Live Train Perform

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How to approach goal setting for this year, how to adjust your nutrition after a holiday, and advice for older lifters

by Shaun Kober
January 31st 2022

Will Foden is back!

As always, we kick off the conversation with our take on where our beloved industry is at the moment before we dive into some advice for some of his followers that have... More

just jumping in here quickly to let you guys know that I have recently created a facebook group for listeners of the lift train performed podcast. So this private forum is the place to connect with other podcast listeners and guests as well as to interact with myself and other coaches who have provided content for the coach's corner episodes. So in this forum you can ask questions which I can then answer in the group or I can use them for episodes, former Q and A sessions, post relevant articles you can share memes. The goal is to create a network of like minded people um so that everyone can interact with each other. Um you guys are listeners, the audience members can interact with the network of professionals in the fitness industry that have provided good quality content for the podcast. To gain access to this private group. All you need to do is leave me a rating and review what this does is allows me to bump up the ratings, draw bigger names and bigger guest to the podcast for your listening pleasure. Um once you've left a rating and review, take a screenshot of that, send that through to my instagram at coach underscore codes ko bes once you've done that, go onto facebook type in live train perform that group will come up request access, answer the three questions and I will grant you access, I am in the process of building out my online business.

One of the income streams is going to be from the facebook forum, So I'm going to be allowing 50 people into that forum for free after that. It will be paid access only. So get in early, be one of the OG. S. Thanks guys. Much appreciated. Yo, what is up guys? Welcome back to the live train performed podcast. I'm your host, Sean Cobra and joining me again for what's this? Like the fourth time will photon. How are you bro? Awesome man. Yeah, that's nice to catch up again, my brother. It's been a while. Yeah, we, I mean we said it's been a while, but we've just been chatting for 37 minutes offline, having a solid catch up, but I think we probably should have, man, we had some really good conversations. Maybe we can touch on some of that stuff we're just talking about like social media and um, the coaches, uh, different people that we know in the industry that are doing stupid ship, like Tiktok dances and things like that, trying to gain attention and all that type of stuff. So anyway, maybe next time we'll record that you will be careful who we mentioned that I think.

But yeah, if you are doing just to let you know, don't be a balance. There you go. Done. We're onto, you were onto you catch your attention and the wrong type of people. Yeah, mate, for any new listeners, can you give them a quick quick um, description, quick bio of yourself. Quick snapshot. Ex Rugby player. Originally from the UK Met Cobra's work, play rugby player. Yeah, I was, I was working in, you fit in Singapore in this, in the CBD was working with sort of Ceos executives. I worked with a few athletes as well. One professional athlete there. Metco is a course of the muscle nerds and just hit it off there, man, got along with and and respected his ethos. Um, haven't had a chance to come to Tiger yet. I'm sure he was smashed me there, but we was there five years. Um, I learned a lot, did a lot and then because of Covid, me and my wife, she was working with me as well. We moved back to the UK and we started the station collective, which is a coaching company based around high level performance and optimization, which will bring the community around those two sort of pillars of value systems, um, not just your normal sets reps and what, what jim to hit.

It's more of a case that's way more than that elevator in every part of your life. And we moved home, I've been home for four more four months. It's been interesting moving fully online to start with. I mean a lot of people are working from home during covid, but I mean from from, from a business standpoint obviously have had to grow up quite quickly. I was doing it before but I was doing it alongside one on one. So I had a lot of sort of leeway in relation to how I operated now it's a case of sort of switching gears and then since then, yeah, we were just over the last four months, we've been servicing clients globally, we've got a bit of a training group when it comes down to strength conditioning, so if your combat athletes and rugby players mainly, and then I just had this one on one coaching model which is based around um all assets of sort of optimization, so yeah, it's been an interesting couple of years. Yeah, nice man. Um just for the audience as well, will, and I were just speaking about the different mediums and this is something that I'm kind of working towards at the moment is moving a little bit more online. I do have an online coaching platform um but it does take a lot of man hours and I'm trying to remove myself from that process um and basically what I'm trying to do is build out um a website that has training programs, nutrition, e books, mindset, e books and things like that so that, you know, people can go straight onto my website, they see my instagram, they go as you know, well said before, uh you know, I posted something where I was doing walking lunges with um cables hanging off bands, which adds some instability um blah blah blah, why am I doing this?

I'm doing it for this reason. Okay, athletes can benefit from this general population clients can benefit from this, Alright, let's give them a little bit more context on this Youtube video. They go to that Youtube video and then they see what a training program looks like, the type of people that I'm working with, why I'm doing these things. And I'm going to have a few more Youtube videos coming up over the next couple of weeks that I've been recording, um, some of my professional fighters. So I'm going to be giving people a little bit of a sneak peek into what I've been doing in fight camp with these pro fighters in one championship bellator and UFC. Um, so keep an eye out for that stuff. But then people will be able to go into my website and look at training programs, nutrition books, et cetera and be able to buy that because something that I've found is that, you know, you're the same world, we're both very educational coaches and we need to be like, we, we attract that type of person that want to go on a deep dive in, you know, everything, health and fitness and human optimization, you know, bettering their life in every way possible. But in saying that what I realized is that I'm missing out on servicing some people, those people who want to, you know, swim in the shallow waters that don't want to dive too deep.

So I need to get a product out for them so that they can roll through a program, a 10 to 12 week program, get some benefit from it and go, oh okay, sweet, I can see that, you know, this training program is really good. Maybe if I learned how to reap my heart rate variability and then make adjustments to my training, make adjustments to my nutrition, my stress management, my mindfulness, my sleep etcetera, etcetera, maybe I can get more out of that program. So that's essentially what I'm building out now. Um but it sounds like what you're doing is really cool man and I've enjoyed watching your evolution of your training videos and all of your instagram posts over the last couple of months. Thank you very much, man, It's been an interesting similar to what you said is is I think what what people get caught on in the industry is is they they only look to serve 11 specific demographic, like I said, if someone's got loads of cash and they all these, you see all these these mobile mentors banging on about high ticket sales and this kind of stuff. Most of the sort of joy of my job comes from people that I don't have actually that much who are looking to, I I coach a boxer and she should know who she is and she, I I sponsor her because I know she's a student, but she wants to, she really wants to train on so that the point of entry for her is a bit different, But there's a lot of people like that, especially with the with the studios in the industry and the and the mind that you have just savoring that for just people that can afford your you before your time is non beneficial.

From an impact perspective, as you said, offering that that blanket product, which, which to be honest, most people don't need when, when they, when they feel they've got a lot of things sort of 80%. I say they if they if they apply training principles and they apply nutritional principles at the right times, then those programs are very much beneficial and it gives people that actually actually enjoy what they're doing and they're actually getting something that's going to leverage progression rather than buying the big booty workout 3000 that costs you £7.50 on on instagram. Actually investing it from a coach's thought about the layers of the program, how it's going to be integrated, how that meets the demand of the outcome. Suddenly you've, you've hit both ends of the spectrum of and it is something that we, and that's why I resonate with you so much and what what we we put collective in our in our branding, is it? Yes, I'm a very, I love being a geek and I love getting in the weeds and I really like working with people on a deep level apart from being really time consuming and really energy consuming. I also know that the information that I have can be beneficial to a massive population and I want to be able to build a community around similar to what this podcast does is everyone that listens to it is a like minded individual with.

But we're both open minded, we've all got a growth mindset in relation to I don't always a white belt syndrome. But the point is is that that there's not like a it's not like a line in the sand where? Oh sorry, mate, you can't be here. It's a case of if you want to come and join, you want to come and join the dark side, mate, I put my arm around you, but you're gonna blow your mind in that That's essentially I think it's very important to have, Especially from a business standpoint. Mm hmm. Yeah, that kind of ties into our previous conversation that we did have offline about, you know, people um putting out certain posts on social media, trying to garner attention. And I mean, I kind of understand they're trying to garner attention, but, you know, to to then, you know, push a product or whatever. But you know, you're drawing the wrong type of attention from the wrong people. 100% my proofs in the pudding. I'm a big like if you say you're gonna do something, you do it similar. I I'll put it on, the listeners will know a lot more about about your story is like when you, when you had yarn for his fight. Yes, you're putting bits of his training up, but you weren't there glorifying glorifying what you were doing. You were very focused and you could see every single time it was about him, the people that was working with, where you were, the intensity of their working at, It wasn't a a selfie with him saying how good you were.

It was like, I'm we're training odd and it came off and that wasn't my mistake. That was that was literally the self fulfilling prophecy in relation to you were there to work hard and you were mentioning people really like you said, when you're working with someone of that caliber, you're going to get people asking you questions and kind of come and watch and kind of come and help have a new authenticity in the value system like funk, that man, I'm not here to play games, I'm here to win. And that's something that is very, such a small part of our industry is too many young coaches and too many people are focused about being famous rather than being fucking good because if you're sucking good your proof and your results will show it. And then you charge more money rather than you dancing around like a dick head with your, with your socks on your hands, talking to yourself like what you're doing man, you like, it's just no, sorry, that's a specific person, apologize, I can't, it's taking my soul boss. Yeah, it's, it's difficult man because it's, it's, I mean that's the, that's the world that we live in. I don't want to go off on too much of a tangent here, but you know, it is a good conversation does carry on from what we're speaking about offline and you know, it's a fine line.

You need to find that balance because you know, I can't just put out, you know, photos of me with yarn and not actually put the hard yards in and do the training and focus and have a period ized plan that's going to get him results and allow him to peak at the right time and deliver under the lights in front of a massive crowd, right? Like if I'm having all those photos, but I'm not delivering those results, it doesn't mean shit. But on the other side of the coin, like if I'm delivering those results and I'm not showing anyone any of the work that's going into it, then, you know, I'm doing myself a disservice as well. So I totally understand it man and it is about finding that balance and that's what this podcast is about and this is kind of what everything that I'm doing man. Like I'm building like um kind of like a, I guess a media medium where I am going to have the podcast, which is going to be these long form conversations, but then I've got my Youtube channel, which is you know, taking 10 to 15 minute sound bites of these conversations and having that on my Youtube channel so people can go for specific portions of the conversation and then there's going to be 3 to 5 minutes HGTV videos that talk about a specific training program or training principles or progressive overload or something like that.

And then there's going to be the flashy fucking instagram, one minute reel or 32nd reel or something that's going to be attention grabbing. Um you know, so I'm kind of trying to cover all of the bases, but I'm also um for those listening as well, I'm also transcribing all of these podcast episodes so that I can start putting them together, rewording them, organizing them into e books, so all of these conversations that we've had around mental health and structuring your life and building these protocols and principles into your life and how to tweak them and adjust them to get the most out of them. Like this is a massive project man and this is what I'm working on over the next couple of months they can have online. Um I mean, the end product is going to be essentially people will wake up in the morning, they'll take their blood pressure, their waking heart rate, their heart rate variability and then they follow the bouncing ball if you are HIV is here, this is what I want you to do in terms of training, this is what I want you to do in terms of nutrition, this is what I want you to do in terms of stress management, this is what I want you to do in terms of um nightly routine, this is what I want you to do for journaling, blah blah blah.

If you're HIV is here then it's going to follow a different bouncing ball and it's going to be really fucking comprehensive program bro, but it's gonna take me 12 to 18 months to build that out, I'm not going to be able to build that out um and have that online in a couple of months so what I'm gonna do is just build out a skeleton building training program, build out, you know, basic fundamentals of nutrition mindset, um habit formation etcetera etcetera and just have that as a skeleton online so people can get a taste of what I can provide and then continue adding value, continue adding more content as we, you know, keep going through this process of talking to people like you and and that's the whole point of having guys on like you write is like I don't have all the answers but I know people in my network that is going to have a different eye, they're going to have a different perspective on different things that can then add tools to not only my toolbox but you know, the people that are listening add tools to their toolbox, you know, I want to get great people on that. Um, you know, I can then start pushing people towards, So once I have my website up and running, I'm going to have some of your shift on there, I'm going to have some of lizzie's stuff on there, luke Lehman from muscle nerds, you know, I've had him on a couple of times and you know, that's where we met on his foundations course in Singapore man.

He's a great dude, and a lot of my principles have come from his philosophies, you know, and I'm just tweaking and I'm building upon that and all of the people that I've had on the podcast, man, I want to um you know, start sharing your content, your content. If you have something that's really fucking good and relevant, guess what? I'm I'm linking that to a podcast episode. I'm linking that to one of my articles that I've written or whatever it might be. So then I can start connecting my listeners, my followers, my audience to different people that I trust in the industry because they trust me. And if if they trust me, they know that they're going to trust my recommendations. No, I'm glad I'm part of the circle man. I mean, yeah, that's one piece of the puzzle, which, which it does take a lot of time, but the fruits of your labor will come true when it's when it's out there and the product will actually be a working organism that's adaptive and moves and it actually builds people the problem, it's the same with everything man. People always want to rush, people want money. Now, people want results. Now people want to business now, they want to be a millionaire.

Now they want to be on a beach with a sucking on earning X. Amount of cash with a laptop on that ship. Right now, the fruits are like how much experience and how good is it gonna be you learning all these things because in that, like we just said before offline about you, you were were gonna really be coaching people five years behind us. You're then gonna have another product which is how to build that product. And suddenly your your evolution as a coach becomes not just a coach for people, but a coach for athletes, but a coach for coaches. And then it's it that seems to be the people that we look up into the industry have amalgamated all the all the all what you've just said and they've built a monster because they put one ft in front of the other and didn't focus on, I'm just gonna become rich, has so many people that have left our industry or we used to remember and we haven't seen them in years. Is that smash and grab. They make a lot of money now, what are they either abusing themselves with too much with with with women or with men abusing themselves with too much money gear, drugs, alcohol.

The difference between, between what you're going to build another is, is it's just a flow state, man. This is just what you do and it's going to take his time, but it'll be worth it in the end. And I think it's similar for what we're doing is is everyone thinks that we always know everything that we're doing. I just know for I know where I'm trying to get to and I'm willing to open up my, my head and and meet as many people as possible to help me make that better. Not I know everything because if you know everything you're dead man, it doesn't matter what it is. Mm hmm. It's a journey man. That's where the lessons are in the journey. I don't know exactly where I'm going to be in five years, but I've got a pretty good idea. I've got a pretty good idea of where I want to be and what I want to be doing, you know? But I'm always open to making those adjustments. Maybe, you know, next year I get a fucking amazing opportunity that I just can't say no to who knows man. I listened to a podcast the other day um, with the mind pump guys, I'm not sure if, you know, mind pump media. Um really good, really good podcast. They had a guy on P. J. F. Performance three years ago who works with professional NBA players and he was saying in the conversation man, they were asking me questions like, um and he told the story of, you know, he goes, when I was younger, my dream job was to work with one of the NBA teams and he goes, I got to a certain point in my business, in my life where I got that job offer and I turned it down because where I was was better than that dream job, You know, he was creating his own opportunities man and that's that's exactly what I'm doing, that's exactly what you're doing man.

And it's a constant work in progress and you know, we've we've got an understanding of where we, not necessarily where we want to be, we've got an idea of where we want to be and what we want to do and then we're focusing on the process, it's the steps that's going to take us in that direction. And you know, if we hit a crossroads at some stage and we go, you know, what do I go left here? Do I go right here, let's weigh up the options, what's my best options, what are the pros, what are the cons, you know what if I go left, then I'm saying yes to this, but I'm saying no to these things, if I go right, I'm so saying no to these things, but I'm saying yes to these things, all right, what's going to be most beneficial for me moving forward, I was moving in that direction, but now, you know, I've grown, I've learned a little bit more. Maybe my value system changed a little bit over the last two years, you know what, I'm going to take this road to the right rather than the one on the left, 100% man, the biggest thing I learned, I think I've learned more from the things that I've got wrong than what I've got, right, Like every, every people will see, it's funny how people will always look at you and they'll say that how well you've done or it doesn't matter if you put in any context, like they won't see the group, the pure, the scary grind that you go through or in your own head, or am I really going to be able to do this?

Am I actually gonna be able to get there? I don't actually understand this, but I've got to just say yes, the amount of times where I've been in situations where especially coaching situations where I've I've an example is I worked with Alex Silver in the one championship, he was my first professional fighter ever worked with, I worked with guys who fought in the sea games. I thought with guys who fight internationally amateur, this dude, is that you would know your 1st 1st ever m m a fighter who was fighting on television, you were that you were there going I know the principles, but this is actually for real, I'm actually going to do something that if he loses, if he gets knocked out, it's not your fault, but in your head it is your fault. So then you you say yes, because the opportunity is amazing, but you do your damn best to figure it out, man. And you go and reach out of the amount of coaches I reached out. I mean, I reached out to you asking you about fighting questions before, because I've gone to somebody who I know who has got more experience in an area at a higher level. It's not an athlete level, this is an M. M. A professional level. I need to outsource or ask somebody a question who is been in the game a bit longer than me.

Yes, he's better looking than me, but we don't know that. And then it's a case of we I can't I learned that way that will that will come back to that will come back to help me later on. But point being is I said yes, because the opportunity, the opportunity was amazing. I had to figure it out because the only way you're going to learn is by being in the in in the fight in the struggle, not there's too many of us sat there procrastinating on on everybody else's bullshit. Like we're watching everybody else and we're the amount of people that spend too much time on their phone and they're just watching and oh my God you're doing so well and oh man you just made like make this X. Amount of money, I don't give a funk how much money people make anymore. I'm I'm making enough cash to protect me and my missus and I'm going to help as many people as I can do in it and I know what I know what I value and I know what I'm valued so I know I know what my education is worth and I know I've put so much money into into my brain that hence why sir conducts down to that position of I want to, you want to sort of fulfill and help those at the bottom who who just need a little bit but also know that you've got your your your higher tier, I can get this at this result.

Suddenly as a coach, you've elevated yourself, but you put yourself in an arena, we're always gonna keep learning, Let me ask you something, how much time have you invested on your education and your knowledge through strength and conditioning in the fitness industry, not only time but money as well, if you don't mind me asking, uh you know, Yeah, no good. I mean I've got a degree in strength conditioning, I've got a half a scholarship for, I've got a master's in sports coaching, which again I got I got a scholarship for, but then I've spent close to 75 K 80 K on courses, going to places, hotels, mental ships. Um I was I was part of a mastermind for 18 months with the business mastermind, which was purely for gyms because of my, my pt, my pt business and revenue, I was bringing in, they put me on for that because the guys that mp, you are wicked Sean Grilli is a legend. I'm currently working with, paid a good bit of money for a mentor who's literally helping me from onboarding systems and actually how to build an online platform that I can serve as people at a high standard and not lose all my time.

I mean matt peacock were optimized legend, I've fully recommended people aren't organized, he's a good geezer. But yeah, I've spent close to 75 k on courses and that's still growing like I'm still putting, I try and put 10% oh yeah this faces, I look 45 I'm not promise I'm only 32 but I say that everybody, I think I said that every podcast I come out there but but yeah, I mean I've been doing some conditioning, I've been in the gym, I started working in the gym when I was 15 so I've done more pd qualifications and I've I've, all my education has been around fitness and health, so I did all my degrees might be text my masters, it's just it's been whatever, 17 years, so long time. Yeah bro, you know, you know, the reason I ask that question bro is because a question that comes up for me quite often, like on my instagram stories is like how do I, how do I transition from the job that I'm working into then working with professional athletes and I'm like there's many, many different ways to, you know, to walk that path and the point that I'm making is that like, you know, as you said before and we've spoken about this on a previous podcast is like you can do all the courses, you can invest all the time, energy, effort money um over the years, reading all the books, you know, going to the masterminds, listening to podcasts doing courses, fucking going to university but then never actually train someone and be able to apply those tools and those principles or apply methods that are going to work towards building those principles to give your desired outcome and you know, this is, this is yeah, it's a great, it's like, dude, to be honest, like you've probably spent more time and money on your strengthening conditioning career than I have the difference between you and I is, I've been working with fighters and you know, that's a great point is like I was in a position where I was financially stable to be able to come to Thailand and work at Tiger for free, that's how I ended up working there on an intern contract before I got a full time job and I knew strengthening conditioning and I trained soldiers, I trained rugby teams that I had worked with hockey players, bodybuilders etcetera.

Um but it wasn't like I knew those principles, but I was in a position where I was like can I apply these principles to these professional fighters? And I had to put myself in a position where I was training them for free men and like any fucking fighter that was willing to train with me, I was like all right, let's go through this process. And then over the last 4.5 years it's like build tweak refine, build, tweak, refined, build, tweak refine and then all of a sudden you're calling me and like, hey bro, I've got this fighter, blah blah blah blah, what do I do? And then I start, what do I do? I was turning the questions around on you. Yeah, yeah, I was like, hey what do you think? Why you asked me a question, hey what do you think about this? What do you think about this? What do you think about this? And I'm like dude, you know the fucking answers now, it's just about putting those, putting those principles in practice right? 100% man. And I mean, I think that you said that the the only the main difference is I've got a generalist to then be a bit more a tiny bit more specialist where you're you've gone specialist and now becoming more a generalist and that's the difference between what a lot of people will not see is that working well.

You want to work at a professional level, you're making no cash for a long time until you get until you get somebody. People are so Short sighted in relation to how much work goes into making a professional athlete and one that's gonna win. Don't get it wrong. Yeah, there there is there you've got like a 30% natural gifted talent that you're you're blessed with. But the application of the information that you have is way more critical at a professional level than the general population level is very, very general. It's very big, there's so many variables and there's so much, there's a lot less time constraint and there's a lot less pressure to to to make sure you get that result in your position, most people would crumble And when someone like who, who is coming to you and this could be worth $1 million dollar contract, I don't know if we could just, if I don't win, I don't get this money, suddenly your work has gone out the window and your you, the pressure on you is so much higher. Hence why you also started at your job in, in the relation to pressure is a privilege. Not many people can actually absorb that pressure and utilize it in a positive manner and have a have a calm cool mindset, which again assuming that only an assumption in your previous life being a sniper, being in war torn situations, that's where you built your, yours or sort of your backbone in relation to dealing with high pressure situations where not many people could come to tiger and take the path that you've led and, and not the dominant is the wrong word.

But there have been as progressive because you haven't, you haven't, you haven't, I'd say you haven't blinked, you haven't got a ship, You've just gone right, cool. I want to do this. I know I've got to suffer this end of the spectrum, financially, I've got to take a hit of these three fighters and they want me to coach them yet. Cool and fun and I'm doing it. I mean like you said, you said, john has said to you go to go to Russia, but he said, I may, I couldn't pay you even though he's got those cash should have gone purely because that's how much you value your job and you value how being good at your job is. And that's why suddenly the people forget like the, the time in the gym and the time under the bar where you have you is your own warfare in your head because sometimes you get stuck in hell, I could just go and get a job doing X. I could go and get a job and I could be making whatever 50 K a year doing. I don't know if it be a fireman, which is still a good job, but if that's not what you want to do and you want to be the top of your game, in your, in your field, in coaching, you have to learn that you being famous means absolutely fucking nothing. Unless you're good at your job.

When you, when you're good at your job, money will come, fame will come, opportunities will come. It doesn't come from because you've had three, you've read three books on one course and that you, you and you haven't applied it to anybody, but you're posting about that you have, that's where you're gonna get found out and things will fall down for you for sure. Yeah man, Yeah, that's a rabbit hole that we could definitely dive into 27 minutes already. Well, it's actually longer we've been talking for what? An Hour, five minutes, realistically 30, 30, 35 minutes offline. But dude, what I want to go into is I actually, for the audience there was, there was a purpose for this conversation. I was like, hey man, it's been a while. Yeah, it's, it's been a while since we've caught up, let's let's get on, let's catch up um reach out to some of your clients and you know, ask them some questions, ask what they want to know, asked what they ask what the questions are there. They frequently asked questions so that will and I can workshop those questions and we can both, you know, talk through these questions in real time and give people an understanding of, you know, some of the thoughts that go through our heads and um you know, play these things out so that people can, you know, see what's happening and that things aren't black and white and then there's, there's many different roads to Rome, so to speak.

100%. So what are some of those questions that you got mate? I think the big one I think would be good for the listeners to start off with is especially because of january, this new me new you. What kind of rubbish more to the point of actually defining what you want because I put this out to my tour group and I put it on my instagram and a lot of people didn't know where to start, they didn't know what they actually wanted to achieve because they, they, they've, most of the time, if someone says to you what you want to be, you want to be fit, lean, strong, fast, six pack, shredded rapid, I don't know, flexible ninja didn't do that, you've got all these things, most people haven't got like a, what are they going to be content with and what are they prepared to do? So when you you put on on the, on instagram story the other day about, about your continuing the relation to the effort level and if you're a 10, you're going to do this. If you're a nine, all those, I think one would be good to go to start with is how does someone find out what they truly want and what they're actually trying to get around? Because again, it could be a rabbit hole, but most people block themselves from doing that rather than, and not putting any structural system into figuring out a goal.

They just literally just go like a shotgun and try and find something they want to grasp onto and they're not fulfilled at the end. Mm hmm. So you're saying that people aren't specific with their goals and they're very general about it. Very general. I want to get fit or whatever and it breaks you and someone says that in it. But I want to, I want to get fitter leaner. Well, the first question that I'm going to ask and maybe we can role play this. If I said to you, if you, if I said to you, hey, what are your goals and you said, I just want to get fitter? My first question is going to be alright. What does fitness mean to you? What does I want to get fitter mean to you exactly? Mm hmm. And what would you say be to get fit? Me personally? It would be fitting. If it would be, it would be not just a physical thing would be a mental thing as well. So that's why again, it would be a case of I want to have more energy. I want to be fitter faster, stronger leaner and pain free. Um How do I get there? That would be the next thing. Okay. And you know, this is the thing. A lot of people focus on these outcomes, but they don't focus on the process. Okay? If I want to get fitter by the end of the year, I'm going to be you know, and we need to define that timeframe as well and go all right.

If you want to be fitter by the end of the year, Okay, what are your metrics that you're measuring that by? Yeah. Where are you Right now? Okay, I'm fucking 110 kg. I'm 35% body fat. I'm you know, fucking sleeping six hours a night. My blood pressure is you know, 1 42 over fucking 96. Um My 60 seven. My heart rate variability is fucking baselines at 47. Alright, cool. We've Now we've got some metrics that we can work towards, right? But if you're not measuring that ship, Alright, what are some other objective measurements or even subjective measurements that we can start using, we can start looking at, you know? So people don't need to have these specific goals. They can be general But if you do have a general goal then you need to define what those what those general outcomes are that you're working towards? And it might be one thing of like, all right. I want to be fitter by the end of the year. Okay. What's the one metric that I'm gonna be looking at?

That's going to measure that fitness because fitness might be, hey, you know what? Now I'm waking up and my blood pressure is back to normal or my waking heart rate has been reduced or my heart rate variability is now higher. That's one metric of better fitness. Another metric of better fitness is, you know, if you're an endurance runner, I want to be able to run 10 km, I want to be able to run a half marathon in whatever. Yeah, yeah, for sure. The biggest thing point of inquiry about this is about asking asking for specifics because the specific doesn't mean that you have to have specifics. Like I want to get 260 k kilo, deadly because it's gonna give me this what it is. It's a specific against what you're valuing right now to what you want to become because I think what people do is they get, they put their their goals are so broad and they're so big and they're so likely. But you mentioned this dude, let's just say he's 30 kg overweight. I want to lose 30 kg. That's like climbing Everest. Like you look at that, I was looking at.

Okay, cool. Right. We're not gonna do, curious what we're doing at the moment and what it's doing to you, where are you right now let's have a think about the short term, what could we affect right now or to help you get to that next piece and suddenly being specific with even I would even go back, I would even go back before that because Then my next question is going to be alright, you're 30 kg overweight now, when was the last time you were at your ideal weight? And they go oh it was you know when I was 18 years old? All right now the conversation is like you know what, you hadn't finished developing then and blah blah blah. Your life was completely different, you didn't have all these fucking stresses blah blah, that's where I'm starting man, you know? And if it was like it was a 35 year old dude and he goes you know I was I was at my ideal body weight three years ago alright cool. Well let's look at what's happened over three years, what's going on in your life over the last three years? Oh well I got divorced um you know my my ex wife took the Children, I lost half my shit um fucking moved countries blah blah blah. All right well now we can see that it's taken three years for you to you know get to this point where we're at right now maybe let's look at three years for you to start reversing that you know, So I'm straightaway managing those expectations.

That's the bit that's what was about to say is like the problem that people see and they don't see is that's literally that could be a true story of one of your clients, one of my clients. But all we would have had a client has taken that long to see change. Problem with our industry is instant gratification syndrome is I want it now, wanted yesterday, I wanted this. And what people don't want to do is look at the harsh reality is this is our job. This is our job as coaches man to to to to point out those harsh realities. And I mean, here's the thing, this is why you and I are never going to be a flash in the pan and we're we're never going to make $1 million like we're going to draw the right type of people that are actually going to come to us and they're going to listen and they're going to get results and sustainable results results over fucking long period that is going to last for the rest of their life. You know, it's not like they fucking do our six weeks to six pack abs just restrict themselves.

Yeah, exactly, man. And then they and then they end up back where they were again, like that's just a that's a revolving door man that just keep spinning, like it's a, it's a hamster wheel and that's where people end up, right? And that's here's the thing, man, you know, if anyone is listening to this, who has asked will this question has found themselves in this situation at some point. You need to listen to a coach like us, who is going to educate you on this fucking staff and tell you the truth and say, hey, it took you three years to get to this point. Let's plan for three years to get back to your ideal position, right. Things didn't just happen overnight. You click your fingers and now you're 30 kg overweight. Okay, let's plan for three years, two fucking start undoing these bad habits and move you back in the right direction again, because there's been habits that have come up in your life that are so fucking ingrained now that it's going to take time, you know, psychological and behavioral change to move you back in the right direction because if you're not going to listen to us and you're switching off and you're going and finding some influencer or someone who's going to give you your six pack abs in six weeks or whatever, guess what?

3456 weeks after you've done that you're looking for someone else because that thing is no longer working, got you really good results and then you fucking blew up again and now your metabolisms fucked and now you've put on even more weight and they're miserable and your stress levels are high and now you're not waking up with boners anymore, your testosterone is through the fucking floor. Like how many times do you have to be on this hamster wheel and looking for the next shiny thing that doesn't fucking work before you actually come and have a conversation with someone like us who is going to tell you the hard truth and say, hey look, this is going to take time. You need to invest in your own life. You need to invest in your own health and you need to trust the process. Don't worry about the outcome. Focus on the process. Let the process take care of the outcome 100%. And I mean, people forget the amount of the amount of years you've been on this planet has ingrained most of the things that in you from a physical standpoint, a biological standpoint and and something that you just said from people will know that you've done NLP and so have I like the simple mannerisms in which you put yourself in and the frames that you put yourself in your own life.

They will dictate physiology that we we can go down that weird rabbit hole that no one could really pronounce half the words, but mainly what it's basically is is that if you're framing your journey in a certain way for such a long period of time, you've done things to your body that, that are going to take time to unravel rather than it be, like you said, it's cool, we'll lose weight. It's just let's just lose carbs, lose carbs here, done like, hang on a minute, you've been using work as an abuse, you you said you're an alcohol, you've been drinking too much alcohol, you've you've been using food as a crux for you because it explains itself. But it it all comes from wanting to see your dark spaces and I think that's the scariest thing for anybody who's getting into whose just getting into fitness, there's we're not trying to we're not trying to alienate you in relation to that, Oh my God, you've got so much going wrong because there's certain things you're doing which are going right. What my big thing, what I, what I really enjoy coaching about is showing somebody that like on the, on where, what they're lacking, where they're missing what they're actually at the point where they're framing things in a different way and letting them suddenly learn from that because the minute you shine a light on a dark space in your life, you have the ability of two choices.

I either figure it out or run away from it again. And the people that want to figure it out there, the people that are going to stay in any journey a longer period of time and see the fruits of their labor, similar to like careers similar to into relationships or anything or you can shine a light on that dark space and right now I don't want to see it. Those are the people who are going to be stuck in the hamster wheel paying a truckload of money to a loaded weapons. And me and you not that we haven't got time for them, but until they're gonna be open, until they're gonna put their hands in the air and say, look, I'm there, teach me. That's when we're at the right point point of actually making some real change. The I got a message the other day from one of my friends who is like, one of my friends wants to um maybe do some work with you if you're taking any online clients. Um you know, she's tried everything in brackets and and I'm like, yeah, that's what most people say. They've tried everything. They've tried everything was like, have you tried the right things? Clearly not because if you've tried everything, you wouldn't be reaching out to me.

The amount of your I mean, I'm sure you'll get it. You'll have clients that will send you infographics on whatever keto intimate and fasting fucking What's that weapon dr Joel something or other who's getting absolutely peppered, but I get sent all these weird exercises off him and get people to boss anybody on this podcast please if you do not anything, he does switch off, don't do it, you're probably going to get uh point being is instead of, as I said, the dark spaces that we were talking about in relation to the bigger picture. We're trying to find little contextual bits of information. Like I'll put somebody on a ketogenic based diet if they're highly insulin insensitive or epileptic. So keeping it isn't wrong in that situation would be right. But most people I don't need to do the extreme, but that's what people do is suddenly right now the amount of people that were listening to this podcast, right? I'm making carbohydrate done, it would be, I'm I'm an exit. I used to be a morbidly obese. I'm fully appreciated.

Tell anybody that I will. My first emotional decision whenever I feel like I need to lose weight is I need to drop carbohydrate instead of taking responsibility, tracking my food, evaluating my sleep, making sure that I'm getting back into a training plan, blah, blah, blah. I'm a human as well. I'll put my hands up instead of using your emotional side of the brain being clinical in relation to actually no, no, no. Get some process, trust your process and get some rhythm momentum. Suddenly doors will open for you that you're thinking of how the fund have I got here. That's what people don't see. People just see this. Like you said, smash grab one off, I'm going to do this and this will be better. You wake up tomorrow and you'll still be the same problem, that's what will happen. Yeah, Yeah, that's a great point. That kind of reminded me of one of my very first podcast episodes, I talked about motivation direction, Two main types of motivation direction. There's away from motivation and there's towards motivation, and away from motivation is like, you're walking along and there's dogshit there that you can smell and you can move far enough away from it and you're like, alright, I can't smell that anymore, okay, that's where that motivation stops now, you're far enough away from its no longer affecting you and the same thing.

That's how most people make decisions in terms of I want to, you know, goal setting, I want to do X, y, Z. Most of the time, it's like, I want to lose weight, I want to get fitter, I want to blah blah blah. And it's like the using away from motivation, they don't like where they're at right now and they're trying to make changes to get somewhere. And this is why this is probably people listening to this that asked this question is probably going, oh funk, that's me, that's why they don't have specific goals because they don't have that towards motivation, where now they're looking for something, they are striving towards something in the future because when you get far enough away from something, something using that away from motivation right now, you've got no drive now, you've got no motivation now, they've got no inspiration to continue moving, right? You're no longer um touching on that pain point, you're far enough away from that pain point, but there is no longer pain anymore, right? But then that motivation can be really good to create change initially, but it's not good enough to be able to build momentum and maintain momentum moving forward.

That's when you need to, when you're far enough away from something, you need to change that motivation direction to towards motivation. Alright? I'm far enough away from that way now I'm feeling a little bit better about myself, I've lost a couple of kilos. My energy levels are a little bit better because I've been focusing on the process, I've been tracking my food, I've been getting a little bit more sleep, I've been getting to the gym consistently for 20 minutes every day, that's all that's taken for the last three months. Alright, cool. I'm far enough away from that pain point now, what can I do to keep me moving, build momentum so that I'm moving towards something. Alright, what's the next goal that I need to set? This is the thing, man, those fucking goals? It's a moving target, right? Most people just set a goal and it's like that's their goal for the whole year and we talked about earlier about, you know, my progression over the next five years, the next 10 years, right? This is where I want to go, right? But then I move in that direction and then I get to a certain point alright, where do I want to go now? Maybe I adjust the goalpost, Alright, I'm gonna move that target and I'm going to move in that direction alright, I get to a crossroads, I'm gonna move that target, I'm going to move in that direction, I think that's an important point.

Is there anything you want to add to that? No, I hit it on my head, man, like, like you said is everyone has a pain point, but to which to sustain motivation comes from, from growth and everybody, if you look back at your life, you're a different person, five years ago, you're a different person five years ago from all that, it's, it's it's this, you're the evolution of who you are going to become, isn't everything whether it comes down for your training, like that actually lead on to my next question that I got about about training as you get older, like the evolution of, of, of, of everything that you're gonna go through will always be dictated by curiosity and also motivation and that's when it comes down to being open minded or being closed minded, but again, like you said, is that first piece is yeah, cool, you can use getting away motivation as a precursor to get you started, but they will not be sustainable and and for you to have towards motivation suddenly opens many more doors for you. There are long term, you'll enjoy the journey more and there'll be more, more, more stop offs in the road or you'll see progress rather than just yeah running away from things for sure.

Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. That just reminded me, I was listening to a podcast earlier before we started this conversation um I think it was Ryan holiday and was it James clear from atomic habits um and something that James clear said was every action that you take on a daily basis is a vote towards a person that you want to become. I thought that was really powerful, very deep, very true, very true. Don't say too much on that, I'm gonna start running boss. It's very, very true. I think my old man and he was saying when I was a kid and he was like if you looked at Lionel messi, the amount of times people said that he would never make it and you should just say I'm still going to be here and it's just, it's just what we were saying about outlasting people, it's, it's not a case of them trying to beat somebody, I'm just gonna be in the room, I'm going to keep being here and I'm going to keep doing better, doing better than you. Exactly, and suddenly you're like I, we were saying about what it's like moving back to the U.

K. It's so weird that I lived in since Singapore five years gone, I left there very much a fledgling in business. I've come back and I've got huge aspirations to to help and impact as many people as I can. But I'm not looking at myself suddenly becoming like precision nutrition or or gym shark all these people that are with billions. I'm working on the people that I've got right in front of me and I do my best I can help them cool next rather than the other way around. A 100%. Yeah. Yeah that's cool man. What was your next question? Next one was about training as you get older Particular fella is heading into the sixties Still old meathead loves to lift heavy loves to lift heavy weights. But obviously we both know that people started ex rugby player X squad E he asked me how do you maintain the balance between pushing yourself in training and recovery or recovering from training? Yeah that's a great point. Um and you kind of touched on this earlier about you know as you get older you have these ingrained patterns and if you have an injury like you roll your ankle when you're 10 years old.

You know if I do an assessment with someone a brand new client I get them walking down the gym with their shoes off with their shirt off if they can showing as much skin as possible so that I can see any imbalances throughout their body because if if their arch collapses on their foot, then I see this internal rotation through the tibia through the femur then maybe the hips a little bit misaligned, maybe one shoulder a little bit higher than the other, maybe the arms swinging across the body etcetera etcetera. Like then I'm asking questions, hey, what happened here? Did you ever have any injuries and already gone through my pre exercise questionnaire um where they've listed their injuries? But most of the time people forget ever rolled your ankle. No. Did you grow up playing sports? You play soccer where you're from? From blah blah blah. Alright, cool. Did you play basketball? You play volleyball? Um grew up playing cricket or rugby or anything like that? Oh yeah, yeah, I played rugby. All right, cool. Ever roll your ankle? Oh yeah, I probably would have actually. Which one? Do not remember. I think I rolled this one more.

All right. I can see that in your body, man because your body is protecting it and you still have that detoured recruitment pattern which is then causing an effect right up through the body through the rest of the chain. So you know, and the older you get the more injuries you pick up and the more you start creating these um detoured muscle unit recruitment patterns or motor unit recruitment patterns? Sorry. Right. So I think a big one for when we get older is focusing a lot more on not just rehabilitation but preh ability ation instead of lifting really heavy all the time. Maybe you lift heavy once a week and then you do some, you know, maybe some bodybuilding stole work, which is a little bit less neurological and it's a little bit more metabolic, get a little bit more of a metabolic adaptation. There's not so much load on the joints, on the muscles on the nervous system um and it's a little bit more um musculoskeletal adaptation rather than that nervous system adaptation. You know, people still want to lift heavy, I want to be lifting heavy when I'm 60 years old, but I'm not gonna be doing that 345 times a week, maybe I'll just do that once a week, I get my fix and then the rest of the time I'm doing a little bit of bodybuilding style stuff where I'm not going super heavy, I'm focusing on that mind, muscle connection work and if my shoulders are rolling forward because you know, I grew up um doing jiu jitsu or I grew up boxing and my scapula doesn't move anymore, then guess what?

I'm doing some activation work for that, I'm doing some mobility work for that, I'm loosening up certain muscles, probably my traps my Dell is my pecs um rolling my lads um getting my scapula to fucking move again, doing some activation work or I'm getting the right muscles following the right time in the right order to pull my joints back into better alignment because, you know, as we get older, we do start creating these recruitment pattern issues which caused caused by MS muscular imbalances dysfunction, that then pulls the joints into poor alignment. And if you keep loading those joints through heavy movements whilst it's in poor alignment, that's just going to add up to one acute injuries, but also chronic injuries. And now you can't do that stuff anymore. So instead of just banging away and trying to do more sometimes, you know, especially as you get older, you know, we need to prepare the body for those heavy lifting sessions. If you're going to lift heavy, maybe do it once or twice a week. But the rest of the days, it's all about preparation, you want to lift heavy, we're gonna give you some of that, but you need to prepare your body for that and the older you get, the more you need to spend on that preparation, rehabilitation, preh ability ation, 100% man.

The one I use with my, I loved one of my my clients um is always use the body's analogy is you're a car. So obviously when you're 18 to €25 sports car, for example, as you, as we're getting to sort the the end end end ranges of, of age in relation to 50 60 70 80 I always put these guys in the context of a vintage car. Now, vintage mustang has still got horsepower, a vintage mustang has the ability if you wanted to rip the ship out of it, you could definitely do it most of the time you've got that thing cruising around or you're polishing it in the garage. That's what it looks like for a body is, there's a means and a purpose. When we're, when we're looking at, when you're a younger, everything from a, from a similar standpoint, everything is, is look, you better settle their integrity purely because you're young elasticity and muscles like nerve patterns etcetera. And like you said, we haven't got that time in the body in relation to injuries. Um or or or even just training. We were, but we know that obviously that strength training is a double edged sword, it makes you more rigid, but it also could be better strength you have, the longer you live on the planet.

So it's it's using a continuum of of up to a certain point though. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Like you're not you're not gonna, people need, the problem with what people think is is when they've got a body who is at 50, 60, 70 and they're thinking they're 21 years old, That's where we need to start thinking about it. We're not trying to take away or stop you from from doing or getting strong because I'm power lifting, for example, that you actually get stronger with age. Like you see most powerlifters are like, 30, 40 who are lifting the heaviest. like he's treating you like that vintage car of, we're not telling you you're, you're, you're, you need to get on a stretcher and you're going to put to pasture boss. What we're saying is there needs to be more thought process around what you're doing and why you're doing it and how you're doing it so you can recover from it because the whole point of all this is adaptation. We're always looking for you to be getting better. Not I think one thing that a lot of people finding strength training is they make it an emotional resilience test. I have to pull this up because rather than it being like actually I'm chipping away at the marble here.

I'm literally today, I know that you said we, this circum ducts down to measuring and management like my HIV ship to ship their at work. I was on the piston my boss yesterday you coming in the gym and busting out of one Rm dead lift. Very, very unlikely. It's going to end well for you on the flip of it. You've come back from a holiday and you want to get in and get after it. You arrested, recovered your refueled you ready. We've got green lights. Yeah, absolutely crack on, but it's not understanding that principle of not doing too much. We just want the minimal effective dose rather than The emotional, right? Because I was with me edit 20, I'm still going to be that guy, you know, every single thing that you just said then can be weighed up with this sentence. Training should add to your day, not take away from it 100% and if you hit a fucking heavy dead lift session and it cripples you for three days then you've done too much. You need to, you know, going, going back to the analogy that you used before about the car man, you know, you don't, most, some people drive their car until it falls apart and starts making noise and things like that.

But if you've got a vintage car man, if you got a vintage car, like a nice fucking car, you don't want to do that, you want to take it in for a service, you want to take it to the right people to give it a tune up to give it a fucking, get the upholstery cleaned, give it a polish etcetera. You're doing that stuff before something happens. It's the same thing with training, you should be going to the gym giving your body a fucking tune up every day. So that that one day, you know, hey, you know what, on a saturday, that's gonna be my fucking my heavy strength day, Maybe I do, maybe I do too heavy strength days, maybe one day is going to be lower body, maybe I'll do that on a Tuesday ah and then maybe a friday or maybe Wednesday and a saturday is going to be my lower body strength day. My upper body strength is going to be a saturday, okay, and then the rest of the week, it's about giving your body a tuneup man, putting a little bit of muscle on in the right areas, you know, going through a little bit of structural integrity work, a little bit of bodybuilding, stole activation, mind, muscle connection work, you know, dropping the load right back, focusing on building, you know, that that connection in specific muscles and you know, allowing your body to rest, recover and put on muscle and activation, connect to certain muscles in the right areas so that you can actually lift more, you can lift heavy on those days, but then knowing that, you know, you're probably gonna um you're gonna hammer yourself on that strength day.

So guess what? Maybe the Wednesday? You know, you're going that, I mean we've spoken about this before, undulating intensity, right? Maybe that Wednesday, you know, you're getting after that. So maybe monday is a moderate intensity session, Tuesday is going to be a light intensity session, right Wednesday? It's gonna be heavy intensity session, then maybe it's a light intensity, moderate intensity, back to a heavy intensity and then a day off as an example and that's how I would structure it. I mean obviously, I don't know the dude, but that's how I would run it generally speaking. Yeah, what we've done, I think he will be happy for me to talk about him. He's like very strong for a dude of his age, he, I mean he's a hooker at rugby, he was still playing now, he's really sick, he's he's he's a savage. Anyway, what we've worked on is I haven't taken away, I've put him in the right positions that worked for him. That's a big thing. So because he's a rugby player, there is not a rugby player that's not gonna tight upper back. And also because he's a hooker, he's at his neck compressed for 60 years that we put him in a front squat because it's going to be less, it's gonna be a less um protect his spine, it's less loading of his back, it's more loading of his anterior core.

So we use that. And also if we are going to lift heavy, we make sure that he's in a safer position. So we know that when he's got tight hip flexors me pulling him off the floor, it's sink or swim. Some days he could, some days he couldn't rather than elevating his dead lift to a rock pool for example, so you can still get the the strength gains and all that kind of stuff. But we've just put it into a position that is like you said, it's gonna, it's gonna add to his day rather than me, I could emotion. I know full well if I told him to lift it this dude picked grip it and rip it with his teeth but I don't need him to do that. Like I did what I needed to do is be able to go back to the office later and not walk like a paraplegic. So yeah, we've used that and also I think as people get older, I'm a big believer in kettlebells. I think like skill related to kettlebells is like teaching someone how to skateboard snatch properly and to actually use those amazing, so much less novelty man. As you get older bro. Yeah bro. As you get older, it should be a little bit more about that novelty. Right? What am I learning man? What am I learning from? This is a new skill because you know, learning a new skill and moving in different planes of movement in different movement patterns that you might not have used before.

Like man, you can still get a really good solid work out from that and still be a little bit sore from that the next day and be like, all right, I didn't do that much work. I didn't do that much volume. I didn't lift that heavy, but man, like I'm feeling this like when was the last time you did jujitsu bro? Like if you don't roll for a while? Like I didn't roll for, I didn't roll for like six months man and then I went and rolled went live bro and I was the next day I was just like stuck together. Yeah, everything Yeah, on monday and I walk in my art, my hands, I can't grab anything. Probably admit it is. Yeah, it's definitely that man. And I mean me personally locked in the first lockdown to Singapore and we were doing kettlebell workouts. I don't do, I really, I used the kettlebell but I used it minimally in relation to force development mainly or stability using them for a full workout. I I actually really enjoyed it because it was so refreshing Not having to just like there wasn't anywhere near as much rest as way more volume. And I just said learning a skill and make my heart rate. I couldn't get my heart rate down for the first three weeks.

Like my body was going, what the fudge are you doing? I'm swinging the 24 around my living room. It was, yeah, it was hilarious. But point being like, like you said, the exploratory phase of of training should not just be stuck into one domain. And using that as a tool as well to fill days like you said about undulating intensity. Using a barber on a heavy day. Using a cable on a medium day using using a light aerobic circuit or or light jog or bike or whatever on a light date. We use that because of those reasons to let that route that cns recover but more so just to give it is a nice bit of variety, still achieving the same things we're trying to achieve rather than it becoming like it's just bodybuilding. That's it. We're using a barbell and that's all you can use. That's horseshit like that. Especially as you get older, the reward benefits something something something something just popped up for me as well is like, I fucking love Turkish get ups. Like if you've got a guy like that bro, you know, obviously it might be a little bit, might be a little bit locked up in the shoulders and thoracic spine and things like that.

But then, you know, that's an assessment tool. I use the Turkish get up as an assessment with my fighters, right? Like if they can't go through a Turkish, get up and keep their shoulders stable through those six different joint angles that their shoulder will go through in the Turkish get up then, you know, that's telling me something that's a diagnostic tool, right? What's not moving? The scalpel is not moving very well. Alright. What's what muscles are probably locked up that I need to maybe start doing a little bit of mobilization work on? I need to do a little bit of soft tissue work on. Alright. What? Why is that locked up? Okay, maybe there's some weakness somewhere. Alright, let's identify where that is and let's start doing some structural integrity work, man, you know? So there's many, many different ways to skin the cat. But that's something that I would look at. I would get him doing some like strongman stole training as well to still focus on that strength. Like maybe do some heavy sled drags some heavy sled pushes and some lateral sled drives and Turkish get ups and like um suitcase carries an offset carries and things like that man. I think that would be probably really good for this dude. Different stimulus but he's still working strength, different planes, different movements.

100% man. Like I may like my probably my go to piece of equipment in the gym will be a sled just because the low point of entry, the reward benefits there. You're not going to cause anywhere near as much damage in relation to dom. So you can give it to you, give it to Karen the mom with three who've never done the gym before. Or you can give it to a professional fighter with triple body weight on it. And also you can do so much with it in relation to principles of training. I I use that hugely just with this particular fellow like it also tickles the that they're like you said if you're trying to change a lot of people who have trained with their life, they always resonate with that with the weight that they're using if you're telling them to do a single leg R. D. L. With a with a 20 kg kettlebell and they're flopping all over the floor like a weapon. You put them onto a sled and you give them 200 kg. It gives them that it wanted, gives you yet my my coaching, like strength and and then power, endurance, whatever more to them from a client. Um adherents standpoint and actually enjoying their training, it's progressive, they know how much they're pushing more, but they're also getting the other benefits all in one with regards to strength and cardiovascular fitness, I think.

Yeah, definitely man, I think we're definitely singing off of him the same hymn sheet. For sure. Yeah, for sure. Cool man, is there any other questions that you want to cover? We've just hit an hour. We'll keep it fairly quick. If you do have any other ones, The only the only other one, I mean, if you want to go down the nutrition rabbit hole again is should I pull carbohydrate out of my diet? Obviously through january, that's the that's the one that is, you're probably here on everywhere, I'll assume. Sorry, you cut out for a second then, mate, can you repeat what I saying? One with one last question I have got is a nutritional question, but I know you've covered a few of these in your in your podcast before is purely I've got the standard stereotypes. Should I put should I be putting carbohydrates out in january because I feel basically the context is it's now we finished christmas and I now feel horrendous. I'm just gonna pull carbohydrate and do loads more exercise. I think we can go down that route a little bit. Um because I think a lot of our listeners will be double ending themselves rather than being objective about their position in layman's terms.

Yeah, um I mean, carbohydrates is a very broad term, like if you're pulling carbohydrates, that means you're also pulling rice, you're pulling potatoes, you're pulling fruits and vegetables, which are, you know, providing you with many, many, many micro nutrients, vitamins, minerals, Fido, nutrients that your body requires. Um So, I mean, that's a super fucking loaded question if if I was to answer that, if someone, I mean, I kinda want to give people an answer that they want to hear, but I'm also going to put my own spin on it, yes, paul, carbohydrates that are processed, anything that you can pick up and you read the nutrition label and you don't understand what it says and its carbohydrate pull that actually do that with all fucking foods, anything that's packaged and processed, start pulling that sh it out. If you pick up an apple, what does it say on the ingredients list? Doesn't have a fucking ingredients list, it's an apple, right?

So if it doesn't have an ingredients list and doesn't have a barcode and it's a carbohydrate, you can eat it if it's carbohydrate or fat or protein and it's packaged and the ingredients list has fucking 20 different things on there and 18 of those, you can't pronounce, or you don't know what it is, don't eat it 100% do that for a month and see what happens. You're going to reduce inflammation, you're gonna be feeling better, your energy levels are gonna be better, you're gonna be sleeping better, your productivity is going to be better, you're moving better, you're gonna recover better from your training sessions, your performance is going to be better, digestion is going to be better, You're sucking bloating and gas penis and ship is going to be down 100% Yeah, it's literally like a human that's just something that we've been banging on about is this, we use a human based approach, like just like what you said is everyone wants this magic tool of approach teleport carbohydrates. My, my first things like what you deem as carbohydrate, like most people who are coming off the back of christmas and in january, sorry New Year, they just feel sorry for themselves because of what they've done is if overeating on process shit drank too much piss and they're associating carbohydrate as, as a broad term, rather just like what you said is just get back to basics, get back to eating cleaner foods.

That doesn't mean it has to be like a like rubbed by a nun or something cleaner food means that it's a case of it's come out of the floor, it's, it's not, it's not man made, it is, it's a case of its natural in in relation to that, you said the ingredients list and using that and a little bit of time and patience and lo and behold, you get back to baseline, that's literally what it is and that's what I've been with the guys that I've on boarded or the guys for january who have come to me with this like, oh God, I've, I've overdone it. It's a case of just get back to eating normally like we were before, I just give it two weeks lo and behold we're going back to my starting weight again. I feel better. I'm clearly, I can try actually trained properly because I'm not eating like a twat all the time and suddenly I'm not inflamed. Yeah, exactly that and I'm not, I'm not, I haven't, you, what you've done is most people have done is they have abused themselves a little bit in relation because it's christmas, it gives me the right to do this to myself. I'm gonna eat like I'm gonna chop quality streets for breakfast. Alright, brilliant, cool. It's one day worry about the rest of your year rather than just this one small glimpse of a period in which that you've eaten like a weapon.

If your nutrition plan is not let you do that, you're, you've, you've got a problem and don't overcorrect if you're listening to this and you know, you have gone through that period where um you have over consumed, you have, you know, had a two week holiday and you didn't train and you slept in and you know, you weren't dialed in with your nutrition, you're pretty loose with that, then you know, don't overcorrect and go right, I'm going to cut everything out right now, It's like right, what's the one thing that I can do right now? Alright, let's start removing like these highly processed foods, that's it, give it a couple of weeks and you'll start feeling better already and that's it. And then you start making adjustments. Alright then when you're eating those um you know, foods that have swum, walked, flown or fucking grown in the earth, then you can start identifying any foods that are creating gassy nous and bloating and indigestion ship like that and you go, oh maybe I've got an intolerance to that, maybe that's causing some digestive stress. What is that thing that I'm eating? What meal?

I'm feeling that after this particular meal, Alright, what am I having in that meal? And then you can start looking at potential triggers and go, all right, let's start removing that, let's run like a soft elimination diet and then you know, that will that will guide you in the right direction. So then you can start tweaking and adjusting your diet specific for you. You know, we should always be looking at these general principles as a whole. Once we've got these general principles down pat and dialed in then we start looking at the at the specifics but people try and go the other way and they're like, I'm looking straight at the specifics. Alright, carbohydrates of the demon, I was going to get rid of them and it's like no man, like go back to the basics, get that stuff right, do that consistently for a couple of weeks, see what happens, then make it specific to you, then start making little adjustments, not just removing a whole fucking macro nutrient. 100% man. People, people have got, we always keep rotating in which is the part of our industry which wrongfully keeps it going around is a self gratification of of if I find this one bit of information and I apply it, I can then keep doing the problem.

Like you said, you example, you were saying about inflammation, you can take curcumin, for example, information, but if you're eating a load of processed food and eating like a dick head, it's not doing anything. So start with start the other way around. People have to learn Exactly. Rather than jumping on the bandwagon is actually taking responsibility of, it's just like training one training session will do nothing. If you commit to treat three training sessions for the next 52 weeks of this year, lo and behold, you'll see so much more progress, then this eight weeks smash and then suddenly you just back to Square 100%. Yeah, we could continue this conversation but I like to call it. That was about to go deep boss, We don't want to go there and I think, I know it's almost, it's almost nine o'clock, man, it's almost my bedtime, it's almost time for me to start winding down. But hey, as always bro, great conversation, what have we we've been talking since seven o'clock, so an hour and 46 minutes we've been going for. It always happens every time. Yeah, I know, I know, I like it though, that's why I'm like, hey, absolutely to clear my diary ready, but I was like, this afternoon, I've got no work, I appreciate it brother, but I'll have all of your links in the show notes.

If there's anything that I don't have from you, can you send that through to me please? This episode should live. What day are we now? We're looking at? Probably the 31st of this month. So um it'll probably go live on that day, but I'll let you know and I'll send through any links, um any of the social media and Youtube stuff, I'll send through to you as well, but will be an absolute pleasure mate, let's do this again soon. Likewise, man, thank you very much for having me always a pleasure. Always a pleasure talking shop man legend. I love it, cheers mate chat soon. This episode was brought to you by Swiss eight, which is a proactive mental health program designed by veterans initially for veterans that has been pushed out to the wider community that allows you to structure in and schedule their eight pillars of health and wellness, including nutrition, sleep time management, discipline, fitness, personal growth, mindfulness and minimalism. This episode was also brought to you by be spunky, which is a male hormone optimization supplement that I've been taking for about a year and a half now. Absolutely rate. It is a TJ listed nutraceutical, meaning that it's made from all organic produce to help you manage and optimize your stress levels, which in turn increases your ability to improve testosterone production levels naturally.

User code codes 10 at checkout for your 10% discount. All of those links will be in the show notes. If you've got some benefit from this episode, please make sure you pass it off to your friends and family. I'd appreciate any shares on social media platforms. If you tag me or if you share it to your stories, make sure you tag me so I can share that as well. 25 star ratings and reviews are much appreciated. Much Love Guys Peace

How to approach goal setting for this year, how to adjust your nutrition after a holiday, and advice for older lifters
How to approach goal setting for this year, how to adjust your nutrition after a holiday, and advice for older lifters
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