The Community Strategy Podcast

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Episode 59: Find Calm with a slow launch strategy with Ray Green

by Deb Schell
December 12th 2021

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In today's episode, I’m excited to introduce today’s guest, Ray Gre... More

Okay. Mhm Hi all and welcome to the fine calm here podcast. I am your host, Deb Schell on this podcast. I share conversations I have with community builders who offer tips on what's worked for them and resources that have helped them find calm in the community building process. If you're new to community building or just considering a community to bring your clients, customers and audience together, but you don't know how or what to do. I'd be happy to schedule with you a clarity session, discovery call where we can chat about that and I can maybe help guide you in what's the best way to work together. Also, you can sign up for the com community newsletter to learn more about resources and tools to help you in building a paid online community if you need support and accountability with a group of community builders, I'd love to invite you to join the fight. Come here community, you'll receive support tools and resources to help you have a successful launch, grow your membership and tackle any challenges with the support of peers in a safe space.

That's affordable and enjoyable. You've got tons of awesome things happening inside the Fine Come here community including the Newcomb guides to support you in any stage of your community building journey. I just did a a blog post actually, recently guys on the fine calm here blog, you can grab that on Fine come here dot com Of the 2022 roadmap. So I've got some Newcomb guides coming out, so definitely check that out. Uh and I'm excited to introduce today's guest Ray Green. He is a fine calm your community member. I'm lucky that he is in my community. He's got 15, sorry 20 years of sales industry experience 15 in leadership and Manage over 175 million in revenue. He's an interesting leader. Founder of R. J. G. Consulting which he provides sales and marketing audits for B. two b. businesses and leaders. He's the host of repeatable revenue, an online community and podcast that helps entrepreneurs create repeatable sales and marketing systems and processes inside his money network which is his online community.

He uses the same frameworks that he has used to build to help build an audit and fix over 100 businesses. In addition he leads inner circle masterminds and an accelerated growth coaching program. He says there is an infinite number of ways to get more sales in your business. But if you started your business to create more freedom, more wealth and create uh control in your life, you'll want to create systems that drive growth, reliability and predictability. That's why we teach. Welcome Ray to the fine come here podcast. Oh thanks thanks for the intro. Glad to be here and I love that you said Ola. So tell us where you're calling in from today because it's pretty cool. We are about an hour north of cabo. We're in a little town called Las guerrillas and it's um in baja California sur Mexico. Very cool. Much better view than I have right now today in my little house in pennsylvania um but that's really cool. Tell us a little bit about you and what you do right?

Um Yeah, so I mean I do like I have two operations basically so on, like you said on on the intro we have our Jaeggi consulting which is more of a done for you type of service. So we do fractional sales and marketing leadership um where I, you know, I joined essentially step into to help companies and act as a, as an operator and executive and part of their team. We do, we have a sales audit as a, as a product that we, we start all of our engagements with. So we go in and evaluate a sales organization and how it's how it's integrated with marketing and um then give some some recommendations like a swat analysis on that. And then we have, as you mentioned are repeatable revenue community and that's for largely for client based businesses that you know, consultants, other fractional people, we have some, you know, some real estate folks in there but it's yeah, it's teaching how to stand up sales and marketing systems so that you can get to that point where you're actually, you know working on the business instead of instead of working in the business.

So that's what we teach in there and we're rolling out our course actually throughout this quarter, the roadmap to repeatable revenue where we we lay out all the frameworks that we use. Sounds amazing, very cool. I got was lucky to get to meet you a few months back, I guess it was in the spring actually, it was a while ago, probably by now. Time flies, right. Um and we did a strategy session and tell me a little bit about like why you wanted to build this, this community, uh and and how you kind of got got to the place where you're at with the the platform. Ah, sure. And I mean, you say you're, you're lucky, I'm lucky to be part of the community. There's been numerous times that we've hit, we've hit roadblocks, you know, whether it's the mechanics of the platform or the strategy of the community and you've come through and helped us, so that's, you know, the the feeling is mutual and glad to be part of your community um where we we we started with a with a community because and it's actually the first, the first community that we we went to build wasn't on the mighty Networks platform, it was on um dis discourse, not discord.

Um and it was most of the audience, I do, I do, most of my marketing and content promotion is on linkedin, and because I talked about sales a lot, I had a lot of the followers and the people that were engaging were other sales leaders, like sales VPs and sales managers, and so the first community we set up with sales leadership foundations and it was really just getting the audience. I mean, candidly was was to get the audience into a universe that that we owned, that we could communicate because we don't want to necessarily be dependent on, you know, linkedin's algorithm or, you know, whatever changes in policies or whatever it was. So we just wanted to start to build up that community in a place that we could communicate more candidly. Um we had more ownership of of the list and and how we engaged and um and so that's that's that's where we started, we were eventually pivoted both from the platform and the audience just because it was, we were, I mean, frankly, I was, I started it without a, like a really, a fully thought out plan, like it's, I actually teach, you know, strategy before tactics, but like all entrepreneurs, I just jumped into something and didn't have it fully mapped out and what I was going to do with it and we just found from, from an audience standpoint, there were more synergies with a community that was other small business owners and entrepreneurs, more so than there was other sales leaders.

So we didn't really know what to do with the audience, so we essentially pivoted the whole thing and and hit a reset button on, on everything and it's gone, it's gone much, much easier since then with a with a clear strategy, that's a good point, just getting clear on who you bring together why and what you're gonna do inside a community is like the solid foundation that a lot of people really struggle with, because they either try to go really broad, um like just saying like we bring together people or or they or they say, um or they go very, very niche and then they're really limited to to like where they go. And I think it's a great point to say, like, you can try both things, we always as entrepreneurs are just jumping in and trying like whatever, and then seeing kind of what works in a lot of cases, but it's really great to have that strategy and you learn so much from the process, right? You learned a lot from that first kind of test her out. We did, and I mean, you you make a really great point on, on the audience. One of the, I mean really one of the most common things that we see on the consulting side too is small and midsize businesses that cast this really wide net expecting like a wider net means a better chance of building an audience and what it really what it actually ends up doing is it leaves you kind of diluting your message so much that it doesn't resonate with the target audience that you want.

So there's a real, I mean, there's there's a science to it, but there's a little bit of an art in terms of getting your balance right, the balancing, um you know, how, how wide do I go with who my audience is and what I want to offer and how narrow can I do it? And for most, you know, for most small businesses and entrepreneurs narrow can be narrows where you start, you know, it's just because you get caught up trying to be too general and your messaging has to be really general. And so the audience that you really want, it just doesn't, it doesn't resonate nearly as much. Yeah, that's a good point. I usually work with people on their landing page specifically so that when people, um, you know, when they are inviting their ideal members to their landing page for them to like join and you know, sign up that those, they actually are connecting right to the message right away, that they can get right from that first page of like, this is for me or this isn't for me. Um, and I think that comes down to like, really clear messaging about who this community is for what exactly we do and why, you know, you want to be a part of it.

And if that message resonates with you, then obviously you'll be of, you'll be like, of course I want to join this place right right, because if it's for you, if it's written for you, you should, when you get there, you should look at it and say, hey, are they reading my mind, you know, like those are the exact problems that I'm experiencing or, or whatever it is. And if you, if you go to general and your and your messaging in one of my, one of my training's actually, I compare it to imagine trying to, to, to, to speak about something like your best friend who you've known for a decade. Well, that's gonna be really easy because you, you know, that person so well, you know, you know, their pet peeves, you know, their interests, you know, like all all that. And then if you try to talk to a slightly bigger group of friends in order to make your message resonate with everyone in that group, you have to, you have to generalize it just a little bit, but you can still do it like what if it's a group of friends, but it has to be a little bit more generalized without audience than if you, if you try to speak to a stadium of people, like at that point, you're now you have to, if you wanted to resonate with everyone, the message has to be so general that it's not really gonna land, it's not gonna have any emotional impact on on people.

So that's what we, that's how we teach it. Let me ask, did you do? So you, you know, you're saying you're like, really working on snitching down when you moved platforms and I'm wondering um did the platform have anything to do with the audience or is that like how did you decide on the audience and the platform um that you're transitioning to? Yeah, that's a good question. We, because I had not fully in my mind, I'm not completely mapped out what I wanted to do with the community. I went when I started with discourse, I just started because it was community based, like you can do, you know, you get like old school forums to a degree and I switched platforms because when I when I really developed the strategy, I wanted a community and I wanted to be able to sell content and I wanted to be able to create courses that I could sell to my internal audience to my community and that I could sell externally as one off, and I couldn't do that with with what I was doing before, so it was really part of it was me defining what I wanted to do with it first and then going okay, like Mighty Networks is probably the best solution for what I'm trying to to accomplish.

I mean there's some other options out there that that we explored, but discourse just didn't, it fostered some engagement, but it wasn't we weren't able to do with content, what we wanted to do. Yeah, that's a good point to note to, about connecting your business goals with your community goals and how those align and work together in, in kind of an accord, um, matching each other because you know, once, you know what you want as far as your business goals and how much time you have to dedicate to this space. I mean some people I've worked with, they realize I don't even have time and I don't want to run the community, I just want to sell a course. Well then you can, there's a lot of other platforms out there that you can sell digital courses and you know, on demand courses and that kind of thing. And money networks is really more about, you know, learning together. This is how we do something together a few good the muddy community, they talk about, you know, who we bring together, we bring together these people and why and all of those good big purpose statements and it really helps you define, you know, what it is, the messaging.

So I think there's a lot of really great things about money networks and that's part of it. I've been a member of money networks in different communities for a number of years now and I find it's, it's just so interesting the concept of like instead of learning by myself, which I did a lot of, I did a lot of like those on demand, you know how to start an online business and I would like create a workshop, what I called workshop weekends where I would just like bulk batch, you know chunk learning over the weekend when I wasn't working at my sales job and and that's kind of like how I ended up starting my like side hustle or whatever you wanna call it and but if I had done that and then I ended up joining a community later and when I was more active in the community that like supercharged my interest and desire and the transition of leaving my corporate job into becoming an entrepreneur much faster. I feel like community is just like that you know extra really big support system of like if you want to do this like join the community and that's exactly what will happen like you'll make it happen.

Yeah you know I mean on the platform piece there's we export a bunch, I mean we could job be and you know, and and most of the structures like the programs that that repeatable revenue is, most of them are built on, you have a facebook group, you know you have a free facebook group to you know to to bring people in and offer some free resources. You have a private facebook group for the people that are premium members or the clients or you know whatever it is and then you use something like a job for for the courses and it would have been pretty easy just to replicate some of those models but what I liked about mining networks was it combined all of those things into one now, it's taken as, you know, like it's taken a little bit of retooling it and trying to figure out, okay, exactly how to how to make it happen. But I love the fact that we can now bring that whole community into one into one ecosystem. And your point about, about learning what the community is huge, like this is we think the same thing with coaching or whatever it is, we, the benefit is you get the exposure to people that may have just solved the exact problem that you're dealing with.

So that's so we niche down and we have a target audience and we get, you know, like minded people into the community, there's gonna be some people that are ahead of you in their journey, there's gonna be some people that are maybe a little bit behind you in their journey and so you can get help from people that just solved this or solved it a while ago and then at the same time you can, you know, you can turn around and help somebody else that's kind of on there, maybe just a few steps behind on what you're doing. So that's the that's the benefit of knitting down to a degree and I think it's the community is powerful when it, when it comes to learning Yeah. How long have you been uh when, when you switched over, How long have you been on muddy networks? What was that launch like for you? We've launched, we've been in like a slow launch mode up to this point because the, it's kind of building up the repeatable revenue side of this has been like, I'm running my consulting business and at the same time. And so we've, it's been a slow launch and we just really started promoting it two or three months ago, but you were one of the first calls, so if we, if we connected in in april timeframe, that's about when or shortly before that, that's about when we made the switch.

And that also, I mean it speaks to like the support that you've been able to like a couple of months prior that we were doing this like d I y like I was doing my own recon, I was trying to hack my way through mighty networks and like sometimes you just, whether it's through a community or whatever it is, but sometimes you just find somebody that has the know how and say, okay, please by the solution, you know, and help me help me figure it out. So it was just a couple of months before then. Very cool. Yeah, I think it's great strategy to just kind of slow roll it, take your time with it and really kind of work out what I call, like a soft launching of testing out things and maybe having a beta group is that kind of like, like who did you first invite? How how did that work out for you? The first people that I invited were actually existing clients. So some of the um some of the smaller smaller businesses that we've that we've worked with today. We're rolling out this new thing. It's not going to come at the expense of any other time that you have but at least not not right now and you just get access to you know just some of the content as we as we build it out and we went back to prior clients that we had we had finished engagements with and invited them in So we got about 20 people into the premium section of um of the platform just to get people in there like just to get you know what what does the on boarding process start to look like?

What are the questions that they're asking? How do we work through? I mean simple stuff like how do you work through, how often are you doing notifications and so we're doing all this as we're loading content and so we like throughout the quarter by the end of this quarter I'll have the whole roadmap to repeatable revenue course done but the fact that people are in there like on this in this beta phase I can slow roll some of the promotion, I can focus on getting the right content in there and um and just treat it like a like any other startup You know it's it's an M. V. P. And just adjust and Iterate and take feedback from from people as they as they go through. As long as you set the expectations on the front end. You know I think that's that's kind of important if they know they're they're part of a beta beta program. Yeah exactly like just trying things out and letting them know. I loved it. Um The clarity that's not the word I'm thinking of. Like just transparency of that too. I think that goes then two more authenticity and integrity because then you know like if you didn't say that and then later it came like to me for me to learn that as a community member then I might be feeling like a little uncomfortable.

So I love that part of it. Did you decide? So is your course the one that you're talking about now is that a self study like on demand style? It is it's I call it like done with you. So as we as we put the continent what it's it's based off the framework that we've done our all of our audits with. So there's you know the you know creating a strong you know unique selling proposition. Standing up your marketing system, standing up your sales processes and building in user journeys that you you keep you keep your your clients and your customers rather than than turn them out and what the way that we're looking at is it's it's supported with a coaching call. So we've already started the coaching call, even though we haven't finished the course. And at the end of the quarter, the vision, the vision that I have is you're gonna have this really, really dense course that has all the the basics, all the fundamentals that you need to stand up, repeatable sales and marketing systems. And then we're going to host weekly calls, you know, at least once, maybe twice a week where we're helping the community helps to like, through the, through the community, but we're all, you know, jump on directly and and answer questions or help with with the implementation of stuff.

So it's it's not quite like D I y but it's not completely done for you. It's it's it's just done with you and with the support of the community is how we're looking at it. Yeah, I love the idea of you don't have it all done because a lot of my clients feel like, well I have to build this entire course and it's going to take me six months. And I said, well, if you could launch in a month or two months or three months instead of six months from now, but you don't have it built out, would you be okay with that? And they were like, well, why would I do that? And I'm like, because you could build it, well, first of all, there's a lot of different ways you can do it, but you only have to be a little ahead of people, right? You have to only be like a week ahead. So if you're, if you're working on week, you know, you're on week one and you're working on week two content at during week one, and that's if that works with your schedule and things like that, that's, that's a okay, I think a lot of entrepreneur programs I've taken, do you talk a little bit about you don't need to have everything and as you go, you're learning about what they want and what's helpful to them.

And so like, even if I, so that's kind of what I didn't find come here and I launched and I didn't have necessarily a step by step processes when it came to my awareness that that was helpful, that that's what people had kind of wanted was some some really specific aligned instruction. And so then I ended up co creating it with members and it's, you know, that's how I know it's like helpful because they're telling me that this is helpful, you know, that's a good point to note that going through it once a one day at a time, I'm sorry, you cut out for a second. Um, I mean, interrupt the, like, you make a really great point on getting the content in there? And letting you're letting your audience and letting your community tell you, like, the last thing you want to do is spend six months building out, of course that you're you're almost positive, like, you nailed it, and then once they get in after the first module, or after the first week they're asking questions and then you've got to go in and okay, I gotta change things up, I've got to tweak things, let them, like, you just have to be one step ahead, like they say, like, just run faster than the next person if the bear is chasing you, like, if you're one step ahead Recording the content one week while they're still finishing something else, um you can you can iterate, you can you can get feedback from the people that are actually going through it.

And what you probably end up with is something that's more they're more responsive to it because they helped build it, whether they whether they know it or not. So we're kind of, we're kind of, we're semi taking that approach and some I just, you know, we're doing as we as we go, as we load stuff in, we're telling people, but we were also tying it to pricing too, like, we're pretty open about like, in our marketing, hey, when we're done with this. Well, probably charge differently than we will and as we add more and more content and build up the value, but that's the that's the power of the community, like, the community helps direct you on what they want next. And at some point you have enough momentum where they're just telling you the next thing to build and that's I think that sounds, that sounds like a fun place to be. Mhm. Yeah, that's kind of where I'm at because I've been like listening to clients over the last year and so part of the calm guides which I developed over the summer time um or because people wanted they wanted help launching, they wanted help with on boarding, they wanted help with tech integration.

So those are the first three com guides, I did the common guides that are coming up are gonna be how the transition of facebook groups, so many networks um and and community management hiring a community manager and what that looks like for a muddy network host. So those are all things that I'm excited about, you know, talking with members about and and learning more about as I go with my experiences of case studies that I've had with doing things like moving a facebook group or being a community manager. So I think it's good uh And I want to get into numbers a little bit because your number of sales guy. So tell me a little bit about pricing, like how did you figure out like how you're gonna charge? Can you give me a little bit of secrets on like how that strategy was for you, you don't have to give me all the numbers, but um a lot of experimentation. So I'm one of, one of the benefits that I have is my, a number of my best clients are, they run fairly large coaching programs like that are, that are course based, content based.

And so I I have, I've had a lot of exposure to what some of the best of the best are are doing and how they're structuring things. And so the pricing that I tried with, I have like three clients that come to mind and one is, you pay, you make a significant investment up front and, and then it's, and then that's it, like then you get access to the course and any iterations that come with it, you get access to the community. Then there there's another program that I've worked with, that it's a much more nominal upfront investment. And then once you buy that initial product, they sell you the coaching program afterwards, like, so you kind of go through the course and then you realize you want help implementing it and then they have the coaching program to to sell you alongside. And then the 3rd, 3rd kind of model that I've that I've worked with is almost treating it like a software business, you know, that it's just, it's just a regular, monthly recurring recurring payment and I've landed on, I've landed on the third, like where we'll do a monthly recurring, so right now it's 497 a month when we're done with and that includes, you know, that includes the course as we build it out and includes access to the coaching call, it includes, you know, I do like deep dives every couple of weeks where I break down websites or legion or sales, you know, strategies, whatever it is.

Um and so you get access to that when we're done with the course will increase to 997 a month and I expect we'll keep it there until we load a lot of, a lot of content and there's no secret sauce. I think the things to think about, we don't have because we have a business with revenue already. It's not like we need cash, like the cash flow today from a big expensive course to fuel growth tomorrow. So we have a business that pays for it. Otherwise if I didn't, I would probably go the first route, you know, where there's a significant up front investment just from a cash flow perspective. Um we, the other thing I like about it is long term, like recurring revenue is just a much more manageable business model. Like you just have more predictability into it and you get more direct feedback. So If, if 10 people sign up tomorrow and nine of those people never renew, that's, that tells me something like something's really, really wonky with our content, something's really wonky with our onboarding there, they didn't see value, whereas if you just, you know, if you just have a one big price tag and once they're in, they're in, you don't get that ongoing feedback.

And so that was, that was part of it for us and then, um, it just felt easier for our audience from an investment standpoint, You know, $500,000 a month for access to content, access to coaching and access to the community just seemed like a good, a good price point based on the experience they had. But those were some of them, the things that we've, we've considered, I went back and forth between between the different models and their, you know, all successful companies have been built on, on, on very different pricing approaches, but that was kind of our logic behind it. Yeah, I got you, I love that. It's um, it's very interesting and I'm curious how you are, how your retention is and how your engagement is in there with the members that you have. I'm guessing these are probably, you know, the price point is pretty high for a monthly price point, as far as, you know, an investment for anyone, I'm guessing these are, and you said they're kind of um larger corporations or companies right, Is that what I'm understanding?

Yeah, for our, for our community executives from those people, because it'll be more like the entrepreneurs, but not not pre revenue and not not micro businesses. I mean, our target audience is probably doing, you know, A couple 100,000 in sales up to a couple million because at that point then you're probably a better, a better prospect for our consulting business and the way that I actually we, we have a we teach something and um I learned it from, from another really great coach and it's called like the vivid vision. So the vivid vision is, and the process for where you see your business in in three years and you really just try to visualize where is it gonna be, what's it gonna look like, who's gonna be in it? It's a really, really fun exercise. Well we did it for our own business and when I went through the process, the way that I visualized it is we have, we have a free part of our community. So it's really, it's kind of like a freemium ish model, there's a free part of the community where you just, you answer a few questions and if you're a b two b business owner, entrepreneur, that's where you're going, you get access to the community and with that you get access to like the daily daily content that I put in and things like that.

I look at that as kind of the um like almost like the D I Y like do it yourself, maybe in the garage really early phases. So if you're pre revenue or just getting started, that's probably the better option for you if you have revenue coming in, you know, say you've got 234, 500,000 coming in, but you're at this point where it's just okay, I need to create more consistency in sales, like I want to grow the business, but I'm now at this point I've hustled enough, I've gotten, I've gotten off the ground but I need I need to create more repeatability, more predictability, more process driven stuff, then that's where our course and our coaching is probably going to be the better option. And so that's where the price point is, is what it is for for that audience, once you if you implement what we teach, you'll get success from that and you'll drive more revenue and then at that point you may be you may be a prospective client for for a consulting business or something once you get to, you know, 2, 3, 4, 5 million in revenue, but that's kind of how I see the the journey and the different offerings, that's a great way to share, just like different pillars of your business, of different ways, you serve different audiences.

So people um just kind of maybe um wanting to grow and scale and then you're giving them some resources and then here's the way to level up your sales and and things like that as really great. Do you do you find um that the people in there are participating in these in these higher, you know coaching programs, are they engaging? Are they connecting, How's it going inside it's going, it goes really well? Like, so the were fairly particular with like who we would, who we would work with and the content that they're delivering for their audience. It really does. Like the first test we look at is, is what you're selling. Does it contribute to the transformation that you promise? So you, you make some promise on the front end that we're going to help you do x, you know, whatever it is. And are you contributing when they do, when they follow your advice? Do they get that transformation that change? And if the answer is yes, like, well we'll work with you because I don't want to sell shot the ship.

Um, but the, because it's good like what you'd expect that there's gonna be, there's gonna be a pretty decent retention. I'm really impressed by the, the engagement and the adoption that they, they foster in these programs, but it, they invest a ton of time in and resources into onboarding and, and kind of not force feeding but ensuring that there's adoption because these business models don't work, coaching business doesn't work. If no one will take the coaching, it's like you're, if you're, you're a private trainer, if your, if your client doesn't show up at the gym, I mean you're, you're not going to keep your business very long. So how can I, how can I, what systems can I put in place that help ensure that my client is going to get to the gym, you know, what are, what are the things that I can put in place and so you know, Mighty Networks has some good tools. There's also just some, some general general strategies if you do that really well, if you've picked the right audience and you have a good product and you, you deliver it fairly well and get them on board then if they start implementing what you're doing, they're going to immediately experience some winds and then they want and that just contributes like a positive cycle, positive flywheel if they, if they stroke a check and never show up for the on boarding call or, or you know, whatever it is then then you're gonna have, you're gonna, you're gonna churn people out, you're gonna have trouble with with retention even if you have a great product.

So I think the, the on boarding piece, if you have the foundational stuff in place, the on boarding piece is really, really important. And we're even in our own, our own program, we're still like evaluating like what's the, what's the optimal way to do this and and figuring that out. But I think that's, that's a big part of, of success with them. Yeah, it's so important onboarding and just welcoming members in and telling them what to do and giving them really clear instructions on here's what we do here, here's expectations you brought up earlier and I really love um, your, your notes there about, you know, if you have a good program and you provide a really great user experience member experience, of course they're going to a, do the program show up on the calls, you know, do what they need to do and then they're going to see the results and then they're gonna say, oh my gosh, I've done X amount and this is how I've transformed my business and they're gonna tell people about it because obviously they're like, you know, probably have colleagues that are like, dude, what are you doing?

Because things are working out really well for you, how can I do the same thing. Um, so I think that's a great, you know, a great reminder to say that you really want to hone in on that user member experience right from the beginning because if you don't, they aren't going to, to get what you're trying to help them. Yeah. And you know, what else did I think the cool part is if you go back to what you're saying about like a slow, if you slow roll the launch, this is the best part, like if you set expectations on the front end and this is going to be a beta, there are going to be some flaws that are going to be, it almost removes a lot of stress for me, like the way that we're doing this, we've told people if our, if our onboarding is is less than perfect. Everybody that goes through it. That's a data point. It's something for us to go back and look at. But if you set the expectation, it's as opposed to I'm gonna I'm gonna wait for six months, I'm gonna get this perfect, I'm gonna get this perfect, I'm gonna get this perfect. And then you you go out and sell it that way and then you know when, when the there's always kinks in any new operation or new business or whatever it is and it's just a more stressful way to do it.

I like that's why I like the beta rollout of this because we're allowed to have some imperfections because we, you know, we're not, you know, we we gave some complimentary memberships initially um and now we we know we're not charging relative to our price point, relative to um two alternatives is Is lower and um and there's more than enough value that we can demonstrate for $500 a month, right? If I'm gonna hop on the on the phone with you every week. But it's just it's just less stressful to to know that you're allowed to be imperfect and that's the benefit of the slow, slow launch. To me, you rolled it back to finding calm. There you go. There you go. I love that you rolled it back to how you find calm. I wanted to ask you real quick, we're going to wrap up but I wanted to ask you about one challenge and what you learned over the last couple of months from your community building experience. uh probably 100 I think too. I would say one is and it's and we've already hit on it so I won't, I won't stay on it but really understand what you want to do with it.

Like how do you how are you going to build it? How are you going to monetize it? How does it, what is the real strategy? And don't if I wouldn't recommend just getting started on a whim like in saying like I'll just build a really big audience and once I have a big audience then I'll then I'll figure out how to monetize it. Like it's it's not facebook, you know like it's um you know, it's not like building a company like facebook so have a have a clear plan, like know who you're talking to, know what you're delivering, you know, and and have a real strategy the other the other, I don't know if it's a mistake but the big lesson for us was was tech integration and as much as possible. So we use we use hubspot for for our our marketing and integrating hubspot and and mighty networks is not has not been what I wanted it to be like we've we've had to use a lot of, a lot of happier stuff. We're not able to get some of the data that I I wish I had um that I know I can get from other platforms, you know about user engagement and you know how often they're they're in courses or how often they're like hubspot offers a ton of potential with some options and it doesn't with Mighty Networks and we're we're working around it and we're finding, finding ways to adapt but just plotting out and understanding the technical component, which is, I mean, and you've helped us with some of this, I mean we've, you know, you know, some of my frustrations with, with writing networks initially and and you helped us navigate through those, but trying to to understand how it's all going to going to come together so you can pick the right options as much as possible on the, on the front end.

It'll make your life easier in the, in the long run. So Great. So great. Yeah, so many awesome things that sounds like you've learned in the process. And Um mighty networks does have, they just released the last few months, I guess it was maybe over the summer time there upgrade analytics features. So I don't know if um I don't know about hubspot as far and that's one of the things that maybe is on my 2022 uh road map is to, to really review how to spot a little bit more in their analytics versus money networks could do a comparison or something. But they have some really great analytics. I don't know what you, what you were thinking as far as like what's missing. Maybe you could share that. Yeah, they do. It's what one of the real benefits to hubspot is if you use it for your marketing and you use it for your sales and you use it for your your delivery and your customer success, you really get this holistic view of of your customer or your or your member and because you know where they came from, you know what what moved them, you know what they did in the process, you know how engaged they are and hubspot just it's it's still wildly effective but it's it's less effective when other platforms kind of surround the data or the information that you want with a wall.

Like I can't bring it in to to hubspot because that's where the real we do a lot of systems teaching, like systems thinking and optimizing one piece is really good. Optimizing another piece is really good. But when you optimize how they interact, like that's where that's where magic happens. And when you win some of it hosted over here and some of its hosted over here and it just, it has to be piece together. So I would I think the analytics and many networks are great. I want them in hubspot. But I right now and same with like some of the email communications and the cadences that you can't necessarily customize. I wish I had, I wish I could could do more custom work but it's you know it's part of the trade off like every platform you go through and as you try to compare all these different platforms you're gonna find they all have benefits, they all have strengths, you just have to understand what the trade off is and determine if it's worth it. And in our case it is like it's still it's still good. Um but that was just recognizing the tech integration piece beforehand.

It probably wouldn't have changed my decision on on monday networks but it it does affect how I what we can do in terms of the the full user experience to a degree. Yeah I get what you're saying with contact like a contact management or a portal where you can kind of see the entire journey from when they join and what they're challenges were and then how do you show that um journey over time of you know what their transformation is in data. Right. Right. Which is a different thing than just like you know going on there and checking posts and their comments and things like that. Yeah. I do think it's also if there was a lesson and I've learned and working and working with you when you hit these when you kind of hit these barriers. There's so much value in just finding somebody that can help you fast track stuff like I am, you know, I mean I can sit and tinker with mighty Networks or have somebody on my team.

Tinker with mighty networks for days or weeks or you know, whatever it is or I can find somebody that's a, that's a damn expert already and just have them fast track the learning and that's what we did with you. Like you just okay and now when we, when we, if we hit a roadblock we can reach out to you and we don't have to spend days and weeks or months frustratingly trying to tinker around toys and tech and all that other stuff. So be my advice. Great, great, thank you for all the lovely recommendations. I really always appreciate that I'm like blushing over here like feeling like and that's a great, that's a great thing, I'm so glad and I'm so glad that the money network and and just your community experiences is really going well for you and that's exciting to hear. Um this episode is going to be coming out in december because we find come here community switched to a every other bi weekly podcast. And so I will have had the, by the time this comes out I will have had the second section of the Tech Integration Guide that we're gonna have a workshop in november and possibly the third if I if there is a third section.

Um but we talk a lot about, you know, how do you make it more easy and simple for the host to really connect all those dots around the data and the member experience and how you communicate with members. And so I'm excited to work with the community and share those resources and things that I've learned and working with other clients that I'm going to um provide that those resources during that workshop and um in the calm guide to tech integration. So it's, it's nice that we kind of rapped out in there too um just for anybody and you have a really great community like we said, if you wanted to, if anybody wants to connect with you, what's the best place for them to go to to do that? Um You can check out repeatable revenue dot co dot C O. Um or or my linkedin um that's um that's where I spend a good deal of time and it's just your linkedin slash in and Raymond Green um are probably the best places to find me. Very cool.

Thank you so much. Is there one last question there? I know I've been Questions and questions but one last question, uh what are you excited about verse 2022 now that we're kind of like at the end of the year wrapping up and going into the new year? I'm excited to have a big block of content done like to have to have the course like as we're rolling this out, even though, even though it's a slow roll, I think it'll be a lot of, um, it's gonna be a ton of content that, that we're, that we're focused on that we're building and having that at least the first version of that done to then look at right now. How do we drive better engagement? How do we improve the marketing of it? How do we improve the messaging of it? So that's um, I think looking forward to, to the actual user experience and be able to dive in as much as we are in other parts of the business is, is really exciting for me. Very cool. Yeah, it sounds exciting and step, taking it one step at a time is a great way to do it. Beta, beta launches, learning from members getting those kinks out before members, um, you know, before you go like to a larger scale launch for, for your email list and um, having, you know, content that is already created in there, that you can just, you know, tag and reference is really great.

And I'm working in the community right now that we've got lots of content and it's just about now connecting the members to that content. And so it's like, oh, people ask, where is this? Here it is, and we can just like use the links and like send them over to like the right spaces of where they're asking about. Um, so it's not as much about connecting or putting content out, it's more about, you know, how do we get the members to find the content that will really help them transform. So I love that exciting. Next step for you. Thanks for being here on the fine comb here podcast. Um thanks for having me for everyone who is listening. I hope you're having a fantastic The end of the year of 2021 stepping into 2022 is going to be super exciting for me and all the fun. Come here members as well, right? I'm excited to continue chatting with you, our conversation will continue in the community. Uh if everybody is listening at this point the plan is for the fine come here, Community is going to be changing models and so we're going to include all of the fun.

The calm guides are going to be included in membership, so the membership price is going to increase, but all the, all the courses, those, those calm guides are going to be included in membership right now, I have a one month free trial that'll be ending at the end of the year and then we'll flip over to that new model. Um, so if anybody's questions about that, you can always reach out to me find calm here dot com and grab a uh a schedule on my calendar and happy to chat with you in a Discovery Call until the next time. I hope you are finding calm in every day, morning, evening, afternoon, wherever it is, whenever it is for you. I hope you're finding calm until the next time. Take care and talk to you later. Bye. Okay.

Episode 59: Find Calm with a slow launch strategy with Ray Green
Episode 59: Find Calm with a slow launch strategy with Ray Green
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