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Examples of progressive overload

by Shaun Kober
April 8th 2021

Everyone knows exercise is good for us, and increases mental and physical health and longevity...but how much is too much?

Well, that depends!

Every single person is going to be d... More

Yo What's up guys welcome to this five minute fitness tips episode of the live train perform podcast. I'm your host, Sean koba. During today's episode we are going through some examples of progressive overload. So over the last couple of thursday's I've gone through the dose response relationship which is essentially doing the right amount of work in regards to training that's going to elicit the response that we want without over doing it or under doing it, finding that goldilocks point where we're getting a return on our investment. Then I went into the introduction to progressive overload which is essentially challenging systems a little bit more each time so that our body can adapt in a positive manner. And I talked about a number of different ways to use progressive overload which was to increase weight, which is typically where most people go first. We can also increase range of movement. We can add a rep to each set, we can add a set, we can increase time under tension, we can reduce rest periods, etcetera, etcetera.

So there's many, many different ways to use progressive overload. But in this episode I'm going to give some specific examples. So Um everyone knows the five x 5 protocol okay, Which is an excellent protocol for building strength in particular, but also a little bit of muscle. So I'm going to use that protocol as an example and I'm going to use the back Squat with 100 kg. All right, so let's say we're doing five by five back squats at 100 kilos With two minutes rest. Okay, that Equals 500 kg per set For a total of 2500 kg of volume. All right. Throughout the entire training session. Now, what we want to do is look at the total volume. We want to look at how much weight is on the bar. We want to look at how many sets were doing, how many reps were doing how long hour rest period is and look at our time under tension or our tempo. All right. So, the first way that we can use progressive overload is to increase weight. So, I might take five x 5 back squat at 105 kilos with two minutes rest.

Okay. So, the only thing that's changed here is The weight we've bumped up five Kilos. Now, instead of 500 kg Per set, we've now increased that to 525 kilos per set. Okay. Which is going to increase the total volume, lifted From 2500 kg To 2625 kg. Okay, so, we've just added weight. We've added total volume. All right. So, that's one way to use progressive overload. The next way that I like to use is to add a rep to each set. So, if I'm doing five by five now, I'm going to do five by six at 100 kg with two minutes rest. Alright, this equates to 600 kg per set. Six reps. 100 kg. 600 kg. Okay, add that up over five sets. Now we have 3000 kg of total volume. All right, the rest period is going to remain the same. The tempo is going to remain the same. The weight is going to remain the same. We've just added a rep. Okay, Now the next thing to do is at a set. So instead of doing five by five, we do six sets of five at 100 kg with two minutes rest.

Okay, this equates to 500 kg per set. We do that over six sets and again, there's 3000 kg of total volume. Alright? Rest periods remain the same and the tempo remains the same. The next thing we're going to do is look at increasing time under tension. Now we can do this by looking at tempo. So if I'm doing five by five at 100 kg, Okay, it might take me two seconds per rep. Might be one second down, bounce out that bottom position. One second up. There's two kg per rep. Okay, so to increase time and attention, I might simply add a pause to the bottom of that squat. So now we're getting some poor squats in. Alright, so to increase time and attention, I take my five by five at 100 Kilos with two minutes rest. Now I add some tempo, I go One second down, I pause 1 2nd in that bottom position. 1 2nd up. Okay, so now I've just taken my time under tension from 10 Seconds, which is five reps, two seconds per rep. Okay, 10 seconds per set.

Now I've Just added five seconds per set. Then what I'm going to do is look at decreasing rest period. So I'm going to take my five by five at 100 kilos, two seconds per rep. Okay? Instead of having two minutes rest now, I'm going to have A Minute 45 rest. So I'm still keeping My load at five 100 kg per set. Okay? That is 2500 kg total volume. Okay? So I'm doing the same amount of work but I'm doing it with less rest, which adds up to improved work capacity. All right. So, I've Given five different options for looking at progressive overload. Okay? That's just with one exercise. Now the point that we want to make here is that these are all great tools. Okay? But they Are great tools in their own right. If you start adding them all together, if you add five kg then you decrease your rest period and you increase your time under tension uh and you add an extra set and you add an extra rep, then you're gonna fuck yourself up because your total volume has gone from say 2500 kg.

And you've jacked that right up to, you know, 4004 and a 1000 5000 total kg total volume. So be smart with how you use these tools and make sure you're using them appropriately uh and again go back and listen to the dose response relationship episode. So you get a clearer understanding of how all of this fits together. Alright, that winds up today's episode of the progressive overload examples, just a heads up for people who have been listening for a while and following the content one, I appreciate all of the support and the love, the comments, the shares and the stories and things like that. So thank you guys very much uh in saying that I will be pulling back on the podcast content over the next month or so as I look to start moving into phase two of my business where I'm gonna be putting together a website, I'm going to be um filming some training programs, um writing nutrition e books and linking some of these podcast episodes to training program so people can go into my website uh click buy and have a program nutrition e book, podcast episodes delivered straight to your email so you can kick off on your own strength and conditioning journey.

That's it for me today guys, any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated, much love peace

Examples of progressive overload
Examples of progressive overload
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