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S3 E14: Reflecting & Forecasting

by Clifton Pettyjohn
January 2nd 2021

In the first episode of the new year, Clifton takes time to revisit 2020 while discussing the possibilities of 2021. He also shares some memories and his sentiments about today being 15 years since... More

there are different technologies that are needed right now and they're locked up in each and every one of you. I promise you it's there, I promise you it's there many times we look past the technology or the strategy or the give or the talent or the ability that we have that could set this world on fire we look past and the reality is that we don't need to look past it anymore. What we need to begin to do is to tap into that thing so that now we can exercise consistently in it and in doing that we helped to create a greater world because now we have decided to be who we were created to be. You were designed to set this world on fire, you were designed to set this world on fire and I want you to stop looking at everybody that you believe you does the same thing that you do.

They don't they don't do it like you, they don't sound like you, they don't walk like you, they don't talk like you, they don't act like you, they don't execute like you. Yeah, think about if you acted on every idea, perhaps you may have several businesses right now right? You may be a multimillionaire because you acted on those ideas, who knows However think about it from this standpoint, if you acted on every one of those ideas, perhaps you may be overwhelmed all the time. Perhaps you may be having difficulty managing the different businesses that you have, you may be having difficulty managing the movie, different moving parts even as for myself being an entrepreneur, Solo preneurs, they would call uh call me? It's sometimes interesting because I have these ideas for my business, but at the moment I am not at a scale where I can do that. Um but let's talk a little bit deeper. Some of the ideas that I have are good ideas, but a lot of the ideas that I have, number one are not tied to my identity, secondly, they're not uh they're not connected to a need or a gap or they don't answer a question.

You just heard the voice of identity strategist Michael Weston. Michael spent 10 years as a marketing and branding expert and now he focuses on helping clients identify breakdowns by discovering their identity. Michael wants to invite new entrepreneurs to a live interactive course where you will receive real time feedback and support as you begin to develop your new identity aligned business. The name of the course is fresh idea, Natty, and we'll explore these three questions, Who am I? Who is my idea for and how does my identity connect to my idea for more information and to sign up for the course, visit www dot fresh dot super normal dot com.

What's up everybody you are listening to the what now podcast where we discuss ways of effectively addressing life's most difficult moments. Hey, what's up everybody! Welcome to the podcast where we discuss effective ways of facing life's most defining moments. That's right, life's most defining moments. Why do we classify these moments as defining defining because they alter the trajectory of our lives but also because we have to write the authority and the responsibility to define those moments and not allow ourselves to be defined by those moments. You are too great to be defined by a moment. You are too great to be defined by a couple of moments. You are too great to be defined by multiple moments. You need to take that authority back in your life and begin to define those moments in your life and begin to take the control back.

That was delegated to you from your creator, delegated to you from your creator. All right, so my name is Clinton Pettijohn. I am your trusted voice of transformation. I teach individuals how to revolutionize their lives through purpose, identification and execution and execution and I want to start by saying well I guess I'm not starting if I've already done my intro but I recognize that we are beyond the 12 o'clock hours. So I say happy new year to each and every one of you, my encouragement and my prayer for you is that everything that you desire in this year that you are willing to work for in this year that you're willing to set your heart and your mind towards in this year will be yours. I pray that your business prosper. I pray that your personal life prosper. I pray that your family prosper. I pray for your ministry to prosper. But more importantly, I pray that you become one with who you are.

I pray that you become one with who you are because when we become one with who we are, we don't allow circumstances and situations and defining moment to shake us. We understand that the definition of who we are as far greater than those moments. But listen, thank you for joining me. Y'all Listen, I had planned on giving you guys one last episode in 2020. That did not work out. So guess what I'm doing, I'm dropping the episode today, The very first day of 2021 and I want to encourage each and every one of you don't lose the momentum that you have now. Do not lose the momentum that you have now. Well cliff, how can I keep or continue to gain that momentum. You have to continue to feed that momentum. Let's think about it. Anything that needs to live needs to eat, Anything that needs to live, needs to eat. I want you to think about your thoughts. I want you to think about the thoughts that you have fed.

I want you to think about the thoughts you have sat with and you allow those thoughts to grow and to develop eventually those thoughts become actions and those actions now become a behavior and those behaviors become patterns and then those patterns become a lifestyle. That's the reality of it. So if you want to nip a thought in the bud, you have to begin to now counter act that thought counter act. That behavior counteract net pattern, counteract that life by by making sure that you are submitting something to it that disagrees something to it that disagrees with it. So you might say you didn't say anything about how I keep my momentum. You do something that you ordinarily would ordinarily wouldn't do. If you are not a reader, then you begin to read and educate yourself and I encourage us all to become readers. Matter of fact, I encourage you to go buy and purchase your copy of from stagnation of transformation. It is a 21 day coaching actuacion designed to Manya mint purpose.

Now let's deal with that word actuacion that just simply means to provoke you to activities that were, that were manufactured, that were manufactured, dealt a lot with slavery is slavery and talking about the freeing of slaves. So I want to provoke you to the action that frees you to perp and freeze your purpose to run wild in your life. Some of you don't understand why you're going through or why it seems that you keep going in different cycle goes over and over and over again. Sometimes we repeat those cycles over and over again for one or two reasons I'm going to deal with those one or two res number one, we deal with those same cycles because we continue to do the same thing over and over again. Now we know that we are told that if we continue to continue the same behavior or patterns over and over again and we expect something new or something different. That is enough. That is a form of insanity cliff. Are you calling me insane?

I'm calling that behavior insane. I'm calling that pattern of behavior insane. I'm calling that principle that you're allowed to be established in your life insane. And it's okay if you've been insane, it's okay if you've had insane moments, you and recoup and recover from those moments, however you need some tools, techniques and strategies to help you recall from a recover from the moment. Alright, so that was the first thing. The reason why sometimes we have repeated uh circumstances and situations in our lives to measure our growth, to measure our growth sometimes. What happens is we start to look at some of the things that were going through and we keep saying, oh my God, here it goes again. It's the same thing over and over and over again. We never step back enough from the situation to realize that yes, it may be the same situation. It may be. It honestly may be.

But my question to you is are you the same person that face that situation six months ago, six years ago, 16 years ago, 21 years ago. If we're not careful, we will revert back to that mentality from six months all the way back to 16 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years. However many years will revert back to that mentality instead of taking a break and doing our breathing, the breathing exercises which we did not do. So we're going to take the time to do that. I always ask us to take a deep breath in, hold it, breathe out one more time, breathe that. 2021, Aaron, hold it, breathe out right now, we're present. And because we're present, we can grab hold of everything that we need to apply to our lives, life.

To experience success as we know it right now or to experience success that we've never experienced before. All right. However, as I was saying before, I rudely interrupted myself. Sometimes we just have to take a step back and breathe so that we become president. I'm telling when we take those breaths it causes us now to to to uh rid ourselves of the distractions of the past and even the distractions of the future. Because some of us are so stuck in the past and then some of us are so stuck in the possibility for the lack of possibility of the future that we are neglected. You are now what now, what are we gonna do right now? What we're gonna do right now is we're gonna take a step back from that situation, realize, okay, this looks familiar to me. However, although it looks familiar to me, I don't look familiar to it. See we are we are drawing a conclusion that it looks familiar to us and we look familiar to it and we have never taken off an opportunity to ex to assess to assess how we may honestly look to it right there today.

So I want you to take a step back and begin to see that. Yes, it may look the same, it may sound the same, it may walk the same, it may talk the same. However, you are not the same, you are not the same. You have transformed. You have evolved. I've been talking a lot about talking a lot about transformation but I also want to explain on here. I explained it with the transformation center. If you have not checked out our faith based community, I encourage you to visit www dot the transformation center dot life this and center s spell C E N T R E. You'll thank me later but I explain that on that platform but I want to explain it here because you'll see transformation network. You always hear me talking about transformation. Why is transformation so important to me because the difference between change and transformation is that sometimes when it comes to change we just modify behave. But when you experience a transformation that means that you don't look like or you don't look like or or uh look like act like or assess things like you used to.

There used to be a show when I was younger and some of you might still watch that show. Uh, and I'm not talking about my favorite part two of all times, which was the man. It still is he man and the masters of the universe. But I'm talking about transformers and I love transformers from the theme song from the theme song and I couldn't sing the whole theme song to you and I still can't sing the entire theme song to you. But I know the first six words, I know the first six words of that thing of that theme solved that theme song and those first six words a transformer more than me, the art. This has to be your year where you are willing to tap into the dimensions of you that are the more than meets the eye. See, I know some of you struggle with that concept about yourself because you don't feel as if you are more than meets the eye, you don't feel like you're enough.

You don't feel like you're whether it's pretty enough intelligent enough and I can talk about intelligence for days because what I want each and every one of us to understand is that we all were created in an intelligent state. We all were created in an intelligent state. The problem becomes when we never tap into that intelligence and sometimes we never tapped into our personal divine intelligence. Because we are trying to measure our intelligence based off of somebody else's intelligence. Or we're basing it off of what we have programmed ourselves to believe. Intelligence is. So now we can acknowledge it in them use it as a measuring stick and now call ourselves stupid or don't or or not enough or whatever it is that we have, we have labeled ourselves that contradicts everything that the creator said concerning us. Yeah, yeah. So there's more than meets the odds and it's time for you to happen to the more than meets the eye.

Some of you are frustrated. You're angry. You always think, man, people always sleeping on me. They always sleeping on me, man, they they always coming for me that they don't see this and then they don't see that. I mean, can I be honest with you? Sometimes people will never but most part people will never acknowledging you. Which you won't even acknowledge in yourself. And some of us are angry and frustrated because people are sleeping on us. But we don't even realize that we're sharing the same bed with them and we're sleeping on ourselves. We are sleeping on ourselves. We can't expect anybody else to wake up to who we are if we refuse to wake up who we are. So right now, I want you to shake yourself, shake yourself, shake yourself and allow yourself to wake up to the great that is you, To the greatness, that is you, to the beauty that is you, to the handsomeness, that is you, to the intelligence that is you, to the creativity, that is you, to everything that, that um body you embody it, but you haven't tapped into it yet.

You embody it, but you won't allow yourself to be stretched enough to go into it. I talked about this last night uh and I guess I'll bring it up a little bit here. I'm not going to go into full detail because I want you guys to visit www dot the transformation center, not life center spell ce and or I want you to join our faith based community. However, I was talking about how sometimes we can get out of line, out of a line, out of a line and I didn't use a car being aligned. I talked about my own personal experience, my own personal experiences. Sometimes you, my body shifts. My body shifts and sometimes the left side of my body is a little bit higher than the right side of my body. And you can see it in the way that I walk, you can see it in the way that I stand, my shoulders will be like this or like that. You know, you can see it when, when I stand up and put my feet together or put my hands out like this, You will see that one hand is longer than the other.

If I lay down and you put my I have to stretch out and put my feet together side by side, you can see it there. So every now and then I have to go for an alignment with my Cairo price and I have to lay on my stomach or however, whatever position he needs me and he starts to crack something, move some things and push some things and maneuver something so that my body begins to get back in alignment. Now, I also talked about if I can't go with go to my chiropractor, I go to my massage technician. Now here on this show, you've heard an ad about Numa wellness and spa that is warden walker JR All right. He is a life coach, joe uh health and nutrition coach. I encourage you to reach out to him. You'll hear the ad playing on this show. Yeah, you'll hear the ad. But he is my massage technician and what I love about him, I always brag on him and I will continue to bribe on him, not just because he's my brother, but because he is great at what he what he does.

He has tapped into his divine divine intelligence and because he's tapped into his Divine intelligence, he is able to operate and who he is. So he begins as he begins to maneuver and manipulate my body. He starts to talk to me about the point the pressure points within my body and with those pains represent. Did he start to stretch men from stretching me. He can tell if I've been listening to him or not been doing my own stretching and he can tell you know, the pressure points of my body that need to be adjusted. So he begins to maneuver my body as well and deals with the tissue and the muscle. You know? The chiropractor kind of deals with the skeleton uh your skeletal structure. So I make sure I get both of those. Why? Because it is important that we are centered. It is important that our equilibrium is not thrown off anytime. Our equilibrium is thrown off. We are not able to make the greatest decisions that we could make or the greater.

Yeah, I don't want nobody said, oh he's saying I ain't a good decision making. Know what I'm saying is that sometimes we get out of alignment, we get off till and when we get off till those things start to affect our decision making ability, our decision making ability. Sometimes we have to go in and be stretched and stretched in ways that we are uncomfortable being stretched so that it can expand our ability to make decisions. So we begin to make greater decisions more sound decisions, more decisions that are that are connected to our future. As opposed to decisions that are just for the right now, we we don't look for those instant gratifications. Just make me feel good for the right now. That will sacrifice our future. We start to think and strategize beyond the present home. That's what we do. We begin to do that when our equilibrium A straight when we are aligned properly.

And I talked about how this year our last year was aligning us. It was stretching us in ways we had never been stretched before. It was preparing us for something because some of us felt like 2020 was a punishment to us. Some of us felt like 2020 was God judging us. Some of us felt like 2020 Was the result of a behavior that we had in that hey, to each his own. What I believe 2020 was was a callback to self because sometimes we have been so self less and we made self ish, a negative word. Or selfish, a negative behavior when the reality is that many of us could afford to be a lot more self. We could afford to be a lot more selfish as it relates to our purpose as it relates to our health, as it relates to our wholeness as it relates to our happiness. We could do ourselves a little more just by being just a little more self, Little More.

So we're in 2000 21 I just want to ask all of you, what are some plans, What are some things that you are looking at doing? What are some things that you are excited about? What are some things that you might be nervous about or scared about? What are the things that are on your heart and on your mind? What is weighing heavy on and what I want you to do? I want you to talk back so I want you to either email me at admin at the transformation center dot life centers of C. N. Tr in admin A D M I N. At the transformation center dot life or you can set up a coaching call. You can set up a coaching call. This does not require you to become a coaching client. It is complimentary. What does complimentary mean guys? It means for read for read. All right, All right now it is 30 minutes. What to do. Who purchased a copy of my book?

I don't know if I've talked about it from stagnation of transformation. A 21 day coaching actuacion designed to Mendham it Earth. If you purchase a copy of that book, you get along with that book, you'll get two complimentary that 2 30 minute complimentary complimentary sessions are one 60 minutes complimentary session. It's all up to you, you know? So I want you to think about that www dot coach clipping dot com. Alright, so that's where we're at and I really want to talk to everybody about our mentality in our approach to this year. I don't want you living in fear. I don't want you living in mentality that uh things are not going to change, it's not going to get better, it's always gonna be like this and this is in relationship with the pandemic as well, things may not change, but the most important thing is that you transform and that you stop looking at it as a problem and start to say, okay God, you put everything that I need inside of.

I know I've locked it up, show me who it is, I need to connect that will help me navigate to these gifts, talents and abilities that are locked up inside of me that are needed right now. There are gifts, talents and abilities. There are strategies that are needed right now there are ideas that are needed right now. There are creations that are needed right now. There are different technologies that are needed right now and they're locked up in each and every one of you. I promise you it's there, I promise you. Is there many times we look past the technology or the strategy for the gift or the talent or the ability that we have that could set this world on fire, we look past and the reality is that we don't need to look past it anymore. What we need to begin to do is to tap into that thing so that now we can exercise consistently in it and in doing that, we helped to create a greater world because now we have decided to be who we were created to be.

You were designed to set this world on vibe. You were designed to set this world on fire and I want you to stop looking at everybody that you believe you does the same thing that you do. They don't they don't do it like you, they don't sound like you, they don't walk like you, they don't talk like you, they don't act like you, they don't execute like you. Yes, they may be whatever it is that you are. But there is a unique about ability within you that separates you from the rest, tap into that baby stopped running from that baby and be all that you were created in the time to be. How are you? This is your year, I can I tell you something else. 2020 was you 2020 was your but what happened was so much stuff started happening negative and we allowed all that negative stuff to minister to us and all that negative stuff to keep coming at us, coming at us, coming at us that we didn't see the positive.

I want to encourage everybody because today is also, Excuse me not the easiest day for for me as well as for my family. Uh 2005, January 1, 2005 My Mother Transition. Um man, that was rough and I'll be honest with you. I know people say, oh at all, it gets better with time time heals all things And it just gets better to just get better, that was 2005, uh 2005 And we are in 2021 right now and I'm still waiting for the better than everybody said it was going to get. I can laugh about it now, but I'm still waiting for the better that everybody says that it's going to get. I still remember that day as if it was yesterday. I still remember the week leading up to it as if I just experienced that week all over again. Um, but one of the things that I've gained over the years, I will say this, one of the things that I've gained over the years because I remember when my mother first past, the first thing that I did was I went into isolation when in isolation, I did not, I don't want to say care enough, but I'm going to say I did not, I was so far gone that I was not valuing those that were still here because I was so focused on what I had lost, who I had lost.

But my mother meant to me and how much I valued our relationship and the time that we spent together that I wasn't realizing and it took me years to realize this, y'all I'm being honest with you, it took me years to realize that I was so connected to the fact that she had transitioned, that I disconnected from everyone that was lived. I have a disconnect From everyone that was live so those of you that that that that are experiencing or did experience the loss of someone in 2020 or any other year. My my prayer and my encouragement to you is that you agree you need to grieve. I know some people that we don't agree. There is a proper or there is I guess I would say a proper not technique of grieving, but there's a extended time of grieving that is good for you now as breathing continues on for years and years and years.

The same way that it was when you first lost them, then you got to go get some help you do and I talked about how you know it still hurts. But the reality is my mindset isn't what it was back then. I'm still, I'm not the same person that I was back then. You know, I allow people in there, I allow people in there. I I communicate with the living and I can throw a little joke in there. But I do, I, I value those that are in my life even more now because I understand that although I miss those that I have, it didn't go back to my grandparents, My best friend who I lost, I think I was 20, years old, lost one of my best friends and all of those things and I remember even with that I wouldn't even allow a lot of friendships in my life because my mindset was I'm gonna lose them too. And I had to go to therapy, you know, and my encouragement to you is that you need to go and talk these things out. You don't need to keep posting it on facebook. Because many times when we post stuff like that on facebook, we are connecting with individuals that need the same help that we do or need to.

Yeah, I need the same help that we need and they'll encourage us in that thing. Instead of saying, you know, come on, let's go get some help. It is not a bad thing that you need help. It is a sign of intelligence. It is a sign of maturity and it's a sign of the greatness that's inside of you because you are willing to get the help that you need in order to grow into who you been called and created. Yeah. So the day as I said, this is not the easiest thing I remember for years, I was angry with God because oh, it wasn't even that God had in my mind, my mother, it was the fact that it just happened on a day that we are supposed to celebrate so much that we're supposed to celebrate the new oh, so much and it's kind of hard two celebrate and if you know me then you also know that I'm not a person that's going to come to you and tell you, you know, listen, you know this is rough on me because uh as we're celebrating your celebrating, you're excited about it.

I'm not trying to be the one that comes great, the sad news nor am I the one that no, you might be going through something that's going to try to come and dump that on you and that's okay to be like that. But you know what I have for those moments, I have my therapy that I can go and I have friends I can talk to as well. But I also, like I said, I have my therapy that's going to hold me accountable in some areas to make sure that I'm doing that which I need to do for the wholeness of who I am. But yeah, I think about all the good memories that we have. Um I even think about the disagreement. I think about the times I felt like she pushed me too hard. I felt like she should have pushed me a little harder. But I'm gonna tell you the truth. I can't think of too many times like that because you ship play everybody's like, oh your mom's so nice, your mom so nice. She's a nice young man. Listen. Yeah. And she was nice but she also did not play with him. She was raising two boys on her own.

So she understood the position she had to take both of our lives to give us to understand it. The old drop. Well we grew up and, and we grew up with extended family as well. That's one of the things I loved about my mom that you guys probably have heard me say this before about her and my brother. Her, my brother will take in anybody. Do you hear me? I mean how many buddies anybody they will take in anybody. Uh, and and make them feel not like their family, but make them feel family because they became in family. You know, it wasn't as if they were, uh, family that we, that we're treated different than anybody else. No baby, you had the full privileges of being family, our home. We, we grew up and we didn't have the best of everything we did. She worked hard to make sure that we had the things that we needed. And many times you spent a lot of money on my baseball equipment. I would tell anybody that I never had cheap basic baseball equipped.

I'm laughing about that. That I'm just, it's just so funny to me the sacrifices that she made while working a full time job, part time job, going back and getting her degree, Everything that she did to make sure that we experience life. She wanted us to wanted us to experience like she wanted us to experience life. And that was one of the things that helped set me free enough to allow myself to live again because I realized she would not want me in this state. She wanted me to live life to the fullest often think about it now. I wish he was here to see this. I wish he was here to see this because oh let me tell y'all something about. I said all the time. I was a punk y'all, I was quiet. I was very reserved. I struggle with social anxiety. I mean I'm the type of person that would go to the store needs something on our 10.

But to get to our 10, I had to walk in a direction. So there was a whole lot of people. So I would circle around and go the long way if I went a long way and it was a crowd of people and I'm just gonna go home or I might drive 15 and 20 more miles to try another store in the hopes that I didn't have to walk into crowds like yeah man, I was scared to speak in front of people man and she could see me now. I know that she would be like, wow, look at you, you're doing your thing, You're doing your thing. I always tell my brother the same thing like mom could see you now, she would be so proud, so proud of you and and not just my brother, but everyone that she mentored those uh nieces and nephews, those who became nieces and nephews, Those who became God Children, those who just became sisters and brothers. And she could see all of us now.

I know that she would be so proud of each and every one of so proud. I miss her a lot. I miss her a lot. I miss her nor the successes. I miss her. I don't like using the word failures. Always like call them lessons learned. I miss her during the lessons learned. I'm just, I really do. But my prayer is with her and with my dad because I miss my dad as well. I do. And one day I want to do a show, I want to get my brother and my sisters together. We all do a show dedicated to my dad and then I want to see if my brother come on and we do a show dedicated to mom, wow. But I'll, yeah. Yes. But at the end of the day, I thank God that she no longer in pain. I thank God she wants peace.

You know, she went peacefully, she transitioned and I thank God that the life that she lived still affect. So I got on tonight just to share with you guys. I want to encourage, as I said of if you lost a level I loved one has transitioned from this side of earth to yeah, my prayer is that you will grieve properly. Okay. And that you will get the help that you need three process, but that you will not lose connection with Who? Yeah. Listen that you will not next. I'm gonna say this that you will not lose healthy connection. What though? Who yet? It is important that we live and his court that we surround ourselves. The individuals that That's what you need to do in 20 everything in your power to make sure that you are living like, oh do you hear me?

That you are living life to the fullest? As I said in the beginning, free yourself. The whatever it takes, sacrifice, whatever it needs to be sacrificed, sacrificed. Whoever needs to be sacrificed. And I'm not one to talk about this is I'm cutting this person off and I'm cutting this person off and I'm cutting cutting cutting cutting. The reality is that if we start to become more aware of who we are, we wouldn't have to. There was so much cutting but when we're not aware of who we are, we have desperate moments to cause up that cause us to create covenant with individuals that covenants were never meant to be created with. But that's a whole another subject. I don't want to sound preaching and teaching teaching on here. But I want us to understand that what now what now is that we take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to us for us to be the best version of uh don't let this be another year that you lie to yourself for the sake of anybody free yourself this year.

We need we're waiting for you to be oh shoot big. Not talking about women or I'm the and I shot out our best shot out that are in all of the branches of our forces. I appreciate you because I'm all right. Yeah, I'm not. I tell people all the time I'm built for a classroom or off. All right. And there's no shame in that. So or what is a computer? Not a computer camera. I'm built for a camera and a microphone. All right. Anyway, thank you all for joining me on today tonight. Whenever you're listening, I appreciate you taking the time to listen to the podcast. If you listen to it and its entirety. I want you to text the word are now text 2021 to 2021 230 to 648554430 to 64855442.

That lets me know that you heard the podcast. Another episode in its entirety. And it also gives you an opportunity enter for our drawing at the end of the world. Yeah. Yeah, fit for sport, fit for life. Numa wellness inspired offers mobile massage services. Gordon? Walker JR specializes in deep tissue in sports massages, massages range from 60 to 90 minutes. Numerous hours of operations are Monday through Friday 9:30 AM to six pm. Happy hours are between 1:30 p.m. And 5:30 p.m. Monday through friday. During this time, clients receive massages at a discounted rate. Gordon also specializes in paraffin treatment, ear candling, mobile first aid cpr and A.

D classes, as well as mobile notary services. Coming soon, zumba and yoga classes. For more information. And to schedule an appointment, visit www dot numa wellness spa dot com or email them at New Made 7816 at gmail dot com. New Made.

S3 E14: Reflecting & Forecasting
S3 E14: Reflecting & Forecasting
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