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Training tips as we age

by Shaun Kober
February 11th 2021

"Wait until you're my age, you'll understand what I'm talking about."

Everyone has heard this uttered to them by many different people, multiple times over the yea... More

your what is up guys, welcome to this episode of the live train performed podcast. I'm your host, Sean koba. During today's episode, we are going through my five minute fitness tips where I give some strategies on how to train correctly and look after yourself after the age of 30 and this is something that I'm going through right now. I'm 35 years old, turning 36 this year and over the last couple of years I've realized that I can't push myself as much as I used to, well I can push myself as much as I used to. I just have to focus on the other things now rather than just the training. So that's what this episode is all about now. The first thing I want to talk about is spending more time preparing for hard training sessions. Like I just said, I still trained really fucking hard when I'm preparing for something, especially if I'm peaking for a rugby tournament or um some form of competition, then I'm really going to get after my training and then dial in my nutrition and everything like that.

Okay, but I really need to focus on um preparing my body not only my body but um my nervous system for the training session ahead. So if I'm gonna be doing some heavy strength based work then I really need to focus on getting my joints aligned, getting the muscles firing properly um that I'm gonna be working through that training session, the prime movers along with the stabilizing muscles and um the synergistic muscles that are aiding in those movements, but I also need to prepare my central nervous system. Um So I've gone through the ramp protocol in previous podcasts have gone through that a couple of times, ramp is rays activate mobilize potentially eight, so I'm going to not going to go through that today in detail, go back and listen to those episodes, but that's the first point is preparing your body and your mind for hard training sessions, spending more time doing that stuff in preparation for your strength, speed, power, um muscle building, weight loss conditioning, etcetera.

Um The second thing I want to talk about is prioritizing recovery mechanisms. So um again I can train hard, I do train hard but I need to spend more time Focusing on the recovery aspects. I can't get away with the same shit that I used to do when I was 25 years old when I was still in the army and I was hammering myself in every single training session. So um that's a big point is focusing on those recovery mechanisms being sleep, nutrition, hydration, massages, um mobilization drills, stretching, it might be yoga mindfulness, all of these different tools, um sauna ice bath, um swimming, um you know just rolling the legs over on a bike or something like that. These recovery mechanisms as you get older are much much more important because like I said, you can't get away with the same shit that used to get away with when you're younger simply because as we get older, we start to pick up more injuries.

Um the body starts breaking down a little bit more. It doesn't recover as well as it used to um testosterone production decreases in men. Um All of these different things contribute to basically not being able to get away with the same shit you got away with when you're younger. So that leads into the next thing on talk about, which is maintenance work. Um So I've spoken about activate mobilize now. Um the mobility based work is essentially to address any dysfunction and muscle imbalances that come up throughout A lifetime. So again, I'm 35 years old, about 36 and I've got 25 years ish of injuries that my body is picked up and created detours for in regards to neural pathways. So when we get injured, our body still needs to move, it still needs to do shit. So um it's going to create a detour to fight different muscles in a different order to complete that movement. Now, most people don't rehab properly when they do go through a rehab program and they do enough to stop the pain from um limiting them, but they don't actually um recreate those neural pathways for efficient and optimal movement.

So, as we get older, we need to focus a little bit more on maintenance work, and this is where rehab based work comes into play. Um This is where soft tissue work comes into play, massages, uh stretching and things like that. So, I've got a couple of really good corrective exercise demos, tutorials on my Youtube channel, which is at performance functional training. And those two videos in particular that I'm talking about, the simple drills to address lower cross syndrome and simple drills to address up across syndrome. So, I'll have those linked in the show notes. Um The next thing I wanna talk about is undulating your training intensity and volume. So, yes, I can train hard, okay, but if I'm going to train really fucking hard intensity is basically the effort that you're putting in. So one rep max max, dead lift is going to be intensity. A sprint session is going to be intensity based. A power session is going to be intensity based.

Alright, if I'm doing high intensity then the amount that I'm doing my volume is going to be low. However, if I'm doing a lot of volume, which might be bodybuilding style training, it might be endurance based work, it might be aerobic capacity when I'm focusing on volume than my intensity is going to be low. All right, so, I'm undulating my training intensity and my training volume. I'm not bumping both of those at the same time as one goes up as I start lifting heavier and heavier and heavier, for example, than the amount of work that I do, The volume that I do, The exercises that I do is going to decrease and vice versa. The last thing I wanna talk about is to schedule in d loads. Now d loads are um a critical part of a strength and conditioning program because we don't adapt in the gym. We adapt when we drive the stimulus in the gym. We trained really hard for a period of time and then we rest recover, rejuvenate, replenish those systems.

Uh And then our body goes through a compensation process where it goes. That was really fucking hard. I need to be able to deal with that better next time. So I'm going to make myself bigger, stronger faster. Um Lena better looking whatever. All right, so this is where the loads come into play and how I structure. This will depend on the people that I've got in front of me. Um Or if I'm training myself for how long I've got for an event or something. But essentially how I used the loads is week one is kind of going to be um an introduction to the phase that we're working through. So I give an example about my professional fighters, I'm working with at the moment. I've got them on a period ized um all year round training program. So We'll go through some strength based work for four weeks and then, you know, week three of that will introduce some power based work and then we'll go strength and power and then that strength and power will lead into just purely power and then power endurance. Um And then we'll transition into speed, speed and power alright? And then speed endurance and an energy system conditioning to round it off. And then we cycle back and we go through hypertrophy.

So basically what I'm doing there is all working like four week blocks and I might do four weeks of strength, weak ones in intro um to those movements, those exercise, I'm practicing technique, I'm teaching, I'm coaching um the movements, I'm coaching what muscles they should be feeling. I'm correcting techniques etcetera. Alright, Week two is going to start building upon that and start loading those patterns, those techniques and skills that we've created in week one, Then week three, we're going to build That again. Week four, we test All right, and then that's going to lead us into the next Phase. So the next phase, the intro, week one of phase two is going to be my d load. All right now, I'll also pay attention to my athletes and myself. If I'm training myself for an event, I'll pay attention to um when my athletes need a D load. So if they're HIV is down for a few days in a row or they're going into the mm, aspiring sessions, they can't fucking hold their hands up there really tired, then I'm going to have a conversation with them and I'm going to tell them that they probably need to have a dealer now d load is simply doesn't mean not doing anything.

It just means you change the focus. So instead of going into the gym and hammering yourself every day and just kind of going through the motions and spinning the wheels, getting junk work done. It's about cool, what can I do? That's going to help me repair the systems this week to allow me to get back into the gym next week and then build, build, build test and contribute to the overall training plan. So I might schedule in d Loads Maybe every 4, 5, 6 weeks. I might also schedule in a D load within the week. So I might have like two hard days, Monday Tuesday and then a D load on Wednesday where it might just be corrective, exercise, mobility, work, massage, swim, whatever, and then two hard days thursday friday and then saturday, sunday off. All right. So big point that I want to make here is that I gave that as examples for training after 30. All right. That those points get more and more important as you get older.

Okay? But in saying that all of those points are completely relevant for every single person that's training, okay? It's not just about what you're doing right now, it's about setting yourself up for the future. That's it for me today guys. Hopefully you enjoyed that conversation. Any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated, much love peace

Training tips as we age
Training tips as we age
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