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Real Talk: What is Health, Overcoming Pain Points, Using Your Strengths - with Shaun Kober

by Shaun Kober
May 2nd 2022

In this episode, we catch up with S&C Head Coach Shaun Kober at Tiger Muay Thai in Phuket, Thailand. We talk all things mindset, health and uncover some ways in which you can make some real cha... More

what does it mean to live life to the fullest train to your potential and perform at your best, Leave nothing on the table. That's a non negotiable is that I strive to be better every day because if I'm not on top of my game, how is anybody else going to follow me down the road? Keep demanding more of yourself to live up to that potential and to stay hungry. Training these programs, You know when I look at the word training, I think of steps, baby steps to get somewhere that you want to be and that is basically your life journey. That's a mindset and itself man, it's like, it's not just about I know that for you, a lot of that's about the physical, but we're constantly in training, whether it's growing our skill sets, whether it's growing our physical bodies, whether it's growing our relationships whatever and all of that's a training ground and that kind of goes back to the mindset that we just talked about. You underestimate yourself and you don't even start, but then once you start, you often surpass what you thought you could do perform at your best money. That's that's sort of what life is all about. You know, I don't have the knowledge and have the fitness, the healthy ambition and drive that no matter what comes along when that next phone call comes, I can just say yes, I don't have to worry, just go and do it, Yo what's up guys, welcome back to the left transform podcast, I'm your host, Sean Cobra during this episode I'm going to be REBROADCASTING a conversation that I had with Lizzie Wright, who is a podcast regular.

We had a conversation for her podcast project woman a couple of months ago. Um this was actually in the time between Peter Yarn winning the interim bantamweight title where I was in abu Dhabi, I was in the corner with him um and I had a week off before I then flew to India to um Filme India's Ultimate Warrior with Discovery Channel. So this conversation is about five or six months old but it was a great conversation. I thought I would share it with you guys. Let's get this episode underway. Hello and welcome to Project Women podcast as part of our male month. We have joined tour with us today, Sean koba. Welcome Sean, but that's the same thing you just said. Well done, good job, thank you. Thank you. I woke up today a long week of coaching, so well done, thank you so much for joining Sean.

But hey, you know, shouldn't there be more of a conversation every day with people that interact with, you know what, well done, good on you for getting out of bed today and getting after it. Exactly, well we're going to just roll and carry on, can you give us an introduction to yourself where you started where you've come from today as head SNC coach of Tiger Muay thai and you are currently traveling the world and you have some exciting things on the horizon. But can you give us a little backtrack on kind of where you started where you've come from. So we can give everyone listening a little bit of a scope about you. Absolutely. I'll try and keep it nice and concise and short because I do love to go off on tangents. So first of all, thank you to the project woman audience for tuning in. Hopefully I can give you guys some insights and um you know, probably layer on top of and cover off on the same principles that lizzie always talks about. Anyway, it's something I always say is, you know, good coaches are always putting the same information across, but just how that information is portrayed needs to be adjusted to suit the individual audience.

But my name is Sean Cobra, I'm 36 years old, I'm an Australian. Um was former military, spent six years as a soldier in the Australian army deployed three times Iraq East timor Afghanistan discharged from the army 2012 started my strengthening or started my Pt course, became qualified as a Pt then did my strength and conditioning course, started working with clients open my own business, lived in Tasmania for five years with my now ex girlfriend. I wasn't getting the opportunities that I wanted there as most Pts when they started in the industry. For the most part, most people that I've met, they want to work with professional athletes at some stage. So I wasn't getting those opportunities where I was in Tasmania. So, um you know, ended up leaving Tasmania going to Thailand on an intern contract at Tiger Muay thai, that was two months. I didn't know what I was going to be doing with my life. If I didn't get a job there, I was going to travel, maybe settle in new Zealand had a few options. As it turns out, I got offered a job after one month, so obviously showed some value there and then about five months later I became the head strength and conditioning coach.

Um So I run the fitness department at Tiger Muay thai, I've got a number of coaches under me. Um and I also work with fighters and general population clients. Um I've also got my own online business and podcast and I'm currently in Dubai after almost three months in fight camp with PD on, who won the UFC interim bantamweight title over the weekend. So I've been on a little bit of a come down this week, been catching up on a heap of work, recording podcast episodes, etcetera and I'm flying out to India in a couple of days time. We're recording this on six November, I'll be in India in a couple of days time for a project that I can't speak too much on, but watch this space, thanks for having me Lizzie. Well done. I'm still being what you idiot great introduction. So let's just dive into kind of your coaching ethos and what you think is important when it comes to coaching your athletes, but also coaching as you spoke about coaching your female clients um and kind of general population in terms of health sleep need training to nutrition, like what do you think?

Are there any common traits between the different types of athletes and people you do train? Yeah, absolutely. So to kind of sum up that question, I'll go into my coaching philosophy and my training philosophy and then I'll talk about how that came about. Um so my coaching philosophy is if I'm not affecting my clients outside of that one hour of training time, then I'm not doing my job and my training philosophy is give people a lot of what they need and a little bit of what they want. Um and the reason those, I kind of came up with those principles as like underlying guiding principles Was because when I did start out as a PT in 2012, starting my own business, um you know, went through the whole process of building that business, I was spending a lot of time on the gym floor giving free hours in exchange for rent free for a couple of months. Ah there's a number of different models when it comes to starting your own pT business, I won't go into that in too much detail, but essentially um I was working for free at the gym and just approaching people that would walk in the gym asking them questions about their training program etcetera, etcetera.

And I was offering them free training sessions and offer them to free training sessions, I can remember was 30 or 45 minute sessions, but that was essentially to give them a taste of, you know what I could potentially add to their life and um you know, how I could provide value and guide them on their health and fitness journey. And a lot of those clients would then sign up for a three month contract and, You know, something that stuck out for me was when I first started, it was all about the training program, it was all about the nutrition plan, and you know, 90% of my clients weren't getting the results that They said that they were looking for and you know, we had agreed upon together to work towards and you know, 10% of people were getting results, but those people, like they were grinders, they could just, you know, put the blinkers on and just be really disciplined, restrictive and do what was needed to be done. So, you know, that kind of opened my eyes to me not understanding, you know, human psychology and behavior and once I realized that I was like, well I'm not servicing these people, they're paying me for my time.

Initially I was like, well it's their fault because they're not following the program if you don't follow the program, program doesn't work and I was putting the blame on them. And you know, I very soon realized, I was like, well, I'm the professional. If they're paying me their hard earned money and they're putting their trust in me, I need to figure out a way to um, you know, get this information across to them so that they understand it in a way that aligns with their values, which is then going to tie in with what they're, why is why are they doing something? Because if you understand why you're doing something, then you're gonna be much more likely to follow through on that. Like education breeds compliance right? Like if you know what you're doing while you're doing it, it's much easier to then put those steps in place. So, you know, that led me down the path of um professional development in terms of courses, podcasts, reading etcetera. And I was in a quite unique situation where after I got now the army in 4012 finished my PT course, started my own business. Like I basically um didn't work full time again.

I got to the army 2012 March. I didn't start working full time until like november or december, 2000 and 13. So I had like a year and a half where I had some downtime, I was studying, I was learning, I had some clients here and there. um and you know once and the other thing was like, you know the story like Laura and my ex girlfriend in Tasmania, we would work for eight or nine months every year and then go traveling for three or four months every year. So you know, in that three or four months we'd go traveling around the world. I would typically go to Thailand, trained at Tiger muay thai for a month and she would go to India or bali or something to do a yoga course and then we'd meet up somewhere. But whilst I was on that one month trip to Thailand I was literally like getting up in the morning, I would walk along the soy um listen to a podcast, have some breakfast, have a stretch, going like work on my online coaching business for a couple of hours and then I'd go and train then the afternoon would be, you know, go to the beach or whatever. So, you know, I was in this unique position where I was, I had all this time to be able to study and dedicate towards you know courses and that personal professional development.

So once I get back from those trips then I would go, all right, this is what I'm doing and I would like take all of the information that I learned through those courses and I start applying that with myself, I start applying that with my clients, I started applying that with, you know, the rugby teams, athletes and stuff that I was working with and I would literally do one course a year and then I would implement all of that stuff like 6 to 8 months and then I do another course next year, implement for 6 to 8 months and you know, that kind of tying all that in together, when I figured out that I wasn't, you know, servicing my clients as best as I could, then I started looking at different courses, like there's something missing here is a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that I need to find that I can put into place. And one of those pieces of the jigsaw puzzle was the N. L. P. Course, I did my level one practitioner and then I followed that up with my master practitioner course and for those listening, NLP is essentially, you know, looking at the words that we use, how we talk to ourselves, which then elicits different responses, different motivations, different emotions, etcetera, etcetera.

So, um I'm sure you've heard this before, people go, I wish or I want, that's completely different to saying I will, I will is a commitment and I want is a wish and a dream, and those two things are completely different, I will means action, I want is, you know, it's there's no action behind that, so that's a very simple concept of how NLP works and that's been a big driver in my education, my coaching and my evolution as a coach as well, not only as a coach, but as a human, like, you know, I implement this with all of my conversations, everyone that I speak to, you know, that those principles are always kind of in the back of the back of my mind. Then I followed that up with a nutritional therapist course, then I followed that up with, I did strengthen conditioning and followed that up with a number of different strengthening conditioning courses because I did want to transition towards working with high level athletes. Um and you know, there's been multiple courses along the way, but you know, tying back into the question of the differences, similarities and differences between athletes and general population.

The principles are the same and those principles, the main, the main principle that I follow is healthy organism is an adaptable organism, you know, and that's something I learned from the muscle nerds foundation course a couple of years ago with luke lemon, great dude, awesome course really had a massive influence on um you know, my evolution as a coach and particularly over the last couple of years, how I have evolved and I have started using these health market metrics to get a gauge or not only where I'm at where my athletes are at where my general population clients are at as well. And then I educate my clients on um you know, the importance of taking um working heart rate, blood pressure, heart rate variability, etcetera. And then I go, hey, this is how much stress the organisms under right now. This is how we need to start looking at your day. You know, we know that getting training in training is good. Okay. But if your organism is stressed out and you've got all this, um, other stress coming in stress always coming in from the rest of your life with no financial issues or problems with the relationship.

The kids are playing up. You're going through a pandemic, you know, whatever it is. Like, you know, if you then go and train hard on top of that, like stress that you're just adding stress on top of stress. So, you know, understanding autonomic nervous system and then how those health health market metrics should then or will determine the decisions that you make throughout your day. If you're highly stressed out, you're in a sympathetic state fighter flight in the morning, then, you know, maybe my training is not going to be hard. I was planning on doing a heavy strength session today, but hey, I'm under a lot of stress. I got all these other stress holes coming in sympathetically driven today. I might do some breath work, do some yIN style yoga and I might get to, you know, switch my phone off a little bit earlier and go to bed a little bit earlier. So there's a very brief example of how I kind of how I have evolved and how I use those metrics to work alongside my my clients.

And it's really cool actually. Like the obviously I've just been in a fight came with pd on for the last 2.5 months in Russia. And I taught him these metrics years ago and initially um you know, he was like every morning he'd come in and I put the heart rate monitor on him. Take his heart rate variability. You want me to explain heart rate variability to the audience? Actually? Yeah, just kind of brushed over that, didn't I? Okay, so heart rate variability essentially gives us a snapshot into the autonomic nervous system. So the autonomic nervous system is the balance between our sympathetic state which is fight or flight and the parasympathetic state which is rest and digest. Now both of these states are essential for certain physiological processes. But they need to be balanced out there kind of like a seesaw, right? They need to be balanced out. Now I like to think about them like an accelerator and a brake, our sympathetic nervous system when it's up regulated. This is our fight or flight. This is our stress response. So evolutionarily speaking speaking line comes out of the jungle.

Um our uh we get this tunnel vision, our heart rate increases, our respiratory rate increases, our muscle tone increases, our body starts mobilizing energy resources, moving it away from the digestive system towards the limb so that we can essentially fight off a threat or run away from it. Okay it's essential for short term survival let's say line comes out of the jungle. We run off. Okay we sprint off, we get to a safe place. Alright. Heart rate's still jacked up for a while. That's a high response. High stress response. Alright so it's going to elicit um well sorry it's a high stimulus which then elicits a high stress response. Now when we get to a safe place back to our cave or whatever then our parasympathetic nervous system should kick in where you know our our pupils restrict our heart rate decreases, our respiratory rate decreases our muscle tone decreases. Okay those are the energy um resources etcetera, blood flow etcetera starts pushing back in towards the digestive system.

Now when we eat our body is able to break down, digest, absorb assimilate these nutrients and then push those nutrients to the cells that have just been and systems that have just been put under stress. So this is the recovery and adaptation component. Okay most people, when they go to the gym, they train, they put their body under stress but they never allow that the recovery to occur back to baseline or homeostasis followed by adaptation above and beyond. Hey I only just out ran that line, I need to be able to deal with that better. Next time I'm going to up regulate my central nervous system so I get a stronger signal, I'm going to up regulate you know muscle tone I'm gonna build my muscles bigger, stronger faster. I'm going to increase bone density, I'm gonna you know improve improve my my um neurotransmitter health, my hormone regulation etcetera etcetera. So um yeah that's the autonomic nervous system And we need to be balanced. And the HIV heart rate variability gives a snapshot into that. So I use a heart rate monitor, a chest strap far better than wristwatches because it uses different technology.

Um so I use a polar h. 10 um chest strap with the Elite HIV app. Um And it's 2.5 minutes every morning as soon as I wake up, First thing I do is I put my chest strap on, I lay back down, hit the HIV app and that takes a reading over 2.5 minutes and then it gives me a readiness score. Um So that readiness score is going to be from 0 to 10 to zero on the other side and 10 is perfectly balanced between um parasympathetic and sympathetic and then obviously it swings one way towards a sympathetic side. It swings the other way back to the parasympathetic side. So something I want to touch on real quickly that I think a lot of the audience members will um kind of connect the dots with for themselves is when we put ourselves into a sympathetic state, Okay acute stress is essential for adaptation. Okay. But if that stress is not dealt with it then becomes chronic stress. So you know, you've trained that tiger before, I'll give an example for training a tiger because this is something that happens so often people come to the soy and for those listening that haven't been there, it's like a kilometer and a half, two kilometers long, There's like 12, 13, 14 gems or something on the street.

You know, it's, it's just the whole place is like amazing destination to go and create um you know, change in your life and be around like minded people and you know, the the entire street is basically catered towards people that are going there for health and fitness. But you know, people come to tiger and they train four times a day the first week and like they're sore, they're burnt out, they're tired, but they're okay. Okay. Then the next week they're doing the same thing three or four sessions a day. Now, you know, they're they're sleeping between training sessions. Um there body's not as sore anymore, but now their joints are starting to hurt. And then the next week they're doing the same thing, You know, they're trying to get as much out of it as they can. They're paying good money for it, They want to, they're there to train so they're going to train as much as they can and then the next week, you know, they start getting runny nose, they get a scratchy throat, they're, you know, they're sleeps a little bit off, their sex drive starts dropping, um etcetera etcetera. And then the next week they're doing the same thing and they're pushing it hard. They've only got a week left before they go home.

You know, now they get gastro, they get food poisoning there, you know, they get injured, they're bedridden for a couple of days. And essentially what's happening there is they've pushed so hard into a sympathetic state and that stress has accumulated as far as that pendulum swings in one direction. It has to swing back in the other direction. So what happens on that fourth week is they've pushed so far into a sympathetic state that their bodies like, alright, I've been given you these signs and signals along the way. I've given you muscular soreness. I've given you pain in the joints. I've given you fatigue, I've given you tiredness. I've given you reduced sex drive. You know, you're not paying attention to me. Hey, now you're sick. Now you're bedridden. Now I'm going to force you to go back into a parasympathetic state and allow that super compensation to occur. Yeah. And I think that's that's actually just what's coming to my head just then is I put a post on my stories today about um I did a poll just on, have you had a rest day this week or have you trained every day this week being this Saturday at the moment and it was 50% of people have trained every day.

Um So I just think it just relates just correlates to what you just said then is is there not on holiday? But they're pushing every single day? And I guess the even bigger part of that, they're not on holiday, they're still working highly stressed jobs. So like you said with the fight or flight mode, when we bring it into real modern day time, the fight or flight, is taxes or stress from your boss or work deadlines? Like the body doesn't know the difference between a tiger and and your boss screaming at you for a deadline for work, Right? So if you're going to maximize on your work and then you're gonna maximize on your training, you're gonna have a little recovery, that's where we're not gonna, we're not gonna either see the results and we're gonna plateau or you're literally going to have that all or nothing approach. You're going to be good for kick starting for the next 34 weeks and then you're gonna drop off because you can't sustain it. Yeah, absolutely. Now you made a really, really good point, a couple of points there that I want to unpack as well. So the reason I explained that the way that I did and you kind of touched on it then is because, you know, that's essentially the difference between my professional athletes and my general population clients, like my professional athletes, their job is to train, right?

So, you know, they don't typically have these other stresses, they're not working 8 to 10 hours, 12 hours every day and then going and, you know, training before work and then working, say 10 hours and then training after work, like their training is their work. So, um that is essentially the difference between my high level athletes and my general population clients is just understanding those different stressors that come in and how that impacts their autonomic nervous system. Because if my high level athletes aren't working that 10 hour job where they've got someone else to answer to, they've got deadlines to meet, they've got people to get back to and shipped to Organ is then I'm probably, they're probably going to be in a position where they're not putting too much stress on their body. The majority of their stress is coming from their training. So guess what, now, we can really get after their training, right? But then the average person, the majority of their stress is coming from family finances, relationships, work, career, etcetera, etcetera.

And then you go and add training on top of that and, you know, again, you're just adding stress on top of stress. So, to kind of tie all of that in with another thing you just said there about people going to the gym and training every day. I mean, if you're doing it for your mental health, absolutely get into the gym and train every day. If it's part of your schedule, keep it in your schedule. But also understand that there's a difference between working out and training. Working out is going into the gym and going, what can I do right now? That's going to make me sweaty, get my heart rate up, get my respiratory rate up, leave me in a sweaty mess. Make me feel good about myself for the next hour or two. Because I've now produced a heap of cortisol and adrenaline and have become an adrenaline junkie because, you know, that's that's another issue as well, is like people who are in this highly stressed environments may have some dysfunction with the HP A access and they can't regulate their hormones and their adrenaline that cortisol very well. So the only time they feel good about themselves is when they go to the gym and they get a massive dose of, you know, cortisol adrenaline and all these feel good hormones afterwards, You know?

So, um if if you are in that position, then, you know, still go to the gym, but instead of exercising, were absolutely hammering yourself. Think about training, Okay, training is different. Training is what can I do today, that's going to complement the rest of my day add to my day rather than taking away from it. But also tie in line with the big picture, okay, and that big picture might be, I want to lose 10 kg. I want to I want to have higher energy levels and vitality so I can play with my kids. I want to have, you know, increase my productivity so that I can get a promotion at work, you know that everyone's motivations are different, but training is again it's looking at the big picture and saying, what can I do today, that's going to move me in the direction that I want to be moving, taking into account the big picture, but it's also going to serve me for today.

And again, if your autonomic nervous system is under a lot of stress, you wake up in that sympathetic state. You've had, you know, you might have a couple of days of really hard training but also stressful time at work, okay going to the gym and getting a really hard training session in and exercising again that day is actually gonna be taking away from your day. Whereas if you go to the gym and you know, you listen to a podcast, you lay down, you do a little bit of breath work, you do some mobility work, maybe do some little like some light aerobic work. Um you know, you're probably gonna be walking out of the gym feeling better about yourself and that's going to aid in that recovery and balance out that autonomic nervous system so that you know, you get a better night's sleep, you're able to wake up the next morning um you know, on the front foot feeling good and ready to get after the day rather than feeling tired and being on the back foot and playing catch up all day and then you can train hard again the next day. Yeah, no, I totally agree. I think it's um is important, I think that's where where people or coaches like us are really fighting and pushing that message out more and more and I think it's so important for everyone to understand deliberate training and understanding that when you zoom out, you can actually see that bigger picture of where you need to go.

So it's not just that one training session of, oh my God, I couldn't even perform great today, like, but I've had a busy day at work, it's understanding I had a busy day at work, so now I need to go enjoy myself and I said do it for the mindset, relax and whatever it is if your mind and then the next day, you know, if, you know, you've got to less busy of a day, then you can really nail into that training and get the most out of that training because I know there's some days probably for you just like me, is that some days I'd go into the gym and I do like my first set of like back squats and then I actually walk out cause I'm hungry and I need to do something else instead and then the next day I'm like cool I'll come back and I'll go do I'll finish off the rest of the session. But I know there and then I'm not going to get the very best of myself in that moment in that moment. So there's no point in holding that kind of the guilt or the not being able to complete a session, it's fine. It's more I think it's taking that higher level of yourself and going actually I know I don't I can't do that today so tomorrow or the weekend I'm gonna come back and I'm going to finish without any of that judgmental space.

And I think that's the big thing of what you are saying as well in terms of when it comes to mind set or headspace around everything, it's how we choose to turn up and how we choose to approach things for ourselves and know that it's yeah take away from everyone else's opinions and what we think is a failure or a success and we decide for ourselves 100%. And this comes back to the n. l. p. stuff that I was just talking about like how you define success is going to determine your actions, you know like tie into that example of going to the gym, you know going to the gym. My program says that I'm doing a heavy strength session today, had a stressful day, didn't sleep very well. Um you know, I was putting out fires all day whatever. Let's say I'm training after work when I typically trained before work, my day has just been all over the place. So yes, I'm still going to go to the, well sometimes I'm going to go to the gym, sometimes I'm not okay, but this is the, this is, you know, it's a, it's a higher level of thinking because it's something that I've conditioned myself and I'm okay with now, if some people are on a different level of thinking and they feel guilty about not going to the gym then hey, still go to the gym, but instead of doing your heavy strength program go, you know what, I'm just gonna do a little bit of mobility work, I'm gonna do a little bit of breath work if I feel like jumping on a couple of machines and getting a little bit of a pump before I walk out of here, awesome.

If I feel like jumping on a stepper or a bike or whatever and just rolling the legs over, getting some blood flow going, getting the heart rate up a little bit, working on some, you know, aerobic work, then sweet, like that's a fucking win, walk out of the gym, going, you know what, I came into the gym and I got something done that was actually beneficial for me and again, I'm training, that's, that's complimenting my life, it's adding to my life rather than taking away from it. Yes, I didn't get my my strength session done like I was supposed to, but you know, I made a an informed decision and I made an adjustment um to get something done to allow that recovery adaptation so that tomorrow I can, you know, I'm setting myself up for tomorrow so that I can walk in, I can catch up on that strength session tomorrow, you know? But then there's gonna be other times where um you know, some people are on a different level of thinking again where um you know, maybe they're programmed to do a heavy strength session, have the same shitty day there on the back foot all day, blah blah blah for them, maybe going to the gym is going to elicit those feelings of guilt because they don't go through their strength session there so rigid and they go and they do their mobility work and their aerobic work and they walk out and they feel about themselves, they feel guilty alright instead of doing that, go to the beach or whatever and go maybe go for a walk along the beach or go for a hike or you know, go and walk the dogs or whatever, it might be like still do something active um but something that you're actually going to enjoy that's not going to elicit that guilty response because I think that's a big thing and this is why it's so difficult as coaches, it's so complex and every single person we can use these same principles, but every single person, we need to give different advice to, you know, taking into account, their personality, taking into account, um you know, their um their experiences and their um their mindset, you know, for you to walk into the gym, knock out a warm up, go through the first set of squats and be like, I'm not feeling it today, I'm going to go and get a feed and said because that's going to be more beneficial to me um you know, you're able to do that because you've conditioned yourself to that and you've had those conversations with yourself and you've also created a big one as well.

You've also created intention around what you're doing. Your intention was I'm going to go into the gym and when you get this training session done and then you feel it and you're like, I'm not feeling good, I don't feel like I'm going to get the most out of myself. I feel like going through um going for a walk, a kilometer down the road, one of my favorite cafes, put my feet up, chill out for a little bit. Um listen to a podcast before I walked back into the gym and start working with my next clients again, that's going to be more beneficial for you, but also created intention around that, which then removes those guilty feelings. Yeah, let's talk into what I really like, what you just said then was obviously, I guess it's the conditioning and the maturity or insurance level of where we're at within our journey. So like obviously when we look at what me and you and that was what was going to come up next in terms of how you create kind of that discipline within your life. But going back on to what you said in terms of um if you're a beginner. So if we've got people starting out on their journey and like we said that mindset, the psychology that everything comes into its complex, right?

We've been instilled with certain beliefs or how society runs things for so many years that trying to unravel it that first like year? Is that part of unraveling? Right? Because I know like for me when I run my three month, four month programs, I say this should be something that's the start of a year long process between our relationship because I can only uncover so much within three months and it's almost like the information game, right? So when it comes to like someone in the beginning of their journey to more mature and whether they're coaching or they've been training as an athlete for a long time, what do you say someone was starting out, what advice would you give to someone if they're just starting out and hearing this and they kind of recognize some of those traits of how they might put that guilt on themselves and not doing that workout or um yeah, trying to reach that next level of what we've, what we've said in terms of is okay to be more intentional into something else. So how would you advise someone just getting started on that?

Yeah, I think um I'm just again understand why you're doing something is very important and then, you know, setting a goal that aligns with your values. You know, if you say, um i it's New Years is coming up. I hate New Year's resolutions by the way. Yeah, I mean, why why does it take like a new year or a date or a day to change your life? You know, like change it today if Yeah, exactly. You know, the next decision you make is the most important one. So, you know, if someone sets a New Year's resolution for example and says, I'm going to go to the gym five days a week in the New year because, you know, New Year, new me whatever you like. But if you don't value training and how it makes you feel, then that's going to become an obligation rather than an opportunity and you're not going to follow through on that, you know, when you've got discipline or sorry, when you're, when you're motivated, you know, like motivation doesn't last.

So when you're motivated for the first two weeks of january and you get into the gym and then, you know, after the first week you, you're trying to prove something to yourself and you go way too hard, you end up being sore and then like, I'm too sore to go to the gym today and then you just don't go and like that creates a snowball effect, so um you know, you need to understand why you're doing something and that's why it needs to be strong enough to um you know, actually get you to take action. So if someone's listening for example, I'm probably gonna go on a massive tangent here, sorry, lizzie, if someone's listening for example, apologies. Um if someone, if someone is like going on this journey and they want to create change in their life, then they need to create change and you know, you need to understand why you're doing something and if that why is, you know, I feel like my self esteem, self esteem is a little bit low, my confidence is shot, I don't feel as good about myself as I used to then Alright, that might be a strong enough why for you, If that why is, you know, I want to set an example for my Children, then that's probably strong enough.

Why, you know? So you need to understand what that why is first, okay, but then once you understand what that why is, then you need to look at your commitment levels, okay, how committed am I to this? I want to be an example for my Children. Um, so that they can grow up and, you know, live a healthy, happy long quality of life. So, you know, maybe that is all right, I'm going to dedicate 60 minutes every week to playing with my Children and getting some exercise in at the park. And that might mean, you know, 15 minutes on Monday, Tuesday, thursday, friday, whatever that is. Okay, so, you know, set your commitment levels to tie in with your why and then, you know, those commitment levels, they need to be achievable. This is a big one as well. People set these big, audacious goals, but then when they don't, You know, if I'm going to go to the gym five days this week, if they don't go to the gym five days that week, guess what?

Now they feel about themselves. So I like the timing thing, I'm gonna play with the kids, I'm going to go down to the park and I'm going to dedicate 60 minutes every week to getting some training in with the Children. Um Then that might mean 15 minutes, That might mean 10 minutes, six days a week. That might mean 15 minutes four days a week. That might mean, you know, 20 minutes three days a week. 30 minutes twice a week. Okay. That way, you've got a lot more flexibility to be able to do that and go, oh, I've got a little bit of time here, I'm going to go and do this And then it gets to Thursday and you've only done 30 minutes, you're like all right, I've got 30 minutes to get in over the next a couple of days, how can I do that? And then you start thinking ahead and you know once you can do that you start creating these winds for yourself and those winds start creating more wins, you start gaining momentum. Once you start gaining momentum, you create these wins, that's achievement. Okay, that makes you feel good about yourself. Once you can do that, then you go, alright, progressive overload 101 How can I add to this?

Now I go to 70 minutes per week now I go to 80 minutes per week. Now I go to 90 minutes per week, but I don't start adding on top of that until I can achieve those goals, it might be 60 minutes per week for one month. If you can do that every week, you're checking that off on the calendar, tick tick tick tick tick boom. Alright, I know that. Yeah, I feel good about myself. What's the next challenge now, I'm going to do 75 minutes Per week, do that for a month and we do 90 minutes per week, do that for a month. And what this does is it creates momentum in the right direction, but it also gives you accountability. What also typically happens is once you create that momentum, you have that accountability, you start creating these winds, then you feel good about yourself, it improves your self esteem, your confidence and you start noticing the effects of how this training then carries over to other areas of your life. You know, your energy levels are higher, your productivity is higher. You generally just have a better attitude around how your day's going. Like you just has this flow on effect to the rest of your life. And once you start connecting the dots and creating these associations with how exercise, not just exercise but nutrition, um you know, drinking enough water, getting some sunshine, getting good quality sleep, not just quality but quantity of sleep, you know, setting up your environment, the people around you, everything has an effect.

And once you start creating these associations with how things make you feel and how they affect your life for either in a positive manner or a negative manner, then it's much easier to say, hey, I need to do more of this good stuff and less of this bad stuff. Yeah, Amazing. Yeah and I think it is so important, it just comes back down to the basics every single time, like everything's overcomplicated and obviously for us and definitely for me it's that we're surrounded by what I call and out there just the diet culture that's instilled all of these different quick fixes and ways that we can make changes in our lives, but when it actually comes down to it it's coming back time and time again and for me it's consistency for everything and when you do consistency it starts to breed that discipline and that's when it comes in because discipline matches with your why and you have that purpose and like you said the opportunity to do and create these things because you get to not because you have to, you know, and I think that's the one thing that I keep working on with everyone is we get to do this, we get to wake up in the morning, we get to go exercise, we get to choose what we're having for breakfast in the morning, you know we get to do these things, we don't have to do it, you don't have to eat your chicken and veggies every day.

You can go have a Mcdonald's if you want to but that completely conflicts with exactly what you're saying. So yeah, so I think it's super important just knowing that the basics win, but it's trying to find that simplicity in the basics first like you said like build it into that just have one workout a week for the first week, then start bringing it all up until you start taking those boxes. Yeah I think a big thing there is you know the basics, it's not sexy, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating, you know the right amount of energy in the right ratios at the right time to to provide your body with the required nutrients for optimal function, you know, um like getting sunshine, reducing stress quality training, you know, all this stuff is very basic and influences trainers can't really sell that ship. So I mean, it's one of those things like supply and demand, right people are looking for the quick fix because you know, so many people don't take accountability for where they're at and the decisions that have led them up to, you know, being 15 kg overweight or you know, in a in a unhealthy relationship or with, you know, in a poor financial position or whatever.

People typically compartmentalize these decisions they've made. That brought them up to that point they're at in their life and you know where you are is a reflection of the decisions that you have made and until you're able to look in the mirror and be accountable for all of those decisions and be like, all right, well, this is what's gotten me to this point. I need to create change. You need to create change and once you're able to um accept that fact, then it's much easier to go all right, let's go back to the basics and most people are looking for that quick fix. You know, they're not willing to have a look at their own shit and accept that they have put themselves in that position. So they're looking for, you know, the juice detox or you know, the six week challenge or um, you know, whatever, it might be too kind of shortcut that process. But the issue with that is every time you try and shortcut that process, it's a loop. You end up exactly where you were again because you haven't dealt with underlying issues, you're dealing with the symptoms and you might feel good about yourself after a six week challenge where you've lost six kg or whatever, you know, you've, you've reduced your carbohydrate intake and, you know, you've leaned out because you've gone keto or whatever.

But then as soon as you start eating normal again and eating, you know, adding carbohydrates back in, you get this, you know, glycogen replenish in, you've got a little bit more, you know, water loading, etcetera, etcetera. And now that weight comes back on the scales and it's like now you feel about yourself and then you fall back into your old patterns again. So yeah, I think, you know, everything that we've spoken about is like going back to those basics, those basics are the fundamentals, that everything else is built upon. And if you don't have the foundations of the pyramid, you know, the widely, the base of your pyramid, the higher your peak can be if you don't have that base in place. You don't have those fundamentals, then, you know, those methods are going to work for you. Those methods only work when you have the principles and the fundamentals in place. Yeah, 100%. And I was just thinking back to when you just said that then is um when obviously when people are like the 6 to 4 weeks to two weeks or whatever they're doing, like it's all great and then they obviously come back and it's that continued loop. But I was reading the other day in about 80% of people within the first year, go back to their pre weight gain, if not more, within two years, it's 85 within three years, it's 95% go back to their pre weight gain or more, you know, so it's like, it's amazing just like in terms of stats that it's not sustainable and it's like if we're wanting to make those changes, we have to be willing to work for the next year and beyond because it's a lifestyle we're creating, like there's no end, like there's no end to anything I'm doing, there's no end to anything you're doing.

Like it's it's a way of life and how can I simplify things? How can I refine it? How can I move things around and change it all up? But constantly making sure I've got my baseline. Yeah, exactly. And you need to know what your non negotiables are like if you if you don't know what your non negotiables are, then you don't know what you what Do you value, you don't know what your wife is then, you know, it's very simple for you to be pulled in multiple directions. And this is where marketers are very good and you know, tying back into what you just said, about 80% of people fall back to their the pre weight gain. Um like the, sorry, their their their weight, pre whatever. Everyone knows what I'm talking about, stumbling on my words here, but you know that it makes me wonder and it makes like I can I can almost guarantee that uh those people are also bouncing from one diet to one training program to the juice detox to the next thing to the next thing to the next thing, you know, and that's why they get back to where they're at, because they're looking for this surface level change and they're getting it initially over 4 to 6 to eight weeks or whatever.

But then they fall back into old patterns and then they're like, what do I need to do, I need to do something else. Last time I did that eight week challenge at f 45 I lost six kg in the process. But then two weeks later, I put it all back on because whilst I was doing that challenge, I was eating keto is reducing my carbohydrate intake. My energy levels. You know what my energy level is? Probably, my energy levels will probably improved during that time. But that's probably because you're eating shitty carbohydrate sources. That was creating inflammation and was potentially causing food intolerances that left you gassy and bloated and indigestion, having indigestion and ship like that. Then when you start adding carbohydrates back in, because carbohydrates are good, who does not want to eat carbohydrates? I like once you start adding that stuff back in, then, you know, again that glycogen depletion happens, you know that water retention with the glycogen depletion comes back into place and you know, people start putting that weight back on and then, you know, a month later, they're like, oh, what do I need to do that again or I need to do something else that didn't work. Like I put all that weight back on, I'm going to go and find something else and now I'm gonna do this juice detox and they follow that for, you know, two or three weeks and the same thing happens, they start reducing all that, They reduce their calories and they lose a heap of weight and you know, a lot of it is glycogen depletion, a lot of it is sodium depletion, a lot of it is water depletion.

You know, um they're reducing the inflammation, They're reducing their triggers for food intolerances, etcetera. They feel good about themselves, They lose a couple of kilos and then they go back to eating normal again. And, you know, they've gone from eating or drinking 500 calories per day for the course of three weeks, feeling good about themselves and now eating even if it's only 1500 calories a day and you know their bodies just gone, hey, I've been in starvation mode next time food comes in, I need to start storing all this ship for, you know, for winter or whatever for the next time in this place where Yeah, exactly. It's a survival mechanism. So then even if even though it's only 1500 calories, the body has been chronically depleted for a couple of weeks, as soon as they start putting food back in, it's just like store, store, store, store, store, then they put that weight back on really quickly and it's like, oh fun, well that juice detox didn't work, what can I do now? I'm going to move on to this program now I'm going to move on to this challenge. Now I'm going to move on to this and it's just like self fulfilling prophecy where these people are just going through this hamster wheel over and over and over again. And it's like, man, if you want to create long term sustainable change, that's going to improve your quality of life for the rest of your life.

You need to work on yourself. That starts with you know how you talk to yourself, that starts with your mindset that starts with your psychology that starts with creating behavioral change on a day to day basis, setting your day up to win and create achievement every day. Yeah, I love it. And it's everything I've just been building out with all my online and with all my coaches and coaches, my coaching twist of where we're having a good one today. Well done. Yeah, Yeah, no, I think it's so important, what you said is just, it's so powerful when you can get people into that state and I think just right at the start of the podcast, you talked about like just in the as you matured in your journey as a coach and it's definitely for me as well, it's it's not just the training in the nutrition, it's how we impact everyone outside of the gym and it's the psychology, like it is all the psychology that your body will respond when you are in kind of that pattern and you have everything kind of coming in to check you, create those foundations, you create the boundaries, but unless you know yourself, you're going to constantly be swayed by everything else around you and you're not going to do anything that actually aligns with you and what makes you happy.

Yeah, I mean, they're hard conversations to have with yourself, you've been going through this journey lizzie, like, you know, talk to talk to me about, you know, what you needed to do to have these conversations with yourself and be like, hey is what I'm doing aligning with my underlying values and if not how can I change that. Yeah, I think definitely for, I think it resonates with a lot of people, definitely some parts started when Covid happened. So when we're not really what we weren't seeing anyone and I had three months to really get my shizzle together. Mine wasn't actually health and fitness on that side of things. Mine was like relationships, how I interacted with guys, how I upheld myself within situations, how I made myself available or unavailable. And for me it came down to I journal every day to really get to grips with why I would be with certain types of men. For example, This is changing a little bit of the direction bad boys lizzie a little bit.

Yeah, a little bit. But it really made me think and change the angle because I was like, right, well obviously I'm not socializing with any guys right now and it's been like 5.5 months since I've really spoken to anyone the last time properly. And I think for me it gave me that whole space to reflect. And I was really hard on myself because I was just like why are you lowering yourself down to this? You're showing you're not having much self worth for yourself, you're showing your validation comes from different areas of that life when it should come from yourself. And since all of those learnings that supplied through everything else that I've been doing so and it's been amazing. Like I've had such a change when it comes to who I spend my time with, who I want to go on a date with. Which is very few and far between. Very selective. Very selective. Can't bother to my as well. But that's because I understand what my values are. I understand like you know what I'm what what I'm willing to compromise on what I'm not willing to compromise on and you know, I'm sure you are the same.

But you didn't get to that point until you went through that reflection process of journaling. So you know, let's talk about that. How how did you start journaling? Why did you start journaling and how how influential was that in being able to create the change that was necessary to you know, move away from the person that you didn't want to be and more towards the person that you wanted to become. Yeah I think it started like three or four years ago properly. I mean I guess we had our Dear Diaries when we're a bit younger but I never really understood it and then I didn't really hold onto it until I kind of matured in this journey and got really into mindset really into psychology really into reading. I think that was the biggest trigger initially was I just started reading so much and listening to podcasts that I was like filling my brain with so many different perspectives, so many different things. And it was the first real driving time was with our friend Simon. He had me on a plane when we were coming back from Vietnam or something and he he basically wanted to trigger me off and just see what was what I, why I had all my walls up and everything.

So he basically just said, right, you're going to pick one thing in your life um that broke you or that made you feel like the worst part of yourself or like to really bring all those emotions up. So I was like, okay, there's a few of those, I'll just start writing. So I started writing and he said, you got to at the time when it's like 10 minutes and I end up doing it for like 20 or 30 minutes, just sat on this plane. He was like, you done? I was like, yeah, I guess it's like, okay, you don't seem emotional at all. It's like, have you really don't dove into it. So I said, okay, I'll write a little bit more sort of, getting into the nitty gritty of like how I really felt. And then he said, do you want to share with me? And I started to talk and I literally bawled it out like, I was just like, I couldn't get the words out. I was like, oh my God, like, and it just, it triggered something inside me that I, I would say, I'm very self aware and I'm very, I know my train of thought and I know how I closed myself off and I know how I open myself up and I think it really was like one of the first times that I truly opened myself up of going, yeah, this sucks, this really sucked and you've now this is how it's translated into your current life when it comes to friendships, when it comes to relationships, when it comes to this and this.

And when I had those moments, like it was just realizations and I found it so powerful that for me it was the vulnerability side. I'm very good at being that strong person, being that strong friend, being that strong family member or a coach or whatever. So I really upheld myself to that kind of character, but the moment I cried and I was like whoa girl, you got some emotion like that's just good, this works. Um and then from there, like the journey just kept on evolving and evolving and who I was talking to, who was like exploring these things and I think in the last 2.5 years I have done so much work in terms of, I went to a hypnotherapist, I've had my mindset coach, I've been doing courses I've been reading, I've been exploring so much that when it comes to the journaling, I don't, I don't do it every day right now, I do it when I really need it and I need to really fully express myself and I just need to let it out um hmm but I think the journaling side for me and I think we've spoken about before is this guy called James Pennebaker and he is exactly the same with what Simon said and got me to do is the free writing.

So you write in the most non judgmental space, You write your feelings, you write everything that you know that someone else isn't going to read or you hope they might not read. But it doesn't matter anyway because it's for you. And when you can get that out on paper, the healing process, it helps you compute, it helps you translate, it helps you get it to your heart, it helps you get it through your body and your mind, but also how you can change yourself moving forward because I think that's the huge part. It's like, it's a healer when you're writing um and journaling, but it's also it's a way to signal and help you fully express yourself. So when you come into your day to day life, you can change how you approach things. So if you're not enjoying how you're approaching a relationship or like my example, in terms of when I was approaching relationships and who I was attracting and who was temporarily attracting, it was I could change that train of thought because I was like, actually no, you're not the person you were the person I liked when I was like 25 or 20 now, I'm literally not that person and I I can see what you're about straight away and I, if I'm up for it and I'm in that frame of mind court, I can take that, but right now, no, I'm all good.

And I think, yeah, the journaling part is so powerful and there's really amazing his studies from it, amazing. Like if you look at like how it's the power of healing and the change of when people have journal for four days over a case of four days versus the case of they haven't journal, people are healing way more and they tackle situations with less anger, they can be more vulnerable, they can be more kind because they have worked through the emotive parts of their brain and it really processes it and I think it's the healing and processing. I think it's something you said, there are a couple of things I wanna talk about is like you talked about, you know journaling every day, blah, blah, blah, blah and getting all this stuff out and now you don't journal every day, you journal when you feel like you need it. You know, it's a tool, right? So it would have been difficult, I'm sure to journal every day and you would have needed to create that discipline to do that. So this is, you know, ties in perfectly with the principles, I was saying about progressive overload, you know, for me, You know, journaling is probably more important than getting that training in because you can go and get that training in for 60 minutes every week.

But unless you're actually changing your funder fundamental principles and the way that you see yourself and the way that you present yourself to the world, like unless you're changing that stuff, that training isn't really going to make a little bit of a difference. Sometimes that training is going to push you in the right direction. You start feeling better about yourself and you're like, all right, cool, I feel good about myself. You know, what else can I start changing? What else can I change my life? And then the journaling comes into play. Other times that journaling needs to come first and that ties into um you know what else, what we're talking about earlier with the accountability and acceptance. This is a massive one. That acceptance. You're writing stuff down and I'm sure when you were on the plane writing that list of stuff down, like it was surface level. Alright, well this this this this this and then Simon is like, hey, you wanna talk about this stuff and like, all right, well this one here and then you start diving deeper and deeper and deeper and then you start bawling your like funk man, what's happening there is like, you know, we hold this, we hold our emotions, we hold our trauma within our body and if we haven't dealt with stuff, then that's gonna, that energy is going to stay in your body like that, that circuit is still open so it's going to manifest in other areas of your body.

And you know once you start journaling you create that acceptance and then accountability then you can start you know opening that circuit. Well sorry closing that circuit. Closing that circuit. Well when I did this this is how it made me feel. Um This is how it's impacted me moving forward and this is how it's like you know, coming up in other areas and manifesting in other areas of my life. Alright, once you understand that circuit then you can start changing that loop and start creating different changes and start creating detours on that loop and rewiring your circuits and upgrading your software because if you're running on the old software it's going to be following those same patterns over and over and over again. But once you create that acceptance and awareness and accountability then that allows you to make more informed decisions when I did this. This is how it worked out for me in the past. And you know, that's the that's the program that's been running. So I need to change that program if I want a different outcome.

And then you start picking points along that path across that loop. Like well when this happens this is what I normally do. All right, maybe I need to adjust what I'm doing there. So it creates a slightly different detour takes me towards a different outcome. Amazing. And you do journaling, I journal when I don't journal every day. Like I will like, I've got notes on my phone where I just like whenever stuff comes up, like I'll just write stuff down. Like I've got a list of things here, for example that I just start jotting down and like of course is these are the courses that I want to do. These are my five minute fitness, these are my five minute fitness tips episodes that I'm going to do for the podcast. You know, these are, here's five health and health and fitness myths. I wish I'd funk off, which I'm going to post them, you know, whatever the next week or so. So you know, whenever I've got like thoughts come up, I'll just start jotting them down on my phone.

But then I don't do like dedicated journal time, but I will do like a dedicated journal time every now and again. Like, you know me, I go away and do like a digital detox for a weekend, switched my phone off for 24 or 36 48 hours. Um, and I'll just like get out into nature and not see anyone spend some time alone. Um you know, and I'll take my, my journal there and I'll start jotting stuff down and um, it's, it's more about like what I wanna do with my business and the direction, you know, I do some gratitude work as well, what I'm grateful for this year, things that I want to learn courses that I want to do, the direction would be moving my business, You know, maybe some hobbies that I want to take up, things that I want to work on in terms of, you know, relationships or whatever it might be. So, you know, I'll do every month or so. I'll do like a dedicated journal time. But most of my, most of my like thoughts and I guess journaling and gratitude and all that type of stuff comes through my morning meditation.

I normally do like 5, 10, 15 minutes of meditation every morning. I get a little bit of breath working and that meditation is different, right? Like it depends on what's going on where I'm at. Obviously I've been away from Thailand for the last 2.5 months. So, you know, normally I sit on my balcony in Thailand I do my, my heart rate variability, make my coffee, go and sit on my balcony and I'll do like, I'll take my 20 breaths in the morning, see how long that takes me. I'll sit there and watch the sunrise and you know, just think about what I, you know what I'm grateful for that day, things that I want to achieve, etcetera. And then I'll do the same thing prior to going to bed. I'm like, all right, what have I achieved today? What am I proud of, um, what am I happy with, what do I need to work on for tomorrow or you know, for the rest of this week or whatever it might be. So, you know, that's always a work in progress and I try and find time to do it where I can because I know it's a it's a non negotiable for me. So before this podcast, um you know, I I went and sat by the pool and just like took my kindle there and and got some sun and just just sat there and just like close my eyes and took 20 breaths and just like talking everything from my senses and you know, just acknowledged it and flowed with my breath and then open my eyes and just kind of sat there for a little bit and you know, took it all in and then I started reading and then came down and started getting ready for the podcast.

So that's that's a breathwork, that mindfulness work. It's really important for me. So I always try and find ways to implement that and sometimes that might be active, mindfulness when I'm walking along the beach and I'm feeling the sand between my toes and I'm feeling the wind on my face and the sun on my skin or acknowledging how I feel etcetera etcetera. And um you know, that's kind of like the journaling for you, that, that mindfulness meditation stuff has been um Massively impactful for me in my life over probably the last 10 years in reality. But you know, really concentrated in the last four or five or six years or so. Yeah, I think it's so important just to address that. It's so different for everyone, right? Everyone has that even just between me and you then we, I like to do meditation but I'm just not doing it right now. But I have my other ways of doing my gratitude or my journaling instead. And um we can't do everything all in one go, especially when we have our busy lives. But it felt creating that time to help you or help you set yourself up for the day.

Mm hmm. Yeah. Just to add to that as well. Like people commute to work, right? And if you've got, you know, a very simple way of doing some some mindfulness work is like, you know, you get on a train or a bus or something and everyone is like this with their phone hunch forward. Yeah, exactly. Or reading a book, everyone's doing something right? Like a way to create a little bit of mindfulness is to simply stand there or sit there and just take it all in, absorb everything. Don't look for distractions and like let your mind run free. Let it go through its thoughts or whatever. Don't attach any meaning to it and then go, alright, I've done my five minutes. All right. That was that was freaking crazy. What's going on here. All right, now jump on your phone and go through social media, read your book, whatever. But there's always ways that you can implement this stuff into your day. But again, it goes back to understanding what you value and why you're doing something. And for me that mindfulness meditation stuff, that's a fundamental principle that I implement into my day every single day. The methods that I choose are going to be different depending on where I'm at, what environment I'm in, what I've got going on, how busy I am, what my schedule looks like etcetera.

So understanding the principles and then choosing a method that's going to allow me to elicit the response that I'm looking for. That's where the magic is. And that's where we come in as coaches to guide people on that journey. To give them these different methods. Use some trial and error, see what works for each individual and then go, alright, that worked. Or that didn't work. If it did work, let's make some small adjustments. How can we refine this happen and make this a little bit better if it didn't work. Let's look at a different method that's going to elicit the same response and tie in with that principle. Amazing. I got the word. I was thinking that was just adaptability. Like you've got to adapt depending on the environment, depending on what stimulus, depending on what is being thrown your way because especially like for my clients have had recently, it's something always comes up in life right? Like there's always going to be something on that week whether we can help it or not. Like for my, for us as women, it's like period comes on or we might have hay fever or something happens at work or something happens with the kids, like some things are generally out of our control.

So so again, having that adaptability of who you're going to be in each situation and scenario and how you're going to choose up on your good days, your great days and your bad days. Yeah, absolutely. I'm just wary of time. I know that 40 minutes we could continue this conversation. I knew it was going to happen. I was going to just say this is a kind of wrap up of everything that we've been doing, I think we've covered actually so much and a lot and I think as a wrap up, what would be kind of your kind of closing either summary or closing bit of advice for anyone just kick starting their journey trying to get out of that hamster wheel um kind of roller coaster, What would be your kind of leaving advice for people and how they can move forward? Oh, this is a tough question. That whole hour, please not another hour. I'll do my best. Um I think you know, a theme that's come up time and again in this conversation has been accountability and being accountable for, you know, everything that's brought to you to the point you're at right now and you know creating awareness and accepting responsibility for the position your in right now is the first step and how you do that is going to be dependent on every individual that's listening, whether that's journaling, whether that's doing some mindfulness work, whether that's going to see a therapist, whether that's going to see a mindset mentor or whatever, like speaking to your partner or having a conversation in the mirror or whatever that might be like.

That is the first step to creating change and once you um can, you know, create that awareness and acceptance then you can start looking at how you can start implementing change into your life. Amazing, I love it. I love it. And how can everyone get that was good. That was good. Well done Sean, Well done. Thanks. Absolutely. Well done. How can everyone get in touch with you if they want to find out more, visit your podcast, your instagram, what's the best way that they can connect with you? Yeah, coach underscore codes kO bes on instagram um I have a facebook page as well performance functional training which is the name of my business, I have a Youtube channel performance functional training where I put up these podcast episodes. Oh sorry, this is for your podcast. I put up my podcast episodes. Why not? Why not? You don't have a Youtube channel. So it's something you need to sort out. I do have one, but just not for the podcast.

Ah get that cracking, share our skills, I'll help you out with that. And I also put up like short snippets of the episodes, so sometimes I'll put up full episodes. Sometimes I put up like 10, 15 minute portions of episodes, talking about certain things, maybe maybe journaling or maybe mindset or building discipline etcetera. I've recently again recording the sixth of november, I had you on recently podcast episode dropped. I've got like 452 to 3 minute snippets of our conversation up on the Youtube channel. I've got exercise tutorials, I've got training sessions, put up a heap of training sessions through lockdown last year to give people some some training sessions and ideas around exercise through the lockdown period using minimal equipment or no equipment. So yeah, that's our performance, functional training and I have my own podcast which is live train perform, which is on all good podcast listening platforms.

Wonderful sean, well thank you so much for coming on and returning the favor. Um and I hope everyone else enjoys this episode. Thank you sean. My pleasure lizzie. Hope everyone listening on the project woman podcast enjoyed that, Lizzie, well done. Thanks This episode was brought to you by Swiss eight, which is a proactive mental health program designed by veterans initially for veterans that has been pushed out to the wider community that allows you to structure in and schedule. Their eight pillars of health and wellness, including nutrition, sleep time management, discipline, fitness, personal growth, mindfulness and minimalism. This episode was also brought to you by be spunky, which is a male hormone optimization supplement that I've been taking for about a year and a half and I absolutely rate it is a TJ listed nutraceutical, meaning that it's made from all organic produce to help you manage and optimize your stress levels, which in turn increases your ability to improve testosterone production levels naturally.

User code codes 10 at checkout for your 10% discount. All of those links will be in the show notes. If you've got some benefit from this episode, please make sure you pass it off to your friends and family. I'd appreciate any shares on social media platforms. If you tag me or if you share it to your stories, make sure you tag me so I can share that as well. Any five star ratings and reviews are much appreciated. Much love guys peace

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