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Coaches Corner: Opportunity vs Luck, and why you should be tracking data points

by Shaun Kober
August 2nd 2021

 I've had so many great conversations with friends and colleagues about what we see happening in the fitness industry, and thought to myself, "I wish we would have recorded that."  More

what does it mean to live life to the fullest train to your potential and perform at your best, leave nothing on the table. That's a non negotiable is that I strive to be better every day because if I'm not on top of my game, how is anybody else gonna follow me down the road? Keep demanding more of yourself to live up to that potential and to stay hungry is progress? You know when I look at the word training, I think of steps, baby steps to get somewhere that you want to be and that is basically your life journey. That's a mindset in itself, man. It's like it's not just about I know that for you, a lot of that's about the physical, but we're constantly in training, whether it's growing our skill sets, whether it's growing up physical bodies, whether it's growing our relationships whatever and all of that is a training ground. And that kind of goes back to the mindset that we just talked about, You underestimate yourself and you don't even start, but then once you start, you often surpass what you thought you could do perform at your best mate. That's that's sort of what life is all about. You don't have the knowledge and have the fitness, the healthy ambition and drive that no matter what comes along.

When that next phone call comes, I can just say yes, I don't have to worry, just go and do it. That's a great point mate, like, you know that you're like, it's hereditary, Like you're potentially predisposed to having heart problems, right? And the thing is like that gives you the power to make a decision. You don't just go, well it's going to get me. So now I'm not going to look after myself. I'm not going to train. I'm gonna fucking drink three points every night and your fucking chicken palmy and chips and yeah man, like you, you you understand that so that makes you aware that hey, if you don't look after your shit, then maybe you'll have problems, right? And you might still even have problems, right? But you're going to delay that as long as you can by living a healthy lifestyle opportunity to work this year is showing us that things will happen.

Like Covid is a great example, genetics or another thing that you simply cannot control that. But then we have the opportunity, which is something different opportunities, aware things happen and you can either take advantage of it or you can take advantage of it. Like I'll use you for example, you obviously you're an advocate and then job opportunity came up a tiger. You were able to take it because you have the skills, you have the experience and someone will look at you and go, I'm sure you were lucky to get a job in Thailand well it wasn't because if I hadn't done the qualifications. Yeah. If I didn't have the quality of coaching that I've got. I wouldn't have got the job. So that's not luck. That's an opportunity, the island I live in, you can get a finance job, easy money, a comfortable life, all that stuff. I moved to England, I was getting paid like at the time of £5.77 an hour, I think it was to work in the gym, gave up the opportunity to work in finance and just trust your life, get a house straight away, all of that stuff. And now people say, oh you're lucky type of business and I'm lucky because I can take the afternoons off work in the evenings and whatever money is good from the business and people, people don't understand that, they don't understand that their their work is what creates these opportunities, like all the stuff you've spoken about habits and all these little things that seem insignificant at the time, the things you don't want to do because you just want to watch netflix and all that stuff adds up.

And that is what then these opportunities opportunities are coming up all the time every single day. There's a hot girl walking down the street. If you were in shape, if you were feeling lean, if you were feeling strong, you know, you have a bit more confidence to go out and protest girl, it can be, it can be women, it can be jobs, it can be like you spoke about playing won't be, you know, a rugby tournament comes up well fat, sure, who hasn't trained for a year because he just wanted to go on the beers with his mates has the same opportunity as fit Sure, but one of them did the work. One of them didn't. So it's not about luck that fits you want to go and play rugby and take part. That's all of it. It's just that, you know, he did the work and I think this, this draws together a lot of what we've spoken about, where all these small things are just doing the work, showing up day after day after day and layering it, enable you to take advantage of these opportunities. And yes, there will be a bit of a sprinkling of luck, like, you know, your genetics might be might be better than mine, but I can still do the work and take advantage of whatever comes my way again, going back to some of the stuff we spoke about an hour ago is that we assume that we we are, we have a right to have the same opportunity to somebody else.

So if somebody else can buy a house, somebody else can travel the world I deserve that. You know, this is a bit more of a philosophical point. One of the things you need to get rid of these expectations that because somebody else has something I can definitely have it. Like the only thing you can take care of is the work is the habit is the behaviors and then when those opportunities come up having the courage to take advantage of that, you know, not everybody is presented with the same opportunities, not everybody is born into the same family or born into money or whatever else you're gonna spend your life worrying about being pissed off of that fact that somebody else has other opportunities. You're probably gonna miss all the ones that were lining up in front of you but you have to take advantage of them because you hadn't, I'm not aware I've got fitting off educated yourself, you know all the stuff, the basics that we've spoken about. Yeah just to piggyback off the end of that. Like I heard of saying that luck is the crossroads where preparation and opportunity meet, you gotta do the preparation, you gotta put the work in man.

Yeah, let me wants to admit that because they missed an opportunity. They don't want to, you know, maybe he ever wants to say yeah it was my fault. I should have should have worked hard two years ago. Yeah, well I went to, you would have seen it more than I have you been there longer to meet these people who they come for like a three month training holiday. They trained for a month a lot. That's all I find is they don't even know anybody there. So they knew in a new environment, they train, they train, they train and if they're long enough they start making friends now because they've got friends, they gravitate to the same kind of people, so now they're creating the exact same or not the exact same, the same kind of group in the same environment. I see, I sort of say many times I want to start working there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know you did it, I did it because we created back at home where we try to know about you, but I wasn't balls deep in a ladyboy.

Yeah man, Yeah, now back into you man, that's a great point though, like your environment plays a massive part in whether or not you're going to be able to build your habits, that's going to push you in the direction the path that you want to walk on man, you know, because here's the thing, like and you know, I think, I don't even think we've spoken about values on this episode, but like our last episode it was fucking all about values man, and I'm going to tie back into that, right? Like if you understand what your values are, then you're on that path and it's much easier to stay on that path because so many things going to be trying to pull you in many different directions, right? And if you're not clear on where you're going and what you want to achieve then, like people start looking for distractions and as you said man, like, you know, people come over here to Thailand they train and then they start finding their crew and they hang out with people and then they fall into the same environments that they were in back home and then, you know, if I mean fuck absolutely like live your life have some balance right, but if you're only here for a short period of time and you're trying to turn your life around and you're trying to create these good habits that you can then take home and implement their like you need to be fucking disciplined then and how do you be disciplined?

You need to know why you're doing something so it's much easier to stay on track because then you say yes to the things that matter to you and you say no to the things that don't or don't tie in with your values man, it's always said before about the rest of the kind of everybody's got, everybody needs a different ingredient Yeah, well we get, we go for a beer, what's a bit of rugby, we can have a couple of beers, get the studio and going, it's tough, you know, the next morning were in the gym where somebody else's like if this is where you need to get to know yourself if you know, as soon as you touch one beer, you know, so it's just, it's like zero beers or it's, I don't know how many I have like blackout drunk Yeah boy. Yeah, yeah, if you know, you're that kind of person, this is where you go and get honest with yourself and keep yourself out of the environment because you know if I into the environment it's game over and overseas people about breaking a circuit. Like if I want this like to stop shining now I can either turn the lights off over there, I can cut the wire, I can smash the light bulb but probably not a good idea to go to the light bulb and trying to smash it.

You know, deal with the problem earlier in the circuit. It's a lot easier to do if you're trying to think of yourself, I'll just go to the bar, see what happens. Tell the boys, I'm not going to have a drink but depending on stage of life, if you know it's not gonna happen, don't put yourself in that situation. Stay away from it. It's what we say about food. If you know when you come home from a day of work you're going to go in the fridge and you get the ice cream in the fridge. You know it's going to happen. The simple thing you're not gonna get in the fridge to open the door and go nah, you know you're gonna be ice cream. So again, I know who you are. Don't put the ice cream in the fridge, don't put a couple of bottles of wine in the cupboard for saturday night because you know you're gonna die then on Tuesday. You know it's always personal complexities that neither you or you can't do, I can't know, coach can look at everybody and say you all need to do this. We know where we're trying to get to, we know the sort of non negotiables, like not try and get rid of it, getting rid of alcohol, but minimize your alcohol, get to sleep, eat your vegetables, getting up protein.

That stuff is non negotiable. What's negotiable is like you said about, well, photo, like how do we apply those things? So yeah, we talked about nutrition for someone, it might be, You know faster than doing a 16-8 fasting thing may well work for me. I've done it before, I can force myself to do it, but I don't like it. I get annoyed. I like those regular feeds, but I know I can have regular feeds of the right amount. So three meals a day is better for me for somebody. Six meals a day might work, you know, having a little snack in between those keeps them away from the coke and drinking coke. Just, you know, keep them away from the stuff that drags him back. So having a, you know, 10 nuts of 10:30 AM stops you from having program and chocolate. I'll do it. So again, should we have I think if you studied like Korea Hoffman club with the warrior diet. That's another one. Some people like to just grazing the day and have a big man in the evening if you know, you're going to sit down with the kids and because it's a family experience, you're going to eat more.

That might work for you again. If it puts you in the right calorie breach and you're not, you're not then craving and snacking and stuff in the day, that works. So which one man today? Three meals a day? Six meals a day. Yeah, that's a good work. That's the, that's a brilliant point man. That's something I want to touch on as well is like, you know, they're all methods of eating right. Like if I know that I'm trying to build muscle, I know I need to be in a calorie surplus. If I'm training for performance, if I know that I need to be in a color, a slight calorie surplus, right? How I break my meals up each day might be different. Right? Like maybe I know that I'm going for a couple of beers to watch the rugby on a Saturday afternoon, my mates. So maybe I do was 16, 8 where you know, the day before, I've had six meals, right? Because I've had a hard training session. I know that saturday is going to be a light day, I'm going to be sitting around having a couple of beers with the boys. So maybe, you know, I fast until two o'clock in the afternoon, right?

And then I go and grab a feed and then start having a couple beers and whatever, and then maybe sunday might be three meals a day, right, and then I go back to six meals a day on monday. So having those tools is important, man, because then you start applying them at the appropriate time, okay? But you can't apply them at the appropriate time if you don't understand the principles, I've seen this, I've seen the top of the tree, I want to do that, if you don't understand how they work and when to use them, you know, someone listening to this now goes, oh, head on her shoulders, three meals a day, six was there, if you drink that if you guys try and do what Sean can do this, because he understands each, each of those methods, he understands the components and, you know, you can intuitively pull that together over a week, something else probably doesn't have the ability to do that. So, you know, do each one for a few weeks for english, one works for you, and then you can start to put it together, you know exactly what we said, don't try and jump to this, it's like a tradesman kind of going, I've got all these tools, I'm just gonna suddenly try and use all of the chain saw, band saw and I know all of these, like, I can't even name a lot of tools chasing you.

So it's, you know, when you do your apprenticeship, it's like, right, here's how to use a hammer, here's how to use a screwdriver, like let's focus, you know, and where people go wrong, you might say, yeah, six meals a day is great. So if someone wants to do that, they now they listen to me, they go john she's always talking about they got away instagram, I'm talking about three years today and then we'll food just for example was talking about one meal of the day and faster and your shit. These guys all know what they're talking about. So I should probably try and do all of these together somehow. And that's what Facet up. So again we come back, what is the non negotiable for you? You you brought muscle building? The non negotiable is there? There is shown in a current serpent. Yeah. Are you in a carry service? Are you getting enough protein then? Right through which method works for that? Yeah, exactly. That's that's the overall principle. And then there's like so many different nuances that come into it.

Like when when when am I going to have my macronutrients? How am I going to spread that out through the day? Am I going to use calorie cycling, carb cycling, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera? Right, So yeah, that's a great point man. Um now what I want to kind of start wrapping the episode up with is going back to the data points, that you were talking about before because for me I use data all the time and I think that data is so important. Like I take my blood pressure, I take my waking heart rate, I take my heart rate variability and that shows me it gives me a snapshot of my autonomic nervous system, how much stress is my system under, right. Like if my body is under stress, my systems under stress because I've had a couple of days of hard training, had a poor night's sleep, maybe had a couple of beers last night to watch the state of Origin, which is all true. Then I wake up this morning and my heart rate variability, my readiness score is down. I'm in a sympathetic state, right? So I can't hammer my training, which is what I was planning on doing today. But then I'm still doing some training but I'm making sure its recovery based stuff. So that again, I'm balancing it out so that I can get after my training again tomorrow.

Now earlier you spoke about using the was at the heart rate, my zone app or something like that. It's basically just a heart rate monitor that we can use in a group setting. Like everybody's heart rate to come up on the screen. So yeah, I mean that's obviously like in training thing, essentially what it does is it gives you points for working in a particular zone. So you gotta be careful because obviously some people then go if I'm always in the the top zone, I get more points. So it becomes a competition, It helps me to go like, You know, this is like a 10 minute circuit, you're a minute one on your 95%. You're not gonna so stop trying to keep up with showing because he's a coach, he's been training for the 20 years. Stop following him. I want you to watch, I want to watch your number. So as a result now I can keep you in your aerobic zone. Uh you know, for the entire thing, rather than being like, hi anaerobic for a minute and then you suddenly rasputin in the corner.

Yeah, that's a brilliant point. That's a brilliant point, man. That's why I wanted to come back to those data points, right? Because Every single person is going to be different. Let's say you've got um like a whatever an eight minute and wrap it might be like five pull ups, 10 push ups 15 Kettlebell swings right? Like obviously some people are going to be able to pull ups, right? So what's another option that we can get them working on? Right? Like you might be able to do five pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 kettlebell swings with 24 kg, right? And smash out fucking 12 rounds, Right? And keep your heart rate at 80%. Someone else might be trying to do the same thing and struggled to get 2 to 3 rounds out and is pushing 95% Right? So we can use that data to then start making adjustments and that person, hey, we want to a little bit more of an aerobic capacity. Right? All right, let's change the exercises. Okay? Now, instead of doing like, you might be doing like full pull ups, like Chester bar pull ups, time under tension quality, um awesome technique, right?

And then your push ups might be plyometric push ups, right? Clapping push ups and then Cadwell swing, maybe go fucking heavy. Maybe go, you know, 32 kg right for me, Maybe I need to swap out the pull ups for um maybe a row, right? I'm gonna get TRX row. I'm going to have my body on an angle my push ups. Maybe I'm not doing push ups, Maybe I'm have my knees on the floor and my hands are elevated on a couple of plates so that I've changed my angle. I've made those push ups a little bit easier, right? So I'm not working in that anaerobic state, I can work in that aerobic state and I can knock out my five rows my 10 push ups on the knees hands elevated. And maybe instead of doing kettlebell swings, because I haven't learned the technique for that yet. Maybe I'm just going to sit down on a box and then stand back up again, do that 15 times. Okay, now I'm able to get through eight rounds and keep my heart rate at 70%, whatever the target is, whatever you're working towards. So that's the point that I'm making is like that data can then tell you how hard you're working and go, all right, that's not the target for today.

Now, I need to start changing my exercises because you know, it's not a one size fits all, man. Yes, we're still going to use similar movement patterns. Were still using a pool, we're still using a push, we're still using some lower form of lower body movement. Might be hip dominant, might be knee dominant, right? But you know, we need to adjust these tools to suit the person to elicit the response that we want. Every single do you might have 10 people in the fucking class. Right? And 10 people are doing 10 different types of pools. 10 people are doing 10 different types of push. They're doing 10 different types of like lower body movement, right? Because we're adjusting as coaches too. Find the tools that are going to elicit the response. So yes, it is important to sometimes look at the end result and go, what do I want to achieve with this? And then I fill in the gaps with that, right? Yeah. All of the things we do on a saturday morning, we have a class rush hour, which is like pure cardio. So, air bikes, rowers and ski. And what I get people to do is uh again, depending which month we're on, I cycle, we either do a six minute test.

So as much as you can into like a step test, so two minutes part of moderate, two minutes hard in two minutes. So you sold and hang on kind of thing. We get the average power, so average. What's for those six minutes all we do a 32nd touch, you just go all out for 30 seconds again, we get the average what and then what I was saying next week is okay, we're doing Say four minutes on four minutes off. So I'll go four minutes and more arrested. You'll do four minutes. I want you to work at say At 8, 40% of you, 32nd part. Whatever conflicts right now, but the numbers are there. So you know, why do I be okay? I need to grow at 350 watts. Used to grow in the Olympics. So you're, you're able to sustain 600 watts. Yeah. If we want the heart race, we're both sort of 85, by the end. So I'm a beginner. You're an ex Olympian. We both trained our Arabi says we've both been just above the threshold for enough time to get of progression.

Whereas this is what can happen with some of these do workouts is, you know, I come in, I'm like this guy looks in shape, I'm going to keep up with it. So me, I'm looking at, you know, next your oh I'm looking at your numbers like I'm a bit of this 30 seconds and I started getting that shit, I can't tell you there's like a fight, you know what I'm doing four minutes, I got 3.5 minutes to go. Now I'm absolutely bull bag. So I kind of went here and now I'm this far below the sort of black tape threshold. I'm getting no training effect. Whereas your now this is, you know, this is easy for me, you know, I used to do double this when I was training for the olympics. So now my session try to keep up with you and this is what people are doing, We don't see this stuff because Again, I crucify myself for the 1st 30 seconds and then I managed to keep growing for the other 3.5 minutes and I get off the road and I'm fucked and I'm sweating and I feel like I'm fatigued, you know, everyone's high five and the coaches pulling me off around like, yeah man, great effort to listen to this stuff.

So again, I'm getting confirmation that that was the right thing to do. But actually in terms of my training, the 30 seconds was relatively effective, but the rest of it was a waste of time. Yeah, that because I just put the threshold Yeah, because that data is guiding you man like from the outside, looking in, you know, as you said, that person seems seems to be working a lot harder But in reality the person that's going slow and next them because they're you know, they're not as versed in that movement or that energy system or whatever. Like from the outside looking in, one person's working a lot harder than the other. Okay. But that data shows you they've actually got the same fucking output and they're actually getting the same response from the training even though it looks different. That's why data is so important. Write the numbers don't lie man linked to that kind of the other side of the same point when you're constantly making up your workouts.

How do we know if I progress? You can't do what you said before about push ups, pull ups and swings? I think you said so. Yeah. Okay. I did that perfectly perfect thing for 10 minutes. My heart rate stayed at 85%. Okay, next Tuesday come in and we're doing You know, 20 calories on the air by extreme into one more run. Do that for 10 minutes. Well how do I know how do I know if that's any better last week? Because both of those are gonna fuck me up. But how progressive as if I did that circuit again and I did You know an extra three reps of everything? I completely the same amount of realms I've obviously improved there is going to improve that or you know, maybe I didn't have any weight and I've got the same amount around again. What is the objective? Is it? You know, I think it's more of a strength wad. We should have to really make sense to me. But you get where I'm going with it then I want to focus on lifting a heavier way. Whereas you know, if it's maybe a power endurance then did I get more calories, it was I able to do that for more around there needs to be something that I can compare.

Otherwise literally your marker is I work hard. Yeah, it will, it will elicit some kind of result. You can't work hard for 10 minutes and kind of not make any progress. But you will make much better progress in terms of what you're trying to progress by tracking it, monitoring it. And again, that's why I even our fitness camps now. I've given them journals. So we write down the street actually make people write shit down because I told him to put in your phones that people don't do it. But it's that important that I paid for these journals have one. I don't care because by you getting results that we better for my business anyway. So track how we rested. You asked me what way did you use? So I tend to the strength stuff. I tend to keep the same. Uh So I'll go I'm opening up a few candles kind of, weren't it? But the strength stuff, I tend to keep the same because I think it's like super important for everybody to just have that progressive over each week where some of the conditioning, I will mix it up again more because I know my collects and they want a bit of variety.

They don't, they don't try to be an athlete where there's a, A specific objective, but having said that even then each month the conditioning will be saying enduring space. So I want you working nonstop for 20 minutes, Whereas next month it'll be right. I want you to work, pulls out for like 60 seconds and then take 60 seconds, look Within that 60 seconds, we might mix it up a bit. So you feel like you're getting something different, but I'm still getting that sort of Arabia and all this stuff, you know, the stuff they just do at the top, but as a coach, that's why I get the results I get and it's constant. You know, we spoke about earlier, I come home and I'm like, okay, that didn't quite work. So I'm gonna switch that change that. You know, a lot of time clients, I don't need to explain it to the client, I just need to make it better for them, uh changing these variables. Yeah, that's sadly that's what's not present anymore as people don't ask, it is literally coming, I'm gonna smash the fuck out. Yeah, dude, like that ties into everything we've spoken about about those principles, right? Like you know what you're working towards, you have clarity on what the goal is for that phase.

And then then you can pick and choose like you've got your overarching headline, right? And then you can just like slot things in and out as you see fit, right? Depending on the equipment availability, depending on how many people you have, right? You're working on what your intent is and you've always got that in your mind, how you fucking achieve that doesn't matter, right? You can throw in some some random stuff here. Well, seems seemingly random, right? But there's still an intent with the exercise. You're choosing the order that you're putting in, how many reps you're doing, how hard they're working, etcetera, etcetera? Um Now we did talk about the tangible numbers, man. And again, tying back into one of the very first things that we spoke about is like, you know, if you're listening at home and you're going, I got good results for the first three months, but I haven't moved in the last nine months, you're probably not fucking tracking anything, right? Like how do you know if you're getting stronger, how do you know if you're getting lena, how do you know if you're getting fitter faster, um building more endurance etcetera, etcetera because if you're not tracking these numbers, then you've got no fucking checkpoint to say, hey, what I'm doing is working or it's not working.

So I need to start making some adjustments. Yeah, I think the key thing with that is again, don't try and track everything. You know, if you're if you're listening to this and you're like right, nothing for two years, I'm fat, I'm over, I'm over weight, I'm tired of it. Then I basically have three categories is either health data, transformation, data, performance, data. So health data is going to be your blood pressure. Um Maybe your blood sugar is going to be your sleep. Like how many hours of sleep in my game? Even like the water, how much water by drinking? Like Just focus on that stuff do that stuff for three months. You do it religiously for three months. Not necessarily every day, 1995% of the time you are going to get results and you will lose where you lose body fat, you'll feel better, all the stuff, you know, you want that one. Now, once she gets appointed okay, my blood pressure is in a good place. I'm always getting good sleep, I'm fine with that. You can keep track of that if you want and then you can add new ones or all kind of put that to the side. Now we're gonna go, okay, I'm gonna specifically get an everybody body composition scout every monday I'm gonna look at, you said about HIV um I would probably put that transformation if we're just talking about aesthetics then yeah, focus on the stuff that's really going to get muscle up and body fat down, so probably a bit more on the nutrition and we're getting the protein every day.

Am I getting the calories in the right place, whether that's a surplus or a deficit. Um what I say, and then yeah, obviously with the body scan, track those numbers, because ultimately, if you're not tracking your body fat and your body composition, your muscles and your fat, then you don't know if the protein and the calories working, you might think you're doing the right thing, but again, everybody's slightly different. It's always like take science and then we tweak it as we go and then you may that might be able you ever need, but if you're, you know, one of your guys training in a tiger there or even a sort of amateur athlete, Then we need to look at it. You know, stuff like your your vo two max, you're your max is in the gym, your power output, your vertical jump, you know, all this kind of stuff. Again, if you're coming into this, I actually had this discussion at the place and work down if you kept like one of the tests, the people coming on the weight loss program was a vertical jump test and it looks like what are these people is coming here going, I really want to jump two inches, you know, so it's it's knowing it's the relevant status.

Again, I know some people will think, oh but numbers or was tracking stuff is super important but also don't be one of those people who get so bogged down by like every single number that is trackable. And then you forget to just do some fucking hard work. Yeah, it was people spend half of their time in the gym, hang on my apple watches and working and Bluetooth not working on the headphones and Spotify is not connected to the wifi and you know, you've lost 30 minutes where you could have been getting on with it. And that's the other thing that some people, it's almost like in fact we joke about it with the miso. Someone said I forgot to wear my my zone. I went out for a Yeah, for sure mate. Um I want to start wrapping up a lot of the thing. We went all over the place today. Um and I love chatting to you man because you know we do go off on tangents bro and it is like it is like for the audience were like, hey what we gonna talk about, let's talk about this.

And then it was just like all right, that's what we're talking about. And then we just fucking went all over the place. So um I am going to have a lot of my episodes that I've previously recorded um linked in the show notes on um tracking tools including basic health markers, um objective tracking, the things that you spoke about. You know, tape measure, um photos, clothes, blah blah blah body composition. Then subject subjective tracking tools on tracking sleep and mood and attitude and like hair, skin now and all that sort of shit. Then we're gonna go through, I'm going to link period ization. I'm gonna link nutritional pyramid of importance and just kind of everything that we've touched on in today's episode. I'm going to link all of those relevant episodes to uh to this one. But for people listening, if they want to get in contact with you, if they want to, if they like your content, they like your approach, where can they find you on social media is john J. O N. E. Or storm force fitness dot com is a great place to start on different things.

And obviously the book, if you had a secret was showing up dot com, That's the book that you can get. Just found that page just on what you're talking about there. That's why you couldn't success streets. So in terms of traffic, sometimes this year you track your habits like tick tick tick tick tick tick for 21 days, you take all those off then the data markets we're talking about will improve. So, and that's what I say about going to get too obsessed with. The result. First of all was like track the habits and behaviors and then the results come. You can find in various places but it's easy store for certain dot com is a good place to start awesome mate, I'll have all of that in the show notes, jail. T thanks very much for being a part of the podcast. May always a pleasure chatting to your brother. Yeah sure I'll get you, I'll get you back on again soon. I'm sure awesome cheers mate take care of and they will have you guys the next installment of my coaches corner series with john Latoc of Storm Force Fitness.

I thoroughly enjoy my conversations with J. L. T. As you can see we go all over the place. We cover a lot of different topics but we also dive deep into some of them. If you enjoy the conversation as well, please make sure you share it to your stories, you can either take a screenshot or you can go onto Spotify, hit the share button and that will come up with your instagram stories, make sure you tag jail T. And myself so that we can re share as well. This episode was brought to you by B spunky which is an Australian made T. J. Listed nutraceutical developed to support and optimize male hormones. This is a product that I've been taking for around about a year and a half and I absolutely love and I also really support the guys that are driving the product because how they started the business, why they started the business is really inspiring. And it was all about creating the best environment and optimizing hormones for males to be able to live at their best on a day to day basis. You can go onto their website, be spunky dot com dot au. Use the code codes 10-K 0 B es 10 at checkout.

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Coaches Corner: Opportunity vs Luck, and why you should be tracking data points
Coaches Corner: Opportunity vs Luck, and why you should be tracking data points
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