The Community Strategy Podcast

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Episode 43: Find Calm Rethinking The Way You Sell with Jeff Bajorek

by Deb Schell
July 18th 2021
Okay, mm hmm. Hi there and welcome to the Fine come here podcast. I'm Deb Schell the host and creator of fine comb here a consulting agency and community helping money network host build, launch and grow their thriving money networks on this podcast. I share conversations I have with current money network hosts who built launched have grown their network, they share what's worked for them. They offer resources and what has helped them find calm in the community building process. If you're a mighty network host, I'd like to invite you to join us inside the find calm your community and you'll receive support and tools and the resources that I use with my clients to help you have a successful launch, grow your membership and tackle any challenges with the support of peers in a safe space that's affordable and enjoyable. We just started hosting mighty Mondays which is a monthly live tech and strategy session and I hope you can join us inside uh today I'm happy to introduce our guest, Jeff broderick. I'm gonna guess that that again, host of rethink the way you sell a mighty network, bringing together sales professionals to celebrate the winds, share their struggles and think harder so that they can sell better with the proven strategies Jeff teaches, he believes that the biggest thing missing from sales, the success that the belief is that it's possible to succeed Jeff's superpower is helping his community members understand the why so that they can understand the how in success as a sales professional.

Welcome Jeff to the podcast. Good to be here. Thanks for having me? How long has it been that we've known each other? Has it been a whole year? Or has it been longer than that? It has been Well, that's what I was just about to say. We met about a year ago because we both took the communities in the master class with the Money networks and I took yes, actually we took community design. I actually had a question and I, I think I shared the question directly with Jessica and she said come to the office hours and I was like, oh, I can still come to office hours because I was in the, one of the sessions earlier, it started in january or something, and it's like, yeah, like just come, I was like, okay, great. So I came on and shared my uh, you know, kind of my question and, and talk through it, and you were one of a handful of people who were really supportive and we connected offline afterward and you had this really cool little mastermind group that met on a regular basis and I was able to make to a couple of those meetings and um I like your style. Oh, well, thank you. Yeah, we're glad to have you in the, what is now called the mighty mastermind.

We've been running that every single week since we the inception last year and I guess around this time in june May or june, we started those sessions and up until december. We were doing every week and then we just started doing every other week in january when We did a relaunch and 90 day challenge with the Muddy Mastermind and we're still meeting once a month with some of those people. So it's been great to see so many people in their journey and my journey that gets to see as a part of the fine come here community. So yeah, share with us. Uh, how'd it go with the, the launch maybe or after what happened after the community masterclass a whole lot and not much all at the same time. It, I started my community actually on another platform altogether And I started in Gosh, this was fall of 20 19, Yeah, follow 2019. And I started just, it was just a message board, it was, you know, discourse is a free, open source kind of platform.

I paid for hosting and it was plain, it was there, it was fine and it was cheap and it was open source, so I knew that I would have an opportunity while I was building to um just do it the way I wanted to and then add things as I went and then I stumbled on mighty networks and I looked at it and I said, oh my gosh, this is everything that I wanted to eventually build, already packaged way prettier mobile first, all the things and, and I looked and I was like, wow, okay, I'm jumping ahead of myself here a little bit, but it's not that much more expensive and I really like it and then the support and the, you know, the community design and just everything. Like they really give you all the answers to how to run an effective community and I really liked that aspect of it because there's a certain element of hand holding that your clients want, that my clients want, that we each want to.

Um but what's really interesting is I find myself saying, oh, I don't need to do that, I'm gonna do it this way first and then you go six months and you realize that yeah, they gave you the answers to the test six months ago. You're just too stubborn to admit that those are the right answers. So I I left the other community shut that down. Came to muddy networks and I love the interaction of it, but it's still very much a work in progress for me. I'm trying to balance it with other social media presences. I'm not trying to balance it with other modes and methods of content creation for myself. I have two podcasts, I have a blog guest on another podcast routinely. Um you know, there's all the linkedin stuff that I have to do professionally and um I'm still trying to figure out where it goes, but the more I come back to it, the more I'm recognizing that this is a place I need to pour more focus more energy, more efforts, more resources. And I'm still very much in the middle of my journey there. And I guess the thing I wanted to make, make sure that I said was that for as cool as it is, it doesn't just run itself out of the box, but and you're also not going to get it right right out of the box and just keep moving forward.

Keep iterating, keep growing with it because you're not going to get it right the first time you're not supposed to uh why do you think I have two questions, but the first one, I will refer back to what you just said um why do you think is you're seeing a value that there's time that you need to dedicate to, like you need to allocate more of your time to the community building. I just, the world doesn't need more content. The world needs more connection. And you know, we learned through the pandemic that people were looking for it. I think the pandemic and the various shutdowns and restrictions that we had on us really kind of sped up the process of people looking for a more meaningful connections. And the reason I wanted to start a community was because I had, you know, for years had followed, I've got colleagues and even myself, we created a lot of content and there are a lot of people that I've looked up to who said, here's the stuff I've been putting out for the last 30 years, it's all online for you Pay one annual fee, you can have access to the content and then once a month I'll do a facebook live right?

Like they almost didn't want to engage with people, but they felt like they had to and I said, why don't we flip that on its head? And I said, why don't I lead with community first and let the community guide some of my content, but let's make it more about the connection and that's where the whole thing came from. But I was still reluctant two dive head in to a community rather than continue to put content out there. But you know, with just a little bit more engagement, I don't even feel like I verbalized that very well. I think there is, we're coming out of a place where content is king and now we're getting to a place where I believe connection is really king and it's I'm finding myself kind of struggling a little bit in the, in the transition. I know where I need to be. I'm just pulling my stubborn behind out of the mindset that I was in before and and really trying to drive it and dive in and what's interesting is as I'm saying that out loud right now, my instincts were correct two years ago, what has taken me so long to really act on them, they're still being reinforced today.

So I just, I think there's when people reach out and they want to connect with you, there's a reason that's an option. It's a buying signal. There, there's something magnetic about you, whether you went out and shook their hand personally or whether they saw something about you online and wanted to hear more, it's worked to engage those people. But those connections are that's the foundation for your success, particularly as a community manager, Foundation for success and as much of the automation as possible, you know, with these various platforms and all the different connections and the integrations that you have with other apps like you really have to do a lot of the lifting yourself and a lot of the and it's it's not that it's just a lot of work. It is a fair amount of work. But that's the rewarding part. And if you're not rewarded by that, you have to have to consider whether or not you're doing this for the right reason. Mm Yeah. Passion in your craft of what you're doing is super important.

And I think what you said about, you know, paying attention, your intuition maybe in the beginning and then trying to systematize in the beginning, it doesn't always work. Um because you then that's how I kind of started down the road of I need to have a sales funnel and I need to have this setup and that set up and then at the end of the day and my clients feel that way too. And at the end of the day, I say I stopped them and like, I'm gonna stop you right here before we go any further. What's your goal? If you want To have 10 people in your course, your first course launch, you Know, then let's focus on 10 or 20 people or 50 people or whatever the number is that, you know, that you could, that you have on an email or you can have in a phone call and let's talk to them and let's see if they're interested in in this course before you build it. Let's just see if they're interested. These discovery calls that I've been working with some people on have been really enlightening because I think as you're saying, um, I think so many people think that content is the most important thing, like I have to have my whole Course done before I can launch, I have to, you know, I have to have 17 steps ahead.

And I think the the fault that I made and what some other people sometimes you misstep and you create all of this. And then it's not helpful for whatever reason you'd like to learn that these people are like, oh, I don't, I don't have time or be, I don't, I'm not ready or see, I just need, you know, something before this or, you know, I need more time on, maybe step one, I don't I'm not ready to go to step five um and that's where kind of the implementation comes in and those connections around how you have a supportive team in a community and how you can each help each other strive together uh and to seek to reach your goals. So I know you so tell us a little bit about your community. That's the first question, because I know you do you have a sales focus and then I wanted to ask about how you brought, did you bring people from that discourse to the money networks or was this a whole new um set of people as both. The discourse community was very small. I really only did it for a couple of months and there were some people on my mailing list who signed up for it and I said, look, I don't know what this thing is going to become, but here's how much it's gonna cost on an annual basis and you're in for half price, right?

Like I know What I want it to cost. I said, Look, this is $500 a year value at least. I'm knocking it down to 2:50 for this first quarter. If you're an early adopter, you're going to take a risk, I'm gonna knock it in half and I said I'd honor that forever. And um I do that with, with all of my pricing tiers, the prices will likely go up over time, but what you got in at, as long as you stay uh you know, current, you're you're good, you're in um at that rate forever. Um so I brought over maybe a dozen from discourse and than when I launched a mighty Networks and originally the, the platform itself, it was, there was only one tear, it was only paid and that was it. And then what mighty Networks allowed was a free kind of, and I love the analogy of, here's the house, there are rooms in the house that you have to pay to get in, but the house like it's a party come on in and um you know, I have, you know, my my community is private in that you have to answer a few questions at the door to get in because I want to know who's coming in.

Um so it's not indexed by google, like I'm losing out on some s ceo and things like that, I get it, but I wanted to keep this place somewhat what gated, but I've got um I've got to rethink the way you sell community that I engage with a couple of times a week proactively as well as the comments and the messaging and things like that. I've got the deeper thought group within that community, which is really what my premium offering became was a paid subscription group. Within that, I've got a free group for Dwyane, the by podcast. Um I've got some other groups that I do and some other free courses that are benefits to members or you know, like I've done some things with fundraisers before um so that I can offer something for people to donate to causes that I really appreciate. And what I'm really excited about recently is, you know, as a sales trainer and a coach, it's nice to have an online platform to um create offerings for my clients. So what I do for like if a client hires me to come in and work with their sales team instead of just having regular meetings with them where I'll classroom style, either virtually or in person, get up and teach and things like that.

What I do is I create a custom course for them and everything in it is created for them. And so instead of me coming and standing in front of the class and Teaching for 45 minutes, I'll put all those video modules in, that's their homework and then they come to class prepared And we can use the full 60 or 90 minutes to really get into the functional application of those lessons rather than okay, just going to teach and then I have a question but I don't really want to ask because I'd really like to get out of here early or whatever and there are always those sales people in the back of the room, right? And I'm trying to eliminate that as much as possible. So my community has become a really an integral part of my business in ways that I didn't think it was going to be able to, you know, and one of the things that I really hesitated about was I knew I wanted this community, I really knew I wanted a connection I have to and I want to foster a network of people who are really interested in not only supporting me but inspiring me to continue doing what I'm doing, but I'd like to be out with people.

I, I like to roll up my sleeves and get to work. I do not ever and, and have never wanted to be someone who is relegated to sitting behind a computer. Okay, I've got all these messages I have to get to, right? So I really, that was one of the things that I struggled with getting into was that there are people, it feels like in order to do this right? You really have to give everything you can to the community or you have to find someone who you can put on your team who can help you do that. And um, yeah, I think that there's, if there isn't a full level of commitment, it's really hard to do it, right? And so I'm still, as, as I have realized how much of a part of the beneficial part of this, I guess, and I'm tripping over my words here, as I'm realizing now how much this can actually integrate into my business rather than be a separate part of my business. Um I'm really, really impressed with the fluidity of the whole thing and how it all works together. Yeah, in the um you mentioned a couple of things, but just as you're saying about that last note, the community, we just launched a book club and our first book for our book club is the business of belonging by David Spanx.

He's the ceo founder of CM X. Community Building uh to a tool for community builders and community professionals. They have educational resources and um live events that they have um on a global scale. And so it's been a great community that I've been connecting with, but that he teaches about how community and business, there's goals for your community and there's goals for your business and how do those aligned and intermingle with each other and how can you, what you said earlier too was about having instead of creating content for people, having them co create content with you. And I just started doing that in the Fine come here community, literally in the last couple of weeks of saying, hey I'm I have a client, they were asking me about one of the Fine come here members, it was one of the Fine come here members actually, and she said, you know, I get that you ask all these questions, you know, in the beginning of when you work with somebody but I don't want to answer all the questions or some of them, I'm not sure how to answer. And so I want you just to tell me what to do and I'm like well I don't quite know how I would like to tell you what to do if I don't know anything about you.

And then what I realized was okay. I could, what I could do is make statements and then you agree or disagree to a statement and you say do you relate to this statement is true or not for you? And so I put this and I am calling them calm flows instead of workflows. I'm gonna try to call them calm flows and basically yeah, basically you're just like, you know if you're thinking maybe I'm, I'm tossing around the idea of starting on my network. Um and then it just goes through a bunch of just prompts statements and says um you know, do you want to make income from this or is this just like a, you know a hobby thing that you're doing And then you know, do you have time like it just you know not in a question though in a statement. I have time, you know, just taking that question work out of it and just saying I have time for this yes or no, no, I don't have time. Well then can I hire somebody so I'll hire somebody to help me on my team yes or no, and then it gets you to the end where you're like at the finish line and it gives you an answer. So that has been something I've been co collaborating with.

Um the members in the Fine Come here community. They've been really giving me a lot of great advice and feedback and suggestions about like how to make it better. And so I'm just continuing to like build that and then these are tools they can use as money, network host as well as this will help me for my clients. These are this is new content I'm creating to help me and my clients, so I'm super excited when you get to do that and I love that you brought that into the conversation and it's just interesting how things evolve, Right? Like I had ideas for what I was going to do 15 months ago and they're different now and I engage with the audience differently and you know, it's the content that I've created just on a regular basis through the blog or the podcast or videos or whatever. It's always been pretty closely tied to conversations I've had with clients over the preceding week or so. Right? Like I'll have a great conversation with someone, I'll be like, you know what? There was a lesson there, scribble a couple of notes, turn the camera on, boom, there's a video that goes out, right?

Or that's what I'll write about for the following week. But I mean actually just, it's one thing to take those and assume that, okay, here's a lesson worth teaching on. It's another thing to go to your audience and say, what are you stuck on right now, you know, and I do a couple of times a month, I'll do live sales training and they're just webinars that helped drive a little bit of attention and get some people come on and ask me anything. There's, I'll Train for 15 minutes or so and then there's open Q and A afterwards, but I started with a pole that kind of leads to, you know, it's on topic for the day, whatever that is, and it is amazing the information that people are willing to give you. And that helps me tailor that very lesson five minutes later helps me tailor that lesson to what they need to hear, which is one of the things that I really love about live engagements and what I love about the tools that we have to create the polls and things like that. And so I'm working on engaging or utilizing rather more of those tools on a weekly basis with my network, so that it really helps me keep the finger on the pulse, not just of the greater marketplace that's out there, but um more importantly, the people who have already raised their hand and said, Jeff, we want you to tell us stuff, we want your opinion on this and um that there that the tools are there and and I'm learning how to use them much more effectively.

Do you have a team? Do you have people helping you? Because we were talking about how much time investment is involved in like building and setting it up and then launching it and now, you know, managing it as a whole another level. So I do and I don't um I recently brought a virtual assistant onto the business and um she is very familiar with mighty Networks but I don't have her working on that stuff just yet. It's funny, it was just on a call with her a few hours ago and I was like, you know, I need some help and she's like, okay, what do you need? And as we laid all this stuff out, I'm like, God Janelle, I have work to do before I can even give this to you don't, she's like yeah, it's like we either need to do it together or you need to figure some stuff out, I'm like okay, I'm gonna figure some stuff out and we'll we'll pass it on there, so I I will and depending on when this airs or when you're listening to this right now, um I will probably have a little bit of help by then. Um but it's tough for me too because there's some stuff I know that I can delegate pretty freely, that's fine, but there's other stuff that, look, these people came to hear from me.

They didn't come to hear from my team. And so I struggle with that a little bit because you know, this is a part of my business, but it's not, my entire business is not the primary revenue driver for my business. And I don't think it ever will be. Um, but it is, you know, something that like people are coming for me, they're not coming for an associate, they're not coming for an assistant. They're not coming for, you know, some, again, someone on the team, they're coming for my personal touch on it. And so I want to be, I'm grateful for, I am grateful for that. But I want to be mindful of that too. So that people don't feel as if they're being baited and switched. So there will be some things I'm just not. I know I need the help. I'm just trying to figure out what it is that's going to be best in terms of the help that I'll get and as far as with the members can expect and want to get. Yeah, yeah. I've been talking to people as far as, um, utilizing people in the community and I, uh, this will air after the three part series that I'm just putting out in the next couple of weeks actually, june 20th.

We're recording this before on june 10th. But the, the three part series is going to come out on june 20th and it's a deep dive look into a muddy network that I was, I've been a member of for three years and I interview the host community manager and a community member and in that those conversations, they talk about different aspects of how they look at things and like a host has a vision, community member has like the concept of like what this is going to be a community manager has okay, she has some tasks that are maybe assigned to her. But I think hiring from within allows you to then they already know the content like the course content they already know or whatever instructional materials or our content is there, They have already been familiar with it so that they can respond in a more educated way or point just helping point you to resources say, oh well here's today's lesson and here's the resource that you're going to use this supplementing it or um oh there's a great webinar that I saw on Youtube that really is directly to this topic and here it is and stuff like that.

So those kinds of things are really nice when you have team members that you can hire from within the community and then they help you support you in multiple ways. But yeah, if people are coming for you, they don't want necessarily a community manager for certain, you know, for certain aspects of it. Like if you're just asking like how do I get to something that's a, that's a tech question. But if it's more about a strategy that, and that's what you do you specialize in, then of course they want to hear it from, you know, your solution or your advice. Right? So it's maybe it's more about the support that you're gonna hire that does the other stuff like the tech, the workflows and all of these kinds of like back end things that you don't want to do you. And I and I do have some help too. I mean from the premium aspect, one of the things that I started was I said, look, people can come and find me on my own, but I want this community to be something bigger. And so I do have who I refer to as thought leaders who are colleagues of mine and people who are authors or speakers, some of them just really high level practitioners, VP level sales executives who are willing to, you know, within that premium, um, space in the community, They create content, they help me with the podcast that goes along with that content.

They show up to some of the group coaching calls and they really do contribute to the premium aspect of that community. Um, and there's some revenue sharing in it for them as well. Um, so it's, it's something that I created earlier on because I knew that I wasn't gonna be able to do it by myself and I didn't think about them in terms of your question when you asked it initially. But um, yeah, this was, this is a, it's a lift again to do it, right? But I think it's a worthwhile one. Um, you know, just because the, the value of that connection and what you can learn together. Yeah. And I think it's, you know, and people, if they're being compensated, they're showing up and they're definitely being more intentional than somebody that maybe you asked to do something for free. Um, that's one of the comments that the other person had mentioned is that they own the role sometimes as a community manager of like this is my job. And so this is what I'm doing and then people know them and then, you know, they're going to those people and not bothering you necessarily with maybe a tech question when that community manager can, or, you know, the tech support can be of help.

So I think that's a great um, point of view and, and to have people to help you. Um, what is your favorite feature of the muddy networks? That's a great question. I'm gonna tell you that there's a lot that I like, I'm gonna tell you to because I don't want this to sound like a total commercial. There's some stuff that needs some work, right? There's some stuff under the hood that needs to be corrected and we do, you know, the little little issues that I do have, that are not huge, but um, you know, I, I wish there were some things and I see some of the in the roadmap, I see some of that stuff being updated. So that's, that's really cool. I'm going to tell you, I think, um, what I really like is how easy the courses are to set up and how easy it is to integrate those into just the overall experience, I think is the right way to say it. Um, I like that. It's, they walk you through, they tell you what to what to fill out, how to fill it out and there are other platforms that do that as well, but it's just so easy to create the course content and you can make it what it is, it's easy to move it around and just, I love the functionality of that.

And particularly as I use it more and more with my clients, it's a real weapon for me as it comes to competing relates to rather to competing in the marketplace because there isn't anybody else out there that I know of who can be as agile with that and customize as much as I can for the clients that I have. It's just a really nice feature to have to create a course in 30 minutes and it's ready to go and it looks great and it's branded properly and everything. It's, it's really, um, it's a, it's a cool feature of course is your favorite? Um, and I really like that you do this for clients. That's, that's a really cool idea. Um, I think that's something people who are listening maybe could like, ah, they're probably thinking like maybe I should try that too because I think those are, that's just something that's so flexibly. Um, like you're saying easy, easy to integrate into uh, into your workflow as far as like your offerings, just adding those one by one with clients and saying, here is, you know, if you want to pay this additional, you know, here's what I can do with this additional investment kind of thing.

So I think that's really great. Um, the next question was going to be what is missing or what do you wish somebody networks had? Mm hmm. Which is you mentioned a little bit about that. Yeah, there was um, I think this may have just been recently fixed because I'm now getting notifications when people join groups. But there was a time not too long ago where someone who was in my regular network would join the premium group within my network. And I would Not know about it until like three days later when I get an email from strike, they would say, hey, someone gave you money like, okay, who, right? Like it just seems like if someone buys something in my community, I should get a notification. Like, you know, I get a notification when you send me a message. Why can't you give me a notification when someone gives me money? Right? Um So that seems to be missing. That's the biggest thing. Um Other than that, I think now that's the biggest thing that's missing for me and I think that's just because this happened recently.

That's the thing that's most on my mind. Um There are a couple of little other kind of usability features on the back end when you're trying to create stuff that get a little um It uh you know what's the word I'm looking for to get a little frustrating. Um like if I'm going to create a recurring event and that's another thing I don't like to zoom integration with events. I don't, it's clumsy and I don't like it. So I'm trying to figure out a different way to work around that. But just when I create recurring events, can't there be a storage bank or a menu where I keep those images. So I don't have to keep going back to my desktop or on my computer to upload images. I mean this is really small time, small peanuts kind of stuff. It's not that big of a deal unless you're storing millions and billions of photos for every marine network that's out there in the world and then you have to have the most gigantic server in the world. That's what makes it the problem. There you go for me. Not as big of an issue for one in your position, maybe a little bit more.

Um, you know, it's a great point. Um you know when you're, when you're, when I'm working on Wordpress, I just really revamped some of my website have been struggling, struggling lots and lots with Wordpress. It's not, it does not bring me calm, but I'm working on that one. Um, but I was putting my website together and it has all of the photos, like since the inception of when I, you know, launched my blog on my website was a blog at first. And so you know, it says like, do you want to, you know, use a photo that's in the library or not. So I, I agree with you that it would be really cool if they had a library because I have my own library as the organized person that I am. I have my own library for all of my media and content and um, you know, I haven't organized into folders and on hard drives or things like that and backups. But if I could just click a button and you know, it comes up right away, you know that it's a lot easier to save me a little bit of time. I think that would be a great feature.

So I like that. Yeah, I think I just think on the tech end it's the storage Issue and you know what, $50 million dollars is a lot of dollars. So maybe that's something that could come in, you know, not too long and you know, not too far into the future. There you go. Heard it here first, Jeff says, build a library with your 50 million media networks. Gina did tell me she's gonna listen to the podcast. I don't know if she has, but she said she was going to listen. So there you go. Um, cool. Is there any um, big lesson I want to end just with any like lessons that you could share with people that really helped you through the process of building a muddy network that they could maybe learn from as well. Yeah, stay curious, Stay patient, trust your process and just recognize that this is, it's a journey.

You, you get these big ideas. I'm gonna start a community because people are passionate about the things that I'm passionate about and they're out there. So I'm going to find it. I'm gonna create something. I'm gonna knock it out of the park and get really, really excited about that. And then your first time up to the plate, you strike out and it's really easy to get defeated and demoralized. And don't forget that that great idea you had is still a really good idea and that a lot of people aren't going to get it right. Most people aren't going to get it right the first time out. But the people who eventually get it right, probably got it wrong the first 10 or 15 or 300 times, right? So if the idea is worth pursuing, if the community is worth creating, then do yourself a favor and move forward and carry on and you know, make this thing happen and learn along the way. That's the curiosity parts like that didn't work. I wonder why it didn't work, huh? I wonder what might work now. Check it out, give it a try. Let's see what happens with it. And you'll eventually get to where you want to go.

You just have to be patient and all the head starts and all the community design work and all the other courses and stuff. The resources they give you as a creator, they're brilliant. You still have to find your own way with it and continue to be patient. I'm not getting the results that I hoped I'd have by now. It's not even close, but I know that I'm still onto something and I'm, what did you know, I got to tell us, what did you expect? Where did you expect to be a year into this money networks. I thought I'd have more paid members. I thought there'd be a lot more, um, I thought I'd have a lot more figured out about them. But as I've learned with my own business of which the community is only a part of it, there's a lot with my own business that I'm re figuring right now that I am re thinking and revamping and restructuring and in some ways the community is a bigger part of that than it ever has been before. Um, and in other ways I just thought, yeah, probably have a couple 100 members of the premium community by now. Yeah, there'd be much more engagement on a regular basis and I'd have these meetings where everybody would show up and everybody who even RSVP'd would show up and like it just, you have these fantasies is really what they are.

And then what happens is life gets in the way, right? When I started this, I didn't see a pandemic coming okay. And then I had other aspects of my business that I had to protect before, I thought about doubling down on the community and then when I got down to that, it was like, okay, I mean, life has a way of doing its thing and um, so there are things outside of your control that were in that will impact some of the things that you can control and you just gotta remember that your community is better off today than it was yesterday and it will be better off tomorrow than it is today. And no step is too small, so long as it's headed in the right direction and you'll eventually get to where you want to go. So I'll have my members that, you know, six months or a year shoot, even two years, that's a blip, you know, in the grand scheme of things and a long enough timeline. That's nothing at all. So I'm committed to the long haul and we'll get there when we get there. Awesome. Well it's an exciting journey. Thank you so much for sharing everything that you've been learning. I think it's the process of the pursuit of patients and progress instead of perfection, which is what we talk a lot about on this podcast because I really like showing the messy part of the back end because so many of us, as many network hosts have this grandiose as I Did too.

I'm like, 050 members, 100 members. I'll get that in my first launch. No big deal. They'll all come and they'll all be engaged and they all show up on the live events because it's so awesome. And it's not that it's not awesome, It's just that life happens and it's just that there's so much else in the world that we can have interrupting our day, not to mention, you know, even if I have the greatest intentions to come to your event and then, you know, then my internet shuts down because there's a storm and I can't get on the call and there's that, you know, it's just life happens. So I appreciate you sharing that with us. Tell us where people can find you if they are interested in learning more about you and your community rethink the way you sell dot com. That's the, that's the address to my community. I've got just a couple of questions in there um that will get you in. I've only turned down, I think two or three people who were clearly not interested enjoying or enjoining. There were just some of the interest I got were like, okay.

Um and one of the user names was like, I fooled Jeff or something like that, I was like, okay, yeah, no, you didn't fool me. Um and I yeah, anyway, um so yeah, come join to see what we're all about, see what we're doing in there. Um and uh I mean my my regular website is just Jeff majority dot com. So if you have any interest in looking at the other stuff that I do, um it's all there, you've got a book, I've read your book, it's very good for sales professionals. And uh so anyway, I will have links in the show notes to check out Jeff's community and his other resources. So definitely check out the show notes if you're interested in that and that will cap us off for the end of our podcast for today. Thanks for joining us on the line. Come here podcast, please subscribe if you haven't because I really like that when people do that and we have some awesome episodes coming up. I've got, it's as of now it's june I've got episodes booked of money. Network hosts for the next three months. So lots of money.

Network conversations coming up from amazing hosts who are doing amazing things and creating that transformation. So thanks so much for joining us until next time. Take care. And I hope you find calm in your day. Yeah.

Episode 43: Find Calm Rethinking The Way You Sell with Jeff Bajorek
Episode 43: Find Calm Rethinking The Way You Sell with Jeff Bajorek
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