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42. Bring the Energy to Become an Unstoppable Leader w/ Chris Craddock

by Happy Camper Capital
August 13th 2021

Chris Craddock is a successful business leader in his numerous organizations.  His visionary skills propel him to create the energy needed to operate in his zone of genius and sets the tone within ... More

you get a morning routine, that's, that's just unbeatable. You want to win the year. You got to win the quarter to win the quarter. You gotta win the month to win the month. You gotta win the week to win the week, You gotta win the day and to win the day you got to win the morning and if you do that, you're gonna win, you're gonna look back and say, man, I got a lot done this year. We know the building wealth comes from owning businesses and making investments. Yet why still do nearly half of businesses fail In the 1st 5 years and why do others lose it all in their investments? Welcome to the wealth watchers podcast, your resource for building a massive network. We bring real stories from real people who are experts in business and investing, who will share secrets and actionable strategies to amassing wealth and achieving success brought to you by happy camper capital And now your hosts, Justin Hog it and Adam lindy, Welcome back to the wealth watchers podcast. I'm your host, Adam Lundy with me is my co host, Justin Hog it Justin how are you today?

Hey, good adam, how are you doing this week? Doing pretty well. Uh, we're still in Iowa, still slaving away on this Airbnb project we got going on, but nice to get a break to record and talk to another like minded person. Yeah, that's right. And who do we got today? Today? We're bringing on dr chris craddock. Um, he's a multi business owner, real estate investor and broker chris, how are you doing today? I'm doing great. So excited to be here with you guys. Yeah thanks for coming on. Um So chris you know we're going to dive into some talks on business here in a minute. But before we get into that of course I want I want to give you a chance to introduce yourself. Maybe a little about your back story. You know your why what it is, you know why did you do what you do And then we'll go from there. Sure. Yeah so my story, you know I graduated from college and I went on staff with an organization called young life. I loved young life. It was it was amazing. Um I made $20,000 a year. And so when my wife got in young life and uh when my wife got pregnant in 2003 Can't really live in the D. C. area on $20,000 a year.

And so our goal was that she would stay home and raise the kids and um you know kind of you know we we work from that that angle and and you know I had to do something to bring in more money right? Like it just doesn't work at 20 K. Or whatever it was at that point. And so I went out to the library because it was before google was found of all information checked out every book I could on real estate investing including you know Kawasaki's rich and poor dad, which was one of the big, big aha moments for me as far as seeing the world differently. Um, and uh, you know, all these books are investing where they just said go to distress people and talk to them and so I didn't really know what I was doing, but I just went and knocked on doors and people that were going up to auction and It was crazy because I made 12 times what I make in a year in about four months and it was just just nutty but made a bunch of money allowed me to continue doing ministry stuff for a long time. But I had more kids, more and more kids have six kids now and uh, and now we're done, you know, but six kids and uh, finally figured out what caused them And then uh, then uh, but during that time I always lead large groups of people in ministry and so I had gone back to school, got a doctorate in leadership and so lead large groups of people and then when the money started running out again in like 2011 or so I started flipping houses again and one thing led to another, I got a real estate license because a lot of those houses were short sales at the time and the banks are paying a commission.

So I'm like, heck, might as well get a real estate license and so then I read Gary kellers booked a millionaire real estate agent and that book showed that there was a path to make seven figures in a relatively short period of time. And so you know you build, you build this team and you can really grow a business um That makes a lot of money where it's not just, we talked about this before, you know just not trading time for dollars but actually building a business. And so um so that's what I did and then through that process I realized that there were so many other ancillary businesses um that you know are synergistic to the real estate agent business. Plus I was an investor and so just all of these things together we just continued starting new businesses and uh yeah they just kind of fed each other and it's just been an awesome wild ride. Yeah. You know the mara is otherwise known as one of my favorites, you know and I think it's a good model, not even just for a real estate business but you can use that for any business on how to scale and grow? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah mara, you know the lingo.

Come on I've got kw blood at me. Are you are you a real estate agent as well? Are you are you licensed? I'm a recovering real estate agent. Yeah I've still got my license. Um you know but we've we've moved on to another venture in a happy camper capital. Cool. Co co co yeah, that's great. That's great. Yeah. It's so funny because a lot of people, um, you know, one of the big things I work on is like the ri revived thing and the whole idea behind it was like, like the agents live in this one world, investors live in this other world and so rarely are they coming together. And so, but it's so funny because you talked to anybody that's massively, uh, involved in the investor world and either them or somebody in their organization is licensed. And so a lot of times new investors get in and they think that they want nothing to do with the real estate license, but it successfully excludes, why do, why does every single big investment company either have the principal or somebody in the organization license? There's, there's something to it, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you need to go out and sell retail real estate, but, but there is something to this like meshing together, I believe 100%.

Um, so what is ARIA revived? So I revived is that idea that it's a program. So for me personally, when I was growing my retail business, what happened was, um, I got my, I guess it was the year between my second year in my third year or maybe, yeah, something, something like that. I essentially was working so hard and just doing so many more deals like myself and I just clawed and scraped to do like I think we did a couple million dollars more in volume that year. And I came across a buddy who like a mentor who essentially said chris if you're the business owner, your job is to be the rainmaker. You need to figure out how to make, uh, make big things happen and you gotta stop thinking small, which is how do I get one more deal? How do I get to more deals? But every time you, you do anything, every time you touch something you need to be thinking, how do I get five more deals? 10 more deals, 50 more deals. And so I, that just, that struck me deep in my core and I sat back, I started thinking about it and I realized there's two places where I, I feel like I've got some like a genius zone like where I've really, really gone into it.

One is builders because I spent so much time with investors and builders and all of those people because they're building tons of houses. They need people to sell them and get them done. But the other is like the investor and you look at most investors and right, if if I send out direct mail marketing, if I send out, do any sort of marketing, I get 20 people that raise their hand and say I want to sell my house in the next six months right up those 20 people, maybe four of them are gonna say I'm willing to sell, I'm in distress and I'm willing to sell at a massive discount, right, 65 75 cents on the dollar. And then maybe out of those four, you get one of those to close up on a wholesale deal or a fix and flip or whatever. Buy and hold, you know, whatever that that deal is right there, you have to fight like crazy for that. But what happens to those other 19 people that raise their hand and said, I want to sell? Well, the deal is somebody's going to get paid. It's just not you right, unless you have more tools in your tool belt and that's, that's just like where we built these synergistic businesses, right? You wanna not, what's the old, the old axiom?

If you've only got a hammer, everything looks like a nail, right? So like that's that whole idea there is how can you make sure that you're getting paid when that when those deals come in that don't fit your by box. And so I teach people how to, how to connect with real estate agents, how to how to pass off those deals in a way that works because most of the time they don't work. And then how those agents can close those deals and get it done and where you can get paid for it. Yeah. And if that investor has their license, they are, they can catch a referral fee for that one 100% and that's what makes it so, so, so simple. But the problem is, most investors don't realize that they can, um, they can monetize it or were, they do do this where they kick it out to agents to go do stuff with it, but they almost never ever see a good return on it. I mean, heck I've got one pretty big investor. They were doing the one that I actually built all this around. They were not doing much business at all in this front.

And all these deals were sitting dead in their crm. And at this point my team personally kicks over $60,000 a month to this investment group like a month, that's three quarters of a million dollars a year, that's found money. And so for us as business owners, you've gotta, I do love, I love Grant Cardone and the whole idea that he just is like, push hard, make stuff happen, get it done. Um, and his whole idea is, is top line focused on the top line. The bottom line, you know, focused on itself. But I personally, I disagree a little bit like, I just don't think that, I think you need to fight like crazy for the top line, but I think you also need to look at the bottom line because if you have deals that there's just not efficiencies in your, in your organization, there's deal sitting dead in your, in your crm and you can like, I mean, I just don't know many companies where if you find three quarters of a million dollars in a year, that that doesn't make your year a lot better, but you don't have any more money for, right? Yeah, no doubt. Okay. So that's, I mean, it makes sense though too.

I mean, how many if if you're only focused on that one thing that distressed property, if you're that investor, obviously, how many potential listing opportunities are you bypassing? And I guess how many other places that come up in business? You know, that's something that we think about, You know, as we, uh, you know, in our business where we're buying RV parks, you know, we, there are a lot that don't fit the mold for us. Of course I'm listening to is now going shoot. We should be, we should be handing these off, we have licenses, we should be referring these two commercial agencies. People put their hands up and said they wanted to sell how to capitalize on every turn? Absolutely. There's actually one of my favorite analogies again, This just goes to a different business world. Have you heard that Tony Robbins talks about it all the time. The lumber mill. Uh, story. No, I haven't heard that one. So essentially these lumber mills, I mean, they're like, most investors as much as I hate saying this, but it's true. Most investors, I know, and probably like you guys are not making a killing, they're just seeking by and then some of them actually are making a killing, right? The ones that actually really focus on it and treat it like a job and not like a hobby.

Um, and just say I'm going to be all in and just because you treat it like a job doesn't mean that you're gonna make a killing, right? I don't want to minimize the efforts of other people that are working their butts off, right? So, um, but what I, what I, what I thought was so amazing is these lumber mills, they were just barely eking by and somebody got the idea that the byproduct the stuff that they were throwing away the sawdust that they could repackage that and repurpose it and then they started selling the sawdust for fuel, they started compressing it, making particle board, they started doing all of these different things with the sawdust where they could repurpose it and sell it and they went from like across the board, all these lumber mills that were just eking by barely making a profit became massively profitable because they were selling their byproduct they were throwing away. And so it's just like that um, like that other investor where they were making, uh, they were making money, they were doing very well, but all of a sudden they go from, you know, doing well to adding, you know, $60,000 a month that you're not paying an extra cent for, because you've already paid for it, just like the lumber mill and the sawdust and then boom, what happens?

You guys just told the story right there, You know, you guys bring in a lot of sellers that are going to sell these parks raised their hand, but it doesn't fit your buy box, Can you monetize that in a way that's gonna like, I mean, just be mind blowing and then what happens if you bring in, let's say just an average sized investors, what happens if you bring in an extra 10 $15,000 a month? You know that you can, you can either pocket it, but if you're like, most business owners that I know you're gonna take at least a little bit of that and reinvest it because we like to think big, right? So anyway, that's that's one of those things where I'm just like, man, this is where you look for efficiencies and this is where most people don't understand what's going on here and where they can make a fortune. Yeah, no, that's that's a great concept. I guess anybody who's driving for dollars, you know, making cold calls, sending out mailers, I mean, this is something to think about. I think we've got a lot of sawdust on our floor right now. Absolutely, absolutely, Yeah, I mean, yeah, anyway, that, that's the big thing I've been, I've been talking to a lot of new investors just telling them, you know, go drive for dollars.

You know, it's it's the easiest way it doesn't cost you anything. I tell everybody, you know, go get the drive for dollars app that I I recommend and uh go out there, do it. And then uh, and then what happens when you get people that raise their hand right? Like most of them are going to buy and sell at your price. So make money, make money anywhere you can right and out of curiosity, which app do you recommend? I think I love deal machine and you know, anybody that uses it, they give a special discount. I've got a code uncommon and if you use that, you'll get a get a massive discount on it. And so that that to me is just, it's just great because literally you just pull it up and you just click click, click click the ones that the ones that are distressed are the ones that are run down and it just makes it so simple. I think the best in the world. Make the complex, simple. And so I think that that's one of the simplest ways to get started and then once you've monetized, once you've made money from it, not only not only do you have like some information so that you can then scale, but also there's a piece inside of us that any time we do something new, even the most confident of us have this little bit of insecurity and so I think that's why it's so important for us to get a deal done, get something done so that you have that like it, it just steals your soul to go out and like start making big big things happen because yeah.

Anyway, Yeah. And you gave like the grant Cardone example, I mean it's a good point that yeah, you can drive revenue all day long. But you know what I mean? If you aren't keeping your expenses in check and if you aren't looking for other, you know, income opportunities that you're already sitting right in front of you, I mean you'd be burning at both ends and really the goal of course and all of this is that we should be working as little time as possible to maximize that income. Yeah, I'll tell you again, there's a little bit off topic, but if you'll indulge me for one second, um I, I have, I've got so many friends in the real estate industry, like both investor and retail, but When I learned this early on, so I got invited to this mastermind and I met this person and her company was bringing in almost $5 million dollars in commissions. And so I'm like taking notes on everything just like I'm newer, right? I've just got invited to the big kids table. I've always been at the kids table now, I'm at the big kids table and so I'm like taking notes and I'm like man, everything they're talking about here seems so darn expensive like, but I guess that's what I need to do to to make to make big money in this, in this industry then that's what I need to do.

And so we started talking and at the very end the person got real with me and I found out that the person was netting right around $100,000 a year right there bringing in six, almost $5 million and netting 100,000 like one small little blip changes in the real estate market and you're losing money. And so all of a sudden I started I realized that it's not about top line, Stop listening. All these people. I mean man, you get on instagram, everybody's like I made you know six figures last week and then you're like okay, that's awesome. And then you talk to the people offline and you realized, yeah their top line with six figures but it cost him $99,000 to earn that 100,000 and they made no money, right? So like everybody, it's smoke and mirrors and that's actually one of the things that I really love about Gary Keller was over the last few years. He changed, he was only at first it was everybody's top line, but then they started looking at everybody's P. And L before they started allowing people to speak because I'll tell you what, who cares how much money you make, it's how much money you keep that really matters.

Amen to that. Yeah. We we've been looking at some RV parks and we had this particular broker that keeps telling their clients well your park is worth for Give or take four times your gross income and we're like you're way off there like that doesn't account for anything with scares with more times your gross income. That I'll tell you what if you can find that guy, I've got a lot of things I'd like to sell with trouble is they're not selling a lot, we're not buying. Yeah but then it puts a false security with the seller. You know like oh you know they told me my park is worth this much money and then you're trying to give them a realistic offer based on the actuals the P. And L. Like you say. And and then they get pissed at you like like we're dumb. You know? So it's the worst. You know I mean? And that's the thing I mean uh so many people want to just listen to what somebody's telling them and it's it's foolish.

It's just foolishness because yeah like yeah I don't know and that's that's part of the real estate industry, right? Is there so many people in the real estate industry that are just not good at what they do, they just jump in. But they don't educate themselves, they don't do this And so it's it's dangerous when you're dealing with people that are are doing something with people's biggest assets out there and they're not not get anything done, like that's that's real legit. Um as far as getting things sold and people have these false expectations that end up never materializing. Yeah, Well, and you know, I mean when you mentioned the M. R. A. At the beginning, of course the millionaire real estate agent, um you know, one of the things that I really take away from that is, you know, it's it's it's about how you build a business of course, as we discussed and one of the things I think that not to be a sales pitch for Keller Williams, but I say one of the things that did really well for me in business was taught me how to use models and systems not, I mean why reinvent the wheel every time when you can take something, somebody else has already done a success plan and implement it, you know, and that and that applies to a lot of business.

Yeah, and that's that's the crazy thing, you know, I do I do love Kw I I've since switched over to E XP myself recently, but I still, I'm a I'm a huge fan of Keller Williams. Um but you know, I I really do think that Gary Keller, I think Gary Keller and and the Zillow guys are probably the two smartest people in uh in the real estate industry. Like out there. Like they're just just so great. But one of the things Gary talks about as far as building a business is that your business earns the right to build out the orc chart, right? So if you lead with revenue then you can earn the right to hire that next higher. And there's a book that I really, really love um called Clockwork. Have you guys read clockwork? Have you heard a profit first? Um mike mcalary first. So he also wrote this book, Clockwork. It's like how to run your business, like clockwork, you know essentially how can you step out of it and have it run? And one of the things that I just really, really loved, like I had a year, two years ago where I wanted to move from a place where all my businesses, I'm working into working on them, where they actually run like businesses and not just high paying jobs.

So I ended up getting a handful of books that I read like, like my bible right to, to really learn how to scale. And one of them was clockwork. And I, the one takeaway I took from clock. There were a couple of really great ones, but the biggest one was he said if you really wanted a business and not a job by a sticky note, right? A sticky note pad and just everything you do for the next two weeks, just write it on the sticky note pad, boom, put it on the wall sticky note pad, put it on the wall and you just do that. And then at the end of the two weeks you look at all those things that you did and then you start taking out the stuff that you can take off that you really shouldn't be doing right? And then you, you hire somebody or or get somebody in your organization to take that off your plate so that you can spend your time really working. And what I like to call your genius zone, right? So I've got a big sign in my office that says, are you in your genius zone? I've got the four things that I've narrowed it down to, I'll probably narrow it down moreover, overcoming time. But that's, that's the whole idea is if I'm doing the things in my genius zone, my income goes way, way, way, way up and, and that's what, what I realized that first year that I broke netting over a million dollars.

That first year was um, was by getting stuff off my plate I shouldn't be doing. I mean heck steve jobs on, on the iphone, right? He says the reason the iphone exists, I guess it was the ipod, but the reason it exists because he said no to 100 great ideas but stayed in his genius. So yeah, I heard the story with him was that when he came into Apple, they had about, Let's just say 40 products or so that they were working on. And none of them seriously. And once they slashed their product offering down to four or five products, you know, they really took market share. It became a leader pretty quick. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. So you, you backing up to uh, some, some pre show talk. You mentioned you have 10 or 11 different businesses. Uh, explain some of them and how they all work together. Cool. Yeah, sure. So I've got my retail business. I've already talked about it. I've got an insurance business. Anybody that buys the house needs to buy insurance. I've got, and I'm sure I'm gonna forget some experience to go through, but you get part of it.

The cool thing is, you know, the only way to have that many businesses is if you have actually, I had a mentor say this to me once is that every business has to have its own folder with a person's face on it that owns that business and that face needs to not be yours. Right. And so, um, so yeah, anyway, some of them are out of mind. So I want to make sure I remember. So I've got my, uh, my retail business. I've got my insurance business. I've got a title business. I've got a construction business. Um, I've got a business called legal shield, which I think legal shield is amazing if you never heard of it. Basically every investor in the country should should uh Subscribe to legal shield for like $39 a month. You unlimited billable hours talking to an attorney. And I'll tell you what every investor I know has so many times where they're like man I should talk to an attorney about it. But well this sounds good, I don't want to pay 500 bucks, I'll just try it. It's crazy. Um So legal shield is great and actually it's it's I almost didn't get into it because it's based like an MLM where you get paid when people sign up under you.

But but then the more one of my buddies talked me into trying it and then I needed it. Um And it worked great. Save me a fortune in legal fees. So I was like this is great, I love it. Now. I'm the biggest fan ever. Um Legal shield. I said construction, I've got a flipping business. I've got a big rental empire. Empire. It needs to be an empire portfolio. It's good, it's getting to an empire right now. It's like a it's not a dynasty yet. It's like uh you know what the bucks, you know they're just 11 right now. I've got I think it's uh you know seven or eight here in the D. C. Area. No actually just got a new one last week. So uh 99 rental properties here in the D. C. area. Um What else? A member of the XPS so have the down line business in the XP. My wife is the uh is a branch manager for a mortgage business so we have the mortgage piece as well. Oh man I know there's some more than I'm missing but but yeah that's that's it.

Oh I've got a coaching business. I'm uh I mentioned ari I revived so I coach with uh with wholesaling ink and I teach people how to scale their business. So anyway I'm sure there's more but I that's a good spread so and you aren't involved in the day to day then. So as you said your face isn't on those folders. The only one my face is still on is uh is the retail business. And I am working like crazy. Um I've been hiring like mad to get myself to a place where that is not uh that's not the case. I'm not still selling you know I'll still sell you know maybe like 12 or 13 you know kind of high dollar. Like I'm I'm selling a $2.6 million cabinet member for the last administration right? So like I'll still do some like really high level stuff but more of that is because you know on the disc profile I'm a high D. Which is a driver decisive like make things happen but I'm also very high I so you know if I can do business and jim Collins talks about the genius of the ending in the book, good to great if I can do do business and hang out with people I want to hang out with.

That's awesome. I really like that absolutely well and kind of going back to what you were hinting it of course you called your genius zone, you know, I like the Peredo principle of course, just your 20%. Um you know, I mean that's that's allowing you to now delegate all of those jobs. That wouldn't be your strength. You know, those things would be best left with an s heresy on the profile and you get to focus on just the stuff that is I mean not only energizing for you but also of course the highest money making stuff. So yeah, it's fantastic use of delegation. That's one of the genius zone pieces is you probably can tell them a pretty high energy guy, you know, the book, high performance habits, Brandon Bouchard says one of those is that a leader, high performer creates energy. And so that's one of those things I'm already high energy guy. But I but then there's extra stuff I do to build energy for myself and then also put energy into the organization's I'm a part of. So yeah, 100%. I just want to throw that out there because I think that's that's something that a lot of times leaders don't realize that it's still their job if the energy level is going down an organization, it's your job to infuse that energy to the organization.

Yeah. And even if you're focused on growing yourself out of the top of the business as the M. R. A. Would say going to level seven. Um you know that may be a point when you have to, you have to pause because you might not be ready to go to that level yet. You know people who scale too quick also, you know they see some negative side effects. Yeah 100% dead on head on. Yeah and that's the whole thing though. I mean for me I think that uh in scaling a business, the best thing you can do is get around other people that have already been there um and already doing that stuff. So for me personally I spend over I think it's over $100,000 a year now on coaching and mentoring and masterminds because Tony Robbins refers to it as compressing decades in the days right? If you can figure out um if you can go back and learn from other people and not make those same mistakes that they made because they're telling you the path and then you follow the path, that's how you win and that's how you went fast and that's how you went big. I mean actually a buddy of mine, we were talking about this.

I keep talking about this, you know everywhere I go. Um But we were talking about what would you pay if you could go back five years, create a pill of everything, you know right now and give that to yourself five years ago and then now in five years ago, you know everything, you know today, how much would you pay for that pill? I'm just like, like what would be would be your number? Yeah, It's hard to put a number on that, right? I mean, But certainly a lot, you know, over a few million probably. Yeah. Look at the arbitrage and then just borrowed the money to buy it five years ago. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Yeah, it's worth millions, it's worth millions in my opinion. Yeah, I mean, and that's that whole thing is is, you know, that's why I spend money on coaching. That's why spend money on masterminds. Because because we pay for speed. This business, all you gotta do is get a little bit better. And the amount of money you can make on being a little bit better is crazy. But what happens when you get a lot better?

Right? And so that goes back to what I say, everybody's um in order to really, really go next level its activity and skill right? Are you doing enough activity? Right? Even if it's bad activity? Do enough activity? Just work push ahead. Bright ahead, massive imperfect action. But then skill, what happens if you actually get good at what you're doing good at what you're saying? So that activity all of a sudden gets focused into where it should be. You know, that's, that's that real, real key to really leveling up and then bring other people on the journey with you and teach them how to have that same focus and hone skill so then you can eventually leverage yourself out. Love it. Yeah, 100%. Yeah. Well good. That's got me energized. You know, obviously kind of, you know, want to dive into a little bit more because we're talking about the sawdust on the floor and we do of course have a lot of real estate investors in our audience. So how does Ari I revived work? Yeah. So what we do is the first thing we do is help people realize, although if they're jumping in the program, they have already come to that pain point and realize it.

But most people, the problem is, most people don't even realize their pain point, right? They don't realize, oh man, I've got $10,000 every month that has been sitting on the table. So all of a sudden they see it and they're like, oh yeah, just like you guys right? All of a sudden you guys look at each other like we got a lot of sawdust on the floor. You know, we're all of a sudden you realize that. So so once they realize that people join the program and what I teach them is how do you pick the right agent, right? And so here's a business principle. Like for everybody is the people you run with will dictate your future, right? So there's another book in scaling a business who not how by dan Sullivan, it's a great, great book. And the whole idea is who you bring into your world will absolutely dictate how big your world gets right. And so, um, you've got to pick the right agent and I'll tell you this is what we look for in the agent that we pick and this is what I would say you look for. Even if you're not in real estate, this is what you should look for. And anybody you bring into your organization somebody that's happy, right?

Because if they're not happy where they were, if somebody complains about their boss, if somebody complains about where they were, they're old organization, it's just a matter of time before they're going to complain about you and your your organization, right? So somebody is happy. Somebody that's hungry, right? If the door is closed, you want to find a window that they're crawling through, right? I had a buddy asked me about this agent. It was a good close friend of his that he wanted to bring on. He's like, yeah, he didn't really work last year because of Kobe. He just wanted to take the year off because he could get paid and I was like dude that that's not the biggest warning sign I've ever seen. I was like I don't know about you, but my butt's always burning. If I were taking a year off like I go crazy right? Like I am, I'm always looking for like the next the next thing and that's somebody you just need to have this internal fire right? That you can throw gasoline on because you rip open their heart. There's a heart of a lion, that's who you want to be in business with your open up their heart and there's like heart of a hamster in there like you're just not gonna, you know, you're not gonna win with that person, right? So happy, hungry, humble. And here's one of the big things a lot of times people um they think that humility and arrogance is like the same thing and it's not humility humility and confidence can be the same thing.

Not always, but they can be the same thing. So just because somebody is massively confident doesn't mean they're not humble, right? I'm pretty confident, pretty confident guy, but I'll tell you what there is not a day where I'm not listening to people that I know are better than me. I spent at least an hour and personal development every day. And so where I'm listening to people that are better than me, where I'm calling people that I know are better than me in certain areas. I put myself at their feet, I give them freedom to call me out, I'm a great sales person so I can sell myself on my own Bs and make myself believe that I'm doing the right things when actually I'm not. So I give them the freedom to call me out because the wounds of a friend or better than the kisses of an enemy. And so that's that whole idea there. And then the last one is smart and smart isn't just um high I q I don't care what you got on your S. A. T. S, but here's the thing are you seek you are you are you emotionally intelligent? Can you, can you read the room, can you read people? And then here's the other thing by being smart. Are you a fast learner? Right?

Um there's a keith Cunningham has a book um that I think is amazing. The road less stupid. And the whole idea behind that road less stupid is are you paying the stupid tax by making the same mistake over and over and over again? Or are you like the person that says okay, I went into this meeting? I didn't get the sale if I had Groundhog Day where I could do it over and over and over again 100 times until I got the sale. How would I make sure that I got that sale and so that I walk out and I don't make the same mistake again or I don't walk out. And I say, oh, that person was such an idiot and blame other people when you got to take personal responsibility on yourself. So happy, hungry, humble and smart. So you're looking for an agent there. I don't know if you want to take a break on that unpack any of that, but okay, So, so that's what, that's what you're looking for when you go into business with an agent with Ari I revived. But I'll tell you anybody you bring into your your organization or anybody you partner with. If they don't have those four characteristics, I'll tell you what, say next move on, find somebody else because those aren't your people. Right.

Um, Then the next thing is, um, you got to figure out how to uh, how to look bring up those old dead leads, right? If you're an investor and you have a big Crm of old dead leads, I'll give you a nice little trick here. Send out a mass text to everybody in your crm right there in your crm. So you're not dealing with the texting rules and all the other stuff because you've already had some sort of communication with them. But send out a mass text to everybody and say this. Um, are you still looking to sell your property? If you got the right price for it. I'll tell you what, from that single text we just took uh, you know I have a wholesaler out there who sent that text out to 800 something people, we set 29 appointments from that text. Right? Boom. It energized. It shakes it up. I don't know if you've heard of the term of a rocker box but a rocker boxes essentially what they would put all the all the golden and then shake it up. Um And then like the rocker box would would essentially bring the gold to the top and all the dirt and stuff would fall out.

So that that text is a good little rocker box, right? So you do that and then you've got to be able to hand those leads off to an agent, right? So with it I'll just again here's another little quick tip. Don't say don't ever say, hey this doesn't fit our buy box, I'll set you up with an agent. Everybody's brothers uncle is a real estate agent. More people cut hair. Like you literally have to go through school longer to cut hair than you do to get a real estate license. Right? So don't they're gonna say my brothers uncles an agent, I don't need to talk to an agent that's the whole key there, make sure you just set them up and then you send them out they've got to yeah anyway I'm going I'm going way too like long on this. I feel like I've been talking too long but the bottom line is you got to have your system in place and then they also got to know, um, I'll just finish by saying this, the agent that walks in has to understand their scripting and dialogue, right? Somebody that talks to an investor and says I'm willing to sell to an investor. Um, they know they're going to take a discount on, on the property or at least some sort of perceived discount by selling to an investor.

So there's usually one of five reasons why they have spoken to an investor and that agent needs to understand that one. They need to sell fast, right? They, they are moving or they're in distress of foreclosure or something like that is going on to. Um, they don't want to pay agent commissions. Three maybe they're massively private right there hoarders and they don't want their neighbors to see what they've done inside the house. Right? Um, for they don't want people coming in their house day or night and they want the convenience of it. When I traded my, my car in for my truck, I knew I make 2500 bucks more if I sold it on craigslist, but I didn't want people coming over my house test drive my car, trying to beat me up over it. Like it's not worth my time. I just rather the convenience. I'll take less money and just go turn it in, trade it in and then last is, um, I said the convenience there. Oh, they think the house is too jacked up to sell in the mls, So if you know that it's one of those reasons why they're talking to an investor, then the agent can go in and literally, um, I use this analogy earlier, but you're like a tiger playing with hamsters because you know what they're gonna say, you've already got the better response to it and you're handling it like a pro rather than just trying to figure it out on the, on the run.

I'm sorry. I feel like I just spoke for like, you know, it's good, it's good stuff and our listeners gonna love it. A lot of good points there too. And you know, back to your first one just on picking the right person to work with. I mean, you know, I I completely agree with the happy, hungry, humble and smart. Um, you know, I'm, I really prefer to hire slow fire fast, you know that kind of mentality because yeah, like you said, who you partner with makes a big difference. And when it comes to converting these, you want to make sure that you're getting someone who is going to convert them at a high rate. So, you know, as many gold nuggets as you mentioned of course can come out of this as possible and not fall through the sieve. Um, you know, obviously, you know, for, for your program, the way this works, you need to have a real estate license to really monetize this. Um But for that person who does um what's what's the process of getting started? Well, yeah, so actually there are some other ways to do it if you don't have a real estate license. Um You can also bring somebody into your your organization, 25% of agents in heavily every mls zero transactions a year zero.

So you can actually just call a local broker and talk and and ask them to connect you with one of the people that do zero transactions and the broker will be really happy to connect you because those people are gonna wash out. And so it allows them to monetize stuff and actually keep people in their organization making money so that that broker can make money too. So um so there are other ways I go into more in depth on how to find those people, how to pitch that, how to bring them in. Um A lot of the big organizations that I talked to um the principal isn't licensed, but somebody else in their organization is, and as long as they, I don't want to get too far in the weeds. But as long as they have a D. B. A. Which is called a doing business as, and they run their license through that LLC or whatever the entity is, then they're able to get paid through that entity. And uh anyway, a lot of, a lot of the big brokerages that the owners of the brokerage are not licensed, but somebody else in those brokerage are licensed. So there's, there's stuff there for that, but if you want to get started, um you can go to my website prescribing dot com, we look at your your business, see if it's a good fit because it's not a great fit for everybody, but for a lot of people that are bringing in leeds, most people, they're bringing in leeds, it's it's a great fit for them.

Um, so, but chris credit dot com, and, uh, and we can set up a call, see if it's a good fit for you. Perfect chris uh, you know, I could stay and talk for hours about business with you. I think we're very like minded in that, and of course, especially we've got some of the same background, so, but that said, um, you know, I think this has definitely got some value for our investors who are listening. Um, I think it's great idea, great concept. Um, you know, we're going to dive into our wealth watchers brain pick because what we want to know a little bit more about what goes on in that head of yours over there, and uh, yeah, so, just take it away. All right, chris so five questions I know you've kind of touched on a lot of these already, but um, the first one will be, what is your superpower, unique natural ability? Oh man. So I would say high energy is, is probably it, that's like my number four, my genius zone. So uh yeah, I just, I was built with a lot of energy and then I, I do a lot to cultivate it and make sure that I bring massive amount of energy, you know, to wherever I am in the world. Okay. Yeah, I kind of figured you might say that if you were to go back 3-5 years, what might you have done differently? So kind of taking that pill for say, but what would you have done that you wish you could have um fought harder to get into relationship with high level, high, like high level people that are a couple of steps above me.

I worked on that a lot, but I didn't realize how important that was until a few years ago in, you know, increasing my learning curve. Um you know, to where I was at and let me expand on that just one second. So where's a good spot to search? Well, what I did was at least once a week I listened to a lot of podcasts and so at least once a week I would find somebody that I really, really dug their vibe. I thought they were really awesome. I kind of, you know vibe with them and I would just reach out to them and You know, just keep keep reaching out until I could get on a phone call with him for like 15 minutes and uh if I do it over again, I would have made, I was I was working, my goal was one person a week. I probably would have tried to, I know I would have worked a lot harder to get on with one person a day because I do believe that would have just changed my my learning curve by a lot. Got it. Uh So where you headed the next 3 - five years? Oh bro, I'll tell you, I want to take, take what I'm doing and and again it's still from Grant Cardone 10 X 100 exit, you know and the way to do that is the people that you run with um I'm looking to top grade which is a great book by the way uh top grade in all of my organizations, bringing other people that are just massively smart people and bring them into my life into my world so that so that we can win.

You know, one of the things that I've learned is um john Maxwell talks about this a lot, like you gotta be a level five leader which is a leader that attracts people that are the same level as you. But the only way to do that is if you are learning and you are growing and your ceiling isn't so low that a high level person is gonna outgrow you. So I'm I'm just focused on growing like crazy myself so that I can attract people that are going to feel like they're outgrowing me pretty quickly. Love it. What is your favorite book on business or money? If you could pick one man, can you give me, can you indulge me and let me have a couple? Yeah well you know we've heard very many as a christian guy. I'm you know, I think the bible is huge, I mean it's it's absolutely uh completely uh you know dictated how I look at my my life and how I look at money but I love think and grow rich, richest man in Babylon, Rich dad, poor dad, I think all those are good. I love Dave Ramsey.

If you're in debt, if you're, if you're massively in debt, he's going to help you get out of debt. But Dave Ramsey isn't gonna help you get really crazy wealthy, but he's gonna help you get out of debt. So if you're in a bad place of debt, read Dave Ramsey, but as soon as you get to get out of that move to like Kiyosaki stuff like all of the rich dad, poor dad, richard man in Babylon all that stuff moved to that because that's how you're gonna get wealthy. Yeah, completely. Yeah exactly. Uh and then um you had mentioned a little before but what is your biggest, a ha moment. Yeah, I mean ah ha moment I'll tell you one of the masterminds. I mean there's a life slash business coach that uh, that made us go through everything. Um, you know, basically do a life map and I realized every leveling up in my life always coincided with a new relationship that I, I formed. And so, um, the biggest a ha moment is, you know who you run with matters, Show me, show me your friends. I'll show you your future, right? Your network is equal to your net worth always.

Yeah, awesome. And um, I'm going to add one more just because I'm pretty curious, you mentioned your routine included an hour day for personal development. What other tips and tricks do you go through on your routine each day that, that help you grow? Um, well, I would say the number one thing is my morning routine, I am a nighttime person by nature, right? Like in college I would go to sleep about the time I wake up now, but I'll tell you like successful excludes, right? You don't find books out there with like these awesome, successful somebody's gonna tell me one day of some outlier out there somewhere, but you don't find these people that roll out of bed at like 10 a.m. And they're changing the world, right? They wake up early. They get their stuff done over and over and over again, study after study says you have more willpower or more energy, more zoom in the morning, but I'll tell you, I used to always say to myself, I'm more creative at night, I think better at night. I have no distractions at night. All these other things, you know, I'm better in my underwear, the computer at like 11 30 at night than I am in the morning where I'm groggy, you know, all the other stuff out there, but I'll tell you when you get the morning routine done and so here's my morning routine.

I wake up early. I write down all my goals, right? The goals energize you. Um, I read my bible because I want to feed myself spiritually. I pray for people in my life because I wanna, you know, just, I want to build into those people. I go down, I got a gym in my basement, I work out my basement every morning while I'm working out, I'm listening to some sort of book or podcast that makes me think bigger. Um, genius at the end and then you know, I eat and building my kids, go upstairs shower, I'm usually listen to something. I gotta bluetooth water proof speaker. So I think like an athlete when they're getting ready to go in, I'm a corporate athlete. So I'm gonna go out and get ready. Um, got to kill it in the day and then uh, and then I do the things that I need to do in the morning that is going to get it done. So that's, that is like the one piece right there is if you get a morning routine, that's, that's just unbeatable. You want to win the year, you got to win the quarter to win the quarter, you gotta win the month to win the month, you got to win the week to win the week, you got to win the day and to win the day, you got to win the morning and if you do that, you're gonna win, you're gonna look back and say, man, I got a lot done this year. That's right.

You know, and we're both advocates of Miracle morning love that. Uh, sounds like a little bit of what he explained there, but definitely, uh, you know, morning routines are awesome. So great, well thank you chris. Yeah, you know, and I just kind of, before we close up, I just want to say, you know, we've got a lot of people come on and have a lot of great different offerings and you know, and there's some people have good sticks and good tools, but I can tell that there's an authentically good and high energy businessman behind Ari I revived here. So certainly something that I'm going to look into more and want to know more about because you know, we discussed sawdust on the floor, but um more just because I, you know, iron sharpens iron and I want to be around more people like you. So Chris really appreciate you giving us your time today for coming on. I was a pleasure speaking with you. Thank you guys. This is awesome, love hanging with you guys. Yeah, thanks. Right. This has been another episode of the wealth Watchers podcast. I'm your host, Adam Wendy for my co host, Justin Hoggatt and I have a great day. Thanks for listening. All right guys, have a good one. Thanks until next time. Thank you for listening to wealth Watchers. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on your podcast.

Player of Choice. If you found value in this episode, please share it with one person. You know who could benefit from these tools and strategies. For more information on wealth watchers, please visit Happy Camper capital dot com. Mhm. Yeah, Yeah. Mhm.

42. Bring the Energy to Become an Unstoppable Leader w/ Chris Craddock
42. Bring the Energy to Become an Unstoppable Leader w/ Chris Craddock
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