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Transformation is difficult. It requires hardwork, dedication, sacrifice and commitment...but if your why is strong enough, you will figure out the how!

by Shaun Kober
November 22nd 2021

Jamie is an Entrepreneur, Performance Coach, Online Business Strategist, and a Podcaster.
He is a friend, a colleague, and an awesome guy with great conversational and communication skills. We ... More

just jumping in here quickly to let you guys know that I have recently created a facebook group for listeners of the lift train performed podcast. So this private forum is the place to connect with other podcast listeners and guests as well as to interact with myself and other coaches who have provided content for the coach's corner episodes. So in this forum you can ask questions which I can then answer in the group or I can use them for episodes, former Q and A sessions, post relevant articles you can share memes. The goal is to create a network of like minded people um so that everyone can interact with each other. Um you guys are listeners, the audience members can interact with the network of professionals in the fitness industry that have provided good quality content for the podcast. To gain access to this private group. All you need to do is leave me a rating and review what this does is allows me to bump up the ratings, draw bigger names and bigger guest to the podcast for your listening pleasure. Um once you've left a rating and review, take a screenshot of that, send that through to my instagram at coach underscore codes ko bes once you've done that, go onto facebook type in live train perform that group will come up request access, answer the three questions and I will grant you access, I am in the process of building out my online business.

One of the income streams is going to be from the facebook forum, so I'm going to be allowing 50 people into that forum for free after that it will be paid access only. So get in early, be one of the O. G. S. Thanks guys, much appreciated Yo what is up guys? Welcome to this episode of the left transform podcast, I'm your host, Sean Cobra and joining me again is Jamie O'donnell. Jamie seems like we only just spoke mate. It might be because we just did cool man, looking forward to having a conversation with you this time around and um yeah man, thanks for having me on, appreciate it mate. Just to give the audience a little bit of context. I did record a conversation with Jamie this morning about the journey through fight camp with Petr Yan, leading into UFC 267 etcetera etcetera. I was planning on getting to some questions for him, he's recently gone through a transformation but that conversation went a little bit too long, I had to get off, had a couple of client calls etcetera etcetera.

I was like, hey bro, can we jump back on again. I know it's your friday night in New Zealand and he's like, yeah man, I'll give you the time for sure, so here we are again, I really appreciate your time man for those that have been around for a while, They'll know Jamie from previous episodes, I was a guest on his podcast, The life Lives Academy, When was that March april last year and then Jamie came on and jumped on the other side of mike and I interviewed him and that was man to this day, that was probably one of my favorite conversations um and you know, there's a number of takeaways that I got from that episode and um you know it's something I've actually gone back and listened to that episode a couple of times and I've had some really great feedback for that, so I always appreciate always appreciate your insight mate. Cool man. Yeah, looking forward to looking like looking forward to changing man. And um we did the conversation before, I could have literally spoken to you for another few hours because it was such a fascinating journey, but we'll see how we go this time, we'll flip it around and see how we go. Yeah, for sure, I'm sure some of the same principles will tie in, man, we'll probably do a lot of crossover in the conversation anyway, but make one of the reasons why I wanted to get you on to have this conversation was because you've recently gone through quite dramatic transformation with yourself.

So um talk to me about what occurred during that transformation, like what was the catalyst for going through that transformation and how it's panned out and I'm sure we'll we'll pick up wherever the conversation goes. Yeah, cool man. Um Yeah, I mean, I guess for anyone listening and there's a bit of context that probably needs to be given because it has been like a huge transformation and like from a health and fitness perspective, but I think when you think health and fitness transformation, you think weight loss and you know, people just look at before and after photos and it doesn't do any justice to the level of transformation that goes on behind the scenes and Um to take it right back to the beginning and to give context to how the transformation and how everything sort of come, around like in 2018, when we were in Thailand, um which is where I obviously met you and spend time with you um towards the back end of that, I started like, I actually got home back to New Zealand Very end of 2018 and I developed a skin infection um and it's called calculated, it was just on the back of my neck, it was like nothing too crazy.

But it was persistent and I sort of ignored it for a bit and then in 2000 and started 2019, I ended up getting on some antibiotics, trying to clear it up and um it kind of just ended up in the cycle of the doctor and not just masking the symptoms and never actually treating the infection, but ended up in this continual cycle of kind of every three months going back to the doctor or whatever and just getting given another dose, you know, and and struggling, I guess to get anyone take it serious or to talk to me about any holistic side of things and you know, I've been in or around the fitness industry for most of my life in some way, shape or form. So I've got a decent based knowledge and I knew that it wasn't good gut health and I knew that I could, I should probably be looking at other alternatives to try and treat it rather than just taking antibiotic after antibiotic. And Anyway, I naively just carried on and I ended up in a cycle where probably like 18, 18 to 24 months worth of antibiotics and different drugs ended up taking my sir Trenton in and which is like Accutane, very harsh drug like function system up, um really not good for your mental health and over that period of time just my overall health declined massively, man, like um I said to you off camera before, it was like chronic fatigue almost like my gut health got to a point where it was so bad that I just had like no energy and when I say no energy, you know, I'm a pretty high energy guy, like I've got a pretty good attitude towards things.

Um I generally walk around with, you know, a good energy and a positive smile and I try and give a lot of energy to to every interaction and I was fucked and and um you know, it was starting to affect my mental health. I really found myself in a spot where I was, I just almost didn't recognize the person that I was and I put it on a little bit away, it wasn't like massive, but I was carrying a little bit of extra weight and I was just battling and it Was like, one morning you woke up and you felt something was off or was it like this? It was gradual bro, it was over time. And the thing, the tricky thing about that is that it's a slippery slope because it was such adaptive beings, that feeling ship becomes normal really quickly and you don't realize that you're feeling ship, that's just become your quality of life. And I found myself like, I've been in really good shape, you know, periods of my life, I've had, you know, I've done boxing, I've been super fit and healthy, I've worked in the industry like, I know what it feels like to be in peak shape, so I had something to refer back to and but even then it's still a slippery slope and you'd still find yourself just accepting that quality of life.

And it was, it was to be honest, the thing, the catalyst was I knew that I was being a dick to step like my partner, I knew that I was just shorter when I knew that I was just shorter with her, like I was just less tolerant and it was because I was so exhausted and I, there was a period there where I sort of have, I guess a moment or two, but I I looked, looked in the mirror and was like, you're carrying on like a dick, like you're not, you're actually not who you want to be, and either you're allowing yourself to do that or you need to reach and get help because something's not right. And I knew something wasn't right with the health. I knew that I had enough understanding to know that my gut health was probably in poor shape, probably had like candida overgrowth, probably had imbalances in my microbiome. Um and obviously gut brain connection is huge, right? So I knew that probably the battle and the fogginess mentally was probably to do with that. I mean, I run a business work as a coach, like I give a lot of energy to other people, so it was paramount for me to be able to have the energy to give to people to keep things going. I was trying to do boxing, I was trying to train for a fight and I kept getting injured, like things were falling apart, man.

And um I guess that that was the background and I I've been to five different, like, general practitioners, you know, I just kept getting given a different type of antibiotic and um I ended up going to a specialist going to the dermatologist, he put me onto the harshest drug, we literally had to sign a wave of around suicide and he said like affection mental health and I was already like battling like not super bad like I don't want to dramatize it but I was flat compared to what I normally am of course man. Like as you said your whole quality of life has been affected like your your health is affected your energy levels, your productivity, your relationship as well you know that's gonna pause there for a second and discuss um you know everything you just said there before we go further is a lot of stuff that I want to unpack their man and for the audience you know I think it's important for them to understand that you know antibiotics whilst they can be great at times they shouldn't be you know something that you rely upon because what antibiotics do is they kill off all funding bacteria good and bad and you know our we've got like something like two kg worth of bacteria just within our gut man.

And you know all of that plays a part even bad bacteria as such like plays a part in our immune system. You know this bad bacteria then creates an inflammation response and the immune system goes hey we need to deal with these things and you know it sends out these killer cells and blah blah blah kills off this bad bacteria and then you know it's it's created these antibodies so if you experience that again then it can deal with it. So that's you know, bad bacteria can be a good thing, right? But then when you take these antibiotics to kill this overgrown bad bacteria, you're also killing off the good bacteria, which as you said, like is directly connected to the brain, it's connected to all of our systems, man. Um and you know what, I think it's like 80, of our immune system lies within the gut. So if your gut microbiome is in despair, aosis or imbalance then that literally affects everything else in your body man. 100% yeah, exactly, and it was, it was, I mean like looking back on it, it was crazy to look at the way that you were prescribed before diagnosis, if that makes sense from the doctor.

So it was like literally it wasn't until recently when I connected with a really good integrative nutritionist, like a really top level person called Katie Boyd Katy, If you hear this, thank you for all your help, you're amazing. But she's an awesome Katie Katie is definitely going to hear this Katie Boyd, like, and to be honest, like she was, she forced me to go and get tested to work out exactly what was going on. So there was a couple of different tests that I did and she was like you just have to go and get them because for me to understand what I need to do for you from a nutritional supplementation perspective, I need to understand what the imbalances are, what's growing, what bacteria is there, what's not there, what's been destroyed. Um and so she got me to go and do a stool sample tests and there was a breath test um that I had to do as well and a nasal swab. And and on the back of that, she got over data that she needed to understand what was actually going on internally. Now she was the first person to do that. I've been to a specialist, dermatologist, doctors, the works and had been prescribed antibiotics, but but you when you're speaking to these guys, like it wasn't addressing the underlying issue, like, like the skin specialist is just suggesting the skin.

Yeah, it's not like, hey, what's what are the, what are some of the underlying concerns that may be affecting the skin? 100%. But I had raised it with them, I've been like, I know that it's to do with the gut. Like I need to treat my gut and my concern is that everything that I'm being prescribed is actually destroying my gut. So I'm going to end up in this cycle where I can't get off medication. Like I was and they were going that's exactly what happened, but that's exactly what's happening. But I got into a place where I was just stuck with it and like you couldn't go off the medication because you have these horrific flare ups uh and painful and like it was not a good situation. And so Katie was the first person who got to the bottom of what was actually going on so that she could then create a protocol based on what she knew was happening. But it made, it was like in that moment I was like well we just spent two years literally just prescribing, prescribing, prescribing without diagnosing first and I was like holy sh it and like you say, don't get me wrong, I'm not begging the medical industry or antibiotics, there's a time and a place in an acute situation where that stuff is crucial, It saves lives 100% made. That's what Western medicine is so good at man. It's treating these acute issues. Like if you're in an accident and you need to get your fucking leg amputated, okay, It's like Western medicine is very good at that, okay, But if you've got like some, this is the difference between East and Western right?

Like the Eastern medicine is like, hey, let's like give them these fucking herbs and spices and all of these different compounds that keep everything optimized beneath the surface and you know, maybe it's not so good at treating acute issues okay, But it's typically pretty good at chronic issues as Western medicine is good for acute issues, but not so much at chronic issues. So this is where like that blend of Eastern Western medicine is, you know, that's the approach that needs to be taken men because everything's a fucking tool and yes, there's gonna be times where you need medication to deal with whatever it is okay and address these issues right there right then. But then that should only address those issues so you can get to a place where you can then start addressing the underlying cause. And this is where the integrative nutrition functional medicine comes into play, man. You know, we need to look at the system, the organism as a whole because everything works together. There's not isolated systems that integrated systems. Yeah, exactly.

100%. And I mean that's a big learning for me, you know, like, but it was, it was interesting because I set out initially really just to lose weight and get in shape was I need to get my energy levels up, I need to clean my stuff up. Like Just once I got found myself in that place where I was so fatigued on the back of probably 18 months on the antibiotics and stuff and I was like, I need to do something, but in my head it was what I know, which was get a decent training program, get your body working properly again, clean up your nutrition and and in the process of that, I was like and also like pay attention to get help and try and rebuild your gut health. But so I reached out and got help from Katie and I also hired a coach, a guy called Jack Boone who I met in Thailand funnily enough. Um and he so he helped me with a training program and with my nutrition and stuff and to be honest, the turning point was the intake that was asking for help from him and just admitting where I was at because I've always been like a pretty healthy person and like part of my identity is around being a high performer and trying to give lots of energy and other people and be ambitious and all this type of thing.

And to find myself in a situation where maybe I wasn't all of those things asking for help and admitting that you're, it was difficult and I probably the big turning point was actually reaching out and just saying to Jack mate, I want to lose some weight and get fit and healthy and sort of thinking that he would take a surface level approach and go, cool man, let's jump on and have a chat. And and he gave me a questionnaire that took me 2.5 hours to fill out which was everything from my my sex life to my sleep, to my looking like what I have for breakfast, like emotional right there. That right there is a sign of a good coach mate that is going to ask those hard questions man, that's that's a that's a filter for me bro. Like when I send through my initial initial consultation email to my clients man, like that gives me an indication of how invested they are in their own journey man, I'm not joking when it took me like like at least two hours to fill it in probably and like it was so in depth but it was a tool for me where I had to reflect on where I was at.

I understand and that's that that that email is a well that questionnaire it's a it's a snapshot for the coach of where you're at but also you know what's led you into that point, what your expectations are but it's also a reflection for you because it takes it takes yeah exactly exactly. You need to look in the mirror man, you need to ask those questions. I've had the same thing where I've had clients go man like thank you for that email because that got me thinking about things that I typically wouldn't even think about, I hadn't even considered when I was filling out that consultation form, I was connecting the dots myself. Exactly yeah exactly and and as someone who has like a good base level of knowledge, I didn't know what to do um for the most part I don't get me wrong there's levels to the ship and and the people that I hired have 10 levels above my knowledge but I did know roughly what to do but I also had to admit that my energy levels suffer so low that I actually, I couldn't put like I needed help to put I need the accountability I needed and I thought about it and there's a few people, you being one of them to be fair, where I was like, who do I respect the most in this area that I wouldn't want to let down like because you get good at letting yourself down over time, you know, like, and particularly if you go down a path like that, it's like I've said, I'll get my health together and haven't quite got it together and and you become good at negotiating with yourself man and like a slippery slope bro, 100%.

And I just found myself on it and I got myself relatively early on it, but I did find myself on it and I was like Jack had been doing some specific stuff around skin health. So I reached out to him and I knew that he was really good on the weight loss transformation, that was part of it that I wanted to do. And anyway, he just straight off the bat, drew a line in the sand and and he was like, fuck man, we've got to look at everything, like what time are you switching your phone off at night? How much screen time have you got like, are you getting in the sun first thing and watching the circadian rhythm, like like just everything and I was all stuff that I knew and I was like, yeah, okay, you're the right like we're on the same page with it. And I actually just, I just surrender, like kick my ask, tell me what I need to do, write me the blueprint, I don't want to think about it. I don't have the energy but I want to do it and I'm fucking because in those moments you realize the, the level of energy that you have dictates the quality of your life full stop and you, you can't, you can't have a quality of life without a high level of energy and vitality and like sometimes I mean it was a good reality check for me because I found myself without it and then all of a sudden relationships that we're good, we're starting to suffer business that that I loved, I was not enjoying anymore.

Like everything, all the stuff that I found joy and I was getting less joy and fulfillment and everything from, because my energy was so low and so that was like a thing where I need to focus on rebuilding my energy and I need to get my energy levels up so that I can get back to how I want to live, you know? And literally he just drew a line in the sand and was like there's no fucking around like we're gonna cut pretty much everything out of your diet. We've got to get back to like an elimination diet to work out what's going on with your gut, we'll start slow and the german will rebuild nice functional program that you can build yourself into because it had some injuries and stuff. But he was like, there's no compromise. And you were in the back of my head because when we did our podcast together, you said, you'll assess a client. Um and and they're like level of engagement and commitment. And you will say, you know, and you did that letter thing and you, you spoke through where you're like, How committed are you? And someone will say, I'm 10 out of 10. You go, cool, you need to sleep for eight hours, you need to eat this, you need to drink three liters of water, you need to exercise six times a week.

And they go, I don't have time for that. You're right, you're an eight, not a 10. And then, and then you say, but you need to do, and you know, you had a seven and then, um and then you get really get to where they're at and they're actually like a five. And and Jack was just like lying in the sand, this is what we need to do. And and you were in the back of my head and I was like, how committed? And I was like, suck it, right? Like let's go like, I've got it, I can't carry on like this. Um And so yeah man, we got started on the weight loss journey and and to be fair, like simple stuff, right? Like massively increase your protein. So I just want to pause there for a moment because I think there's some there's some take aways for the audience as well. Um You know, you you obviously have been the industry for a long time. You understand those fundamentals that you know, you know, that you need to tidy up your diet, you know, that you probably need to manage your time and your stress levels a little bit more and you know, you need to get into the gym and maybe change the way that your training etcetera, etcetera. So, you I only know what, you know, and you don't know what you don't know, right? And for 80% 90% of people when they simply start doing those smaller things they know is right, then that's going to take care of most issues.

But then they get to a point where like, all right, well, I'm doing these things and you probably were already doing those things as well because it's become a habit, okay, maybe some of those things and slipped a little bit, but then you're like, all right, I need to start dialing these things back in and start tightening the screws, you do that for a couple of weeks and like there's no change. Alright then, maybe there's something else going on beneath the scenes that, you know, I can't see behind, I can't see behind the curtain. So maybe I do need to employ someone who is operating at that higher level that can break through the bullshit that can make you know, give me these, give me these test testing protocols because if you're not testing you guessing right? And then that then determines you know what the protocols are going to be and again, you're addressing what the underlying causes, not just what the symptoms are. 100%. And I ended up hiring two people, I hired Katie to help me with the like jacket to his credit is also very good with gut health and everything. And he dug me a really good protocol. And by the time I connected with Katie, he had actually got me this far along the track, right?

And I had moved from step one to step three and and then I connected with Katie and she really went all in on the gut health stuff and and got me tested and and and when she got all the tests done. So like I said, I did the stool sample, did the breath tested the nasal test. She then got, she was like, okay, well these are the infections every you're resistant to every single antibiotic you've ever taken. And there's one form of antibiotic that you're not showing huge resistance to which is Alice Alice Island, which is like a natural garlic extract basically. And she was like there's no wonder that you've just taken all these antibiotics and nothing's happened. But no one ever tested you to see what you're resistant to and you've literally been taking the antibiotics time after time. Exactly. So once you've taken that test then she can give you that Allison or whatever it is and go hey let's use this to get things under control and then let's start addressing the underlying issues man. So you know, but there's two, there's two people and it was like earlier we spoke about peter and when you know how he pulled together experts in different fields to create his team to go and win the world title and it was like like Jack filled amazing role for me around accountability um and like lifestyle coaching and the gym and the nutrition side of it.

And Katie filled the like in the supplementation and actual protocol around healing the gut and getting things, getting the, trying to rebuild some of the good bacteria that was missing and trying to eliminate some of the bad bacteria that was overgrown and the thing that and so during that period but I'm trying to articulate it as the best possible way because there's two ways to this, there's two sides to the transformation that are important. But With Jack I ended up over a 12-14 week period losing 11 kg putting on some lean muscle. Like obviously changed my diet drastically. Just and stripped right back, eliminated everything, literally, pretty much I want to say carnivore diet, but not far off a few veggies and high level meet and like good butter and limited carbohydrates, but good from good sources and pretty basic back to basics and, and the high level of accountability around it, making sure that I was doing what I said, I was going to do every single day. Um and then taking the supplements and I had like a really good transformation.

But in the process of that, at the beginning, I knew I needed a circuit breaker because you know when you go to do something and You know what you've got to do, but you still like, you're still genuinely don't have the energy to do it. And I was like, I need a circuit breaker here and I went and brought a chest freezer and put it in the garage and plugged it in and got it to fucking 2° and turned it into an ice bath, sealed it all up, turned it into an ice bath and I was like, I'm going to just commit to like 2 to 3 weeks of ice baths every morning with Wim Hof breathing and I'm going to try and use that as a circuit breaker to like, just give me this little boost of energy to just just sucking, snapped me out of where I'm at, to give me the momentum in my days to do the nutrition and to get to the gym and stuff. And so I started implementing ice bar of ice bath and breathing every day and it was literally, it was a circuit breaker bar, like it snapped me out of the, the place that I was in that increased my energy quite drastically obviously like your vascular health and everything has a huge impact on actually. How much energy do you have and anyone, anyone who knows anything about cold exposure and breathwork knows that it's a pretty big part of generating a good level of vitality um and, and energy throughout the day and that was like a circuit breaker for me, which lead gave me the momentum to implement what Jack had given me and because I created that momentum with the ice baths and stuff, I then like really hit the nutrition hard and I did a four month period where it was like, there was nothing, there was no gluten, no soy, no looking like nothing.

I love that, I love that like that for you was one of those cornerstone habits and those cornerstone habits are, you know, those foundational pieces that then have a flow on effect along, you know, through the rest of your day and you're doing that first thing in the morning, you're, you're getting in the ice bath, you're giving yourself that cold exposure, um that's up regulating your sympathetic nervous system, putting you in a fight or flight that's releasing cortisol adrenaline that's getting you fucking ready to kick off the day, but then what you're also doing is focusing on your breathing whilst your sympathetic nervous system is up regulated. That breath work slow controlled deep breath that allows you to then create calm within the chaos and you're actually driving the parasympathetic nervous system whilst your sympathetic nervous system is up regulated, then that's going to carry over to get out. I feel good man, like my blood's flowing, I feel amazing, I've just done a little bit of breath work, I've done some mindfulness, I'm fucking cold, but I'm feeling good, I'm refreshed, you know, produced a heap of cortisol and adrenaline, I'm ready to get after the day, that's bumped up your energy levels.

Guess what? Now you're gonna make a fucking good healthy breakfast and now you start writing down the things that you need to do and then you're like alright, schedule, schedule, schedule, then you get your training in and blah blah blah, It's like that flow on effect man, I think that cornerstone habit is extremely important for people to think about and it's going to be different for everyone man. That cornerstone habit might simply be getting out of bed and putting your shoes on or you know whatever, getting home from work and instead of you know walking in the door and sitting on the couch, maybe it is walking in the door, getting out of your work clothes and putting on your training gear and walking back out the door like whatever that cornerstone habit needs to be different, it will be different for everyone. But the important thing is again the principle man of finding that habit that then has this snowball effect and you know creates higher quality of life throughout the rest of your day, 100 resentment and I knew there was something intuitively that I mean I've done ice baths a little bit in the past and there was something intuitively intuitive about it because I knew that I just knew that without the ice baths and that like shock, I wouldn't have the momentum to take the nutrition seriously and I knew, I also knew that because it wasn't just a weight loss transformation, I was trying to heal myself, I also knew that I couldn't get away with giving 90%, I knew it had to be 100%, I knew it had to be 100% every single day or there was no Like you know if you put an 80% you get zero results in that situation and so sorry, sorry, go on now and it's just like it's one of those things where like a lot of the time, even before when I found myself in a situation where I put on a bit of weight and just my energy levels were low and everything, I was still doing 80% of things, well I wasn't unhealthy by anything, like I was training everyday, store was forcing myself into the gym, I I was eating 80% healthy, I would say and like I was still healthier than most people that I turned and looked to, but 80% was given me 0% because I needed 100% and it was like that for me, I knew that doing something like extreme, like the ice baths and the breathing and committing to, that was like a mental example of going in and 100% and then the nutrition and everything on the back of that became quite easy and so the circle, the cornerstone habit thing that you've raised is super important, but the way that I framed it up for myself was like, what's the one needle moving thing that I could do that would give me momentum because I'm a big believer in like momentum and I think anything that you try and do anything that you try and tackle, if you can push the rock forward initially you're away right?

And so for me it was just, it was just thinking about that, I was like, what is going to be like the needle mover? The thing that just snapped me into that first bit of momentum so that I can then carry it on because I trusted that once I got into the swing of it would be fine. Yeah bro, I always say to my clients mate, like it's much easier to maintain momentum than it is to gain momentum. So what this means when, you know, if people are listening at home and they're like, oh I need to create some change in my life, then, you know, it's going to be fucking difficult the first couple of weeks, the first month, first two months, you know, most people fall off their new habits or the New Year's resolutions after a couple of weeks, right, because they try and do everything at once and like the point is don't do everything at once, Like, as you said, what's the one thing that's going to shift the needle in the right direction that is going to be a cornerstone habit that then has a flow on effect elsewhere, that you don't even need to think about, you just do because you understand it makes you feel better, and that's a great point as well, is like, you know that you were doing the right thing 80% of the time, but you knew also because you have good awareness within yourself that That 80% wasn't doing wasn't wasn't serving you man, and there was something missing, you know, for the average person, as you said, like so many people don't understand how good they could be feeling because they just they just live with just accepted.

Exactly man. Exactly, like I know that that's maybe that's that's great awareness because I know when I'm not feeling great about myself, things are energy levels are a little bit low. I'm feeling a little bit tired. Um you know, my productivity is a little bit down. Maybe my sleep patterns are a little bit off. I'm like looking at everything in my life. I'm like, alright, what's slipping? What's slipping? What's slipping? Like what? You know, I look back at some of the best times of my life, man, where life was going really fucking well, my energy levels were high. Was really productive. Really creative. You know, good relationships. I was in a really good mental and physical space. And I'm like, what was I doing then? Mm hmm. And then I'm like, all right, well, I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. I need to get back to that point and I don't need to do everything at once. But what's one thing that I'm going to do right now that's going to shift that needle in the right direction. Is there anything you want to add to that? I know you touched on something that was important that we sort of brushed over. But it's like, you don't know what you don't know. And like, I think sometimes having a level of knowledge can be a curse because you kind of feel like you have enough to get by when really you actually need help.

And and like I knew like from a weight loss perspective, I knew what to do and how to count macros, I know what food groups are good, Like I know what to do in that sense, but when it comes to gut health and like the intricacies of fully understanding good and bad bacteria and the infection that I had and that like, that ship was way above my head. And so I had to I had to hire help that I had to get someone who was a specialist in that area who could really help me. And I think you just you touched on it and you said that you don't know what you don't know. And if you find yourself coming up against a war where you're not making progress because that's what you're measuring, right? Are you progressing or you're not progressing and if you're not progressing and you don't like doing the same thing over and over. You know, that's the definition of insanity is what they say. And it's like but how often are people sitting in that cycle for years? And I caught myself sitting in that cycle for maybe 3-6 months, maybe not even six months, but like 3-6 months. And I was like, man, you got to ask for help. Like this six months will become 12, which become 18 and 100%.

It's going to be so much harder. And so like, I don't know if you if you're listening to it and you're trying to make progress in an area and you're not like maybe just look and are you being vulnerable enough. Have you actually reached out and asked for help in the right areas? Because not the easiest thing to do, but if I hadn't have done it, if I had not reached out to Jack initially I'd still be right, I'd still be in that same place which leads to the next worse off for sure. But which leads to the next part of that thing which through the testing that Katie got me to do, um I got the test results back and she got the data back and she sent them through them and she said, hey like awesome. I've got all the data that I need. I know like this and this and this about your gut. She sent me the full breakdown of everything she said, but there's a A marker which is for colon and stomach cancer which has come back. The acceptable rate was four and I had a 10.4 and she was like, she was like you need to go and get that seen to like we need to get a colonoscopy and eliminate the fact that there might be colon or stomach cancer there.

This is where the acute response comes into play. And I was like, Oh ship. And I've had like quite bad. Like that issues have got worse over that kind of a 12-month period and I have been, you know, dialing in malnutrition with Jack and I've really made some progress around good health. I didn't have the same level of pain, but my brother's got chronic Crohn's so I had thought that I might have Crohn's disease and for some other form of autoimmune disease. Yeah or something going on there. And so like that was kind of what triggered that. I've seen him go through his journey over five years, horrible to watch him in and out of surgeries and stuff. And I was like, the moment I started getting good stuff going on, I was like, I gotta change my shirt, I'm not going down that path. But then Katie came back and said like, yeah, you need to go and get get a colonoscopy and there's a, you know, that don't just don't freak out because it could be a false positive or whatever, but it's a pretty accurate test and um it's come back very high on the cancer markets. And I was like, oh shoot, okay. So I got that, I'm trying to think when that was, that was a few months ago now, like maybe three months ago.

And I sort of went okay. And I had, we was just starting to organize to try and get into the doctor to get the colonoscopy and we got into a snap lockdown in new Zealand level four can't leave the house unless you go into the supermarket, you can't get medical attention, like you can't get procedures done. Sorry, you could do an online thing with the doctor or whatever. Yeah, But like any kind of surgery or anything like progressing something like that for years out the window, you couldn't get into specialist, you couldn't get anything done. And we were in the lockdown for I don't know, I can't really remember the time frame now, maybe 4-6 weeks. And so two days prior to going into lockdown, I just got told, oh you've got a positive cancer marker and now you're like isolated in your house and you can't leave and you can't get help with it and I was like, oh fuck, so this um weird mental journey that you go on, we're like, oh I might have stomach cancer and you're like, no, I don't don't have stomach cancer. You know, all the positive self talk comes in and I'm like, I'm pretty mentally strong, have been through a lot of adversity.

We've talked about that in other episodes. I know how to control and regulate my emotions and my mental stuff and I was probably almost too good at it at times. And so like, I actually was Pretty good throughout that period, but people around me were starting to worry my family um Steph my partner, she tried to act like it wasn't getting to it, but like, I could see that over a 4-6 week period, sitting there were potentially got cancer was playing on your mind if you, but on top of that. And, and that's like, you're pretty good at, I'm the same man. Like, I'm quite good at compartmentalizing things and, and managing my emotions, but then, you know, it doesn't really hit you until you see it affecting other people and then once it starts affecting them, then it starts creeping into affecting you. Yeah, totally, man. And I'm not gonna lie, like this, obviously this, this period where you have, we allow yourself to feel it and you're like, oh ship, and maybe, you know, allow yourself to feel those emotions and then there's times where you have to switch it off. Like we were in lockdown, I work with a lot of small businesses, that's how I get paid.

Like I do coaching and I help people with in that sense and like the whole country just been put into lockdown. All my clients were like, their businesses were on the line, so I need to step up and deliver 10 x what I was delivering and be on my fucking game for all of my clients and I've also got to deal with my own ship. And so there's something weird that happens in times of chaos like that, where like, I would really enjoy it. Like I, I think it brings the best out of me, um not that I want to go seeking it out too much, but like, when she does hit the fan, I know, I know that I'll be fine. And so compartmentalizing it Exactly like you said, I was like, okay, Day two of the lockdown or whatever, and I was like, okay, I genuinely can't get seen or get any answers on this for at least six weeks probably. So that's what it is. Like, accept that that's the outcome. And like it comes in terms of everything that that could mean. And like get yourself there, genuinely not fake, get yourself there, talk about it, whatever, but get yourself there. And then also understand that most of the time you worry about that never eventuated.

And so what's the worst case scenario, wrap your head around the worst case scenario. Okay, take as much time as you need to do that and then understand that that worst case scenario will probably not play up, but if it does there. And then it was like, but you've already accepted it, man. I think that's important. Yeah, that's I think that's an important part of this man is like, you know, I've spoken about this before about my time in Afghanistan and you know, having those thoughts running through my head of like, you know, maybe this is my last patrol, Maybe, you know, we'd go through certain areas and I could see that we're getting channeled. I'm like, funk, man, Maybe if there's if I was Taliban, I'll be placing idea out there and there's these thoughts of like, you know, maybe maybe I'm not going to survive this patrol, Maybe I'll lose my leg. Maybe I, you know, maybe I make a mistake, lose my life or you know, I fucking do something that or I'm getting mutilated or whatever and changes my life forever. But I accepted that, right? And like I had written my will three times by the time I was 25 years old, and once I've thought about that, it was it became a reality and I was like, right man, like, I'm fucking grounded.

I know that the reality is that my life could be taken any moment. However I am going to have a say in how this is going to unfold, you know? Yes, I can see that we're getting channeled in this area, but I'm, instead of going that direction, I'm gonna maybe choose a different route or I'm going to um you know, I'm always going to have some control and some influence over how things play out. And that might not necessarily be um like the reality, but that's how I perceive it. And once you perceive it like that, then it makes a huge difference to your mindset and your ability to control your emotions and be able to um operate, understanding that, you know, life is it is finite. So, you know, but it's like the like the do you, are you familiar with stoic philosophy a little bit? Yeah, yeah, man. And that's that's pretty much like control the control ables. Don't worry about the things that are outside of your control because then you start creating this anxiety around things that may or may not happen, right?

So um you know one of the stoic philosophies is understanding that death is coming to everyone And once you look at that, you know, if we if we if we draw like a timeline like I'm 36 and you're around the same age, right? 33. Yeah, Yeah. All right. So if we draw our timeline and go, you know, the average age is Lifespan is what 80 years old? And given that even worldwide 75%,, yeah, exactly man. So like let's let's draw that out and go, alright, lifespan, average lifespan of a male 75 years old, right? If I then look at my timeline and go right, I'm 36 like I'm pretty much halfway through my expected lifespan right? Once, once I look at that, I go funk man, like I don't have that much time left to achieve the things that I want to do, right? I'm not gonna stress about that, it is the reality and I'm going to live in that reality and go all right, if I understand that I'm halfway through my life, like what choices do I want to make on a daily basis.

That is going to allow me to live a life of fulfillment and contentment that I can look back on, you know on my deathbed and be like, you know, I'm really happy with how I lived man and this is this is again tying back into the Afghanistan thing, you know mate, like I think about this quite often and I know it sounds probably a little bit morbid, but I quite often think like if I died, if I got news like that, that I had cancer and I knew that I only had six months left to live, I'd be like, fuck yeah, I'm living my best life for the next six months man, knowing that already, you know achieved so much in my life and I'm very happy, I'm very grateful for everything that I've done and if I died tomorrow man, like I'm sucking, I'm ecstatic bro with what I've done what I've achieved and I'm happy with my life and my my contribution to society. I think that's really powerful is looking at um you know the big picture and understanding that you know this is your life, you only get one chance. Yeah, just perspective bro. Like there's two things you touched on there that I think it's valuable to pick up on.

But the first thing was what you were saying about when you're facing something like that and it's I mean like what's the alternative do you like okay you in Afghanistan were like I could get shot? Okay, well yeah, you could and that's very real, but does it help you perform at a better level and get better outcomes after having that thought, if you continue to think about it or are you better to shelve it and go somewhere else and compartmentalized in that lockdown situation? I was like holy sh it. And I was like, hang on a minute, every area of my life could fall apart in the next four weeks. If I allow myself to be consumed by that, I could lose my business clients because I'm not fucking present. I could like everything my relations like the whole thing by just allowing something that isn't even real yet to consume me. And that's what you're talking about with Afghanistan, you're like, okay, well, you know that that threat is there, but if that consumes you your fucked. Yeah, and that over into everything else that affects everything else. Because it's creating anxiety, it's it's creating like different emotions.

It's affecting your energy, it's affecting your decisions, man, ultimately and those decisions of what is affecting your quality of life. And so when you understand that, I'm not saying it's easy because it's not, but there is a choice to either let it consume you or do not let it consume you, you just make a choice and saying it's too simple because there's a whole lot of emotional stuff that comes with it. But really actually like if you've just been blunt and honest, you have a choice and you decide what you're gonna do and how you're going to respond to the situation and one response will give you a better outcome. And so you choose the one that's got a better outcome and you pursue it. And and so that that was one point. And then the second thing was perspective, because you talked about perspective there and I had this really strange moment bro where I had, I actually, I got, by the time we came out of lockdown, I was really lucky, I had helped private health insurance that I've taken out earlier in the year. And so I was able to get straight in with like a top specialist. He kind of said, I don't think there'll be anything there at your age, like, but we'll do the colonoscopy and gas electricity, just to be sure.

And I went in and I went in and they found 10 polyps and he was like Holy Sh it, like not what I was expecting at all with someone in your health um and at your age. And so they got all cut out and then biopsied and they were sent away and I was waiting for the biopsy results come back at this period of time and I was driving through town one day and um you just have these moments where you just reflective when that stuff's going on. And like I found myself in a weirdly calm state throughout the whole thing and in a in a really grateful, blissful, beautiful, Like one of the best mental spaces I've ever been in my life while all this was going on, which is I can't really explain, it just happened and it just was okay. And I was driving through that. Yeah, I'd accepted it, but but it was like there was this, what's the word? It's like there was a piece that came with that, you know? And um yeah, I guess it was except I guess it was acceptance, but I was in this really peaceful state every day and it wasn't, you know, when people try and create peace for themselves, they go and meditate and they're like get stressed because they can't meditate properties and they're trying to create peace.

And it's like there's no fluency to trying to get this piece in your life because sometimes you're sucking not in a peaceful state, like there's not a peaceful, what's the word? Like there's seasons, right? And sometimes life is fucking chaotic and it's not peaceful at all. And other times it's really peaceful and other times it's emotion, there's always different emotions are gone. But I just found myself in this really peaceful season and there was absolute chaos going on around me in lockdown and and from the results that I've had, all sorts of stuff was driving through town, I was going to visit my brother and I got to an intersection and I literally, as I came around the corner, there was a fire truck pulled up in an ambulance, pulled up over the curb and I was like holy sh it what's going on here. Anyway, I pulled up to the intersection, I got stopped at the intersection and blocked off and I looked to my left and there was a guy in my age like 30 getting CPR on the side of the road and I was like and they were like fully pumping, like trying to try to bring him back. His mates were standing there in shock.

It was like two o'clock, one o'clock on a sunday afternoon. And um He just collapsed on the footpath and I got stuck there for probably like five minutes. Just literally was two m from my car door and just have to watch him get CPR And anyway, I eventually got there through the intersection. I went to the supermarket and did like a small shop, so I don't know, 15, 20 minutes got in my car is the only way to come back ground, drove back through that intersection and stopped at the intersection again, they're still working on them And I was like 20 minutes later and I was like ship. And then as I was stuck next to him, they called, they called it and they were like he's dead. And I sat in the car and was like I was going through my own ship deal trying to process the fact that I was waiting for my cancer results and given the fact that I just had 10 polyps cut out and then that was really unusual and that I had a positive cancer market by that stage in my head, I was like, there's probably quite a high chance I've got cancer. And in that moment I was like, what was that?

Like, what's my worst case scenario is that I get like a diagnosis of colon cancer, which is pretty treatable. I'm young and healthy. Like I'll have to work through it. It's not ideal. I don't want that to happen, but like, I'll deal with it. And I was like, what would that guy have given for a terminal diagnosis? Like, he just got he just got taken like that and like 2:00 on Sunday afternoon out with his mates. I don't know exactly, but I think that just came out of the Thai restaurant that was there. Thanks. What would that guy have given for six months more to be told. You've got six months more to go back home to his family, to whether he connected with his kids. If he had kids, his mates to do the ship that he wanted to do, to just show up and get the most out of the next six months. Like he would have given anything to have that opportunity. And so it just gave me this like, amazing perspective where I was like so grateful even if in the next week a cancer diagnosis came through, I was like, I didn't get hit by a bus today, I didn't drop dead on the side of the road, like this is a win, you know? And then everything just started coming. Like my perspective shifted and well it was sort of already shifted, but everything just came through that lens and it was like comparing down instead of comparing up, because I think so often in the world now we can pair up and we look at what everyone else has got this better than us or everyone who's in a better situation than us and we feel like we minimize our situation and we rob ourselves with so much happiness in those moments and that's what social media does.

But you can always compare yourself down. There's always someone in a worse situation than you and we never really do it. Like we never really fully expressed gratitude for where we're at, because we're always trying to get to the next place. And it was like, something like that, It was just like, that guy would have given anything to have six more months and I was like, and someone else who gets a terminal diagnosis today, will we have given anything to not have a terminal diagnosis and someone else who got a diagnosis, We've given everyone to not have one, and I was like, there's just scales to this ship, You just find yourself somewhere on the scale and you can choose to compare up to compare down. But at the end of the day, your perspective is all you've got and bro it it changed like I don't know what it was like I can't really explain it but like something just shifted for me and I was like everything is fine, like no matter what goes on, you just just sorry man, sorry to interrupt their um like I was just thinking about my NLP training, like something they talk about is being associated and being disassociated and associated is basically like that subjective view and then disassociated is that objective view?

And it seems to me like that moment was like a switch for you where you went from being subjective thinking about you know just your life too. Then that objective view where you're kind of looking at your life from bird's eye view and being like, oh man, fuck that's just given me so much of a different perspective. Yeah, I think so. I think I was already there like I've already got there because of I understand enough to be able to get myself there but it was it was a tangible example of something that reflected it back at me and I was like that's what I'm going, that's why I'm peaceful like but then it gave me like a tangible example and I was like it all just clicked and it made sense and I was like that's maybe why the pieces there because you're looking at things through that lens and then, and then you just look at everything around you and you're like, imagine if everyone was just looking through a similar lens where rather than being ungrateful for everything that's going on, we were grateful for all the blessings that were there because they're fucking there. And and also like the emotions, because I drove to my brother's house after that and I sat in his driveway and I had this weird moment where I just sat in his driveway and I just had this five or 10 minute period, I don't know how long it was.

Five or 10 minutes where I sat in his driveway, no one was around and I just sat in the car and I just had this like intense emotional, happy, grateful moment where I just, I just sat like it was almost like meditation. I just sat in the car and I just, I thought about everything that was going on in the world, in my world at that point in time. The, you know, the cancer stuff that was going on the, the business, we had business stresses that were happening as well. We would just come out of lockdown in the house that we're living in has just been told there's all sorts of that was going on was like, my life is chaos right now and I was like, and I'm just loving, but I'm like, I'm just grateful for the experience of it. And it was like all the emotions that you feel, Adjust emotions and we label them good or bad. And we roll ourselves of like 50% of life when we don't embrace all the fearful emotions, all the sad or the all the other stuff which is real beauty. And if you embrace it, we block it out and we tell ourselves and label that has been bad yet 50% of our lives is experiencing that ship.

And I had these times where like I said, I don't know exactly how it came about. Like all of that stuff. There was like beauty in it and I don't know, I don't want to get too deep and too wacky because I might lose people with it. But there was beauty in and I was like, you can just live like this. You can just there's beauty and everything where they where there's something today when I walk out of here after doing this interview and something happens, it might not be what I want. I want to happen, but like there is beauty in it and like, life is always happening for you not to you if that's the way you look at it and in a weird way, having that skin infection initially for me which bugged me for years, like, like for two years at least. And it was really like, I hated having it. It saved potentially saved my life because it was through the testing for the skin stuff that I ended up discovering the polyps and to finish the full loop when I got the polyps back, the specialist sat me down and said I need to connect with the person who got you to do those tests because the polyps that we removed were the cancerous tired.

But the test was so good that it picked up and gave you a positive test result before they had turned. And he said, I don't I don't know about that test and I need to learn from this person who got you to do it because that he said, I've never like that's incredible that it did that and she saved you from having to go through cancer because that would have been cancer and in a funny way, a full circle moment, gratitude for the fucking skin infection that I tried to push away for so long and that I was so annoyed at everything that had, I've never got that man, I would have had polyps in my stomach that would have turned cancerous and had I have never got the skin infection, I would have had full bone cancer and who knows what would happen, wow man, that's that's an incredible loop bro. And that's that's such an amazing insight from yourself um and you know what I want to ask is if you hadn't have gone through that journey yourself if you weren't waiting for those results and you drove past that guy who essentially fucking died on the footpath with his mates, man.

Like, if you weren't in that mindset and you had experienced that same situation, would you be thinking about it the same way? Probably not. Probably not. And I've had people like, I've had I've been at the sea, like when me and steve both when when someone drowned, that was pretty like five years ago, and we saw this, like, went through that whole thing. I've seen ships like that, you know, and um it shakes you for a bit and and it does you can't help but be shaken by something like that. But it was different perspective because I was facing my own, I guess, I don't want to be too dramatic, but I guess you were you are kind of facing your own mortality at that point. And there's something different about that. It like, shrinks everything down into this really succinct like gift of perspective and that's what you had when you were in Afghanistan and you're facing that stuff all the time. It's like you you are forced to face that stuff and you're grateful for everything that comes from that point. Like, I then was told that.

So just to finish the health loop, like, I was told that they got it before it had turned and they had been removed, but to have 10 of them, there's a genetic disposition and um we're doing testing at the moment with my family. But they there's a genetic thing where you're more susceptible to these types of serrated and venomous I think they're called. Which is the type of polyp which you have potential to turn cancerous more than the other ones. And um you know, there's a predisposition genetically on one side of either my mom or dad where were you know got a higher chance of developing that and we and we and we wouldn't have known about that. So even through that like my family is not getting tested, I don't know what the results of that will be, but like we there might be other people in my family who find out that they've got the ship that can they can take control of it because I got a skin infection and ended up like so it's just like this this loop and this lesson that for me anyway, and maybe for people that are listening in but there's this loop where like they're saying like nothing in life happens to you.

It happens for you. I've heard that so many times, but like it's sucking True, but all that is is a perspective shift and anyone can access it and I don't know man like your mental health and your quality of life and your appreciation for life and your appreciation for the people and the things in your life is fucking 10 x. When you make that flip on perspective, one 100% man made. There's so many questions that I want to ask you um but I think that's a really good place to start wrapping up the episode in saying that I do want to continue chatting to you. So if you are interested, I'll cut this conversation here, I'll drop this as a separate podcast episode and then I want to go back and talk about um a little bit more about the transformation process if you're happy to do that and if you have the time to do that, 100% man sounds good. I guess just in this episode, like just to close that off because we talked a lot about, you know, gratitude, perspective and all that type of thing, but I guess that at the core of it is like thinking about the quality of life that I've got now as well, not just from a mental perspective, but I talked early on about it and you touched on it a lot was just the level of energy that um dictates the quality of your life.

And I just think like I know there's a lot of people who are in the health and fitness space or around trying to better their health and fitness. We listen to this podcast, but man, we measure our bank accounts, we measure the fucking scales when we step on them in the morning, we measure so much dumb sh it in our lives um but I don't know if there's a more important measure than just honestly checking in with your level of energy and vitality and like how you're actually feeling, because that dictates your mental health, it dictates your physical health. It dictates the level of connection that and and energy that you can put into your relationships. It dictates the level of energy that you put into your goals. It dictates the fucking level of care that you have for yourself and we don't really talk about it or measure enough and it's not put on the pedestal that it should be put on. Like we we fucking measure our physical appearance over how we feel and we measure all this other stuff. So one of the big lessons for me is like just throughout this whole process is really paying attention and putting the value that it deserves on the level of energy that you have from your body and then basing your food and your training and your relationships and everything on how can you elevate the level of energy to get to the next level.

Because everyone in your life, every person, every relationship, every interaction, every bit of food. Everything that you do is either subtracting or adding energy to your life and I think a lot of the time without realizing that we end up where we're in these situations where what we're putting in our body and who were hanging around is detracting our energy massively and it leads to a ship quality of life. And I don't know, man, we work more than that. And I think there's one thing I think people should pay more attention to that mate. That was an absolutely brilliant passage, man, I'm fucking inspired by that. And, you know, to tie everything in. Put a put a cap on that is like, you know, right at the start of this episode, we were discussing, you know, your transformation and and how initially it was like, I want to, you know, clean up my diet, put on a little bit of drops and drops and body fat, you know, and that was that was what your initial um target was. But then as you went down that path, like you you realize that there was so much more to it. And, you know, the big takeaway point for me is like when people do start focusing on the health of the organism, then you do end up getting those other results, those aesthetic results, performance results indirectly.

So, I think that's a great point, man. Yes, it is hard to quantify some of these objective measures because that's what all sorry, these subjective measures, because that's what, you know, looking at your hair, your skin, your now's digestive system, energy levels, productivity, um sex drive emotions, mental health, etcetera, etcetera. Like this is all subjective right? Like you can't put a number on it when you go to the gym and you lift 100 kg for 10 reps. Like that's an objective measurement and like that's much more easier to quantify. But it's far more important in my eyes to find ways to quantify those subjective measurements. Yeah, totally bright. And you can do it right. Like it's just that we're not used to doing it. Like you can like journaling is a great way to check in with where your energy. Is that where your mental spaces that you can come up with assessments for yourself and rake yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 every night if you want to when you go to bed and like what level of satisfaction you got out of your day, what your depth of relationships were like what your level of energy was like how inspired you felt. You can write all of that ship. We just don't do it.

We write all the dumb stuff and we don't pay attention to all the stuff that makes us happy and, and equates to like a good quality of life. And you know, it's just throughout this whole experience, it's just painted some of that a bit clearer for me. And um I guess made me value myself enough to really hold myself accountable to some of that stuff. So I don't know, man in a in a strange way. Um Yeah, it's been it's been a crazy journey but we won't carry on about it. I think there's a lot of lessons in there, but it's been a it's been an amazing journey but I guess the point is that I could have been asleep at the wheel through a lot of that and not taking any of the lessons out of it and by initially checking in and really just wanting to better my energy and really like paying more attention to how I was feeling, I think out of that level of awareness that I had to have to check in with my body. Um I ended up picking up far more lessons throughout this whole thing and it's just been like a really trans 3 60 degree transformation mentally, physically emotionally and um you know, hopefully something that I'm sure this perspective will stick with me from now on, so yeah, amazing mate, when we get back on, I want to discuss the discipline required to go through the transformation, but also I want to go through the elimination diet process for people listening as well mate.

Sounds good man, look forward to it. Alright cool, let's get back on in five minutes. This episode was brought to you by Swiss eight which is a proactive mental health program designed by veterans initially for veterans that has been pushed out to the wider community that allows you to structure in and schedule their eight pillars of health and wellness, including nutrition, sleep time management, discipline, fitness, personal growth, mindfulness and minimalism. This episode was also brought to you by the spunky, which is a male hormone optimization supplement that I've been taking for about a year and a half now. Absolutely rate. It is a TJ listed nutraceutical, meaning that it's made from all organic produce to help you manage and optimize your stress levels, which in turn increases your ability to improve testosterone production levels naturally. User code codes 10 at checkout for your 10% discount. All of those links will be in the show notes. If you've got some benefit from this episode, please make sure you pass it off to your friends and family. I'd appreciate any shares on social media platforms.

If you tag me or if you share it to your stories, make sure you tag me so I can share that as well. Any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated, much loved guys. Peace.

Transformation is difficult. It requires hardwork, dedication, sacrifice and commitment...but if your why is strong enough, you will figure out the how!
Transformation is difficult. It requires hardwork, dedication, sacrifice and commitment...but if your why is strong enough, you will figure out the how!
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