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Client Corner: Scott Donnelly on how HRV tracking impacts his daily decisions around training

by Shaun Kober
July 5th 2021

I've had some amazing conversations with both my face to face, and online clients, and thought that a lot of people would benefit from being a fly on the wall.

So that's exactly ... More

what does it mean to live life to the fullest train to your potential and perform at your best, leave nothing on the table. That's a non negotiable is that I strive to be better every day because if I'm not on top of my game, how is anybody else gonna follow me down the road? Keep demanding more of yourself to live up to that potential and to stay hungry is progress? You know, when I look at the word training, I think of steps, baby steps to get somewhere that you want to be and that is basically your life journey. That's a mindset in itself, man, it's like, it's not just about, I know that for you, a lot of that's about the physical, but we're constantly in training, whether it's growing our skill sets, whether it's growing up physical bodies, whether it's growing our relationships whatever and all of that is a training ground and that kind of goes back to the mindset that we just talked about, You underestimate yourself and you don't even start, but then once you start, you often surpass what you thought you could do performance your best mate, that's that's sort of what life is all about. You don't have the knowledge and have the fitness to healthy ambition and drive that no matter what comes along.

When that next phone call comes, I can just say yes, I don't have to worry, just go and do it, you know what is up guys, welcome to the live transform podcast, I'm your host, Sean koba joining me for today's client corner episode is a fellow coach and one of my online client scott Donnelly, what you're about to hear is a recording of an actual coaching call that we went through in recent weeks to give you guys an understanding of what I discuss on the podcast, but how I also implement those things with my clients, let's get this episode underway. Hey bro, been a couple of weeks since we last chatted, give me a quick rundown of where you're at, what's been going on um made to be fast the last time we had a bit of a chat about you pretty much told me to stop being a bitch made and and and and get get moving mate, like I said to you, it was something I was aware of that I kept trying to stop myself and find reasons as to why I, I didn't put myself in the position of just getting into a gym and getting going.

Um and I said, you know what, like I know that's something that I always do um and I just needed that bit of a, I guess I guess kick up the arse is just sort of, you know what, like it's true, like I do this all the time, I've just got to get in there so since then I went to two places, one of them I've been training up for a while, but I just, I didn't want to go and train there because I've been there for so long, even though I know it would probably be the best because I know everybody that I know the management, I know that they would let me do what I want, and a lot of that once, like is to work with some of the kids and some of the athletes there and basically went to, he said, just get yourself in, you can do whatever the hell you want, run the school programs, get the athletes and I just want to hear. So that's going to be over the next couple of weeks, so that's something I've pushed forward. Um and then I've also something was thinking about was doing the strength and conditioning for my little brother's footy team, so he's got the under 14 rugby league team and I just kept thinking about like, should I do it? What about time wise? I thought, you know what, fuck it just just do it like everything else I can just organize later, but it's just a good good way of just getting in and, you know, sort of correcting little things that are things that I know there's things that I don't know, but until I get in that position and start doing it, I'm not, I'm not going to learn, you know what I mean?

So, so yeah, it's a bit of an update. So yeah, I definitely took out of our last conversation mate, that was a definite um one of that and I'm so I'm so fucking happy to hear that man, I'm really proud to hear that mate because that's a that's a big hurdle to get over right is like instead of waiting until you've got all the answers, you just put yourself in a position to accelerate your learning and like that's where you fucking learn bro, is you make mistakes along the way right? Like I'm so grateful for my early clients in my coaching career because I look back now man and I'm like fuck I was such a like I was I was a good coach compared to a lot of other people but compared to the coach I am now, like I was a shit coach and I looked back and I always say to my old clients man, I'm like man I'm so grateful that you trust me in that process because I was like I was trialing my own systems like it was a lot of trial and error and I was figuring out what worked and what didn't work, you know?

So just like you gotta make those because that's where you learn man 100%. It's like you said like the client that you had at the start, you know, I know I knew what the amount that you give to your clients now, you know, but you needed to go through that process to to learn and and and critique those little things so this is the thing, like I've done it before but like I said to you it was me, I was more of a, I was just a trainer, I wasn't a coach, you know and it was like simply just you know these are the exercises I'm gonna give you a sweat out and now it's just changed my whole philosophy and especially like coming to you the big thing for me now. It's just the HIV man that's like like we've been speaking about it for weeks but it's such a game changer and I've and the more I go into it, the more I do it every day, the more I learn about it, you know and the more I learn about my body like for example this week didn't feel that great man, I'll tell you what once you hit 30 it's just it's just I'm getting sick. Things are just happening left right and center. Like it just never happened to me before but but Let's let's let's talk about that for a second because like why?

You know you go that never happened to me before. Like dude when you're like 18, you like going out and getting fucked up on the weekends like you're working throughout the week like you're spending all your money like you've got no cares in the world but you don't have mortgage, you don't have a car, you don't have fucking family and kids and wife and shit to look after bro like your cares are fucking zero, you're fucked zero right? As you get older man like you start adding these things to your life bro and life does get more and more complicated right? So we need to try and um minimize those complications and those stresses man and this is where you know paying attention to your waking heart rate, your blood pressure, your heart rate variability comes into play man because then you're like all right cool this is I've got all this shit going on in my life, that's all stress man and that fucking stress adds up and if I'm not dealing with it then and I'm gonna training after I've had a hard day at work and I'm you know We're burning the candle at both ends and I'm not getting enough sleep and my nutrition is not 100% on point and you know I'm not focusing on recovery and stress management shit like then I'm going to get sick then I'm going to start picking up injuries and things like that because your body can only take so much stress.

So that's a great point mate. Sorry to cut you off there. What are some of the what are some of the things you've picked up on in the last couple of weeks with the HIV because it is something that we've been touching on every single time like every every coaching call. Yeah no for me like it was I guess one getting the understanding of it, but now that I've got the understanding, it really does tell you before. Like you get sick, like I've been getting sick a lot recently and I don't really think I've been stressing too much, but you know, there's certain aspects of things that I do think about going to work and I probably haven't been eating as good as I normally should, but like for me before I was getting sick it would tell me and then literally the next day I'll be, I'll be sick and like one for me this this week was, I just didn't feel right for about two days and I thought, you know what, I'm not going to go to the gym, I'm just gonna, it's gonna have it off and then there was one day where I just really didn't feel like normally I get up, I'm ready to go, I'll do whatever. Like you know, if I've got task and things like to do, I'll be on it to get it done. I just didn't feel like doing that.

I just didn't want to get outside and I was like, you know, like this is, I need to just have a full day of rest the next day. I was up about seven on my readiness morning readiness, which wasn't too bad, but I was still on the parasympathetic side and that's what it was all week and basically saying, hey, you need to have a rest, you were forcing you to have a rest. Your because you haven't been able to, you haven't been doing the right things in order to get yourself back up to the baseline. And then this morning I woke up, I took my readiness, it said 10 ready to go, felt great. Had a good session all day. I've been unreal. But for the whole week it wasn't just my physical ability, it was my mental and my mood and like, you know, and that was going into just being able to socialize with people. Like when my moods down and I'm not feeling well, I don't really want to speak to people, I'm more happy to see myself, you know, just doing the job on my own. But today I was more than happy just running around being my normal self, being that joker because I was good and it gave me that data to say that and and in the days prior it gave me the data to say, hey, you're not right.

Um and that's exactly why I felt that way. So like rather than me going hey, like something's wrong with me, why am I, you know, is there something mentally wrong, not wrong with, You know, it's just because my body is telling me you need to rest so that you can be optimal um in all facets of life. You know, whether it's physical, whether that's mental, all of it, if that makes sense to you man. Absolutely. I love that man. I love that. And you know that data is it's gold man. Like the numbers don't lie right? You know you can and this is why this is why like majority of my clients like I get them tracking these data points right? Like these basic health markets because you know if you go to a doctor man, what's the first thing the doctor does any G. P. Right? They're gonna fucking typically take your pulse rate and your blood pressure right? And it's like oh your blood pressure is high, why is that? And then they start asking, well they don't ask questions, they go take this pill. But you know the um functional medicine is becoming more and more prominent and functional medicine practitioners, they look at these numbers and they go oh your blood pressure is a little bit high.

What could that be pointing to? That's a symptom of something, right? That's your body telling you something. All right, what's going on? And then we start asking questions around, you know, how's your sleep? How's your nutrition, has your training, has your stress management, has your hydration levels? Like are you deficient in any micro nutrients? Are you getting enough energy in how much sunshine? You getting blah blah blah blah blah. Like those numbers are literally fucking telling you that something is up man. And when you when you have that data then it gives you the information to then make an informed decision on how you're going to conduct yourself that day in terms of all of those things and as you said man you're HIV is a little bit lower your parasympathetic state. You know your body is under stress. Sweet have a little bit of an extra sleep in, get to bed a little bit earlier. Make sure that you prioritize hydration and good quality nutrition so you can give your body the nutrients it requires to get back to homeostasis or baseline. Exactly and you need that data to to know that hey I need to start eating but I need to rest more words before I used to just think I was just being weak today you know like and I get the shit to myself as a young bloke like you go and then I couldn't bench what I did the week before but it's because my body was trying to tell me something but until you know that you have an understanding of that and until you get the data you don't know what to do about it.

You know it's like a like I'm a truck mechanic by trade right? So you know if I if an engine sounds like there's something wrong with it. I'll listen to it okay I sort of know some certain things but until you plug it in sometimes you need to plug it in everything's electronic these days and it gives you the data of these uh these cylinders not firing properly. So then you know where to go to, it's the same sort of thing with the body and like using the HIV is the markers that we that we can use but we don't use them, we don't have the understanding of it. So like, you know, as much as I've been in a training my whole life, I've only just figure this out now, you know, and I'm and I'm almost 30. So like if I had known this 10 years ago would have been, you know, life changing. But for me now it's probably a good time because this is the time now as I've said to you, I'm starting to get sick a bit more. I'm starting to get these little injuries. So by having this data now I can start to adjust my way of training um whether that's, you know, going hard at it one day, then the next day having to teach her off that because I know hey if I do two or three days in a row, I know I'm gonna get sick. It's just it's just the way my body is working at the moment, you know, or is it that way because I'm not, you know, getting the right nutrients and vitamins in, you know, I'm pretty good with my diet but I might be lacking in something that I don't know and if it keeps happening, I've got the data to go okay, let's change this up then.

Then I, you know, train a bit harder. I don't get sick as often a that was that was the thing that I needed to do or adjust, you know? So yeah, that's that's been a big, big game changer mate for me. Um And the biggest time at Yeah, yeah. I love that broke last time was speaking. You were saying that um you're getting a heap of your mates onto it as well. Yeah, big time. And I have to order five bloody chest straps made. Um what are they, what are they noticing? And they love it. Like I have this and I had the same conversation today. So one of the guys I work with, we used to train together, we're good mates. But even he was saying, I'm getting sick all the time I said, made this is going to change your life, I'm going to get you a chest strap. I explained it all to him and he goes make I love the sound of that. He does it religiously every morning. And he even said to me goes me, the thing that you said like when it tells you you're going to be sick before you get sick because I've had it twice, you know? And he goes, I haven't trained for a month. But all these things keep happening. But because the thing is I'm getting this feedback from it and it now tells me like, and there have been other reasons why hasn't been able to train for a month.

But he goes like I go in and have that big dead lift session and then he goes the next day I do a medium session, then I do a light session because I know that big deadly session just, it just doesn't, he goes, I've got kids are married, you know, he's got a stressful job, he's the owner of the business that I worked for. So all of that is a factor. And I said that's the reason why you get sick all the time. These are things that we didn't realize before we just push ourselves into the ground, but little bit younger than now. All this is coming in, you've got to start listening to it. So I've got, I've got five mates that are onto it. I've got a couple of mates that we've got a whoop and they're sending me things every day of like this is where I'm at, you know, like I'm not and I said, yeah, cool, don't train because I wasn't gonna train. You know, what's that about 20% recovery if I, if I trained, I know I'm gonna be fucked, you know, so like it's just unreal game changing. Yeah, yeah, cool man, that's awesome, let's pause there for a second because that is why I run a modular training system, right, is because I always say, man, it's much easier to maintain momentum than it is to create or regain momentum.

Right? So this is where I need to be careful in how I educate people on this data because some people will go all right. My HIV is low. I'm in a highly sympathetic state. So now I'm not going to go and train, Right? And then to one day becomes two days, becomes three days. And I'm always like, if it's part of the routine, keep it as a habit. Right? So this is where you go to the gym still. But instead of doing, you know, an hour, 15 hard heavy training session. Now you're still going to the gym or maybe you go, you know what? I'm going to get an extra 30 minutes sleep because yesterday my HIV was a little bit low. I had a busy day at work. Um, I still went to the gym, but today my TVs lower. Again, I'm in a highly sympathetic state court. I'm still going to go to the gym. Well yesterday my HIV is low. I know that last night I'm probably going to get to sleep a little bit earlier this morning. I might wake up a little bit later, but I'm still going to go to the gym instead of doing, you know, And now 15 session now.

Um I don't do a 45 minute session or a 30 minute session, but the goal of that session is not to hammer myself. The goal of that session is to maybe do some body work, do some aerobic conditioning work some low intensity steady state, get the blood moving, drawing fresh nutrients into the muscles into the cells, pushing oxygen around the body, getting the muscles working to pump the lymphatic system, detoxification etcetera etcetera. I'm still doing something but I'm not pushing hard. I'm doing a light session that's going to add to my day rather than taking away from it. And fuel recovery right sometimes gonna be time sometimes going to a time when All right cool I need to have a break. I need to stop, I need to rest up but for the most part that's typically not the best idea unless you've pushed so hard for so long that your body kind of forces you to. Um But yeah I like the active recovery component of you know my HIV is a little bit low has been trending down over the last couple of days.

I'm still going to get into the gym, I'm still going to do something but I'm going to change my style of training. I'm going to make it a lot lighter. I'm going to make it a little bit more aerobic base. I'm not doing any high intensity work. I'm not doing max efforts, strength work or speed or power work. You know I'm looking after the body and it's adding to my day rather than taking away from it and it's fueling that recovery so that you know I can't and that's the thing, this is where you might go, you know what I'm going to get into the gym, I'm still going to some mobility work, I'm going to do some corrective exercise. My HIV was low this morning in a highly sympathetic state, do a little bit of low intensity steady state based work, might be a light jog for a couple of case and then sweet I'm going to stretch, I'm going to mobilise, I'm going to focus on my breathing, I'm gonna drive that parasympathetic state, kick off that recovery process and then go through the rest of my day because here's the thing man, like we know that you typically feel fucking better after training, right? I'm sure there's days when dude, I'm sure there's days when you sit around, you do fucking nothing man, you feel lazy, you feel sluggish, you feel lethargic right? Sometimes it's like sometimes it's more beneficial to get up and do something.

But looking at that data using that data, you know that you're in a sympathetic state call, I'm going to drive the parasympathetic system and do a little bit of work that's going to be beneficial. That's going to aid in recovery, but then I'm going to drive the parasympathetic state. Exactly and and going off that for me, I trained at 5:30 AM, right? And if I don't get up and I lay in bed, I hate myself because you know, like it's that thing I need, I like to and you said it many times before it starts with the day with a bit of a success, Right? So if I wake up and go, you know, I'm not gonna go to the gym today and lay in bed, I've lost, I've already lost something to begin with me. And and you you really like put that into me, listen to your podcasts. But so now it's like, no, I'm not going to get up and go to the gym because I know myself, I I like if I go into the gym, I'm gonna get a bit excited. But so what I do is I I stretch, I stretch for 45 minutes in the morning on days that even when I like my parasympathetic, Hi, I'm sympathetic.

I'm up high so I won't go to the gym. I'll stretch for 45 minutes. Then I've got my band and I do my corrective corrective exercise and I've told you before, I've had problems and mobility with my shoulders. So that's what I do with my band works all together. It's about an hour. But I got up out of bed when I said I would get out of bed, I did some things that's gonna, that's gonna benefit me throughout the day and I feel a lot better for it. Just getting the blood flow, telling myself I'm going to do something. I know I've got tight hips, I know I've got tight cards, I broke my ankle, so I've now just gotten to the point where I can actually stretch a lot of my lower body because I've sort of broken past that point of immobility. So like now it's yeah, it's what I do every morning, even if I don't go to the gym and if I go to the gym, I still wake up half an hour beforehand, I stretched because I know going into the gym that's going to benefit me and I'm gonna be able to squat better, I'm gonna be able to lift better because I've got that flexibility and mobility to do. So love that man, that's awesome bro. Um how is injury going? Yeah, like I said, this is so like my stretching routine was a lot more upper body because I couldn't do other than like the bandit exercise that I need to do for my ankle.

Um it was it was in the upper body, but now I went to the physio last time he said he goes, you're walking, funny, he goes, you're you're nursing, it is going to stop being a bitch, get work through the pain, you know, um you know, put some weight to really work that range of motion, so now I can I can start to do that, so now I'm starting to do a lot more like ankle stretches a lot more mobility stuff through and it's feeling a lot more comfortable. I can actually put some load through it now. So I did probably a bit heavier than I should have. But it felt bloody brilliant. So I did 90 kg squad the other day and it just felt good, you know like the range I have isn't as far until I get a few sets in and obviously the weight, you know, allows me to open up my ankle stretch, My car is a little bit more and I do a lot of that beforehand but it just takes a little bit of time but it feels all right. I just don't get the same depth but I'm still getting getting the movement so it's starting to it's starting to come along. It's been a long time coming mate. So it does feel nice. Yeah. Cool man, let's talk about that for a second. Um You're not loading the bar with 90 kg straight up and then dropping down.

I slowly built up. I slowly built up. But he did they what sort of what sort of soft tissue work you're doing before you're squatting. So I get the plate and the band. So I put the band on the front of my foot and then just to pull pull the joint back and then I put the weight either capable or a plate and put it over my knee and I'm just doing two seconds for bringing it back just opening up. I'm doing single leg balance stuff to fire up the muscles around my ankle and the knee and then I do that through a dynamic movement as well. Um And then I scrub the kettlebell and I slowly work up just to get that depth range and then I went up, I probably went a little bit heavier like I said mate, but I slowly went up and it just felt bloody good, I'll tell you. So I had to do it but it didn't hurt. Um It didn't feel uncomfortable until I got to that bottom point, I went, okay, this is where I stopped, you know, but just to just to feel some weight again, it felt nice but it's not something that I go okay naturally, I'm gonna throw in 100 kg. No, like that was my limit. I know that was my limit.

Um And I work on that for a while and I worked to build up but I still go through the same process and if that feels all right then I can stick with that. If it doesn't feel good then I go back down and I have to do a little bit more work. But like I said, it's been uh this has been the first couple of weeks that it actually felt nice and then I've been given the green light. So yeah, so it is it is good when you've done, you know every day that you you train and been playing footy and everything like that and you can't use it for three months, you just you get in your own head and I know like I'm old enough now to sort of not allow that to happen, but every now and then you could put a little bit of weight on there just to feel you're like an athlete, like a man. Yeah, basically a man and an athlete and all of them. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Now let's talk about your your rehab protocols. So obviously seeing a physio um when are you doing those protocols? You're implementing them into your current training sessions or you're doing them as standalone sessions? Both so I do it in the mornings before I go to work. If I haven't going to the gym again, that's part of my stretching and part of my mobilizing that I do for that hour I'll do it at work.

Not so much with the bandit, I'll take my shoes off while I'm having a bit of lunch and I do my single leg balance. Um And I've got like a phone pad at work. So I stand on the phone pad just to really get those intrinsic muscles just going in the ankle, the foot and then um I'll do that before anything lower body uh if I do go to the gym and then I do it again before bed. So like I'm sort of doing it three times a day. Um And I'll do them for about 10, 15 minutes each time, depending if I'm at the gym. You know, obviously I phone role and I spent a little bit more time and especially if I'm doing anything leg. So I think I was about 25 minutes just the other day just on that, I was there for an hour and a half altogether, but I stayed there for that long and I allow that time so I can go through that process that I can trade. Yeah, your phone rolling carves or your phone rolling records. Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah. Sweet. So let's give you a couple of other options, some more tools in the toolbox. Um So after you foam roller carves, you grab the band, you do your band of distractions.

What I'm going to add to that is instead of having your um is your foot on the ground or is it on a plate did you say? Or using a plate and a kettlebell to drive the knee down? So Yeah, I'm going to make a slight adjustment to that. So what I want you to do, do you have option to uh an option for one of those small 12" steps for a bench or something like that? Even a bench man. Okay, so what I want to do is hook the band to the rack, set yourself up for the band of distraction as you normally would, but then you'll place your foot onto either the step or the bench. Okay? Instead of using a plate or kettlebell to put on the knee and drive the knee forward or the ankle into Dorsey flexion. I want you to grab hold of like hinge forward so that your chest is resting on your thigh, reach underneath the step or the bench and then drive into that foot. Okay so you're using your own body weight to pull yourself into that.

Yeah exactly. Not only are you doing that? Okay? Don't make it just a passive movement. Make an active movement. So whilst you're pulling yourself into that position with the upper body, I want you to think about doing a tibial. Is anterior raise? Okay? Where you're actually pulling your toes towards your chin? Okay so you might hold that for five seconds, you might hold that for five seconds. Okay? And contract and then relax and then pull yourself a little bit deeper into that stretch. Okay then contract, relax, contract, relax. So using somewhat of a P. N. F. Appropriate step in your neuromuscular facilitation. So yeah you've just mobilised or dampen the signal to the calf complex. Then using the band to create some resistance like a distraction to pull the joint back into better alignment. Get a gliding properly. Then you can do some activation work. So now you're using your tbs anterior to pull your ankle into that Dorsey flexion Walsh, you're also using upper body to pull yourself into that position. So just that alone man will will start strengthening that all of those intrinsic muscles of the feet tbs anterior get the calf, get the ankle moving properly, okay?

Then load up a barbell Might be 40 kg. Drop down into the bottom position, okay? With a bar across your back or you might have it in the front squat position, whatever you want to do OK? When you're in that bottom position then you're in an active position, okay? Everything is nice and tight hits the firing backs of line, tailbone is not tucking under upper backs, firing. Okay? And then just let it hang out in that bottom position. Just let that bar bell push you down. So you might go from an active position there. Might hold that for like 15 2030 seconds active position. Okay, whilst that barbells still reasonably light then you might go into some passive range of movement where you're actually like rocking from left to right, driving the knee forward over the ankle with a little bit of that weight in that position, so you are building that mobility in that range and that strength in that range of movement. Okay then when you start going through your sets, you do some build upsets, okay? Again, you might go 50 kg then, and then you hit that bottom position.

You pause in that bottom position, you're still active. Do some pause reps there, man, where you're holding in the bottom position for like 345 seconds. You might do 3-5 reps, they're okay. Then when you get a little bit heavier, then you pick up your pace as you get heavier than you're picking up your pace. But all of that build up stuff is going to set you up for getting the most out of that squat session once you actually do get to your heavy working. Wait, okay. Yeah. Now I I always do the one barbell on the back, sitting at active position and move around. It makes such a big difference. But in terms of activating anterior to be our list on the bench. No, I haven't, I haven't done that one, so I'll definitely give that one to go for sure. Yeah, you'll love that one, man. Um Okay, a car praises today to make the first time, put a bit of weight through the calf. So that was that was that was a nice feeling, mate. No more body weight. Hey dude, that's that's another good one, man. Is like, I actually like to um super set. It's basically it's the same movement, right? So as I'm going into the calf raise, most people just focus on that um the plantar flexion where they carve complexes firing.

Okay, but again, as I go into dorsal flexion and I'm hidden like my calves under that massive stretch in the bottom position. Again, I'm going to pull my toes up. All right. And I'm actually working the tbs anterior because that's where a lot of issues come up with and that's where people get shin splints and stuff, man. It's the muscles of the back. Obviously the cars are much, much bigger than a tear muscles the front. So I put a lot of strain on that muscle and becomes tired, fatigue starts like creating a little bit of space from the, from the shin and cause some issues. So yeah, muscular imbalances, man. Um, what is the other thing I was going to say, hip airplanes, Have you been doing them? Have I added them to your program? Not I used to do that, but I haven't been doing them now. I've been more or less putting my ankle on a bit more unstable services. So I was doing it a lot just on the floor. Got good with that. Then I was doing through dynamic movement and now I've got it onto a phone pad and slowly doing some dynamic movement through the phone pad. So I haven't done where I've actually moved into a hip airplane.

But that's something that I I can do my I was only more or less moving in the sagittal plane, just just forward for the dynamic movements, but probably probably a good idea to because that then loads both sides of the ankle a little bit more as opposed to just in the sagittal plane. Yeah. The other thing, I'm going to say here as well is when you do your hip airplanes go back to your doing that barefoot. Ah yes, yep. Always do them barefoot, man. Do as much training as you can barefoot, you know? So like I I really have to work on on on my, on my arches and that and really like planting my my, you know, the three points of my feet. So I always do them barefoot. I know any squat and deadly barefooted as well, yep. Yeah, Cool. Um so what I'm going to say about the hip airplanes is do them barefoot on flat ground. What I want you to do have you been doing the full hip airplane? We're going through the flexion extension, then the abduction abduction, then rotation. All right, cool. So, what I want you to do now, the next progression to that is you don't need to be standing on an unstable surface.

You can create an unstable surface, right? By simply closing your eyes. So, we're going to take the visual system out of the equation, which is going to up regulate the vestibular system. Appropriate receptive system, right? So vestibular system is the inner ear that's basically giving you feedback on the angular ation acceleration of your head where your body is all right? And then your program receptive system is the feedback mechanism feedback receptors within primarily the hands. The feet, but they're all over the face and the groin and shit like that as well. I'm sure you know the homunculus, the little dude with a big hands and the fucking big head. The big nose and stuff and big feet. No I don't. It shows you where like the majority of feedback receptors are within the body. So this is the appropriate receptive system, right? So um this is we've got so many receptors like in our hands or feet are growing our face etcetera. And this is why we can close our eyes and like someone can blow a little bit of air and we can field on our hair, like the hair on your arm or something like that appropriate septic system, right?

So it's just providing feedback. So when we're doing our hip airplanes, what we wanna do is we hinge, we get into that flexion extension position in that sagittal plane. Ok then close your eyes there. Okay, as soon as you close your eyes man you're appropriate receptive system, vestibular system has to up regulate so you have to work a lot harder man. You probably feel like if you hold that position for a while you probably feel you're like feet start cramping up. Okay then open your eyes. Go through, go through the abduction or abduction or the rotation. Internal external rotation, pause at the end range, open your eyes move again, get to the end range pause, right? So this is going to get all of the little stabilised in the feet and right up through the chain working extra hard banks. We take that visual system out of the equation up, regulate prep receptive and vestibular system so that's that's something gone. So I was that um moving, closing your eyes into external rotation, then opening your eyes to come back into that position and then then, yep.

So we're basically we're not moving whilst our eyes are closed. Okay? We get to where we need to go from A to B. From the hinge position to single egg Romanian dead lift, we pause there, we close our eyes, okay we open our eyes and then we go through the abduction. Close our eyes open our eyes go through the abduction. Close our eyes, open our eyes come back to center rotation. Close your eyes second or two open your eyes Rotation, 2nd or two then back, right? So um this makes that movement so much more challenging. Man way more fucking challenging. I've tried walking straight before with my eyes closed and you can't walk straight. So yeah you can make you can it just means that like yours that just that just that just goes to show that like you know most people's their visual system is so fucking strong and this is where I like to get people training in front of a mirror right? So you can have a look at their technique and you can see like if they're ankle mobility is a little bit dicky on one side, then they hit the bottom position they shift across, right?

They shift their hips because they've got a compensatory pattern due to a mobility issue or you know, it could be a weakness so their bodies compensating to make up for that. And then when you show people in that you say, hey, how do you feel? Do you feel like both sides of work and even are you loading one side more than the other? Is anywhere? Is one side tighter than the other there? Like no, I feel good. I feel even you put them in front of a mirror, man, you're like, okay, you can see what you're seeing and what you're feeling are two different things, right? So then you can start connecting the dots and I always get people do this where they're doing a squat, like this body weight squat in front of the mirror, man, I'm like all right, You see this your hips are shifting over this way probably because there's ankles rolling in, you know that knees cave in, going in Vegas position, you're shifting your weight blah blah blah. But to them it feels like it's normal, right? Then you align them, you realign them, I want you to do this, I want you to do this, I want you to do this, you re align them, they look good in the mirror.

How do you feel? I feel a wonky, right? That's a sure sign of compensatory patterns, Right? There's something not working somewhere along the chain that the body is having to adjust to. So that's something that you can pay attention attention to with yourself man. Because what you might find is when you go into you probably already find when you're doing your hip airplanes, when you go into any of the positions. Maybe it's abduction or abduction or something like that. You are a little bit unstable or one side is relatively stable, but the other side is not right. Then you take the visual system out of the equation. You close your eyes, man, that shines a fucking spotlight on those imbalances and those weaknesses, that dysfunction. That's coming up there. So then you can start addressing that, right? And this is a big thing as well, man is like that movement prep corrective exercise that should be done like before every single training session because I'm using that hip airplane and I'm used windmills for the shoulders. I use the hip airplanes assessment for my hips, my feet and I use the windmill as an assessment for my shoulders, right?

And then that's telling me, hey, I'm feeling tension here. I'm lacking mobility here. This means X. This means why this is what I need to do. And those drills are my assessments and then they tell me it's like a flow chart, right? Does this feel tight? Yes. All right. I'm going to go and mobilise that. Did that fix it? Yes. Is somewhere else feeling tight? No. Alright cool. I'm in a pretty good state to be able to train. I don't need to spend as much time on my mobility and corrective exercise. Right? But if I'm getting does this feel tight? Yes I just mobilize that. Did that fix it? Yes. Is somewhere else feeling tight? Yes. What do I need to do mobilise and do this? Did that fix it? Yes, it's somewhere else feeling tight. Yes. Right so that's where that's and again that's a good tying back into one of the first things we're talking about with the HIV man like again you'll start connecting the dots when you go into the gym and you start doing this mobility working like oh fuck it wasn't tight here the other day but today I am tired but my HIV is down. I'm in a sympathetic state.

I've got a six on the readiness score right now. I can see my body's holding tension in areas where it doesn't normally hold it. Right? So this is where you're using that data using those tools to then. All right cool. I need to spend a little bit more time on addressing the body and giving the body a little bit of love man giving it a fucking service. Yeah yeah, okay I didn't even think about it that way as well. Yeah. Yeah let it go man and I'll let you know how that goes if I fall through a bloody window or something, hey, just before we go man, um Let's go through a quick, they are, so we've done this before um fix improve, sustained, let's start with things that you know um that you can fix over the next couple weeks for our next call, then we'll go through and improve, then we'll go through sustain. Um I guess fix mate is uh probably just going for a little bit more of my mobility stuff that you've you've just mentioned mentioned now I've been doing a lot of this stuff that I've been quite comfortable with doing as opposed to really pushing myself and again what you've given me is something that that's really going to test me, something I haven't done before, probably have a closing the eye.

So again it's gonna it's gonna really change some things up. But then again I'm also like, like every week I've spoken to and I've always been like, you know, I know I've got to fix this and I've got to do this, but I'm actually quite happy with the week I've had in terms of like I knew that I needed to just get something locked in and just and just go there and and say, hey like I'm going to do this, you know what are my options? So I'm happy that I've done that, I guess now that I've done that it's more or less managing my time well. Um and and making sure that I get everybody on board and speak to them knowing that I can hit the ground running when I get in there as opposed to you know, sort of scratching my head then like then and having the stress of a, you know what, I've got to get this ball rolling out, like let's do it all now, so when I'm there it just happened. So I guess I'm quite grateful for that, like just a bit of gratitude that you know, I went and did something now be smart too, you know, be on top of it. Yeah, I think that's it, right was the other one uh let's improve sustain, what are you happy with that you're going to like you don't need to make massive adjustments, you might tweak that a little bit, that's doing really fucking good for me, make my my ability to just listen to my body and and use the data again, like you know, like I said to you when I was young, I used to just if I was sick and coffee or whatever, I don't get like I was that dickhead that would go into the gym because I needed to pump, you know?

But yeah, I don't think we always, you know, I didn't care how sick I was, as long as I look good while being sick, you know what I mean? But but like now for me like I've got the data and I know that you know like I'm starting to get sick I'm starting to get a little bit of injuries of starting to get a little bit tight and you know I start to listen to that now instead of going you know what kind of care like I said I'm going to the gym at five you know I'll get up and I'll do my stretch and I do my corrective exercise so that next time I do go in the gym I'm better prepared I can I can get into a deeper squat, I can I can get my shoulders back in a better position once I start snatching and cleaning again I can get my elbows forward better you know so like it doesn't always have to be hammering myself you know doing those little sessions and and fixing up on those points so that when I do get into the gym I'm a lot better at it and that's that's something that's taken me years and years to understand but I'm finally doing it now and I finally got something that gives me the data in order to sort of make that judgment and and and organize how I'm gonna I'm gonna hit the day you know? No I love that man, that's fucking awesome bro.

Big thanks to you. Big thanks to you mate, I appreciate it man, appreciate it. Thanks for trusting me on the journey mate. Also the next time we chat I'm going to have a new program uploaded for you so for the next couple of weeks stick with what you're doing, Start you know, loading a little bit more um implement those drills that we've spoken about and then once you've done you'll have a fairly solid stint of the unilateral based stability work under your belt. Then I'll have another program uploaded ready to go through by the time we jump on our next call. Cool, sounds good mate, sounds good. So for the few breakups in this convo mate but I hope it all gets thanks shorty it's all good mate, I'll sort it out a awesome stuff bro. We'll chat too soon too soon. See buddy, cheers mate and then we have another client corner episode with my man scott Donnelly, thank you very much for allowing me to record that episode and put it live onto the podcast for the benefit of the audience. I really appreciate it mate.

Um This episode was brought to you by Swiss Eight which is a proactive mental health program designed to allow you to structuring and schedule eight pillars of health and wellness via an app on your phone as well as the spunky which is a male hormone optimization supplement that I'm affiliated with. I'll have those links in the show notes, any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated, much love guys, piece

Client Corner: Scott Donnelly on how HRV tracking impacts his daily decisions around training
Client Corner: Scott Donnelly on how HRV tracking impacts his daily decisions around training
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