Disabled Girls Who Lift

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E09: Disability in the Workplace

December 30th 2019

In episode 9, Chloe, Marcia and Marybeth discuss hurdles they’ve experienced in workplaces and their thoughts on disclosing their disabilities to employers. The hosts share personal experiences in ... More

this is disabled girls who lift, we are reclaiming what's rightfully ours one podcast at a time. It's mary beth Chloe and Marcia bringing you the thoughts and unpopular topics to get you out of that. A bliss comfort zone. Mhm. Mhm. Welcome folks. It's episode nine of disabled girls who lived, how we feel and how we doing. Thank you again for coming back to listen to our podcast today. We're gonna talk a little bit about disability in the workplace, how to juggle life discrimination and all the while. Obviously we're still trying to chase some gains. So as per usual and Marcy a from south florida, I'm Chloe from Iowa. It's mary beth from California. So we're gonna come at you with some questions which some of you out there listening can answer as well, but I feel like this comes up and it's gonna come up. I think a lot for you Chloe because you're gonna go back into the um employment industry going out and start interviewing very soon after you graduate.

But um I want to talk about disclosure like how necessary is it for us to disclose their disability from the get go, do we check off that box when they ask us in the survey um when we're in a job interview, you know, um how necessary is it for us? So I generally don't check that box that says I'm disabled. I've never checked it. I don't think I plan on doing it. Um personally, I think it's kind of up to the individual whether they want to share it or not because it's just a lot to unpack definitely and I don't I don't really I don't hide or have trouble talking about my issues and you know my illness and all that. But if I'm going to a job interview I wouldn't really just come out and say it because of the perception of what that person is going to have. Yeah. Yeah so they're gonna oh well she's going to need something extra. She probably I could be able to work and I mean there's a lot of positions where are we're already kind of I mean where women already so fuck already.

You know like we already got to work a little extra there so then you want to add something else on top of it that they're not going to understand. Great but obviously not everyone has the option. Some people actually might need some extra help. Or maybe some modifications to make the workplace accessible. So I'm not sure how. I would be curious to see how that goes for someone that would like to work but does need you know thanks to be more accessible. For example what if a wheelchair user wants to work somewhere that's been like grandfather that doesn't actually have 88 rams like how is that how does that work out? I'm curious about that as well. That's really good point. Yeah I think we have to acknowledge like our privilege to be able to not disclose it at an interview because those where it's very obviously you know like we said somebody who has um C. S. I. S. C. I am so yeah not yeah somebody that has somebody that has a C. S. C. I.

Or somebody in a wheelchair walking um wheeling into an interview. Um The interviewer's gonna you know first handedly in their mind either say that oh we can't hire this person because of all the accommodations will have to make or um what will our clients think? What will our customers think? Having someone with a disability? Like it's not it's hard because a lot of managers just will immediately turn them away. I'm glad you said that it definitely is a privilege where I can just make you know what I'm not gonna check this box but other people need to, yeah it's definitely a privilege and it's a for me it's there's like a circumstance where you know my issues would affect me in a regular job but that's also why I don't have a regular job. So I mean we could probably get into that later but just the idea of you know you're going into that interview. You know you have requirements like maybe have to lift something you know you know like those bullet points be able to lift £50 or be able to do this and you know or how vacation days work and what if you need to make doctor's appointments.

So it is definitely a tricky a tricky line to toe and it is a privilege to be able to choose whether or not you can disclose it, but I am curious how it goes or someone that doesn't have that option. So so Chloe, do you, do you hide it in an interview or So interviews are probably my least favorite thing because I like ideally I'd try to weave it into the interview at some point. Obviously when you go in for an interview, what's the first thing a person wants to do? The your hand? That is my least favorite part because it's my right hand, that's effective. If you offer your left hand, sometimes I get goofy looks like oh this girl doesn't know you're supposed to shake with your right hand makes a little, you know what I mean? How first impression? So there's different ways that I've done it, I don't have like a standard approach yet. Sometimes if I go in an interview and if I'm feeling confident right off the bat, I'm gonna be like, I'm gonna give you my left hand, I can't shake with my right hand or maybe somewhere um during the interview questioning process, I'll bring it up.

What about you, either of you? That's that's funny because when I first met you in new york, you gave me your left hand also and I'm like huh, what is my right hand or my left hand was also the same hand and we would have been shaken with our with her limb different hand and I would have been totally fine with that, but like just walking around with you in the streets of new york, you made me feel a lot more empowered in taking my hand out of my pocket. I was like this chick, you know, this is I guess she just goes about her normal days like this and she's already like moved past that. Whereas me in public, I'm still getting accustomed to um not giving a shit about what people think or not giving somebody something to stare at. Oh, I'm thinking about it, I just have to make myself do it. I'm like, no, you can't hide this right now. Because I think about in a previous episode, I brought up how my dad yelled at me once for hiding my hands.

So that's always kind of in the back of my mind when I'm on like space. He burned it into your brain apparently. Yeah, but that's interesting because I mean, so you might not, maybe you'll show that insecurity or maybe you don't, but either way, just the act of you hiding your hand is going to create a different body language and if you were just, you know, open and you know, sitting up tall and whatever, like just hide in your hand, they're already gonna be like this girl is kind of shy or what's the deal to program Yeah, yeah. You already changing the perception even though you're trying to hide something else. Yeah. A recent interview, so I'm starting a part time job soon for senior helping with senior care and home. And in that interview I just went in and I'm like, you know what, just keep your hands out, put them up on the desk where we're talking, where they can see it that way. I didn't have to bring it up. Like she could just see it and if she had a question she could ask, but she didn't instead, she's kind of like, oh, okay, there it is. Yeah, this is me.

Do you want it or not? I don't need this shit. I hope she's a listener. Uh She didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Have you had any like horror stories or is it just general, well for either of you general anxiety about what, how people react or what they'll say or how the judge. So with my current business with the equine massage, I've had only, I can think of one woman right now that asked me as I was working on her horse, she was like, oh what happened to your hand? Like she was taken aback and I explained it to her and it was fine. We just carried on as normal. And sometimes it is nice to get it out of the way that way. Like we don't have to deal with it with in future appointments. But there's other times where like I just want to do my work and I don't want to talk about it. What about to get that? Well, so I mean, so you interact with one client at a time or one or two clients at a time and I interact with like 8000 at a time or 2000 and a time.

So yes, it is something that I would love to get out of the way, but it would be a daily like tons of effort, like very exhausting work for me. Um and then I also have those are 8000, you know, patrons that come to our performances. Um I don't care so much about the stairs. It's more so like I am providing a service for them and I, you know, I just want to take their ticket or I want to help them with an issue that they have um that night. But if um you know, we have to stray away from targeting the issue at hand and constantly talking about my disability, that's going to get in the way of my work. Um So I don't know, it's it's a lot of stuff to navigate and I think get past. Um I think I'm so far in this job. I'm like 10 years in this job where 200 of my volunteers. Um don't necessarily know that about me unless you're the one or two following me on Instagram who are already very close to me.

Um Then that's just a conversation that I have to have with that circle first. You know like um but I think what's great about that job though is like stressing how important it is, how important it is for us to help our patrons with disabilities. Like I've incorporated that into the program um with so much heart and concern um Where we assist every single person that walks through a door that is in a wheel chair. Heart of walking is blind. Like we offer them a shoulder. We make sure that ticketing services um from the get go are taking care of you know they get all of their options um online or via phone or via T. T. Y. Um talk through text and then things like this, this is listening devices or A. S. L. Interpreters. You know the the list goes on with how art needs to be accessible. Um And so showing that showcasing like the importance there to them I think is what I care about more so than what people care about me.

Yeah. I mean that's your job is showcasing the art. It's not to explain to everybody why you look at what you do. That's uh But I mean we do get those like volunteers who are very observant who are like 60-80 years old, pull you aside and be like hey what are you doing? What are you? Um I noticed that you have your hand like that or what's going on and you know, they feel sorry for me and I'm supposed to be their boss and I don't, you know, there's a fine line between being a leader and being someone to, I don't know, I feel sorry for. So I don't know. I get what You mean. That makes a lot of sense. And so you said you've been doing this for like 10 years already? Well, yeah, I started that job actually when I, I was a freshman in college and then I only started full time this past year after I left my, my wine job. But I've known these people for that long.

Yeah, that's a long time. And I mean at that point you're kind of already settled into how you want to get your job done and what you want to do that you just, you just happen to be a person with a disability. It's like, it's kind of a byline. It's not really when you wake up and go to work. It's not what you're thinking about? Yeah. How do you handle the the older volunteers center point you side asking, hey, why is your hand in your pocket? Do you have that conversation with them or do you kind of brush it off and move along? Oh yeah. No, I like when it when it comes to me, I definitely have that conversation because it is that important and I'm not living a double life. I'm not proud of my disability online and then ashamed of it in person. I still have that conversation and tell her well, you know, I was born without a hand and um, I am just so accustomed to keeping it like this. But there are issues in that keeping, you know, an entire left arm so stagnant for such a long amount of time can affect you, you know, with physical therapy.

And so I reset that when I squat in. But I think with my students, it's a very different thing because they're younger and we already have these conversations about disability and in equality and equity. Um, offline that it's much easier conversation or a conversation that doesn't even need to be had. That's kind of where I wanted to. Yeah, that's where we want it to be for everybody. So it's easier with the students versus like the older volunteers. Is that what you were saying? Yeah. And I probably still like in my head about it, but it's going so far. But what's great is like, so I mean, I hire, you know, the students and I hired the volunteers. Um, we have tons of volunteers who have disabilities because they're much older. Um, like we have someone with a spinal cord injury and she, um, she's in a wheelchair and she hands out programs in a very unique way at the doors and you know, we very, we very much pay attention to that and make sure that those people get the proper positions while still being able to like enjoy the show?

You know, like, but they can't walk upstairs. They can't volunteer in the balcony. So we get them positions on the ground floor. We have them manage the coat check or stuff like that. So yes, you thoughtfully deploy them to a position that will work for them. Yeah, We asked them if they have any restrictions or whatever. So we don't have those, We kind of have those £50 requirements, but we don't really expect that of our volunteers because they're typically older, right? That's nice. And I do want to circle back kind of something you mentioned in passing that, um, you know, like a lifelong of putting your hand in your pocket could kind of mess you up physically and that you're kind of unlearning it with squatting. Is that is that a big difference to you since you started lifting how you carry yourself in your arm or just still a work in progress? Yeah. Um, and like I said in the gym, like everything is all out there and I walk, like, I don't give a shit and that's what I need to like bring out into the public eye.

Um, when I'm just out grocery shopping or whatever, it does help to be an active being. But the other 18 hours of your life per day, you know, are going to make a bigger impact. So some carry over were solely creeping work in progress, I'll take it. It's better than no progress. Uh what about your colleague was their difference for you when you started lifting and you know, kind of exploring, you know, what you're doing with your right hand and modifying. Did you kind of carry that over until you know, real world and how you work? Or? I think so, I think powerlifting is probably where I credit most of my self esteem growth in the last six years when I started six years ago. I still struggle with it though, I you know, there's still days where I'm insecure and I'm like, well I don't really want to be out in public with this. Maybe I'll wear long sleeves or something with pockets. So it's definitely still a work in progress, but it's better than it was six years ago.

Yeah. Okay. Okay, marshes to like stop making excuses for yourselves. I mean, like, like I said in the episode where we talked about ourselves and whatever and well, I think I got to figure it out. So, you know, you're getting closer to that, that's fine getting there, thank you, That's okay. And I mean, for me, I don't have anything to physically hide, right? But I mean, I do think that lifting has made me kind of a more confident as a person and you know, kind of just be able to put myself out there and not really care what happens next. So for me that's probably how it carries over more is just like the confidence, I mean obviously physically I don't have anything that people can see or that I have to hide or that sort of deal, but I definitely feel a lot more like a boss ass bitch, you know, I just look at, you know, some heavy shit for years like what am I gonna get? This guy tells me to do at work?

Fuck that guy. She doesn't mean that get her work is in her gym, so all right, okay, but everybody knows though. Everybody knows. Yeah, yeah. You know, I work, I work in the gym and then I also work at a day care, but everybody knows like I'm not fucking around like I'm here to do my job and have fun and be friendly and whatever, but like if I don't like something, I'm gonna let somebody know, like if somebody wants to have drama, like I'm going to let them know, I don't, I don't have it. I don't have the energy for that stuff anymore and I mean your safety to your safety is your priority, definitely. I mean that's a combination of a couple of things but lifting has definitely contributed to that attitude. Yeah, I think in today's like day and age, um I'm definitely a lot more thankful for where this community has gone. Like if they were for the platform that we have now, you know, social media in the gym with each other just starting this podcast, like these conversations are so necessary, but it's also constantly challenging me to like question a lot of the shit that I do in my real life.

Um so again, not that I'm making excuses, but I think the fact that I've so comfortable in this environment, it's like I need to bring everybody in for a conference, you know, I need to bring everybody in to talk about myself and I already have a hard time just wanted to talk about myself, but if there were a new environment or if it were a job, say that ever get surrounding um the work, this type of work that I like love so much, it would be an immediate, like I think that's where I would challenge myself no matter where I go into in a new job setting, um I think I would have to be out as a disabled woman. Yeah, it's a little different, you're, you're in, you've been in your situation for almost a decade and everybody is probably definitely comfortable with your abilities and what you're doing and how you work, so nobody's gonna see anything different less. They are new to your environment and another thing too, and I think Chloe mentioned this just in the past and you should probably bring it up today because it's so relevant, but like coming out as that and then coming out as like queer you know, like what do they need to know or will they find out at a holiday party or how necessary is that from the they're not.

Yeah. Yeah. Just the layers of your identity. Like how much do I have to sit there and tell you and peel back. Yeah. I think you had a story about something that happened. Yeah. I have So I have a second hand story. Have to be kind of careful to not reveal identities in this story so that the person doesn't get backlash, but it's about a guy that brought up in an interview that he was gay and I think it made the person giving the interview kind of weight. Like why would you bring that up? That doesn't matter. We don't care. But I think with that the person giving the interview doesn't understand is sometimes it's just nice to get your differences. Like out there from the get go. So, you know, what kind of people you're working with? Are these people going to accept me as is instead of having them find out later down the line. Yeah. Yeah. And that's something that Eva was bringing up when she's looking for, you know, looking to employ an aid that's part of her interview process because like she does not she's not gonna waste her time with the home field, it's not going to be comfortable or a good experience.

So like she gets it right out there. That's a part of the process. So I can definitely get that, that makes sense, right? But as always, it's probably going to depend on each person and what they're going through and what kind of job they're trying to get. Like, we can't make blanket statements for anything. I don't think totally. And like hiring someone versus being hired are two different I think fields. So I think in the Eva's case she was, you know, hiring somebody, she's hiring someone in mike perspective, like, I don't give a shit. Like we actually encourage that art is accessible to everybody. So if you want to volunteer and then watch a show for free, um, we'll make it work and find a spot for you as long as you're a cool human being and you're not a again a homophobic racist, like all the red flags, um that we don't want to promote in our company. But but the place that he went to might not have had that kind of a message and maybe he felt like I'm not really sure.

Let me just settle this, right? Yeah. I'm thinking the place he went to probably didn't have that kind of message because that that that might make it necessary if you'd be like, all right, hold on, let's see. Or the place could have been so forward and they're thinking that they're like your sexuality doesn't matter here. You could love and fuck whoever the hell you want. Why are you bringing this up during the job interview? Like, are you, are you hitting on me? Is there an attraction? Yeah, So as far as Chloe goes and your massage business and all of that stuff, did you do that out of like necessity or were you working in a regular 9-5 and you're like, this sucks or what, what happened? I was co managing a horse barn, the performance horse barn and the owner actually has a chronic illness.

She had to shut down this training facility. I wanted to continue working with horses and I know it kind of touched on this in a previous episode, but just to bring it full circle. I wanted to continue working with horses, but I didn't want a job writing them because I had lost interest in that part of things. So I researched jobs with horses that didn't require riding and I came up with, okay, I can be uh coin body worker, I can do massage to help the performance horses perform their best. So I kind of forgot what your question was, that, that was telling that story? Um That's okay. That's pretty much the question like what? How did you find yourself where you are? So did you have those connections already and you kind of just tapped into it or did you start totally from scratch? I had some connections. So being that co manager of the performance barn helped me get a foot in the door with clients. Um But choosing to do the equine massage before I fully committed to, it was a little bit weird because I knew I'm like okay this is a very hands on job.

Is this something I can do what our clients going to say when they see my difference. So I had to kind of go through all of that mentally before I committed to it. And I mean now but you're now you're going back to school and now you're juggling a couple of things. Yeah. What's the direction? Okay. I started back in school in august originally I was like I'm going to do radiology. That quickly changed to ultrasound or sonography. But when I went to the required job shadow for sonography, I was a little concern about the tools they have to use with their hands and I'm not sure long term that my right hand will be able to use the probes that they use. All right. Yeah. So I started looking at other options because I'm like, okay well what can I do with the classes I have been taking? So now I've settled on respiratory therapy. I think that's still going to be hands on but to a lesser degree than like the sonography where you're holding that probe in your hand in your moving it across the patient's body.

Mhm. I know that sounds kind of goofy because right now, obviously, as I work on horses that is very like intensive hands on stuff, but that's part of the reason why I'm kind of moving away from that in addition to not being in the right market for it, it's too much for my right hand in my right arm to keep up with. So I've been experiencing like some numbness and stuff through my my arm that I'm like, okay, this is a sign that I'm doing too much and this that affects your lifting or has it gone even further to affect, you know, like washing your hair, the numbness. It hasn't yet. I've been really diligent about going to the two different people that I see for bodywork. So the guy that does dry Needling and then the woman that focuses on fashion work where she'll get into you're scar tissue and stuff and I found any time she works on the scar tissue in my right arm that will start to relieve that the numbness and the tingling that I'm getting. So I'm hoping as long as I stay in a regular schedule with her, I can kind of stay ahead of what's going on, right?

And it's the respiratory therapy going to replace this or you just kind of kind of cut down on it because I love the horses, You love the horses. I'm going to have to cut down a lot though because you know, like I said, it's just, it's so much fired up from my upper body that I can't keep up with it for like, I don't know, I don't know what I'll do probably less than five horses a week. That I think that would be a fair number. I can relate to that because when I first started having my illness issues and I started having trouble doing, you know, my training kind of suffered for a couple of years. I wasn't really doing much weight wise, you know, still trying to get, you know, a little bit of volume here and there that I could get in, but if I had to work then I wasn't lifting and, you know, I used to work at a place that had spinal cord injuries, like newly injured strokes and these are, you know, adults and these are heavy people and they need a lot of work and they're coming to this private cash clinic because they want to get up and it's gonna be like a tense, you know, they're gonna get on a treadmill and they're gonna move, I mean, so like you as a therapist, like, yeah, this is cool and motivational, but like, I'm dying back here.

So I get a certain point, it's like, okay, I mean, I love this job making some money, but this job doesn't love me, this isn't working out something's gotta give, right, right? You have to consider your body and long term what you can see it doing, um I can relate to that. Yeah, definitely. And I've also realize that even if it's not a physical effort, if there's a lot of mental effort and that stress isn't helpful either. So I mean in general, most people, you know, stress isn't good for your body really. Like it's not good. Don't stress out, you know, protect your energy kind of thing. But when you have a chronic illness, like stress could mean the difference from today, I'm waking up fine and tomorrow my legs are like spasming so hard that I have to like wrap the whole thing up in KT tape and you know, it could mean the difference between a regular day and a terrible one. Yeah, I didn't consider that, wow. Yeah. So I mean like at this point in time, if it makes me more stress than it makes money, like I'm not doing it much where I'm not doing it.

And and I finally got to a point where I dropped all the jobs that were even to mentally stressful to physically stressful. And I, you know, I kept one job which was the daycare job and at the time I wasn't even um, it's like a contract. So the facility is the facility and then they hire contract a therapist to do the therapy. So like it's not like you work directly for them and I didn't even have the contract. I was working for somebody and then that guy fucked it up. And then I got the contract and so like now, you know, I listened to my body and I honored what I was asking for and I paid attention and then I just got this opportunity dropped in my lap and I'm like, okay, great. But I mean if I wasn't paying attention, maybe that wouldn't have happened. I'm not really sure. And so does that mean you also like, um, dropped a lot of clients or you're doing very few per week Marcy a or how do I know you did classes now? How I'm doing my cash clinic is, I mean like my main, every day, most of the days are at the day care.

I spent like 23 days they're weak. Um, that's like the main thing and there's about 50 kids there and they all have, you know, like I'm the only physical therapist and I have two assistants under me. So I handle like if a kid needs a wheelchair, if they needed braces, you know, I decided how many times a week they're going. I talked to the parents, all that stuff. Um, and then the rest of the week I might treat, you know, anywhere from 0 to 4 people at my gym. So the gym thing is kind of another like an opportunity falling in my lap because my, one of my best friends owns the gym and we used to, used to be in this, not even legal, There is no way that place was legal. Uh, kind of a gym, like a tiny little room is full of mold. Like the electrical outlets are all crooked. Like there's no way that was. So they kept looking for new places and you know, they found one place and they're like, oh, that runs about the same. I don't know if we could swing it, but there's a little office in there and if you could help us out a little bit, you can have it.

And that was pretty much how I got my clinic. Oh damn. So it's kind of like, this is the game I'm already going to now. We're moving to a better place and I can help them pay the rent, win, win. That's some damn good opportunities. Yeah. Because of your expertise. Yeah. And Chloe, it's funny that you said you're cutting it down to five horses a week. These are beings that are 23 times your size. Yeah, Well that would only, yeah, there'd only be like, usually clients do our sessions, so maybe like five hours a week. That's not bad. I used to do. There were days where I was doing eight horses a day, hard pass. I won't do it anymore. But in the beginning I was like trying to take as many clients as I could get as I was getting started and that proved to be, that was exhausting. So that was a lawyer. Still training to. Yeah, still training. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You said somewhere where you try to time it so that you don't have a client right?

Like the same day that you bench or do whatever body stuff, right? Yeah. So I talked about that on Tony Montgomery's podcast. He asked when I have heavy massage days, how do I structure my work week if let's say I'm getting ready for a meet and I know I have a heavy bench coming up. I try to let's say that benches Wednesday. I'll try to do clients monday, take Tuesday off and then bench Wednesday. Otherwise my bicep tendinitis in my left arm will really act up. Yeah, I think that that goes for a lot of massage therapists to that even do it on humans. That's that's a lot of work for your everybody. You're not just using your arms to get it. But marci did you have to change anything with your training and your clients? I mean I work my weeks kind of the same thought process as you like week by week. I'm like, okay, this is what I have this day. Then I'm gonna train monday, I'll do this Tuesday, I'll do that and I kind of structure it that way.

You know when I spend the first couple of days of the week at the daycare. I try not to add anything that's either too heavy or that I absolutely have to go to the gym for because I am, I am lucky enough to have like a little garage set up so I'll try to plan something that's simpler that I could do there. I make sure I have enough naptime, enough chill time because I can't, I can't go from like one thing to another, like, you know when you go to the gym and people are like, yeah, I just got off of work and in their work clothes, it changed in the bathroom and then no, I can't do that at the end of the work there, I'm literally dead inside. Like I have to like, my body needs like a chill, like it has like a I don't know, maybe like a five hour limit where it's like chill and it doesn't matter what I'm doing, it doesn't have to be like when I'm working with these kids and I'm like chasing them outside, like I'm having fun, but my body is just like, I don't care, this is work calm down. This is like the spoon analogy that you brought up in one of our earlier episodes, right? You only have so many spoons today. Exactly, and I have so much energy so I have to number one, I have to be flexible even even if I plan for a certain week to go a certain way, I might wake up that day and it's just like never mind.

So my training, I tried to plan around my work schedule and even on top of that it's still got to be flexible. I start to shift things around and move things around and see what happens, But I definitely won't do anything if if I happen to have, you know, two or three people in a row at the gym, then I'm not going to plan to do like, you know, 85% squats after that, like no terrible idea. So that's kind of how I negotiate that part of it. And you guys definitely plan your plan your sessions around your competitions, like especially when you're traveling, so you don't have any of that week. I do alright. Yeah, planned by by competition, you know, I mean in general, most people will, I would hope have a plan when I have a company, you know, like sorry, I'm just not going to show up and and it's also great for that when you work for yourself is I have a competition coming up like I'm not going to schedule like, like when I competed saturday, like I didn't schedule anybody that entire week.

I want to take it for a couple of days and thursday friday and do shit like to the point where I'm not even going to leave the house, like that's how rested I'm gonna be. Yeah, I wouldn't have that luxury if I worked a regular, you know, demanding kind of uh but yours was luckily local, right? Was it downtown? No, I Drive three hours. It is local. You have to drive three hours Chloe's coming out to California soon Marseille. You gotta find one out here too. Well okay, where where is it again exactly san Diego. Yes. Yeah. Down mark Fairgrounds. Send your saying that right. And how nobody knows. And how far is it from you? Maybe? Uh that's on the other side of the state, but I will happily go down. I love watching current meets even though there's there was a huge transition from U. S. P. A. To its W. Rpf now. Right? Uh Yeah.

I don't I don't care so much about um I love those federations equally. It's more of how everybody thinks of gracie. So everybody just dropped out and but whatever to each their own. What month is it april? All right. I guess I need to see that. We'll see what happens. The pressure do it when my bank account set up. Let's see what happens. What's the grand prize for That for women overall Wilkes is $25,000. Isn't that insane? More than like nationals and worlds and what our record. Right? Here's everything combined. They're doing payouts for weight classes to I don't remember what they posted because they deleted it after they posted it. So I was like okay. Um but it's at least 1000 I think for first place. Um By weight class. As long as you have as long as there's five of your expenses. Yeah, for sure, because this hobby is not cheap.

No, it's not that a lot of a power lifting, like they don't give that many awards right now. Be lucky to get a medal if you're competing by yourself in a weight class. So it's not a it's definitely, I wonder who's even on that, that roster because I have seen no more than like five people. They posted it, it's stacked All the way. I don't know about all of them, but mine is stat, the 165 women is going to be crazy. Of course Mariana is doing it. I don't know how to say her last name. She's from Kazakhstan to California. So I mean she's probably going for that. The overall price probably. I don't remember, I don't remember seeing her name on there, that you said that, but she's she would be another runner for that top price, definitely. I wonder if that's around the same time that she's hosting the maid in new york with the main that's in me.

Okay, just a month after. Oh or we could meet up at new york again. Should I want to go that sisters para lifting me? Oh yeah, I'll be there all the people I'm gonna learn here. Yeah, yeah, I'm listening. Your left hand to me. Yeah, the legends of sisterhood in May. Yeah you are, Yeah, okay, let's go to new york then. Okay, well here we go, fucking, we're going everywhere. Um but yeah, back on topic I guess kind of straight off there. No, I uh those are all really good experiences that you brought up and I feel like it could be similar for a lot of people, but also everyone has their unique ways of handling clients or handling job interviews and work settings and all that craziness. Um but I'd be curious to hear how everyone else deals with that definitely if they have any advice or what their experiences have been.

Yeah. And I find that where we have people share these experiences, like do we come to our instagram page or send them through our website. Question there's actually so you can actually submit voice memos. Um there's a link that's under our show notes if you either listen to us on anchor or Apple podcasts or some of the other ones where there's a there's a link where you can submit a voice message and we can either play it for a future episode or respond to them. Um so that'd be a really cool way to interact with our listeners. Yeah, so leave us, I think we could we could easily update our bio link to kind of have a little directory of where to go and you know where to listen to our podcast and how to leave us a voice message. And I think that would be the main question to answer how you deal with that disclosure. Do you disclose your disability? How do the job interviews go? Or even just like Chloe and I are running our own business and Chloe is still in a kind of finding which way which direction to go because owning your own hands on business isn't for everyone, but sometimes it could be for you.

So I would definitely love to hear some people leave us some voice messages and well share them and talk about them. Perfect. So leave us a voice message. We'll talk soon. Love you guys. And uh I remember you guys are all boss ass bitch is disabled girls out. Thanks for listening to disabled girls who left. We appreciate all of your support and everyone who has taken the time to show us some of don't forget to subscribe, rate already. Review of our channel. We're on Apple podcasts, Spotify player, FM, google podcasts and more. You can also find us on instagram at disabled girls who left I mm

E09: Disability in the Workplace
E09: Disability in the Workplace
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