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E36: Mobility Goals with Dr. Marcia

November 2nd 2020

In this episode, Marybeth and Marcia explore the tips and tricks for all the magic that happens outside of the gym, before and after your workouts. Our disabled bodies deserve to move well and enjo... More

this is disabled girls who lift. We are reclaiming what's rightfully ours. One podcast at a time, it's mary beth Chloe and Marcia bringing you the thoughts and unpopular topics to get you out of that? A bliss comfort zone. Mhm Hello? Hello, thanks for coming back for another episode of disabled girls who lift if this is your first episode while welcome, stick around. We got a ship ton of episodes for you to listen to. This is Marsha from south florida, also known as the Land of the Seminole tribe. Hey y'all, it's mary beth through California, Aloni. Try about here. So last episode we talked a little bit about physical therapy, month injury and recovery and really breaking down. We'll listen to your body kind of means. So I figured we should spend some time talking about what to do with your body. Um a little bit on mobility and movement and whatever from the perspective of an actual licensed person who learned about movement.

Um so before we even really get into it, let's just talk like blanket terms. So we're all on the same page. First of all what the fund is mobility means because people love saying it, but what does it actually mean? Well she has an opinion. Okay, so mobility really can mean two different things. We could be talking about mobility of a joint. Joint mobility and either it moves too much, just right or too little or we keep talking about functional mobility. Can you get up from the toilet without using your hands. How long does it take you to get out of the car? Can you carry your groceries. Those are functional mobility things. So really mobility can mean two different things, but in general joints, so you say the word stability now, we're talking about muscles surrounding the joints. Are they stronger? Are they weak? And when we say the word flexibility, we're also talking muscle and we're talking about muscle length, So are your tight? Are you loose? And here's the great part about all these terms and why a physical therapist is probably like the best person to figure the shipped out for you, because you can have different things in all different of those areas.

For example, for me, I'm hyper mobile, my joints are fucky. However, my hips are tight, like my hamstrings are still kind of tight, like my groin is still tight, so I have inflexible areas even though I'm very technically mobile. But then that also means because my joints are hyper mobile, it's easier for them to be unstable because now I have to work twice as hard, let's say I have flat feet, I have to work twice as hard to try to get my feet muscles strong to hold those wishy washy joints together. So all of those three things can have different things happening and that's it's like not a blanket thing, like your toe joint can be different than your knee joint can be different than your elbow, different than your shoulder different than your neck, Like everything is not always gonna be the same in every area, which is where things get tricky. So that's different mobility, joint, mobility, bones, stability, muscle strength, flexibility, muscle length. Make sure on the same page there.

So we talk about stretching. For the most part, people are talking about muscle length flexibility so you can do things statically, just hold the stretch. You can do it dynamic, which means you're moving. But depending on how you do a stretch, if it's totally passive restorative, then you might not be working on stability at all. Right? But if you're doing like, let's say, I don't know yoga pose, you know, let's say you're doing warrior one yoga pose, technically you're kind of stretching your hips, right? But also you're working. So you could work all different things in different ways. It just depends what you're doing. Um Also another term, people love to say mobilization in general, that should refer to joint mobility because remember, joint mobility, Joint mobilization. So when people add bands to their stretches or like weird funky moves and they're like, oh, I'm mobilizing. Okay, maybe they are. But again, we talked about how complicated those terms are. That's also why that every blanket mobilization advice might not be for you because maybe it doesn't apply to you.

The other thing people talk about is release or trigger points or my fashionable work or body work or don't know words like that. Then that's also talking about muscle length. that's also for flexibility and that might be why you see people using cross balls, foam rollers, therapy guns massage. So not to say that those things are bad, but just like we talked about three different words that mean three different things. You can't just do one thing to address all of them, that's that's all. So some people like to shoot on stretching, Some people like to shoot on therapy guns as long as you understand, there's a bigger picture and how to address all of those things for what your body needs. You'll be okay. I don't really like blanket shitting on things except for unlicensed white dudes. That's all okay. Does that make sense? Or does that just sound like word vomit mary beth no, that makes sense in bringing it all up from the get go is absolutely important. And then also just, it will help to as we go forward with the episode, understanding the difference between the three in your own body and how once you start understanding those more specifically you can prevent injury, which was a huge topic of last episode.

So yeah, the, you knew better injuries. This is, we're understanding what these things mean in your body for sure come into play. So people say mobility and in general they really mean all of those things, whatever in an ideal world, you do some sort of warm up and cool down when you work out. Maybe you do something actually on your off day. Maybe you don't, but you don't want it to be too short, you don't want to be too long. It's gotta be just right goldilocks. So I'm wondering for you mary beth how has that worked out? What's your what are your warm ups like? What are you cool down is like is it working? Yeah. Work before, have you changed things? Uh I think recently after doing a lot more mobility work with you doing a lot more like yoga outside of the whole power lifting regiment. I've learned outside of that power lifting bubble. That stretching is good. So I have been incorporating a lot more of that either first thing in the morning or late at night.

Um But when it comes to the actual workout, my warm ups tend to be a lot more. You see these are why these terms are important but movements like leg swings to get my hips moving, get that blood flow in Movements like a five minute um a stationary bike ride. Because I very much need like I mean we all very much need just warmer muscles, warmer joints because I tend to have very very tight hips. Um I had knee issues for a long time before I even started powerlifting because I was running, I was like a runner, a jogger and I guess I just didn't know how to run. Uh you know all that exactly all of that contact with the ground, like hard ground or a treadmill that's so unnaturally um shaped for your knees and your ankles like learning all that after I left the half marathon world.

Like it's just, it's wild because we're getting older every day. Our mobility is decreasing every day. So uh Yeah, that's a little my warmup looks, I mean I did one but I used to run every single day like six days a week I'd run like one to 12 miles. See the thing I hate about running is that people feel like they have to do it. You know if you love running right, a great time having that time, but if you're just like, I want to lose weight or whatever. Super shit. You're thinking it's stopped taking these things. But whatever you thought it, you know like, oh, I gotta run then like you don't have to. I think that one came from soccer. You played, Yeah, I played soccer, but I never liked running. Like I enjoyed soccer because I like making goals and kicking the ball. So like if you were going to tell me just go run for just run. No. Why? Yeah, that definitely aged out real quick once. I found tire lifting. So I have not ran real quick.

Yeah, jeez, so your warm up is Well less than 10 minutes then Uh yeah, usually, yeah, just around 10. Yeah, maybe. So the thing is that like I said can't be too much. Can't be too little. I feel like we've gotten like either extreme either. You have the person that shows up and they literally just change your shoes, put weight on the bar and start working out like that's definitely too little. But then you also have the person that comes in and they're like, all right, therapy gun up and down my leg. Two minutes. Okay, now I'm going to do a band mobilization that I bookmarked from instagram three minutes. All right now I'm going to do walking lunges five minutes. Like yo calm down. Walking lunge up and down and up and down and up and down. I'm here, I'm there, I'm here, I'm there. I'm here. All right now. I feel good. Like now you you just didn't work out. Yeah, by then you're tired, your body is done. Yeah. So it's got to be just just write what what's your warm up look like.

So honestly like the blanket, my blanket advice for warm ups before lifts is just fling your body around for at least five minutes. So like you said, just getting on a bike. Yeah. And then when you get to the bar, like you're not just going to put your work, wait on, gonna do some bodyweight squats, then you probably do the bar empty and then you start loading at whatever increment works for you again, you gotta Goldilocks, it not too many increments, not too little, but that depends for some people like when I dead lift, I do £50 jumps, like that sounds insane for something, you gotta do what feels right there. Um But that's like the blanket advice. So if I'm doing squats I might do like single a dead lifts a couple times just to loosen up my ham ease and like my whole hips then I might do like banded lateral walks and then I'll do like a static lunge like put my foot on a bench and like kind of swing back and forth to open up and then that's it. Huh? Just a few things I'm not gonna go up and down and this is the other thing and maybe it's because you know I'm biased, I have an issue with dizziness but I can't stand this up and down ship.

Like if I'm going to warm up and standing, all of my warm ups are standing, if I get on the ground I'm staying on the ground till I'm done. Like I'm not into the I'm gonna lay down here and do this and then I'm gonna come here and do like no It's like 1 1 spot and then I'm done. Um Oh the other blanket advice is that usually it's dynamic stuff for the most part unless somebody has a really inflexible area that's just not gonna work out for that workout, I don't usually do the static stretch before a lift, what would you consider? So like also for me, for us it depends on whether or not we're doing an upper body or lower body workout. So when I do upper body I do less leg swings, I do more pec minor stretches. Would that be considered static or dynamic? So it depends because you could just say that word and most people make a picture in their head of what that means, right? But let's say I decided to get on the floor.

I could do a mat pec stretch that is dynamic. Like I could just roll in and out of the stretch, right? Did you do that until I feel a little looser and then I'm done. That's not the same thing as holding a stretch for two minutes. So you know, I won't really do like stretching, standing up, put my arm up on the wall and just hold it and stretch. But I might do kind of a cactus arms if that makes sense. Like put my head out in a t squeeze my back out. That technically I'm stretching my pecs. I'm just using the force of my muscles pulling my shoulder back to do the stretch right? Like that's a stew stretch. This is why I hate when people shoot on doors stretching because you don't actually know you're talking about like that's an active like you can actively stretch while you're moving. Yeah, we're talking about like a passive, I'm not using any muscles at all and I'm just holding something. I'm not doing that before I work out, No. Yeah, yeah, you're using your muscles, you're working on breathing drills, you're working that core. Like you're, you're imagining how it would be, say under a bar bell all stretching the mental part of it or like people do stuff with PVC pipes like shoulder halos or I'm just holding the pipe going up and down with my arms like that's a pack stretches just dynamic And it's important for us to doing things that are weightless because even just an empty barbell is 45 whole pounds.

And so when I learned how to stretch with a PVC pipe and just like extended my arms in in a way that is necessary for weight lifting. I was like, oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, that's what it'll feel like. Okay. Yeah. Um the other part of it is transition. So like we mentioned last time we muscle through everything, right? Like wherever you came from, you owe it to yourself to give your body and your mind the space to get ready for what you're going to do next. We just always rush into ship like, oh, it's time to go to work. All right, drink my coffee, drive, okay. Get out my car at work, okay. Oh, drive to the gym. Alright. Work like no, maybe you're starting today. Maybe you're ending your day, You have to give your body the time to be like, what are we doing? How do I feel? Okay I'm ready. Mhm. Take a mindless walk, go out for a walk for a little bit, it could start your day and it could be the writing on the bike for five minutes maybe that's the time. That's the time that you're giving yourself to slow down and think about okay today I'm doing squats, how's my need feel dang, did I eat lunch?

Do I eat enough? Okay. You know that's the time that you're giving yourself besides actually flinging your body around and getting blood movement. Like it's that mental part of allowing yourself to check in and transition before you just muscle through anything else. But we get it there are some days where yeah, your life's all over the place, you probably got four kids running around and you forgot or you just didn't have time that day. There are some emergency or fast treatments for mobility exercises or warm ups right? But you don't want to do that all the time. What do you mean by the fast stuff? Like if somebody say didn't have the time to go on a walk or do a daily warm up, you'll still have to do a warm up before an actual exercise but that that exercise is probably not going to be as good as say that saturday morning where you had all the time in the world to kind of really set for the day.

Yeah. Yeah. No not everything is going to go smoothly but in an ideal world you give yourself at least a couple of minutes between between doing shipped to check in and like chill out for a second. So even if you don't have I only have 30 minutes because my baby's taking a nap and that's all I got like that's cool. Just do a bear walk for one minute, you'll be warm all over and you know you got ready, you can adjust and adapt based on your circumstance or just understand that like you deserve that moment of warming up for your body and mentally to get ready. Yeah. Just don't forget to do it before your exercise. Yeah do something something you're something not too much just right, it's gotta be just right. So yeah what whatever I do, it just depends on how I feel that day and and taking that moment to check in is how I'll choose what I'm doing and sometimes it's hard, you don't know really exercises your just like bookmark shit, you try things out that's fine, you'll figure it out.

Um If I know I spent the day shopping at IKEA or some sh it like my feet hurt like all right well maybe I'll spend some time just moving my toes around doing some leg swings, something easy on the ground just to make sure everything still feels good. And speaking about feet and you mentioned flat feet quite a bit too in these last two episodes, but I got very flat feet and I have bunions. I have a very intense bunny and on my left foot and my right one is not as great either. Um so I take a long time spreading my toes before any squats or dead lifts because I want to make sure that before I do any of those things, I can grip onto the ground with all my toes and I'm grounded and I'm, you know, using those, making sure I've got three points of contact, like my coach taught me, but if if my feet aren't warmed up, I'm kind of fucked. Yeah, I'll probably lose balance if I don't, you're not going to engage the right things we need to engage.

That's a good point and all those little things or what you have to understand for your body and for that day and things like that. If you've been typing all day long, your, your wrist might be ship and you want to go bench and just hop into it like chill out. You might need to open them up and warm them up and get through some aches and some little crunches or whatever it is that you feel in there and then bench. Mhm. Knowing like what's gonna bug you or what's gonna funk you up can definitely guide your warmups. Yeah, and what's good to is I'm hearing a lot more in the tech industry up here in Silicon Valley. People are being a lot more aware of like ergonomic, um, desk sitting, people are getting standing desks, they're being taught how to like take a little break and stretch and sit on a medicine ball and you know, as long as you're not staying in one movement for eight full hours and you're, you know, switching things up a little bit, you'll be fine. But it's just funny how that education is actually people are realizing it's as important, especially if your home where you feel like you're comfortable for sure.

And I think a lot of people don't realize how much that affects their lifts when I see a new person, I go through all of that. What does your day look like? What are you doing? What's your job? What do you do when you get home? Because people don't realize all of these little things add up to how your body moves and how it feels. Like if you sit at a desk all day long and you just gotta go, go go and you just get up and try to move. Like for real, maybe you're a teacher, maybe you're on your feet all the time chasing bad little kids all day, like, like that's going to affect your squad day later for sure. So understanding all those things and what you can do to, to make those things better is a big deal, especially the work from home folks, like you can work wherever you want man. You could have like five different setups unless you have a desktop I guess. But you can be flexible, you can do from your bed, you can lay on the floor, you can go here, you could go there like Yeah, But be mindful to be conscious of like you get a 30 minute or a one hour break in between meetings or Zoom meetings, do something with that time and don't just go straight to social media or stay on the computer watching a YouTube video.

Use that time to stretch. Use that time to get away from that same posture. That same position. Yeah. The other thing most folks don't realize in terms of getting overall better flexibility and stability and mobility. It's these little everyday things like all of the magic isn't happening in your workout. Not always, you're going to see a big difference warming up and cooling down and giving yourself space and listen to your body and all that like you will, but it will be even more if you realize, okay, every time I drive I put my leg up on the dash, like you don't think that's gonna suck you up over time. Like that's a big difference. Like you, like you're stretching something out on one and not the other forever every day and you're out your commute is one hour, you know, a little bit like that. You don't really pick up on like relax your shoulders every day that you wake up, you're, you take like two hours to take your shoulders away from your ears because you're not a morning person. Yes, that was me. But like figure it out, carry your heavy ass fucking person only on one side.

Or you're like one of those sides standards, you know, you only stand on your left leg and totally, or you only carry kids on your right arm. All of these little things add up. Yeah. It wasn't until I saw a podiatrist not too long ago. I was like, man, I'm having feed issues, It hurts when I run in soccer. Let me just do surgery and they're like, no, no, here here are some corrective things. First. Let's put inserts on those flat as Converse shoes you've been wearing and let's look at how you're standing and walking and you're right, Everything moves over to my right hip when I'm standing and I never stand straight and while I'm walking, um I've got an externally rotated and I thought it was just because I had a big gas, but that curve on that, that's fine in the back was not natural. And so while I'm walking, like I've got to mentally bring my hips in by squeezing my glutes and walking normal. So I'm not like hunchback. There's a lot of things that happen in our body all day freaking long, even just the way we set some things up and sometimes things are beyond our control?

You know, maybe we work somewhere, we can't change it? Obviously that's a thing. Or we don't have the access or the space. Sure, that's a thing. But I mean sometimes you could do better. Like don't put the ship that you like to use on the top cabinet and the stuff you never use in the middle, switch it out. What are you doing? You know, stuff like that? Come on, think about it. Hydration is a pretty big deal. Also, I'd say posture, hydration, rest and rest in terms of understanding how much time you need between workouts and rest doesn't like sleep. The magic won't happen for your gains or for your mobility if you're not drinking water if you're hunched over all day and you're not sleeping and sleep is hard for a lot of us. I'm not saying that to be a bit about it, right? I'm just saying it like try to do something about it. I know for me everything is worse at night, my legs are more jumpy, everything is worse at night. So I'm doing a lot and a lot of that has been spending money and some of it hasn't been like my beds at an incline that's just stuffing ship that was free.

I bought a weighted blanket. Alright, that was expensive. I do my Vape pen chill, my fucking spasms out. Yeah, that that costs money? Obviously there's some barriers to better sleep. How has it dramatically improved. Are you getting just an hour extra sleep or are you at least not spasming. It's the actual quality of the sleep. So I could sleep the same amount of time. But if it's not quality time then then it's not useful at all. Like you don't even get to R. E. M. Sleep. You never dreamed. Yeah. The last time you dreamed I'm definitely dreaming a lot more these days. My sleep has been leaps and bounds better. That's beautiful leaps and bounds. So everything is leaps and bounds better and that's where sometimes you can all sleep in the world, you still feel the like brain fog and fatigue or whatever. Um But in general leaps and bounds better every once in a while I might do some stupid ship and only sleep five hours because I stayed up late reading a book or something.

Done. You know some dumb, I'm like what are you doing? Like I was reading a mexican Gothic and I got to the climax and I was like three chapters. I can do this. It's like 4 30. I gotta be up at eight like goddamn idiot um in college anymore. Yeah I know. So those days I wake up and I'm like holy sh it, I forgot what this felt like and not to say I feel great all the time now. But that level of trash I hadn't felt in a while. It's like damn. I forgot what good sleep. Yeah. No, that's 3.5 hours of sleep. That's my whole spine was on fire. Like everything was terrible. It wasn't great for life choices. What about how you eat on a given day, no matter how you could you eat, you know, you're getting, you're getting your proteins and you're getting your nutrients and uh, that's an effect your sleep because of your sickness Or do you notice a difference? No, no, no, not really not. The food, the only thing I could say is like, I'm not going to have a pizza right before I go to sleep.

Like that kind of usual. Most people shouldn't do things, things that, um, so stuff like that. But in general food, no, not really in terms of the realm of mobility and like getting better gains, Everybody's different, everyone needs different things. But at least eat real food. Yeah. Eat real food And at regular intervals. So that's my bigger problem is the regular intervals and that's where I function up. Because if you're, if you're not eating real food at regular intervals and you're not sleeping well, you're not shipping well, I'm sorry. There's no way you're not hydrated, like you're not shooting well. And I'm sorry, like if you don't poop. I don't know how you're going to have wonderful squats and benches and whatever. Like your body is stuck trying to digest and now you wanted to fight and flight. Like think about it. Come on. Is that one of your main questions or one of your first questions to a new client to what are your bowel movements look like? No, I don't know. I don't know just how much water they tell me they're strangling. You know, you're not sure.

Uh I already know. You don't have to tell me. You don't have to tell me. It's already obvious how much water does it sips? It's not working out. Oh God. Yeah. So that's the bigger issue for me is eating at regular intervals and shipping on time. So this body does what it wants. I don't really know nutrition and I don't I don't ever pretend to know things I don't know. I will let people know straight. I have no idea. See somebody for that. Exactly. Or just like record what is your eating because it's just knowing a history of your food, a history of your stretching, your mobility like that will help you in the long run, write it down sometimes. Yeah. Because then you can see like damn this training cycle suck. Why was it the actual program like was it too heavy or was it that you slept like ship because you just broke up with your partner and you felt like ask who knows? Or maybe you didn't drink enough water because you usually buy water squirts and you forgot.

So you didn't drink as much water because you don't like plain water. You have to figure these things out. Yeah. And don't wait until it gets worse. Like I thought I had food allergies one time just a few months ago and I kept thinking it was so many different things. I was like, shoot, I'm allergic to alcohol. No, I'm allergic to gluten. No, I'm allergic. And then it turns out my skin was just super sensitive to the environment. So it wasn't until after I kept a food diary. Almost like an environment temperature diary that I realized because my doctor wasn't going to help. Like they weren't going to take an allergy test for me. They refused to give me an allergy test. So and since these what cat scans mris aren't going to give you info either. Like keep a diary of that. You're eating the stretches that you're doing. Just whatever you're doing, I'm sure. And I think that will help with that problem with us being so disconnected from our bodies. And there are some, some people just do like a journal.

Some people use apps, but I'm seeing some workout books that are actually kind of cool because it will have the spot for you to record your training. But then also under it will be like, how did I feel today? How is my mood? How much water did I drink today? Has the prompts in it? Remember the name of it. But I thought that was freaking awesome. How much sleep did I get last night? Because you could, you could go right through the page and be like, oh, I should be dead lives that day. Oh yeah, that's right. Cause I forgot to eat lunch sometimes you need to do that and learn what's what? Because there is magic in mobility for sure. There is magic in working out and getting gains. But all the magic isn't just in the gym and realizing there are easier, cleaner, cheaper fix is not just by like injecting yourself with more testosterone. I mean you want to do steroids? Have fun, do you? But you want to pop ibuprofen every day because you're in pain? Like all right, well, we're going to do something in terms of that if you want to be.

And I think some people call themselves enhanced athletes. I don't know what the term is. But if you want to use performance pds and all that stuff, you have to figure out how that's going to change your body to. Yeah. There's so much research involved. Should I looked into it just last year. Yeah, that'll that'll mess with how your tendons are. That's even more important to know how your body works before you even start that kind of stuff. I don't really care if you do it or you don't at least know what you're getting into it so much more than just muscle development. It's like glucose levels change your hormone levels change. Exactly. Skin changes the amount of water you have to drink per day. Yeah, maybe we need somebody all that does it on here to get through because I don't really know those things, you know that it could suck you up if you're, especially if you're already funked up, which most of us are. So yes, some wait until they're much older after they've had the kids Breast fed everything they needed to so I might just do that when I'm a 50.

I don't know, I don't know how girls. Superwoman that are fine with it. I know people that are, I don't know what the difference is because yeah, it and it's so different to as a woman versus a man. Very, very when you have a uterus them hormones don't hit the same. Um but anyways, so the magic happens everywhere. But when we are talking about mobility and moving and stuff, I will give you top five shits that you shouldn't be missing. Right? I don't mean poop. I mean things as I was talking about poop earlier. Don't wanna get confused. Top five things that you should be heading. Do you figure out your warm up and cool down for you? We already talked about that a little bit. So we didn't actually know we didn't talk about a cool down before we get into top five. So cool down. Same ideas. Warm up, give your body the space to process what happened. Get ready for the next thing. It could be dynamic, it could be the passive static stuff because you're done working out or it could be like really nothing at all.

It could just be a minute just sitting there catching your breath. That's a cool down cool down. Just means that you don't just rack your it and go home. Yeah and that's a really important one that a lot of people forget. It's like don't just finish your heavy as dead lifts and then drive home immediately and get into that stuck like seated position. Let your body come back to its normal temperature for even a minute, chill out, chill out for a second. Yeah, see how you feel, how you're moving well, you know something hurt. Maybe you do like one stretch, maybe you don't, it's okay, it's cool but do something for like a minute or 25 minutes. Cool, that's a cool down. Anyways, back to top five. So top five, whether you address it and you warm up your cool down or your off days. Top five, number one unilateral work. So we're talking about doing shit only with your one arm, only one leg one ft at a time. Like we all have to do overhead press, forget some boulder shoulders, but you know every once in a while, Press with one arm and then do the other and maybe you'll find some totally different things are happening and that's how you even it out.

So number one unilateral stuff. Number two figuring out how to get your core stable with bracing. So core stability in the sense of like you were talking about earlier, you had too much of a curve in your back, your core wasn't stable if you're a torque. Teaming all the time when you do squats like your core is not stable. So understanding how to brace and breathe and move is core stability not setups, not pushing against your belt, like bracing drills and exercises. That's too three would be especially for us lifters and movers chest expansion. So that means looser packs stronger scraps looser like upper traps but stronger lower traps like all of these things contribute to like that curled in forward ship that most of us have going on. So chest expansion like opening up shoulders, back and down whatever you need for your muscles in your body to get that. Um That's the third one, the fourth one for sure. Hip openers because we all have titus hips for the most part unless you naturally can do splits and stuff I guess live your life.

Um and then the 5th one would be balanced and balance will tie into some of the other stuff that we that's in the top five. That'll work your unilateral ship, that'll work the bracing but also to get you more into brooding with your feet and it will get you more into stability in the sense of doing more than one thing at a time. So that's top five unilateral core stability, chest expansion, hip openers, balance stuff, get that in somewhere somehow. And I ain't gonna lie. I like balance is my least favorite so much that I almost always ignore it. And you've probably seen to when we've done yoga together, anything on one ft versus the other, it's not happening. And instead of ignoring it, I got to do a lot more single leg, dead lift, single leg squats or just stretches, definitely. We can't ignore the things that make us uncomfortable. That's a life tip in general. But for mobility magic, you gotta do ship. That's hard. Sorry. And it's not going to look cool and it's not going to be special.

I'm sorry. It's going to be basic and boring like it is, there's nothing cool about it. I know a lot of people like to do cool weird ship and stand on balls and whatever. Like you just basic orange ship and it's gonna take a while to perfect it. I'm a fall a few times, but whatever, I'll just do it by myself. Yeah, well no one's looking, you know, training commercial gyms anymore. Yeah. And I won't record it all right if I do, I'm just going to keep it to myself on my phone. Yeah. And then see the progress like how I looked in October on one Leg vs the whole year later. Yeah. So, um, it's a great way to stay in shape. Don't forget about the magic of mobility and the other stuff outside of the gym. They were helpful out. Thanks for listening to disabled girls who left. We appreciate all of your support and everyone who's taken the time to show us some love. Don't forget to subscribe, rate or ready review of our channel. We're on Apple podcasts, Spotify player, FM, google podcasts and more.

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E36: Mobility Goals with Dr. Marcia
E36: Mobility Goals with Dr. Marcia
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