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Live in the process, not the outcome

by Shaun Kober
September 13th 2021

Last week I spoke with Nic Edgerton  about the principles and protocols he uses with his physique athletes, and something he said piqued my interest, and that is, "I tell my guys to live 90% i... More

what is up guys, welcome to this episode of the lift, transformed podcast on your host, Sean koba. During this episode, I'm going to be covering off on a topic that came up in a recent conversation with Nick Edgerton. So Nick is a leading physique coach who has coached hundreds of transformations around the world and over 100 top three placings in the physique Competition in season 2019, season 2020. So that episode was live last week, great conversation with Nick and something that he spoke about in that episode Was telling his guys to live 90% in the process and 10% in the outcome. So what I'm gonna do in today's episode is dive into that topic in a little bit more detail and give the listeners you guys um some actionable takeaways so that you can start implementing this into your life. So um I 100% agree with that. Yes, goals are important. Understanding where you want to be, what the outcome is going to look like is absolutely important.

Okay? Because if you don't know where you're going, then you don't know how to get there. So yes, you need to set a goal, you need to have a look at where you want to be okay. But um that's the first part, then what you need to do is figure out exactly where you are, then set a direction that you want to be moving in and then put into action steps that you're gonna be able to take on a day to day, weekly basis, monthly basis, yearly basis, whatever, depending on how long it's going to take you to get to your goal. So we'll go into that in a little bit more detail. I'm going to go through some theory first and then I'll give you guys some practical examples of how I'm using this in my own life. So um one of the models that I like to use when it comes to, you know decision making uh and planning and deciding on the strategies that I'm going to use is the odor loop, which is 00. D. A. The first O stands for observe. The 2nd o stands for Orient, the D stands for decide and a stands for acts.

So when it comes to the first, oh, observe, we want to look at where you are in your current situation, How did you get there? What are the circumstances that have led you to that point? Then we want to look at why we want to change it. Okay. Uh then we need to look at how important it is for us to change our current circumstances. Um then we also need to look at if that aligns with our values because if setting a goal, setting a direction doesn't align with your values, then you're not going to do that thing. So that's the first is observed exactly where you are, you need to know where you are first before you can then start putting action steps into place to move in the right direction. An analogy I like to use is if let's say someone comes to your house right now they pick you up, they blindfold you, they take you uh somewhere You know within a 20 km radius and they drop you off and they say make your way home. Okay. The first thing you need to do before you start moving in a particular direction is you need to know exactly where you are right now.

Okay? So you observe your location, you figure out exactly where you are, okay and then you orient yourself right? This is where I am, I know my homes in this direction, I can't orientate myself in that direction. So The 2nd Oh is orient okay. Um and that is where are you in relation to where you want to be? Uh then how far is it to your destination then? How long will it take to get to your destination? And then what are your checkpoints along the way? Okay another example using that analogy that I just gave is you observe where you are, you orient yourself in the direction that you want to be moving and then once you get to a certain point. Alright call am I still heading in the right direction or do I need to adjust I need to change my direction slightly? All right, after we go through orient then we look at decide is the d uh and the d is what is the path that you're going to take to make it there? Okay? You're not gonna be able to move in a straight line?

Sometimes you will, most of the time you won't be able to Okay, so again, looking at those checkpoints, deciding what you're going to do, that, where the checkpoints are and how far apart you put those checkpoints is also important. Okay? Also in decide is what action steps do you need to implement? This is on a daily basis, A weekly basis. A monthly basis. Again, looking at what those checkpoints are. Um and then going, what do I need to do every single day? That's going to push me towards that checkpoint. Again, we'll come back to some practical applications um after we go through through the theory, something else you need to decide on is what are what are your non negotiables? Okay, what are your negotiables? What are the things that you're willing to compromise on? What are the things that you're not willing to compromise on? Okay, this is very important because if you don't know what your non negotiables are, then, you know, when life gets busy, um when you're under the pump, when you're stressed out, when shit happens in life as inevitably, inevitably fuck talk inevitably does, then, you know, it's going to throw you off track.

So you need to figure out what you're decide what your non negotiables are going to be again on a daily weekly, monthly basis? All right, what else you need to decide on is what are your actions that you're going to use and implement when challenges come up When setbacks again inevitably happen because it's going to happen. So you need to have a look at what your actions on when those challenging times do come up, decide on what those actions are going to be and how you're going to deal with them so that you can look ahead plan for them, deal with them and then continue moving on then A is what is your action plan? What is going to take you from A to Z utilizing those checkpoints of B C D E etcetera, etcetera etcetera. What else you need to act upon? You need to look at the boxes that need to be ticked again daily, weekly monthly basis. What do I need to do today that's going to move me in the right direction to get me to that first checkpoint. So you can have these checkpoints along the way that are going to be indicators and let you know whether you're moving in the right direction or not.

And you know, these are great for giving You an understanding of one, if you are moving in the right direction and to how long it's taken you to get to those checkpoints. If you plan to be at a certain checkpoint after four weeks and it actually takes you eight weeks to get to that checkpoint, then you may need to um act in a different manner. Maybe you need to tweak some of those daily habits that you're putting in. Maybe you need to adjust your goal. Maybe you need to adjust your direction, Maybe you need to adjust your non negotiables. All right, the next thing we need to act upon is being able to auto regulate what we're doing. So again, I'll relate this into training in a moment, but um something to think about is something is always better than nothing. So many people live with this all or nothing mindset where if I can't get an hour's training for example, then I'm not gonna do anything um which is, you know, it's a it's a self sabotaging um prophecy that just carries over into so many other areas of your life and I've said this before in a podcast episode, but the analogy I like to use is, hey, well I'm supposed to get up at this time, that means I need to be a better this time so I can get enough sleep, but I can't get to sleep, my brain is busy, blah, blah blah, you know, just because I can't get my 7/2 hour's sleep to wake up fresh tomorrow, get after the after the day, okay, just because I'm only going to get 6.5 hours sleep, that doesn't mean that I go, well fuck it, I'm just going to pull an all nighter.

I'm not going to do that, right? I'm still going to get something in something is always better than nothing. Right? So that's my act. Once I go through my act, then I go through and observe again. This is the other loop, right? Observe orient, decide and act. So let's give some practical examples of how I use this with my work. So right now I'm recording this in Russia. I'm in Russia with P. D. And for his fight camp before he takes on the main sterling for the title rematch. Now he's brought me over to Russia to run his strength and auditioning for his fight camp. Now, utilizing these tools, I'm going to give you an example of how I use them. Okay, so first of all, I need to look at what the end state is. Yes, we're setting a goal. Okay. That goal is when that fucking title back, right? How we can do that. I need to observe exactly where he's at right now. Okay. I got into camp. I went through a fighter analysis, had a chat to him, looked at all of his metrics, you know, waking heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure, um etcetera, etcetera.

I observed him in his training sessions. I observed how he's eating, I observed his body composition, his weight, his energy levels etcetera etcetera. So that's the o the first all about observe. Okay then orient, okay, we've got that goal now we need to orient ourselves in that direction again, I'm setting those checkpoints along the way. All right, One week out from the fight or 10 days out from the fight. We want him at this weight. Okay, that means that, you know, that's that's 10 kg away essentially. So that means one week out from the fight, you know, we want him 5 to 6 kg heavier than he is going to be fighting at. That means that where we're at right now and where we need to be, then we need to reverse engineer that, Okay, two weeks out, we need to be here three weeks out, we need to be here four weeks out, we need to be here etcetera, etcetera. Where reverse engineering that process. Okay, And that's the same thing with, you know, the strength work, the power work, the speed work, the conditioning work, right? We're looking at where he wants to be for that fight.

We're looking at his game plan, we're looking at who is fighting, We're looking at his strength and weaknesses, okay, we decide, right, we're moving in this direction, we orientals orientate ourselves in that direction, right? I need to be focusing on strength, stability and power for the first couple of weeks, then we need to move into some power and speed development for a couple of weeks, then we need to move into power and speed endurance for the next couple of weeks whilst also incorporating some mobility, stability, work in there as well. Okay, decide we've only got a certain period of time. Okay, I mean fight camp for like seven weeks, we've only got a certain period of time to get as much good quality work done as possible. So I need to decide what is going to be the most important thing. And again, I just gave you guys a run down of pretty much what the period eyes plan is. So I need to one decide what the overall intent is, where we want to be at that end state, okay then working backwards two weeks out, I want to be here four weeks out.

I want to be here six weeks out. I want to be here. OK then we're deciding on a weekly basis. We're deciding on a daily basis what actions need to occur, what training needs to occur to allow us to move in that direction. Something else I need to decide is how much I'm going to allow him to um take it easy, how much recovery we're going to add in there, how much food we're going to be eating, what type of food he is going to be eating to fuel, training, performance, recovery, sleep hormones, whilst also reducing weight etcetera, etcetera. Okay, so again, we're looking at those negotiables, we're looking at those non negotiables. Okay, there's certain things that I need him to achieve on a weekly basis. A daily basis. A monthly basis, etcetera etcetera. That's going to ensure that we're taking those boxes along the way. All right, then the next thing is act right, That means, right, what can we do today that is going to move us in the right direction, right? We're looking at all of his training, I'm looking at his training, I'm looking at his workload, I'm looking at his intensity, I'm looking at his energy levels, how he moves, all of these aspects that are contributing to the entire fight camp, because I am just one piece of the puzzle as his strength conditioning coach is also working with his striking coaches, he's also working with his grappling coaches, he's also working with his other training partners and things like that, so we need to tie everything in together and, you know, my piece of the puzzle needs to be as dialed in as possible and I need to understand what the goal is.

So then we can orient ourselves in the correct direction um then we can decide on what's going to be the most important, because here's the thing, like if I know that he's got a really fucking hard sparring session coming up in the afternoon, then I'm not going to absolutely hammer him in a strengthening conditioning session in the morning, right? That's going to be taking away from his aspiring session, his skills and drills, which is going to be the most important thing, So, you know, again, that comes back to those non negotiables and those negotiables okay, um where we're deciding on what is what is important, what the most important thing is because we want to keep the most important thing the most important thing right? But we also need to act in line with other coaches and say hey man this is what we want to be achieving, this is what we want to be doing, The reason we want to be doing this is for X, Y Z. So I'm going to be training him hard in tomorrow's session, I need you to back him off a little bit, still do enough to elicit the response that you want, but not so much that you start hammering him into the ground and start taking away from his performance and his ability to recover.

So once we go through that act process then again we observe, you know, I look at we we put in those action steps on a daily weekly basis in two weeks time we observe, where are we right now, is what we're doing moving us in the right direction. Are we achieving those checkpoints? Are we bringing body weight down, Are we improving body composition? Are we giving him enough energy to be able to um train, perform, recover, sleep well etcetera? Are we making sure that he's getting the correct macro macro nutrients so to support that performance um etcetera etcetera. So um that you do loop is extremely important to understand in every area of life, I just give you guys an example of how that works in a strengthened auditioning camp, okay? But you can apply those exact same principles to every other area of your life. So again the outer loop is observed where you are right now because without knowing where you are right now then you can't set a direction, okay? The next one is orient, what direction do I need to be moving?

Okay, how am I going to start moving in that direction? And it's not just about moving in that direction, sometimes it's about stopping yourself moving in the wrong direction. Alright, having some checkpoints along the way to ensure that you are moving in the right direction and having some parameters on either side to again ensure that you don't start moving too far off that path um what those tools are for you is going to be completely up to you, okay? You need to figure out what those tools are. Alright, decide decide what's important, decide what's not important, decide what you're going to go into battle with. Um decide what your non negotiables are, decide what your negotiables, decide what you're willing to compromise on what you're not willing to compromise on, Okay? And then the last one is act, you know, without fucking acting, you can't achieve anything, you can't achieve any of your goals, dreams outcomes without putting some action steps into place, so you know you need to act in line with one what your values are. But to, you know, those, the orientation, the direction that you're heading in. Um and then again, acting to ensure that what you're doing is moving in the right direction and stopping yourself from moving in the wrong direction.

Okay, those action steps are extremely important. And then again, we go back to observe, is this working? Is this not working? Do I need to change something? How we're going to change that? How can I redirect myself? How can I put these steps into place on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to keep you moving in the right direction? That's it for me today guys, hopefully enjoyed this episode. If there's anything that you want to hear, please reach out, let me know any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated. Much love guys, Peace.

Live in the process, not the outcome
Live in the process, not the outcome
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