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It's About Time! Shattering the Myth of 'Not Enough Time' in Business

by Marissa Rehder
August 8th 2023

In this eye-opening episode of The Marissa Rehder Show, Marissa debunks one of the biggest myths in entrepreneurship - the notion of 'not having enough time.'


Marissa dives into pra... More

Hello. Hello and welcome back to another Monday mindset episode of the Marisa Raider show. We are talking about the mindset of lack and today we're talking about the lack of time that we have in a day because so often we say if we just had a couple more hours or we get so fed up with hearing, well, you have the same 24 hours as Beyonce does, you know, whatever. That's a whole other thing. I'm pretty sure I already recorded an entire podcast on that specific topic. So head back to the archives if you wanna check that out. But today we are focusing on how to overcome the thoughts of not having enough time and how that plays a part in either starting your business or running your business successfully. So let's get started. Welcome to the Marissa Raider Show where every Monday we give you the Monday mindset, the inspirational and motivational spark to kick off your week on our show, we empower moms and female entrepreneurs with big goals to take charge of their lives, set positive intentions and start living a life they love.

We know how busy lifestyles can be. That's why we created a Monday mindset for a quick reset. Each week, our advice will help you create actionable steps for achieving your big goals so that each new week sets you up for success. All right, here we are talking about lack and today we're focusing on lack of time and how do we overcome that mindset to have a more success driven one that focuses on having an abundance of time. So I want to take a quick minute here for you to reflect on your current daily routines, the responsibilities that you have and then yep, you guessed it your priorities. I want you to identify the external factors or personal habits that may be contributing to your feelings of not having enough time. Yeah, we're diving right in today.

I want you to ask yourself what aspects of my life are consuming the most time and then you need to ask yourself, are they aligned with my priorities and my goals? Once you've done that, then you can move in and ask yourself. Am I effectively managing my time? Are there opportunities to improve in my time management skills? I can tell you even though I teach time management is a huge piece of my business coaching model. I still struggle with time management. It's an ongoing battle for me. So if you are thinking I have perfect time management skills, I am going to have you pause the episode. Get real with yourself and then start it again and ask those beginning questions because almost every person that I know and that I work with and coach struggles with time management.

Now, here's the thing, you are not always going to have perfect time management. You're very rarely going to have perfect time management. But if you find yourself saying the phrase, I just don't have enough time, you need to revisit those priorities are your daily tasks aligning with what's most important to you and helping you get closer to your goals. And I know that I talk a lot about business and finding business success, but it's ok if you're priorities aren't just your business for me. This summer, I have the mindset that I only, it's a little bit of a lack mindset, but I only have so many summers left with my kids before they start driving and spending more time with friends and doing all of the things that big kids do. I mean, like teenagers and kids that graduate from high school. And so this summer, I really wanted to focus on my time with them. But I also have huge business schools.

So that's where I have to really focus on where can I fit in my business and still make my kids and our summer experiences a authority. So right now, ask yourself, am I effectively managing my time or are there opportunities to improve my time management skills for me? I love taking my youngest daughter to the library. She loves being there. She loves the little stem boxes that they have where she can build and play and explore and guess what I'm doing while she's doing it. I'm carrying on conversation with her, but I'm working at the exact same time because I have huge goals. My daughters are a dance class and I have that pocket of time where I can be doing quick business tasks, like answering emails, doing research, setting up conference calls and coaching calls and different things like that. While all of my kids are busy doing things that they enjoy. And that's ok because then when all three of them are together, we can go and have an experience like go to the pool or the park or do something like that where I can be more present during it.

So figure out those little pockets of time where you can fit in the tasks that you have at hand that you feel like you don't have time for. Here are a few practical and effective techniques that you can use. I've also talked about this a couple of times, but I really want to talk about time blocking. So for me, time blocking involves scheduling dedicated blocks of time for specific tasks or activities. So this actually maximizes your productivity because your brain gets in a role and you're not hopping from one thing to the next. So let's talk about podcasting. This is, it's just easy for me to do because this is something that have to be very specific with my time. I need to have a quiet house. I can't have kids interrupting during it. So I am time walking right now to get my podcast episodes recorded. I'm doing all four monthly Mindset. Monday Mindset videos. I'm doing all four Monday mindset recordings right now in one block of time that helps me because A I my content flows from one thing to the next.

My brain stays in that state of mind for podcasting. I'm not being interrupted and it's a priority of mine to serve my audience in a way that they can come and gain information that's tangible and easy to implement. So by setting off this block of time for say an hour and a half, one time a month, I get all of my podcast episodes recorded and ready to go. That's how I use time blocking. So how do I do that though? I have to create a weekly schedule using that time blocking, allocating specific blocks of time for work, personal development, leisure activities, my kids' activities, y'all, if you could see our cozy calendar, how we organize all the things so my husband and I can keep it all straight. Your head would be spinning. But I put in my time blocks for different things so that we all know what's going on. Is it a kid time block? Is it a Marisa time block? Is it a family time block?

They're all color coordinated on there because that's the only way that I could get out of that thought of. I don't have enough time, guess what? I still have time to sit around and watch a movie with Trent almost nightly because I make the most of the time that I do have when I have it. So create that weekly schedule using time blocking another suggestion that I have something that you can take action on right now is to list all your current tasks and prioritize them using one of these suggested methods that I have. So go ahead do your high priority. The tasks first is one of the methods. So you list out all the tasks that you have and then rank them one through 10. OK? Or what I really like to do is I like to group them together then based on how I can batch them. So recording all the podcast together in one, that's one of my higher priorities, but I need to be able to batch them.

So then I need to find a time frame that fits that in it. So I'm not just gonna go. OK. Podcast is my number one priority. Gonna sit down and do it right now. Knock it out, eat the frog first. That doesn't always work. And it's not always the most productive way to do things. Because if I sit down right away in the morning while my kids are running around high energy playing together to record a podcast that just doesn't work. So prioritize them and then my suggestion is to batch them based on what can you do together and then put them into your schedule based on priority. So, so today is Monday, I am doing my high priority tasks first, the things that I know that I have to get done. So I found a block of time on Monday where I could fit in my recording. The same thing goes with, I have a landing page to create Facebook group to create for some up coach, upcoming coaching that I have going on. That's also a Monday task eating the frog getting it done.

Now, I know what my priorities are for the week and I schedule them based on how I can do that. Next thing, delegate and outsource, you need to explore the benefits of actually delegating tasks and responsibilities both at work and in your personal life. So opportunities that have been created through me outsourcing different things. I can sit down. I can batch my podcast. I can send them off to be edited. I found an amazing woman on fiver. So if you need, if you, if you have your own podcast and you're in need of an editor, I'll hook you up because she's fabulous. But now that I've outsourced that I don't have to spend the time relisten to all of my and editing them myself. I can trust that she's going to take that on. She's gonna do it wonderfully and then I can just upload them, write the show notes and be ready to go for the next month's worth of podcasts, which is such a great feeling. Something else that I outsource is cleaning my house.

I actually don't mind cleaning my house, but it's never high on my priority list. I hold a coaching call every Tuesday at 9 15. Guess what's happening in the background while I'm holding that coaching call. I come out of my office, my house is clean and it's fabulous. That is something that I've made a priority in my life because clutter detracts from my mental health. I am short tempered. I am annoyed. I am short with my kids when I have clutter. It is something that I'm working on. But the best thing that I could do for me and my family was to outsource the deep cleaning. So all we have to focus on is keeping that clutter picked up. So delegate and outsource the things that you can either in your business or in your personal lives. So the other thing I want to remind you quick as we wrap up this podcast episode is that you have to personalize these strategies for your individual needs.

I will never be the person that writes a book and says this is the only way to do it because this is how I do it and it works for me. I will not do that to you. So make sure that you take everything that I give you and then apply it to your life and how it works for you for a long time. I couldn't afford to hire out my cleaning. So I delegated it to my family, my kids, my husband, the laundry, it became a joint effort. I no longer felt like I needed to be the sole person responsible. So you might have to get creative with how you outsource and how you delegate things. But it can be done if you're willing to put in the work and the brain power to figure it out. So your action item for today is to review and adjust your weekly schedule as you need to create sustainable and balanced routines so that you can time block and make the most of your time.

And I will see you next week on the next Monday mindset episode. Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Marissa Raider show. Our goal here is to support and encourage female entrepreneurship along with managing the everyday chaos. Life throws our way. We strive to help women who want to take their lives and business aspirations to the next level and know that that takes focus, dedication and hard work to get there. For more great content for Marisa. Be sure to check out her website www dot Marissa Raider. Dot com or follow her on Instagram at Marissa Raider coaching. See you next time on the Marissa Raider Show.

It's About Time! Shattering the Myth of 'Not Enough Time' in Business
It's About Time! Shattering the Myth of 'Not Enough Time' in Business
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