Multi-Dimensional IN·tel·li·gence

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by Clifton Pettyjohn
November 5th 2020

In this episode, Clifton Pettyjohn reminds us that we are ENOUGH!


I want you to understand that you are enough. God has given you everything that you need in order for you to effectively bu he's given you every gift every talent every ability he's given you the intelligence. He's given you the skill set. He's given you everything that you need in order for you to be effective right now. I know you're sitting you're planning and as soon as I get this I'm gonna do that and as soon as I get this I'm gonna do this. And if I only have this I could be more effective here. No baby. We're not even focusing on that. I want you to focus on the right now. What is it that you could be doing right now to create a greater world. What is it right now that you could be doing to add value to this world to add substance to this world? What is it that you could be doing to be bringing some revenue to yourself. Come on. I know we don't like to talk about that sometimes. But what is it what what is it that's inside of you that you could be doing right now to set you in your family up.

What is it that you're missing? And when I say missing, I'm not saying that you are deficit of it. Yeah fit for sport, fit for life. Numa Wellness inspired offers mobile massage services. Gordon? Walker JR specializes in deep tissue in sports massages, massages range from 60 to 90 minutes. Numerous hours of operations are monday through friday 9 30 AM to six PM. Happy hours are between 1:30 p.m. And 5:30 p.m. Monday through friday. During this time clients receive massages at a discounted rate. Gordon also specializes in paraffin treatment, ear candling, mobile first aid cpr and A. D. Classes as well as mobile notary services coming soon, zumba and yoga classes.

For more information in To schedule an appointment, visit www dot numa wellness spa dot com or email them at new Made 7816 at gmail dot com. New maid is spelled P N E U M A D E. Or you can call them at 302 9908907. Mhm. Yeah what's up everybody you are listening to the what now podcast where we discuss ways of effectively addressing life's most difficult moments. Yeah. Hey what's up everybody? My name is Clinton patty, john I am the established voice of transformation. I teach individuals how to revolutionize their lives through purpose identification in execution.

Today you are listening to the one now podcast. That's right the wood now podcast where we discuss effective ways of facing life's most difficult moments. Now we already know we scratch that word difficult house. I want you to scratch with me scratch it out with me and then I want you to write defining why because we are we are not facing difficult moments. We are facing defining moments because we have the right the ability and the responsibility to define these moments in our lives and not allow those moments are these moments to define us? All right? So, thank you for tuning in. I appreciate your support, I appreciate you. I appreciate everything that you are doing to create a greater world for our generation that is now in the generations that are to come. All right. So, let's dive into our subject on tonight. There is something that is always heavy on my mind and the reason why it's heavy on my mind is I meet a lot of people that find themselves struggling with this very concept.

And to be honest with you, I can say I've struggled with the concept myself, you know, for many years I struggled with this concept myself and I really have devoted a lot of my life, whether it be through ministry, whether it be through coaching, whether it just be through friendship or whatever it's through. I've devoted a lot of my life to getting this point across to as many individuals as possible while also making sure that I also deal with the side of me that may wrestle with this concept even in my personal life now, you'll hear me many times talk about spaces and places in my life that I no longer reside in. However, at times I do still visit from time to time see it's okay throughout your process if you keep revisiting some of the things that you want to once used to reside and you know, like self hatred or anger or bitterness or resentment or, or self doubt or low self esteem or any of those things where you know, we used to live there, that used to be the norm for us, but we developed because we listen to the tools, techniques and strategies and then we apply the tools, techniques and strategies to our lives and then we begin to see God's transformative power take place in our lives so therefore we no longer reside there.

However, there's a reality that sometimes those thoughts trying to creep back in our system, they're trying to creep back into who we are based upon circumstances, situations or whatever it is that causes those thoughts are trying to pop back up and some of us, let's be honest, we end up contemplating those things just a little bit entertaining them. Just, just a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit. But the great thing about that is the growth that we can see because we use to entertain them a lot of it, but now we entertain them a little bit. So wherever you are in your personal journey in life and it's a little side note wherever you are, I want you to take time right now. We're gonna pause right here and I want you to celebrate you. I want you to celebrate your growth. I want you to celebrate your accomplishments. I want you to celebrate your life. I want you to celebrate your health. I want you to celebrate your own personal transformation, your own personal story.

Now, some of you might say Cliff is kind of hard for me to celebrate because you don't know everything I'm going through. You don't know when exactly I'm facing right now. Listen, here's what I want you to do. I want you to get caught up in this moment. I don't want you to think about anything else. I don't want you to think about anything else. And I know for some of you use a cliff. That's hard for me. I understand, trust me, I understand because I at times am an over thinker. I'm an over thinker and I get stuck there sometimes. But when I get stuck here we go. This is a simple technique that I do. And this simple technique brings me back to the moment that I meant. It brings me back to the awareness of life that I have. It brings me back to the ware awareness of how great God has been to me, threw me for me and with me. All right, so here's what we're gonna do is take a deep breath in, hold it, breathe out, let's breathe in, hold it, breathe out as you did that exercise.

It brought you back to the reality of your presence, Never miss your present, focusing on your past, that you cannot change, no, your future, that you have no control over. Right now, let's focus on the press and the more we focus on the present, we can create the future that we desire. All right now, let's talk about what we're going to talk about on today for many years. I always found myself in a space where I valued other people more than I value me. And some of you might say, well that's cliff cliff. That's great that you valued other people. It's very important to value other people. But I valued other people's gifts, talents, abilities, their confidence, um, their expression of themselves, how they carry themselves. I value that more than I valued it within myself. I value that more than I valued it within myself. I value their creation more than I valued God creating me.

I valued more who they were or who I perceived that they were more than I valued who the creator had called design and predestined me to be. I just valued it more. I got more value out of listening to other people as a speaker. And even as a preacher and and a teacher of God's word. Sometimes I found more worth and value in hearing others express the word and the mind of God concerning us prophetically and apostolic li I I I didn't really value it. Excuse me uh in the sense of the way that I expressed it versus how they expressed it. I had a concept of if I could preach like them. If I could teach like them. If I could revel ate like them. If I if I could do this like them and then you know I can't sing so always if I could sing like them. If if I could communicate like them then I could express this in a greater manner.

I could express whatever I was attempting to express in a greater manner. See some of you out there you feel as if you're just not good enough, you're not pretty enough, you're not handsome enough, you're not intelligent enough, you're not articulate enough, you're not whatever it is that you feel you are not enough of and you always have somebody else that you can measure that enough or not enough against. That's who I'm talking to today. Yeah mm As a health and wellness coach. Gordon walker JR assists his clients and losing weight gaining weight are just being fit. He also helps with meal plans. You can reach him at 30 to 9908907. Or you can visit the website at Numa 20 for dot go herbal Life dot com.

That's Nouma 24 at gold herbal Life dot com. Mhm feet. Mhm. That's what I'm talking to today because I want you to understand that you are enough God has given you everything that you need in order for you to effectively be you he's giving you every gift, every talent, every ability he's given you the intelligence, he's giving you the skill set. He's given you everything that you need in order for you to be effective right now I know you're sitting, you're planning and as soon as I get this I'm gonna do that and as soon as I get this I'm gonna do this. And if I only have this, I could be more effective here. No baby, we're not even focusing on that. I want you to focus on the right now. What is it that you could be doing right now to create a greater world? What is it right now that you could be doing to add value to this world?

To add substance to this world? What is it that you could be doing to be bringing some revenue to yourself? Come on. I know we don't like to talk about that sometimes. But what is it, what what is it that's inside of you that you could be doing right now to set you in your family up. What is it that you're missing? And when I say missing, I'm not saying that you are deficit of it. It's just in a blind spot right now is in a blind spot right now. See we have everything that we need inside of us when God created us, He created us with every thought every solution, every strategy that we need to pull ourselves to where we need to be pulled to the reality is that sometimes the cares of life, you know, things that we go, the traumas we experience in life, other things that we go through in life. We've allowed those circumstances to pile on and pile on and pile on and pile on the gifts, talents and abilities, the answers that's inside of us. So now here we are searching for answers externally that are inside of us, searching for solutions Externally that are inside of us searching for strategies internally that are inside of us, we find ourselves doing it because we feel like we don't have the answer, We don't have the solution, we don't have that strategy and you keep hearing me using those words over and over again because I want you to understand that you have that inside of you.

Now you might say cliff, you're a coach. If I have it inside of me, why do I need a coach? I'm so glad that you asked me that because sometimes we need a coach that can help us navigate to those answers, Those solutions, those strategies, those gifts, those talents, those abilities, those resources that are inside of us. We need a coach that can help us dig beyond all of that excess stuff that has now we that we have now placed on top of all of those things to help us to realize that the answer was within the whole time. We need coaches for that we need coaches for that it is not my job to give you the answer. But it is my job to help navigate you to this. You are enough. You are enough. I don't care what anybody said about you, what anybody thinks about you, how anybody feels about you. You are enough. Do you hear what I'm saying? I'm talking to you and I want you to say it with me, repeat after me. I mm Enough.

All right now, here's what I want you to say. I have everything that I need for the nail. That means that everything that you need right now to be effective, to be prosperous to to to be effective and whatever it is that you do, you have it right now. You don't have to put it off anymore. You don't have to put off launching that business. You don't have to put off shooting the video. You don't have to put off recording the song. You have to put that on off everything that you need right now. You have exercise and the more that you begin to exercise what you have there is some of those wants and desires and things that you will need down the road. Now, they'll begin to be drawn and attracted to you because they're only attracted to you, being who you were created to being you exercising and what you were created to exercising. You are enough baby.

You are enough. You sound good enough, You are pretty enough. You are intelligent enough. You articulate enough. You are enough. Do you hear me? You are valued at the We are waiting for the manifestation of who you are. We're waiting for your book. We're waiting for your soul. We're waiting for your script. We're waiting for your podcast. We're waiting for your radio show. We're waiting. Waiting for your tv show. We're waiting for your business. We're waiting for your invention. We are waiting for you to show up. We're waiting. We're waiting. We are waiting. But while we are waiting for you to show up, we're also making sure that we are showing up. We are showing up that we are consistently showing up because we understand that it is through our showing up as well that you also get the experience and and get the the energy and the charisma of showing up in the presentation of showing up as well as the example of showing up and now you can exercise more smoothly and you're showing up.

But we want you to know, we want you to show up. You're enough. We're waiting for you. You are enough. And the thing about being enough is sometimes you never realize that you are enough and that you have enough until you begin to exercise in that it's so easy to get to get distracted by what we don't have or by what we see others having or the perception of what others have. One of the things that I talk real heavy or really that I talked a lot about is perception and how sometimes we can perceive things about individuals that just are not true. But what has happened with them is they've taken a little bit, they have, they showed up with what they had and as they showed up and exercising what they had now they are able to read more from it and some of you out there and you're struggling with what I'm saying. Hey give it a try, What do you have to lose? You try that you're wearing, It has not worked now try showing up with what you have, try showing up with what you have and begin to watch what God does with the enough that you are, you are enough?

You are enough baby. You are enough. And don't you ever struggle with that concept again? You are enough. You are enough where you are right now is where you are supposed to be. But more importantly you are enough. Everything that you have inside of you when the creator created you and he created you with different skill sets, different gifts, different different talents, different abilities, different desires. He created you with all of that inside of you? Everything that you need. It's already inside of you. That's right. It's already there. Now you might say well Cliff, Well, why do you encourage me to get a coach? Why do you encourage me to go to therapy? Why do you encourage me to get advisors? Why do you encourage me to have conversations with individuals? If I have all of the answers and the solutions inside of me? Well, the reality is that a lot of times those answers, those solutions are locked up there either locked up or we've smothered them.

And the way that they become smother it is from the events that have happened to us in life. The thoughts that we believe about ourselves, the words that others have spoken about, others have spoken about us and we bought into in the thoughts that we have spoken concerning ourselves that contradict everything that the creator has said about us, that's why we need coaches. That's why we need therapists. That's why we need those that can speak into our lives. Speak past all the clutter that we've allowed to pile up on it. Speak past all the thoughts that we think that contradict what the creator has said and begin to speak to those various solutions strategies, answers, gifts, talents, abilities, strategies, whatever it is that we need that's locked up inside of us. We need individuals that can help us tap into those things. Yeah. Yeah. Mhm Many people define stagnation as not producing or being at a standstill.

Yeah, I get it. However, I would like to add a little weight to the definition and say that I may be producing. I may be moving however my production and my movements are disrespectful to the purpose that's inside of me to the greatness that's inside of me. If that's going on that stagnation as well and that's okay. Guess why? Because I have developed a tool. I wrote a book called from stagnation and transformation. And that book was written specifically for individuals that feel stuck, that feel lost, that feel like they're just wandering in the wilderness. They feel like they just need something, it's just missing. It's okay. I want you to hit over to www dot clinton Pettijohn dot com forward slash transformation there. You're gonna find a complimentary portion of the book.

That's right. A complimentary portion of the book. I want you to read that portion after that. It's going to ignite such a fire inside of you that you're gonna want to purchase the, your personal copy of from stagnation of transformation. So I want you to do that as well. Why? Because I believe that it will give you a 21 day jump star to fulfilling or re identifying purpose and whatever core area you find yourself stagnant in. So again, visit www dot clinton Pettijohn dot com forward slash transformation. Mhm No, A coach is not meant to give you an answer. A coach is not meant to do the work for you. A coach is simply sent to help you navigate within yourself to the answer, it helps you navigate within yourself to the answer because sometimes we have allowed the cares of life to take rule and control of our lives that we forget.

That we are the solution. I want you to say that when they say I am the solution, I am the answer. I am the strategy. I am everything that the creator has called in design me to be. I am the I am I am the I am I am the I am I am the I am I am the I am I want you to say it. I want you to believe it. I want you to grab hold of it. I want you to gain a greater understanding of it Because when you can grab that understanding you will understand that you don't need to walk like talk like think like act like do anything like anybody else. Some of you have even said I would be a great speaker if I had the vocabulary of somebody else. But what if it's not meant for you to have that extended extensive vocabulary. What if that's not what the people that you are called to are looking for? What if that's not what it is that's going to connect with them.

Or we can look at it another way you could have that extensive vocabulary. Maybe you just need to study a little more. Maybe you just need to get you a dictionary and learn some more words. You know I was blessed at think what's 10th or 11th grade and I had a physics teacher and he made me learn a new word every day and apply to my life every day. That helped extend my vocabulary. But here's what I had to understand as well. I had to understand as well that sometimes the extended vocabulary is not what's needed. The extended vocabulary is not what is needed or was not what it was needed at the time or the dispensation, what I needed to do was to develop the language that could connect with those I've been called an assigned to connect with. So you don't need somebody else's vocabulary. You don't need their language, you don't need their strategies. You don't need their gifts, You don't need their abilities. You know, you don't need any of those things you need what has been divinely imparted inside of you for your purpose.

And the thing is you have it, you just haven't connected with it. You have not connected with it. And the reason why some of us don't connect with it is because we're trying to connect with what everybody else has and that's not me cliff. I'm not trying to be like nobody else and okay, I can take that, that's great. But yet you still at times struggle with the concept of that you are enough. And if you're struggling with the concept that you are enough then that you need to gain an understanding that you do value somebody else's assignment more than you value yours, You value somebody else's gifting more than you value yours. You value somebody else's flow more than you value yours. And I'm not saying that we don't need to value each other. There are a lot of people in my life that our voices, there are a lot of people in my life that our instruments, There are a lot of people that are in my life that are great gifts. They are great gifts to the body of christ and great gifts to the world. I value them, I appreciate them, I honor them.

However, I am not attempting to be them because I could never be them. I could never be them. And here's the thing about it. They could never be me. Why? Because God already designed and created me to be me in them to be them and you to be you, we need what you have. We desire what you have. We yearn to experience what you have, we learned to experience you. But the reality is that we can never experience you until you get to a space to understand you are enough. And when you begin to understand that you are enough, you'll stop looking at what you don't have and you'll begin to value what you do have and you'll begin to exercise and what you do have and then you'll begin to understand that it is through your exercising of what you do have, that attracts the other things that you desire because everything that you need, you have right now, everything that you need for right now you have now, I know you might have some once you may have some desires, you may have some of those things and I got some too, I have some as well.

But what I had to stop doing was valuing the things that I want and desire, valuing the things that I look at and say, I don't have more than I value that, which I do have some of you, what do you have? You have a voice, you have a voice some of you you have an ink pen, some of you you have a computer, you have the ability to express your message on paper, some of you you have the ability to sing, some of you have the ability to develop strategy, some of you have the ability to come up with with great solutions, you have innovative and creative abilities. You, you think far beyond the present, you are visionaries, that is amazing. That is great. Whatever it is that you have value it enough to begin to exercise in it. Value it enough to begin to exercise in it, create a covenant with it versus the covenant that you have created with everything that contradicts it. Say this with me today, I break covenant with everything that I have released in the atmosphere that has attacked that, which I need to be exercising and now, and I come into covenant with every gift, every talent, every ability, and the individuality of who God created me to be.

That I may exercise and who I am right now. That I may exercise in who I am right now. That's what I want us to say. I want us to come to that greater understanding. You are enough. You have enough. Now. It's time to exercise that enough. You don't have to sit around and wait. You don't have to sit around and try to make it look and sound pretty. You don't have to make it try to look and sound like somebody else. You don't have to try to make it look and sound like you think others want it to sound. There's a sound already inside of you, a sound that was created inside of you. That if you ever ever ever ever ever ever tapped into that sound, then you will begin to understand just how much purpose can flow through you. But it's a sound. It is a sound. It is a great sound. It's the sound that we want to hear. It's a sound that we need. It is a sound that we we endeavor to experience because it looks like sounds like nothing like we've ever experienced before.

We want to hear it. We want to experience it. We want to value it. We want to push it. We want to do all of those things. But we're waiting for you to come in agreement with it. We're waiting for you to come into agreement with with it. You are enough. You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are intelligent. You are a strategist. You are a coach. You are an author, You are all that God has said that you are, you are there and some more because there's some of you that you haven't tapped into. But let's not worry about what you haven't tapped into. Let's tap into what you have right now, Whatever it is that is in your hand that you can do right now. That's what I want you to tap into. I want you to make that promise to yourself this week that you will value yourself enough to realize you are enough and to begin to tap into everything that you have right now listen, that's all I had to say.

I want, thank you for tuning in. If you are ever in need of a coach, I want you to visit my website and see, you know, a simple conversation can tell me if we pair well together. If we don't pair well together, that's okay. I have a list of coaches and strategist that I can refer you to if we are not a fit. Why? Because I want to see that greatness are locked inside of you. So I want to make sure that I'm pairing you with the right person with the right coach with the right strategist with the right prophetic voice that can help you get to where you need to be or to help you exercise and what you need to exercise it. Which will get you to where you need to be in your next and your next and you are where you are now and we value where you are now, we're gonna help you develop that now. So that when you get to that next, you're still not trying to figure out the nail, as I always say, create a great day walk with purpose and by all means execute your vision peace.

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