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Training principles that apply to life

by Shaun Kober
September 27th 2021

I've learned so many amazing principles and skills from my time as a soldier, and as a coach in the fitness industry, that are relevant and transferable to all aspects of life.

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what is up guys just jumping in here quickly to let you know that I've just created a live train performed podcast facebook page. So what I want to do with this page is allow the listeners, you guys to have access to myself along with some of the other coaches that have been part of the live train performed podcast, particularly those that have featured on the coach's corner episodes, because a lot of these coaches have a very similar philosophy and most coaches are spooking, most good coaches are spooking the same information, right? And that is that any change is going to be difficult. It's going to require psychological change, is going to require behavioral changes and it's going to require doing small things consistently over long periods of time. So there is no magic pill, there is no magic potion that is going to get you from A to Z without your trials and tribulations along the way. So what I want to do with this page is cut through the bullshit. I also want to use this as a filter because I have had a number of people um request that I answer questions via my Q and a memes um and also sending me D.

M. S on my social media platforms and then when I follow up with them a week or two after the episode goes live and I've tagged them in it, they haven't actually listen to the episode. So whilst it is beneficial for you guys as audience members to um listen to these questions that come in from other people and have them answered, Okay, I'd much prefer to service the people who are actually listened to the podcast. So what I asked from you guys to be a part of the facebook page is simply leave me a rating and review and then send the screenshot through to me. My social media platform is at coach underscore codes K O B es, I'm going to allow 50 people in for free and then at some stage in the future I am going to monetize this. So just a heads up for you guys, I am building out the next phase of my business which is going to include a website, it's going to include e books around mindset, nutrition training programs etcetera etcetera. So I want to service you guys as best I can and that is going to allow you to get exclusive access to all of this stuff as it comes out as well as being able to interact with me and the other good quality coaches that have participated in the podcast and share their knowledge and experience.

Um it allow you to, you guys to interact with us, ask those questions directly so that we can then service you better if you want to be one of the O. G. S for the live train perform podcast group. Head over to facebook type in live train, perform that group should pop up request access to that. There's three questions that you'll need to answer once you've answered those questions and left a rating and review, make sure you screenshot that send that through to me on social media, I will grant you access and we'll start building an amazing community much love guys, you know what is up guys, Welcome to this episode of the live train performed podcast. I'm your host, Sean koba. In a recent interview I did with marshall Officer of Anvil Training and Development, we touched on some of the principles that we can use in fitness that also apply to other areas of your life. We only touched on it quite briefly throughout the episode, but in this episode and dive into that topic in a little bit more detail and also give you guys some examples of how you can use those principles that we can learn from fitness from training from being in the gym uh and how we can then transfer those skills over two different applications in other areas of our life.

So the first thing I wanna talk about is the fit principle and the fit principle stands for frequency, intensity time and type. All right, so frequency is how often were training? It might be, how often were training per day? It might be, how often were training per week? It might be, how often were training per month per year etcetera. All right then we have intensity, which is how hard we're going during those training sessions. Now important thing to note here is frequency and intensity are inversely related. So the more you're training, the less you're able to really push the intensity. However, if you are reducing the frequency of training a little bit more, then you can up the ante and push the intensity a little bit more. All right, the next one is time. Okay, what time are you going to train and for, how long are you going to be training for now? Again, this relates to the frequency and intensity, because if I'm training frequently, say I'm a professional athlete and I'm training frequently a couple of times per day, then maybe my intensity is a little bit lower.

Okay, but the duration of the training is a little bit higher. However, if I'm training twice a day, um and I want my intensity to be high, then the duration of training is probably going to have to be a little bit lower. Alright, then the last thing is type okay, type of training that we're going to do, because whatever we do is what we're going to adapt to. So you can't train strength, endurance, to build maximum strength. Okay, likewise, you can't train um cardio, to build power etcetera, etcetera. So this is specific adaptation to impose demands, which is what we're going to go on to next. However, I want to give you guys some examples of how you can use this and apply these skills to other areas of your life, let's say that I want to learn a new language. I live in Thailand and whilst I am in Thailand I have been learning thai okay, the frequency of my training, my sessions is twice a week. All right, for one hour.

Okay, so my frequency is two times per Week or two hours per week. Okay. The intensity, yeah, I'm getting after I'm learning as much as I can in those hours, those two hours that I'm doing it, but I'm also doing a little bit of homework outside of those two hours of schooling. All right time. My time every week is locked in duration is for an hour, twice per week. Okay. Type now, this is where the teacher comes into play because everyone learns differently. Okay, so the type of learning that I'm doing is going to be catered to me as an individual. My teacher is very good. I had two different teachers, one was very good, one was average. Okay. The teacher that was average was just basically jamming words down my throat from the textbook, not giving me any context, not allowing me to or give me some examples of how to use them in real world situations, it was literally just going straight from the textbook and when I asked questions about why things were said in a certain way or why the structure of the sentence was put together a specific way.

I wasn't given an answer. It's just like that's how it is. Whereas my other teacher who actually owned the school, she catered her teaching style to my learning style. So uh we would learn something and then she would ask me to repeat those words and give examples of how I would use them in everyday situations. And that was a great way for me to be able to get that information to actually sink in because I could see the real world application. Alright, So again, frequency, how often we're doing something? Okay, intensity. How hard we're working on that thing, time, what time we're doing it? How long, what duration we're doing that thing for? Okay. Type how what type of training are we doing? What type of education are we using? What are the different methods and protocols that we're using to reach towards our goals? All right, so that's the first part is the fit principle, f I T T. We're going to move on to now is the spread principle, which a number of these principles have been put together in different ways, through different courses, different stages, etcetera, etcetera.

But I've decided to put all of these principles together into one package, because it makes a lot of sense for me. Um and it ties in with my philosophy is my coaching and training philosophy. So um the first thing we look at is specificity. So this is basically specific adaptation to impose demands, we adapt to whatever we do. Okay, so if I want to get stronger then I need to use strength training protocols. If I want to become more explosive, then I need to use power training protocols. Likewise, with speed. If I want to become faster because I've got a rugby tournament coming up, then I need to use speed training protocols. Okay, if I want to improve my mobility, then I need to use those mobility based protocols. All right, so we're going to adapt whatever we do. So what we're doing needs to be specific. Likewise, if I'm learning how to speak thai, then I need to fucking learn how to speak thai. I don't just start throwing in random words of Russian or french or whatever in there. Right?

It's going to be specific to the language that I'm learning and it's also going to be um specific and relatable and transferrable to my everyday life. So they can actually learn that stuff. All right, the next thing is progressive overload. Now, progressive overload ties in with that specific adaptation to impose demand. So, um you'll see a lot of people that will go to the gym every day for a year and the body doesn't change because they're doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over again now whilst they get better at doing that thing or that thing becomes easier. Their bodies adapted to it. So, you know, it's no longer challenging them. So we need to challenge ourselves so that we can change ourselves now. We need just a little bit of stress, just enough stress to um illicit the right stimulus which is going to drive the correct adaptation that we're looking for. Okay, if we're not giving ourselves enough stress then we're not going to adapt. If we're giving ourselves too much stress then we're potentially taking away from our ability to recover and adapt and it becomes detrimental.

Alright, so progressive overload is essentially where we practice the skill of movement, we learn how to do that movement and then we start loading it, we might load it more with a little bit of extra weight, we might do an extra rep, we might do an extra set, maybe we reduce our rest periods, okay maybe increased range of movement. Um maybe we change the or slow the tempo down etcetera etcetera. Okay I'm going to talk about the different training variables in another podcast episode. Okay but you guys get the idea now to relate that to um speaking thai progressive overload right? Maybe I learn the the alphabet first. Alright then we learn the tones, then we learn um you know the specific words, the basics, then we start putting those basics together in two sentences. Okay then we start asking questions and then you know every session we review the last session and then we build upon that, we review the last session, we build upon that.

Okay and that goes throughout the entire curriculum. Alright, the next one is recovery and adaptation now this one is important because people think that to get the results that they want in the gym, they just need to train more. They need to train harder and yes, it is important to train more that is progressive overload and train harder, progressive overload again. Okay. There is an element of recovery and adaptation that a lot of people miss because when we go into the gym where providing the stress that the body requires the stimulus, so then it can then adapt in a positive manner. However before the body or the organism can adapt in a positive manner, it first needs to be able to recover, okay recover back to baseline and then adapt above and beyond. All right, So um this is extremely important here because again it's not something that a lot of people consider and this ties in with our stress levels right? If my stress levels are way too high and I'm training harder and harder and harder then I'm just adding more and more stress to the body.

Okay. And the organism and it's not actually going to adapt above and beyond. It's simply going to be fighting to get back to baseline or homeostasis which is balance of all of the systems all 11 systems that make up the body. Alright. Now, recovery adaptation in terms of learning thai uh this might be where we go through, you know, maybe I increase my frequency, I increase my intensity and I do that for like two weeks, right? And I'm really pushing hard and learning as much as I can in a two week period because whatever, maybe I've got an assessment or something like that coming up. So um I cram everything in. Okay, then I might need like a day or two to actually recover and let that stuff sink in where I'm not learning anymore, and I'm just allowing my brain to be able to put that information in storage and consolidate that information. All right. So, that's the same thing with training, we want to make sure that we do enough to elicit a response, but then allow that recovery and adaptation to occur so that we can um come back bigger, stronger, faster, better.

All right. The next one is individualization. Um Individualization again extremely important because I can give, you know, two people with the exact same training program nutrition plan. Um and they're going to get completely different results. One might get really good results. One might be going backwards alright, because of those other different lifestyle factors that come into play. Um So, the individualization, you know, if not everyone can squat the same, right? And for coaches or trainers that are trying to teach every single person to squat the same. That is a red flag that they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. All right, Because of morphology, bone structure. You know? there's so many things that come into play here, why people can't squat the same or move the same. So, um, that individualization of training is extremely important. I might have, I've got, I'm in Russia at the moment in fight camp with Peter john and his other coaches and training partners. So I'm teaching these guys how to go through certain movements.

We've gone through strength phase. We've now just kicked off a power phase. Right? So how these guys do, each movement is going to be individual to them. I'm going to give them the general principles of how to complete the movement and how to organize their body into a manner that's going to allow them to achieve the desired result of massive, massive power output, for example. Okay, but for each individual, I'm going to make slight adjustments to their positions and give slightly different cues for them so that they can get the most out of that exercise. Okay, Likewise, again, relating that to speaking tired. Okay, one teacher was really good at individualizing how she was presenting that information, whereas the other teacher was not very good at individual individualizing that information to present to me. All right, so the individualization process is extremely important. Okay, Yes, you do need general overall principles like um, you know, good movement quality for example, in the gym, you need general principles when it comes to learning a new language. Okay, you need the foundations.

You need the basics. Okay, but once you've got those basics down pat then you need to make it a lot more individual. All right, the last one is d training and reverse ability. Okay, there's a use it or lose it principle. So if I'm not training something in the gym then I start losing the ability to do that. Um Now I won't go into much detail on how long it takes to lose specific adaptations like strength, speed, power, energy, system conditioning, aerobic conditioning etcetera etcetera. Okay, But essentially if you're not training something then you will start losing the ability to do that. Okay, muscles start atrophying um central nervous system down regulates your brain is constantly trying to conserve energy so it's just gonna start cutting things away. Um If you're not practicing those things consistently. All right. Um and actually you'll start going backwards which is the reverse ability component. Now, again, relating this to tie if again I'm in Russia, I've been here for 3.5. We're kicking off week four fight camp now and you know, I haven't spoken any tie, I've actually not spoken too much english china.

Okay I'm learning a little bit of Russian. Um So my tie is lacking and I'm losing the ability to put together sentences and words and I'm forgetting meanings and things like that because I'm not practicing it. So when you're not practicing something then you start losing the skill, you start losing the ability. So those are the principles that guide my training. Okay. But again they also apply to and transfer to other areas of your life. Those principles again, frequency intensity, time and type is the fit principle. Okay. And then spread principle is specificity progressive, overload, recovery and adaptation, individualization and D training reverse ability. That's it for me today guys, hopefully enjoyed this episode. Start using those principles to apply to your life, reach out, let me know if there's anything else that you guys want to hear. Uh just remember that I have created the live train perform facebook forum, you can only get into that forum by submitting a rating and review and then sending through a screen shot to me before applying on the facebook group.

All right, so any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated, Go through that process. Um come and be a part of an amazing community that I'm building out now so you guys can stay in the loop and have access to myself as well as all of the other coaches that have participated in the live transform podcast, particularly those that have participated in the coaches corner episodes, much love guys piece

Training principles that apply to life
Training principles that apply to life
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