tag me or if you share it to your stories, make sure you tag me so I can share that as well. Any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated, much Love guys Peace

How to: Create clarity, prioritise tasks, manage energy levels, and optimise your schedule
How to: Create clarity, prioritise tasks, manage energy levels, and optimise your schedule
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