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Weekly/Daily Training Structure with Will Foden

by Shaun Kober
May 20th 2021

I've had so many great conversations with friends and colleagues about what we see happening in the fitness industry, and thought to myself, "I wish we would have recorded that."  More

what does it mean to live life to the fullest train to your potential and perform at your best. Leave nothing on the table. That's a non negotiable is that I strive to be better every day because if I'm not on top of my game, how is anybody else gonna follow me down the road? Keep demanding more of yourself to to live up to that potential and to stay hungry. Training is progress. You know, when I look at the word training, I think of steps, baby steps to get somewhere that you want to be and that is basically your life journey. That's a mindset in itself, man, it's like, it's not just about I know that for you, a lot of that's about the physical, but we're constantly in training, whether it's growing our skill sets, whether it's growing up physical bodies, whether it's growing our relationships whatever and all of that is a training ground and that kind of goes back to the mindset that we just talked about. You underestimate yourself and you don't even start, but then once you start, you often surpass what you thought you could do performance your best mate. That's that's sort of what life is all about. You don't have the knowledge and have the fitness, the healthy ambition and drive that no matter what comes along.

When that next phone call comes, I can just say yes, I don't have to worry, just go and do it, yo what's up guys, welcome to the left transform podcast, I'm your host, Sean Cobra. This is part two of a nine minute conversation that I had with will followed in the first episode was all about value systems, which went for roughly 70 minutes in this episode. We go through how to structure your training week and give examples of training days. This is particularly relevant for people that are going back into lockdown are in quarantine periods or periods of isolation with minimal equipment etcetera. But it's also relevant in looking at your uh structure for the training week, even if you do have access to the gym, outdoor environments, etcetera, etcetera. Also note that this conversation will be live on my Youtube channel at performance functional training, which I have linked in the show notes, Let's get this episode underway. What I want to go on to Next May is obviously you guys having or not allowed to train. People aren't allowed train at the gym.

None of the gyms in Thailand are open at the moment. So let's discuss some strategies around how people can continue focusing on health training, nutrition, all of these principles whilst they're at home and don't have access to the gym, What's something that you're doing with one yourself, but also to your clients. Just To the record, the two points that I've got key sunlight is number one because people, you'd be funny even in this part of the world. People have got vitamin D deficiency there, sat in front of zoom all day and they're not taking time for themselves. So me personally discussed this on, on my youth on the things to come about. Having Pomodoro time and working for 25 minutes or five minutes off. I do that for four cycles and I try and get outside. That's something that's another again, non negotiable for me. I get out in the morning, I get at lunch and I'll probably after this call or go out for 20 minutes and this is just too fat and get some steps up for my clients. Obviously, I personally, I haven't got many professional athletes, what I've got guys who aspire into the young fighters or I've also got some general population plants.

The big part of this, like we said about the long term development plan is not just putting the hammer down for the hammer down. Sick. We use I use uh intensities of days for certain things because I think that is something for a weekly period. Ization for monthly period. Ization for a yearly period. Ization. Whatever is understanding that the bodies and an active organism and exercise of the stimulus, not it's not, I'm not in the game or making exercise fun. I'd much rather go surfing than than me telling someone to go and do steady state cardio because of their blood glucose, for example. But they kind of need to. Yeah, but I I undulated. So I use Mondays is usually a medium day, Tuesday is a heavier date Wednesday is a really light days to still move, But don't do anything strenuous. Uh and I repeat that process for Thursday five started um purely for that an adaptive standpoint given the body enough time to adapt to what I'm asking it for. But I'm also not fucking it's so hard that is going to have diminishing returns e injury I.

E. A lot of times motivation as well. If you just keep pumping someone man, they, most people apart from your guys who they will literally die by the sword. And if you told me to run through a brick wall and assault bike, they'll do it with a problem. Most people can't handle that level of intensity for a long period of time. Yeah, let's go through those days. Again, you said moderate than heavy than light. Give me an example, Give give the listeners an example of what you mean by moderate, heavy light, let's say, are we talking like an hour training session here? I try if there's a home workout, try and have the actual work out 45 minutes if I can because I don't know. But then As we are all different, we've all got different mobility routines. We've also got different things like discrepancies. My legs work totally differently. Then one of the other because of my injury. So I usually have a 15 minute blocks from ability. That's that's throughout the whole, that's for every training data is having that that principle that wraps principle in place and then stimulus wise it, I'll put it in the context of a lot of the guys that I have, they got, they got small gyms at home.

But even if you haven't got a gym is the intensity of your workouts. You can either measure that through heart rate or you can measure that through weight lifted. So if your heart rate, meaning if you're a medium day will be your steady your your medium state zone to stuff. So ever that that's your mixed mode or kettlebell cycling, whether that's just your your interval running, but long distance and then your heavier days would be your sprint type workouts or your heavier intensity lifting. So whether that more for bob, yep, so more like neurological. So the monday for example, could be a moderate intensity, This might be like a bodybuilding style session. Full body. Um We're not everybody but yourself. Yeah, gymnastics as well as a good one for either data use gymnastics on it dependent on on a monday or Wednesday dependent on the person as well. Of course, depends on the person. Because you could yeah, because you could give me like gymnastics for a light day, whereas that might be a heavy day for someone else push ups.

You can uh yeah, but just to give some examples for the listeners, so monday um might be more of like a moderate session. So more of like do your mobility work, then go into maybe to exercise for the legs. It might be, you know, a moderate weight. Um time under tension. Um might be let's say front squats and then we might super set that with a lying leg curl or something like that for the hands. Yeah. Well I've got running at the most, I've I've got I've had a covid group at 18 months here uh and the boys all you've got is a TRX kettlebells body weight and most of them they're not athletes, these are just dads who just they want to get out of the house. So a good structure to a session that I've done is an awesome ability. It's always cory and say it's it's always hip mobility and sort of ability. However they however you cut cake with that, whether you're using bands, whether you're using actual like my fashion release or whatever and then you're a your your first super set. I do a functional bodybuilding super set.

So I'll do an upper and a lower whether you've gotta care about front right lunge or you've got to step up or you've got a goblet squat if there's something simple into a press or pull upper body always time and attention purely because most of them don't be having like a set of two kg incremental kettlebells and they can't keep progressive so we used time and then so you go from that a series down to your b series could be some accessory work but make that a little bit conditionally basin a 10 minute Aymara as many rounds as possible of single arm overhead lunge into a push up into a TMX role and then either something that at the end either a little bit of conditioning or court, that's my sort of basic medium stimulus type workout. And then on a Tuesday we're going for more the sort of development stuff. I've currently got guys doing more power based sprinting work because we're allowed outside. So they're doing more either kettlebell swing into a sprint or if they're athletes, I'm just doing sprinting uphill sprints. But if they want a bit more variation I use a kettlebell swinging catapult snatcher care about clean into a sprint or stair work or stuff that's going to take like I want to jump.

Yeah, so it's something that's gonna you're gonna rest a lot but worked really hard. That's where your Tuesday or your your friday will be and then your Wednesday could be just a gymnastic state or could be a really light bike ride or run or swim. Or even if you want to get into yoga, I'm I prefer doing gymnastics because it makes you feel like I'm doing something more. But even though my sister's yoga teacher, but that's probably because I I work better with someone doing with me. So I used to actually sue my sister when she was a lockdown and she used to take me through yoga just because it's something alien to me, but something that's going to get blood flow that's going to keep you moving, keep you moving and keep you stimulated in some respects. Also keeps you just sit on your bum doesn't do it doesn't do any justice that's providing recovery, that's providing recovery, that's aiding recovery. Yeah, Yeah. Which is going to set you up for the next day. Yeah, I love that. I love that man. Um something do you know who martin Rooney is? Yeah, so martin Rooney um started training for warriors and I did his level one level two course many, many years ago and I loved his structure and I loved the way that he put things and I loved his templates.

Um and something that he said When he was talking about the hurricane sessions which were the conditioning sessions was the analogy that he used was something the long lines of this, if people think about hurricane running through your city and fucking a level five Category five hurricane is going to cause a fuck load of damage. That means it needs more time, more people, more money, more resources to rebuild. Okay. And then that city is going to be built back bigger, stronger, better. Okay, but that's going to take a long time to recover from now. Level one hurricane is going to cause some damage but it's much easier, much faster to clean up. Doesn't need as much money time resources. Energy effort, Right? And then obviously you've got that spectrum everywhere in between and what you just explained there might be like level three hurricane on on monday, which is your moderate session, you're not hammering yourself, you're still getting some work done, right? Not taking away from the session the next day, then the next day might be category five.

Were you working fucking hard man? Category four or five? Working fucking hard. Then the next day, you know, in your bodies trying to recover and adapt from that heavy session. Now you're pulling it back now it's a category one, Category two, you're doing something that's going to aid in your recovery, going to get the blood flowing. It's going to push those nutrients to those cells that need to be replenished repaired etcetera. You're going to get your lymphatic system working which literally only, you know cleans up extra uh cellular fluid from pumping the muscles, right? It doesn't have a pump like the heart does to pump blood. So um that's going to add that recovery. Then again you go back into your level three, then you level four level five then you level one too. I love that man, that's a that's a great approach. Yeah. Thank you. I I just finished the joe Jamieson, eight weeks out of course and they use that massively for conditioning but it's certainly it's using strength conditioning and it's training with a purpose. I think there's something that we me and you get frustrated with is you see so much shit out there, that's just training for the sake of training and people who should have better things to do than doing their fourth workout of the day on a Tuesday, they need to be do it for a fucking reason and get something out of it.

Don't just stand there and sweat and exercise like a dickhead, because that's not going to get you any closer to what you're asking for. Most people are asking for an outcome and when you give them outcome principle based coaching, a lot of them don't like it because it seems so simple unless they have the intent to do it when you give it the intent and you give it the today is the day where I'm dropping the hammer, today is the day where I'm recovering for tomorrow. Your training then becomes not just an exercise plan, it becomes a training aid for you to achieve something. And that achievement man is hugely important. Whether it's body count, whether that's strength, whether injury prevention, they all come back to the same thing if you're you're going for a principal based approach, not just random and yeah, at the moment, until you broke, we've spoken about this before, mate, that's the difference between training and exercising exercises, what can I do right now to get my heart rate up, break a sweat feel like a fucking worked right? Training is looking at the overall picture and going, what can I do now? That's going to push me towards my goal, but also allow me to, you know, undulate my training throughout the week and everything is adding up everything's complementing each other, you know, so, you know, that idea of doing a hard session than a light session, I love that man, that's something that I've been doing a lot myself over the last couple of years, um and you know, very similar Template to what you spoke about earlier.

Um now from my perspective, something that I was doing last year when we went into lockdown um was breaking my one hour training session up into 20 minute blocks and you know, normally when I'm in the gym, I typically neglect mobility, work, so I'll do enough mobility to get my body prepared for the session, that's just about to come up, but out of all of the different aspects of strength conditioning, that's probably the thing that I neglect the most, because I love lifting heavy, I love sprinting, I love jumping, I love throwing, I love fucking olympic lifting, I love playing around on the rings, I love all that shit and like that's the hard training sessions, right? And you know that mentality that I've had For many, many years, 20 years, my life has been training and that mentality of fucking go hard or go home, like it served me at times, but it also burned me out at times. So something that I did when we went into lockdown last year was Split my training session up 20 minute blocks. Okay, my primary focus again, intent, my primary focus is I don't have access to heavy weights, don't have access to gym equipment, etcetera, etcetera.

I just finished my yoga course um and return from Australia. I'm like, hey, you know what, I'm going to practice my mobility, yep, that was my primary focus. So then I do 20 minutes of mobility based works and you know, yoga sun salutations, some foam rolling soft tissue work, banded distractions, blah, blah, blah. Then later then I'll knock out a couple of hours of work, record a podcast or whatever ended up upload. Um go through that process and then, you know, around about 11 o'clock, 11 30. I'm like, all right now, it's a monday. My focuses on strength. So I do strength and stability, monday Wednesday friday and then I do some conditioning Tuesday, thursday saturday. So then my next 20 minute block monday Wednesday, friday court and focus on strength. I've only got a kettle bell, I've only got a TRX, I've only got body weight. I've only got bands. I'm going to focus on time under tension. I'm going to focus on full range of movement I'm going to focus on generating as much tension as I can, blah, blah, blah, full body workout, you know, And then later on that day on a monday, you know what? Now conditioning might be my third goal, mobility is my first goal strength is my second goal for monday conditioning is gonna be my third goal for monday.

So then I go for a little jog, right little job, I've got a little um complex here, just run around the complex man, 20 minutes, light, jog, low intensity steady state right now, the great thing about this is if I just did my mobility that day and I didn't do my strength work because I got into a flow state, recording a podcast, editing, blah, blah, blah, blah and I didn't do my strength, didn't do my conditioning, I've done my number one priority, which is my mobility. Yeah. Then the next day, you know what? Cool, I haven't, I didn't do those things, I'm still gonna do my mobility 1st, 20 minute block my 2nd, 20 minute block. Now I'm going to have my conditioning right, I'm gonna do some sprint based work sweet. Now later on, I know that I've done a very heavy neurological training session maybe in the afternoon, it's going to be more mind muscle connection, where I'm focusing on building the packs, building the doubts, pumping the arms with a set of bands or whatever than the next day. Again, mobility, number one strength, number two, low intensity steady state aerobic conditioning number three and that way when I didn't have the time to do it, or I chose not to do it because I was in a flow state of studying, I was doing other things then like neglecting the 2nd and 3rd training session.

I was okay with that knowing that I've done the number one priority. It's important man. I mean something that I, I that would be my, my biggest advice in my training similar to you and the speed and power guy man lifting heavy shit. I like running for like, like just getting into it. But the realism of bodies getting older with santa desk a bit more often and then I'm not a rugby player anymore. I think like If you put yourself in the military man is similarly, you talk about 23 times a day, that's standard because you're a kid man, you can eat a jam sandwich and eat nothing and you're still going to be fit as fuck. Where now our bodies take way more to get in the game. They take way more preservation, looking after and having a non negotiable. So like me, I massively, I do, I do want to do the world's going to stretch every day. It's like a hip mobility flow from kelly Starrett. I do that because I got really tight hips because of the way my hips moved. That's my win, but the vision for me is, is to be able to get more in uh in the sessions as much as possible in between sets of doing heavy stuff because looking after you're, you're in this for the long haul man and if you just think you can keep pushing the gas pedal, you're not gonna get anywhere.

And it's something that I get my, as I said, I, I have to zoom my sisters to get it done with me because I've never, now you've learned it, you can put, you can put it into your practice and I probably steal it off you because it's something that is president, especially for the guys who were jealous, You're listening to this. We're stuck at home on zoom doing that 20 minute block first thing in the morning. It's gonna clear your head is going to get you your body mobilized and get you ready for the day rather than you sat there squirrel in your fucking phone doing shit you don't need to do at seven a.m. Do something's gonna be advantageous for you rather than picking up an email at half six because unless you look after yourself, you're looking after nobody and then suddenly you're in the game and that is going to definitely work a lot for the listeners as well as for us to as well. Yeah, absolutely man. And just to piggyback off the end of that. You know, that was literally like I maintain my structure man. You know, people like how are you dealing with lockdown and I was like, I'm dealing with lockdown fine was like I was like my, my day is the same. The only difference is I don't have to leave home to go to the gym work and train my clients because I'm so structured that I literally just you know, I sat down and I wrote down my values man and I'd have it in one of my note pads here.

But the number one value was health and immune system and that was the number one heading. And then that off that was like meditation, um physical exercise, um sunlight reading all these things. And the next thing was um personal growth and that was study podcast, um research, blah blah blah blah. And then the last thing was um you know uh financial or social, I think financial social somewhere there. And it was like off that was like call three people a week, don't spend more than you need data. And was like had these three main headings. And like that literally again tying back into the value systems, understanding what your values are having those main headings and then having subheadings off them. Dude, once you understand that you can fucking look at that chart and go all right, these are my number one priorities. Where can I slot them into my schedule. All right, these are my number one number two priorities, Where can I slot them into my schedule? These my number three priorities. Where can I slot them into my schedule. And the cool thing about doing that is in my opinion you can then start allocating time and energy at different times of the day to those different things.

So as an example, you know I know that I've got most of my energy first thing in the morning. So if health and immune system is the number one priority, guess what I'm doing when I get up first thing in morning I'm fucking moving, I'm eating good food. I'm hydrating, I'm getting some sunshine, I'm doing some meditation, I'm having a coffee, I'm having a stretch right then. The second priority was um personal growth, right, podcast, record a podcast, editor, podcast, research for a podcast, read um you know thai study anatomy and physiology course blah blah blah blah. All right cool. Now I'm slotting that in throughout the day. That's my next most important priority. So now I can pop that in. All right then my last thing is financial, social, whatever I'm going to call some friends problems. So that stuff's going in towards the end of the day. Now the point that I'm making here is once you understand that you know, you might have had a poor night's sleep, maybe a little bit stressed out, maybe you know watch T. V. Watch news and you're fucking you know covid getting close or you've had bad news from back home, whatever it might be. All right now when I wake up in the morning I'm still going to make sure that I prioritize my health and immune system, but instead of hammering myself with a heavy conditioning session or a fucking hard sprint session or heavy um heavy training session, I'm going to the mobility based work, I'm still going to get some sunshine, I know that stuff is going to make me feel better, it's going to start me off on the front foot, it's going to allow me to tick off the that first win of the day and achievement breeds breeds achievement bro, right?

And then, you know, maybe I'm still a little bit tired, I'm still little bit fatigued. Maybe the personal growth stuff, maybe editing a podcast is not going to be good because I'm not going to be efficient with it. I can't my cognitive functions a little bit off or what? Alright now I'm going to push that out, I'm gonna put something else in, I'm going to match my energy levels, I'm gonna match my task to my energy levels. So instead of recording a podcast and researching for a podcast or doing my anatomy and physiology course or studying tai right now might just jump on my emails, answer some emails there, maybe I'm like end up calling cup of friends and family and shit back home, right, because it doesn't take me that much energy and my whole day might be like that, I'm like, you know, I don't feel great today, but what can I tick off this list, that is still going to make me feel better when I'm still going to feel productive towards the end of the day. You know what? I've ticked off this, this, this now I'm going to sit back, I'm going to fucking play playstation, chill out. We're gonna have a nap, watch a movie, whatever, knowing that and again, going back to that undulating system. You know, I just had a light day. I know tomorrow I can probably, I'm going to make sure I'm going to get a good night's sleep tomorrow.

I'm gonna wake up, I'm going to be on the front foot now I'm going to make sure I get some good training. Now. I'm going to make sure I'm doing my heavy cognitive based work first thing in the morning, etcetera, etcetera. So I think that's really important to understand what your values are men because then you can start structuring it in, then you can start allocating time to, you know, or time or sorry, energy levels to different tasks that need to be done. Absolutely man is putting your bullshit visor on. Is there anything that's not in your value system is telling you to fuck off. And I think that's been in labor. That's literally, it's like The key to everything you just said is taking 10 minutes to write down, 10 minutes to know What's coming out of your head and what's important to you and putting that into your calendar something that I learned, I learned this through through a mentor of mine is literally spending 15 minutes with a piece of paper writing down your day and you can see trends in your day and you can match energy levels, you can match times in which you get work done, you can match times in which you don't want to get work done and then putting it in your calendar and having as that is your non negotiable like one for me, I wake the first thing in the morning I read, I'm fluent dyslexic, I'm proper dyslexic, but I do it every day.

Is that a term fluent dislike? It's definitely phoning in 2000 and 21 bus. But I mean it takes me so fucking long to read. But I do it every morning because I know I've got no annoying me. I don't go on my phone until seven and I know that I've got time to do it. But the other values in my life that I have, they have a specific color coded place in my diary that does not get touched because I know that if I get this done at the end of the day, I'm gonna feel fulfilled. I'm going to have all my ducks in order to be progressive forward if you're going into chaos not knowing either your day or knowing what you stand what value in the respect of your days, that's when you struggle and I think that's something that you you have down to a T. And whether that's because of the military and I think it's not I think it's also because of the way that the hardships that you've had it's massively important that just if there's anything out of this an hour and however long we've talked for its get a fucking pen and literally right down one note about your day for each day that you that you have is a not you have to do and then fill your days around it because I'm telling you man like you said it would be that you get a win, you get to you get three, you get four and suddenly you got a bed playing like you said watching a movie you don't care when you've missed the day and you've missed that what's important to you, that's what pisses you off and everything goes downwards.

It's a downward spiral of bullshit because you have you've lost the date that's important mate. That is a fucking great place to start winding up the episode. Um And something you said there is you've won the day and if you can stack more winning days together than you stack losing days together, you've now won the week and if you can do that over the course of the month you've now won the month, you can do that over the course of the years now you fucking won the years man and that's it, it's about doing the right thing, it's about Yeah, exactly bro, it's about it's about stacking those winds man. Yeah, that's amazing bro. Yeah man, anything you want to finish with brother, not just thanks for listening to us to talk shop for the last however long it's always a pleasure man, I love seeing you is good crack. Yeah, it is a good crack. May. I was going to split this up over a couple of episodes but I reckon I'll drop it as one man, otherwise it won't really make too much sense. But yeah, we always, hopefully they haven't got drug listening to it because it's a long one to get into it. I'd love to hear any stories for money. As I said, this stuff is in the weeds, great piece of coaching, but it's so cool to hear that people actually stuff.

So I hope you get something from it. Yeah, for sure. I'll have all of Will's links in the show notes. So if you guys want to target on the socials, make sure you hit us up and uh any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated. Will thank you very much for having you for coming on the show brother and they will have a great advice and template for how people should structure their weak and their training days. This episode will be released on Thursday 20 May on Monday 24 May, that will actually be one year of podcasting for me. That will be the anniversary. So I'll have a special anniversary edition. Thank you guys very much for tuning in. Much appreciated, Much love peace.

Weekly/Daily Training Structure with Will Foden
Weekly/Daily Training Structure with Will Foden
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