The Community Strategy Podcast

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Episode 38: Find Calm Rewiring your Thinking with David Taylor-Klaus

by Deb Schell
June 6th 2021

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On this episode of the Find Calm Here Podcast,

Um he's a speaker, author, leadership coach on a mission to unearth and unleash the personal mastery of entrepreneurs and senior executives since 2000 and eight. He's empowered, try his tribe to take an active intentional and dynamic role in their development to create the kind of life rhythm that enables them to build profitable businesses, raised thriving families and lived wildly fulfilling lives. His bestselling book mindset Mondays uh with the he pay 52 ways to rewire your thinking and transform your life is available on amazon and the guide, this guide book includes interactive sections and the book structured yet structured but yet playful approach integrates and reinforces new ways of thinking, being and doing all in an effort to increase cognitive flexibility and create meaningful, lasting change to allow the reader to connect to the message that is possible to change your mindset and that that will change your life.

So welcome David to the fin cam your podcast. Thanks, I'm excited for our conversation. Oh, and by the way, it's taylor Klaus and it happens all the time. So it's totally okay. I usually try to ask people in the beginning, but before we start recording, but it's cool, we're recording now and I'm happy to have you and always authentic conversations. I keep it real uh as we go. So so tell me about you and tell our listeners here a little bit about your journey and what what brought you to all these amazing things that you've created and done. That's funny. I had an event and somebody started to introduce me and they handed me the mic and said, tell us about your greatest accomplishment. I'm like, all right, I got you! No, my greatest accomplishment is my life and I have been married for 29 years, we have three kids who are grown and active parts of our world and we're an active part of their life and love is actually the easy part, but we all actually like each other and so you know people ask what do you do, that's what I do, my whole world is oriented around what it is that I that I want my life to look like, What I get paid for is something totally different because I haven't gotten figured out how to get paid for being a husband and a father, that's that's not a thing yet.

Um you know my my workout in the world is Yes coach author speaker. I 12 years ago I shifted out of technology because I was bored dealing with problems that didn't matter and I started working with this stuff that really did, you know, helping people figure out what's really important and reconnecting them back to that so they can enjoy that and not be so over focused and over calibrated towards their work when when your work becomes your life, your family and your community and all the other stuff that's important fades away. You know Tony Robbins said it years ago that success without fulfillment is failure and my work is keeping that from happening. Mm I love that and I love the intentionality, we talk a lot on the podcast and in the community about intentionality of um aligning what your values are and your passions and interests aligning them because the point of being an entrepreneur and loving to be an entrepreneur is that you get to get to create it, you get you get to build the Structure, you're not in an office, having somebody tell you punch in at nine and Leave at five, you know, if you're done with your work, you know, So I filled out your TPS reports.

Yeah. Yeah. It's a different way of being there. There's a distinction that I talked about. It's like the difference between a manager and an entrepreneur that the mindsets are very different and a manager's job is they're they're handed a goal and their job is to manage the execution of the plans with the highest likelihood of achieving that goal. Fair Yeah. An entrepreneur decides what she wants to be true and then sets about creating the conditions to make that truth reality. That is an amazing way to be. It's an energy around creation and a liveness by its very design. And you know, you can be an entrepreneur, you can have that same energy inside a company. It's a lot easier to see it flourish outside. And so that's why we end up building our own. Mm hmm, mm hmm. Yeah. And I like the team had actually was um working on putting together a post about this actually on concept. But in the lens of community and community building versus community management versus community creation.

And so as a community host, uh, you know, you have a vision and an idea about why you want to bring people together and what they're going to do together. And so those are like the big purposes things that you have to figure out before you start or open launch whatever the community is, but the community manager is a different hat and those are the people that once the visionary, the community host just said, ok, here's what we're gonna do together here. This is why this space is really important. Uh and then he's, you know, whether you're Doing both is another conversation, but just to say, let's say there's two people doing it and one person is the host and this is like the visionary person and then the manager is actually the person. Okay now I've been tasked with making these people talk to each other somehow and liking having them want to talk to each other. And how do you have authentic community conversations and generate this excitement in an online community? Um which is what I'm talking about right now.

And so then it can get sticky because if the manager or the host for that matter is trying to make the community be something, it's great to have a vision and to curate that community and bring people in. But then those people start interacting and, you know, are you restrictive to keep the community just the way you want it in its little box or as the community manager and host, how do you respond to who the community is becoming right as it begins to take on life of its own. On one hand you're reaching and spinning the plate on the other hand, wow, it's like witnessing where it's going, you can't necessarily redirect it or can you, I mean that's, that's a challenge for anybody when a community starts to grow by itself, right? And you can't do it without the community without the people. So they're also the important component when you're talking about the community is you have to create, you can't just create things and then I do talk a lot about building before they come like and then they'll come and that doesn't work you like, you have to build it with them, you have to like get their input to know like what's going to work in this space.

So I love that you're talking about just these different elements of like how as an entrepreneur and a community builder, we can actually create curate and create amazing lifestyle between how we run our own life and then how we actually um support others in the spaces. Either it's consulting clients or um, you know, coaching or whatever you're doing because I know you're a coach. So I don't, you know, there's, there's elements to that that you could um as well bring in and I have a lifetime as a consultant before that, so you know, both flavors and I love what happens when the community starts to flourish and then you're part of it. I'm part of a community, one of the ones I'm in that's on Mighty Networks is a mastermind there there are 30 of us in the group. So it's very it's a very focused and tight group and it's fascinating. It's curated by someone. Mhm. And then the group has a mind of its own.

You know that you respect the fact that who comes in is determined by the person who's leading. It's what do we want this group to be? How do we want to interact? What's okay? What's not okay? How do we raise the bar when something happens? That's not so pathetic. Do we swallow it or do we bring it? And when we bring it, how do we bring it? And what are the rules of engagement? And it's like, you know, the the the host can set the vision and set the ball rolling and then all these perfectly imperfect humans come in and start interacting and then magic happens. Yeah. It's funny that you say that because it's um then you need a moderator when you're talking about thousands of people in a group on online space or tens of thousands of people, that's what community managers are hired by brands to do full time is um you know, they set the rules and the expectations of what this place is for what it's not. You know, you can't you can market, you can advertise here, you can't you can market here, you can pitch stuff, you can't you know, whatever it is, the space says the rules, you know, there's rules and there's rule breakers, but they go in there and do their thing.

And so um just getting back to like, let me just circle back because I want to circle back to talking about what you're journey was. And so you talked a little bit about you did you were in the tech world, um you left that space, you want to do some more meaningful work. Is that when you were doing consulting or is that where you learned and got some training or what, what happened that? Yeah, I had so I was 10 years into a technology Firm, so it was two 1004, and I started to realize that the easiest way to say it is, I've gotten so caught up living the should life instead of actually living the good life. I I was doing all the things I thought I should the way I thought I should do them and leading the way I thought I should lead and it was shitty. Ii was so disconnected from what was real and important for me. Um Yes, I got to the point where I would turn the door knob to my office and my stomach would turn and I actually spent a year convincing myself it was from too much caffeine and too much spicy food.

So I was like trying to adjust that and it wasn't changing. It was like I really was trying to convince myself it was anything but being dead inside and and losing my way and I hit the bottom around her, take a treat a weekend. It's just super poetic. Were driving east back into Atlanta and I'm looking in the rear view mirror and inside my head I said, damn, that's a big storm. And the voice that came back was, yeah, but nothing compared to the one inside you look really like the universe is snarky. Um because that is, that's that's where I had reached the bottom. Um and I had to do something to reconnect to me and through that process, a lot of therapy, a lot of coaching and a lot of switching my dialogue to outside my head, actually talking to the people around me and connecting to the people around me and using the community I had around me to support me until I got to the point where I was doing the work for me and not sticking around for my kids.

That was the switch. Um so I saw the value of what human connection does, not just personally, but professionally as well. And if it's ever going to change the way leaders lived, it had to be from the inside out, not, you know, like we need one more person doing leadership development or leadership training, it's no helping these folks be better humans is how you make them better leaders and that's that's what I switched to and I spent, I spent five, I spent five quarters with one ft in, one ft out, I'm leaving the company with my partner and coaching and when my partner finally decided what she wanted to do next, she said, I want to leave this company and I want to do it without you. I was like, yes, So six weeks later I was full time coaching and that was 2008, What do you do? Right in the middle of a financial, right in the middle of the financial readjustment.

Yeah. What kind of coaching? And tell me a little bit more about how you, how you coach. Yeah, the first year was weird because I was getting hired either as a life coach or as a business coach and it felt a lot of frustration, a lot of dissonance with it and I realized that dude, you can't coach half a person. So I shifted and the folks that I've, you know, I've been shaping my practice into for the last decade is coaching folk who are super clear that the way to get better at doing what they do is to get better at being who they be. And the analogy I use for that is when Michelangelo was asked having carved such exquisite figures, he said, I don't, he said, I free them from the stone and so much of the coaching work that I do is helping clients chip away all the clutter that isn't them. That isn't true, that isn't authentic isn't real. And then when you get to watch them live, love and lead from there, it's amazingly fulfilling work.

Mm hmm. That is amazing. It's so funny because you know, these are things that I'm just really starting to take in my own life and and learn about um and talk about with clients and, and people in my mastermind and things like that because you know, we have a group call and the, the one person who will come on and I'll be like, well I, I just didn't do, I said I was going to do this thing and I just didn't do it and I'm feeling really crappy about it and I'm like, well what happened? Well I just had a baby, Well life dude, life happened. That's cool, congratulations. Like you're on baby duty for a while, you're not going to like launch like a business in the middle of having a major life event or you know, if somebody was in the hospital and or you know, or somebody had a health thing, you know the person or group had a health thing and she goes, but I just haven't done all these, you know, my website's done up. None of that said, but you're taking care of yourself. Like your website can wait, you can't give what you ain't got And so many people will, will buy into this hustle narrative and grind themselves down until they hit an inflection point like I did and say oh my god I have to do something now.

And man you can, my friend Alexis art and said last year, she said you can listen when the universe whispers in your ear or you can wait until it hits you in the head with a baseball bat, it's your call. Like I waited for the baseball bat and that is not the ideal way, right? And you take care of yourself, entrepreneurs suck at that. I really do. It's like they have to learn that there's some unwritten rule that we follow that the fiercer, the dragon, the sweeter the victory. So even when it's not hard we're going to make it hard so that we can pound our chests and say killed it. It's like what if you made it easy? Holy crap. Oh that's true. I just wanna see um call while uh last week and uh mentioned this exact topic of saying, you know my self care has dropped, I'm like now I'm trying to focus on my health and like six other people were like dude I'm so relating to you, like like there's so many entrepreneurs that are like raising their hand and saying you know they're realizing now and I think it's what's nice about this this whole last year of challenges that we're seeing now that's important.

I think that has been one thing people are paying attention to it. Look there's a really high coincidence with entrepreneurs of A. D. H. D. Now my wife has an entire business that serves parents of complex kids around the globe and we learned a lot from the A. D. D. Coaching world for entrepreneur coaching. And one of the things that's important is the three levers that help you regulate your brain so you can get the best out of it. I don't care whether you're A. D. D. Or not that those three levels are sleep nutrition and exercise and when people get busy your your listeners can hear and see I'm doing air quotes when people get busy, when they believe that they're overloaded The 1st 3 things that fall apart our sleep nutrition and exercise and so their brains are worn out, worn down less equipped, less fueled to handle what it is they have to handle right then when you're overloaded the time that you need to double down on your sleep hygiene and your nutrition and your exercise is right then and entrepreneurs, we suck at that.

I say we, because I still work on it, we suck at it. Oh no I'm busy. I can't I have to go to, no you don't. You have to take care of yourself. Mhm. I've been a little preachy about that because I watch it endlessly and so often people don't change it until they get an unexpected visit to the hospital right again. And also diagnosis or they get it gets worse. But it's like why do people wait until, why do they wait for the baseball bat instead of listening to the whispers? Mm hmm. Yeah. In fia So true. Um it's amazing. So that's where you kind of start with people is when you're working with them is addressing like um these these foundational practices first. Um I know there's a framework you're talking about um and like how people implement this, is that um, something that you could share. Um I can actually look the rewire framework is designed for to support the book because all too often we end up with, you know, half the books on on anybody's shelf.

Our shelf help. Right? You buy them because you like the title, you like the author, you plan to read it and it just sits on the shelf. And and worse, the P Research Foundation five years ago said that only 41% of people who buy a book read past chapter one. So I wanted to put something out there that people would use because honestly I wrote the book that I needed to read when I was starting off as an entrepreneur at God, I needed every day. And it's designed to help you understand and play with taking ownership over your mindset because the cool thing is we don't, this goes back to carl young, We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are, what that means. That by controlling the lens through which we see the world. We change the way we experience it. So change your lens, change your life. And this book is helping folks learn how to change their lens and keep it that way. So the problem with learning is that we try to take big steps infrequently and we don't do it for very long because we're impatient and we're stubborn and we're human.

That's just we want to be a switch flip. Sorry. So what the rewire framework does at the end of each of these chapters in my book, there's a rewire section and requires an acronym. It stands for reflect experiment, right? Investigate revise and expand. And there's six steps to use at the end of each chapter to take what they learned in the chapter and go make it real in their world. It's not another one of those seven steps to seven figures and six secrets to six figures. It's actually a framework that you can use in your world and make this stuff real. And you can if anybody who's listening to this can go to rewire framework dot com and download a sheet that explains what it is and how it works and how to use it with anything you're working on any new mindset. Any new way of thinking, being or doing, use it play with it and see how to make it stick. Oh, I love that. I'm sorry, I'm messing, you're probably seeing it and like messing with my husband, my husband just like dying and they were in my ear, so I was like, so distracted.

Right? Yeah. Um, so I love some of these tips. Um, the framework sounds um super helpful and to, to implement sounds pretty effective if practice. Um, you know, one of those life things happened, my publisher was a lunatic. I ended up leaving the publisher and self publishing, but they delayed it for so long instead of my book coming out in february right before lockdown. Covid lockdown. I ended up releasing it in september during Covid, but I have already started promoting the book. So I put the rewire framework up online for folks to preview and play with and people are kicking back emails and saying, oh my God, I used it for this, Oh my God, I'm using it for that. This really helped me change this. This helped the stick. So, um, I love that it got traction long before the book did. So it's still up there for anybody who wants to play with it. That's cool. And then your book, um, you're talking about, that's the mindset mindset monday. Yes, ma'am. Yeah, very cool.

There's a, I've got an interesting community because it's a little different. It's and I've been struggling with this because the community grew organically around. I do a weekly live broadcast every monday, I do a 10 minute live broadcast on facebook linkedin and Youtube simulcast on clubhouse because I don't know, clubhouse and um, people started interacting during the live and they started interacting before and after when the post came up to announce it and they started communicating with each other, we started a private facebook group that people are part of. And so this, this community has a created, it wasn't intentional, it just started the happen. So the videos are public and pushed into the group and the group has a little place, but it's never morphed into an active, you know, mighty network style community and, and I love how often new people come into play with it because this stuff is live in public.

And on the other hand, I'd love to curate more into the community and yeah, then I'm like, this is, this is real time struggling with it. Just like, do I want to manage the community while I'm, you know, love creating them, I love curating them, love launching them and then like a regular, normal entrepreneur, I'm like, yeah, I'm freaking done and and the, the nurturing it and managing it is the, I keep gut checking. Do I want to and it's hard, that's so, so awesome that you're saying this because I think a lot of people that I talk with money network of say that they want to do something like launch of course. Um, and have a community where because in their goal is to get reoccurring revenue, right? So they're getting something and they're they're getting a paycheck every every month, but not all of them, some of them are very intentional about wanting to bring people together and and specific reasons, but then there's other people that are like, I don't think I have time for that in my life.

And so I think that there's those two conversations and asking those questions before you do anything and you're just letting that organically happen. And they're kind of like creating, you create a space for them to like connect, which is great because you saw a need and you offered something in that supportive please. But to morph it into something that's more curated, you know, more purpose driven intentionality around the space that communities um you have to know, if you have time, you don't have, if you're just or if you don't want to, if you just don't want to sit on, you know, on on an online because communities are lots of time and they take up a lot of and bandwidth and energy and, you know, you've got to want to show up there and if you if it's not if you're like forcing it, like, you know, forcing it out, this is obviously the red flag, this isn't for you, then, you know, just do a course, put it up on teachable or you to me or wherever those places are and then if people want to buy it then they can buy it and then you make money when you're on vacation or Yeah, that's not that, but like you said, that's not community, but that's not community.

Yeah, and I look at, you know, when I look at all the mighty networks that I'm part of and it's either five or six at this point and two of them are just, how blunt can I be? You can be as long as you want, just don't call the people out if you're going to say no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't know, they're just, they're like these holy little communities where the person who created is just pitching constantly. There's no, there's no serving, there's a wanting from, not wanting for so everybody else in the community is using it as to pitch all their crap too, and it's like, oh, I'm so excited to have everybody here is a community and I'm like, I just stepped into a pitch fest and it's sort of like my linkedin inbox, it's gross and it's about 15 to 1 15 posts that are pitchy and one that is actually either heartfelt or giving something, you know, without a link to anything or promotion and it's it's it's gross that you're experiencing that much of that in the money network, but it's not, it's not surprising actually because that's I think there's a again, it's going back to that misconception of what is a community and why are we bringing people together from an audience versus the community?

So if you're building an audience, if you're trying to get followers, you do that on social media, social media is for your brand or your, you know, you have a specific purpose that you're trying to gain people to like you or follow you one way communication. Yeah, yeah and that that that helps, that's a helpful distinction Yeah, social media, It's one way communication, yes, they can message you back, but Please, of that is all outbound to an audience as opposed to a community where there's real give and Take in exchange and three of the groups that I'm in our awesome, I actively want to go engage and check and getting to know the people that are in it more and more about each other. That's what the community is about, I care about the people that are involved. Yeah. What do you like about those? What's the biggest draw that brings you in? Um that was spread out over the globe and so the time shift works out really well and we have from Singapore to California, so we've got a nice wrap and yeah, it's, it makes it easier to communicate with people that and it's not saturated by the other social media crap around it.

You know, we had a facebook group when you're on facebook group, you've got the facebook wrapper around it and it's hugely distraction, distracting and linkedin groups suck. They're just anemic. So Mighty Networks has become sort of the default. We even went through slack for a while, but it's all it's we've coalesced in these groups into mighty networks. Yeah. So how is so are you leading the money network or you are a member? I mean, remember. But are you a member of the money that was posted? All right yet. I am not a mighty network host. So you were talking about that's what you're kind of contemplating at this point is what you're saying. Yes, I begrudgingly. No. I mean, you know, I alternate between begrudgingly and excited and I can't tell which right which one I am at any given moment. Mm hmm. Okay. So for those folks who are listening or angiogram people, I'm anagram seven, it's like it's, it's genetic level fomo I love new things and trying new things and doing a lot at one time.

So a lot of my work is around focusing on what is hell. Yes right now as well as instead of a hell yes, but later. Right, I'm just having things off the hell Yes. List to be able to focus my time, effort, energy and attention. You know, the four currencies that really matter. So and it hasn't bubbled up to a now thing yet and part of it is as we were playing with before. I don't know if I want to and I know, I don't know how to, which is part of why I'm enjoying your network, I'm learning a lot. Yeah, it's interesting um to say that I think a lot of people, yeah, they may be some people think that it's gonna be really easy and that they can set it up quickly and that they'll just start making, you know, all of the, all of a sudden all the people are gonna come in and they're gonna, and that might be the case if you have a big active community, then you're just bringing them over there. Um but I think it's challenging and with as entrepreneurs, we always have a lot of balls in the air and so if there's clients or life or other things that are, you know, getting into getting, maybe not getting in the way, but just, but more priority is there right now, and so it's just not your time, which is okay, which one of the people in our community actually decided the money that was not for her because she really, she put all her time and effort and really tried to like create this space and she started to have webinars in there and she was, I was a member in there and just just have partaken like her experience and she's just like, yeah, this isn't what I want to do, I want to have more time doing other stuff and this isn't it, and so now she's actually going to do an online course and then she's, you know, changing her business structure because she realized she tried it and realized it wasn't for her.

So I think it's great to know yourself you're needed and at least she tested it right, you gotta play with it to know whether it's going to fit. Yeah, for sure. What else, what else can we talk about 15 minutes left I'm gonna ask you, I was asking you earlier about tools um from coaches for you that you use or um that you recommend se tools for coaches. I think physical, I don't like I don't like, I'll be honest, I don't like the software packages that are pitched to coaches because they're all there Jack of all trades, master of None. I think there's a way, particularly with Wordpress, there's a way to create connections between the best of breed platforms that are accessible. And I stayed there for a reason because so many people who did, we have three different Companies and we used infusion soft for five years and the last three years of which we were working to get out of it.

Um it and of course we were doing that at the same time they were launching keep their new flagship product and abandoning development of Infusion Soft. So it was, it was really shitty time to be involved in it. And I I look at what I like the question, what will this look like when it's easy and infusion soft is never the answer. So you know, we're using Entre port for one of our companies and they're sending well over a million emails every year or at least they were. Now it's probably closer to 1.5. Right. And I use active campaign and stripe and key elements that are linked onto woo commerce and key elements that are linked to my Wordpress Wordpress site and I've got a development team that does that and we always look at it in terms of what's the best in breed that integrates with what we have and it makes it full featured. I mean feature rich and easy as possible. Right? The system that gets used, the best system is always the one that gets used and the one that gets used is usually the simplest and we tend to lean towards the complex and complex is not sexy.

Simple as sexy isn't that? You know, it's funny you say that because people are telling me all this time like you know, they wanted have an email list and a campaigns and you know, different things and I said, well what do you really want to do? I want to have 55 cape members. Well then How do you simply get to five paid members instead of All the other stuff? Like let go of the email risks and the building and the social media presence like you know five people or 10 people that you could get on a phone call with and talk to and only all you need is talent lee to schedule a call so that it makes it easier than going back and forth in an email. That's literally all you need to like just start doing something. Like Einstein said there are five levels of Ascending intellect, five ascending levels of intellect. Smart, intelligent, brilliant genius, simple.

I used to say if you can't, if you can't explain it simply, you just don't understand it well enough and our systems should be the same. You know, we have this perverse idea that you know, like I said the fears of the dragon the sweeter, the victory, that's ridiculous, make it easy. And I think I've been really, really working on making things a lot. I'm definitely somebody who has in the past over complicated a lot of things. I think especially in the last year we've been trying to figure out my first year of solo entrepreneurial ship and doing business, trying to like do all of the different things all at the same time. And so people that I talk to you now I say mm hmm do one thing like don't try to do all the things because you just can't and you can't be a master of uh you know, graphic design, you can't, you can't see you have to be the salesperson, the marketing person in the graphic design percent and all the things, but like you don't have to do them all at the same time and all in the same veracity basically because some people are like, well, you know, it started last Year and they've already got, you know, 200,000 followers.

So what, like who cares about that, what is your goal and how does that really sleep with your actions and what you're actually doing and isn't making sense? And so that's what I think I streamline my process just recently because I was doing Using six different applications. I was using like a process where I had a calendar link and people were scheduling a discovery call for my consultation services and then I'd have a discovery call and then I put on, I started using trailer this year and so I had a trailer aboard and then I was, and then I had a google doc so that I was collecting information from them on a google doc. And then I was using um waves for invoicing and then I was using bonzai for collecting or putting together a proposal and so I was like all these different things and then I was looking, I was like this is just why is this so hard? Like this is taking me way too much time, this is just two months ago and I was like, okay, well how can I make this easier for myself and like does any of my tools do all of the things.

And so I was looking at bonds and they said it's called Hello Banzai. It says okay, we'll create you create the proposal, you can have forms that are on buttons and you just press the button and it sends a form like that that you pre created. So I don't have to keep creating forms all the time. Um, it will send the invoice as soon as somebody says they accepted the proposal. So I don't have to go and do that. It actually accounts for all of my buildings. I was going into my accounting and you know, saying I paid my convert kit subscription, I paid my money network subscription, you know, like all of these things for like, so that when I go to my my accountant, all of that's in there And it says this automatically give a subscription. You just say I on the first two of the months, it has this and so automatically says, Okay, Deb claims this until she tells us she doesn't do this anymore. So as far as we know, she's paying $29 a month to congrats it on the 23rd, whatever it is. And instantly I gained like four hours of my life, 78 hours to set up a, you know, just set up all my contacts and imports contact.

But once I had it set up, now I have a system of training leaves and clients and follow up and tasks and streamlining things. And so I feel like I created a system and a process that's the one thing I've been really and maybe you have a good tip on this is like I've been trying to figure out how to create my own system because like I'm just figuring all this out right now, like nobody has a template for what I'm doing. Like I'm creating this thing. And so I think that's what I've spent a lot of time struggling around and I don't know if there's a system that you found that helped you or if there's tools that that did that for you. But that's what I was, that's the one question I was like just thinking of right now that so having had a web company and we did a lot of application design and development. What we saw was most often people were skipping over the foundational work, sort of like we do, we skip over what's important for us and Then later we come back in the 40s and 50's and do this whole work on ourselves instead of doing it along the way.

Same thing that so often when we're looking for what systems to use our platform to use or things to integrate, we start looking at elements out there and seeing how to Frankenstein them together or seeing which one has most of them. And what's important first is to go is is you know crawl before you walk before you run is map out on paper or On a Whiteboard 1st. You can convert it or a mind map map out what you what was ideally how information runs through where it comes from and where it goes. You don't have to have a name for a system. You map how information flows and how people move from state to state. I mean you know condition to condition not state state and map how people and information move through your work and then you can start looking at okay which systems can best meet this platform? I had, I had a client years ago way before coaching who had a Then 15 year old camera brokerage company they bought and sold used camera equipment.

They were largest in the country And they had a old database. I mean like two Tin cans and a string and kind of old database and they wanted to upgrade. So they brought in they we contacted oracle and they sent these two fetuses, I think They were 23. These sales people that came out and this guy walks, you know, walks into the room, puts his little binder down and the guys asked him some questions and he says I have a question for you, how do I know that the oracle platform can handle my business Model. The one that's been working for 50 years and one of the fetuses leans over and says well sir to tell you the truth. Most people adapt their business model to our platform and my my client closed his book and left left it on the table and walked out of the room like, oh my God, no, Silicon is supposed to serve the carbon. The technology is supposed to do with the humans need meaning. You're the people you serve and you not the other way around.

So that what I want to say to coaches all the time is stop it. Look at it from the carbon side, look at from the customer and the client experience and from your experience and then find the technology that matches that. Yeah, that's awesome. Thank you so much for sharing great stories. Very cool. Well thanks for chatting, connect with you and thank you for sharing some of your thoughts and about all of the, all of the things that you've learned um for people listening if they want to connect with you, how is the best way for them? I like making it easy. So the book is called mindset Mondays with D T K. And if you go to mindset Mondays with D T K dot com, you can find information about the book. You'll find another way to download the Rewired Framework and you can also find information about me and what I do out in the world. Well, thank you for sharing. I will have a show notes with links in there when this comes out live. And so everybody will be able to get that information there to uh everybody who's listening. I appreciate you subscribing.

Um I've just been really working on offering this podcast to a couple of different platforms as they were on twitter and on It was the other one I just signed up for. The p was it Pandora? Pandora? Yes. So we're on Pandora Itunes picture. I don't know all the places we're gonna be there. Find common here. Is that you just got to find confidence. Um So hopefully you'll subscribe, let me know what you think about the show. Um Thank you so much. Take care and I hope you're finding calm in this day or moment, wherever you are. And until next time. We'll talk to you later. Mhm.

Episode 38: Find Calm Rewiring your Thinking with David Taylor-Klaus
Episode 38: Find Calm Rewiring your Thinking with David Taylor-Klaus
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