The Community Strategy Podcast

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Episode 47: Find Calm hosting your next virtual event with Sheri Bennefeld

by Deb Schell
August 15th 2021

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In today’s episode of the Find Calm Here Podcast

So if you have any um Interest, I have a newsletter in the show notes that you can click on to sign up to learn more about what we're doing in the community and today I'm excited. I'm actually beyond excited to introduce today's guest Sherry Benefield since 2012. She's the bin the founder of way beyond ordinary. She teaches business owners, educators and entrepreneurs that proven action steps by designing for designing an effective virtual course, delivering high engaging programs and producing memorable virtual experiences with Eve, we like that word. Even the column you find in your community sharing has a passion for developing programs that impact lives in a lasting way. And she believes that the only way to make impact is to engage the whole person, mind, body and spirit. She teaches leaders how to install instructional design best practices, brian brain science methodologies and most of all have fun when creating experiences that change the way audiences think, act and live their lives.

Welcome Sherry to the Fine, come here podcast. Thanks Steph, Thanks for having me. I sound like kind of a geek when you read that uh introduction, somebody that you know loves to geek out on brain science and all of that stuff. I just, I'm fascinated with how the brain learns and uh which you know is pretty beneficial when it comes to training and teaching people for lasting impact. So thanks, I'm really happy to be here with you. I'm excited you're here to uh so tell me a little bit about your journey. How did you get into this space of helping people with events? Yeah, I um I actually began my official career as a trainer back in 2003, no wait 1993, um I was working as a call center manager for a large call center and I was managing a team and the training manager at the time Um was moving on and so I was asked to step in and take over the role of training manager.

So at that time I was spending 40 hours a week in the classroom training new hires on all of the legal, yeah, uh, you know, legal rules and all that stuff and teaching them how to do their job in a call center, which was a constant um, Constant process. So, um, I did that for several years and then um, I actually shifted industries and in 2001 I started working in association management. So I worked for a large association as a training director and created curriculum and design programs for small businesses um, in the home services industry. So these are the people that come to your home, fix your plumbing, get the air conditioner running again, keep the lights on that kind of stuff. So we um created training programs for every aspect of those businesses and um when I came there they had none.

and when I left in 2012 we had um really amazing training classes and programs for every position in a company from the leaders to finance to, you know, the guys that are out in the trucks, fixing things all day. So, and I loved it. Part of that role to was hiring, training and coaching professional trainers and speakers. So, um, I got to do a lot of train the trainer, which is where I really started to dig into what it takes to create participant centered learning and how participants centered learning really impacts the outcomes, you know, when when you have students that leave your program and a year later they still remember the content and they still are applying it in their lives, that's when, you know, that you're doing something right? So Yeah, that's been my journey and then I left there in 2012, I kind of felt like my work here is done.

Um I left a job that I loved, working with people that I loved and decided it was time to do something new. So, um when I first branched out, I was coaching and training speakers on how to create a business um and actually make money as a speaker, so it's it's evolved over time um and I feel like I've just kind of come back to what I really love and that is working with entrepreneurs, helping them to develop training programs, events um courses, retreats, things that will impact their audience and help them grow their business. That's the long answer to your short question, No, that's that's perfect. Um it gives so much color to your journey and you know, we as, and I know we'll talk a little bit, I met you in a community and so we talk a little bit about community um and especially on this podcast, we focus on community building and, you know, in the journey, there's so much that we can bring from our past career experience into community building and events and all of these other aspects of different online business practices and I really wanted to just kind of go back to what you said about participants centered approach or learning and I was curious maybe if you go a little bit more into detail about what does that mean?

Yeah, well it means that, you know, typically in a setting you might see um a facilitator or a leader in the front of the room and the lions go directly back and forth from that presenter to the audience. And maybe there's a little bit of audience feedback, you know, raising your hand or answering questions, but it's fairly um straight lines between the audience and the instructor or presenter in participant centered learning, we now have lines between the participants. So I want participants learning from each other to people don't argue with their own data and especially in adult learning, people come to the table, come to the room, come to the virtual space with so much knowledge and experience, we have to tap into that.

I mean we're really missing out if we don't, if we think that we're The smartest one in the room and we've got all the answers that's just crazy. So by nature, participants centered learning is very much community building. Um, one of the things that I love most about the organization that I left in 2012 was the deep rooted community of um members all over the world and some of my best friends still today live all over the country. And they come from that community because we we really bonded over learning. Which um it might sound kind of cliche or not even possible. But it is when you put people in an environment where they are encouraged and facilitated to learn from each other and communicate with each other.

They really get to know each other and create bonds. So that's you know, there's a lot of um I used to always tell my trainers that um if you are sitting in the back of the room, this is in a live event. If you're sitting in the back of the room drinking coffee and the room is just a buzz with activity. You're doing a great job because you know that the people are engaged with each other and they're they're learning and they're they're sharing their knowledge to mm hmm. Yeah. Collective intelligence. Right? Collect exactly in the room bringing all these amazing people, entrepreneurs, business owners, people um that wanted, you know, as entrepreneurs were continually learning and developing their skills and like adding to our toolbox of like experience of what we can pull out at any given time and say, oh yeah, I did this. You know, six years ago I tried this and it didn't work. But you know, maybe it'll work for you. All of these different experiences that we have, bringing together that collective intelligence is what makes the community aspect of events really cool because like you're talking about in virtual events?

You can um utilize some of the tools that we have, technically like zoom has these breakout room options and in those smaller groups, like if you have, I, we just talked about this on the, on boarding workshop and that in the actually just came out, we're recording this on august 9th, yesterday, august 8th, the last episode of fun come here podcast was actually workshop that was held with our money mastermind and it was talking about onboarding and one of the things we talked about was these welcome parties where you can create this really cool experience bringing people together from the very beginning into like when you do a launch, a soft launch of maybe a, a smaller sized community and you can connect people in this welcome party with like a 1 to 1 out, you know, zoom um, session where you do break out rooms and in that, you know, giving them five minutes to kind of give them a prompting questions and giving them five minutes, you can really create this amazing bond with people from the very beginning and I've met people in those kinds of scenarios in the last year that are now some of my best friends and you would never think that that's possible virtually.

And I think that is an amazing ability if if you can do those kinds of events and so I wanted to know um as far as like, you know what you're doing specifically. Are there some tips or suggestions of ideas that you found have really worked with the clients you work with? Mm hmm, definitely. There are a lot. And I will tell you, I really have not found much that I can't do in a virtual space that I could do in a live space. So things like some of my favorite things I always want to have whatever you call them, accountability buddies, learning partners. Um we get really creative sometimes and tie those names directly to the content, whatever that might be. But having people that they work with closely and continue to work with over time. Um things like oh um creating game shows.

So, and I know that a lot of people kind of cringe because to create a really effective training or really engaging events, it takes effort and time. You cannot just turn on zoom and start riffing and expect people to have um the same kind of experience in the same kind of outcome. So you do have to prepare but things like creating a game show or having um I love to do participants entered quizzes and here's one tip that you can use. So if you've got a group Um you could break them into, let's say you send them into breakout rooms of four people and you have each group create a quiz of four questions related to the content that you've been teaching. They designed that quiz, they come back into the main room and now they present that quiz to the rest of the group.

So you might have four groups. Now you've got, You know, 16 questions that everybody is being quizzed on. And so there, first of all they're reviewing the content in order to create the quiz and then they're designing the quiz questions, then they're presenting the quiz and the ever there's other participants are taking the quiz, so there's massive reinforcement going on there. So things like that where it might seem like it's going to take more time, but the bottom line is they're going to remember it. So um things like that, I love doing um demonstrations, you might present a piece of content or even I've had um cases where I deliver the content to them ahead of the event and it might be in the form of a video or maybe it's an article that they have to read. Maybe four different articles and they go out to different groups and then when they come to the event I pair them up in a breakout room with the group that had their same article and together they create a learning a teaching moment where they can come back and then teach the large group and maybe they do it as a demonstration.

Maybe they do it as a an interview format or maybe they create a slide deck, but there actually designing a piece of the training based on content that I gave them before they even got to the event. So, so those are just a couple of fun ideas. Um I also love props, I know that we're not visual today, but I always use, I have um a display that has magnetic um boards on it that I can create specific pieces of content on that I can show and um I can move them around. I use flip charts behind me, so I always have a blank wall behind me where I can hang flip charts and just like I was in a regular classroom and worksheets, you know, I'm a big fan of worksheets, getting people actually writing.

Um I always have people ask me, oh, do you have this pdf in a fila Ble form, nope, I don't, I want you to pull out a pen and I want you to put pen to paper because that connection between your hand in your brain is going to help you retain the information. So um I'm a, I'm a big proponent of actually writing things down designing drawing pictures, you know, we get really creative. Yeah. Oh, I love that. There's so much there. Um so you talked a little bit in the beginning about having a fun games and active and connecting people and I think, you know, as participants ourselves to virtual events or any kind of event were attending, we want it to be fun, We're not like, yeah, let me go to this really boring virtual event that I have to learn something, you know, versus like this is really cool. I'm excited to learn this and to connect with other people and you know, that excitement when you were talking about like giving them some resources or guidance before the event, I really recommend that because now you're talking about like a pre event warm up, you know, getting them uh, you know, thinking or reading or doing something before the event even starts and then they come in with like a more sense of confidence of, oh, this is why appear this is what we're doing.

I get um I understand the topics maybe a little bit clearer or I have some kind of experience and I love that idea of like having an article that they read and then they connect with inside a a zoom like a, basically a mini article club club, article club, like that's just like a, a short session where they've got some thoughts around whatever the topics were and then I can bring those into the conversation so they've already like kind of decided, oh, here's what I have some thoughts to share already because I think the biggest challenge and maybe you can address this to help as Somebody who's hosted hosted over 30 virtual events last year I had 40 speakers come in to find calm here and present on different topics and the biggest thing I struggled, with I think in the last year was participation. Like I really wanted to create that amazing, unique connection with people and sometimes it was really great and then other times not not so great and it's just, you know how you really and maybe that's the key is like setting them up, setting yourself up for success right in the beginning.

Yeah, it's facilitation of that. You know, the other added benefit is when people are truly engaged and it's participant centered learning, um they can't turn off their camera and be doing other things and pretend to be listening because there they have a responsibility in this learning experience and I talk a lot about experiences, I I want the experience to start from the time they sign up for that program. So that's where also that early work comes in is your setting the stage for them and you're kind of letting them know you're going to be expected to participate in this and it's going to be fun. I promise that you'll, you'll learn something, you'll get a lot out of it, but you have to participate to do it. And so, you know, I think that people make the mistake of thinking facilitating is easy and it's not, you know, one of the, if you have breakout sessions that fail that just kind of fall flat.

It is almost 100 because you didn't give good directions or good instructions ahead of time. I mean, I think we've all been there, you get put into a breakout room and you show up and there's four other people there and you all look at each other and go now, what were we supposed to do? Right, I know you've probably experienced it and that should just never happen if you're giving really good instructions and that takes practice. You know, when I was doing live train the trainers, we would practice literally um you know, over and over and over giving instructions. Yeah, yeah, I think that's great. I've seen a couple of different ways to do that. And even I'm curious in the copy of the event registration or landing page where you're promoting this event uh from that very copy in the very beginning, I'm guessing you're giving them some guidance as to, you know what this is and what this isn't because I think there's a perception right of um if you call it a webinar and I have been confused by this too, especially in the last year with zoom, So people say there's a webinar and to me, I'm so used to being on a zoom call like this where you can interact and talk with people and then when I get to that webinar and it's that, you know, it's just them presenting and then me not, you know, I can ask a question maybe, but you know, that's all I can do and I can't really connect with the other people, I automatically kind of like it's that kind of a thing because I want that connection, but there's other people who really are like I don't have a band with their power to like be in this big room with bunches of people and I think when you tell them that in the very beginning that this it's intentionality of I really want to be present and participate with these people to learn a specific thing or to do a specific thing versus I might pop in and out, I'm going to be like, you know, I have this on while I'm doing housework or I'm you know doing something else, washing dishes or whatever and not so much, it's an auditory and so I think you have better success, at least I thought I did.

And I think I've seen other people have much more success when they're identifying this? Super clearly in the very beginning this is interactive and that's the question I want to ask you, What do you what do you title and how do you um promote this as far as like a business owner and and this is what you do and you recommend the entrepreneurs that you work with um probably some specific guidelines around, here's the way to get a really successful registration participant, people show up that are going to do um yeah, that participation, well you hit the nail on the head, you have to tell them what to expect and when I do, I am not a big fan of webinars personally, I feel like a webinar is a sales event because it is like we talked about those lines, that is one way communication, I'm telling you what I want you to know, I don't care what you have to say, I don't care if you get it, I just want to make sure and tell you and you know, coming from a learning and development background, um I guess there's a time and a place for that, it's kind of like you know, going to church, you know, you, you sit there and you listen and you take away what you want um but the events that I designed the events that um I help my clients create our events that are designed um with the intention of helping that participants learn something new that they will be able to take forward into their life forever and Put into action right into action and media things that I love, that's what I love about these interactive events, the way you describe them because you can actually, as an entrepreneur, we have so much going on right, we were like wearing 17 hats and we think another thing to learn, first of all is this something that I'm prioritizing, so if I have said I really need to learn this and I'm prioritizing this and I want to show up on Sherri's webinar and it's super important for me to be there and be fully present.

Having those people in the room makes it that more exciting to connect with people. And then I think what you said about just explaining really clearly in detail of like everything about the event and the expectations. So they know, you know, this is the time frame block your calendar out for two hours because this is the time, you know, you're going to need the full two hours to do this and you know, you have to be some people I see they put in, you have, you know, you need to join our zoom call by, you know, 10 after, you know, you can't come in late, that kind of thing, you just have to reschedule a session or something. So it's just interesting these different other and I would always, my events are always workshops or um programs or courses, which really cognitively tells somebody I'm going to be doing some work here, this is not uh you know, if you want to just sit back and listen, then listen to a podcast because that's what that is.

You know, so if I'm designing a workshop, I expect you to participate and so in the in the promotions and in the follow up leading to the event, you know, that's that's one of the biggest challenges and we probably don't have time to get into that too. But you know, it's the show up rate. So you can get people to sign up, but do they show up and so you don't get to stop marketing your event once they sign up, you still need to be um, communicating with them and encouraging them to come. And during that time is when I'm really laying the groundwork for what you're going to experience in this event, you know, what is that experience you're going to be expected to participate, You're gonna um, be engaging with other people, You're going to walk away with tools that you have completed during the session so that you can implement them immediately.

So they know that this is an active program. Mm hmm. Yeah. And I love when you said earlier a little bit about One direction and I was thinking of community in regards to, you know, social media, social media is one directional, it's usually a brand or a company or you know, a specific entrepreneur business that has a message that they want to get out there into the world. And so they're directly telling social media about that. And those followers, it's not, you know, there's a little bit of maybe back and forth, but it's not anywhere near what you can do inside a community where meaningful, deeper conversations. So when people ask me maybe what the differences between, like a social media manager and a community manager or, you know, social media and community in general, you know, there's a lot of debate as far as what the differences are, but I find that's the main difference is that you really are opening it up to create deeper and more meaningful conversations in a community versus it's one directional, it's somebody you know, explaining and there's, you know, like you said, there's um there's ways and reasons for those that are necessary in certain aspects of life, but when we're talking about entrepreneurial community building, it's more, it's more interactive like we're saying and creating using virtual events as one of the tools in our community building tool box really can change the game and how you connect your members in a virtual space.

So thank you for sharing and I wanted to just, so how do you, you work with community builders, how are you? Um I know we met in a community, so tell me about your experience with that. Yeah, so um I am, we met in a mighty network um Athena Village and I actually host a couple of programs in there. I host biz talk which is a monthly community um open forum and it really is designed for anybody in the community who runs a business owns a business is thinking about starting a business, it's just a place where you can come and ask questions, bounce ideas uh and just you know, finding a a safe, comfortable space to do that in. Um sometimes we have a large group, sometimes it's just a couple of us and we throw around some ideas. We talked about what's going on in our business um and ask for feedback ideas, etcetera.

Um I do a similar program for events and it's called Event Talk. Um and that is for anybody who hosts events is thinking about hosting events um and you can bring in your questions and ideas and um we've had people that want to test out content like here, I'm thinking about delivering this piece of content, what do you think about this? Or I'm looking for a good name for this program and here's what I'm playing with. So it, you know, for me it's a way for me to lead generate too, because it's not a community that I necessarily it's an open community open to the public, so it helps me to connect with people who might be a good client for me. So those are ways to that I think community building can be really helpful and then within your own community just helping.

But by facilitating things that are more intentional like that, you help people understand to what you bring to the table and where they can come to you for, you know, for advice and answers and and it starts that um multi line communication going between your community members, so and I think that we would all agree that when our community members get to know each other and make solid, meaningful connections within the community, they stay longer and, and we want that, right? Yeah, for sure. We do want that as community builders, we want people to engage and stay over a long, long, longer time period and get what they need, but also help others. And uh you know, when you're in these different communities, these, there's several networking communities that I'm in that I found really valuable because you know, like you're saying we all have different expertise is or life experiences that have brought us to where we are today and you know, there's so many people in the entrepreneurial world that are just really wanting to be helpful.

I've just, I've met so many people in the last just two weeks, even that, you know, I had, you know, thought that it might be a potential client for me and now she's actually, you know, working with me doing some business coaching with me and as a new online business person and it's just amazing to have these connections because not only can you possibly have leads as an entrepreneur, that's what our primary probably goal is from networking, okay, we wanna connect and you know, how do we build our client list and all of that good stuff, but it's also the opportunity to help others that are maybe starting out their journey like myself and so I think that there's been so many mentors I've met in the last few months that I've just, I said, you know, so many nice things and give me resources and, and told me some of their, you know, business magical experiences and lessons so that I can really have a good foundation for my online business as I build it and that's what's amazing about communities, so thanks for bringing that to the forefront to just sharing with us and I did get to meet you in that business um and it's great to bounce ideas off of each other because as an entrepreneur, I'm sitting in my room here trying to figure it all out, trying to like, it's like, is this the right thing?

Even just naming stuff, you're like, am I overthinking this? I've been thinking about naming my event for three weeks, maybe I should yeah. What, what does this sound like to you? What does it mean? And you know, like you said, um the people around us generally, unless they are entrepreneurs, like your friends and family, they don't get you, you know, they don't, they don't understand, they, you know, we're kind of a crazy breed. That's cool, That's cool that you're doing this for you. It sounds fun, it sounds like an exciting time and I'm like, yeah, it's great. There's lots of, it's like a roller coaster, right? It is, some days are like awesome and then other days you're like, why am I doing this again, why don't I do something else? So sometimes biz talk is just a place to cry too too. That's another good point that I wanted to share was that, you know, finding these little spit pockets of um spaces of where you can just be honest and um blunt with people and say like I struggled this week with this client or you know, and that is just kept there in that space.

Um I just recently opened up because I want to be more collaborative with people. I just started a community consulting collective and it's actually for people who are doing community consulting like myself So that I can learn from people that have been doing it 10 and 15 years and I've met so many amazing people in the industry when I put this out on linkedin, they were like, of course I wanted to come join your collective Deb. And so I had, you know, a good group of people uh the other week when we first started this, that showed up and I wasn't sure if anybody was going to show up on this call. And then they showed up and they were talking and they were interested in, I said, well, do you want to keep meeting? And they said, yeah, of course, because we really, it's hard to be somebody out in the world. Um and me in the last couple months, I felt like I'm making it all up, like I'm just making it all up and is there is there like, am I doing it wrong? You know, like all of these these questions came up for me and to be able to talk to somebody else who's been doing this for a lot longer than I have and for them to be like, no, you're you're really doing, you know, amazing things.

And just to get that like, validation, okay, I'm on the right path and all of that, so that's really helpful for sure. For sure. Yeah. Of just like, am I crazy or is this a good idea? And um yeah, really positive feedback and and criticism and you know, of all right said here's what you might want to try, you know, instead um those kinds of things that are super helpful. Yeah, well we get so close to our own stuff that we don't realize that it probably sounds really wacky. And you know, I I see this a lot with clients who are designing their programs are in particular marketing um a community or marketing a workshop or marketing a you know, webinar, whatever it is, it's so full of jargon that I read their their copy, and I just go, I have no idea what this means, I don't even know who you're talking to, do.

You think that the people that you're trying to interact will understand this, I mean because we get so in our own space, it's just like you need to boil this. I was just assuming that everybody would understand exactly what I'm talking about. And it's it's yeah, it's that thing where you have to go back to like, oh, I have to look at this. Like I am somebody who has no idea about this and how would I write that? And how would I explain this if you're going to tell your mom or your eighth grader about this event, what would you say? You probably wouldn't you wouldn't use the same language for for somebody for like a first, you know, whatever. If it's like, you know, if you've been meeting with people and they already know, then that's different because if there's people, they got your language right. So Exactly. Oh, and we talked about and that's another good point of even in community building when you're putting together your community may be a big purpose or what we do here like about the community, That's a really great opportunity for you to tell them all of these things.

This is why we're here, here's what we're gonna do. Please uh, you know, make sure you put this on your calendar and all of those good things to add language and terminology. I I recently talked to somebody about terms and F A. Q. So maybe each community that I'm in like maybe 25 G networks or something. I don't remember how many, but like each one has their own kind of language a little bit, right? So you have to as a host kind of be cognizant to me, I've really learned to being cognizant of maybe everybody doesn't understand what I'm specifically meaning. When I say activity feed or maybe if somebody doesn't really understand what I'm saying when I say, you know, like the profile or whatever. So just clearly saying here's where this is because maybe we don't, we assume everybody's tech savvy and oh, they'll get it. But sometimes it's just, you've got to be really like, here's what we're doing very, very clear and specific the more clarity the better people are like you're saying they're going to know what they're doing, why they're there and how they can participate in community.

So yeah, definitely. And it, you know, that stands through whether it's like technical language about specific things are just that, you know, especially people who are heart centered entrepreneurs tend to speak in like kind of fluffy language that may or may not resonate with with everyone. Even if they are your audience, they might not get like is she talking to me like you need to remember to speak in their language, What are they saying? Because they might not be saying? I feel so stuck. But they say other things that to you, you translate Oh, they're feeling stuck. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. And sometimes those Discovery interviews in the very beginning of, before you even start doing events in your community or maybe when you're first doing a launch, Those um either before you launch or in the very beginning of your launch, when you're just getting to know these community members a lot more.

That's an opportunity for asking those kinds of questions, listening to their answers in their language. And then being able to reuse their language and any content, whether it's, you know, landing pages or whether it's event details, because then you're really relating right back directly to what these members have said. So then they will completely understand what this event is about because they told you that, you know, it reminds me of and I'll share just one other engagement activity that I love because it ties back to this, so feel free to shamelessly steal this one too. Um is show and tell. And this is a great way to get um your community members to know each other. So whether you use this in a workshop setting or in a retreat, whatever it is, um having your participants come or even a lot of times, I'll just say, okay, I want you to grab an item that's within your eyesight, that's green.

And here's this group. You know, I have this green roll of tape. Um and now you're going to use that and either they could use do an analogy around it or they might explain why this object is important to them. So they get to know each other on a more personal level. Um so I might just say, you know, this actually this piece of this roll of green tape. Um, I bought it because I was sending out gifts to my clients and this is the green, that is my brand color. And I wanted to make sure that when they got the envelope in the mail, they saw my color right away or you know, so it just as a fun way to do a quick personal introduction to just like, you know in kindergarten, you used to do show and tell, right, you would bring, you know, your seashells that you found on vacation and then you tell about your vacation. So do the same things in your community.

I like that on so many levels. I've seen this in a couple of events that I've been in. Um, but I don't see it a whole lot. And I think it's a cool concept that you just talked about because you know, now I get to know a little bit more about you and if I was a client of yours that you're intentionally thinking about them and sending me, if I was your client, you're sending me something in the personalized in the mail, which like I don't get a lot of that stuff. And even now your intentionality of, well I want to make sure like I used my brand color, even that gave me more insight into how this person is really thinking things through in a sense of they really have intentionally actuality and and and wanting to create a better relationship between her and this other person that she's sending these two. So I love that. It just gave me more insight into you as a person. Yeah, well then it worked right. Yeah. Right. Exactly. Very cool. Okay, well we're gonna wrap up but I just wanted to ask you if you could tell people if they're interested in working with you are learning more about what you do with the events.

Um Tell us where we can they can connect with you. Yeah. Um Thanks for asking. So I work with clients in three different ways, basically I helped them design events. So if you have a big chunk of content and you want to figure out your your those one of those people that's saying I know that I need to grow my business by creating events or my community by holding events but you just don't even know where to get started. You got all this content, you don't know how to put it together in a way that's effective, that's what I can help you with. Um and I also work with clients helping them to deliver so facilitation skills, um how to give great instructions how to facilitate some of these interactive activities. And then third um is the back end um I do virtual event production. So now if you have ever run a virtual event a zoom program and you've got your community on there and you're handing out um you know, worksheets and you've got people coming in and there's technical issues going on, it can be way too much to handle.

Um So as a virtual event producer producer, I take care of all the back end, I make sure everybody has the their tech support needed. Um I make you look good So you can spend 100% of your energy and focus just delivering your content and taking care of your audience. So um those are the three ways I work with people and the best way to find me is way beyond ordinary dot com. And I also have, I wanted to share, I already um highlighted a couple of these things, but um on my website, if you go to way beyond ordinary dot com slash menu, I have a gift which is a 19 point engagement menu. It's a virtual design menu. So there's a whole bunch of these different activities like the scavenger hunt or the um show and tell or um things like that that you can grab.

I even tell you kind of good ideas for where you could use them and how you could use them. So that's way beyond ordinary dot com slash menu. Um And then if you download that to um you'll also get I send out weekly, I send out um tips that um you know a blog or an email that just gives you great training ideas and tips. I kind of tend to over um, over deliver on that because I'm just so passionate and geeky about training and how to, how to make sure it sticks. So brain, you know how the brain actually retains information is fascinating to me. So, so there you go, that's how you can find me. And I'm also on linkedin, but you know, hey, let's stick to one thing at a time because we also know that the brain can only take so much, right? Yes, I like this stickiness because now I'm relating it back to your tape that you're saying about making things stick and then I said, oh, relating it back to your tape now, and now I'm remembering the conversation, I'm a little bit more, I like that.

So that was very cool. Now you can visualize it. It's bright green too. That's so cool, fun. Thank you so much for being on the phone. Come here podcast here, it was delightful to get to know you a little bit better and connect with you in addition to having been connecting to you in the community there with being a village. I'll have links to the website that Sherry mentioned as well as uh the newsletters that you can get, it will all be in the show notes along with some more information and links to join the fun come here community if you're interested and until the next time we're gonna have a lot of really cool guests coming up that are really inspirational in the way of, and it was very much experiencing community. So I'm super excited. If you, if you do subscribe to the funk on your newsletter, you'll get a preview of who's coming up next and after um after that, I think we'll just wrap it up there. I hope you're all finding calm whenever this finds you wherever you are in your morning, day, afternoon, evening, sunday, evening, afternoon or any other time.

I hope you're finding calm. Take care until next time. Bye. Yeah. Mhm.

Episode 47: Find Calm hosting your next virtual event with Sheri Bennefeld
Episode 47: Find Calm hosting your next virtual event with Sheri Bennefeld
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