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Adding Video to Your Podcast

by NCC Audio
June 2nd 2021
In this episode, Nick and Brandon discuss and explain how to add a video element to your podcast productions! Learn about the equipment, software, and post-production process that is used to create a ... More
Hey everyone, this is nick Chamberlain. I just wanted to quickly like you know about a new resource that I have created. If you're interested in starting a podcast and you don't know where to begin and you're getting overwhelmed with all of the different microphones and audio interfaces to choose from. And if you just want to learn what's the best audio editing software out there and to learn how to make your room sound great and what are the different podcast hosting services out there? How do you get your podcast on apple podcasts? Well, I've created a quick little jumpstart guide for you, so go to N C C audio dot com slash jump start to get started. Hello and welcome to another episode of the N. C. C audio podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you to improve your podcast so you can grow your audience. I'm your host, Nick Chamberlain. And in today's episode we are going to be talking about adding a video element to your podcast and how to technically do that. So let's get started it.

And luckily for me I have Mr Brandon Manderson who is my good friend, the co host and he is a video guy. Is that a good title for you? Brandon? Video guy. Yeah, button pusher, Edit monkey is another one you could say, Edit boy. Um yeah, anything like that. That's usually what they call me at work. Well, that's good to note. But randy knows ordinary or heard. He's um he's really good at filmmaking and anything video production related and so luckily I have him on my side hip whenever I have questions and so I just pull them on out and I say, hey Brandon, I'm just right there, how do I do this video thing? I'm just right there in his pocket. Well, we can talk about that today, today. Finally, a day I can talk about something that I know you can contribute more more Brandon.

So we're going to be going over cameras and accessories for your camera. We're going to be going over how to connect your camera to your computer in recording. And then we're gonna be talking about gathering all the video elements and editing it and then publishing it along with your podcast. Oh yeah. You ready for this Brandon? Yeah, I'm ready. Especially because you and I are going to have to tag team because you have some elements that are good that you use for this, like something you're using today to record your video. And I have some elements in my head. Um, so we'll tag team that when we, when we get there. Yeah, that's cool. We'll just talk about everything we're using and our setups. So hopefully it'll help you out if you want to add a video element to your podcast. Okay, so the first thing you need is a camera Brandon. What kind of cameras should I do? Should I use, can I use Well, nick, you can almost use any kind of digital camera that's been made within the last 55 to 6 years, 10 years maybe.

Um So I I am just using right now the camera that I use for filmmaking because it's the easiest one to use. Um Nick is using one of my old cameras uh which looks very good. So everybody go comment on Nick's uh knicks podcast on on Youtube and uh tell him how good he looks. Yeah. Thanks. So yeah, any any basic camera, any basic digital camera that has video functions that can connect to the computer? Who could an iphone work? I mean an iphone could work if you're gonna be filming on an iphone. So the way that nick and I are doing it right now is we're both sending each other, we're both he's seeing what I'm recording right now. Um and I'm seeing what he's recording right now, so you don't have to do it that way. That way is helpful. Um Especially if uh maybe you want to record the if you have a remote guest and you don't want them to send over their video files to you because it's their big and bulky and and they take up a lot of data.

Uh maybe you're recording on zoom or something like that, maybe you're talking to them on zoom and you can record the screen uh via zoom. So you can get their feed that way, that's when a camera is going to really help something like that. So but you don't have to do it that way. You don't have to technically connect your camera to your computer, you can record um you can just record yourself and then you can put the audio and video together later. But yeah so nick and I are just just deciding to record together so I see what he's doing as he sees what I'm doing. So we have our cameras connected via HDMI an HDMI court. It's usually what you used to pull your television in um into whatever kind of streaming device you have if it's a um you know yeah let me let me talk about that for a second. So my camera, it has a it's like a small HDMI output.

Yeah you have a micro HDMI so it's a micro H. D. M. I output of the camera. And then that cable goes into this little connect device. So what's that connect device you told me to buy? Yeah so you have a just a capture device. So it's not to be confused with capture card you may have heard of before. Um So a capture device. This is dedicated for video equipment. This is for video equipment. Yeah so I'm sure it has other uses too but I when I know how to use it is to capture your video um and put it into your computer. So you'd think oh man I can just plug my computer and I can just plug my camera on my computer and it will work and I'll be able to see myself. Well if you were around for the 2020 stay at home stuff which I'm sure you were um you know that it doesn't just work like that and that these capture devices were sold out everywhere along with Web Cams and all sorts of stuff like that. So these are important because they will allow you to plug in your your camera into your computer and allow you to do all sorts of different things with your camera.

You can use it as a webcam which is basically the most basic use for it. You can also use it to plug into programs like O. B. S. Or screen flow. Like Nick is using um and use it to record longer. You can record longer on your camera. Um Again something will get into. Um But yeah so Nick is using a Nick. You got you got the Animus uh one the Animus capture device I believe. So there's like a little atomic symbol on it. Kind of a symbol. Yeah I think that was the one I recommended to you. Yeah. You know what I can actually put a link to each piece of the equipment in the show notes. So if you go to NCC audio dot com and then you can click the podcast link. I have all my podcast up there and I create some nice little show notes where I add the resources, wow, That's amazing. So yeah, just go ahead and click on all those links. You know, nick will nickel hook you up. The one I use is literally like a very generic one.

It's called Blue Tech. I had never heard of it. I got it on sale. It works great. I mean it works exactly the way I needed to. So you would say what we're doing is maybe like a little more advanced level of putting everything together. Yeah, exactly. It's like this, it's the same thing of what you would do if you want high quality audio for you and your guests for recording a long distance podcast. So then you would record your audio locally on your computer or portable recording device. And now for us we're recording our video feed locally and I'm not recording yet well and I'm using a camera to record it right? And there is an SD card in my camera so I could record it onto the camera. But the camera I has only allows me to record up to I think it was 30 minutes or 11 minutes. Uh it's either I think it's 30 minutes, maybe maybe 11 minutes. But yeah and that's that's the problem with most standard Cameras is that they are they will only record for up to 30 minutes.

Yeah. When when you're purchasing it to see how long the recording limit is because all it seems like most photography cameras, they have a video recording element to it. It looks really good. But they have a limit to their video recording. Now. Brandon, why would they have a limit to how long you can record for? It? Seems kind of annoying to me. Yeah, well those cameras, they're not actually made for video, they have a video function, but that's not what their sole purpose is. So um, as opposed to, you know, I don't know how hard it is to, I've never coded a camera or coated anything in that in that matter. But um, I'm assuming, you know, they say these are our picture cameras and then if you want to get our video cameras, you've got to buy a different camera. Um So like Nick was saying like His camera only records for 30 seconds or 30:30 seconds 30 minutes. Um yeah, that would be really bad if it only recorded for 30 seconds. But uh so he uses an alternative uses an alternative to that and he uses what's the programming use Nick.

I am now using screen flow. So this is the first time that I'm using it. So screen flow it has you change your input. What kind of input do you want for your video? Do you want your USB camera or do you want your built in retina display camera and the same thing, It's just like the audio interface, you click your audio input. Do you want your audio interface with your microphone Or do you want your built in computers microphone? So I selected for the video element, the U. S. B. Coming from the Sony camera as well as my audio interface. So I'm recording the video and the audio element into screen flow. But this is the first time I'm doing it. So I am also recording the audio in adobe, audition at the same time. Maybe my computer is going to blow up because I have multiple recording things going on at the same time and I'm connected with Brandon through Discord, so we can see each other and that's also taking my audio and video feed.

So it's kind of impressive that the computer is doing all of this right now. Yeah, so we'll see how it looks like the end. It's, that's something you've got to have a pretty powerful computer if you want to do a lot of this stuff. So if you are just starting out, I do recommend if you're just starting out and you're like, I want to do video with my podcast, I would recommend, you know, getting a camera that Can either, you know, or limiting your podcast size, so maybe it's less than 30 minutes um and recording it locally onto the camera. Um so I would recommend that and then putting it together in post. That's if you don't have a strong enough computer, if you have an amazing like crazy Pc or Mac or something that can handle all of that, then no worries man, plug whatever you want, plug whatever you want in and uh and you know, record the highest quality you can. Yeah, so like what Nick was saying is he has something like screen flow. There's another thing called OBI S which is really popular, uh you can even use, I mean you could even use what's the zoom, right?

You can record your screen with zoom. So there's all sorts of different things you can do. Like the problem with the zoom is it does data compression. So you're going to have a lot of data loss in your video and audio. So the quality is going to be low. Yeah, you have low low quality whereas here we're using full res but I am also recording into screen flow and I'm not sure how the output is going to look. So this is an adventure for us. So everybody will be able to tell you after they see the video. It would be like oh, nick screen flow. Your your camera looks so bad or your camera looked amazing. Oh my goodness. So yeah, let nick know in the comments. So we'll find that out shortly. Sweet. So what we're doing right now is we've we've captured everything. Uh huh. It's all recorded on our computer or on our SD cards in our camera. We have our audio recorded as well on your dog choice or your recording device of choice.

And now you have all of these elements and it gets kind of confusing. You have so Brandon will have his high quality video recording, his high quality audio recording. And I will have my high quality video recording in my high quality high quality audio recording. So then what I do from there I take his audio. He actually uploads his audio into my special upload system for all my special clients. But Brandon he's a special friend. So he gets to upload it there too. And then um after that I take my audio in his audio and I put it into adobe audition. I do all of my dynamic processing, my equalization, my noise reduction as well as everything else to make it sound great and I have to line everything up and there is a slight delay but in this process when before I line everything up for the podcast I just apply all the processing on the audio tracks and then I send the audio tracks to Brandon.

And then Brandon he takes his high quality video element in my high quality video element which is about 11 gigabytes. So it takes a long time for it to upload to the cloud. And then I can then send it over to Brandon for him to download it. So then he opens up his not daw what's the video version of doll? Well nobody calls with this but it would be N. L. E. Non linear editing software. Okay so your video editing software and so he uploads imports the video elements into his video editing software. And then he takes my audio that I sent him with his audio file on my audio file. So it sounds great. And then he's the one that lines it up to the picture, correct? Yeah, I do that. And how long does that take? Is that hard to do? Nope. There's a there's a feature in, well there's a feature in most uh most editing Softwares that just synchronizes audio, uh your audio and video, but your video has to have like a scratch audio file.

So make sure your your camera is also recording audio or else it's going to be really difficult to, that's going to be really difficult, a lot more difficult to sink your audio and video together. Okay. Yeah, no, that makes sense. And sink. Just means matching him up. So that's matching the audio and video. So it makes, makes it look like you're words are actually coming out of your mouth as opposed to like an old kung fu movie, you know where the dove is completely off, you know? Oh yeah, that's funny. So right now we're communicating on discord and there is a delay. So Brandon will be moving his lips and I will hear his voice you know seconds later like quick seconds. So it does it's not in sync. Just a little bit the band just a little just a little um just a little Justin timberlake. Yeah exactly. So Brandon so within you have all the elements and you have now sync them up. What do you do after that in the video editing software? Well now what we do is a little thing called your J.

K. And L. Buttons knows on uh are used on all sorts of editing editing Softwares. And what that'll do is it'll speed up your footage and it will reverse your footage and stop your footage. So the l button will let you speed up because if you want to listen through a whole podcast while you're editing, you know, that's great. But a lot of times it's like, okay, I just really want to get this done. So I'm going to find all the points. I need to cut it. So you listen through it. You know, if Nick and I like stop in the middle of our according to be like, oh man, sorry Nick, did I say something that was really, really stupid this time? And he'll be like, yes, you did. So it won't be like, okay, we'll just cut that out. And then, so then, you know, you gotta listen for those things for those little breaks and stuff that you have within your actual recordings. So, so that's what you do. You just go through, you make your edit on it. If you want to throw up any kind of graphics or any kind of pictures or anything like that. Uh Maybe, maybe you have a podcast about historical events and you I have some old footage of like Vietnam or something like that that you want to throw in.

Yeah, that's that's when you would do that. That's cool. Nice. So it's kind of turning into like a tv show now at that point. That's crazy. Yeah. Nice. And then after you did all that, it's ready to go and now you take all of those elements in your video editing software and for audio it's bouncing down. But for video it's exporting, exporting. Yeah. Or rendering exporting, Rendering exporting and then you render and export that into a MP four file, yep, that works. Yeah, something like that. And then H 264 H 264 export settings. H 264 mp four and you name the file, you save it and then Brandon will re upload that file to my dropbox and then I will upload that to the Youtube channel. Yeah, easy as that. And then the then the work doesn't end there. You have to like title it, you have to come up with the description, you have to come up with key words. You have to download Youtube buddy. Apparently make a thumbnail, make a thumbnail like I have no idea how to make a thumbnail.

Brandon is really good at making thumbnails. If you go to let's get rolling um Youtube let's get rolling films. Youtube channel. You can see all of the thumbnails he's created as well as the thumbnails for the NCC audio Youtube channel as well. Yeah. Yeah, I made a couple of thumbnails. And what software do you use to create these thumbnails? I used adobe Photoshop. Again, there's other stuff you can use, I don't know what they are. Uh Oh actually what's it called if you do download that too buddy? It's called. It's called to Buddy. That's just helpful a tool for using Youtube. Um They have like a they have like a little thumbnail editor in there so you can make thumbnails within that. Um Oh neat. So that's pretty cool and it's like very, it's like Photoshop light light. So it's like ultra basic Photoshop. It's still pretty cool. Also thinking about it if you want a simple video editing software and you have a mac, the screen flow works really well. It does all the cutting and you can add elements and text and everything to it as well.

And it's super simple. Yeah it's kind of like the the garage band of audio kind of just drag and drop. Oh easy. But it's very intuitive. Yeah. So, well, I don't know, brand and that kind of does everything that we need. Anything else. We need to make all this happen when doing a video podcasting. Oh, big one lighting. Oh yeah. So once you have all the technical stuff, so set up now, you got to make it look good. And so this is a lot of trial and error and or going to your local college, community college and taking a course in lighting or buying a course online on how to light your videos or start youtube being how to like your videos and I can send nick a few links to some good lighting videos that I know if you're interested in watching them. Um, I have a whole playlist on my Youtube channel that I am just like accumulating.

I'm finding good lighting videos and putting them together. Nice. Yeah. So right now for me I have a bright light here to my left, what's it called? Just like the sun. Yeah, no it's a plugged in light. I'm looking at the side, it's a G G M V G G V M Great video maker. G VM. You're right. I have to G VM there the 800 D RGB so I can turn it red, blue and green and it makes different colors because with red, blue and green you can mix them to make new colors. Cool. Right And so I have two of those, one slightly blue over here and one's at 50 200 Kelvin Kelvin. Okay, that's that's we are. And then I right now I just turned on this other light right here, it's just a desk lamp. Is it too bright? Do you want me to change your brain? And then, so I have three forms of lighting as well as my blinds are slightly open to give some more daylight sunlight.

And then you Brandon, what's your lighting setup like in there? Uh So right now I have a window on my left over here. Um And then I think that's actually giving me most of my light. Um And then I have some overhead lights that I have on a dimmer that are really dim because if I put them up all the way I'm going to get really nasty shadows. Um And then uh they're just they're just there to fill in the ambiance. And then my last flight is I have this little tube light here. It's called a nan light. It's like a I guess it's like a foot long or something. Um And it's it's like literally a tube it's like this all right. I can show you can show a picture, it's kind of like a hot dog. Like a foot long hot dog. Like a big foot long with light coming out instead of meet. Yeah it's just and it just has it's really it's really bright and I have it actually on an arm, like a metal arm over my camera pointing at me. Uh Because I saw that in a lighting video one time and I was like oh that's a good idea. And so that's what I'm doing.

Um I think the main part the main focus of lighting is too just make sure your face as well to be in. You know make sure that you have good lighting on your face that's not coming from over your head. You want it to be in front of your face. You know if you can have it at like a 45 degree angle to hit your face, that'll add nice shadows if not, that's okay too and you can just have it like I have it nice, thanks Brandon. And I think that pretty much helps us out with figuring out how to do, adding the video element to our podcast. It's a little tricky. But if you just take it step by step, you're gonna get it, you're gonna get it done and then you can start a Youtube channel and you can get more content out there and you can start growing your audience even more. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, well Brandon Nick, I want to thank you so much for helping me out today and being on another episode of the NCC audio podcast. Yeah, no problem bro. Any time every thursday, every thursday it switches every now and then.

Oh yeah, we record every thursday morning, I just need to figure out the production schedule and get them out there because now there's a little more work involved and my life is currently crazy. But that's okay. But if you found this podcast helpful, please go to Apple podcast to write in review, please share with your friends. Um and please go to N C C O dot com slash NCC audio podcast to find all of my previous podcast episodes and all the show notes. And of course, if you're looking to start a podcast and you need help with it, please do not hesitate to reach out. Please go to N C C E O N C C audio dot com, fill out the contact form and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you all very much. It's been a great podcast episode. Thanks Brandon. No problem. Nick. All right, goodbye everyone. Signing off. Peace. See

Adding Video to Your Podcast
Adding Video to Your Podcast
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