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The principle of progressive overload

by Shaun Kober
April 1st 2021

Everyone knows exercise is good for us, and increases mental and physical health and longevity...but how much is too much?

Well, that depends!

Every single person is going to be d... More

Yo what's up guys welcome to this five minute fitness tips episode of the live train performed podcast. I'm your host, Sean koba. Uh in this episode we are going through the principle of progressive overload but before that we need to tie back in and recap last week's episode, which is the dose response relationship because that episode is going to carry straight into progressive overload. So to recap the dose response relationship, this is simply providing the right amount of stimulus for our body to adapt in a positive manner. Now if I do too much work and I train way too hard, way above my body's capabilities, then it's going to fuck me up for a few days and I might not be able to walk if I hit a heavy leg session, which means I can no longer train. So that dose is too much. So the response is now you can't train, you need longer time um fuel and resources to recover and get back to baseline. Okay, now if I don't provide enough stress at the gym, my body is not going to adapt.

Okay, people think stress is bad, but stress is necessary for adaptation and if I don't provide enough stress at the gym, then I'm not going to adapt in a positive manner. You'll see people that go to the gym and they do the same fucking routine day in day out, weekend, week out, month after month over the course of a year and they still look exactly the same because they're not utilizing um progressive overload. Okay, so the dose response relationship is doing just enough just beyond your capabilities for your body to go. Hey, that was difficult. I need to adapt above and beyond. I need to improve my baseline so they can walk back in the gym bigger, stronger, faster, better. All right now, this is where we use progressive overload. Most people when they look at progressive overload, they simply look at weight lifted and yes, that is a way to look at um progressively overloading the body. Okay, now, point to note here is the principle of progressive overload is super important because our body is going to adapt to whatever we do and if we consistently do the same thing over and over and over again, then we're going to expend less energy doing that thing.

We're going to become more efficient at doing that thing. So we actually need to challenge it more and more and more and more and more. Okay, but again, this is a progressive path that we take. We're not looking to overdo that um stress because then that response is going to damage us. We're spending a lot of time getting back to baseline. All right, so um there's many, many different tools to look at progressive overload and I'm gonna give you guys um uh some tools to think about moving forward. Okay, so an exercise that I like doing is a Turkish get up. Okay, a Turkish get up is an excellent exercise for building strength, mobility, stability, endurance, et cetera. I also like to use it as an assessment for my fighters. So we can start looking at um where they're holding tension, where they're losing a little bit of stability in the shoulder girl, um Where there may be favoring recruitment patterns in the legs, whether they're pulling through the hips, the hamstrings or whether they're pushing through the quads. Okay, so, I'm using that as an assessment tool.

Now. A number of ways to progressively overload this movement is to add weight. Okay? Or I can keep the same weight. Let's say I've got an athlete who's doing it with 12 kg kettlebell. Okay, I can move up to a 16 kg kettle bell, but that way it might be a little bit too heavy. Okay, they're losing stability. They're not getting the work that we want. Um And they're not maintaining good posture, alignment, control, et cetera. So, what I'm gonna do Is use that 12 kg cattle bell and get them to move slower and I might get them to pause in different positions, different joint angles, um Different loading patterns, different areas of the movement. Okay. What I also might do is get them to do an extra rep, or I might get them to do a couple of extra sets. Okay, I might also increase their range of movement. All right now. I can increase time under tension. Uh If I'm doing like a squat or something like that.

I can also increase range of movement. So there's many, many different ways to use progressive overload. And again most people go straight to wait. All right. I don't like using just wait. Yes. Weight is a tool to use progressive overload. Okay. But um I can increase sets. I can increase reps, I can slow down my tempo, I can increase time under tension. Um I can reduce my rest period. I can um improve the recruitment patterns of the movement, I can make that movement more efficient slower and or faster. Um I can um I can use many many of these tools to make this exercise or make these movements a little bit more difficult. All right I'm going to follow this up with uh an example of different ways to use progressive overload next week. Looking at some of these different tools and I'll use weight as an easy example because that's where most people go and that's what most people are going to do anyway.

Um However, just pay attention to all of these tools that I've just mentioned because each one of these um plays their own part and have their own benefit when it comes to looking at progressive overload is not just about going heavier. Sometimes it's about moving better. Sometimes it's about moving faster. Sometimes it's about moving slower. Sometimes it's about getting better mind, muscle connection. Sometimes it's about better balance, coordination, timing, accuracy, range of movement, efficiency, um etcetera etcetera. So a few things to think about their guys. I'll follow this up with some more examples, specific examples of progressive overload next week. Point to note is that I will be pulling back on some of my podcast content over the next few weeks as I start Moving into Phase two of my business plan, where I'll be starting to build out my website and put together some training programs so that people can go onto my website, click on a link and get sent a training program, nutrition, e book and all of the things that they need to push them in the right direction.

So thank you very much for the support. Any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated. Much. Love Guys piece

The principle of progressive overload
The principle of progressive overload
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