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E27: Systemic Racism & Defund the Police

June 29th 2020

Still having trouble believing that systemic racism exists? From housing to education to employment, healthcare, incarceration, disability diagnoses, and policing… The status quo centers its econom... More

this is disabled girls who lift we are reclaiming what's rightfully ours one podcast at a time. It's mary beth Chloe and Marcia bringing you the thoughts and unpopular topics to get you out of that. A bliss comfort zone. Mm hmm. Mhm. Alrighty folks, welcome back. This is another episode of disabled girls who live today. We're gonna talk about dismantling systemic racism. This is Marcia from south florida. This is Chloe from Iowa and it's mary beth from California. So systemic racism is a thing steps to dismantle it. Number one acknowledge it's a thing. Great job everyone. So we're gonna get I mean, this isn't gonna be a full in depth thing. We're not scholars by any means in history or racism or anything at all. Google is free and that's what we've done. We've googled guys. So we're gonna talk a little bit about the background of what makes up that system of racism and how that feeds into our everyday lives as people with disabilities.

How does that relate to lifting and most importantly, how does that relate to what are we gonna do about the police? So I do want to ask because I'm just curious if any of this stuff that's popping up online is surprising to either of you in general. What is the most surprising thing and what's the least surprising thing? Do you mean the discussion of defunding the police? Not even there yet. Just systemic racism. Just they're just on racism. Um most surprising is that people are still denying that systemic racism is a thing that's for me. What about you, mary beth Oh yeah. I mean and it's it's so big because you assume that even people of color even like black folks completely understand and we don't, my own family members refuses to acknowledge systemic racism within their own police departments within the military.

And just because they've seen or we've seen, you know, us picking up ourselves from the boot straps that right? Uh no. Yeah, I hate that phrase. Yeah. No, no, no, no. I mean I would say probably for me the most surprising thing is uh not that people don't acknowledge it because people don't like to talk about things that make them uncomfortable. That's not that's a part of the system. So that's that wasn't surprising what's surprising to me the black people that are not aware of how many anti black ideas that they've kind of internalized when you're in the mad world that is like twitter and you see some of the things people are saying, you're like, yo what? So that's probably the most at least what was your most surprising Chloe was my least surprised, disappointed. You shouldn't be surprised. Not surprised. Yeah. I shouldn't be surprised by that. But I mean that's real there's no there's there's no judgment there.

You just stop people did better. Oh yeah. And and I think the way I see it at least from my end because a lot of us are immigrants in my family, you know, we're still anti immigration because we're everyone's like, well I got here legally or there's this idea of assimilating and being as american as possible. So if you see us, you know, kneeling or not putting your hand on your chest when um, the God, I, I don't even remember what it's called. The national anthem is played. You know, we're so anti american even though we're not, we're not like natural citizens. Yeah. And I can relate to that also because I mean sure I'm black, but my family comes from Haiti and like most immigrants when you come into this country, just by the way, the system is set up. You come in and you see like, oh, black americans. All right. Those people are trash. I'm not like them. And then you try to get closer and closer to whatever is right and is okay and is whatever.

So for me growing up I learned whatever white America taught me, You know, I didn't learn about juneteenth and the fact that some slaves weren't free for years until after the proclamation was signed. Like all we learned is like, oh yeah, he signed it. Her ray. Okay. Um, now we're going to read this book about, which is for three months. Um, okay. Like that's what's important to learn about, right? That's what's important. Let's let's read these random plays. And so I didn't get into the boston tea party. Yeah, all these other european events just skip skip straight over and we spent tons of time in that first history of America and and no the cherry trio Washington chopped cherry tree and you know we've got all these little cutie stories, we got coloring books. What about slavery literally what can I tell you that I learned is that it ended? Has it though? That's what I learned in school. They told me it ended and it was over with we washed our hands the next day, racism was over false false guys when Obama was elected they were saying we're like in the post, what they call it, the term post racial area.

Yeah stupid for that or the complete opposite that America was going to burn two pieces because a black man was in power. But why aren't they showing stuff like 13th 13th documentary in you know middle school high school, right? They teach no they don't want to teach us, they want to make sure what feels good, what feels cozy and comfortable and we could have columbus day and we could talk about thanksgiving is a big kumbaya and none of that is true. They won't tell you about the history of how many treaties that they made with people they slaughtered and then shipped on those treaties and then like stuffed indigenous people all over the place where they felt was good now because that part is not tidy, it doesn't look nice, right? So that's that's where that's where the system starts right there is telling the history wrong? You grow up as a little kid. All you did was nice, cute coloring books and you got to high school and just read novels about witches and whatever other one they're popular.

I feel like everybody reads the same fucking books in high school, great Gatsby and like two other things then you get to college or some Shakespeare in there then Yeah, challenge. That's it, that's all you got to know and you get to college, you spend some more time on bullshit and then you're out in the world. That's it. Nobody tells you anything unless you are in the wrong on the wrong end of the system, then maybe you learn a few things the hard way. But I will say that it all goes back to the quote unquote ending of slavery because if people still don't know what juneteenth is because it passed already. So by now, I hope you saw something but they signed the emancipation proclamation and then it took a couple of years soldiers to enforce it for people in the south to actually stop owning slaves. So juneteenth is the day that that celebrated, its a year to 2.5 years after they pulled up in texas and they were just like, yo for your slaves, bitches, let's do this. But like what do you think happens the next day?

I mean where are these black people gonna live, where these black people going to work? Where where are they going to hold their money in a bank? Who's going to hire them? This is what 1800s and we didn't even have desegregation until the 1960s. So I mean we started from nothing and I mean I think we did pretty good for what we got. I think people have a hard time picturing that being so little of progression. So one of the biggest things to me that kind of paints that picture is the fact that in these bigger cities a lot of covid cases are mostly black people, black and brown people. And the first thing you could do is say oh it's because they're poor and they're dirty. They don't take care of themselves. That's like the easy thing to do or the second thing you could do is say all right. Um where do they live in the city? Why do they live in the city? Because white people literally created suburbs to get away from black people. Okay, how are they getting around in the city?

Public transportation. All right, interesting. Where are they working there? All essential workers, grocery workers, transportation, all of these little things that they were able to get because it's a black person, just your name alone will keep you from getting a job, you go to a bank and try to start your own business, you're less likely to get alone. So these are the jobs that we have. So then you circle you you pound that on for years and years and years and hello, you have a pandemic. Who's it gonna hit hardest. And these and these low income neighborhoods, you know south central where I was raised for 15 years. It's already overpopulated as it is L. A. Is overpopulated lots of places in Atlanta. Um You know huge huge cities with disproportionate neighborhoods like these hospitals can't can't function properly. Even pre covid and here we are with a new as pandemic. Yeah. Yeah they can and they can't ship them over to Beverly hills.

They're not going to take them there. It's a hot mess. And even even let's say all right fine they're poor. They should have gone to school, quote unquote, They should have done this, They should have done that. Should have taken care of themselves. Okay fine. Let's say somebody did at the end of the day, a black person walking into a hospital is gonna get treated differently than a white person walking to the hospital period. End like black women in America that have babies or are expecting have the same death rates as women in third world countries. So even if we do everything, even if you're serena Williams or Beyonce just being black in a hospital could kill you. Which they both almost did. And if that's the story of a lot of black women. So even even when you pile on all the excuses of why you think, oh, it's not the system. Oh, they just got to pull themselves up by the bootstraps to what, what are we gonna pull two? And even when it comes to pain, racial bias affects pain treatment, you can tell a black woman telling a doctor she's in pain is is less likely to get proper treatment.

And so I want to stop you right there because you said something super important and I think you should repeat it because people don't understand what you mean when they say black women are still treated differently than white women. Like I know a lot of you just a few months ago watch this uh, series on netflix called all american where you have this high schooler from Crenshaw move into, I think it was Beverly Hills or you know, some affluent white neighborhood in Los Angeles and he gets fatal like almost fatally wounded by a gunshot and they were not going to give him the proper transplant and uh, surgery that he needed because he was considered, you know, lower um, um, what's it called? Just less than that And so much more. Yeah, this is a real show. Her was like a fiction or nonfiction. That's a good question. It might be nonfiction. But yeah, just the lower priority cases are almost always black and brown folks, you know, in hospitals.

But later on come to think they're like, oh wait, this guy is a legend. He is going to make it into the NFL, he's getting drafted into, you know, the best colleges and that shouldn't, that shouldn't be the reason why you saved the kid's life. You should save him because he's a fucking human being. And as a 17 year old, that is absolutely wild. Yeah, it's it's a it's a mess. It's a hot mess and people have to realize that the messes everywhere and all the pandemic do is doing right now is showing us our mess. That's it. It's like we, you know, slavery ended and we, we got ourselves a storage unit and we started paying monthly on it and put it away, tucked it in and the pandemic came and said up, open that sh it up here we go, time done backs, that's where we are. And I think to me this, the, the biggest part of what um when it comes to health care, the biggest part of that is the fact that it's never gonna get better unless we call it by its name.

So black women are gonna keep dying. Black women hispanic women are are by numbers more likely to have lupus than a white woman. But if you go into a black neighborhood and say, have you ever heard of lupus? They're gonna be like what? That it doesn't make any sense that they'll have to go through a much longer process to get a diagnosis. No. Instead they're like, no, my grandma died at the age of 40. We have no idea why. We have no idea why. And I can say the same thing for my family. They're just like, oh, what happened to this on? Oh, I don't know. Heart attack ship. Like we're laughing. So fucking real. Yeah, it's real. It's, it's very real pneumonia. You know, like people just think that, that that must be the normal because number one, when they go to the doctor, they don't get taken seriously. And then there's also the other end of it were historically black people were used for a lot of experiments and don't want to go to the doctor, They don't trust them. So they don't trust them or you go in there, you don't really get treated like a lose lose situation.

There's no way to get out of that unscathed. Trust. Trust is huge. And you're hearing to a lot of black and brown, like old school grandparents don't trust banks because they were never afforded loans. You know, they got declined, they got denied for every single loan they had tried to apply for and charged 20% interest rate still going on. That's still today. Even right now if you google, you know, why did my minority business owners got less of the relief funds? The mistrust with the doctors. Is that you think stem from the, was it the tuskegee experiment. Yeah. Things like the tuskegee. There we go. Yeah. The experiment is a big one. Um, There's also some other stories around here that I personally don't know as much about, but I've seen them popping up. Like some story about a gynecology was founded on somebody that was doing things with black slaves. So I'm sure there's more, I'm sure there's more if we look into it, um, I wouldn't know specifically anything else to name you.

But tuskegee is a big one. And even if you, um, even if again, so even if we say, all right, well they have a bad jobs, They have poor education. They have this and that. Okay. I mean what about places like flint michigan that don't even have clean water? How can you, how can you talk your way around that? A city in America and they're not the only ones, but that's the biggest one that has the biggest campaigning and you know, little miss flint, that little cute girl is always in all the pictures and whatnot. Like how can you talk about, how can you explain that away if it's not racism? Like there's no beautiful, lovely bustling suburbs that are drinking out of bottled waters. So what is it? So, and so I'm sorry, I don't mean to like go off on a tangent or touch on a touch up on that a little bit more. But lots of lots of cities, especially those that don't have access to clean water or like their own rivers in their backyard. They usually have them, you know shipped over or tunneled over from cleaner water areas but flint started using flint river water right?

And that which had tons of disease and and which will pipes so the water source ship and then the pipes are leaking lead. Mhm. So yeah and they're not it's not the only city, it's the one that we know about because they managed to get the cutest little kid to be the face of like that situation like that. That's how you get ahead in life. I guess you got to have a nice mass mascot to get noticed because they want to live forever. Like uh Yeah, there's others, he's like that. It's a hot mess. But just because we're not talking about it as much doesn't mean it's not happening. It still doesn't have clean water. Yeah. Not really. Not really. So I mean that's a lot of random stuff that we're talking about. But the point is in the big picture slavery ended. But did it really because we went through what? 100 years of segregation? 100 years plus because this is still true to today of banks not giving black businesses loans of not being able to get a good job because somebody sees Jamal instead of Janine on a job application like that's all still very real to day right now.

The mortality rates of black women are still high today right now black Children are more likely to have more disabilities today right now. So if anybody still doesn't believe that racism is real. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what we're gonna do with besides turn off Fox news. But like besides that, uh, I don't know. And if we go back to how surprised we are, especially in the last three weeks of this intense, uh, you know, education, I guess that's being shared. Like this is the most invested. I have seen white folks ever in the like history of my life. Nobody cared about it six years ago or 10 years ago when we were talking black lives matter. But now everyone's holding themselves accountable. They're holding their sisters and their uncles accountable and you're seeing it across your social media pages. Like what are you saying? Chloe in Iowa um, not that it's any different than florida or kelly.

Well, it might be a little different because in the Midwest, but there's a lot of support. The, so the protest that uh, Cedar rapids has had for the past three weeks and technically last night wasn't a protest. Um, it was more like a celebration March one because it was Juneteenth too because our city council passed. Um, they're not past, but they unanimously agreed that they're going to work on the suggestions that are black lives matter advocates gave to them. But anyway, I was trying to get out is the last three weeks, it's been mostly white people at these protests. And I mean the cedar rapids has more white people than black people like as a whole in the population, but that's pretty big. People like to quote m okay and all the like nice and tidy quotes, but he has one quote where he said where he says are like our greatest danger to the movement is the moderate white who doesn't want to get uncomfortable. That's a paraphrase. But anyways, that's the point that it's true.

You see so many things are changing now. How many how many brands that you've never thought would take a social stand against anything or like, Okay, we're giving $1 million dollars now. Like yeah. What you had that this whole time, the whole time you were ready to go with. I mean, and I'm just that that's probably the other thing. That's biggest surprise of this. It's just seeing Yeah, the public support, you know, like I play the sims. The sims is giving money, you know, I shop on Etsy. Yeah, the sims is giving money like really new monopoly, like fake money. Ok. That's he's making like, you know, black seller list everyday emailing it. Like I'm seeing all of this stuff and it's grand. It's amazing and I hope it lasts like it's not black spirit week. It's like Black Lives Matter as a movement. It's not just like this month, it's important that we keep it moving forward.

Not when we get kind of bored within or even as more restrictions are lifted with pandemics because I think people have more time on their hands right now. That's why we had to force them to watch those videos. Because if people were living their normal lives, you know, going out and Working 40 60 Our jobs that they wouldn't have seen it, they wouldn't have seen it. Not at all. I don't think you're right on that one. And I do. I I mean so the strength community is 50 50 like I'm proud of the people that are coming out insane things, but I'm also still pretty disappointed in people that are just like I only pissed powerlifting. Like yeah, I'm still there's you know, there's a lot of people that I'm like, oh man, this is great, I'm glad you guys said this. And there's still a lot of sponsors that only show white super buff thin bodies or brands that are still posting like diet culture bullshit. Like just keeping it moving with their content.

It's kind of that. And it's good though that were like questioning all of these marketing schemes. They post uh the Black Square once and then nothing else for the rest of eternity. How much money are you coughing up? You know, everybody is watching them, Some are being held accountable. Others are like, oh my gosh, I applaud you for supporting our black brothers and sisters, but what are you doing? Let's see your action. Yeah for sure. And does do you know if since we last spoke did us A. P. L. Say anything? Are they still not saying anything? Oh besides you know banning trans comments and other things blocking all of their phones? I don't know. Chloe have you seen anything I have from U. S. A. P. Yeah. Hasn't it mostly been event stuff? I don't know blocked. Don't forget. Well because I haven't you haven't added them but as soon as you do they don't discriminate the block button at least tell you that much.

And it's it's just a shame though because they are the ones that have I mean in general the strength community, we're all still chocolate drops right? There's still not a whole ton of us out there. And historically speaking if we just stopped we if we just started desegregating in the sixties like how many people are really gonna have access and know about a recreational sport right? Like so we're still just pouring in. This is still new for us. Fine. Okay. But I feel like usa powerlifting of all people would be an in predict position to do more than post a black square when just at their nationals. Somebody posted on their live feed. Why are there so many black girls. So you would think an organization that has seen blatant racism through their social media would know that it's real and say something about it. But no. And then people question why representation matters. People question why diversity and inclusion is so important.

Yeah. Here we go. It's like some people are so used to seeing their all white neighborhoods in all white schools that all of a sudden they get they get jittery when they see a black or brown person in their sport. Why so many? Why so many black girls alive? How many exactly can you count them on your hand on your feet? Uh I think that was specifically during prime time also. So usa has yeah, their nationals is a real money maker because they let pretty much everybody in. And then the cool kids lifted a different time and that's called time. So that was during the prime time. So there was a lot of black girls in prime time and people couldn't handle it. Was that when kim Walford used to compete with the U. S. A. P. O. Kimberly Wall for you to do us a pl and she moved to Virgin Islands which they tried to fight and fight tooth and nail. They weren't just gonna let her go. So yeah, they they've actually had some meats out there and have some other athletes that have joined from here.

Hopefully after this pandemic situation. I hope they can get back to that because I'd like to see that grew anyhoo So yeah, that's racism. I hope we got great the next topic. Police. What we gonna do about them. Can't live with them. Can't live without him. That's, that's what I say we could live with. No, that's where this country is divided right now. That's why it's so important to talk about the history of police, right? Marcia. Well, a lot of ah, a lot of people today that are super rough and you see them, they're caught on camera or whatever, literally just being violent. You could take that exact role and bring it back to the time of slavery. The people that went out and hunted down runaway slaves, these enforcers or you could take it back to Jim Crow when they would enforce, you know, a black man using the whites only fountain.

But you know, it's lynching time and time to hang someone. It's a barbecue and they make postcards out of it. Oh my God. Yeah. No, there's really postcards that's real people used to hang out, bring their kids and talk about, they hung. Yeah. It was an event like a picnic event to hang a black guy. So if our history of police is in protecting these kind of things and oppressing black people, how would that possibly ever change if we don't call it by name and realize what's been happening and and who it's been helping versus who it's been hurting. Which is why everyone who's questioning why police abolition or police defunding is necessary. Is because white people are so used to calling the police when they see an isolated black or brown person walking around their neighborhood suspicion of what they could be wearing a suit? They could be in a car.

Yeah. A black guy in a nice car is gonna get pulled over just for being a black guy in a nice car. It's happened all the time. My brother, my as a kid, my brother used to fight with his other friends in the neighborhood when they drove home from school who could drive home with the white guy. So they don't get pulled over. Really. Mm wow. And if you go to, I don't know what you're nice neighborhoods are in your area. But if you go to the pretty polished suburbs, you might not even see a cop car. You go to the city center. They're everywhere. And all of this money and all of these resources, they're putting after minor incidents that don't do anything for our lives. Like really you're, this cop is gonna sit here in the middle of this low income neighborhood and wait for people to run stop signs. That's what you like. That's what I'm paying for is a tax, a taxpayer. That's what I'm paying for. But yet school lunches, some crusty ass chicken nuggets. Well you got time to sit on a, at a stop sign and give people tickets.

I'm going to those schools? Sorry. Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. Even that. Even school like, What is that Like? Why do you have to stop and frisk are 1614 year olds who are just trying to get an education. Why do we have four police officers who are armed. in these like schools where they're just trying to get educationally insane. And I'm sure it's everywhere. But I just saw recent things on L. A. And their teachers in their school situation and police Um they voted to cut down the school police budget. You know how much you know how much they're spending on school police, $70 million $70 million. Much are they spending, how much spending on nurses and school counselors and school psychologists? Exactly. How much are they spending on social workers in the department of Children and families? And how much are they spending on outreach programs and after school programs. Fucking crazy. Like you go to a school, it's got four armed police officers and no nurse like someone's got a bloody nose and they gotta wait until five PM to go home and clean it, you know?

Yeah. From the time that I was a kid. So I've always gone to mostly black schools because where I am, they have what's called quote unquote magnet programs and it's supposed to help people spread out instead of just trying to go to the nice schools. They go to the lesser schools because they have a magnet program. So I always did that. And in every school from start to finish, we would start with an actual school clinic with it all day nurse by the time I'd be done with that school. It was a nurse that came for two hours on Tuesdays, cops never changed. We got more cops. I don't know what they did all day Besides joking kid play with kids because into what's happening, what you're saying there's a two hour time slot for when the nurse was coming in one day out of the week. That's The only time you can get sick or hurt. two hours. That's it. That's all you got in that building. They just shut the lights on and then boop boop sick like it didn't exist anymore. Moving on. Guys.

School nurse for what? And and one nurse for 9000 kids hope that they don't all get sick and one day more if there's more police officers than guidance counselors in the school. And how is that? Not enough to tell you that we're not putting money where, where it matters. Yeah, that's a red flag. And on the L. A. Thing too. They just ah those school police returned, this might be old but they returned some of the equipment they got from the federal government which includes grenade launchers. Uh They were in a war against the police. The police department specifically are like the ones that were the school police had grenade grenade oh my God. I know that when Ferguson first happened. That's when I really learned a lot about the militarization, militarization of police. But I mean still hearing these things. It's like really? Yeah, I'm blowing so yeah it's uh it's a mess.

Do you want to know what what ah the like the client the crime ah solving rates are since, since everybody wants to say. But what about violent crime? What about the time they're not solving it? So here we go, 60% of murders are solved. 53% of assaults are solved. 34% of rapes are solved. 30% of robbery are solved. They are failing. Those are F. Cindy's, that's not good. Those are not good. So when you say, what about murder? What about rape? What about it? Nobody's doing anything great for it now. But maybe they could um actually solve those cases. They are spending less time at the school, get them off those traffic stops and put them to work to actually solve these crimes. So there's a lot of, a lot of why more police have popped up in places they don't belong is the terrible belief that oh if you stop crying now, if you stop these little things then you know, you'll keep it from threatening everyday life later on.

Like really giving me a traffic ticket is gonna scare me out of being a serial killer. I don't really see the connection here. So you might hear broken windows policing or um terms like that. But that's that's where things like stop and frisk became legal, you could literally just stop anybody for any reason. But where where do you think this is happening? Black and brown neighborhoods, downtown city centers, densely populated, like nobody's in the middle of Beverly hills, stopping and frisking these people. The idea of defunding the police sounds very wild, but really the idea of School police having grenade launchers and $70 million dollars should sound worse to you. Yeah. So the defunding, I don't know if we explain that. Well, that would mean moving funds away from like unnecessary things that the police are doing and um taking those funds and giving them to maybe like social workers and stuff like that, right? We're not just slashing funding and cutting police jobs out.

Yeah. So de funding is that idea. Take the money out and put it where it matters. Abolition is the idea that you're cutting police out totally. And I'm not gonna pretend that I know that the difference in terms and who is behind the ideas and where you should go for the information. Like I'm not. But I know from just logically speaking, reform hasn't done anything. Reform has tossed more money towards the police and it hasn't gotten us anywhere. So we got body cams that has gone anywhere. You have random people trying to teach racial bias training and de escalation and trying to do these things and banning chokeholds with that clearly. So we could see by the events this year hasn't changed anything. Yeah. I mean here in san Jose the guy who was leading those trainings for the police department got brutalized in a protest by the same police officers like y'all fucking work together and you still hit his ass. Of course now he's questioning whether or not that police report form is helping these larger cities, wow, They paid this man to teach the class and then the students beat the teacher in in essence.

Yeah. Okay, wow. Yeah. Yeah. And moving moving money away from police also means that you have alternatives to these calls where it's a homeless person on the side of the street, just talking to himself and somebody calls the cops completely unnecessarily, you know, gets put into the prison system um, and has no way to come back out or are just, it could be one of our uncles or aunts, my own father, you know? Yeah. You know, you never know which way that's going to go and once they're in in the system and once they have the record and you could just say, well they're innocent until proven guilty. I mean you don't prove it for free, that should cost money. So like no matter what from that starting of that bullshit, they're they're kind of fucked. They're kind of fun and I think a lot of people are also afraid of calling the cops when you know, let's say they have somebody having a mental health breakdown and they are scared they're gonna hurt themselves or hurt someone else who then the cops come and end up hurting them instead.

Like we need somebody else, somebody else they can call, it's clearly not working out and somebody else who's not armed, you know, especially if whoever's calling is unarmed. Well that's really hard to prove. But why not start with mental health consultants? Why not start with counselors or even, you know, your own neighborhood folks. Because we know we have some neighborhood initiatives also in the works if um police abolition happens and they're they're smaller town and if we take money away from police and put them towards things that matter, then a lot of these quote unquote problems can actually start being resolved because we're not gonna, again, we can't solve a problem. If we don't call it by its name, like how do we solve racism? We gotta put our money where it matters. We created environments where black people are descended desegregated and dense populations, They have to do more more translate more transit, less access to schools, less access to capital to starting their own business.

So we have to put money towards all of those things, not more police. So they could get charges. So they could go to prison and then boom now they're stuck with that ship with a record. It'll be interesting to see how the bills that both republicans and democrats are working on right now. I know the democrats want to go after qualified immunity for the but it looks like as of monday the Supreme Court is like no we're not even going to review that. Um if you want to explain what that is real quick just in case nobody knows the term qualified immunity. So basically that is a way that police are protected from civil lawsuits and trials. Um specifically like actions they do on the job later they can't be sued for. So I thought I saw something for the republicans where they said oh we're not going to touch it, we're just going to alter it to say they can only use this for cases where they felt their lives were in danger.

Okay, that's gonna fix everything. Then what is the point of police reform? We put in all this money into research into how they can be you know, less hostile toward individuals less brutal. And they're gonna do it anyway because they've got immunity. They know they're untouchable. They think they're above the law. And and a lot of these cops if get fired, whoop de do they'll just hop over a couple cities, get another job. So I think one of the things for the democrats or somebody separately is asking for a bill is to make a database of that to prevent that from happening. That's definitely gonna be the democrats I think. But that's like. Yeah exactly because the the firing them isn't doing anything. This is number one, you can't sue them. Number two, they don't go to jail. All they have to do is drive a little longer now they have a commute. What do you do? You saw the police brutality?

Yeah, you did. And they're still, historically speaking way less, especially white, but all cops, um, way less cops charged for any of these crimes for any of these murders, They're still fucking working their daily lives. Yeah, I think we could probably still count on one hand who's actually been charged with anything and if everyone is always so, oh, we defund them, or, or even if we're all the way, oh, we abolish police. Well, what are we gonna do? I mean, what do you think people felt like the day after slavery? It's okay. We'll we'll figure that sh it out that there were people that were, that were in the early 18 hundreds. Like, I don't think I could live my life without my slaves. I should fight for this and they figured it out, didn't they? It's not that much to believe guys, like we could figure shit out. It's okay. Well, in the midst of a pandemic, we're figuring should already, the whole world is different. There is no new normal.

So I don't think it'll take that long to be honest to find some alternatives to policing things is the greatest time. Everyone's sitting home, everyone sitting at home, everyone's got the time, right? Well maybe not everyone, but everything's already funked up. So just just blank slate. Start over. Yeah, but it's not to say that nothing's thought of, you know, we have native americans coming out and saying, hey, let's show you how we did some level of policing within our communities within our tribes to make sure that there's low violence rate. This is how we're doing it. Or just neighborhoods right now who never called police because they were scared or feared their lives if they called police, they had their own neighborhood or community policing. Like I think new york already has some, they're called like cure violence programs like that. I forgot what G Mac stands for, but it's like Gangsters making some community changes.

There's like groups already set to try and avoid all the possible ways to not call police. So Cities are doing it. We just haven't been hearing about it because 911 is an easy number to dial. Yeah. I mean, I think that we can all do much better in trying to look shit up because just like even for me just hearing the word abolition, just hearing the word de funding sounds really harsh. Capital D D funding. Oh, I don't know how I feel about that, but like really, it doesn't take you long to google some ship. Like you figure it out. Yeah. It's surprising what people won't though. They're like, oh defunding. Like they just think that means automatically know police, which is not what defunding is. Glad we discussed. The difference there between defunding and abolition. Yeah. And there and there are people that will and you know, we're not gonna get it right because there are people that say, all right, if you use the hashtag defund the police. It was founded by this in this group and this and this group is actually for police abolition.

So you can't say it unless you mean that and you know, whatever, we're not gonna get it right. But what we know is the police don't need any more money. They don't need any more grenade launchers and we need to start putting money where it matters. We do know that we can work with that. Uh So does this does this episode mean that we're removing our donations to campaign zero? Yeah, that was more money. That is literally against the funding because they want to put more money. A lot changes in a week. You guys can change their minds to it's fine, honestly. And you don't have to write a soliloquy. You don't make a fucking monologue just so you know what? I don't think I was right about that one. That's it talks just don't support brands that don't align with your beliefs. Got a racist as crossfit ceo over here, pull your money out Reebok rogue is it? And stop supporting track. They don't care about us.

They don't love us. Why do you love them? Yeah. And when you go to vote like this november, I read about how important it is to go look at the candidates website to see if they are endorsed by some kind of police union. Oh, that's something we want to avoid. Yeah, that's a fair point. Good point there because that's uh there's gonna be a lot of money coming from them to do whatever they can to keep their immunity and their funds as is So I think we'll ah wrap that up. That's enough. You guys could do some homework, google it, we'll try to make some blog posts get a little deeper. But um yeah, there's some ship that was great. Okay, disabled girls out. Thanks for listening to disabled girls who left. We appreciate all of your support and everyone who's taken the time to show us some love. Don't forget to subscribe rate already. Review of our channel. We're on apple podcasts, Spotify player FM, google podcasts and more.

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E27: Systemic Racism & Defund the Police
E27: Systemic Racism & Defund the Police
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