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Busting Through Self-Doubt: Overcoming the 'Not Good Enough' Mindset in Business

by Marissa Rehder
August 21st 2023

In this empowering episode of The Marissa Rehder Show, Marissa explores one of the most common yet debilitating mental blocks entrepreneurs face - the 'Not Good Enough' mindset.


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Welcome back listeners to another Monday mindset episode of the Mercer Raider show. We're diving into a topic that resonates with many women out there and it's lacking experience or confidence in various aspects of your life and your business and be it your business or relationship tips or just new challenges that present themselves. We've all been there at some point. So let's explore some solutions and actionable tips to help you overcome those feelings and build your confidence. Remember, we are in this together and we're here to empower one another. So let's get started. Welcome to the Marissa Raider Show where every Monday we give you the Monday mindset the inspirational and motivational spark to kick off your week on our show, we empower moms and female entrepreneurs with big goals to take charge of their lives, set positive intentions and start living a life they love.

We know how busy lifestyles can be. That's why we created a Monday mindset for a quick reset each week. Our advice will help you create actionable steps for achieving your big goals so that each new week sets you up for success to kick things off. Let's talk about the business world, many women face the infamous impostor syndrome feeling like they don't belong or that their lack of skills are keeping them from thriving in their businesses. So I want to talk about what that looks like. What is impostor syndrome? Why is it keeping you stuck and how do you overcome it? So, impostor syndrome is simply the idea that you are not qualified to do something. You don't have enough of something. So, in this case, we're overcoming that mindset that we have a lack of experience or knowledge to grow our businesses.

And the thing is is that it's just that it's a mindset. So whenever that thought pops up, that, oh, I don't know how to do that or um I could never learn how to do that. That is a lie. Your brain is telling you because our brains are lazy little beings and they want to keep things easy. And when you are working it out and stretching its muscle to learn new concepts, it's hard work and it doesn't want to do that hard work. It wants to stay safe and secure and in our comfort zone and when we're growing and thriving, it doesn't necessarily allow us to do that. So any time that that thought pops up, I want you to stop it in its tracks. Say no, we are not having this lack of knowledge because I can learn anything. If I'm willing to invest the time I can become an expert at anything.

And even if I don't have the knowledge right now, that's ok. I'm going to learn it and acquire it as I go, the important part is just getting started. So here are a few things that you can do that will help you with those feelings of inexperience and boosting your confidence. So the first thing is to seek mentorship, find women that you can network with and collaborate with and learn from so that you no longer have those feelings. When you start feeling inferior about something, dive right into it. Figure it out, Google it, go to youtube, hit up the Pinterest, find a blog post, find someone who's an expert on it and Instagram and start following them, start picking up bits and pieces of it because as you become more acquainted with the terminology being used or the ideas being presented, it becomes more familiar and it's a place your brain wants to hang out more.

But the first step, is it going out and seeking that information and where you can get it from? The next actionable step that you can take is to practice self compassion and self love in your business because a lot of times we don't have the answers. And a lot of times there's a lot of learning that goes on. I don't like to say the word failures, but sometimes that's what it feels like even though all it is is a learning experience. So have some compassion for yourself. Extend grace to yourself as you're walking through this because this is new. Unless you've built a successful business in the past, which if you have, you're probably not listening to this podcast because you probably don't need the things that I'm talking about. But you need to give yourself grace and know that that's how you learn is by going out, putting yourself out there and continuing to show up. That's how you gain the experience and the knowledge who has ever showed up to try something new.

Ok. Think about that a time that you started something new. Now some things do come easier. You might have been decent at it to begin with. But how many of you were an expert or felt really qualified to be doing what you're doing? I have never really liked golf just as an example. But in the last couple of years, I found some joy in learning how to golf. Do I know things about golf? Sure. Am I an expert at it? No. Would it be easier for me to just decide that golf is not for me? Sure. But I still go out with my husband and after every shot I ask him, ok. Now, what club do I use? Because I don't know, I am not the expert. I have not golfed hundreds of rounds like my husband has in his lifetime. And that's ok. It's a learning experience. For me every time I step on the course. But I also have to give myself grace because if I got frustrated and angry, every time I was on the golf course, I would never go back.

But I have to look at it as a learning experience and that's what you need to do in your business when you don't have all the answers or when you're not quite sure of what step needs to come next, surround yourself with people you can learn from and then extend yourself grace and then embrace that beginner's mindset. When you're taking on new challenges, go into it saying I'm a beginner, it's ok if I'm not amazing at this or if it doesn't work out right the first time, or there's always things to learn and improve on. And so go in with a beginner's mindset and remember you're stronger and more capable than you think you are. It's time to step out of that comfort zone, take action and show the world what you're made of. So, thank you for joining me today and until next time, keep shining your light and I'm gonna be here. Cheering you on. Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Marissa Raider show.

Our goal here is to support and encourage female entrepreneurship along with managing the everyday chaos. Life throws our way. We strive to help women who want to take their lives and business aspirations to the next level and that takes focus, dedication and hard work to get there for more great content for Marissa. Be sure to check out her website www dot Marissa Raider dot com or follow her on Instagram at Marissa Raider coaching. See you next time on the Marissa Raider Show.

Busting Through Self-Doubt: Overcoming the 'Not Good Enough' Mindset in Business
Busting Through Self-Doubt: Overcoming the 'Not Good Enough' Mindset in Business
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