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Episode 46: Find Calm onboarding community members with this guide

by Deb Schell
August 8th 2021

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In this episode of the

So each month let me give you some background just a little bit on the muddy mastermind in um about a year ago when I launched the first fun come here uh community I had connected with some people who are building communities on the money networks platform and so we connected. I offered them a space inside my community to connect and collaborate and over the past year we've really connected and supported each other and in january I asked them if they'd like to continue with a structured mastermind program. And so in that mastermind program I called it the mighty Mastermind because we are all in that particular group, we're all building communities on the money networks and so well except for one person ani, but we love ani. Um so we, I reached out to a few people they wanted to work with me and so we had a structure where we had some breakout sessions in january to identify some goals for our community, whether it's our first launch or relaunch in my case it was a relaunch.

I really enjoyed each one of us setting some goals. And then over the from january until april we met every two weeks to discuss the progress on our goals. We also they asked me to come up with some other resources including a workshop, so we did a marketing and social media workshop as well as we had what I called growth seeds and that is just a open dialogue conversation for each one of the hosts in our community. So myself, I did a growth seat where I presented my relaunch plan for fine come here, what is what I just completed over the last uh it is now august when I'm recording and I actually um put implements in my launch plan in May uh to onboard new members into fine calm here and uh officially I did a soft launch in May and officially launched publicly in june and so um I'm sharing all this with you because this episode I wanted to share a little bit of our conversations that we have with the muddy mastermind for you kind of listen to, so if you're not in our, in our group um and maybe you've heard about the muddy mastermind and some of my other conversations with people in the podcast, I wanted to give you a doorway in to see, you know, a little bit about what are, what are groups about.

And so this is a going to be a recording of our workshop for the onboarding com guide that I put together and so there's three sections and I'll just describe it to you uh for the moment here, since you're not looking at the pdf that I'm looking at, um but the structure of this guide, which I'm calling it the calm guide to create your on boarding contribution and growth plan for success. And so the first inspection of the calm guide is talking about, how do you create a really great onboarding plan for yourself so that you can find calm in the onboarding process as well as how your community members that you bring in can have a really great experience and I really focus on user experience and member experience when we're talking with my consulting clients and with the community members, I find calm here and so uh you'll hear me going over each section and in the beginning we share some winds because that's what we typically do. We like to celebrate with whatever's going on, that's really positive.

And then, you know, in other sections were talking about how do you, what is an on boarding plan, what does that mean to have it? So I have a step by step process. Uh so the first step is what is an on boarding plan? The second step is selecting your on boarding method. The third step is identifying your on boarding process. The fourth step is creating your unique onboarding plan and then the fifth step is going beyond the invitation with some worksheets and checklists to create your on boarding plan. So I'm gonna go over this and you'll hear it during the recording and I'm excited for you to listen. Please subscribe to our fine calm here podcast. We've got tons of awesome interviews coming up in the next couple of weeks, so I'm super excited about uh if you're not already signed up for my newsletter, I actually have given a little preview of what's coming in our community newsletter. So I'll have a link to sign up for the newsletter in the show news to this episode and if you want the pdf of this calm guide.

What I'll need you to do is you have to email me. So if you email Deb D E B at find calm here dot com. If you go to my website and click on the connect at the top button, um, it will guide you to submitting an email to me. So if you said B a personalized email, I will, I will send you this pdf. If you'd like to go over that, let me know I'm excited to share this with you. So please let me know if there are questions. You can certainly shoot me an email like I said or if you're interested in joining the fine calm here community, there's a calendar on fine come here dot com where you can sign up for a free consultation discovery call with me and in that session I can talk to you about the fine, come here community. So looking forward to connecting with all of you and I hope you're all fine and calm. Take care, have a great day, morning, evening, whatever it is, wherever it is for you find calm and we'll see you next time. Okay? Yeah, I wanted to start as we always do in our muddy mastermind today with wins.

So who is excited to share a win for today? Since my microphone is done already. I'll go, hey everyone! Um, win, Oh, I had an amazing meeting with my business advisors um, last Week or about 10 days ago and came to a conclusion, which way to take my online courses and I'm really excited and a little bit nervous kind of but I think it's a good, good thing like to have that little butterflies that means you're going out of your comfort zone. But on the other side of it it's gonna be like fucking also so that's my win. Another thing I'm excited this sunday, I'm taking my niece and nephew to Palm Springs at 111 dry heat but it's gonna be fun. Um our annual vacation with my niece and nephew. So those are my wins. Nice. That's great for me.

A win is um I went through a women's business program and I formed a connection with a colleague and she started a community for therapists and actually she's just launching her mighty network next week because I told her all about mighty networks. But she in working with her therapist, she discovered they need help with marketing and communication. And I have an online community for marketing and communication freelancers. So we're working on a partnership, we're doing a pilot project where my freelancers will provide marketing communications services for her therapists. And so it's a win for both of us because it attracts people to her community. They want to join for the perk of working with us and it attracts people to my community because they're going to get work out of it. Congratulations Sandra and I saw that and I'm I'm in your community and I saw that note and it sounds so interesting and I'm excited to see how that pans out for for your community super exciting, Who else we got Joanne, you gotta win.

Yeah, so one win is that my husband and I are on our way to pick up my son from his first sleepaway camp for two weeks, so I'm excited to see how he's gonna react share he reacted to it. And then um on the business side um I launched a community for writers who wander. Um and in the end I got 13 people, I'm really excited about it. Um I'm gonna you know, spend a little bit more time with them and then I'm gonna open the doors up again. So I feel I feel really good about um people who joined and what we're starting there. Peter Cathy here should I go. I've been continuing to work on brainstorming my ideas for a potential relaunch from september as a reminder I'm going away for for a more or less a month to very quiet island, although there'll be some very noisy kids there, there'll also be quiet times hopefully.

Um And my win this week is I've been been kind of doodling and brainstorming and mind mapping the three possible ideas for a new, a new topic if you like, a new area for me to launch in and I'm pretty sure I found the one I'm going to work on are now kind of just trying to juggle the idea the the working title is surviving retirement, so that's not just about finance, although that could be part of it and obviously I'm not an expert on that, but I have got some experience, but it's also, it's about, it is the whole, the whole thing, so based on my own personal experience, my own journey over the last couple of years and it's just, I'm just passing, I've just passed the second year anniversary of me finishing full time work and I've been getting um hangs over the last couple of months really on and off pangs of like feeling like I don't have a purpose again, which is which wasn't good. So a lot of it's about helping people from pre retirement through the planning and thinking and expectations stage and into the actual retirement and obviously then thriving in retirement itself.

So I'm starting to think about what's the journey and one of the things I've learned, I hope I've learned from my genealogy work membership I should say, is that I didn't really have a very common journey that everybody would go through for genealogy. It was quite an individual thing and it was more about me helping doing research for people, which is I'll still carry on doing on the side quieter, but the retirement thing I think has legs because there are so many aspects, you know that every, everything to do with keeping busy family and friends, health obviously wealth and what I've just called getting too peaceful getting to being at peace with, okay, this is me now because going particularly going from a very busy corporate life, which I know every Deb as for example, and maybe some of the others have here into. Suddenly, as I was listening to someone else's um um podcast the other day where she said, well the moment when she realized what was happening was when she gave her laptop back, her work laptop and suddenly she didn't have any more meetings.

She didn't have to worry about the budget, shouldn't have to worry about personnel issues or the team or meetings or meetings next week or any planning. Suddenly she had an empty, well empty diary and that is at risk of being empty life anyway, so that's, I'm forming my ideas around that as a theme. I've got a couple of backups just in case, but I think that one has some good promise and I hope it can be something I can genuinely help people with, you know, based on my own experience and forming forming a community around that. So we'll see, I haven't decided whether it's free or paid for yet. I haven't got to that kind of stage, but I'm just starting to think about what, what I might be able to form as a membership and then maybe what else, what other tools I might need to drive it. So that's me, awesome peter, thank you. Quick share for carol or Kathy. I don't know if Cathy is around, but I see carol. I'll go ahead. Um, my win is I just keep showing up every day and making progress no matter how small or big seems to be incremental steps these days.

Just showing up every day. That's it ruth. Big truth. That's showing up the first step, yep. And the wind awesome. Okay. Everybody shared. Right here's Kathy. Hey guys. Um, well my win is, I'm at, I'm one away from 50 members in my membership, so I'm excited to cross that, that threshold. Um, and I think I'll do that this weekend. I have to virtual meetups where I, you know, recruit members from on saturday. So I'm pretty sure I'll get at least one new member from there and the nonprofit is on its way. I oh and another one. I am now. I have now five volunteers. So I have like a team for the first time that I'm trying to coordinate and that's a whole new experience for me is um, kind of being the leader of the team.

So that's my one. That's so awesome. Congratulations. Sounds so exciting. Very cool. Um, my wins are, I have paid members in the fine. Come here community. There are seven members. A couple of them are still on the free trial, but I've had some that are, have renewed and paid and then I have one person that is in a, this new member to find calm here that is in the calm corner, which is the new space that I opened up for clients who are asking about some kind of partnership around a recurring ability to connect with me up with a strategy session where they don't have to like pay for the whole strut, like have that higher price point. So this is um, peter had suggested about a while ago when I did my growth seat about um higher level. And so I kind of worked with that and it tweaked it over the last couple of months, but I knew I didn't want to focus on that until after I've focused on the first launch with the membership.

So I'm just opening that now and reaching up to a few clients that I worked with in the past just to see if I can bring them into the community now that I've got lots of content, I changed the membership now, it's a one month free trial instead of two months because there was tons of content and I'm going to do that until september august or september, I haven't decided yet. And then I'm going to have it just be all paid fine, come here, be all paid. Um and there's different levels and different offerings. So with that being said, I'm gonna kick off the conversation. We when our poll um that we did a while ago, I guess back in in May we had talked about some topics and I took those topics and based on feedback from you in the muddy mastermind and from other people that I've worked with, like with the discovery calls or in the community. I came up with the calm guides and I kind of shared with those a little bit with you and some other sessions. But what I want to do today, I put together a calm guide for on boarding. It's a it's going to be part of a 33 sections and this is the first section and I'll show it to you.

I do have it in the the column guide is over in the resources section. I upgraded to the business plan and I had I had downgraded from the business plan to the community plan back in the early beginning of the year because I wasn't using all the features of the business plan and I was just like, this doesn't make sense until I can figure it out. And so that's why I took the last six months to really figure out what my plan was going to be for the money network. And so that's why I changed the format. But I went back after talking with some people carol but not carol c, but Karel de was telling me that I should just go for it, go for it and start building these courses, which are actually guides is what I'm calling them. So these are the first two guides that I've created, I had, I have a roadmap actually that I just put in just so you're all aware, I have a roadmap that I just put in fine calm here, that shows where I'm going with this, my thoughts and this is all based on feedback from you and from other people from clients and things like that about what would be helpful to help you like, streamline your community building process and make it less stressful and easier for you to like get the clarity you need to move forward and not be stuck.

And so the first one is to launch because you have to start somewhere and launching is the first place that people ask me about support. And so that guide is up, I have a workshop coming up in the middle of july on the 15th that I have a two hour workshop that you can poke in um at any time and tell me give me feedback on that because I want to really make it really great so that then I can go and offer it as a product, a digital product in august, that's my plan at this point, and everybody has free access to it as of now, that's in the community, I'm gonna close it probably at the end of july um that's my plan at this point, I'm still working on figuring out pricing, so if you all have feedback let me know. so that's the one that I just did. I worked with um a couple of people and we're having a workshop on the next one is the one that we're doing today which is the on boarding contribution growth. Um I did, I did section one and believe me, I just built this two days in the last two days, like I was up till 10 o'clock at night, like building this, so um that will come and then in september I'm gonna be digging more into the tech integration um side of things and we do have a workshop on that in july as well, so there's a whole bunch of stuff in july happening.

I actually just had one of my people that's in a different mastermind that I'm in agreed to do a marketing, a community marketing workshops, so that's in the community, so just note for that um there's, I know july is a travel months, so but there will be replaced on all of this stuff if you're you know, busy traveling or whatnot. Um Okay, so we wanted to talk about on boarding and I don't know if any of you, does anybody have an onboarding plan like that's written out that they follow, like a process. Yeah, no work is good and you guys can continue if you have questions, just let me know as we go along and if you have something to contribute, like what you do as far as like how you onboard people and that's helpful to share to the conversation, then interrupt me please. Um but this is the overview of the calm guide um and like I said I just did the first section in the last two days, so I'm gonna work on these next sections, the um connecting conversation and then the growth of your money network.

So those are the, that's the outline, but um what we're doing is inspection one which is creating your on boarding plan and I have it broken up into three or into five steps, so the first step is like just identifying what on boarding is um selecting your on boarding method, identifying your on boarding process, creating your plan and then going beyond the invitation, so those are the different steps that I have, I broke them out, you can see there's a video for each one of those except for the last one, I didn't get to do a video last night because it was 10 o'clock and I was getting tired and I'm like this is not a good time to do a video, so I'll do one later for that one. Um but the first one, what is on boarding, I know we had a workshop back in february and we talked about on boarding and creating contribution and that workshops, so some of this might be familiar to you um from that workshop because I I basically went back to the slide deck that I did for that workshop and really pulled some content from that and then refreshed it with some new resources that I found as well as what I've learned since february, because I've learned a lot since just since february, um so what I have here is broken up into the call method of getting, getting clear on why you would want an onboarding process and basically the reason I think it's important and you can take this for what you owe is to have a clear reason of understanding why your members are joining, what they're going to be doing, how they're going to be doing it and what the benefits are for them connecting to a group of people inside your network and why that's so important as a group because when you establish those things in the very beginning, they'll understand why it's important to connect and continue with you.

So just getting clarity. Um and I say about a couple of different things that you can do as far as the clarity portion and that could be welcome posts and the art purpose um that are templates in the money networks, um you can have live events, you could have emails, a lot of different ways to kind of do onboarding, what we're going to get into the on boarding methods in a little bit, um paying attention to potential and current members um starting here, I learned that I needed to start here for people or I needed somewhere for them to go, um understanding like what your members, where they are on their stage and being aware of how they learned, those are all parts of awareness, um learning what you need to to figure out as far as what's important and what's not and you know, just discussing different ways to like get started and the testing phase in the motion part is super important, like to have beta testers to kind of work through any kinks of your on boarding plan or process when in the beginning, so that way, you know, and even if you're like you've already launched, like all of you have communities already obviously, so you can do all of these things with the current members that you have, that's what I'm doing actually, I'm like refining it with you and with the other members of flying column here as I go.

So I have some resources here, there are links to articles that you all can look at later, Does anybody have questions just about what waterboarding is or anything about this this step before I move on or comments that any feedback you wanted to share, I'm listening to business of belonging and one of the things I learned in that book was um that you want to set your members up for contribution right away and how critical that is and so that really tuned me in on, okay, I can't neglect my on boarding on boarding process anymore and that just got me thinking about, okay well how can I provide my members super simple tools and describe things that will motivate them to contribute and have in mind right from the beginning I'm going to be a valuable member of this community, yep, that's great, great point and we're gonna talk a little bit about how to do that in some of these methods, I'm moving to step two, I know we don't have a whole lot of time and I want to make sure to give you you all time to to share things so if there is something that you, I did give you the slide deck by the way it's in the mighty mastermind group and it is um and all the content is in my in fine come here so you can have access to all that stuff um later if you wanted to look more into that and check out the resources so um okay so now that we know what on boarding is why it's important um we're looking at what is your method and how do you determine what the best method, best method is for you and your community.

So I go over and these are terms that I literally just kind of put together myself, there are some things that I learned from my research um and then there's things that I just kind of, I don't know if they've already been mentioned somewhere in this term, but this is what I'm calling them. Um So the video walkthrough is pretty common as a on boarding tool for body network hosts. They create like uh they record their screen just like we're doing now a share screen and they're navigating. Here's where you get the course content or here's um where you can, you know the activity feed and that's where you share your your worksheets for the week or that's where you share the content or cheer people on. Um My take on that is it does seem a little impersonal when you're doing it or like just as in it's like at your welcome. Um It can be personal but it can also feel a little like row body I guess. Um And a little too like so it depends again, this is really where you have to know your members and know yourself.

Like if you're not interested or wanting to like be on camera or instruct people in that way because that's not the way you learn, then don't do that. But if it's like you've been told by your members, they really appreciate that kind of instruction because you've asked them then then totally do that. So it's like a it depends on really on your yourself and your community. Um So that's one is the video walkthrough and the second one that I left here is orientation packet. Not a lot of they a lot of people references is just orientation. But I I'm thinking of it more as like a if you're a new employee right? You get a packet that says here's your employee packet and here's all the orientation and things you need to do. And I've seen this work for a lot of communities that are more um maybe uh structured in a way so that members have more really structured. Start here, here's the you know, here's the first thing we're gonna do here is what's important um And it's like a pdf that they can print out and physically have in front of them or it's um you know including worksheets and things like that.

Um And you know resources around here is how you do that could also include include screenshots of like, okay, here's where the course, you know, you screenshot the bunny network and you say here's where the courses like with an arrow, like you know, go over to the left, navigate to the course section and then click on it could each be like you can each give them in that packet, like screenshots. I've seen that really work well because some people learn and I talk a little bit here about learning styles. I am not an expert in any way learning styles, but I read an article and this is what I found was really relating. The video walkthrough is really good for verbal and auditory learners. Obviously the orientation packet is good for like visual people that need like photos or, or um maybe like templates or things like that, but it's also good for people who want to learn by themselves and they can take their time and they can sit and they can look through a pdf or or a packet on their own when they have the time and then there's logical learners that they need that specifically step by step in a more organized fashion.

Um so that's what's good for the, you know, those kinds of learners, There's an article at the bottom here that talks about learning styles that goes a lot more in depth with that. So if that's something of interest to you, I put that research are the resource there that I used to kind of come up with these, the other one is learned by doing this is really great for physical and social learners. So people that really enjoy participating if you're like, you've got a lot of extroverts in your community if they really like to connect online, like me, like I love talking to people, I can talk to people all day until I'm like zoomed out at the end of the day. Um you know, this could be a great way to connect your members. This goes right to what standard was talking about with, really focusing on connecting them in the very beginning to each other and you can create really powerful bonds as you know very quickly in a small cohort and if you do break out rooms and if you do like all of these events that I did last year with fine calm here, we're really striving to create this connection with these groups of people who all had interests in wanting to like find calm in some way.

And I met through that process of doing all these workshops last year I met so many people and some of these people are now my best friends And it's because I met them in a zoom room for two minutes once and then later performed a relationship. So I just wanted to express how powerful it can be to get people, you know, on an online community together on a zoom call or however you can, you know, if it's different platform, you use whatever. Um but you can actually ask them step by step, has everybody logged in, does everybody know where where the course content is? You can ask them as you're going, you can show them like sharing your screen, but in a live format where you can actually make sure that they're all doing it along with you and if they have questions then you can just answer them right on the spot, they don't have to reach out to you later, like a recorded video, they would have to reach out to you later and say, hey, I didn't understand this one step. Um so that's and then you can have a welcome party. Um there's a lot of other, I put an article down here about interactive walk throughs that help with on boarding, there's games that you can play to make it fun tons of really fun stuff that you can do um right in the beginning to connect those members in an awesome way and get them to know like what your community is about and that that gives you an opportunity like in a live situation to answer any questions if you're doing a course or a cohort so that you know, okay, here's the journey we're going to go for, you know, five weeks or whatever the time for this.

Uh and the other one is concierge, this is the one I've been using um good for like people like solitary people, verbal auditory learners, people that you want to personally reach out to if you have a smaller community or you're really wanting to have good connections with these people, obviously you want everybody to stay in there hopefully for a while not to just pop out like the next month and them not keep paying you and and then not getting value and so establishing right away like what's going to give them value and personally getting a connection with with that person, not only allows you to make sure you're addressing that they're in the right place and that you can help, you can help them with whatever it is that they're needing help with and that that that's going to happen in the community and that they need those people that are in the community and you know, how do they fit with those other people in the community? And that might be something, you know, they're like well you know, who else is here? Like who else could I connect with?

So those are things like to consider when you're you know, I understand people that are watching this, I know that nobody here necessarily has hundreds of thousands of people in their money networks right now one day hopefully, but if you have like 50 or 100 people that your on boarding all at the same time, obviously a concierge might not make sense for you. Um but I would say if you're starting with a small launch soft launch, like we talked about in the launch guide that I just put out or if you're doing a relaunch or if you're wanting to just work with like a few key people that you want to bring in, I think that's a really good way to connect as well as you get their feedback immediately and you can use the words in the language that they describe every time you talk to a member, it's an opportunity to take that language and use it into your copy. So every time you hear remember say I struggle with this, I'm stuck in this, I'm feeling this, I need help here.

Those are all like all those things you can use towards your pain points when you're expressing them on your sales pages and in your benefits of how you're solving those problems in your community as well as why they need a community to do so, um so those are just really key points about like the concierge is, I feel like a really powerful one, but again, it's not the solution for everyone. Deborah, just a quick thought that before you got years, I was already thinking with a video in particular, just even if obviously it can be time consuming to do personalized video, but even if you do 30-60 seconds, where you're basically saying as an introductory beginning of the video saying, you know, here's the here's the main video for your, your onboarding, um personalizing, just saying that person's name on video is very, very powerful. So you could do it even if you have scripted it and you say the same thing, but you say hi Deb, I just want to let you know, I'm sending you this onboarding videos, two or three videos to look at that, you know, and just like talk through like as an introduction, You could do it in 30, 60 seconds and I know that for very large cohorts, which as you say, I certainly don't have, I don't know if anybody does, but if you were talking about onboarding, dozens of people at the time, there are, you know, obviously software solutions for integrating that kind of stuff as well.

So that just a thought making it, it's like a magnet, isn't it? To pull, pull, pull the member in. Hopefully what would you do it properly? But I've never done it properly. So that's a great suggestion and I've been really thinking a lot more about this. In fact, I just, I was on a walk this morning, but right before this call and I thought, man, I should have reached back out to this person and actually done a video reply. Um, instead of like a text reply and in an email, I think, wow, that would have been really powerful if when she had reached out to me and my reply back to her was, hey, so thank you so much for connecting back with me. That would have been way power more powerful than me just saying thanks for like reaching back out. You know, I honestly think with my 70 members that I had through on through my door for genealogy free members, even if I had gone that one extra step and had a video call or even just sent a video by email of of one minute two minutes, I'm sure it would have increased the stickiness of the members and the number of number of people that converted to converted from what is this thing too.

That's quite good because it's also putting me across because the membership is about you as a host ultimately. And so it's a party, it's your first opportunity to make an impression, I guess first impression, you know, that they make their mind up in the 1st 30 seconds anyway. Yes, thank you for sharing that. That's a great point. I think, you know, no matter where you are in the process of your community building, you can always implement these things, you can always just start and not only that, but I could actually reach back out to the person. Anyway, there's nothing stopping me from like reaching back out and saying, hey, I just wanted to, you know, connect again or something. Maybe I'll wait a little bit. I won't do it like this week because I already emailed her back, but maybe I'll follow up on monday with her, you know, there's nothing that stops me from like, okay, I can decide to do it later, like, or I can reach out to members that I haven't reached out to and maybe I do that. Maybe they're not responding to me in my messages and if I send them a video message or a voice message, then they're gonna respond. You know, maybe that's another way for me to like get to somebody because sometimes not get to them, but you know what I mean?

Like just get feedback from them because I feel like sometimes the negative unconscious thoughts, the nuts, negative unconscious thoughts come running in my head of saying maybe it's me, you know, maybe I'm the problem, maybe it's like they don't like my content or I'm not good enough and I just have the all these negative, I think, you know, I talked about with my friend on the podcast yesterday or on Wednesday about um just imposter syndrome of like fear of like putting stuff out in the world and I think all of us can relate to like some point where you're just like, I don't know if I should even be doing this like who am I? All those kinds of thoughts um as money network hosts, I'm sure we all kind of kind of relate to that at some point in your business or professional life. So I feel like that's super powerful to just to just recognize like we can just always just try again and do our best um cool uh step three.

So identifying our process, so the process and the plans are going to be two different things. I, I don't want to get you to confused here, but the process is like identifying so far, we've identified like what waterboarding is the methods of on boarding, which we just talked about and now we're putting it together to create your unique process and you have to think about these, these are the kind of the, the bullet points that I wanted to bring up like the time you have to create an on boarding process, like the actual time that you have in your life. Um knowing what you're learning styles are for your members. And we talked a little bit about that if you haven't done like discovery or ideal member interviews or or if you haven't talked to some members in a little while, it might be good to reach back out and say, hey I just wanted to chat with you. Is this worksheet helpful? Is this thing help that I'm doing helpful? Um getting testers for your on boarding. That's another process like who would you reach out to, do, you know somebody that you could reach out to or is that somebody already in your mind? Um and that's his checklist. So this is um just going through the identifying a method which we talked about earlier and then I'm just going to looking at like do your, do your members enjoy connecting during social events?

Do they like watching instructional videos? Do they want to read a manual or resources? Is that what they want? Because like sometimes we kind of create things and and then think it's going to be helpful, but then it's confusing because people maybe don't use all the resources we're creating um and then what's necessary to learn, like maybe I need to learn something before I create before I start on my on boarding plan like but for forest or on boarding people, what do I need to learn like right now I know that I want to start creating an email sequence, but that's something I don't know and that's been a roadblock for me. I'm like well I don't have time, I don't have time, I don't have time, I don't have time to learn this right now. And then I just switched email providers. So now it's a whole another level of I don't even, this is I kind of knew what to do and convert it, but now I'm in sent, sent in mayo and it's a whole different thing, but I'm prioritizing that in my on boarding plan um with your email provider. Sorry, go ahead. Who is your new mail provider?

Send in mail, sorry, thank you. I just I just switched and I haven't um switched totally. I'm still using mail chimp but I I I did get that deal off the app sumo and did you? Yeah, so we may have to compare notes as we're learning sending blue. I am loving it. I gotta say it's it's a mobile, it's a more mobile friendly email service. I started it and I have, I started two months ago as a trial. They have a free trial that actually provides you with a lot of the stuff that convert kits paid plan gave me so I got a bunch of stuff for free. So I got off of convert kit like a month ago after I converted all my all my leads over all my emails over to uh said it in blue but I like it because it's mobile, it's just visually it's mobile first. Um but it has desktop, you can compare desktop to like how the visual quality of it. Um it gets tons more open rates and there's more there's more ability for um analytics that are a little bit more to me helpful than what convert it was giving me and I just like it better.

Um the reason I switched wasn't because I was looking for another email provider actually, it was because I was updating my website and I was like deep into Wordpress craziness if anybody knows that. And I was like some level of Wordpress stuff was telling me I needed to have an email provider and I was trying to connect, you know, the convert kit? Gmail thing? I was anyway, I don't want to go down a hole there, but rabbit hole, but I'm just saying that it wasn't intentional, but it was a good switch because now it's like there's other things that then I can add on to learn more about conversions and forms and all of those things as I build my understanding around web development and web, because my website can like then integrate with this much easier than convert. It can basically is what I'm getting at there. Sorry, tangent. What? So that was the process. Does anybody have questions or conversation feedback on the process.

I think this this is a great um a great start, I mean this is pretty comprehensive um just and and you still have more to do but this is this is great awesome. I'm God I'm God it's helpful. Yeah it's looking good. I would say to this step, one of the things I would love to see added is where you identify when you're going to do the different things. So After 24 hours I'm going to do X after one week I'm going to do why you're so excited about the plan that we can't, we have to get to it now the plan, so the plan is about how am I actually okay? I figured out what on boarding is, I figured out my method, I know my process, I know like how I want to do everything. I know the steps now I have to put it into action, right? So the plan is literally putting it into action. It's when am I gonna do this and it's I I can expand on this, I'm sure but I did this is late at night again I'm still just gonna be honest like I put as much as I could it together but I put the checklist that I promised you because I promised you a checklist.

So I put that together and then there's an example of my on boarding plan that I came up with to date. And so those PDFs are there as well as some resources that I use to kind of put these things together, but the checklist, can you still see my scrape with the checklist? Yeah, okay, so the checklist here goes over again, just clarifying the method and the process of your on boarding, maybe thinking about who you who your on boarding if you if you're not sure yet, if that's not clear, may be getting more clarity on the actual who of who your on boarding. Um what's the best method for these specific people if you're actually inviting a specific group of people, Have you talked to them about like that method that you're looking at doing for on boarding? Um and then giving feedback, getting feedback from potential members to decide like what kind of content you're creating um as your onboarding them, like what do they need to, they need a guide, do they need a resource, Do they need help? Or is it just like they just chat with you and then they know exactly what they're doing, Who can you ask for support if there's any help that you need through this process of creating your on boarding plan or process.

Is there any anybody you could reach out to? Well you've got this whole community, you've got to find calm here, who are all super supportive of you, so you can definitely reach out to myself or other people in the community, but there might be other people in your life that know something you don't, I'm sure you have lots of people that know something you don't that you can help with um for any, any step that you're not sure about this is just talking about what you're actually learning and then the motion is talking about the dates. So the dates when we're doing this, how are we doing this? How's it going? Um and then the plan that I created and I need to be a little bit more specific about my dates to Sanders point, but I have identified my on boarding method as concierge, I will contact each member or potential member and ask them to schedule a welcome call. So I already have a, if you click on that link, it actually goes to my calendar and that's the welcome call that I've set up for people to schedule time, whether they remember or not a fine, come here to learn more about what I'm doing in the community and for me to tell them and hopefully if they're not a member too, make sure that they're right for the community to bring them in.

Um Where was I at? I was at the other one. It I figured out my on boarding process. So when the member joins my community, they the they have reviewed what is included in the membership in the welcome post. So I reiterate like when they press that buy button, it says there's a whole bunch of things they're going to be able to have access to or to get or to be able to do, and so I'm reminding them of that in the welcome post as well as like, and most of the people in my community know that my network because they're all my network host, but some people in your community might need a little bit more instruction and so that's where it's dependent on like how you're communicating, that whether it's a video or the live event or whatever. Um I'm making myself available to them to make sure that um I answer all their questions when they are, if they're interested in joining the community or after they've joined the community. Um I want to do more personalized emails I've been working on, you know, how to create more personalized emails, but I also want to do an email sequencing for like when I'm doing a discovery call to like warm those people up to allow them to know about all the opportunities they have to work with me in different various ways.

So maybe if they're saying, well I'm not ready now, they could be ready later, but I want to figure out how to like keep that conversation kind of going after those calls. So that's what my learning processes, um learning the emails that we just talked about was sent sent in blue. Um there is, I just found some instructional videos carol on that. Um but I've bookmarked for myself to look at later And then I have the dates between July 12, so next week I'm giving myself the weekend off because I'm going to the beach and then um on the 12th through the 23rd I will be working on creating these um emails and testing them. These email sequence is how I create that. I'm also going to be putting together templates for everybody who's been asking for templates. So um I don't have them in here yet, but they will be, they will be in here um more templates. Um and then I just wanted to go and we'll just go back to questions that in a second. But the step, the last step is just going beyond the invitation and that's just talking about the next steps of creating in inclusivity um knowing your members a deep understanding of, of where they want to go in their journey, what they, what they want to accomplish um while they're in your, in your community korean content that would be consumed, like, you know, is it being useful or is it not?

And that's just a matter of like asking members. Um and there's some articles here with links and then these are the templates that I'm going to put together that I have not done yet, but I will work on in the next week, which you're going to be like a customized welcome template that's not like the boiler muddy networks template. I'd like that to a point, but I feel like it's just not super friendly. So I feel like there's ways to improve that key terms is a, is something that I just learned about when you're communicating with your members, just telling them here's what these terms mean. If it's something where your community is either um like a medical community or a specific technical community or even if it's just a community that you have specific terms for your industry that might not be known by everybody. And just saying when I say, and it can also be when we say the activity feed, here's what I mean, here's where the activity is. When I say go to the course section, here's where that is.

Um so when you're welcome posts, you can have those key terms just to kind of have them recognize not just how you communicate and how the community communicates with each other as far as if there's specific terminology that you use that might not be familiar to everybody, even if you, you could assume that everybody is like, oh I know exactly what carol means when she says da, da, da, but maybe I don't, so just to be on the safe side, you can say, here's what I mean when they say this. Um so those are cool things that I think would be interesting to implement into your welcome uh and then I have a purpose post their template that I'm going to put together um event planning and checklist for um group on boarding an event, like so you have a checklist before you have your event, you know, like you're all set up, you know exactly what's going to happen during the event, You can have like a pre script for yourself and for the members so that they know, I think the better organized you are when you have a live event, the better confident you feel and um and the members then no, like here's what we're gonna do during the session, so that's really helpful.

Um And then I think you post a place for people to ask and get answers to questions. I think that's something that I'd like to incorporate, that I haven't done yet in fine come here and I think it could be super helpful for a lot of communities depending on what your topics are, but maybe there's just some beginners stuff even that you can put in there um in a f a Q section to just answer, and that could be related to money networks, like navigation. It could also be just, here's, you know, here's the answers to this question. If you have a question about where the resources, here's where it is or if you have a question about um if you want to ask me a question on our live call, here's where you can do that, you can put your question ahead of time um in this area, that's one thing I saw somebody do and I've been trying in the courses that in the guides that I just created, I'm gonna stop talking in a second cheese. Um but in the guys that I created, I want people two comments to share your thoughts.

I think underneath each section and each step, I think it's so incredibly interesting to be able to have that place so that then everybody who's taking this guide will see all of those comments and that you can ask and answer questions and other people can ask and answer questions and you can see who's asked to answer questions or commented about if this was helpful or if it wasn't and then I as a host can then no, because I don't know until you tell me if this is helpful if it's not helpful. Okay, again, you guys have um, the slide deck. So I want to, we have a few minutes left and I want to see if anybody wanted to share their current onboarding process or, and if there's anything that they took away from today's session that might help them. I think this is amazing. You did an amazing job. Thank you. It's very helpful. I'm actually, that is my summer project is to revamp my current onboarding um because my community is growing.

Um currently my on boarding is a three day email sequence when someone joins the community, they, the first day they get an email um that has uh the video walkthrough that you talked about um and I split it six videos but I split it over three days and I go over um you know everything they can do in the mighty network in I could I under each video I give them like homework. So like the first one is like you know create your profile at your picture, introduce yourself. Um and then I showed them how to do that and then the next one is like you know, follow people and this is why it's important for you to do that. And then I show them how to do that and and give them homework like okay now you go in and do that, but I love, love, love um what you what you're talking about is the welcome party. Um because especially with my community, it's a support group kind of community, it gives us another opportunity where we're not, where usually are our lessons are like centered around learning something that we do a welcome party, then it's just a matter of us just getting to know this new person, getting, letting them get to know us and and go into the community, so I'm definitely going to implement that, that's a great idea and um what I have been, what well what the project that we're working on is taking creating new walkthrough videos that are more personalized to what people are asking for.

Um and then, but and then adding a course because I'm on the business plan as well, but creating, and I love the word guides, I'm gonna steal that. Um creating guides where you know, kind of like a start here. Yeah, so like, like, like a start here and then maybe having like the video in there, but then also having the written content underneath with screenshots, so kind of mixing and matching and then still having the email sequence. So they'll have the email sequence, but they can also find it within the mighty network if they, you know, have it. And then the last thing I love, love, love also the F A Q and support template because that's like a quick, you know, you don't have to go through the guides, These are like frequently asked, so you're more than likely you're quick question is right there, but if you want to go more in depth you can go through the guide. So I love that and I will, I'm looking forward to the templates.

Thanks Cathy. Thanks so much for sharing all the kind words please take guides, take anything my, anything that you want to repurpose for yourself, that's the whole point of what I'm trying to do is create things that make your life easier as a money network host. Um I think that we all have unique things to share out in the world, all of our communities are different and awesome in different, in awesome ways. So feel free to um, to repurpose anything, how you feel makes sense. Cool. Thank you Kathy, like you had something um that was super helpful. I think one of the biggest takeaways too is like in the welcome party to do breakouts because like not only you, everyone gets to know each other, but you can get to know each other even for two minutes or something on a deeper level. So I'm definitely gonna use that one down and I just wanted to share something that I did with an artist community. They were um you know, admittedly not very tech savvy and we did a welcome party where I lead um really the navigation, you know, just like, here's how you post, here's how you turn out the notifications and you know, all the important things and which just helpful to do it live because then they could ask questions that I didn't even think um to add.

You know, they were like, well how if we comment, you know, how does this work? And I was like, oh, that's a great question. And then so I added that in. So, um I think, you know, along with the welcome party, depending on your level of people, you know, adding in a little bit about how to move around and at the game, Thanks, thanks Julian, I was just going to say a quick an alternative to creating a video where your face is visible. I was just experimenting the other day with power Points where you can add record your voice on a power point presentation so you could throw in screenshots, record your voice with a walkthrough and post that as a video you exported as an MP four. So good point. That's, that's what allowed me to actually build these guides. I was so resistant to building this thing. I was so nervous. I'm like, you know, all these things are coming up for me. I'm like emotional already right now thinking about how long I wasn't gonna do any of this stuff until december.

I'm like, I don't have time when I'm not ready. And then one of like Joan's things is launched before you're ready. And so what allowed me to do that was I use loom loom and I don't have my video on, on any of those videos. None of my videos on, it's my little icon photo. So that way I didn't have to worry about what I look like each day that I worked on this. If it was 10 o'clock at night and I was tired, nobody knew that unless you're watching the replay, you hear me saying it. Um, but that allowed me to push through and to do this and I know that it's going to change and I know that getting feedback from people is going to help me, but I think and then when Cathy, I wanted to just go back to what Kathy was saying about um the interaction and like having it be fun and that's a variety of ways. It doesn't have to be just one way, it could be a multiple combination of a couple of different ways because maybe you don't know all of your members and how they learn and so you try different things and experiment with. Okay, has anybody responded to the video? Well maybe yeah that's cool like everybody loves the video or maybe no they and even just I talked about this in my recorded videos but just knowing your members and how they communicate like do they look on the desktop app or are they looking on the mobile all the time.

Those are two different experiences. That's one thing I talked about a couple of times before is that I did a demo for a client for her community when I was a community manager last year on the desktop, we did it and then we realized that all of our people are on mobile, they were like oh that's not gonna work too well is it? So like even knowing those little things makes a super big difference when you're thinking about on boarding um and so I go into a little bit more detail like in these sections so please check out the guide. Um infocom here because there's a lot more like I said resources and I will be putting up those templates hopefully here in the next week that I'll put some things together for everybody. So you guys can check those out. Give me feedback please. I am working on taking criticism. It's been always my lifelong challenge of I don't like criticism and I get very defensive um So I apologize to anyone if I've been defensive for criticism but thank you um so much for giving me that because it's just gonna make this this space and what I'm doing even better.

You don't show up that way. You really don't. You honestly don't. You take criticism very, very well. In fact you invited too much. Okay, I'll stop asking, I'll just tell you okay, all my stuff is awesome and you don't need to tell me otherwise. I think you've been really courageous, especially over the last few months. I mean you've created so much stuff and you've been asking for tons of feedback and that takes a lot of courage. It does well thank you, I wanna just end by by saying thank you again to all of you for always showing up as carol mentioned over the past year. It's been about a year now since we started the mighty mastermind which wasn't called the mighty mastermind really until september. Um but we were doing it um basically since May june I think um every week. So it's just been that's how you can create amazing connections and that's how I discovered this whole new journey. So thank you so much.

Um, anybody else have last thoughts? I know we're five minutes over, But yeah, everybody have a happy friday, enjoy your weekends. I'm going to New Jersey. I will see you all. I will see you all next week. Take care. Bye weekend. Bye.

Episode 46: Find Calm onboarding community members with this guide
Episode 46: Find Calm onboarding community members with this guide
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